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EECS 345: Programming Language Concepts

Programming Project, Part 1

Due Monday, February 20 by 11:59 pm

For this and all programming project’s, you are welcome to work in groups of up to three. The names of all group members should appear at the top of the file, and every member should submit the project on blackboard. All team members are responsible for understanding the code submitted in their name.

In this homework, you are to create an interpreter for a very simple Java/C-ish language. The language has variables, assignment statements, mathematical expressions, comparison operators, boolean operators, if statements, while statements, and return statements.

An example program is as follows:

var x;
x = 10;
var y = 3 * x + 5;
while (y % x != 3)
  y = y + 1;
if (x > y)
  return x;
else if (x * x > y)
  return x * x;
else if (x * (x + x) > y)
  return x * (x + x);
  return y - 1;

Note that braces, `{` and `}`, are not implemented.

The following mathematical operations are implemented : +, -, *, /, % (including the unary -), the following comparison operators are implemented: ==, !=, <, >, <=. >=, and the following boolean operators: &&, ||, !. Variables may store values of type int as well as true and false. You do not have to detect an error if a program uses a type incorrectly, but it is not hard to add the error check.) Note that you do not have to implement short-circuit evaluation of && or ||.

For those seeking an extra challenge: The parser supports nested assignment statements as well as assignments inside expressions. Try writing your interpreter so that assignment operators return a value as well as initialize a variable:

var x;
var y;
x = y = 10;
if ((x = x + 1) > y)
  return x;
  return y;

**General guidelines**

You are to write your interpreter in Scheme using the functional programming style. For full marks, you should not use variables, only functions and parameters.

Your program should clearly distinguish, by naming convention and code organization, functions that are doing the M_state operations from ones doing the M_value and M_boolean operations. You do not have to call them M_, but your naming convention should be consistent.

A parser is provided for you called simpleParser.scm. You will also have to get the file lex.scm. You can use the parser in your program by including the line (load "simpleParser.scm") at the top of your homework file. The command assumes simpleParser.scm is in the same directory as your home

Interpreter Project, Part 2

Due Tuesday, March 21

For this and all Interpreter Project's, you are welcome to work in groups, but each person is expected to submit and be responsible for their own interpreter.

In this homework, you will expand on the interpreter of part 1 adding code blocks as well as "goto" type constructs: break, continue, (true) return, and throw. and continue and blocks. We still assume all variables store either an integer or a boolean value. For those wanting an extra challenge: you are to again assume that expressions can have side effects. Specifically, you should assume that any expression can include an assignment operator that returns a value.

Please note: a portion of your grade in this project will be correcting the errors you had in Part 1.

The parser you used in part 1 supports all of the language features used in this assignment. Here are the new language constructs you need to implement:

break;              =>   (break)
continue;           =>   (continue)
throw e;            =>   (throw e)
if (i < j) {       =>   (if (< i j) (begin (= i (+ i 1)) (= j (+ j 1))))
  i = i + 1;
  j = j - 1;
try {               =>   (try _body_ (catch (e) _body_) (finally _body_))
catch (e) {
finally {

Note that either the finally or the catch block may be empty:

try {                    =>  (try _body_ (catch (e) _body_) ())
catch (e) {

Please note:

  • As with C and Java, a block of code can appear anywhere and not only as the body of an if statement or a loop.
  • As with C and Java, the break and continue apply to the immediate loop they are inside. There are no labels in our interpreter, and so there will be no breaking out of multiple loops with one break statement.
  • As there is no type checking in our language, only one catch statement per try block is allowed.

Style Guidelines

You do not have to stick to strict functional programming style, but you should avoid global variables and heavy use of let because they will make your life harder. You also should not use set! (except for the recommended state change below).

As with the last project, your program should clearly distinguish, by naming convention and code organization, functions that are doing the M_state operations from ones doing the M_value and M_boolean operations.

Also as before, the launching point of your interpreter should be a function called interpret that takes a filename, calls parser with the filename, evaluates the parse tree returned by parser, and returns the proper value. You are to maintain a state for the variables and return an error message if the user attempts to use a variable before it is initialized.

Implementing the "Goto" constructs

You need to use continuations to properly implement return, break, continue, and throw. For each, you have two options. You can make your interpreter tail-recursive with continuation passing style (note that only the M_state functions must be tail recursive) or you can use call/cc. Both techniques are equally challenging. You are also welcome to use cps for some of the constructs and call/cc for others.

