0.101.0 (2025-03-03)
0.100.0 (2024-01-12)
0.92.0 (2024-01-12)
- allow finders to be inherited (#47) (1869055)
- change configuration from hash to configuration object (1869055)
0.91.0 (2024-01-10)
- remove deprecated usage of Trailblazer::Activity::TaskBuilder::Binary (#41) (b8965ff)
- update gemspec (#37) (7cf064f)
- Use inject dsl api
- Fix release error of 0.80.0
- Lock trailblazer-activity to below 0.13
- Drop Support Legacy Dry-types
- Support Ruby 3.0
- Breaking change: Use adapter and paginator configs instead of mixing them in adapters config.
- Add support for strings in filters keys.
- Add support for ActiveSupport::Hash as params
- Move activities to Activities folder to avoid conflict with Activity Class.
- Support Trailblazer 2.1.0 wiring api, drop old api
- Change internal context argument to symbols to match trailblazer 2.1 convention.
- Don't cast uuids to dates in the filters
- Updated DataMapper Adapter to include sorting by multiple columns/directions and the predicate feature.
- Added sorting by multiple columns/directions for Hash, ActiveRecord and Sequel. Temporarily disabled sorting for DataMapper Adapter until i can find the time this weekend to update that Adapter as well.
- Due to the above, a big change in the way sorting works, and which methods are available for it
- Predicate feature introduced, doesn't work for old datamapper adapter yet. Default predicates covered for now: eq, not_eq, blank, not_blank, lt, lte, gt, gte
- Removed Hashie as dependency and introduced simple version of deep_locate
- load options[:model] with result set otherwise loading contracts fails, have to find a nicer solution for this at some point
- First stable release