diff --git a/lib/sch/convert-circuit-json-to-schematic-svg.ts b/lib/sch/convert-circuit-json-to-schematic-svg.ts
index 79dc20d..ce1eccb 100644
--- a/lib/sch/convert-circuit-json-to-schematic-svg.ts
+++ b/lib/sch/convert-circuit-json-to-schematic-svg.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import type { AnyCircuitElement } from "circuit-json"
import { colorMap } from "lib/utils/colors"
-import { getSvg, symbols } from "schematic-symbols"
-import { parseSync, stringify } from "svgson"
+import { stringify } from "svgson"
+import { createSchematicComponent } from "./svg-object-fns/create-svg-objects-from-sch-component"
interface Options {
width?: number
@@ -102,298 +102,15 @@ export function convertCircuitJsonToSchematicSvg(
- return stringify({ value: "", ...svgObject })
- function createSchematicComponent(
- center: { x: number; y: number },
- size: { width: number; height: number },
- rotation: number,
- symbolName?: string,
- portArrangement?: any,
- portLabels?: any,
- sourceComponentId?: string,
- circuitJson?: AnyCircuitElement[],
- ): any {
- const transform = `translate(${center.x}, ${center.y}) rotate(${(rotation * 180) / Math.PI})`
- let children: any[] = []
- // Find the source component and get its name
- const sourceComponent = circuitJson?.find(
- (item) =>
- item.type === "source_component" &&
- item.source_component_id === sourceComponentId,
- )
- const componentName = sourceComponent ? sourceComponent.name : ""
- const manufacturerNumber = sourceComponent?.manufacturer_part_number
- const resistance = sourceComponent?.resistance
- const capacitance = sourceComponent?.capacitance
- if (symbolName) {
- const symbol = (symbols as any)[symbolName]
- const paths = symbol.primitives.filter((p: any) => p.type === "path")
- const updatedSymbol = {
- ...symbol,
- primitives: paths,
- }
- const svg = parseSync(
- getSvg(updatedSymbol, {
- width: size.width,
- height: size.height,
- }),
- )
- children = svg.children
- .filter(
- (child: any) =>
- child.name === "path" && child.attributes.fill !== "green",
- )
- .map((path: any) => {
- const currentStrokeWidth = Number.parseFloat(
- path.attributes["stroke-width"] || "0.02",
- )
- const newStrokeWidth = (currentStrokeWidth * 1.5).toString()
- return {
- ...path,
- attributes: {
- ...path.attributes,
- stroke:
- path.attributes.stroke === "black"
- ? `${colorMap.schematic.component_outline}`
- : path.attributes.stroke,
- "stroke-width": newStrokeWidth,
- },
- }
- })
- } else {
- children.push({
- name: "rect",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component chip",
- x: -size.width / 2,
- y: -size.height / 2,
- width: size.width,
- height: size.height,
- },
- })
- }
- if (manufacturerNumber) {
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-name",
- x: 1.2,
- y: -size.height / 2 - 0.4, // Position above the component
- "text-anchor": "right",
- "dominant-baseline": "auto",
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: manufacturerNumber }],
- })
- // Add component name on top
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-name",
- x: 1.2,
- y: -size.height / 2 - 0.7, // Position above the component
- "text-anchor": "right",
- "dominant-baseline": "auto",
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: componentName }],
- })
- }
- if (resistance || capacitance) {
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-name",
- x: 0,
- y: (-size.height / 2) - 0.2, // Position above the component
- "text-anchor": "middle",
- "dominant-baseline": "auto",
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: resistance || capacitance }],
- })
- // Add component name on top
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-name",
- x: 0,
- y: (-size.height / 2) - 0.5, // Position above the component
- "text-anchor": "middle",
- "dominant-baseline": "auto",
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: componentName }],
- })
- }
- // Add ports if portArrangement is provided
- if (portArrangement) {
- const portLength = 0.2 // Length of the port line