The Program State

To implement blocks, you need to make the following required change to the state/environment. In addition, because this interpreter does not require a lot of new features from the previous one, there is a recommended change to the state that may help reduce the work required when we get to Part 3 of the interpreter.

The required change: Your state must now be a list of layers. Each layer will contain a list of variables and bindings similar to the basic state of part 1. The initial state consist of a single layer. Each time a new block is entered, you must "cons" a new layer to the front of your state (but use abstraction and give the operation a better name than "cons"). Each time a variable is declared, that variable's binding goes into the top layer. Each time a variable is accessed (either to lookup its binding or to change it), the search must start in the top layer and work down. When a block is exited, the layer must be popped off of the state, deleting any variables that were declared inside the block.

A reminder about a note from part 1: Your state needs to store binding pairs, but the exact implementation is up to you. I recommend either a list of binding pairs (for example: ((x 5) (y 12) ...) ), or two lists, one with the variables and one with the values (for example: ((x y ...) (5 12 ...))). The first option will be simpler to program, but the second will be more easily adapted supporting objects at the end of the course.

The recommended change: In Part 3 of the interpreter, you will need to implement function/method calls and global variables. Thus, even if you are not doing the extra coding challenge, you will need to handle functions that produce side effects. If you would like a simpler way to deal with side effects, I recommend the following break from strict functional style coding. Instead of binding each variable to its value, we will bind the variable to a box that contains its value. You can think of a box as a pointer to a memory location, and thus the values stored in the environment will be pointers to the actual data (similar to how Java implements non-primitive types). Using boxes, you will not need separate M_value and M_state functions for handling function calls. Instead, the function/method call M_value mapping will be able to change the values of global variables. The Scheme commands are:
(box v): places v into a box and returns the box
(unbox b): returns the value stored in box b
(set-box! b v): changes the value stored in box b to value v.
Note that the set-box! command does not return a value. You should embed it in a begin function. Scheme begin takes one or more expressions and returns the value of the last expression. For example, (begin (set-box! b v) #t) will return #t.

Interpreter Project, Part 3

Due Wednesday, April 12

In this homework, you will expand on the interpreter of part 2 adding function definitions. We still assume all variables store integers and boolean. Likewise, all functions will only return integers and boolean.

While normal C does not allow nested functions, the gcc compiler does allow nested functions as an extension to C, so let's implement them!

For those seeking a small extra challenge: try implementing both the call-by-reference and the call-by-value parameter passing styles.

An example program that computes the greatest common divisor of two numbers is as follows:

var x = 14;
var y = 3 * x - 7;
function gcd(a,b) {
  if (a < b) {
    var temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;
  var r = a % b;
  while (r != 0) {
    a = b;
    b = r;
    r = a % b;
  return b;
function main () {
  return gcd(x,y);

Here is another example program that uses recursion:

function factorial (x) {
  if (x == 0)
    return 1;
    return x * factorial(x - 1);

function main () {
  return factorial(6);

Note that only assignment statements are allowed outside of functions. Functions do not have to return a value. The parser will have the following additional constructs:

function a(x, y) {          =>   (function a (x y) ((return (+ x y)))
  return x + y;

function main () {          =>   (function main () ((var x 10) (var y 15) (return (funcall gcd x y))))
  var x = 10;
  var y = 15;
  return gcd(x, y);

The final value returned by your interpreter should be whatever is returned by main.

Nested functions can appear anywhere in the body of a function. Any name in scope in a function body will be in scope in a function defined inside that body.

function main() {
  var result;
  var base;

  function getpow(a) {
     var x;

     function setanswer(n) {
        result = n;

     function recurse(m) {
       if (m > 0) {
         x = x * base;

     x = 1;
  base = 2;
  return result;

We will use a similar style as C++ for call-by-reference:

function swap(&x, &y) {     =>  (function swap (& x & y) ((var temp x) (= x y) (= y temp)))
  var temp = x;
  x = y;
  y = temp;

Function calls may appear on the right hand side of global variable declaration/initialization statements, but the function (and any functions that function calls) must be defined before the variable declaration. Otherwise, functions that are used inside other functions do not need to be defined before they are used.

