The APTK comes with it's own templating engine. A Map<String,Object> can be passed in as model. Map keys can be used to access the corresponding value from model
Most common arithmetic, logical and relational operators are supported:
// Arithemtic
operand1 + operand2 : ADDITION
operand1 - operand2 : SUBTRACTION
operand1 * operand2 : MULTIPLICATION
operand1 / operand2 : DIVISION
// Logical
!operand : NEGATION
operand1 && operand2 : LOGICAL AND
operand1 || operand2 : LOGICAL OR
// Relational
operand1 == operand2 : EQUAL
operand1 != operand2 : NOT EQUAL
operand1 < operand2 : LESS THAN
operand1 <= operand2 : LESS OR EQUAL THAN
operand1 > operand2 : GREATER THAN
operand1 >= operand2 : GREATER OR EQUAL THAN
Its possible to access a value by using it's name. Additional it's possible to read a value by defining a '.' delimited access path
It's possible to add some dynamic text by using the ${} syntax.
The template engine tries to resolve access path token by it's name or it's getter method.
Static text blocks can be used to avoid escaping issues.
// disabled template engine processing between start and end tag
!{static} To disable dynamic replacement for commands like ${whatever}. !{/static}
Simple if statements without else case are currently supported.
// complex if commands with elseif and else cases are supported
!{if expression}
your text/code
!{elseif otherExpression}
your alternative text/code
else case text/code
'elseif' and 'else' cases are optional.
The template engine provides a for loop functionality:
// for loop
!{for name : var.access.path}
Your text/code
It's possible through iterate arrays and collections
It's possible to split templates in multiple files.
// define model as attribute
!{include resource:'/IncludeTemplateBlockTest.tpl', model:'model.bridge'}
// Build new model
!{include resource:'/IncludeTemplateBlockTest.tpl'}
Template based java source Resource file creation and source file creation is very simple:
The framework provides a rudimentary templating mechanism which can be used to create resource and java source files. It supports dynamic text replacement and for and if control blocks.
!{if textArray != null}
!{for text:textArray}
Dynamic text: ${text}<br />
String[] textArray = {"A","B","C"};
// create Model
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("textArray", textArray);
final String package = "io.toolisticon.example";
final String fileName = "generatedExample.txt";
try {
// template is loaded resource
SimpleResourceWriter resourceWriter = FilerUtils.createResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, package, fileName);
resourceWriter.writeTemplate("example.tpl", model);
} catch (IOException e) {
MessagerUtils.error(null, "Example file creation failed for package '${0}' and filename '${1}'", package, fileName);