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501 lines (392 loc) · 17.3 KB


Provides a DSL and a base test class for use with Junit to build consumer tests.


The library is available on maven central using:

  • group-id =
  • artifact-id = pact-jvm-consumer-junit_2.11
  • version-id = 3.0.x


Using the base ConsumerPactTest

To write a pact spec extend ConsumerPactTest. This base class defines the following four methods which must be overridden in your test class.

  • providerName: Returns the name of the API provider that Pact will mock
  • consumerName: Returns the name of the API consumer that we are testing.
  • createFragment: Returns the PactFrament containing the interactions that the test setup using the ConsumerPactBuilder DSL
  • runTest: The actual test run. It receives the URL to the mock server as a parameter.

Here is an example:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class ExampleJavaConsumerPactTest extends ConsumerPactTest {

    protected PactFragment createFragment(ConsumerPactBuilder.PactDslWithProvider builder) {
        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
        headers.put("testreqheader", "testreqheadervalue");

        return builder
            .given("test state") // NOTE: Using provider states are optional, you can leave it out
            .uponReceiving("a request for something")

    protected String providerName() {
        return "Some Provider";

    protected String consumerName() {
        return "Some Consumer";

    protected void runTest(String url) {
        assertEquals(new ProviderClient(url).getSomething(), "{\"responsetest\":true}");

Using the Pact JUnit Rule

Thanks to @warmuuh we have a JUnit rule that simplifies running Pact consumer tests. To use it, create a test class and then add the rule:

1. Add the Pact Rule to your test class to represent your provider.

    public PactProviderRule mockProvider = new PactProviderRule("test_provider", "localhost", 8080, this);

The hostname and port are optional. If left out, it will default to localhost and a random available port.

2. Annotate a method with Pact that returns a pact fragment for the provider and consumer

    @Pact(provider="test_provider", consumer="test_consumer")
    public PactFragment createFragment(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
        return builder
            .given("test state")
            .uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactRuleTest test interaction")
                .body("{\"responsetest\": true}")
Versions 3.0.2/2.2.13+

You can leave the provider name out. It will then use the provider name of the first mock provider found. I.e.,

    @Pact(consumer="test_consumer") // will default to the provider name from mockProvider
    public PactFragment createFragment(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
        return builder
            .given("test state")
            .uponReceiving("ExampleJavaConsumerPactRuleTest test interaction")
                .body("{\"responsetest\": true}")

3. Annotate your test method with PactVerification to have it run in the context of the mock server setup with the appropriate pact from step 1 and 2

    public void runTest() {
        Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
        expectedResponse.put("responsetest", true);
        assertEquals(new ConsumerClient("http://localhost:8080").get("/"), expectedResponse);
Versions 3.0.2/2.2.13+

You can leave the provider name out. It will then use the provider name of the first mock provider found. I.e.,

    public void runTest() {
        // This will run against mockProvider
        Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
        expectedResponse.put("responsetest", true);
        assertEquals(new ConsumerClient("http://localhost:8080").get("/"), expectedResponse);

For an example, have a look at ExampleJavaConsumerPactRuleTest

Requiring a test with multiple providers

The Pact Rule can be used to test with multiple providers. Just add a rule to the test class for each provider, and then include all the providers required in the @PactVerification annotation. For an example, look at PactMultiProviderTest.

Note that if more than one provider fails verification for the same test, you will only receive a failure for one of them. Also, to have multiple tests in the same test class, the providers must be setup with random ports (i.e. don't specify a hostname and port). Also, if the provider name is left out of any of the annotations, the first one found will be used (which may not be the first one defined).

Using the Pact DSL directly

Sometimes it is not convenient to use the ConsumerPactTest as it only allows one test per test class. The DSL can be used directly in this case.


import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class PactTest {

    public void testPact() {
        PactFragment pactFragment = ConsumerPactBuilder
            .consumer("Some Consumer")
            .hasPactWith("Some Provider")
            .uponReceiving("a request to say Hello")
                .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
                .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")

        MockProviderConfig config = MockProviderConfig.createDefault();
        VerificationResult result = pactFragment.runConsumer(config, new TestRun() {
            public void run(MockProviderConfig config) {
                Map expectedResponse = new HashMap();
                expectedResponse.put("hello", "harry");
                try {
                    assertEquals(new ProviderClient(config.url()).hello("{\"name\": \"harry\"}"),
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);

        if (result instanceof PactError) {
            throw new RuntimeException(((PactError)result).error());

        assertEquals(ConsumerPactTest.PACT_VERIFIED, result);


The Pact JUnit DSL

The DSL has the following pattern:

.consumer("Some Consumer")
.hasPactWith("Some Provider")
.given("a certain state on the provider")
    .uponReceiving("a request for something")
        .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
        .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
    .uponReceiving("another request for something")
        .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
        .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")

You can define as many interactions as required. Each interaction starts with uponReceiving followed by willRespondWith. The test state setup with given is a mechanism to describe what the state of the provider should be in before the provider is verified. It is only recorded in the consumer tests and used by the provider verification tasks.

Building JSON bodies with PactDslJsonBody DSL

The body method of the ConsumerPactBuilder can accept a PactDslJsonBody, which can construct a JSON body as well as define regex and type matchers.

