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PHP 7.2

PHP 7.2 will be released at the end of 2017. It brings a number of new features and changes that are outlined below.




New object Type

A new type, object, has been introduced that can be used for (contravariant) parameter typing and (covariant) return typing of any objects.

function test(object $obj) : object
    return new SplQueue();

test(new StdClass());

RFC: Object typehint

Libsodium is now a Core Extension (as ext/sodium)

The modern libsodium cryptography library has now become a core extension in PHP. More information on ext/sodium can be found here.

RFC: Make Libsodium a Core Extension

Extension Loading by Name

Extensions no longer require a file extension (.so for UNIX, .dll for Windows) to be specified. This is enabled in the php.ini file, as well as in the dl function.

; ini file

RFC: Allow loading extensions by name

Allow Abstract Method Overriding

Abstract methods can now be overridden when an abstract class extends another abstract class.

abstract class A
    abstract function test(string $s);
abstract class B extends A
    // overridden
    abstract function test($s) : int; // still maintaining contravariance for parameters and covariance for return

RFC: Allow abstract function override

Password Hashing with Argon2

Argon2 has been added to the password hashing API (the password_ functions), where the following constants have been exposed:


RFC: Argon2 Password Hash

Extended String Types For ext/PDO

PDO's string type has been extended to support the national character type when emulating prepares. This has been done with the following constants:


These constants are utilised by bitwise OR'ing them with PDO::PARAM_STR:

$db->quote('über', PDO::PARAM_STR | PDO::PARAM_STR_NATL);

RFC: Extended String Types For PDO

Additional Emulated Prepares Debugging Information for ext/PDO

The PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() method has been updated to include the SQL being sent to the DB, where the full, raw query (including the replaced placeholders with their bounded values) will be shown. This has been added to aid with debugging emulated prepares (and so it will only be available when emulated prepares are turned on).

RFC: Debugging PDO Prepared Statement Emulation v2

Add Support for Extended Operations in ext/LDAP

Support for EXOP has been added to the LDAP extension. This has been done by exposing the following functions and constants:

  • ldap_parse_exop(resource link, resource result [, string retdata [, string retoid]]) : bool
  • ldap_exop(resource link, string reqoid [, string reqdata [, string retdata [, string retoid]]]) : mixed
  • ldap_exop_passwd(resource link [, string user [, string oldpw [, string newpw ]]]) : mixed
  • ldap_exop_whoami(resource link) : mixed


Address Information Additions to ext/sockets

The sockets extension now has the ability to lookup address information, as well as connect to it, bind to it, and explain it. The following four functions have been added for this:

  • socket_addrinfo_lookup(string node[, mixed service, array hints]) : array
  • socket_addrinfo_connect(resource $addrinfo) : resource
  • socket_addrinfo_bind(resource $addrinfo) : resource
  • socket_addrinfo_explain(resource $addrinfo) : array

RFC: Implement socket_getaddrinfo()


Prevent number_format() from Returning Negative Zero

Previously, it was possible for the number_format function to return -0. Whilst this is perfectly valid according to the IEEE 754 floating point specification, this oddity was not desirable for displaying formatted numbers in a human-readable form.

var_dump(number_format(-0.01)); // now outputs string(1) "0" instead of string(2) "-0"

RFC: Prevent number_format() from returning negative zero

Parameter Type Widening

Parameter types from overridden methods and from interface implementations may now be omitted. This is still in compliance with LSP, since parameters types are contravariant.

interface A
    public function Test(array $input);

class B implements A
    public function Test($input){} // type elided for $input

RFC: Parameter Type Widening

Convert Numeric Keys in Object/Array Casts

Numeric keys are now better handled when casting arrays to object and objects to arrays (either from explicit casting or by settype.

This means that integer (or stringy integer) keys from arrays being casted to objects are now accessible:

// array to object
$arr = [0 => 1];
$obj = (object)$arr;
    $obj->{'0'}, // now accessible
    $obj->{0} // now accessible
/* Output:
object(stdClass)#1 (1) {
  ["0"]=>    // string key now, rather than integer key

And integer (or stringy integer) keys from objects being casted to arrays are now accessible:

// object to array

$obj = new class {
    public function __construct()
        $this->{0} = 1;
$arr = (array)$obj;
    $arr[0], // now accessible
    $arr['0'] // now accessible
/* Output:
array(1) {
  [0]=>    // integer key now, rather than string key

RFC: Convert numeric keys in object/array casts

Disallow Passing null to get_class()

Previously, passing null to the get_class() function would output the name of the enclosing class. This behaviour has now been removed, where an E_WARNING will be output instead. To achieve the same behaviour as before, the argument should simply be elided instead.

