Computes a T1w/T2w, T1w/FLAIR and MTC (magnetisation transfer contrast) ratio, using BIDS organised data. The full methodology is described in "T1w/FLAIR ratio standardization as a myelin marker in MS patients, by S Cappelle, D Pareto, S Sunaert, I Smets, A Laenen, B Dubois, Ph Demaerel" - Article link
Required are data organised in BIDS format:
- a T1w image without contrast
- a FLAIR and/or a T2w image
- a MTI image pair (optional)
A typical command for running is: -a -n 10 -f 1 -m
You need to be in main directory to run this command. This is also where the BIDS folder resides.
For info about the command just run:
Images starting with sub-xxx-ses-yyy_:
- _T1w.nii.gz: the input T1w, converted into 1x1x1 mm, biascorrected
- _T2w_reg2T1w.nii.gz: the input T2w, converted into 1x1x1 mm, biascorrected and rigidly registered the the T1w
- _FLAIR_reg2T1w.nii.gz: the input FLAIR, converted into 1x1x1 mm, biascorrected and rigidly registered the the T1w
Further output is in 1x1x1 mm voxel dimensions.
T1w/T2w, T1w/FLAIR ratio-maps starting with sub-xxx-ses-yyy_:
- calib-none.nii.gz: ratio without calibration (raw T1w/T2w or T1w/FLAIR ratio)
- calib-lin.nii.gz: LINEAR histogram matching using eye/muscle tissue (Ganzetti et al. 2014 alike)
- calib-nonlin.nii.gz: NONLINEAR histogram matching using eye/muscle tissue (Ganzetti et al. 2014 alike)
- calb-nonlin2.nii.gz: NONLINEAR histogram matching according to Cappelle et al. 2022
- calb-nonlin3.nii.gz: NONLINEAR histogram matching on brain tissue, excluding white matter lesions (from samseg)
MTR ratio maps:
- ratio-MTC.nii.gz
- rois/sub-x_ses-x_MSLesion: a binary image containing the MS lesions as identified by Freesurfer Samseg
- in folder masks one can inspect the eye/muscle, brain, background, etc masks.
- outputs are also given warped to the ICBM 2009a Nonlinear Symmetric MNI space (mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_sym_09a.nii)
Stats could be further generated with
A cuda compatible GPU with at least 6GB memory.
Internally KUL_T1T2FLAIRMTR_ratio uses:
- MRtix3
- ANTs
- optionally FastSurfer
- optionally Freesurfer Samseg
These could be installed using KUL_Linux_Installation