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client: Sierra
client: Sierra
All issues that primarily impacts SNL Sierra codes
client: SPARC
client: SPARC
Issues related to or needed more specifically by the ATDM SPARC code
client: xSDK
client: xSDK
Issue or PR has been closed by the GitHub Actions bot due to inactivity.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Disabled Tests
Disabled Tests
Issue has been partially addressed by disabling *all* of the failing tests related to the issue
This issue should be exempt from auto-closing by the GitHub Actions bot.
Framework tasks
Framework tasks
Framework tasks (used internally by Framework team)
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
impacting: configure or build
impacting: configure or build
The issue is primarily related to configuring or building
impacting: documentation
impacting: documentation
The issue is primarily about documentation vs. a problem with the build or tests
impacting: performance
impacting: performance
impacting: sanity
impacting: sanity
Ia! Ia!
impacting: tests
impacting: tests
The defect (bug) is primarily a test failure (vs. a build failure)
lacks reproducer
lacks reproducer
Lacking enough information for developers to realistically reproduce the problems themselves
Issue or PR is marked for auto-closure by the GitHub Actions bot.
To request that the MueLu Team nitpick this PR
PA: Data Services
PA: Data Services
Issues that fall under the Trilinos Data Services Product Area
PA: Discretizations
PA: Discretizations
Issues that fall under the Trilinos Discretizations Product Area
PA: Framework
PA: Framework
Issues that fall under the Trilinos Framework Product Area
PA: Linear Solvers
PA: Linear Solvers
Issues that fall under the Trilinos Linear Solvers Product Area
PA: Nonlinear Solvers
PA: Nonlinear Solvers
Issues that fall under the Trilinos Nonlinear Linear Solvers Product Area
pkg: Adelus
pkg: Adelus
pkg: Amesos
pkg: Amesos
pkg: Amesos2
pkg: Amesos2
pkg: Anasazi
pkg: Anasazi
pkg: AztecOO
pkg: AztecOO
pkg: Compadre
pkg: Compadre