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b733096 · Jun 11, 2024




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Jun 11, 2024



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Type Aliases



Type Aliases


Ƭ AllowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi: { [country in MediaApiCountry]: typeof allowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi[country][number] }

A type mapping from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of countries to the language codes that they support in Apple's media API (



Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsArtwork: Object

An artwork image in a response fragment.

Type declaration

Name Type
bgColor string
height number
textColor1 string
textColor2 string
textColor3 string
textColor4 string
url string
width number

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsAvailableAttribute: typeof appDetailsAvailableAttributes[number]

An attribute (field) that can be requested from the app details endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsPlatformInRequest: "web" | "iphone" | "appletv" | "ipad" | "mac" | "watch"

A platform that can appear in the platform or additionalPlatforms parameter of a request to the app details or search endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsPlatformInResponse: AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest[keyof AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest]

A platform that can appear in the response from the app details or search endpoint as a key of the platformAttributes object.


#6 (comment)

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest: Object

A type mapping from the platforms that can appear in a request to the app details or search endpoint to the key of the platformAttributes object in the response that they cause to be included.


#6 (comment)

Type declaration

Name Type
appletv "appletvos"
ipad "ios"
iphone "ios"
mac "osx"
watch "ios"
web undefined

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsRequest<Country, Platforms, Attributes>: Object

Parameters for an app details request.

Type parameters

Name Type
Country extends MediaApiCountry
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInRequest[]
Attributes extends AppDetailsAvailableAttribute[]

Type declaration

Name Type Description
appId number The numerical ID of the app for which to fetch the details.
attributes Attributes The attributes to fetch. See appDetailsAvailableAttributes for a list.
country Country Which country's App Store to use.
language AllowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi[Country] The language in which to fetch the details.
platforms? Platforms The platform(s) for which to fetch details about the requested app. Will fetch details for all platforms if this parameter isn't specified.
token? string The token to use for authentication. If you don't provide one, it will be fetched automatically. However, if you want to fetch the details for multiple apps, it's recommended to fetch the token once and then pass it to all the requests instead of re-fetching the token for each request. You can use fetchMediaApiToken to fetch a token beforehand.

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsResponse<Platforms, Attributes>: UnionToIntersection<AppDetailsResponseFragmentPerAttribute<Platforms>[Attributes]>

The response from the app details API, typed according to the attributes specified in the request.

Note: There is no publicly available documentation for the API responses. The types were extrapolated from a few tested responses. They may not be 100 % accurate.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInResponse
Attributes extends AppDetailsAvailableAttribute

Defined in



Ƭ AppDetailsResponseFragmentPerAttribute<Platforms>: Object

Type mapping from the possible attributes to the additional data they add in the response.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInResponse

Type declaration

Name Type
artistName { artistName: string }
artistName.artistName string
artwork PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { artwork: AppDetailsArtwork }>
bundleId PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { bundleId: string }>
chartPositions { chartPositions?: { [store in "appStore" | "messages"]?: Object } }
chartPositions.chartPositions? { [store in "appStore" | "messages"]?: Object }
contentRatingsBySystem { contentRatingsBySystem: { appsApple: { advisories?: string[] ; name: string ; rank: number ; value: number } } }
contentRatingsBySystem.contentRatingsBySystem { appsApple: { advisories?: string[] ; name: string ; rank: number ; value: number } }
contentRatingsBySystem.contentRatingsBySystem.appsApple { advisories?: string[] ; name: string ; rank: number ; value: number }
contentRatingsBySystem.contentRatingsBySystem.appsApple.advisories? string[] string
contentRatingsBySystem.contentRatingsBySystem.appsApple.rank number
contentRatingsBySystem.contentRatingsBySystem.appsApple.value number
copyright PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { copyright: string }>
customArtwork PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { customAttributes: { default: { default: { customArtwork: AppDetailsArtwork } } } }>
customScreenshotsByType PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { customAttributes: { default: { default: { customScreenshotsByType: { [device: string]: AppDetailsArtwork[]; } } } } }>
customVideoPreviewsByType PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { customAttributes: { default: { default: { customVideoPreviewsByType: { [device: string]: { previewFrame: AppDetailsArtwork ; video: string }[]; } } } } }>
description PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { description: { standard: string } }>
deviceFamilies { deviceFamilies: string[] }
deviceFamilies.deviceFamilies string[]
editorialArtwork PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { editorialArtwork: Record<string, AppDetailsArtwork> }>
eula { eula: string }
eula.eula string
externalVersionId PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { externalVersionId: number }>
familyShareEnabledDate { familyShareEnabledDate: string }
familyShareEnabledDate.familyShareEnabledDate string
fileSizeByDevice { fileSizeByDevice: { [device: string]: number; } }
fileSizeByDevice.fileSizeByDevice { [device: string]: number; }
genreDisplayName { genreDisplayName: GenreName }
genreDisplayName.genreDisplayName GenreName
hasEula { hasEula: boolean }
hasEula.hasEula boolean
hasFamilyShareableInAppPurchases PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { hasFamilyShareableInAppPurchases: boolean }>
hasInAppPurchases PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { hasInAppPurchases: boolean }>
hasMessagesExtension PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { hasMessagesExtension: boolean }>
hasPrivacyPolicyText PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { hasPrivacyPolicyText: boolean }>
hasSafariExtension PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { hasSafariExtension: boolean }>
is32bitOnly PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { is32bitOnly: boolean }>
isAppleWatchSupported PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isAppleWatchSupported: boolean }>
isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS: boolean }>
isFirstPartyHideableApp { isFirstPartyHideableApp: boolean }
isFirstPartyHideableApp.isFirstPartyHideableApp boolean
isGameCenterEnabled PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isGameCenterEnabled: boolean }>
isHiddenFromSpringboard PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isHiddenFromSpringboard: boolean }>
isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible { isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible: boolean }
isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible.isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible boolean
isPreorder { isPreorder: boolean }
isPreorder.isPreorder boolean
isSiriSupported PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isSiriSupported: boolean }>
isStandaloneForWatchOS PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isStandaloneForWatchOS: boolean }>
isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS: boolean }>
languageList PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { languageList: string[] }>
maxPlayers PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { maxPlayers: number }>
messagesScreenshots PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { messagesScreenshots?: { [device: string]: AppDetailsArtwork; } }>
minPlayers PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { minPlayers: number }>
minimumMacOSVersion PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { minimumMacOSVersion: string }>
minimumOSVersion PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { minimumOSVersion: string }>
name { name: string } string
offers PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { offers: { assets: { flavor: string ; size: number }[] ; buyParams: string ; currencyCode: string ; price: number ; priceFormatted: string ; type: string }[] }>
privacy { privacy: { privacyTypes: PrivacyTypesShort } }
privacy.privacy { privacyTypes: PrivacyTypesShort }
privacy.privacy.privacyTypes PrivacyTypesShort
privacyDetails { privacyDetails: { managePrivacyChoicesUrl: string | null ; privacyTypes: PrivacyTypes } }
privacyDetails.privacyDetails { managePrivacyChoicesUrl: string | null ; privacyTypes: PrivacyTypes }
privacyDetails.privacyDetails.managePrivacyChoicesUrl string | null
privacyDetails.privacyDetails.privacyTypes PrivacyTypes
privacyPolicyText PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { privacyPolicyText: string }>
privacyPolicyUrl PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { privacyPolicyUrl: string }>
releaseDate PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { releaseDate: string }>
remoteControllerRequirement PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { remoteControllerRequirement: string }>
requiredCapabilities PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { requiredCapabilities: string }>
requirementsByDeviceFamily { requirementsByDeviceFamily: { [device: string]: { deviceFamily: string ; requirementsString: string }; } }
requirementsByDeviceFamily.requirementsByDeviceFamily { [device: string]: { deviceFamily: string ; requirementsString: string }; }
requirementsString PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { requirementsString: string }>
requires32bit PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { requires32bit: boolean }>
requiresGameController PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { requiresGameController: boolean }>
reviewsRestricted { reviewsRestricted: boolean }
reviewsRestricted.reviewsRestricted boolean
seller PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { seller: string }>
sellerLabel { sellerLabel: string }
sellerLabel.sellerLabel string
supportURLForLanguage PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { supportURLForLanguage: string }>
supportedLocales PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { supportedLocales: { name: string ; tag: string }[] }>
supportsArcade { supportsArcade: boolean }
supportsArcade.supportsArcade boolean
supportsFunCamera PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { supportsFunCamera: boolean }>
supportsGameController PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { supportsGameController: boolean }>
supportsPassbook PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { supportsPassbook: boolean }>
url { url: string }
url.url string
userRating { userRating: { ariaLabelForRating: string ; ratingCount: number ; ratingCountList: [number, number, number, number, number] ; value: number } }
userRating.userRating { ariaLabelForRating: string ; ratingCount: number ; ratingCountList: [number, number, number, number, number] ; value: number }
userRating.userRating.ariaLabelForRating string
userRating.userRating.ratingCount number
userRating.userRating.ratingCountList [number, number, number, number, number]
userRating.userRating.value number
usesLocationBackgroundMode { usesLocationBackgroundMode: boolean }
usesLocationBackgroundMode.usesLocationBackgroundMode boolean
versionHistory PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { versionHistory: { releaseDate: string ; releaseNotes: string ; releaseTimestamp: string ; versionDisplay: string }[] }>
websiteUrl PlatformAttributes<Platforms, { websiteUrl: string }>

