Releases: twitter/finatra
Finatra 21.8.0
- inject-core: Fixed a bug where c.t.inject.TestMixin#assertFailedFuture would incorrectly pass
for non-failed c.t.util.Future in some cases where the tested failure is a supertype of
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException. b1f14ebb
Breaking API Change
- inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.string, use
c.t.conversions.StringOps in the util/util-core project instead. ceed4f4a - inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.tuple, use
c.t.conversions.TupleOps in the util/util-core project instead. 0c95c240 - inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.seq, use
c.t.conversions.SeqOps in the util/util-core project instead. 8bd42557 - inject-utils: Removed implicit class RichMap from,
use c.t.conversions.MapOps in the util/util-core project instead. 19ad496a
Finatra 21.6.0
inject-thrift-client (BREAKING API CHANGE): Removed the deprecated
c.t.inject.thrift.modules.FilteredThriftClientModule. Please use its successor
c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule for per-method configuration of a
Thrift client. 008d8ca1 -
thrift: Add service_class to Finatra library thrift registry entry. c5159208
finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Update to use the new util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper for
case class object mapping. We've removed the custom Finatra c.t.finatra.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
and instead now use the c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper. Since the c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
does not support Joda-Time, backwards compatibility is
maintained through usage of the Finatra ScalaObjectMapperModule for obtaining a configured
ScalaObjectMapper which will be created with Joda-Time support, though support for Joda-Time in
Finatra is deprecated and users should expect for Joda-Time support to be removed in an upcoming release.
Users should prefer to use the JDK 8 java.time classes or java.util.Date.The finatra/inject c.t.inject.domain.WrappedValue has been removed and users should update to the
util/util-core c.t.util.WrappedValue instead.The finatra/jackson JsonDiff utility is also removed. Users should switch to the improved version
in util/util-jackson: c.t.util.jackson.JsonDiff.With the move to the util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper we're also able to clean up some awkward
directory structures in Finatra which were necessary because of dependencies. Specifically, the
finatra/json-annotations library no longer exists, as @InjectableValue is now an annotation in
util/util-jackson-annotations, and the remaining binding annotations @CamelCaseMapper and @SnakeCaseMapper
have been moved into finatra/jackson.Using the util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper also brings Java 8 date/time
(JSR310) support via inclusion of the Jackson JavaTimeModule
by default.Lastly, we've also added the YamlScalaObjectMapperModule which can be used in place of the
ScalaObjectMapperModule in order to provide a YAMLFactory configured ScalaObjectMapper.
9a168a98 -
inject-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.utils.StringUtils. Users should prefer to use
the corresponding methods in com.twitter.conversions.StringOps from util/util-core, instead.
3a063a9e -
inject-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.utils.AnnotationUtils. Users should instead prefer
c.t.util.reflect.Annotations from util/util-reflect. 35b58d34
Finatra 21.5.0
finatra-jackson: Do not enforce CaseClassDeserializer deserialization semantics for a
field until after any deserializer annotation has been resolved. This fully allows a deserializer
to specify how to deserialize a field completely independent of the CaseClassDeserializer
requirements for fields. For example, if a user wanted to allow parsing of a JSON null value
into a null field instance value, they could define a custom deserializer to do so and annotate
the case class field with @JsonDeserialize(using = classOf[CustomNullableDeserializer]).Additionally, we fix a bug in how String case class fields are handled when the incoming JSON is
not a String-type. The current code incorrectly returns an empty string when the field value is
parsed into Jackson ContainerNode or ObjectNode types and an incorrect toString representation
for a PojoNode type. We now correctly represent the field value as a string in these cases to
deserialize into the case class field. 715890a4 -
finatra-jackson: Properly handle Scala enumeration fields wrapped in an Option during
deserialization failures in the CaseClassDeserializer#isScalaEnumerationType method.
