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VC | 'develop' 'master' workflow

Roscoe A. Bartlett edited this page Jun 8, 2016 · 33 revisions

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# Overview

The Trilinos project uses a long-lived branch called 'develop' to conduct basic development. All Trilinos developers directly pull from and push to the shared github 'develop' branch. Then, the 'master' branch is updated from the 'develop' branch when it passes a specific set of builds for a specific set of packages (the set of packages and builds will evolve over time). This is depicted in the below figure:

Trilinos Git 'develop'/'master' workflow

The motivation for the usage of a 'develop' branch and the full set of mechanics and implications are described in Addition of a 'develop' branch.

(NOTE: The "bug-fix" workflow elements shown in the above figure are not described below but are described in great detail the above reference. If things go well, then these "bug fix" commits should almost never be needed. But in the rare cases these "bug-fix" commits or revert commits are needed/desired, then more experienced Trilinos git developers can help make those changes.)

# Transitioning to a develop-master workflow

For developers accustomed to the previous single branch Trilinos development model (the Simple Centralized Workflow), the transition to the develop-master workflow is not complicated. In essence, you make changes to the develop branch, rather than the master branch. A few extra details, and commands for doing this are below. These commands will be needed every time the Trilinos repository is cloned.

If the local repo is clean (i.e. no local modifications or untracked files), then one just needs to get on a local 'develop' tracking branch. If the local 'develop' tracking branch has not already been created, then create it using:

$ cd Trilinos/
[ (master)]$ git fetch origin
[ (master)]$ git checkout --track origin/develop

If the local 'develop' tracking branch was already created (can be seen by running git branch), then just check out that branch using:

$ cd Trilinos/
[ (master)]$ git checkout develop

Once on the local 'develop' branch which is tracking the remote 'origin/develop' branch, simply use standard git pull, git commit and git push commands. The only difference is these commands are performed while on the 'develop' rather than 'master' branch.

NOTE: The script can be used on the 'develop' branch to robustly push committed modifications, just as it could be used previously for the 'master' branch.

# Move local changes to the 'develop' branch

The below process applies only to situations where a Trilinos developer has made changes to the local git repo's 'master' branch and needs to transfer the changes to their local 'develop' branch, where they can be pushed to the github 'develop' branch. This will be common only during the initial transition to the develop-master workflow.

Before getting started, Trilinos developers can optionally set up their local account to use the git usability scripts and git-completion.bash and enable git rerere as described here. The shell scripts will make it obvious what local branch a developer is on and git rerere will help with the rebasing and merging commands required to transition local commits.

The below process assumes:

  • Changes to be moved to the 'develop' branch have been committed to the local 'master' branch, but not pushed.
  • All of the local commits to 'master' are to be moved to 'develop'.

The process to transition local changes not on the 'develop' branch to the 'develop' branch are:

1) Checkout and update the local tracking 'develop' branch

If you are not already on the local 'develop' branch, this step is described above.

Next, pull to update 'develop'.

[(develop)]$ git pull   # from origin/develop

2) Merge changes from the local 'master' branch to the local 'develop' branch

[(develop)]$ git merge master   # resolve any merge conflicts

3) Test and push changes

At this point, the commits merged from the local 'master' branch should be tested prior to pushing to the remote github 'develop' branch. This can all be done using the script. The necessary manual commands are:

... Test changes ...
[(develop)]$ git pull --rebase                      # from origin/develop
[(develop)]$ git push                               # to origin/develop

NOTE: If git rerere is enabled, then any merge conflicts that have already been resolved will be resolved automatically on the final rebase before the final push.

4) Reset the local 'master' branch

If one will later want to go back to the local 'master' branch, then it is a good idea to reset it to the 'origin/master' branch after the locally updated 'master' branch has been merged into the 'develop' branch as described above. This reset is performed as:

[(develop)]$ git checkout master
[ (master)]$ git reset --hard origin/master

Then one can go back to the 'develop' branch and continue work there with:

[ (master)]$ git checkout develop
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