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218 lines (151 loc) · 7.55 KB

File metadata and controls

218 lines (151 loc) · 7.55 KB


Fullstack CRUD app for real estate management.

class diagram




  • You must start both Kafka and Redis servers to run the application
  • Install Redis to test the cache:
  • Install Kafka to test the message queue and email:
  • Get the application.yaml and redisson.yaml files and put them in src/resources
  • Get the .env file and put it in the root folder (same level as

House Generator

  • HouseConfig now reads sample data from data/gen folder
  • House price range is now 200 - 1000 (USD/month)
  • There is already a sample house_1.json file, but if you want to add more:
// Go to the Node project for house generation and install dependencies
cd src/main/java/eeet2582/realestatemgt/data/gen
npm i

// Modify the code, then run it
node index.js


  • Search houses by sending POST request to api/v1/houses/search/form
  • Your search form may look like below (refer to model/house/HouseSearchForm)
  • You must pass a list to searched status and house type, if you only want "available" pass a list of one string
  • In addition to the search form, you may include params pageNo (starts at 1), pageSize and orderBy (sortBy removed)
  • New search only sorts by price for now, if you need other variables tell me
    "city": "Hanoi",
    "district": "Ba Dinh",
    "priceFrom": 200,
    "priceTo": 1000,
    "statusList": [
    "typeList": [
    "query": ""
const typeList = ["apartment", "serviced", "street"];
const statusList = ["available", "reserved", "rented"];


17/01/2022 (Trang)

  • Rewrote Deposit, Meeting, Rental to link with AppUser and House
  • Objects that contain custom classes (HouseLocation, LocalDate etc.) now @RequestBody a form of primitives
  • Add to Meeting API "/meetings/search/byDate/{range}" ("today", "week", "month") for current range
  • Add cache to all requests (Service level)
  • Add sample data for all classes via a single file BootstrapData

17/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Added get user by name with pagination
  • edit kafka meeting
  • added more data for front end to test meeting, payment, user, rental, deposit

17/01/2022 (Trang)

  • Add (HouseLocation) location variable to House
  • Overhaul House search functions (now takes HouseSearchForm)
  • Old search endpoints are still there, will delete after testing new one

13/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Change getFilteredPayments to get payments by userId
  • Updated check auth0Id in Payments

12/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • S3 delete does not work, only posting image to s3 works, error exception handled
  • Change update house a little
  • Change kafka server value

11/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Change auth0Id method to find respective userId in the database
  • Change delete House and addHouseImage
  • Bugs: Update House

09/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Fixed Post request in default HTTP security
  • Change query params in update and post in class UserController
  • remove Generated.IDENTITY in USER class

06/01/2022 (Phuong)

05/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Fix admin authentication, change .env file
  • Added CORS in each controller

05/01/2022 (Trang)

  • Fix out of bound errors for House pagination

02/01/2022 (Phuong)

  • Finished Oauth2 using Auth0 and comment out all controllers endpoint
  • Go to front-end repository to get access token key
  • Bugs: Post Users endpoint --> don't test this
  • Add separate POST and PUT requests using requestBody except for class Meeting

27/12/2021 (Trang)

  • All emails are now sent from [email protected]
  • Configuration (YAML) files are moved to .gitignore, ask backend team
  • Reduce HOUSE_BATCH_SIZE to 200, queries feel faster now (cache limit is still 1000)

25/12/2021 (Phuong)

  • Finish KafKa for booking a meeting
  • Note: Turn off any anti-virus for sending email

23/12/2021 (Trang)

  • Finish Redis cache for House (get + pagination)

23/12/2021 (Trang)

21/12/2021 (Phuong)

19/12/2021 (Trang)

  • All endpoints for Deposit and Meeting work (get all, get one, get by userId or houseId, upsert, delete)
  • Add more endpoints for Rental to be searched by userId or houseId

17/12/2021 (Phuong)

  • Can update image in s3 by delete and upload more into the same folder
  • Search/sort/pagination with name, type and price

17/12/2021 (Trang)

  • All endpoints for Rental and Payment work (get all, get one, get and upsert by rentalId, add, delete, update, sort & pagination)
  • Weird POSTMAN issue: after posting a new payment, getting all payments will show an ID and not the new Payment object; querying the new payment by ID and Rental still work as expected

16/12/2021 (Trang)

  • All endpoints for AppUser work (get all, get one, add, delete, update, search, sort & pagination)
  • All dates must use "yyyy-MM-dd" and all times must use "HH:mm"
  • Some endpoints in UserController have been deleted, please check them out

16/12/2021 (Phuong)

where 1 is the row id

  • Pagination and sort with house and users, search by name with house and search by name/phone/email with user

4/12/2021 (Trang)

  • Changed folder structure from class-based to function-based

It is not necessary to create a Service for each Entity. A Service can wire multiple Repositories. This reduces the number of Services and makes cascading (for example delete all dependent Rentals when a User is deleted) easier. "Important" entities (User, House, Rental) have their own Service classes.

  • Added 5 rows of mock data for all classes, relationships included
  • Wrote parsers to parse date and time from strings
  • Wrote a parser to deserialize field "rental" (actually an ID string) in payment.json into nested Rental objects
  • Fixed infinite recursion when using GET requests for Rental and Payment due to them referencing each other
  • Added manual cascading when deleting User and House: all dependent Deposits, Meetings, and Rentals will be deleted
  • Added orphan removal when deleting Rental: all dependent Payments will be deleted


Lucid Chart