For example:

PactDslJsonBody body = new PactDslJsonBody()
    .numberValue("age", 100)

DSL Matching methods

The following matching methods are provided with the DSL. In most cases, they take an optional value parameter which will be used to generate example values (i.e. when returning a mock response). If no example value is given, a random one will be generated.

method description
string, stringValue Match a string value (using string equality)
number, numberValue Match a number value (using Number.equals)*
booleanValue Match a boolean value (using equality)
stringType Will match all Strings
numberType Will match all numbers*
integerType Will match all numbers that are integers (both ints and longs)*
realType Will match all real numbers (floating point and decimal)*
booleanType Will match all boolean values (true and false)
stringMatcher Will match strings using the provided regular expression
timestamp Will match string containing timestamps. If a timestamp format is not given, will match an ISO timestamp format
date Will match string containing dates. If a date format is not given, will match an ISO date format
time Will match string containing times. If a time format is not given, will match an ISO time format
ipAddress Will match string containing IP4 formatted address.
id Will match all numbers by type
hexValue Will match all hexadecimal encoded strings
uuid Will match strings containing UUIDs

* Note: JSON only supports double precision floating point values.

Ensuring all items in a list match an example (2.2.0+)

Lots of the time you might not know the number of items that will be in a list, but you want to ensure that the list has a minimum or maximum size and that each item in the list matches a given example. You can do this with the arrayLike, minArrayLike and maxArrayLike functions.

function description
eachLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example
maxArrayLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max
minArrayLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min

For example:

    DslPart body = new PactDslJsonBody()

This will ensure that the users list is never empty and that each user has an identifier that is a number and a name that is a string.

Root level arrays that match all items (version 2.2.11+)

If the root of the body is an array, you can create PactDslJsonArray classes with the following methods:

function description
arrayEachLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example
arrayMinLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no bigger than the provided max
arrayMaxLike Ensure that each item in the list matches the provided example and the list is no smaller than the provided min

For example:

    .date("clearedDate", "mm/dd/yyyy", date)
    .stringType("status", "STATUS")
    .realType("amount", 100.0)

This will then match a body like:

[ {
  "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
  "status" : "C",
  "amount" : 15.0
}, {
  "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
  "status" : "C",
  "amount" : 15.0
}, {

  "clearedDate" : "07/22/2015",
  "status" : "C",
  "amount" : 15.0
} ]

Matching on paths (version 2.1.5+)

You can use regular expressions to match incoming requests. The DSL has a matchPath method for this. You can provide a real path as a second value to use when generating requests, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one from the regular expression.

For example:

  .given("test state")
    .uponReceiving("a test interaction")
        .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+") // or .matchPath("/transaction/[0-9]+", "/transaction/1234567890")
        .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
        .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")

Matching on headers (version 2.2.2+)

You can use regular expressions to match request and response headers. The DSL has a matchHeader method for this. You can provide an example header value to use when generating requests and responses, and if you leave it out it will generate a random one from the regular expression.

For example:

  .given("test state")
    .uponReceiving("a test interaction")
        .matchHeader("testreqheader", "test.*value")
        .body("{\"name\": \"harry\"}")
        .body("{\"hello\": \"harry\"}")
        .matchHeader("Location", ".*/hello/[0-9]+", "/hello/1234")

Debugging pact failures

When the test runs, Pact will start a mock provider that will listen for requests and match them against the expectations you setup in createFragment. If the request does not match, it will return a 500 error response.

Each request received and the generated response is logged using SLF4J. Just enable debug level logging for Most failures tend to be mismatched headers or bodies.

Changing the directory pact files are written to (2.1.9+)

By default, pact files are written to target/pacts, but this can be overwritten with the pact.rootDir system property. This property needs to be set on the test JVM as most build tools will fork a new JVM to run the tests.

For Gradle, add this to your build.gradle:

test {
    systemProperties['pact.rootDir'] = "$buildDir/pacts"

For maven, use the systemPropertyVariables configuration:


For SBT:

fork in Test := true,
javaOptions in Test := Seq("-Dpact.rootDir=some/other/directory")

Publishing your pact files to a pact broker

If you use Gradle, you can use the pact Gradle plugin to publish your pact files.

Pact Specification V3

Version 3 of the pact specification changes the format of pact files in the following ways:

  • Query parameters are stored in a map form and are un-encoded (see #66 and #97 for information on what this can cause).
  • Introduces a new message pact format for testing interactions via a message queue.

Generating V3 spec pact files (3.1.0+, 2.3.0+)

To have your consumer tests generate V3 format pacts, you can set the specification version to V3. If you're using the ConsumerPactTest base class, you can override the getSpecificationVersion method. For example:

    protected PactSpecVersion getSpecificationVersion() {
        return PactSpecVersion.V3;

If you are using the PactProviderRule, you can pass the version into the constructor for the rule.

    public PactProviderRule mockTestProvider = new PactProviderRule("test_provider", PactSpecVersion.V3, this);

Consumer test for a message consumer

For testing a consumer of messages from a message queue, the MessagePactProviderRule rule class works in much the same way as the PactProviderRule class for Request-Response interactions, but will generate a V3 format message pact file.

For an example, look at ExampleMessageConsumerTest