ROS2 対応 lc29h GPS RTK publish node.
gps : lc29hea
ubuntu 22.04
PC and OrangePi 5 (Armbian and ubuntu 22.04)
参照: ROS2 LC29H-EA GPS RTK を作る。
$ cd ~/colcon_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ colcon build --symlink-install [--parallel-workers 1] --packages-select lc29h_gps_rtk
$ . install/setup.bash
$ cd src/lc29h_gps_rtk/launch
$ mv
# for ntrip_Client
DeclareLaunchArgument('ip', default_value='', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('port', default_value='2101', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('user', default_value='IBS', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('passwd', default_value='IBS', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('mountpoint', default_value='T430_32', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('latitude', default_value='50.09', description=''),
DeclareLaunchArgument('longitude', default_value='8.66', description=''),
$ sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
$ ros2 launch lc29h_gps_rtk
f.RTCM[nn] が出たら、RTK float OK
F.RTCM[nn] が出たら、 RTK Fix OK です。
$ sudo ufw disable
$ ros2 topic list
$ ros2 topic echo /fix
$ ros2 topic info /fix --verbose
At GGA[6] (status) is 5:RTK float, You can let node to wait publish until GGA[7] (Numbers of satellite) value became more than gga_num value.
While acutual GGA[7] value is less than gga_num value, Node will not publish sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix at all.
DeclareLaunchArgument('gga_num', default_value='0', description='GGA satellite num in RTK float'), # 17-30:recomend , 0: no check
You can watch node's output "gga_num:17 - 21 over" in a terminal. Since then wait for a while about from 5 to 10 minutes over.
And then, although GGA[6] is 5:RTK float, LC29H-EA RTK will become to semi fix state
and start to put out the nearly correct values such as 100cm level. I think.
Please wait for it with patience.
You had better to wait RTK Fix.
nn: 17 - 21 over
You can check with the following command ,and check whether if latitude and longitude value be fix.
$ ros2 topic echo /fix
Once LC29H-EA RTK becomes to semi fix state, you can move GPS freely.