RFC: get_class() disallow null parameter

Warn When Counting Non-Countable Types

An E_WARNING will now be emitted when attempting to count() non-countable types (this includes the sizeof() alias function).

    count(1), // integers are not countable
    count('abc'), // strings are not countable
    count(new stdclass), // objects that do not implement the Countable interface are not countable
    count([1,2]) // arrays are countable

/* Output:
Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in %s on line %d

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in %s on line %d

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in %s on line %d

RFC: Counting of non-countable objects

Allow a Trailing Comma for Grouped Namespaces

A trailing comma can now be added to the group-use syntax introduced in PHP 7.0.

use Foo\Bar\{

RFC: Trailing Commas In List Syntax


Unquoted Strings

Unquoted strings that are non-existent global constants are taken to be strings of themselves. This behaviour used to emit an E_NOTICE, but will now emit an E_WARNING. The manual will be updated to reflect that this behaviour has been deprecated, and in the next major version of PHP, an exception will be thrown instead.


/* Output:
Warning: Use of undefined constant NONEXISTENT - assumed 'NONEXISTENT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in %s on line %d
string(11) "NONEXISTENT"

RFC: Deprecate and Remove Bareword (Unquoted) Strings

png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp()

The functions png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp() from ext/gd have now been deprecated and will be removed in PHP 8. This is because they did not really belong in ext/gd, since they were the only conversion functions from the extension and did not follow the naming conventions of the extension. A simple implementation can be made in PHP instead.

RFC: Deprecate png2wbmp() and jpeg2wbmp()


The INTL extension has deprecated the INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003, which is the default for idn_to_ascii() and idn_to_utf8(). PHP 7.4 will see these defaults changed to INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46, and the next major version of PHP will remove INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 altogether.

RFC: Deprecate and remove INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003

__autoload Method

Given the lack of interoperability between __autoload and spl_autoload_register, and with the latter is superior (due to it being able to chain autoloaders), this method has been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

track_errors ini Setting and $php_errormsg Variable

When the track_errors ini setting is enabled, a $php_errormsg variable will be created in the local scope when a non-fatal error occurs. Given that the preferred way of retrieving such error information is by using error_get_last, this feature has been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

create_function Function

Given the security issues of this function (being a thin wrapper around eval), and the preferred way of creating Closures by defining an anonymous function, this dated function has now been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

mbstring.func_overload ini Setting

Given the interoperability problems of string-based functions being used in environments with this setting enabled, it has now been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

(unset) Cast

Casting any expression to this type will always result in null, and so this superfluous casting type has now been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

parse_str Without a Second Argument

If the second argument to parse_str was elided, the query string parameters would instead populate local symbol table instead. Given the security problems around this, using parse_str without a second argument has now been deprecated. The function should always be used with two arguments (the second argument causes the query string to be parsed into an array).

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

gmp_random Function

This function generates a random number based upon a range that is calculated by an unexposed, platform-specific limb size. Given this facet, this function has now been deprecated. The preferred way of generating a random number using the GMP extension is by gmp_random_bits and gmp_random_range.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

each Function

This function is far slower at iteration than a normal foreach, and causes implementation issues for some language changes. It has therefore been deprecated.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

assert With a String Argument

Using assert with a string argument required the string to be evaled. Given the potential for remote code execution, using assert with a string argument is now deprecated. The preferred way of using assert now is with PHP boolean expressions.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

$errcontext Argument of Error Handlers

The $errcontext argument contains all local variables of the error site. Given its rare usage, and the problems it causes with internal optimisations, it has now been deprecated (with a soft deprecation notice in the manual). A proper debugger should be used instead to retrieve information on local variables at the error site.

RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.2

Move ext/hash from Resources to Objects

As part of the long-term migration away from resources, the Hash extension has been updated to use objects instead of resources. The change should be seamless for PHP developers, except for where is_resource() checks have been made (which will need updating to is_object() instead).

RFC: Migration Hash Context from Resource to Object

Improve SSL/TLS Defaults

The following changes to the defaults have been made:

  • tls:// now defaults to TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2
  • ssl:// an alias of tls://
  • STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_* constants default to TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 + TLSv1.2, instead of TLSv1.0 only

RFC: Improved SSL / TLS constants