Redmine plugin for accounting books
- Maintainer: Dmitry Kovalenok, Hirurg103
- Contact: Report questions, bugs or feature requests on the IssueTracker or get in touch with me at [email protected]
Clone plugin's source code into /plugins application directory
git clone
Install all required gems. For example
bundle install --no-deployment --without development test --path vendor/bundle #instead '--no-deployment --without development test --path vendor/bundle' put your specific options
Perform the migrations
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_books
Restart server.
##Permission configuration
Login as administrator.
Click on the "Administration" link menu on top panel. Click "Books".
Choose users, groups and actions that you want to allow to them.
Admin has all rights by default.
User has permissions of groups to which he belongs.
- The book can be returned by another user(if he has the right)
- User can look at the history books(who took, when took, when returned, who returned)
- Search by tags
- Apportunity to vote and comment
Roll back all plugins migrations
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_books VERSION=0
Remove /redmine_books directory from /plugins directory
cd redmine_application_path/plugins
rm -rf redmine_books
Remove all plugin gems from Gemfile.lock
bundle install --no-deployment --without development test --path vendor/bundle #instead '--no-deployment --without development test --path vendor/bundle' put your specific options
Restart server.
- 0.0.3 - Added ability to vote and comment(08.04.2013)
- 0.0.2 - Search by tags(07.03.2013)
- 0.0.1 - Base functionality