description |
Update a topic with a different memo that is more suitable for your use case. |
{% swagger baseUrl="" path="/api/consensus/topic/:id" method="put" summary="Update a topic" %} {% swagger-description %} This endpoint allows you to update the memo of the topic, only from the original creator of the topic. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="id" type="string" %} The id of the topic. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="header" name="Authentication" type="string" %} The
from the client environment variables. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="query" name="memo" type="string" %} The memo that you want to update the topic id to. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200" description="Cake successfully retrieved." %}
"data": {
"memo": "Updated memo",
"topic_id": "16091",
"accountId": {
"shard": 0,
"realm": 0,
"account": 1156
"validStart": {
"seconds": 1598827049,
"nanos": 719000000
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}