We have 3 events that happen every week I want to highlight. These start next week!
3 days a week for 20 minutes, where an assigned presenter talks about a cool idea. For spring 2021, we'll do 11:40-12:00pm ET on M, W, and Th. All over zoom.
Basically, a way to make sure we’re all reading widely and talking regularly about the fun and exciting and free-thinking part of research, not just focused on one narrow project. You should plan to attend every time, unless you have class or something else significant.
Assigned schedule is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_0Y0HO9j6bPhH3jp-sks3ftw246SMlvtgJjqv0t9alY/edit#gid=0 If you are assigned for a day you can't present, please trade with someone.
For spring 2021, we'll meet every Monday 130-3pm ET, starting week of 1/12
Assigned schedule is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_0Y0HO9j6bPhH3jp-sks3ftw246SMlvtgJjqv0t9alY/edit#gid=900801860
On days where we read papers, everyone should read paper in advance and come in ready to discuss.
If you are assigned to a day you can't present, please trade with someone.
For spring 2021 these are every Thursday 3-4pm Basically, a high profile external speaker about something related to computing.
Schedule will be posted soon on CS dept website:
Often have super relevant speakers to ML / AI / data science. I will highlight these in slack to make sure you attend.