route masking
flash messages
prefix encrypted cookie with app name
taint secret key (needs experimental react)
editing env file should trigger some sort of change so live reload works
editing config file should trigger reload
if build changes (stale browser, whatever) should live reload
production build should live reload in dev. live reload is really about the task, not the build environment
add /app/components?
perf tracking: facebook/react#31729
live reload should reconnect when disconnected
lightening css
rename api handlers
only allow function exports from server modules. you dont want to import a non function call server on the client
website for server-function-transforms
Loading screens
Error handling
One app
Server, client, server
mobile menu
line length in md files
docs md files should use
not found and redirect should be server only
put all error boundaries in same client component
monkey patch console.error for not found/redirect boundaries
run middleware in RSC
reload on file changes under pages? (ex editing an md file)
bug: visit route, rename file, build error
bug: back cache not working when error thrown go to server action throws error, trigger, then click back
custom error page for prod (errors/500.html)
create twofold app
- show version
kitchen sink
loading screens
dynamic segments as folders
restart client builder if entries change
restart rsc builder if entries change
taint examples
it looks like you can render the app and get the action result like this:
- SSR should preloadmodule
- don't allow two dynamic routes with the same dynamic identifier ($id)
- Adding many files (unzip something)
- create runnable bundles for RSC/SSR
- check if middleware export default is a function
- image imports (rsc, client)
- Redirect to static file
- Static files should come first in routing checks
- Rebuild static files when dir changes
- Prod static files should move into build dir?
- hasMiddleware shouldn't check for ts file (should look for compiled entry point)
- Ability to install pre-released version of twofold/framework
- find the file that changed, if all capital then trigger refresh otherwise reload window
- Read this:
- Don't allow setting cookies during render (or after first chunk flush)
- Trello
- Draw
- Photo gallery nested layouts
// client component map for rsc server render
"link-63a8b9c9cd59152bb0931307b8e22426#default": {
id: "link-63a8b9c9cd59152bb0931307b8e22426#default",
chunks: [
name: "default",
// create from readable stream
let x = createFromReadableStream(t1, {
ssrManifest: {
moduleMap: {
"link-63a8b9c9cd59152bb0931307b8e22426#default": {
default: {
id: "link-63a8b9c9cd59152bb0931307b8e22426#default",
chunks: [
name: "default",
moduleLoading: {
prefix: "/",
console.log(Array.from(x._response._chunks.values()).map((p) => p.status));