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File metadata and controls

117 lines (75 loc) · 3.02 KB


Jim (is an) Inventory Manager


JSON format for a node:

{ learned_vars: {}, vars: {}, learned_contexts: {}, contexts: {}, tags: {}, inherit: { "x": {}, "y": { } } }


jim --cfmodule node1
jim --puppet node1
jim --json node1

Search is an implied OR using regular expressions.

jim search TERM1 [ TERM2 TERM3]
jim ls [node]
jim ls-json [node]

This is how you set/learn attribute b in node a (set == learn for the below, except tags). All of these have unset/unlearn counterparts.

jim set a b '"c"'
jim set a b '[ "c" ]'
jim set a b '{ "c": "d" }'
jim set-context a b 1 or 0 or true or false or '"cfengine expression"'

You can omit the value for context. It's assumed to be true in that case.

Setting "=+varname" means you want to augment varname (only arrays and hashes). Setting "=-varname" means you want to decrement varname (only arrays and hashes),

Putting "$(varname)" in a value expands it to the value of that attribute, and causes a fatal error if varname is missing. Do it only for set/learned values, it won't work for contexts.

jim set a interpolated '"$(x)"'

Add/remove/rename a node with parents a and b; node names are unique.

jim add node1 a b
jim rm node1
jim mv node1 node2

Change the parents to a new list.

jim parents node1 b


EC2 plugin

Create the necessary entries in a node, which you can inherit.

jim add top-node
jim ec2 bootstrap top-node 'myEC2key'

Add a client node inheriting from the top-node template and with 10 instances. Set the hub IP.

jim add client top-node
jim set client instances 10
jim set client hub '""'
jim set client ip '"auto"'
jim set-context client cfclient

Initialize a hub node to use the top-node template and have 1 instances. Set the IP.

jim add hub top-node
jim set hub instances 1
jim set hub ip '""'
jim set-context hub cfhub

Start/stop all the instances to satisfy 'instances', or 1 specific node at a time until it's satisfied.

jim ec2 start
jim ec2 start 1 hub
jim ec2 stop
jim ec2 stop 1 client

List what's running.

jim ec2 list
jim ec2 list hub
jim ec2 list client


Rules are not only TODO, but very hazardous to your mental health.

TODO: Add a rule to set subnet to 192.168.2/24 when 'colo' is 'CHI'.

jim add-rule chi-colo-subnet '(when (equal (get this "colo") "CHI") (set this "subnet" "192.168.2/24"))'

TODO: Add a rule to add 'tzz' to 'sudoers' when 'tags' contains 'devbox'.

jim add-rule devbox-tzz-sudoers '(when (member (get this "tags") "devbox") (push this "sudoers" "tzz"))'

TODO: Add a rule to set 'has_owner' to 'yes'/'no' when 'owner' is present/missing.

jim add-rule set-has-owner '(set this "has_owner" (if (has this "owner") "yes" "no"))'

Remove a rule by name:

jim rm-rule set-has-owner


Provide feedback hooks so jim can pick up node knowledge (and maybe bubble common traits through the hierarchy--if everyone that inherits from you has X, you get X)