finatra-kafka: Deprecate c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.TracingKafkaConsumer
as it only produced single-span traces and there is no way to propagate the TraceId back to the
caller without changing the entire API. Users should use the
c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.KafkaConsumerTracer.trace method instead to enable tracing for
Kafka Consumers. Also added c.t.finatra.kafka.producers.KafkaProducerTraceAnnotator and
c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.KafkaConsumerTraceAnnotator services which will can be used to add
custom trace annotations to the producer and consumer spans. bba748e6 -
finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Update to use the new util/util-validator ScalaValidator for case
class field validations. We've removed the custom Finatra c.t.finatra.validation.Validator and
instead now use the c.t.util.validation.ScalaValidator. Constraint annotations and validator
implementations now use the standard jakarta.validation API interface classes instead of any
custom Finatra types. We've deprecated the custom Finatra constraints as they are duplicative of
already existing "standard" or otherwise provided constraints and validators. Additionally,
c.t.finatra.validation.ErrorCode is deprecated with no replacement. The same data carried can be
obtained via the standard jakarta.validation.ConstraintViolation[T].Adapting the Finatra framework to use the util/util-validator also includes the framework Jackson
integration. We're also taking this opportunity to clean up the error reporting interface of
the CaseClassFieldMappingException to define a CaseClassFieldMappingException.Reason type to
replace the usage of the (removed) ValidationResult.Invalid type. The Reason carries a message
String as well as a CaseClassFieldMappingException.Detail which can be one of several possible
types including a CaseClassFieldMappingException.ValidationError which carries any failed validation
information including the emitted ConstraintViolation[T].Lastly, we are deprecating support for JSON serialization/deserialization of JodaTime fields in
case classes. This support will be dropped in an upcoming release. Users should prefer to use the
JDK 8 java.time classes and we will be adding support for these types in the Finatra Jackson
integration in the future. 0731782d -
finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) JsonLogging should use the lazy Scala SLF4J logger
and no longer return the passed in argument that's logged as JSON. 67252f30
Finatra 21.4.0
Finatra 21.3.0
- inject-thrift-client: Add per-method retry configuration withMaxRetries in
com.twitter.inject.thrift.ThriftMethodBuilder for customizing configureServicePerEndpoint.
Breaking API Changes
- finatra: Deprecate c.t.inject.utils.AnnotationUtils, users should instead use
c.t.util.reflect.Annotations from com.twitter:util-reflect. Deprecate
c.t.finatra.utils.ClassUtils, users should instead use either
c.t.util.reflect.Classes#simpleName, c.t.util.reflect.Types#isCaseClass or
c.t.util.reflect.Types#notCaseClass from com.twitter:util-reflect. 291d1b78 - finatra: Builds are now only supported for Scala 2.12+ 5f08f469
- finatra: Revert to scala version 2.12.12 due to scoverage/sbt-scoverage#319
6f74aedb - finatra: Bump scala version to 2.12.13 029c7500
- finatra: Move com.twitter.finatra.http.{jsonpatch,request} from the finatra/http-server project to
finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly.
f8a810b2 - http-server,http-core,jackson,thrift,validation: Update to use c.t.util.reflect.Types
in places for TypeTag reflection. c132a053 - finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.{context,exceptions,response} from the finatra/http-server project
to finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly.
9f6c9405 - finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.streaming from the finatra/http-server project to
finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly.
d454fd0e - http-core: Introduce c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.MessageBodyManager#builder for creating an immutable
c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.MessageBodyManager. The MessageBodyManager's constructor is now private.
d8886dab - http-server: Move c.t.finatra.http.modules.MessageBodyFlagsModule to
c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.modules.MessageBodyFlagsModule. 0cd97c79 - validation: Remove deprecated constraint type aliases under com.twitter.finatra.validation, users
should prefer the actual constraint annotations at com.twitter.finatra.validation.constraints.
498ebe4a - jackson: Remove deprecated com.twitter.finatra.json.utils.CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy,
users should prefer to use PropertyNamingStrategy#LOWER_CAMEL_CASE or an equivalent directly.
Also remove the deprecated com.twitter.finatra.json.annotations.JsonCamelCase, users should
use the @JsonProperty or @JsonNaming annotations or an appropriately configured
Jackson PropertyNamingStrategy instead. da836c55 - inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Rename c.t.inject.TwitterModule.closeOnExit to onExit so
it mirrors the API from c.t.inject.App. b8f00879 - http-client: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModule.
Use c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait instead.
