# input.um ``` Module for getting keyboard and mouse input. Keycodes are ascii chars (lower case) and the constants below. mouse1 mouse2 mouse3 key_shift key_backspace key_delete key_left key_right key_up key_down key_escape key_enter is* functions return info based on a us QWERTY layout. They are supposed to be used for game controls. For text input use getStr. ``` ## fn getMousePos* `fn getMousePos*(): th.Vf2 {` Returns the position of mouse cursor in relation to the screen. ## fn getGlobalMousePos* `fn getGlobalMousePos*(cam: rect.Rect): th.Vf2 {` Returns the position of mouse cursor in relation to cam. ## fn isPressed* `fn isPressed*(code: char): bool {` Returns true if key is pressed. Either use codes defined in the file above, or pass lower case char/number. ## fn isJustPressed* `fn isJustPressed*(code: char): bool {` Returns, whether code was just pressed this loop. ## fn isJustReleased* `fn isJustReleased*(code: char): bool {` Returns true if a key was just released. ## fn cclear* `fn cclear*(code: char)` ## fn clear* `fn clear*(code: char) {` Clears both the pressed and justPressed state of a code. ## fn getStr* `fn getStr*(): str {` Returns a string entered by the user in the last cycle.