- const circleRadius = 0.05 // Radius of the port circle
- const labelOffset = 0.1 // Offset for label positioning
- // console.log(portArrangement)
- for (const [side, arrangement] of Object.entries(portArrangement)) {
- if(arrangement === undefined) continue
- const pins = arrangement.pins
- const direction = arrangement.direction
- let getX: (index: number, total: number) => number
- let getY: (index: number, total: number) => number
- let getEndX: (x: number) => number
- let getEndY: (y: number) => number
- let getLabelX: (x: number) => number
- let getLabelY: (y: number) => number
- let labelAnchor: string
- let isVertical = false
- switch (side) {
- case "left_side":
- getX = () => -size.width / 2
- getY = (index, total) =>
- -size.height / 2 + (size.height * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
- getEndX = (x) => x - portLength
- getEndY = (y) => y
- getLabelX = (x) => x + labelOffset
- getLabelY = (y) => y
- labelAnchor = "start"
- break
- case "right_side":
- getX = () => size.width / 2
- getY = (index, total) =>
- -size.height / 2 + (size.height * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
- getEndX = (x) => x + portLength
- getEndY = (y) => y
- getLabelX = (x) => x - labelOffset
- getLabelY = (y) => y
- labelAnchor = "end"
- break
- case "top_side":
- getX = (index, total) =>
- -size.width / 2 + (size.width * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
- getY = () => -size.height / 2
- getEndX = (x) => x
- getEndY = (y) => y - portLength
- getLabelX = (x) => x
- getLabelY = (y) => y + labelOffset + 0.15
- labelAnchor = "middle"
- isVertical = true
- break
- case "bottom_side":
- getX = (index, total) =>
- -size.width / 2 + (size.width * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
- getY = () => size.height / 2
- getEndX = (x) => x
- getEndY = (y) => y + portLength
- getLabelX = (x) => x
- getLabelY = (y) => y - labelOffset - 0.15
- labelAnchor = "middle"
- isVertical = true
- break
- default:
- continue // Skip unknown sides
- }
- const totalPins = pins.length
- pins.forEach((pin: number, index: number) => {
- let x = getX(index, totalPins)
- let y = getY(index, totalPins)
- if (direction === "bottom-to-top" || direction === "right-to-left") {
- ;[x, y] = [
- getX(totalPins - 1 - index, totalPins),
- getY(totalPins - 1 - index, totalPins),
- ]
- }
- const endX = getEndX(x)
- const endY = getEndY(y)
- children.push({
- name: "line",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-pin",
- x1: x,
- y1: y,
- x2: endX,
- y2: endY,
- },
- })
- children.push({
- name: "circle",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "component-pin",
- cx: endX,
- cy: endY,
- r: circleRadius,
- },
- })
- // Add label if it exists in portLabels
- const labelKey = `pin${pin}`
- if (portLabels && labelKey in portLabels) {
- let labelTransform = ""
- if (isVertical) {
- labelTransform = `rotate(${side === "top_side" ? -90 : 270}, ${getLabelX(x)}, ${getLabelY(y)})`
- }
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "port-label",
- x: getLabelX(x),
- y: getLabelY(y),
- "text-anchor": labelAnchor,
- "dominant-baseline": "middle",
- "font-size": "0.2",
- transform: labelTransform,
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: portLabels[labelKey] }],
- })
- }
- // Add pin number
- children.push({
- name: "text",
- type: "element",
- attributes: {
- class: "pin-number",
- x: endX,
- y: endY + (side === "bottom_side" ? 0.15 : -0.15),
- "text-anchor": "middle",
- "dominant-baseline": "middle",
- "font-size": "0.15",
- },
- children: [{ type: "text", value: pin.toString() }],
- })
- })
- }
- }
- return {
- name: "g",
- type: "element",
- attributes: { transform },
- children,
- }
- }
+ return stringify({
+ value: "",
+ ...svgObject,
+ attributes: {
+ ...svgObject.attributes,
+ width: svgObject.attributes.width.toString(),
+ height: svgObject.attributes.height.toString(),
+ },
+ })
function createSchematicTrace(
trace: any,