Defined in



Ƭ AppSearchRequest<Country, Platforms>: Object

Parameters for an app search request.

Type parameters

Name Type
Country extends MediaApiCountry
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInRequest[]

Type declaration

Name Type Description
country Country Which country's App Store to use.
language AllowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi[Country] The language in which to fetch the app details.
platforms? Platforms The platform(s) for which to fetch details about the found apps. Will fetch details for all platforms if this parameter isn't specified.
searchTerm string The term to search for.

Defined in



Ƭ AppSearchResponse<Platforms>: UnionToIntersection<AppDetailsResponseFragmentPerAttribute<Platforms>[AppSearchReturnedAttribute]>[]

The response from the app search API.

Note: There is no publicly available documentation for the API responses. The types were extrapolated from a few tested responses. They may not be 100 % accurate.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInResponse

Defined in



Ƭ AppSearchReturnedAttribute: "supportsArcade" | "familyShareEnabledDate" | "isFirstPartyHideableApp" | "contentRatingsBySystem" | "deviceFamilies" | "chartPositions" | "url" | "usesLocationBackgroundMode" | "userRating" | "name" | "genreDisplayName" | "isPreorder" | "isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible" | "artistName" | "reviewsRestricted" | "sellerLabel" | "hasEula" | "seller" | "copyright" | "minimumMacOSVersion" | "isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS" | "isAppleWatchSupported" | "is32bitOnly" | "hasSafariExtension" | "languageList" | "requiresGameController" | "requiredCapabilities" | "offers" | "supportedLocales" | "requires32bit" | "isSiriSupported" | "isGameCenterEnabled" | "releaseDate" | "minimumOSVersion" | "hasInAppPurchases" | "bundleId" | "hasMessagesExtension" | "supportsGameController" | "artwork" | "hasFamilyShareableInAppPurchases" | "isStandaloneForWatchOS" | "isHiddenFromSpringboard" | "isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS" | "hasPrivacyPolicyText" | "editorialArtwork" | "supportsPassbook" | "requirementsString" | "externalVersionId"

The attributes that are returned in the app search response.

These are currently not configurable.

Defined in



Ƭ Chart: typeof charts[keyof typeof charts]

The popId of a chart on the App Store.

Defined in



Ƭ Genre: typeof genres[keyof typeof genres]

The ID of a genre or subgenre on the App Store.

Defined in



Ƭ GenreName: keyof typeof genres

The name of a genre or subgenre on the App Store.

Defined in



Ƭ MediaApiCountry: keyof typeof allowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of a country supported by Apple's media API (

Defined in



Ƭ PlatformAttributes<Platforms, ResponseFragment>: Object

Small helper for response fragments that are listed under platformAttributes.

Type parameters

Name Type
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInResponse
ResponseFragment ResponseFragment

Type declaration

Name Type
platformAttributes { [key in Exclude<Platforms, undefined>]?: ResponseFragment }

Defined in



Ƭ PrivacyTypes: { dataCategories: { dataCategory: string ; dataTypes: string[] ; identifier: string }[] ; description: string ; identifier: "DATA_NOT_COLLECTED" | "DATA_USED_TO_TRACK_YOU" | "DATA_LINKED_TO_YOU" | "DATA_NOT_LINKED_TO_YOU" ; privacyType: string ; purposes: { dataCategories: { dataCategory: string ; dataTypes: string[] ; identifier: string }[] ; identifier: string ; purpose: string }[] }[]

A list of privacy types as declared in a privacy label, in long format as returned for the privacyDetails attribute.

