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This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 8, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: trendyminds/pura


04 Jan 06:37
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Merge pull request #45 from trendyminds/4.2.0



08 Dec 14:33
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Add support for promises in IE11


08 Dec 14:13
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Correct issue where images were not minified


22 Jul 05:06
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Add test task to perform a quick lint


18 Jul 12:27
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Update packages and fix code splitting


28 Jun 20:52
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Version bump


23 May 17:08
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  • 🚀 New name!: We're rebranding the project to something less boring.
  • Pretty task output: Now you won't stare at a giant wall of text when running the build and watch tasks. We're using Listr to present a nicely-formatted process list so you see a simplified version of the output.
  • 📦 Promote Yarn as the new package manager: Now that Yarn has had time to settle we're going to recommend it going forward for package management.
  • 🗺 Remove sprite sheet: While sprites are a good thing the advent of http2 and reducing the complexity of Pura are more important. This allows us to use SVGs as-is and not work around issues like sprite bleeding and odd background-size issues.
  • 🛠 Update Node version and packages: We couldn't update everything, but we're running nearly all new versions of the Project Starter packages. Plus we're now on Node 7.7.1.


24 Feb 04:26
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Full release notes:

  • Sprite watching/bug fixes Changes to your sprite will now occur without needing to re-run the watch process. Just reload the browser! This also fixes an issue where you might see an adjacent icon bleeding into another. Special thanks to this comment on the svg-sprite package issue board! jkphl/svg-sprite/issues/200 (comment). This fixes #36.
  • ❤️ Switch JS linting to xo Now linting JavaScript is prettier and opinionated so we write consistent JS
  • 🛠 Add stylelint-trendyminds-standard Ditch long list of stylelint config rules for the new stylelint-trendyminds-standard!
  • 🗑 Remove Customizr: Many projects don't need us to use Modernizr in any capacity. If you do need to test for touchevents, svg or other properties consider using something like Feature.js—a small, 1kb library for testing browser features.
  • 📦 Update packages Get dependencies on newer versions
  • 🗺 Better sourcemaps Use nicer JS source maps when in watch mode
  • 🚧 Clean up Move many dotfiles to package.json for consolidated configuration settings

Add --progress to the script building task

27 Jan 00:41
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Use --progress to inform users what's happening during the Webpack bu…

Add sprite generation to the initial watch task

19 Jan 01:43
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Add sprite generation to the initial watch task fixes #35