diff --git a/lib/sch/svg-object-fns/create-svg-objects-from-sch-component.ts b/lib/sch/svg-object-fns/create-svg-objects-from-sch-component.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..785b051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sch/svg-object-fns/create-svg-objects-from-sch-component.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+import type { AnyCircuitElement } from "circuit-json";
+import { colorMap } from "lib/utils/colors";
+import { getSvg, symbols } from "schematic-symbols";
+import { parseSync } from "svgson";
+export function createSchematicComponent(
+ center: { x: number; y: number },
+ size: { width: number; height: number },
+ rotation: number,
+ symbolName?: string,
+ portArrangement?: any,
+ portLabels?: any,
+ sourceComponentId?: string,
+ circuitJson?: AnyCircuitElement[],
+ ): any {
+ const transform = `translate(${center.x}, ${center.y}) rotate(${(rotation * 180) / Math.PI})`
+ let children: any[] = []
+ // Find the source component and get its name
+ const sourceComponent = circuitJson?.find(
+ (item) =>
+ item.type === "source_component" &&
+ item.source_component_id === sourceComponentId,
+ )
+ const componentName =
+ sourceComponent && "name" in sourceComponent ? sourceComponent.name : ""
+ const manufacturerNumber =
+ sourceComponent && "manufacturer_part_number" in sourceComponent
+ ? sourceComponent.manufacturer_part_number
+ : ""
+ const resistance =
+ sourceComponent && "resistance" in sourceComponent
+ ? sourceComponent.resistance
+ : ""
+ const capacitance =
+ sourceComponent && "capacitance" in sourceComponent
+ ? sourceComponent.capacitance
+ : ""
+ if (symbolName) {
+ const symbol = (symbols as any)[symbolName]
+ const paths = symbol.primitives.filter((p: any) => p.type === "path")
+ const updatedSymbol = {
+ ...symbol,
+ primitives: paths,
+ }
+ const svg = parseSync(
+ getSvg(updatedSymbol, {
+ width: size.width,
+ height: size.height,
+ }),
+ )
+ children = svg.children
+ .filter(
+ (child: any) =>
+ child.name === "path" && child.attributes.fill !== "green",
+ )
+ .map((path: any) => {
+ const currentStrokeWidth = Number.parseFloat(
+ path.attributes["stroke-width"] || "0.02",
+ )
+ const newStrokeWidth = (currentStrokeWidth * 1.5).toString()
+ return {
+ ...path,
+ attributes: {
+ ...path.attributes,
+ stroke:
+ path.attributes.stroke === "black"
+ ? `${colorMap.schematic.component_outline}`
+ : path.attributes.stroke,
+ "stroke-width": newStrokeWidth,
+ },
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ children.push({
+ name: "rect",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component chip",
+ x: -size.width / 2,
+ y: -size.height / 2,
+ width: size.width,
+ height: size.height,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ if (manufacturerNumber) {
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-name",
+ x: 1.2,
+ y: -size.height / 2 - 0.4, // Position above the component
+ "text-anchor": "right",
+ "dominant-baseline": "auto",
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: manufacturerNumber }],
+ })
+ // Add component name on top
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-name",
+ x: 1.2,
+ y: -size.height / 2 - 0.7, // Position above the component
+ "text-anchor": "right",
+ "dominant-baseline": "auto",
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: componentName }],
+ })
+ }
+ if (resistance || capacitance) {
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-name",
+ x: 0,
+ y: -size.height / 2 - 0.2, // Position above the component
+ "text-anchor": "middle",
+ "dominant-baseline": "auto",
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: resistance || capacitance }],
+ })
+ // Add component name on top
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-name",
+ x: 0,
+ y: -size.height / 2 - 0.5, // Position above the component
+ "text-anchor": "middle",
+ "dominant-baseline": "auto",
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: componentName }],
+ })
+ }
+ // Add ports if portArrangement is provided
+ if (portArrangement) {
+ const portLength = 0.2 // Length of the port line
