- Update for Angular 19! 🎉
- Version bump
- Update for Angular 18! 🎉
- Add option
- Fix mini-fab appearance (closes #105)
- Fix hours init (closes #108)
- Fixed README
- Remove ripple
- Fix time not preserved in picker when "appendToInput" is true (fixes #93)
- Fix disabled clock buttons appearance (fixes #94)
- Update for Angular 17! 🎉
- Fix time not preserved in picker when "appendToInput" is true (fixes #93)
- Fix weird behaviours caused by multiple pickers in same page (fixes #29)
- Add onTouch handler
- Update for standalone components
- Fix timeChange not firing on 0 values (fixes #81)
- Remove pointless cdkTrapFocusAutoCapture (closes #77)
- Fix change Hostlistener behaviour and add check after parse to handle invalid parsed DateTime (fixes #70)
- Don't emit unless both values are set in ngx-mat-timepicker-field (fixes #71)
- Update for Angular 16! 🎉
- Fix allow empty enableKeyboardInput (coerced) attribute even with strictTemplates enabled
- Fix ts-luxon version (closes #60)
- Reverted behaviour before changes for #49 because it actually makes more difficult writing the value
- Fixed "Invalid Datetime" on user input when caret is before (fixes #49)
- Fix appearance of mat-toolbar on keyboard input enabled
- Use of coerceBooleanProperty on @Input enableKeyboardInput for ngx-mat-timepicker
- Upgraded ts-luxon version (fixes #51)
- Improved handling of meridiem (fixes #51)
- Improved typings
- Deleted residual legacy files (unused)
- Tiny performance improvements
- Clarified code docs
- Delete NgxMatTimepickerThemeDirective for good (don't worry it was useless)
- Handled weird meridiem formats, such as spanish
a. m.
which apparently doesn't work in TSLuxon (yet) - General performance improved
- Fix missing initializer, causing unwanted behaviour when not linking an input and not setting format
- Improve data management for picker dialog
- Misc refactor
- Fix injection breaking "appendToInput"
- Update for Angular 15! 🎉
- Fix missing initializer, causing unwanted behaviour when not linking an input and not setting format
- Improve data management for picker dialog
- Misc refactor
- Fix dial numbers not disabled when out of min or max range (closes #42)
- Fix dial numbers not disabled when out of min or max range
- Fixed ngx-mat-timepicker-toggle appearance (closes #41)
- Making NgxMatTimepickerModule.setLocale optional again (closes #34)
- Fixed peer deps (fixes #32)
- Update for Angular 14! 🎉
- Patching accidentally build without refreshing deps (fixes #35)
#13.2.2 (deprecated)
- Making NgxMatTimepickerModule.setLocale optional again (closes #34)
- Version bump (inverted changelog)
- Dynamic locale implemented (fixes #2)
- Removed smp-core-utils
- Added coerceBooleanProperty for appendToInput
- Switched to yarn (dev only)
- Update for Angular 13! 🎉
- Fixed format 12h breaking on ngx-mat-timepicker-field
- Allowing all angular minor vrs above 12.0.5
- Upgrade for Angular 12
- Improved appearance (yes, again) of standalone timepicker
- Improved appearance of standalone timepicker
- Fixed #9: missing dependency
- Removed console
- Fixed focus issue
- Improved focus trap when appendToInput
- Fix appendToInput option
- Fix #11 demo page + readme
- Moved ts-luxon in dependencies
- Upgrade for Angular 11
- Fixed #9: missing dependency
- Removed console
- Fix appendToInput option
- Fix #11 demo page + readme
- Moved ts-luxon in dependencies
- Upgrade for Angular 10
- Fixed peer dependencies
#9.1.0 (deprecated)
- Now using ts-luxon instead of luxon, for best compatibility
- Fixed issue with
build --prod
- Refactored horrible things in ngx-mat-timepicker-append-to-input.directive
- Improved UI for screens up to 360px
- Resolved an annoying behaviour when using *ngIf on ngx-mat-timepicker directive (but not on the component).
- Improved period select appearance in ngx-mat-timepicker-field
- Fixed arrows appearance in ngx-mat-timepicker-field
- Removed strict tipe checking on Input "format" allowing to pass in the form
instead of[format]="24"
- Improved demo
- Version bump to fix travis badge and changelog
- General improvements: removed useless components and used components from @angular/material instead.
- Solved theming issues, now it behaves correctly with any Material theme (prebuilt, or even custom! 😁)
- Completed demo page
- Release compatible with Angular 9