It is an error to use call-by-reference on anything other than a variable. For example, if the program contains swap(x, x + 10) with the above definition of swap, you should give an error because x + 10 is not a variable.

You do not have to stick to strict functional programming style, but you should avoid global variables because they will make your life harder. A new parser is provided for you, functionParser.scm, that will parse code containing functions/methods as in the above examples. To use the parser, type the code into a file, and call (parser "filename") as before. To call the parsers from your interpreter code, place the command (load "parsename") in the Scheme file.

What your code should do

You should write a function called interpret that takes a filename, calls parser with the filename, evaluates the parse tree returned by parser, and returns the proper value returned by main. You are to maintain an environment/state for the variables and return an error message if the program attempts to use a variable before it is declared, attempts to use a variable before it is initialized, or attempts to use a function that has not been defined.

Some hints


In this interpreter, we will be talking about environments instead of states. The state consists of all the active bindings of your program. The environment is all the active bindings that are in scope.

  1. Note that the base layer of your state will now be the global variables and functions. You should create an outer "layer" of yourinterpreter that just does M_state functions for variable declarations and function definitions. The declarations and assignments should besimilar to what you did in your part 2 interpreter. The functon definitions will need to bind the function closure to the function name where the closure consists of the formal parameter list, the function body, and a function that creates the function environment from the current environment.

  2. Once the "outer" layer of your interpreter completes, your interpreter should then look up the main function in the state and call that function. (See the next step for how to call a function.

  3. You need to create a M_value function to call a function. This function should do the following: (a) create a function environment using the closure function on the current environment, (b) evaluate each actual parameter in the current environment and bind it to the formal parameter in the function environment, (c) interpret the body of the function with the function environment. Note that interpreting the body of the function should be, with one change, exactly what you submittedfor Interpreter, Part 2. Also note that if you are using boxes, you should not have to do anything special to deal with global variable side effects. If you are not using boxes, you will need to get the final environment from evaluating the function body and copy back the new values of the global variables to the current environment/state.

  4. Change the M_state and M_value functions for statements and expressions, respectively, to expect function calls.

  5. Test the interpeter on functions without global variables, and then test your functions using global variables. One tricky part with the functions is that, unlike the other language constructs we have created, function calls can be a statement (where the return value is ignored), and an expression (where the return value is used). You need to make sure both ways of calling a function works.

  6. Since exceptions can happen anywhere that a function call can occur, you may discover more places that need the throw continuation. If you used call/cc for throw, then you should not have to modify anything else in your interpreter from part 2. If you used tail recursion for throw, you will need to make the M\_value functions tail recursive for throw to work correctly.

Interpreter Project, Part 4

Due Monday, May 1

In this homework, you will expand on the interpreter of part 3 by adding classes and objects (instances of classes)

An example program is as follows:

class A {
  var x = 6;
  var y = 7;

  function prod() {
    return this.x * this.y;

  function set2(a, b) {
    x = a;
    y = b;

class B extends A {
  function set1(a) {
    set2(a, a);

  static function main () {
    var b = new B();

Your interpreter should now take two parameters, a file and a classname. For example, (interpret "MyProgram.j" "B"), where file is the name of the file to be interpreted, and classname is the name of the class whose main method you are to run. The function should call parser on the file file, and then lookup (string->symbol classname) in the environment to get the desired class, and then lookup the main method of this class. The final value returned by your interpreter should be whatever is returned by main.


  1. Note that we now allow the object type in our language. So, objects can be assigned to variables, passed as parameters, and returned from functions.
  2. All mathematical and comparison operators should only be implemented for integers, and logical operators should only be implemented for booleans.
  3. You are not required to implement the == operator for objects, but you can if you wish.
  4. The only operator that is required to work on objects is the dot operator.
  5. The new operator will return an object of the desired class.
  6. The new operator can only be used in expressions, not as the start of a statement.
  7. Variables and methods can now be static (class) or non-static (instance).
  8. The main method should be static.
  9. The language supports use of this and super object references.
  10. The top level of the program is only class definitions.
  11. Each class definition consists of assignment statements and method definitions (just like the top level of part 3 of the interpreter).
  12. Nested uses of the dot operator are allowed.

Please Note: You should be able to create objects (using a generic constructor), set values, call methods, and use values this and super. You do not have to support user defined constructors. You do not have to support static fields or methods (other than the main method) and you do not have to support abstract methods.