+ const circleRadius = 0.05 // Radius of the port circle
+ const labelOffset = 0.1 // Offset for label positioning
+ // console.log(portArrangement)
+ for (const [side, arrangement] of Object.entries(portArrangement)) {
+ if (!arrangement) continue
+ const pins = (arrangement as any).pins
+ const direction = (arrangement as any).direction
+ let getX: (index: number, total: number) => number
+ let getY: (index: number, total: number) => number
+ let getEndX: (x: number) => number
+ let getEndY: (y: number) => number
+ let getLabelX: (x: number) => number
+ let getLabelY: (y: number) => number
+ let labelAnchor: string
+ let isVertical = false
+ switch (side) {
+ case "left_side":
+ getX = () => -size.width / 2
+ getY = (index, total) =>
+ -size.height / 2 + (size.height * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
+ getEndX = (x) => x - portLength
+ getEndY = (y) => y
+ getLabelX = (x) => x + labelOffset
+ getLabelY = (y) => y
+ labelAnchor = "start"
+ break
+ case "right_side":
+ getX = () => size.width / 2
+ getY = (index, total) =>
+ -size.height / 2 + (size.height * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
+ getEndX = (x) => x + portLength
+ getEndY = (y) => y
+ getLabelX = (x) => x - labelOffset
+ getLabelY = (y) => y
+ labelAnchor = "end"
+ break
+ case "top_side":
+ getX = (index, total) =>
+ -size.width / 2 + (size.width * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
+ getY = () => -size.height / 2
+ getEndX = (x) => x
+ getEndY = (y) => y - portLength
+ getLabelX = (x) => x
+ getLabelY = (y) => y + labelOffset + 0.15
+ labelAnchor = "middle"
+ isVertical = true
+ break
+ case "bottom_side":
+ getX = (index, total) =>
+ -size.width / 2 + (size.width * (index + 1)) / (total + 1)
+ getY = () => size.height / 2
+ getEndX = (x) => x
+ getEndY = (y) => y + portLength
+ getLabelX = (x) => x
+ getLabelY = (y) => y - labelOffset - 0.15
+ labelAnchor = "middle"
+ isVertical = true
+ break
+ default:
+ continue // Skip unknown sides
+ }
+ const totalPins = pins.length
+ pins.forEach((pin: number, index: number) => {
+ let x = getX(index, totalPins)
+ let y = getY(index, totalPins)
+ if (direction === "bottom-to-top" || direction === "right-to-left") {
+ ;[x, y] = [
+ getX(totalPins - 1 - index, totalPins),
+ getY(totalPins - 1 - index, totalPins),
+ ]
+ }
+ const endX = getEndX(x)
+ const endY = getEndY(y)
+ children.push({
+ name: "line",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-pin",
+ x1: x,
+ y1: y,
+ x2: endX,
+ y2: endY,
+ },
+ })
+ children.push({
+ name: "circle",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "component-pin",
+ cx: endX,
+ cy: endY,
+ r: circleRadius,
+ },
+ })
+ // Add label if it exists in portLabels
+ const labelKey = `pin${pin}`
+ if (portLabels && labelKey in portLabels) {
+ let labelTransform = ""
+ if (isVertical) {
+ labelTransform = `rotate(${side === "top_side" ? -90 : 270}, ${getLabelX(x)}, ${getLabelY(y)})`
+ }
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "port-label",
+ x: getLabelX(x),
+ y: getLabelY(y),
+ "text-anchor": labelAnchor,
+ "dominant-baseline": "middle",
+ "font-size": "0.2",
+ transform: labelTransform,
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: portLabels[labelKey] }],
+ })
+ }
+ // Add pin number
+ children.push({
+ name: "text",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: {
+ class: "pin-number",
+ x: endX,
+ y: endY + (side === "bottom_side" ? 0.15 : -0.15),
+ "text-anchor": "middle",
+ "dominant-baseline": "middle",
+ "font-size": "0.15",
+ },
+ children: [{ type: "text", value: pin.toString() }],
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ name: "g",
+ type: "element",
+ attributes: { transform },
+ children,
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/sch/__snapshots__/resistor.snap.svg b/tests/sch/__snapshots__/resistor.snap.svg
index c5bb4d6..03717c5 100644
--- a/tests/sch/__snapshots__/resistor.snap.svg
+++ b/tests/sch/__snapshots__/resistor.snap.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file