- iOS 8+
- Swift 5+
To integrate TranzzoTokenizer into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add it to your Podfile
pod 'TranzzoTokenizer'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
To integrate TranzzoTokenizer into your Xcode project using Carthage, add it to your Cartfile
github "https://github.com/tranzzo/ios-card-tokenizer.git"
Then, run the following command:
$ carthage update
Then drag TranzzoTokenizer.framework into your Xcode project.
Tokenization: Simple way to obtain a Tranzzo user card token, generated on our servers. For more information visit our documentation Validation: Use straightforward card utilities to validate, define and format your card input
Import TranzzoTokenizer framework header
import TranzzoTokenizer
Initialize the tokenizer for an environment you are working with
let tokenizer = TranzzoTokenizer(apiKey: apiKey, environment: environment)
Make sure to replace
with your application key. If you are already using Tranzzo Widget then you can usekey
parameter value. Otherwise, you need to be signed up to Tranzzo Services and obtain youappKey
from the Tranzzo dashboard.Choose your
depending on your needs. If you need to test your workflow in a SandBox mode, you should use.stage
Construct a card data with your user's card information
let card = CardRequestData( cardNumber: "4242424242424242", cardExpMonth: 12, cardExpYear: 22, cardCvv: "123" )
In case you want to receive a single token for your card, use this method
tokenizer.tokenize(card: card) { (result: Result<TranzzoTokenSuccess, TranzzoError>) in switch result { case .success(let tokenData): // Process your token case .failure(let error): // Handle an error } }
If you want to receive additional card data with your token, like expiration date and card mask, use the following:
tokenizer.tokenizeEncrypt(card: card) { (result: Result<TranzzoTokenDataSuccess, TranzzoError>) in switch result { case .success(let encryptedData): // Process your encrypted token data case .failure(let error): // Handle an error } }
Read our decryption guide to learn more about encryptedData
Use TranzzoCardValidator
to validate your user's card input, such as number, cvv and expiration date.
let validator = TranzzoCardValidator()
let numberIsValid = validator.isValid(cardNumber: cardNumber)
Specify CardProvider
to validate it's cvv.
let cvvIsValid = validator.isValid(cvv: "123", for: .visa)
Get the provider of a card by it's full number
let provider = validator.getCardType(for: "4222222222222222") // .visa
or by it's prefix (length depends on specific provider)
let provider = validator.getPartialCardType(for: "5455") // .mastercard