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Compare the execution time of different implementations of matrix operations using Einstein notation: Trace of an array

We use 8 methods to calculate the trace of a square matrix. We also compared the time for each method and visualized the execution time using a bar graph.

  1. Einstein Summation Notation
  2. NumPy
  3. List Comprehension
  4. For Loop
  5. While Loop
  6. SymPy
  7. Recursion
  8. Eigenvalues

Trace of an array

In linear algebra, the trace of a square matrix A, denoted tr(A), is defined to be the sum of elements on the main diagonal (from the upper left to the lower right) of A. The trace is only defined for a square matrix (n × n).

Import libraries

import numpy as np

import a library NumPy and name it to np

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adds support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays.

import time

provides various time-related functions.

import matplotlib as plt

Import a library matplotlib.pyplot and name it as plt

Matplotlib is a plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy.

Create a square matrix

mat = [[2,1,1,1],[1,3,1,1],[1,1,4,1],[1,1,1,5]]

declear a 4 × 4 square matrix and name it as mat

rows,columns = np.shape(mat)

save the number of rows and columns

Calculate the trace of matrix using different method

if  rows == columns:

check if the matrix is a square matrix

Einstein Notation

  t0 = time.time()

record beginning time as t0 using time.time() function by returning the current time in seconds since the epoch (January 1, 1970)

  trace = np.einsum('ii', mat) # Calculating Trace Using EinSum
  print("Trace Using EinSum = ", trace)

call function np.einsum from NumPy to calculate trace using Einstein summation notation

  t1 = time.time()

record ending time as t1 using time.time() functon


  t2 = time.time()
  trace = np.trace(mat) # Calculating Trace Using NumPy
  print("Trace Using NumPy = ", trace)
  t3 = time.time()

List Comprehension

  t4 = time.time()
  trace = sum(mat[i][i] for i in range(len(mat))) # Calculating Trace Using List Comprehension
  print("Trace Using List Comprehension = ", trace)
  t5 = time.time()

For Loop

  t6 = time.time()
  trace = 0
  for j in range(len(mat)):
    trace = trace + mat[j][j]
  print("Trace Using For Loop = ", trace)
  t7 = time.time()

While Loop

  t8 = time.time()
  trace = 0

  while i < len(mat):
    trace = trace + mat[i][i]

  print("Trace Using While Loop = ", trace)
  t9 = time.time()


  from sympy import Matrix

  t10 = time.time()
  matrix = Matrix(mat)

  trace = matrix.trace()

  print("Trace Using SymPy = ", trace)
  t11 = time.time()


  t12 = time.time()
  trace = recursive_trace(mat)
  t13 = time.time()
  print("Trace Using Recursion = ", trace)


  t14= time.time()
  eigenvalues, _ = np.linalg.eig(mat)
  trace = eigenvalues.sum()
  t15 = time.time()
  print("Trace Using Eigenvalues = ", trace)

Bar graph

  # Lists of what will be plotted
  method = ["EinSum","NumPy","List\nComprehension",
          "For Loop", "While Loop","SymPy", "Recursion", "Eigenvalues"] # List of Methods Used

  dt = [t1-t0, t3-t2, t5-t4, t7-t6, t9-t8, t11-t10, t13-t12, t15-t14] # Time it took for each method

  # Create a bar graph
  plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))  # Optional: Set the figure size, dt)

  # Adding labels and title
  plt.ylabel('Time (s)')
  plt.title('Execution Time of a Program Calculating Trace of a {}x{} Matrix'.format(rows,rows))

  # Display the plot

Execution Time of a Program Calculating Trace of a square Matrix

Execution Time of a Program Calculating Trace of a square Matrix

  • EinSum is the slowest
  • SymPy is the second slowest
  • NumPy, List Comprehension, For Loop, and While Loop take a similar time
  • Eigenvalues is the second-fastest
  • Recursion is the fastest

Execution time varies each time

Unit test

We use the unittest module to create unit tests to verify the correctness of the recursive_trace function.

import unittest
import numpy as np
from TraceTimeCheck import recursive_trace

class TestTraceMethods(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_recursive_trace(self):
        # Test with a 2x2 matrix
        matrix_2x2 = [[2, 1], [1, 3]]
        expected_trace_2x2 = 5
        result_2x2 = recursive_trace(matrix_2x2)
        self.assertEqual(result_2x2, expected_trace_2x2)

        # Test with a 3x3 matrix
        matrix_3x3 = [[2, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1], [1, 1, 4]]
        expected_trace_3x3 = 9
        result_3x3 = recursive_trace(matrix_3x3)
        self.assertEqual(result_3x3, expected_trace_3x3)

        # Test with an empty matrix (should raise an error)
        empty_matrix = []
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

        # Test with a non-square matrix (should raise an error)
        non_square_matrix = [[2, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1]]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

if __name__ == '__main__':

The TestTraceMethods class contains three test methods:

  • Test square matrix: This method tests one 2 × 2 matrix and one 3 × 3 matrix, with a known trace value. It uses self.assertEqual to check if the calculated value matches the expected value.
  • Test empty matrix: This method tests one empty matrix by using self.assertEqual to check if IndexError is raised as expected.
  • Test non-square matrix: This method tests one non-square matrix by using self.assertEqual to check if ValueError is raised as expected.


For the above unit tests, we got the following outputs:

  • For the 2 × 2 square matrix, Tr(matrix_2x2)=5
  • For the 3 × 3 square matrix, Tr(matrix_3x3)=9
  • For the empty matrix, it returns ValueError
  • For the non-square matrix, it returns ValueError
