CFFileDescriptor: commented debug log messages.
CFFileDescriptor: commented debug log messages.
CFFileDescriptor: debug CFLog messages were it's appropriate.
CFFileDescriptor: debug CFLog messages were it's appropriate.
removed unsused code from Swift project - leave only CoreFoundation r…
removed unsused code from Swift project - leave only CoreFoundation r…
CFFileDescriptor: print runloop in hexadecimal to help identify runloop
CFFileDescriptor: print runloop in hexadecimal to help identify runloop
CFFileDescriptor: CFFileDescriptorContext function fields make the same
CFFileDescriptor: CFFileDescriptorContext function fields make the same
CFFileDescriptor: don't print debug message if context is NULL
CFFileDescriptor: don't print debug message if context is NULL
_CFFDPerformCallback: print message if context info is NULL.
_CFFDPerformCallback: print message if context info is NULL.
.clang_format: removed duplicated entry
.clang_format: removed duplicated entry
CFFileDescriptor: if is NULL - pass something to callout…
CFFileDescriptor: if is NULL - pass something to callout…
CFFileDescriptor: add new fields to track read/write runloop sources …
CFFileDescriptor: add new fields to track read/write runloop sources …
CFFileDescriptor: (__CFFDRemoveSource) resume runloop source before r…
CFFileDescriptor: (__CFFDRemoveSource) resume runloop source before r…
ignore .cache directory generated by clangd
ignore .cache directory generated by clangd
CMakeLists: add compile time options to silence compiler warnings.
CMakeLists: add compile time options to silence compiler warnings.
CFNetwork filed to build if CFInternal.h is included (however it must
CFNetwork filed to build if CFInternal.h is included (however it must
Unlock ability to load symbols from CFNetwork on Linux.
Unlock ability to load symbols from CFNetwork on Linux.
move _CFThreadSpecificKey and _CFThreadRef definition to ForFoundatio…
move _CFThreadSpecificKey and _CFThreadRef definition to ForFoundatio…
Add compiler definition HAVE_BSD_STRING on cmake check added by previ…
Add compiler definition HAVE_BSD_STRING on cmake check added by previ…
CoreFoundation: check on cmake stage if system has strlcpy() and strl…
CoreFoundation: check on cmake stage if system has strlcpy() and strl…
Don't implement scrlcpy() and strlcat() if it's already present in sy…
Don't implement scrlcpy() and strlcat() if it's already present in sy…
Don't implement scrlcpy() and strlcat() if it's already present in sy…
Don't implement scrlcpy() and strlcat() if it's already present in sy…
Added file missed in previous commit.
Added file missed in previous commit.
Added CFNotificationCenter by Stuart Crook with my additions and
Added CFNotificationCenter by Stuart Crook with my additions and
Added CFNotificationCenter by Stuart Crook with my additions and
Added CFNotificationCenter by Stuart Crook with my additions and