A python app for playing sheetmusic from captured images. This program uses the model provided for the research paper by Calvo-Zaragoza, Jorge and Rizo, David:
End-to-End Neural Optical Music Recognition of Monophonic Scores
Step 1: Download pretrained model and save in Models folder from: pre-trained model
Step 2: Clone project code into tf_end_to_end folder from: project code
Step 3: Save music png files in the data folder.
Step 4: Install packages pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Run the following in the command line:
python tf_end_to_end/ctc_predict.py -image Data/<path to your png file> -model Models/semantic_model.meta -vocabulary Data/vocabulary_semantic.txt
Read more about the project and a comprehensive introduction to Optical music recognition at Play Sheet Music with Python, OpenCV, and an Optical Music Recognition Model