Defined in



Ƭ PrivacyTypesShort: { dataCategories: { dataCategory: string ; identifier: string }[] ; description: string ; identifier: "DATA_NOT_COLLECTED" | "DATA_USED_TO_TRACK_YOU" | "DATA_LINKED_TO_YOU" | "DATA_NOT_LINKED_TO_YOU" ; privacyType: string }[]

A list of privacy types as declared in a privacy label, in short format as returned for the privacy attribute.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontCountry: typeof countries[keyof typeof countries]

The ID of a country that can appear as the first parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontCountryCode: keyof typeof countries

The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of a country that can appear as the first parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontLanguage: typeof languages[keyof typeof languages]

The ID of a language that can appear as the second parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontLanguageCode: keyof typeof languages

The ISO 639-1 code of a language that can appear as the second parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontPlatform: typeof platforms[keyof typeof platforms]

The ID of a platform that can appear as the third parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint. The list is not complete.

Defined in



Ƭ StorefrontPlatformName: keyof typeof platforms

The internal name of a platform that can appear as the third parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint. The list is not complete.

Defined in



Ƭ TopChartRequest: Object

Parameters for a top chart request.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
chart Chart The chart of top apps to fetch. See charts
country StorefrontCountry The country for which to fetch the respective top chart. See countries
genre Genre The genre (category) for which to fetch the top apps. See genres

Defined in



Ƭ TopChartResult: string[]

A list of the app IDs of the apps on the requested top chart.

Defined in




Const allowedLanguagesPerCountryInMediaApi: Object

A mapping from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of countries to the language codes that they support in Apple's media API (


Generated from using (this script).

Type declaration

Name Type
AE readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
AF readonly ["en-GB"]
AG readonly ["en-GB"]
AI readonly ["en-GB"]
AL readonly ["en-GB"]
AM readonly ["en-GB"]
AO readonly ["en-GB"]
AR readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
AT readonly ["de-DE", "en-GB"]
AU readonly ["en-AU", "en-GB"]
AZ readonly ["en-GB"]
BA readonly ["en-GB", "hr"]
BB readonly ["en-GB"]
BE readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "nl"]
BF readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
BG readonly ["en-GB"]
BH readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
BJ readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
BM readonly ["en-GB"]
BN readonly ["en-GB"]
BO readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
BR readonly ["pt-BR", "en-GB"]
BS readonly ["en-GB"]
BT readonly ["en-GB"]
BW readonly ["en-GB"]
BY readonly ["en-GB"]
BZ readonly ["en-GB", "es-MX"]
CA readonly ["en-CA", "fr-CA"]
CD readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
CG readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
CH readonly ["de-CH", "de-DE", "en-GB", "fr-FR", "it"]
CI readonly ["fr-FR", "en-GB"]
CL readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
CM readonly ["fr-FR", "en-GB"]
CN readonly ["zh-Hans-CN", "en-GB"]
CO readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
CR readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
CV readonly ["en-GB"]
CY readonly ["en-GB", "el", "tr"]
CZ readonly ["en-GB", "cs"]
DE readonly ["de-DE", "en-GB"]
DK readonly ["en-GB", "da"]
DM readonly ["en-GB"]
DO readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
DZ readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
EC readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
EE readonly ["en-GB"]
EG readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
ES readonly ["es-ES", "en-GB", "ca"]
FI readonly ["en-GB", "fi"]
FJ readonly ["en-GB"]
FM readonly ["en-GB"]
FR readonly ["fr-FR", "en-GB"]
GA readonly ["fr-FR", "en-GB"]
GB readonly ["en-GB"]
GD readonly ["en-GB"]
GE readonly ["en-GB"]
GH readonly ["en-GB"]
GM readonly ["en-GB"]
GR readonly ["en-GB", "el"]
GT readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
GW readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
GY readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
HK readonly ["zh-Hant-HK", "en-GB", "zh-Hant-TW"]
HN readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
HR readonly ["en-GB", "hr"]
HU readonly ["en-GB", "hu"]
ID readonly ["en-GB", "id"]
IE readonly ["en-GB"]
IL readonly ["en-GB", "he"]
IN readonly ["en-GB", "hi"]
IQ readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
IS readonly ["en-GB"]
IT readonly ["it", "en-GB"]
JM readonly ["en-GB"]
JO readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
JP readonly ["ja", "en-US"]
KE readonly ["en-GB"]
KG readonly ["en-GB"]
KH readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
KN readonly ["en-GB"]
KR readonly ["ko", "en-GB"]
KW readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
KY readonly ["en-GB"]
KZ readonly ["en-GB"]
LA readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
LB readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
LC readonly ["en-GB"]
LK readonly ["en-GB"]
LR readonly ["en-GB"]
LT readonly ["en-GB"]
LU readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "de-DE"]
LV readonly ["en-GB"]
LY readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
MA readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
MD readonly ["en-GB"]
ME readonly ["en-GB", "hr"]
MG readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
MK readonly ["en-GB"]
ML readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
MM readonly ["en-GB"]
MN readonly ["en-GB"]
MO readonly ["zh-Hant-HK", "en-GB", "zh-Hant-TW"]
MR readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
MS readonly ["en-GB"]
MT readonly ["en-GB"]
MU readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
MV readonly ["en-GB"]
MW readonly ["en-GB"]
MX readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
MY readonly ["en-GB", "ms"]
MZ readonly ["en-GB"]
NA readonly ["en-GB"]
NE readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
NG readonly ["en-GB"]
NI readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
NL readonly ["nl", "en-GB"]
NO readonly ["en-GB", "nb"]
NP readonly ["en-GB"]
NR readonly ["en-GB"]
NZ readonly ["en-AU", "en-GB"]
OM readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
PA readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
PE readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
PG readonly ["en-GB"]
PH readonly ["en-GB"]
PK readonly ["en-GB"]
PL readonly ["en-GB", "pl"]
PT readonly ["pt-PT", "en-GB"]
PW readonly ["en-GB"]
PY readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
QA readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
RO readonly ["en-GB", "ro"]
RS readonly ["en-GB", "hr"]
RU readonly ["ru", "en-GB", "uk"]
RW readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
SA readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
SB readonly ["en-GB"]
SC readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
SE readonly ["sv", "en-GB"]
SG readonly ["en-GB", "zh-Hans-CN"]
SI readonly ["en-GB"]
SK readonly ["en-GB", "sk"]
SL readonly ["en-GB"]
SN readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
SR readonly ["en-GB", "nl"]
ST readonly ["en-GB"]
SV readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
SZ readonly ["en-GB"]
TC readonly ["en-GB"]
TD readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
TH readonly ["en-GB", "th"]
TJ readonly ["en-GB"]
TM readonly ["en-GB"]
TN readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR", "ar"]
TO readonly ["en-GB"]
TR readonly ["en-GB", "tr"]
TT readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
TW readonly ["zh-Hant-TW", "en-GB"]
TZ readonly ["en-GB"]
UA readonly ["en-GB", "uk", "ru"]
UG readonly ["en-GB"]
US readonly ["en-US", "es-MX", "ar", "ru", "zh-Hans-CN", "fr-FR", "ko", "pt-BR", "vi", "zh-Hant-TW"]
UY readonly ["en-GB", "es-MX"]
UZ readonly ["en-GB"]
VC readonly ["en-GB"]
VE readonly ["es-MX", "en-GB"]
VG readonly ["en-GB"]
VN readonly ["en-GB", "vi"]
VU readonly ["en-GB", "fr-FR"]
XK readonly ["en-GB"]
YE readonly ["en-GB", "ar"]
ZA readonly ["en-GB"]
ZM readonly ["en-GB"]
ZW readonly ["en-GB"]

