Custom modules are simply python files, with 1 or more class definitions that
subclass FileClassifier
or FileLinter
residing inside of the
(Non-file classifiers and linters might be possible but are not yet officially supported)
One thing that all custom operational models share is a concept of "weight" which is used to determine the order that each check is done in.
By default all of these classes contain a class-variable WEIGHT: int
Counter-intuitively classes are used in ascending order of weight, the
recommended weight for situations that do not require specific ordering is
Classifiers are very simple by design, here's a very simple example of a
classifier which tags directories, it's only job is to take an Item
and if it refers to a directory, tag it with a relevant tag.
from libtkldet.classifier import FileClassifier, FileItem, register_classifier
from os.path import isdir
@register_classifier # this line registers our custom class to be used as a classifier
class DirectoryClassifier(FileClassifier):
WEIGHT: int = 80
# we want this to run earlier than most classifier,
# but not necessarily first so we reduce the weight by 20
def classify(self, item: FileItem):
# classify is the only method you MUST implement when deriving from
# FileClassifier, it does not return anything
if isdir(item):
item.add_tags(self, ['directory'])
# we pass a reference to ourselves, so the item can keep track
# of which tags came from which classifiers
# we also pass a list of as many tags as we wish to add to this
# item. The exact value of our tag is unimportant, only that it
# doesn't conflict with any other tags.
for more examples of custom classifiers.
There are currently 2 helper classifiers, ExactPathClassifier
ExactPathClassifier classifies only a single file item with a specific path, to use it you simply need to set a few required class variables:
from libtkldet.classifier import ExactPathClassifier, register_classifier
class CustomExactPathClassifier(ExactPathClassifier):
path: str = "path/to/some/file"
# exact location of file, relative to appliance root
tags: list[str] = [ "tag1", "tag2" ]
# all these tags are added to the specific file matched
SubdirClassifier is only marginally more complex, it will tag all files that are directory descendants of the given path, optionally recursively.
from libtkldet.classifier import SubdirClassifier, register_classifier
class CustomSubdirClassifier(SubdirClassifier):
path: str = "path/to/some/file"
# exact location of parent directory, relative to appliance root
tags: list[str] = [ "tag1", "tag2" ]
# all these tags are added to children of directory
recursive: bool = True
# recurse into child directories?
Too see examples of these helper classifiers see the
Linters are a little more complex, but ultimately quite similar.
Here's an example of a linter that produces an info report for every line that contains "TODO"
from libtkldet.linter import FileLinter, register_linter
from import FileReport, ReportLevel
from typing import Generator
class TodoLinter(FileLinter):
ENABLE_TAGS: set[str] = set()
DISABLE_TAGS: set[str] = set()
# by default, linter will only run when either:
# 1. ENABLE_TAGS is empty and there is no overlap between item tags and
# 2. ENABLE_TAGS is not-empty, at least 1 tag from ENABLE_TAGS is
# included in the given item, and no items from DISABLE_TAGS are
# present
WEIGHT: int = 100
# weight here works the same as classifiers
def check(self, item: Item) -> Generator[Report, None, None]:
# note this is a generator, we "yield" reports
with open(item.abspath) as fob:
for i, line in enumerate(fob):
if 'TODO' in line:
yield FileReport(
item=item, # same item as input
# both line or column can be a single integer, a
# tuple of integers or ommited entirely. However
# if line number is ommited, column should be too
# currently populated by meta info that doessn't
# fit elseware, not output currently
message = 'Found todo NOTE: " + line.split('TODO', 1)[1],
# the message shown to user
fix = None,
# suggested fix as a string if known/relevant
# otherwise None
source = 'TodoLinter',
# arbitrary string to represent the linter that
# found this issue
level = ReportLevel.INFO
# kind of report level, 1 for all the standard log
# levels as well as "CONVENTION" and "REFACTOR"
# (possibly more as time goes on)
If the logic surrounding ENABLE_TAGS
is insufficient to
determine if the linter should run you can override Linter.should_check
method which actually performs those checks it takes the Item
as an argument
and returns a boolean indicating if the linter should check the item.
ReportFilters or just Filters for short are generally less complex than linters but once again follow a similar pattern to Linters and Classifiers.
Filters can suppress, modify or even produce multiple reports for any given report, however one very important thing to keep in mind however is that a filter that yields nothing, filters EVERY report (no reports are shown to the user).
Below is a simple example that turns pylint "unused variable" warning reports into errors.
from typing import Generator
from import (
Report, ReportLevel, register_filter, ReportFilter,
class UnusedVariableFilter(ReportFilter):
def filter(self, report: Report) -> Generator[Report, None, None]
if isinstance(report, FileReport) and report.source == 'pylint':
# all reports from pylint are FileReports, we're checking
# here more to convince the type-checker than anything else.
if report.raw["message-id"] == "W0612":
# report.raw here is the raw JSON output from pylint
# the specific value of `report.raw` depends on what
# produced the report.
# message-id refers to code's pylint uses to identify a
# specific lint, here specifically "unused-variable"
return report.modified(level = ReportLevel.ERROR)
# report.modified(**kwargs) creates a copy of the report
# with any field specified in kwargs replacing the
# original
yield report