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Stablecoin Haskell

This folder contains:

  1. a stablecoin-client executable to deploy and interact with the stablecoin contract;
  2. a Haskell library to interact with the stablecoin contract (basically Haskell bindings) and tests for it.


The most important part for a user is stablecoin-client. If the stablecoin-client was downloaded from releases or installed globally with stack install, then run stablecoin-client --help to see a list of the available commands. Otherwise, you should prefix all commands with stack run and put -- after stablecoin-client, for example: stack run stablecoin-client -- --help.

The help message should be sufficiently descriptive, however, there are some caveats:

  1. tezos-client executable must be available and is assumed to be in $PATH by default. Note that only tezos-client versions v8.0 or above are supported.
  2. Node data (address, port and whether to use TLS) is taken from tezos-client config by default. Make sure it points to an active node in the network where you want to submit your operations. You can override this data using the respective options of stablecoin-client.
  3. There is a global option --user that specifies which user will make the operations, it defaults to stablecoin-user. You should ensure that:
  • An address with the provided alias is known to tezos-client.
  • Its secret key is known.
  • It has sufficient balance to make operations (pay for storage and fee).

Build Instructions

Note: if you are on Linux and just want to get stablecoin-client, we recommend downloading it from the latest release assets.

You need Stack to build this package.

To build the library and the executable:

  1. Copy or symlink the stablecoin and metadata smart contracts (their Michelson versions) to test/resources/ and then run stack build. The contracts are parsed and typechecked at compile-time.
  2. Or, alternatively, run make build (from this folder) provided that you have ligo and morley in your $PATH.

Note that in the second case we automatically build all LIGO contracts and apply morley optimize to them. In the first case you are supposed to provide the contracts yourself and it's up to you whether to run morley optimize.

Run stack install to install the stablecoin-client globally. The installation path may or may not be in your $PATH depending on your system, but it should be printed as part of the output.


Tests require the stablecoin and metadata contracts to be in test/resources/. After you put them there you can do stack test to run tests. We have a Makefile that automates this process, so you can run make test from this folder as long as you have morley and ligo as stated in the build instructions above.