Defined in



Const appDetailsAvailableAttributes: readonly ["artistName", "artwork", "bundleId", "chartPositions", "contentRatingsBySystem", "copyright", "customArtwork", "customScreenshotsByType", "customVideoPreviewsByType", "description", "deviceFamilies", "editorialArtwork", "eula", "externalVersionId", "familyShareEnabledDate", "fileSizeByDevice", "genreDisplayName", "hasEula", "hasFamilyShareableInAppPurchases", "hasInAppPurchases", "hasMessagesExtension", "hasPrivacyPolicyText", "hasSafariExtension", "is32bitOnly", "isAppleWatchSupported", "isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS", "isFirstPartyHideableApp", "isGameCenterEnabled", "isHiddenFromSpringboard", "isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible", "isPreorder", "isSiriSupported", "isStandaloneForWatchOS", "isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS", "languageList", "maxPlayers", "messagesScreenshots", "minimumMacOSVersion", "minimumOSVersion", "minPlayers", "name", "offers", "privacy", "privacyDetails", "privacyPolicyText", "privacyPolicyUrl", "releaseDate", "remoteControllerRequirement", "requiredCapabilities", "requirementsByDeviceFamily", "requirementsString", "requires32bit", "requiresGameController", "reviewsRestricted", "seller", "sellerLabel", "supportedLocales", "supportsArcade", "supportsFunCamera", "supportsGameController", "supportsPassbook", "supportURLForLanguage", "url", "userRating", "usesLocationBackgroundMode", "versionHistory", "websiteUrl"]

The attributes (fields) that can be requested from the app details endpoint.

