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Step 1 - Deploy serverless API

In this step, you will deploy serverless API, utilising AWS resourcesLambda Functions and API Gateway. To do so, you will use AWS SAM CLI to package, and deploy SAM CloudFormation template.

Before doing anything else, make sure you clone the repo into Cloud9 workspace

git clone

Important Set your region to us-east-2, or region where your Cloud9 runs. You can do so by exporting AWS_DEFAULT_REGION variable, e.g.

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2

Create S3 bucket for template and code

For the demo, I've used melbournecloudtoolsmeetups.$timestamp for bucket name, but you can really use any bucket.

export BUCKET_NAME=melbournecloudtoolsmeetup.`date +%s`
aws s3 mb s3://${BUCKET_NAME}

Remember your S3 bucket

Package CloudFormation

As an AWS SAM exercise, package the template first - this will replace all local references to application code to hardcoded ones, pointing to code that has been uploaded to S3 bucket created in previous step. For this you will use sam package command

$ cd step1
$ sam package --template-file=template.yaml --s3-bucket=$BUCKET_NAME --output-template=template.processed.yaml

You should see output like following

Successfully packaged artifacts and wrote output template to file template.processed.yaml.
Execute the following command to deploy the packaged template
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file /Users/nikolatosic/Development/projects/github/aws-waf-demo-workshop/step1/template.processed.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME>

Deploy Serverless API

In this step you deploy serverless API

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file template.processed.yaml --stack-name CloudToolsMeetup-DEC19-API --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Get your API Endpoint

In order to feed bees with machineguns an endpoint url in next step, you will need to read the endpoint form stack outputs first. Use command below to read your API Endpoint

ENDPOINT_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name CloudToolsMeetup-DEC19-API --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' --out text)
sudo yum -y install jq && curl -s $ENDPOINT_URL

You should see output as following, retrieving your basic API resource

$ ENDPOINT_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name CloudToolsMeetup-DEC19-API --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[0].OutputValue' --out text)
$ sudo yum -y install jq && curl -s $ENDPOINT_URL
Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper
Nothing to do
{"Message": "Hello, World!", "InMemoryCounter": 1}

Congratulations, you have successfully deployed serverless API in AWS and Completed step1 of this workshop.

>> Go to step 2 >>