[done] Set up Mongo and Mongoose [done] Sign in with Dropbox [done] Show photos from Dropbox [done] Figure out how to show photos properly. Find something in between raw and thumbnail sizes.
- Sep 2014
[done] Start using Dropbox's API cursors [done] Improve handling of Dropbox's API change responses (blankSlate, removals)
- Sep 2014
[done] add button for syncing with Dropbox
- Sep 2014
[done] Ditch Kue in favor of Bull - changed my mind
- Sep 2014
[done] Start streaming from Dropbox to S3 [done] Stream multiple photos and multiple photo sizes in paralel
- Sep 2014
[done] Save photos stored on S3 into the DB [done] Use Redis for session storage
- Oct 2014
[done] Basic horizontal scrolling with keyboard arrows [done] Animate scrolling effect
- Oct 2014
[done] Center images and focus out other images
- Oct 2014
[done] Create photo grid for the main page (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2014/05/15/recreating-the-design-samsung-grid-loading-effect/) [done] Make photo grid responsive (http://www.jongleberry.com/horizontal-grid-packing/)
- Oct 2014
[done] Infinite scroll for the photo grid
- Oct 2014
[done] Color containers for photos
Most basic photo page (with bigger resolution)
Proper notifications and progress bar
Likes and followers
Display trending photos on the main page
Create signup page (http://tympanus.net/Development/AnimatedResponsiveImageGrid/index3.html)
Photo upload (to Dropbox)
Dropbox supports web hooks for changes, we should support it too
Horizontal scroll with mouse? watch out, this shit is weird - spent 2 hrs on it and did nothing
- do we need to add support for backoff and pullAgain for Dropbox change?
probably not, but okay
pngs and libvips errors: lovell/sharp#73
polling for Dropbox changes, how should that be achieved?
button for syncing with dropbox and web hooks support
- Figure out how to cache stuff. Do we cache stuff? Redis?
Codrops article with nice grid loading effects presents image containers with dominant colors. We will use that. Eric Portis wrote an excellent article about responsive images, re-read it and consider using Picturefill. Guys from Crispy Mountain wrote an article about photo grid, it's quite good. Consider animated responsive image grid for the landing page. Header effect http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/responsive-design-in-3-steps http://webdesignerwall.com/tutorials/responsive-design-with-css3-media-queries