http://yourdomain/admin backend url you can usephp artisan account:admin
to create your admin account. -
error wechat notice
This feature implement by easywechat
automatic report and notice from wechat when error throwed
template for reference:
{{first.DATA}} error type:{{keyword1.DATA}} error url:{{keyword2.DATA}} IP Address:{{keyword3.DATA}} error traces:{{error.DATA}} {{remark.DATA}}
sync post to wordpress
how to use: -
file, set sync_wordpresstrue
. -
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Tradzero\WPREST\WPRESTServiceProvider
set wordpress endpoint and account info.
php > 7
any server, like: nginx apache (options)
redis (cache posts)
clone project
git clone [email protected]:tradzero/blog.git
install dependency
composer install
copy .env.example to.env
on Linux:cp .env.example .env
on Windows:copy .env.example .env
generate app key
php artisan key:gen
create a database
create database xxx; # xxx is database name
fill out environment config
DB_DATABASE= # database name
DB_USERNAME= # database connect username
DB_PASSWORD= # database connect password
run database migrate
php artisan migrate
config and run server
it you don't have or wan't use regular servers, you can use php's UIlt-in server
runphp artisan serv
you can alse see laravel installation for reference
# [qiniu cloud](http://www-src.qiniu.com/) config, i used it for file upload as default .
QINIU_AK= # qiniu storage AccessKey
QINIU_SK= # qiniu storage SecretKey
QINIU_BUCKET= # qiniu storage bucket name
QINIU_URL= # qiniu storage url domain
# wechat config , Blog used it for bug event push.
# i recommend use wechat sandbox account, untest in product account.
WECHAT_APPID= # wechat appID
WECHAT_SECRET= # wechat appsecret
WECHAT_TOKEN= # wechat token(option)
WECHAT_AES_KEY= # wechat aes_key(option)
WECHAT_USER_OPENID= # wechat user OPENID for receive wechat notice
WECHAT_TEMPLATE= # wechat notice feature template id
WECHAT_DEBUG= # enable wechat debug notice, default false
# sync post to wordpress
sync_wordpress= # enable sync post to wordpress
version: 5.5
markdown to HTML package
easywechat laravel package
qiniu php sdk
markdown web editor
backend UI template
javascript framework
frontend code highlight
markdown github style css component
frontend ui framework
wordpress post sync tools
This blog is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Wecome issue, wecome star, any idea or problem can send email to me or contact me by any way.