An auditing tool for AWS keys that audits, alerts, and disable keys if not within compliance settings. This reduces AWS administrator involvement since majority of users will cycle key before being disabled.
Sleuth runs periodically, normally once a day in the middle of business hours. Sleuth does the following:
- Inspect each Access Key based on:
- set creation age threshold (default 90 days)
- set last accessed age threshold (optional, set to creation age threshold as default)
- If Access Key is approaching threshold will ping user with a reminder to cycle key
- If key age is at or over threshold will disable Access Key along with a final notice
- If user has special KeyAutoExpire tag set to False, the key will not be auto-expired
Notifications can be sent directly to Slack using a V1 token or through SNS Topic.
Sleuth relies on IAM Tags to know the Slack account/group ID to mention when assembling the notification. Specifically Name
and Slack
tags. A sample of a TF IAM user is below
resource "aws_iam_user" "tfunke" {
name = "tfunke"
tags = {
Name = "Tobias Funke"
Slack = "UPML12345"
For a Slack user the standard SlackID is sufficient. For a group the Slack
tag must have a value of the form subteam-SP12345
(no ^
is allowed). More info on Slack group identifiers here.
For listing Slack account IDs in bulk look at the script.
If the information isn't specified an error will be thrown in the logs and the plain text username will be in the notification.
Required environment variable to enabled Slack integration is SLACK_URL
For SNS ensure the IAM role the lambda is running has permission to publish to the SNS topic.
Required environment variable to enable SNS integration is SNS_TOPIC
Using the Terraform module terraform-aws-lambda you can deploy the code released to this Github repository.
module "iam_sleuth" {
source = "transcom/lambda/aws"
version = "3.0.0"
name = "iam_sleuth"
handler = "handler.handler"
job_identifier = "iam_sleuth"
runtime = "python3.11"
timeout = "500"
role_policy_arns_count = 2
role_policy_arns = ["${aws_iam_policy.sleuth_policy.arn}",
github_project = "transcom/aws-iam-sleuth"
github_filename = ""
github_release = "v1.0.10"
validation_sha = "7a501951f8c91758acfcd3e17a06ea7e1fe4021f3b08e54064091d73a95dd6bb"
source_types = ["events"]
source_arns = ["${aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.sleuth_lambda_rule_trigger.arn}"]
env_vars = {
EXPIRE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Key Rotation Instructions"
EXPIRE_NOTIFICATION_TEXT = "Please run.\n ```aws-vault rotate AWS-PROFILE```"
INACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE = "Key Usage Instructions to prevent key auto-disable"
INACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_TEXT = "Please run.\n ```aws-vault login AWS-PROFILE```"
SLACK_URL = data.aws_ssm_parameter.slack_url.value
tags = {
"Service" = "iam_sleuth"
The behavior can be configured by environment variables.
Name | Description |
ENABLE_AUTO_EXPIRE | Must be set to true for key disable action |
EXPIRATION_AGE | Age of key creation (in days) to disable a AWS key |
EXPIRE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE | Title of the notification message for keys expiring due to creation age |
EXPIRE_NOTIFICATION_TEXT | Instructions on key rotation |
WARNING_AGE | Age of key creation (in days) to send notifications, must be lower than EXPIRATION_AGE |
INACTIVITY_AGE | OPTIONAL, defaults to EXPIRATION_AGE, Age of last key usage (in days) to disable AWS key, must be lower than or equal to EXPIRATION_AGE |
INACTIVITY_WARNING_AGE | REQUIRED IF INACTIVITY_AGE is set, otherwise defaults to WARNING, Age of last key usage (in days) to send notifications, must be lower than INACTIVITY_AGE |
INACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE | Title of the notification message for keys expiring due to inactivity |
INACTIVE_NOTIFICATION_TEXT | Instructions on key usage to prevent expiration due to inactivity |
SLACK_URL | Incoming webhook to send notifications to |
SNS_TOPIC | Topic to send a SNS formatted message to |
DEBUG | If present will log additional things |
A user is pinged directly with an AWS key 8 days before of the 90 day limit.
For IAM accounts that are used by bots such as Jenkins or CircleCI Sleuth can ping a group such as Infra or Engineers to ensure the account does not get disabled by accident.
A user failed to cycle their AWS key. Sleuth disabled the out of compliant key and posts a single notification to the user. This is the last notification the user will receive.
Install dependencies:
brew install circleci pre-commit python direnv ghr
pre-commit install --install-hooks
Now for downloading the python dependencies:
# skip if you already have virtualenv on your machine
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./sleuth/requirements.txt
All following steps assume you have activated the virtual environment from the previous step.
To run the Python app unittests:
To run the python app locally, using transcom-ci as example account:
Login to the transcom-ci account
aws-vault login transcom-ci
Create test user(s), giving them access keys and optional KeyAutoExire tag
UserName Slack ID Key ID AutoExpire sleuth-test1 sleuth-test1 KEYID1 FALSE sleuth-test2 sleuth-test2 KEYID2 TRUE -
In the CLI, move to the sleuth subdirectory:
cd /path/to/transcom/terraform-aws-iam-sleuth/sleuth
Export the relevant variables:
To test the warnings for creation date expiration, considering a key that was made today, use:
export DEBUG=true export SLACK_URL=test export EXPIRATION_AGE=90 export WARNING_AGE=0
To test the warnings for inactivity expiration, considering a key that was made today, use:
export DEBUG=true export SLACK_URL=test export EXPIRATION_AGE=90 export WARNING_AGE=1 export INACTIVITY_AGE=30 export INACTIVITY_WARNING_AGE=0
NOTE: Creation age expiration takes precedent over activity age, so setting both
will cause only the creation date expiration warning to appear. -
Run the app
aws-vault exec transcom-ci -- python
Example DEBUG output for creation age, notice the 'old' status:
UserName Slack ID Key ID AutoExpire Status Age in Days Last Access Age sleuth-test1 sleuth-test1 KEYID1 FALSE good 0 0 sleuth-test2 sleuth-test2 KEYID2 TRUE old 0 0 -
Example DEBUG output for inactivity age, notice the 'stagnant' status:
UserName Slack ID Key ID AutoExpire Status Age in Days Last Access Age sleuth-test1 sleuth-test1 KEYID1 FALSE good 0 0 sleuth-test2 sleuth-test2 KEYID2 TRUE stagnant 0 0 -
By exporting the SLACK_URL=test in addition to DEBUG=true, you can also view the slack message output:
slack message: {'attachments': [{'title': 'AWS IAM Key Inactivity Report', 'text': ''}, {'title': 'IAM users with access keys expiring due to inactivity. \n Please login to AWS to prevent key from being disabled', 'color': '#ffff00', 'fields': [{'title': 'Users', 'value': "sleuth-test2's key expires in 30 days due to inactivity."}]}]}
No requirements.
No providers.
No modules.
No resources.
No inputs.
No outputs.