333c782a - http-client: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.httpclient.RichHttpClient. Use c.t.finagle.Http.Client
or c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait instead. Additionally,
c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModule.provideHttpService has been removed. Use
c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait.newService(injector, statsReceiver)
instead. 2af18ede - finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.fileupload from the finatra/http-server project to
finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly.
8b0ea169 - http-client: Remove deprecated method get from c.t.finatra.httpclient.HttpClient.
Use HttpClient's execute instead. eada0515 - finatra: Create the finatra/http-core project, which is meant to contain common artifacts
for the finatra/http-server and finatra/http-client project. As part of this
change, the com.twitter.finatra.httpclient.RequestBuilder has been deprecated
and should be updated to reference com.twitter.finatra.http.request.RequestBuilder.
5e3da631 - finatra: Rename the finatra/httpclient project to finatra/http-client. Please update your
build artifact references (i.e. SBT, Maven) to use "finatra-http-client".
c0b0ae61 - kafkaStreams: Switch the default Kafka client and Kafka Stream client to version 2.4.1.
d2367485 - finatra: Rename the finatra/http project to finatra/http-server. Please update your
build artifact references (i.e. SBT, Maven) to use "finatra-http-server". See the
Finatra User's Guide
Finatra 21.2.0
Finatra 21.1.0
- kafka: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with scala 2.13+
and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. 7bdba713 - kafkaStreams: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with
scala 2.13+ and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. 7bdba713 - benchmarks: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. c811e18a
- inject-thrift-client-http-mapper: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. 7c3f13ba
- http-mustache: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. 7c3f13ba
- thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Removed JavaThriftRouter.add(controller, protocolFactory) method.
Use AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer to override Thrift-specific stack params
(including Thrift.param.ProtocolFactory). bc34aa7b - finatra-http: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.http.response.StreamingResponse.
Use c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingResponse instead. 851a06a5 - finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Changed the delayWithStore DSL call to ensure that
the store name is consistent across shards. Requires a new storeName parameter to allow
for multiple delays in a single topology. 7373b478
- finatra-kafka-streams: Renamed implicit Kafka Streams DSL classes in order to
permit multiple DSL extensions to be used in the same Kafka Streams topology.
b48d4c5c - thrift: Fixed a bug where Thrift stack params (i.e., protocol factory) that are passed to
AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer are ignored in JavaThriftRouter.
Finatra 20.12.0
- finatra-kafka-streams: Add async map commands to Kafka Streams DSL (flatMapAsync,
flatMapValuesAsync, mapAsync, and mapValuesAsync) 4922a984 - finatra-kafka-streams: Allow String configuration to be null and set upgradefrom to null if it is running in 2.5 kafka client. 6703da53
- finatra-http: Allow injecting filtered controllers in HttpRouter from Java. de2a8f78
- inject-utils: Move deprecation warning from to 4364eb6e - kafka: Add an option includePartitionMetrics to KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter to not include
metrics per partition of the FinagleKafkaConsumer. Defaults to true. 1f5a00ee - finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for inject-logback. 0468a613
- finatra-kafka-streams: Add delay DSL calls to insert a delay into a Kafka Streams topology.
- finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for inject-thrift-client. 82cf2830
- finatra-kafka-streams: Add c.t.f.k.t.s.PersistentTimerValueStore which stores a value in the
timerstore that can be used when the timer is triggered. 3cd8bfc0 - inject-core: Add ability to call InMemoryStats#waitFor with a fixed timeout
306b7196 - finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for httpclient, http, and jackson. d6dbc074
- inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in, and move
functionality to c.t.conversions.MapOps in the util/util-core project. e765b5ae - inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in c.t.inject.conversions.tuple, and move functionality
to c.t.conversions.TupleOps in the util/util-core project. 2bd6dbf6 - inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in c.t.inject.conversions.seq, and move functionality
to c.t.conversions.SeqOps in the util/util-core project. 0ad0d114 - inject-utils: Remove deprecated camelify, pascalify, and snakify from
c.t.inject.conversions.string.RichString. Additionally, deprecate toOption and
getOrElse in c.t.inject.conversions.string.RichString, and move functionality to
c.t.conversions.StringOps in the util/util-core project. b058e7f4 - c.t.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMapperCollection changed from Traversable to Iterable
for cross-building 2.12 and 2.13. d6dbc074 - inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Move the testing utility InMemoryStatsReceiverUtility
and InMemoryStats into inject-core from inject-server. They can both be found under
com.twitter.inject. fa5d5d69 - validation: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Introduce new Validation Framework APIs which support
cascading validation to nested case classes and other improvements which also closer align
to JSR380. Validator#validate has changed from returning Unit and throwing an exception
to model the JSR380 version that returns a Set of failed constraints. There is a new method
which replicates the throwing behavior. 19008194 - kafka: Split c.t.f.kafka.tracingEnabled flag into c.t.f.k.producers.producerTracingEnabled and
c.t.f.k.consumers.consumerTracingEnabled to selectively enable/disable tracing for
producers/consumers. Producer tracing is turned on by default and consumer tracing is turned off
by default now. b95b8460
- inject-server: Wire through HTTP method in AdminHttpClient so that POST requests can be made to
HTTPAdmin endpoints. 8d846128
Finatra 20.10.0
finatra-kafka-streams: Add toCluster DSL call to publish to another Kafka cluster. 449eea1a
jackson: Add support for validating @JsonCreator annotated static (e.g., companion object defined apply methods) or secondary case class constructors. 1c1b55c9
inject-app: Allow injecting flags without default values as both scala.Option and java.util.Optional. b74fe9e9
- utils: Undo usage of TypesApi for help in determining if a class is a Scala case class
as this fails for generic case classes in Scala 2.11, failing some supported cases for
Jackson processing. b1d43381 - utils: Update ClassUtils#simpleName to handle when package names have underscores
followed by a number which throws an InternalError. Add tests. bbc0cf7b - utils: Revamp ClassUtils#isCaseClass to use the TypesApi for help in determining
if a class is a Scala case class. Add tests. bbc0cf7b - http: The http server did not properly log the bound address on server startup. Fix this
and make the thrift server consistent. 4410ff38 - utils: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Rename maybeIsCaseClass to notCaseClass in
ClassUtils and change the scope of the method. 82ffb4be - http: Adding support for optionally passing chain in the TLS sever trait. 5bcce35c
- finatra: Bump version of Joda-Time to 2.10.8. e2cbca30
finatra-kafka-streams: Revert AsyncTransformer to still use ConcurrentHashMap. 7d5b3ccf
inject-thrift-client: The Singleton annotation has been removed from the DarkTrafficFilter and the JavaDarkTrafficFilter. It was there in error. 5efc1ab2
inject-thrift-client: When using RepRepServicePerEndpoint, Finatra's DarkTrafficFilter would throw a NoSuchMethodException when trying to lookup an inherited Thrift endpoint.
Finatra 20.9.0
- finatra-inject: TestInjector has been reworked to allow users executing modules' lifecycle
callbacks. Specifically, the TestInjector builder API has been moved under TestInjector.Builder
to allow TestInjector extends Injector with two new methods: start() and close().
- finatra-kafka-streams: Update and separate the Finatra kafka stream code base which has direct
dependency on Kafka 2.2. Separate any code which cannot easily be upgraded to separate build
target. 3c78c34d - inject-core: c.t.inject.Injector is now an abstract class. Use Injector.apply to create
a new instance (versus the new Injector(...) before). 64ba51e9 - http: Ensure HttpWarmer creates the request exactly the number of times requested and
mutates the correct objects. 0a3be376 - kafka: Replaced the com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled toggle with a GlobalFlag enabling
Zipkin tracing for Kafka clients. 0e829aae - finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.2. 94bc773d
- jackson: Fix issue in the handling of unknown properties. The CaseClassDeserializer only
considered the case where the incoming JSON contained more fields than the case class and
not the case where the incoming JSON contained less fields than specified in the case class.
This has been fixed to ensure that when the fields of the JSON do not line up to the
non-ignored case class fields the handling of unknown properties is properly invoked.
9762145d - validation: c.t.f.validation.Validator would throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException when
trying to validate a case class which contained additional fields that are not included in the
constructor parameters. bb342c09