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Crud is a golang package that helps writing CRUD servers. With this package, all you need is models, while all the rest is done for you automatically.

crud = GORM + Gin + Logrus + Viper + automatic CRUD service

Get started

  1. get the package:
go get -u
  1. all you need are models, and register them in orm & router:
package main

import (

type Todo struct {
	Title  string `json:"title"`
	Detail string `json:"detail"`
	Done   bool   `json:"done"`

type Project struct {
	Title string  `json:"title"`
	Todos []*Todo `json:"todos" gorm:"many2many:project_todos"`

func main() {
	orm.ConnectDB(orm.DBDriverSqlite, "todolist.db")
	orm.RegisterModel(Todo{}, Project{})

	r := router.NewRouter()
	router.Crud[Todo](r, "/todos")
	router.Crud[Project](r, "/projects",
		router.CrudNested[Project, Todo]("todos"),


These 32 lines of code make it an available RESTful API service with 13 endpoints:

# api to todos
GET    /todos
GET    /todos/:TodoID
POST   /todos
PUT    /todos/:TodoID
DELETE /todos/:TodoID

# api to projects
GET    /projects
GET    /projects/:ProjectID
POST   /projects
PUT    /projects/:ProjectID
DELETE /projects/:ProjectID

# api to nested todos in a project
GET    /projects/:ProjectID/todos
POST   /projects/:ProjectID/todos
DELETE /projects/:ProjectID/todos/:TodoID

Let's explain it.


crud/orm is an ORM package works as crud's DAO layer. It's a wrapper of GORM with responsibility for database connection and auto migrate.

orm.ConnectDB is used to connect to a database. It's a wrapper of gorm.Open. And orm.RegisterModel is used to register your models, which calls gorm.AutoMigrate to build the tables.

orm package also defines a Model interface. Crud can only automatically generate CRUD services for models that implement this interface. orm.BasicModel is a basic implementation of this interface. It's a wrapper of gorm.Model, which defines an auto-incrementing primary key and soft delete support:

type BasicModel struct {
    ID        uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
    CreatedAt time.Time
    UpdatedAt time.Time
    DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`

In most cases, you can just embed orm.BasicModel to your model. It's a good starting point.


crud/router is a package that helps you to generate CRUD services based on gin.

It provides a router.NewRouter() function to create a new gin router.

And the magic is router.Crud[Todo](r, "/todos"), that will automatically make REST APIs to the model Todo at relative path /todos:

GET /todos            # get todos list

GET /todos/:id        # get a todo by id

POST /todos           # create a new todo record
    "title": "clean my room"

PUT /todos/:id        # update a todo record
    "done": true

DELETE /todos/:id     # delete a todo record

BTW, the type parameter Todo is required. It's not inferable for the compiler.

router.CrudNested[Project, Todo]("todos") will create nested APIs to the model Todo in the model Project, that is, CRUD for the Project.Todos field:

GET    /projects/:ProjectID/todos          # get associated todos list

POST   /projects/:ProjectID/todos          # create new associated relationship
    "title": "clean my kitchen"
    "detail": "rm -rf bin; mv cooktop/* cupboard"

DELETE /projects/:ProjectID/todos/:TodoID  # delete an associated relationship

Next steps

For an extremely simple project, like todolist above, using crud/orm and crud/router together is enough to make API jobs done. But for a more real-world case, you may want to use lower level parts of crud to build your own CRUD API services:

  • crud/controller: Package controller implements model based generic CRUD controllers (i.e. http handlers) to handle create / read / update / delete requests from http clients.
  • crud/service: Package service implements the basic CRUD operations for models.
  • crud/config is a package that helps you to read configuration into a structure based "ConfigModel". It's a wrapper of viper
  • crud/log is a package that helps you to log your application. It's a wrapper of logrus



  • sshman is a more real world example of how crud can help you build a CRUD REST API project fast and easily. Please check it out.

How it works

The implementation of crud is inspired by the layered MVC architecture:

curd architecture

Layer Description
router define REST APIs
controller handles the HTTP requests (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
service business logic (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
orm DAO: R/Ws to the database

Each layer is a package. And with generics and reflection in Go, crud achieves generic implementations for each layer.


  • tests for services and controllers
  • updates depended Gin/GORM/... packages automaticly (dependabot)
  • ...

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