This section contains the following:
- converter: The various jupyter notebooks used for the two-step conversion (XML->pickle->TF)
- xml: The various versions of the XML data (used as input to the first step of the conversion, i.e. XML -> pickle).
- pickle: The various versions of the (zipped) pickle files (=output step 1) used for creating the Text-Fabric files.
Also in this directory are a few Jupyter Notebooks related to handling of the source data:
- Check the feature monad
- Compare content of two XML files.
- Find duplicate structure headings.
- Identifying the use of critical signs in the text.
- Stylesheeting input XML data
- Compare class morph
- Feature unaccented transliterated
- Identifying odd afters
- Splitting ref into parts
- Test XML import LowFat
- Testloading smallbuild
- Position of generaly postpositive conjunctions
- Swapping of wordorders in XML source files
- Setting up a local playground to test TF
- Difference between feature 'word' and 'unicode'
Some additonal notes regarding the LowFat XML source: