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85 lines (73 loc) · 4.3 KB

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85 lines (73 loc) · 4.3 KB


1.1.0 - 2024-02-17

  • Argamak now supports gleam_stdlib v1.0.
  • Argamak now requires Gleam v0.34 or later.

1.0.0 - 2023-12-22

  • Argamak now requires Gleam v0.33 or later.
  • The tensor module's concat function now returns an AxisNotFound error when the given find function is False for every Axis.

v0.4.0 - 2023-09-11

  • Argamak now requires Gleam v0.30 or later.
  • The tensor module gains the concat slicing/joining function.

v0.3.0 - 2022-11-20

  • The tensor module gains the TensorResult type; the from_bool and from_bools creation functions; the size reflection function; the squeeze transformation function; the equal, not_equal, greater, greater_or_equal, less, less_or_equal, logical_and, logical_or, logical_xor, and logical_not logical functions; the add, subtract, multiply, divide, try_divide, remainder, try_remainder, modulo, try_modulo, power, max, and min arithmetic functions; the absolute_value, negate, sign, ceiling, floor, round, exp, square_root, and ln basic math functions; the all, in_situ_all, any, in_situ_any, arg_max, in_situ_arg_max, arg_min, in_situ_arg_min, max_over, in_situ_max_over, min_over, in_situ_min_over, sum, in_situ_sum, product, in_situ_product, mean, and in_situ_mean reduction functions; the to_bool, to_floats, to_ints, and to_bools conversion functions; and the debug and print_data utility functions.
  • The tensor module's as_format function has been renamed to reformat and now takes a Format record instead of a function reference.
  • The tensor module no longer includes the to_list function.
  • The Tensor type signature now includes only the numeric format as a generic.
  • The axis module has been added with the Axis and Axes types; the name and size reflection functions; and the rename and resize transformation functions.
  • The space module gains the from_list creation function; and the map and merge transformation functions.
  • The space module no longer includes the elements and map_elements functions.
  • The space module's d0 function has been renamed to new and now returns an empty Space record directly.
  • The space module and its Space and SpaceError types have been reworked: The Space type signature no longer includes any generics, and the constructors D0 through D6 have been removed.
  • The Format type has been reworked and now includes the numeric format as a generic.
  • Several numeric format types have been added to the format module.
  • The util module has been removed.

v0.2.0 - 2022-09-29

  • The space module gets an updated d1 function so the dimension size can be given.
  • The tensor module gains the broadcast, and broadcast_over functions for all compilation targets.
  • Argamak now compiles and runs with the JavaScript target.
  • Argamak now uses the gleam build tool.

v0.1.0 - 2022-01-20

  • Initial release!
  • The format module gains the Format and Native (JavaScript planned) types for all compilation targets, along with the float32, int32, to_native, and to_string functions for all compilation targets (JavaScript planned) and the bfloat16, float16, float64, int16, int64, int8, uint16, uint32, uint64, and uint8 functions for the Erlang compilation target.
  • The space module gains the D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, Space, and SpaceError (with SpaceErrors alias) types for all compilation targets, along with the axes, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, degree, elements, map_elements, shape, and to_string functions for all compilation targets (JavaScript planned).
  • The tensor module gains the Native (JavaScript planned), Tensor, and TensorError types for all compilation targets, along with the as_format, axes, format, from_float, from_floats, from_int, from_ints, from_native, print, rank, reshape, shape, space, to_float, to_int, to_list, and to_native functions for all compilation targets (JavaScript planned).
  • The util module gains the UtilError type for all compilation targets, along with the record_to_string function for all compilation targets.