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Use kubectl in the devops-toolkit

Kubernetes document

Some document to help you start with kubernetes (k8s)

Run with devops-toolkit-cli

Start the container

Navigate to your workspace folder, then run:

devops-toolkit-cli init demo_kubectl01
devops-toolkit-cli run demo_kubectl01

# You now in the container terminal. Execute the kubectl command normally
kubectl --version

It will mount the workspace code to container and you then can execute desired scripts inside the devops-toolkit container.

Run with Docker command


To use the existing container instead of creating one, use docker exec command instead of docker run

docker exec -it my_devops_toolkit /bin/bash

Common Run Modes

For instructions on common run modes, visit DevOps Toolkit Common Run Mode.

Use case 1: Use kube config from the host

Mount the .kube/config file from the host to container

docker run --rm --network host -it -v ~/.dtc:/dtc tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest
# Now we are in the docker container terminal #
# Command to check k8s node
kubectl get nodes
# Deploy application
kubectl apply -f
# View the pod
kubectl get pods -w
# View the deployment
kubectl get deployment
# More command as per your need...

Sample Result

root@docker-desktop:~# kubectl get nodes
NAME                 STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
kind-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   21m   v1.29.2
root@docker-desktop:~# kubectl apply -f
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment unchanged
root@docker-desktop:~# kubectl get pods -w
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-deployment-86dcfdf4c6-c2cfp   1/1     Running   0          99s
nginx-deployment-86dcfdf4c6-w4vp7   1/1     Running   0          99s
root@docker-desktop:~# kubectl get deployment
nginx-deployment   2/2     2            2           115s