No publicly available documentation exists for these. In most cases, it is quite obvious what they mean from the name and/or returned data.


Compiled through trial and error and from looking at requests made by the App Store app.



Defined in



Const appDetailsTokenUrls: readonly ["", "", ""]

List of URLs to pages on the App Store that contain a token for Apple's media API ( in their response.


These are in the order of their response size. We'll try the smallest one first.

Defined in



Const charts: Object

The App Store top charts that can be fetched.


#2 (comment)

Type declaration

Name Type
topFreeIpad 44
topFreeIphone 27
topGrossingIpad 46
topGrossingIphone 38
topPaidIpad 45
topPaidIphone 30

Defined in



Const countries: Object

The countries that can appear as the first parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.


Generated from: (using this script).

Type declaration

Name Type
AE 143481
AG 143540
AI 143538
AM 143524
AO 143564
AR 143505
AT 143445
AU 143460
AZ 143568
BB 143541
BD 143490
BE 143446
BG 143526
BH 143559
BM 143542
BN 143560
BO 143556
BR 143503
BS 143539
BW 143525
BY 143565
BZ 143555
CA 143455
CH 143459
CI 143527
CL 143483
CN 143465
CO 143501
CR 143495
CY 143557
CZ 143489
DE 143443
DK 143458
DM 143545
DO 143508
DZ 143563
EC 143509
EE 143518
EG 143516
ES 143454
FI 143447
FR 143442
GB 143444
GD 143546
GH 143573
GR 143448
GT 143504
GY 143553
HK 143463
HN 143510
HR 143494
HU 143482
ID 143476
IE 143449
IL 143491
IN 143467
IS 143558
IT 143450
JM 143511
JO 143528
JP 143462
KE 143529
KN 143548
KR 143466
KW 143493
KY 143544
KZ 143517
LB 143497
LC 143549
LI 143522
LK 143486
LT 143520
LU 143451
LV 143519
MD 143523
MG 143531
MK 143530
ML 143532
MO 143515
MS 143547
MT 143521
MU 143533
MV 143488
MX 143468
MY 143473
NE 143534
NG 143561
NI 143512
NL 143452
NO 143457
NP 143484
NZ 143461
OM 143562
PA 143485
PE 143507
PH 143474
PK 143477
PL 143478
PT 143453
PY 143513
QA 143498
RO 143487
RS 143500
RU 143469
SA 143479
SE 143456
SG 143464
SI 143499
SK 143496
SN 143535
SR 143554
SV 143506
TC 143552
TH 143475
TN 143536
TR 143480
TT 143551
TW 143470
TZ 143572
UA 143492
UG 143537
US 143441
UY 143514
UZ 143566
VC 143550
VE 143502
VG 143543
VN 143471
YE 143571
ZA 143472

Defined in



Const genres: Object

The genres and subgenres of apps on the App Store.


Generated from (using this script).

Type declaration

Name Type
Books 6018
Business 6000
Catalogs 6022
Developer Tools 6026
Education 6017
Entertainment 6016
Finance 6015
Food & Drink 6023
Games 6014
Graphics & Design 6027
Health & Fitness 6013
Lifestyle 6012
Magazines & Newspapers 6021
Medical 6020
Music 6011
Navigation 6010
News 6009
Photo & Video 6008
Productivity 6007
Reference 6006
Shopping 6024
Social Networking 6005
Sports 6004
Stickers 6025
Travel 6003
Utilities 6002
Weather 6001
all 36

Defined in



Const languages: Object

The languages language that can appear as the second parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint.

Note: Not all combinations between country and language are possible. A list of possible combinations can be obtained from this Apple Music endpoint: If no language is included in the header, a sensible default is used (also listed in the API response).


Adapted after:


Is this list complete? Can we find a better source? (#1)

Type declaration

Name Type
ca-ES 42
cs-CZ 22
da-DK 11
de-CH 57
de-DE 4
el-GR 23
en-AU 27
en-CA 6
en-GB 2
en-US 1
es-ES 8
es-MX 28
fi-FI 12
fr-CA 5
fr-FR 3
hi-IN 50
hr-HR 41
hu-HU 21
id-ID 37
it-IT 7
ja-JP 9
ko-KR 13
ms-MY 38
nl-NL 10
no-NO 14
pl-PL 20
pt-BR 15
pt-PT 24
ro-RO 39
ru-RU 16
sk-SK 40
sv-SE 17
th-TH 35
tr-TR 25
uk-UA 29
vi-VI 43
zh-CN 19
zh-HK 45
zh-TW 18

Defined in



Const platforms: Object

The platforms that can appear as the third parameter for the X-Apple-Store-Front header in a request to an iTunes endpoint. The list is not complete.

