Gutter is a free Twitter client written in Shoes for Ruby (
I wrote this to better understand Shoes, and more importantly, packaging applications with Shoes.
The exact same codebase works in Linux, OSX and hopefully Windows (tested in Windows 7).
In Linux:
* * ./gutter-(version).run
* * gutter-version.dmg
In Windows:
* Install Ruby ( * Install Shoes ( * Download the latest Gutter .shy ( * Open the .shy from inside Shoes!
* Built-in Twitpic viewing * Anti-Social Networking: * Hide posts from a User * Hide posts matching a Regular Expression * Basic theme support * More...
* Use Shoes 2 from * Growl/Libnotify: install "growlnotify" or "notify-send" (if you want it). * Windows support coming soon.
* Direct messaging needs to work. * add images to growl/libnotify * multiple accounts * handle failed connections/timeouts better
* Icons are from the Silk Icon set ( * Gutter is GPLv3