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Companies' House Python API

Simply create an API client as an instance of CompaniesHouseAPI:

from companies_house.api import CompaniesHouseAPI
ch = CompaniesHouseAPI(api_key)

This will give you access to all the functions registered in the API. For full reference, including the available additional arguments (which can be passed as kwargs), please refer to the official API documentation.

The Python wrapper additionally gives you the following functionality for each function:

  • flatten: Flatten the returned dict (to allow use in flat files, pandas etc.)
  • follow_links: API resources are linked by a links attribute. If you set follow_links to true, those are automatically followed and merged into the main object, to form a deeper, more comprehensive object. Use with care as there are currently no checks for recursion!
Help on class CompaniesHouseAPI in module __main__:

class CompaniesHouseAPI(CompaniesHouseAPIBase)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      CompaniesHouseAPI
 |      CompaniesHouseAPIBase
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  get_company(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the basic company information
 |      :param company_number:
 |  get_company_charges(self, company_number:str, charge_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get a single charge for a company
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param charge_id:
 |  get_company_exemptions(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the company exemptions information.
 |      :param company_number:
 |  get_company_filing_history(self, company_number:str, transaction_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the filing history of the company
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param transaction_id:
 |  get_company_insolvency(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get company insolvency information
 |      :param company_number:
 |  get_company_persons_with_significant_control_corporate_entity(self, company_number:str, psc_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the corporate entity with significant control
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param psc_id:
 |  get_company_persons_with_significant_control_individual(self, company_number:str, psc_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the individual person with significant control
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param psc_id:
 |  get_company_persons_with_significant_control_legal_person(self, company_number:str, psc_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the legal person with significant control
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param psc_id:
 |  get_company_persons_with_significant_control_statements(self, company_number:str, statement_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the person with significant control statement
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param statement_id:
 |  get_company_persons_with_significant_control_super_secure(self, company_number:str, super_secure_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the super secure person with significant control
 |      :param company_number:
 |      :param super_secure_id:
 |  get_company_registered_office_address(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the current address of a company
 |      :param company_number:
 |  get_company_registers(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the company registers information
 |      :param company_number:
 |  get_disqualified_officers_corporate(self, officer_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get a corporate officer's disqualifications
 |      :param officer_id:
 |  get_disqualified_officers_natural(self, officer_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get a natural officer's disqualifications
 |      :param officer_id:
 |  list_company_charges(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get a list of charges for a company
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_company_filing_history(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get the filing history of the company
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_company_officers(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      List the company officers
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_company_persons_with_significant_control(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      List the company persons with significant control
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_company_persons_with_significant_control_statements(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      List the company persons with significant control statements
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_company_uk_establishments(self, company_number:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Get a list of UK Establishment companies
 |      :param company_number:
 |  list_officers_appointments(self, officer_id:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      List the officer appointments
 |      :param officer_id:
 |  search(self, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Search Companies House
 |  search_companies(self, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Search companies
 |  search_disqualified_officers(self, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Search disqualified officers
 |  search_officers(self, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False, **kwargs) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Search company officers
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from CompaniesHouseAPIBase:
 |  __init__(self, api_key:str) -> None
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  get(self, query:str, flatten:bool=False, follow_links:bool=False) -> Union[dict, NoneType]
 |      Run a GET query against the Companies' House API
 |      :param query: the query, e.g. "company/09117429"
 |      :param flatten: flatten the result dictionary
 |      :return: the result as dict
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from CompaniesHouseAPIBase:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from CompaniesHouseAPIBase:
 |  __annotations__ = {'_api_key': <class 'str'>}

When the API has changed, run to re-download the API definition. When running the API, this documentation is updated automatically.