From experimentation, K8, P8, P84, and K84 always have a JSON response with the desired data. The others return UI markup as HTML or XML (PLIST), some don't even include the desired data in the response.


Adapted after:


Is this list complete? Can we find a better source? (#1)

Type declaration

Name Type
Configurator 34
EnterpriseStore 14
K6 15
K7 20
K71 23
K8 25
K84 30
Mac1 42
MacAMPLibrary1 40
MacMusic1 39
MacPodcasts1 38
MacTV1 41
P6 16
P7 21
P71 24
P8 26
P84 29
VolumeStore 11
iTunes10 12
iTunes11 17
iTunes12 28
iTunes122 32

Defined in




fetchAppDetails<Country, Platforms, Attributes>(request): Promise<AppDetailsResponse<AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest[Platforms[number]], Attributes[number]>>

Fetch the details for an app from the App Store. You can request a lot of different information about the app. The attributes parameter specifies which attributes to fetch. See appDetailsAvailableAttributes for a list of all available attributes.

Type parameters

Name Type
Country extends "DZ" | "AO" | "AI" | "AG" | "AR" | "AM" | "AU" | "AT" | "AZ" | "BH" | "BB" | "BY" | "BE" | "BZ" | "BM" | "BO" | "BW" | "BR" | "VG" | "BN" | "BG" | "CA" | "KY" | "CL" | "CN" | "CO" | "CR" | "CI" | "HR" | "CY" | "CZ" | "DK" | "DM" | "DO" | "EC" | "EG" | "SV" | "EE" | "FI" | "FR" | "DE" | "GH" | "GR" | "GD" | "GT" | "GY" | "HN" | "HK" | "HU" | "IS" | "IN" | "ID" | "IE" | "IL" | "IT" | "JM" | "JP" | "JO" | "KZ" | "KE" | "KR" | "KW" | "LV" | "LB" | "LT" | "LU" | "MO" | "MK" | "MG" | "MY" | "MV" | "ML" | "MT" | "MU" | "MX" | "MD" | "MS" | "NP" | "NL" | "NZ" | "NI" | "NE" | "NG" | "NO" | "OM" | "PK" | "PA" | "PY" | "PE" | "PH" | "PL" | "PT" | "QA" | "RO" | "RU" | "SA" | "SN" | "RS" | "SG" | "SK" | "SI" | "ZA" | "ES" | "LK" | "KN" | "LC" | "VC" | "SR" | "SE" | "CH" | "TW" | "TZ" | "TH" | "BS" | "TT" | "TN" | "TR" | "TC" | "UG" | "GB" | "UA" | "AE" | "UY" | "US" | "UZ" | "VE" | "VN" | "YE" | "AF" | "AL" | "BJ" | "BT" | "BA" | "BF" | "KH" | "CM" | "CV" | "TD" | "CD" | "SZ" | "FJ" | "GA" | "GM" | "GE" | "GW" | "IQ" | "XK" | "KG" | "LA" | "LR" | "LY" | "MW" | "MR" | "FM" | "MN" | "ME" | "MA" | "MZ" | "MM" | "NA" | "NR" | "PW" | "PG" | "CG" | "RW" | "SC" | "SL" | "SB" | "ST" | "TJ" | "TO" | "TM" | "VU" | "ZM" | "ZW"
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInRequest[]
Attributes extends ("artistName" | "artwork" | "bundleId" | "chartPositions" | "contentRatingsBySystem" | "copyright" | "customArtwork" | "customScreenshotsByType" | "customVideoPreviewsByType" | "description" | "deviceFamilies" | "editorialArtwork" | "eula" | "externalVersionId" | "familyShareEnabledDate" | "fileSizeByDevice" | "genreDisplayName" | "hasEula" | "hasFamilyShareableInAppPurchases" | "hasInAppPurchases" | "hasMessagesExtension" | "hasPrivacyPolicyText" | "hasSafariExtension" | "is32bitOnly" | "isAppleWatchSupported" | "isDeliveredInIOSAppForWatchOS" | "isFirstPartyHideableApp" | "isGameCenterEnabled" | "isHiddenFromSpringboard" | "isIOSBinaryMacOSCompatible" | "isPreorder" | "isSiriSupported" | "isStandaloneForWatchOS" | "isStandaloneWithCompanionForWatchOS" | "languageList" | "maxPlayers" | "messagesScreenshots" | "minimumMacOSVersion" | "minimumOSVersion" | "minPlayers" | "name" | "offers" | "privacy" | "privacyDetails" | "privacyPolicyText" | "privacyPolicyUrl" | "releaseDate" | "remoteControllerRequirement" | "requiredCapabilities" | "requirementsByDeviceFamily" | "requirementsString" | "requires32bit" | "requiresGameController" | "reviewsRestricted" | "seller" | "sellerLabel" | "supportedLocales" | "supportsArcade" | "supportsFunCamera" | "supportsGameController" | "supportsPassbook" | "supportURLForLanguage" | "url" | "userRating" | "usesLocationBackgroundMode" | "versionHistory" | "websiteUrl")[]


