These packages together are the BitTorrent Infrastructure Project:
A library for parsing and converting bencoded data.
A library implementing the Bittorrent Mainline Distributed Hash Table.
A library providing the FileSystem
interface, for managing pieces of files.
A library providing a trait for custom handshake implementations and it's implementation for the standard bittorrent handshake.
Http Tracker (htracker) (not implemented)
A library assisting communication with bittorrent HTTP trackers.
Local Peer Discovery (lpd) (not implemented)
A library providing a implementation of the bittorrent Local Peer/Service Discovery mechanism.
A library for parsing and constructing magnet links.
A library for Parsing and building of bittorrent metainfo files.
A library assisting communication between with bittorrent peers via the peer wire protocol.
A library providing the Bittorrent Infrastructure Project piece selection module.
A library providing a set of utilities used by the Bittorrent Infrastructure Project.
uTorrent Transport Protocol (utp) (not implemented)
A library implementing the uTorrent Transport Protocol.
A library for parsing and writing UDP tracker messages.