Parser Constructs

class A {                  =>   (class A () body)

class B extends A {        =>   (class B (extends A)  body)

static var x = 5;          =>   (static-var x 5)
var y = true;              =>   (var y true)

static function main() {   =>   (static-function main () body)

function f() {             =>   (function f () body)

function g();              =>   (abstract-function g ())

new A()                    =>   (new A)

a.x                        =>   (dot a x)

new A().f(3,5)             =>   (funcall (dot (new A) f) 3 5)


Here is a suggested order to attack the project.

  1. Create helper functions to create a new class and instance and to access the portions of a class and instance. The class must store the parent class, the list of instance fields, the list of methods/closures, and (optionally) a list of class fields/values and a list of constructors. Use your state/environment structure for each of these lists. The instance must store the instance's class (i.e. the run-time type or the true type) and a list of instance field values.

  2. Change the top level interpreter code that you used in part 3 to return a class instead of returning a state.

  3. Create a new global level for the interpreter that reads a list of class definitions, and stores each class with its definition in the state.

  4. Create a new interpret function that looks up the main method in the appropriate class and calls it. See if you can interpret an example like:

     class A {
       static function main() {
         return 5;

    or like this

     class B {
       static function main() {
         var b = new B();
         return b;
  5. All M_state and M_value functions will need to pass a parameter for the class-type (i.e. the compile-time type or current type) and (optionally) the instance (to avoid having to continuously look up "this" in the state).

  6. Create a pair of functions (or a single function that returns a pair) that takes the left hand side of a dot expression and returns the class-type (i.e. the compile-time type or current type or class) and the instance of the left hand side of the dot.

  7. Add a fourth value to the function closure: a function that looks up the function's class in the environment/state.

  8. Update the code that evaluates a function call to deal with objects and classes. (Follow the denotational semantics sketched in lecture.)

  9. Add code to the function lookup to handle the dot operator. See if you can interpret an example like:

     class A {
       function f() {
         return 5;
       static function main() {
         var a = new A();
         return a.f();
  10. Create helper functions that successfully declare, lookup, and update non-static fields. The functions will need to deal with the fact the the field names part of the state structure is in the class and the field values part of the state structure is in the instance.

  11. Add code to the places where you do variable lookups so that it can handle the dot operator.

  12. Change your code for a variable to first lookup the variable in the local environment and if that fails to look in the non-static fields.

  13. Update the code that interprets an assignment statement so that it looks for the variables with dots in the instance fields and for variables without dots it first looks in the local environment and then in the instance fields.

  14. Now test on the first 6 sample programs.

For Some Additional Challenge:

Implement polymorphism.

  1. If your state consists of separate lists for the names and their values, change the state so that the values are now stored in reverse order, and you use the "index" of the variable name to look up the value.
  2. Make sure the functions that create the new classes and instances correctly append their lists onto the lists from the parent class.

Other language features

Everything we did previously in the interpreter is still allowed: functions inside funtions, call-by-reference (if you chose to implement it). A function that is inside a static function will not have the static modifier, but it will be static simply by the nature of the containing function.

Add static (class) methods and fields. For static methods, the only change is that the method will not get the "extra" parameter this. For static fields, you will need to change the places that do field lookup and assign so that the method looks in three different environments: the local environment, the class fields, and the instance fields.

Add abstract methods. The interpreter will only support non-static abstract methods. The change you must make is to give an abstract method an appropriate value in the body portion of the closure to indicate that the body does not exist. When an instance is created, you should verify that any abstract methods have been overridden. If any have not, give an appropraite error.

Add user-defined constructors. In the language, the constructor will look like a method that has the same name as the class name, but is not preceded withfunction, and in the parse tree it will be identified by constructor.

class A {
  A(x) {               =>  (constructor (x) body)

Constructors can be overloading, and constructors/new needs to have the following behavior:

  1. Create the instance including space for all instance fields.
  2. Lookup the appropriate constructor (if one exists). If no constructor exists, allow for a default constructor.
  3. Call the constructor specified by the super or this constructor call that should be the first line of the constructor body (or automatically call the parent class constructor with no parameters if no super() is present).
  4. Evaluate the initial value expressions for the fields of this class, in the order they are in the code.
  5. Evaluate the rest of the constructor body.

As a hint, make the constructor list be a separate environment of the class from the method environment. That way constructors will not be inherited.