Name Type Description
request AppDetailsRequest<Country, Platforms, Attributes> The request parameters.


Promise<AppDetailsResponse<AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest[Platforms[number]], Attributes[number]>>

The app details, typed according to the attributes you specified.

Defined in



fetchMediaApiToken(): Promise<string>

Fetch a token for Apple's media API (, to be used with the fetchAppDetails function. The token can be used many times (until it expires).


The token is extracted from the HTML of an App Store page (see: #6).

The token appears to be the same for everyone, and changes from time to time (around every four months). It is a JWT, which you can parse to get the expiration date.



The token.

Defined in



fetchTopApps(request): Promise<TopChartResult>

Fetch the app IDs of the top apps in a given top chart.


Name Type Description
request TopChartRequest The parameters for which top chart to fetch.



A list of numerical app IDs in the requested top chart. The list is sorted by rank. Currently always has 200 items.

Defined in



searchApps<Country, Platforms>(request): Promise<AppSearchResponse<AppDetailsPlatformInResponseForRequest[Platforms[number]]>>

Search for apps on the the App Store. You can request a lot of different information about the app. The attributes parameter specifies which attributes to fetch. See appDetailsAvailableAttributes for a list of all available attributes.

Type parameters

Name Type
Country extends "DZ" | "AO" | "AI" | "AG" | "AR" | "AM" | "AU" | "AT" | "AZ" | "BH" | "BB" | "BY" | "BE" | "BZ" | "BM" | "BO" | "BW" | "BR" | "VG" | "BN" | "BG" | "CA" | "KY" | "CL" | "CN" | "CO" | "CR" | "CI" | "HR" | "CY" | "CZ" | "DK" | "DM" | "DO" | "EC" | "EG" | "SV" | "EE" | "FI" | "FR" | "DE" | "GH" | "GR" | "GD" | "GT" | "GY" | "HN" | "HK" | "HU" | "IS" | "IN" | "ID" | "IE" | "IL" | "IT" | "JM" | "JP" | "JO" | "KZ" | "KE" | "KR" | "KW" | "LV" | "LB" | "LT" | "LU" | "MO" | "MK" | "MG" | "MY" | "MV" | "ML" | "MT" | "MU" | "MX" | "MD" | "MS" | "NP" | "NL" | "NZ" | "NI" | "NE" | "NG" | "NO" | "OM" | "PK" | "PA" | "PY" | "PE" | "PH" | "PL" | "PT" | "QA" | "RO" | "RU" | "SA" | "SN" | "RS" | "SG" | "SK" | "SI" | "ZA" | "ES" | "LK" | "KN" | "LC" | "VC" | "SR" | "SE" | "CH" | "TW" | "TZ" | "TH" | "BS" | "TT" | "TN" | "TR" | "TC" | "UG" | "GB" | "UA" | "AE" | "UY" | "US" | "UZ" | "VE" | "VN" | "YE" | "AF" | "AL" | "BJ" | "BT" | "BA" | "BF" | "KH" | "CM" | "CV" | "TD" | "CD" | "SZ" | "FJ" | "GA" | "GM" | "GE" | "GW" | "IQ" | "XK" | "KG" | "LA" | "LR" | "LY" | "MW" | "MR" | "FM" | "MN" | "ME" | "MA" | "MZ" | "MM" | "NA" | "NR" | "PW" | "PG" | "CG" | "RW" | "SC" | "SL" | "SB" | "ST" | "TJ" | "TO" | "TM" | "VU" | "ZM" | "ZW"
Platforms extends AppDetailsPlatformInRequest[]


Name Type Description
request AppSearchRequest<Country, Platforms> The request parameters.



The app details, typed according to the attributes you specified.

Defined in
