diff --git a/macros/src/main/scala/CostMetric.scala b/macros/src/main/scala/CostMetric.scala
index afcb2660..68aafaa5 100644
--- a/macros/src/main/scala/CostMetric.scala
+++ b/macros/src/main/scala/CostMetric.scala
@@ -117,8 +117,9 @@ object DefaultMetric extends CostMetric with CostMetricCompanion {
     val memMask = mem.src.ports map (_.maskGran) find (_.isDefined) map (_.get)
     val libMask = lib.src.ports map (_.maskGran) find (_.isDefined) map (_.get)
     val memWidth = (memMask, libMask) match {
-      case (Some(1), Some(1)) | (None, _) => mem.src.width
-      case (Some(p), _) => p // assume that the memory consists of smaller chunks
+      case (None, _) => mem.src.width
+      case (Some(p), Some(q)) if p % q == 0 => mem.src.width
+      case (Some(p), _) => (mem.src.width / p) * lib.src.width // assume that the memory consists of smaller chunks
     return Some(
       (((mem.src.depth - 1) / lib.src.depth) + 1) *
diff --git a/macros/src/main/scala/MacroCompiler.scala b/macros/src/main/scala/MacroCompiler.scala
index ad38d344..2c33b19b 100644
--- a/macros/src/main/scala/MacroCompiler.scala
+++ b/macros/src/main/scala/MacroCompiler.scala
@@ -298,6 +298,9 @@ class MacroCompilerPass(mems: Option[Seq[Macro]],
         val name = s"mem_${i}_${j}"
         // Create the instance.
         stmts += WDefInstance(NoInfo, name, lib.src.name, lib.tpe)
+        stmts ++= lib.sortedPorts flatMap (_.ports collect {
+          case Port(_, pname, Input, _) => IsInvalid(NoInfo, WSubField(WRef(name), pname))
+        })
         // Connect extra ports of the lib.
         stmts ++= lib.extraPorts map { case (portName, portValue) =>
           Connect(NoInfo, WSubField(WRef(name), portName), portValue)
@@ -418,7 +421,7 @@ class MacroCompilerPass(mems: Option[Seq[Macro]],
                     // zero out the upper bits.
                   } else {
-                    if (i >= memPort.src.width.get) {
+                    if ((low + i) >= memPort.src.width.get) {
                       // If our bit is larger than the whole width of the mem, just zero out the upper bits.
                     } else {
@@ -467,6 +470,7 @@ class MacroCompilerPass(mems: Option[Seq[Macro]],
           /* Palmer: It's safe to ignore read enables, but we pass them through
            * to the vendor memory if there's a port on there that
            * implements the read enables. */
+          /* Donggyu: this is broken as read enables should be piped
           (memPort.src.readEnable, libPort.src.readEnable) match {
             case (_, None) =>
             case (Some(PolarizedPort(mem, _)), Some(PolarizedPort(lib, lib_polarity))) =>
@@ -474,6 +478,13 @@ class MacroCompilerPass(mems: Option[Seq[Macro]],
             case (None, Some(PolarizedPort(lib, lib_polarity))) =>
               stmts += connectPorts(andAddrMatch(not(memWriteEnable)), lib, lib_polarity)
+          */
+          // Donggyu: thus, just connect 1 to read enables for now
+          libPort.src.readEnable match {
+            case None =>
+            case Some(PolarizedPort(lib, lib_polarity)) =>
+              stmts += connectPorts(one, lib, lib_polarity)
+          }
           /* Palmer: This is actually the memory compiler: it figures out how to
            * implement the outer memory's collection of ports using what
@@ -509,6 +520,14 @@ class MacroCompilerPass(mems: Option[Seq[Macro]],
             case (None, None, None) =>
               // No write ports to match up (this may be a read-only port).
               // This isn't necessarily an error condition.
+            case (None, None, Some(PolarizedPort(en, en_polarity))) =>
+              // Correctly connect read-only port's chip enable
+              stmts += (memPort.src.readEnable match {
+                case None =>
+                  connectPorts(addrMatch, en, en_polarity)
+                case Some(PolarizedPort(mem, _)) =>
+                  connectPorts(andAddrMatch(WRef(mem)), en, en_polarity)
+              })
         // Cat macro outputs for selection
@@ -707,7 +726,7 @@ object MacroCompiler extends App {
         // Note: the last macro in the input list is (seemingly arbitrarily)
         // determined as the firrtl "top-level module".
         val circuit = Circuit(NoInfo, macros, macros.last.name)
-        val annotations = AnnotationMap(
+        val annotations =
@@ -717,8 +736,7 @@ object MacroCompiler extends App {
-        )
-        val state = CircuitState(circuit, HighForm, Some(annotations))
+        val state = CircuitState(circuit, HighForm, annotations)
         // Run the compiler.
         val result = new MacroCompiler().compileAndEmit(state)
diff --git a/macros/src/main/scala/SynFlops.scala b/macros/src/main/scala/SynFlops.scala
index 48ee368c..a55c0980 100644
--- a/macros/src/main/scala/SynFlops.scala
+++ b/macros/src/main/scala/SynFlops.scala
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class SynFlopsPass(synflops: Boolean, libs: Seq[Macro]) extends firrtl.passes.Pa
       1, // writeLatency
       1, // readLatency. This is possible because of VerilogMemDelays
-      lib.readers.indices map (i => s"R_$i"),
-      lib.writers.indices map (i => s"W_$i"),
-      lib.readwriters.indices map (i => s"RW_$i")
+      lib.readers.indices map (i => s"R$i"),
+      lib.writers.indices map (i => s"W$i"),
+      lib.readwriters.indices map (i => s"RW$i")
     val readConnects = lib.readers.zipWithIndex flatMap { case (r, i) =>
@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ class SynFlopsPass(synflops: Boolean, libs: Seq[Macro]) extends firrtl.passes.Pa
         case (None, Some(re_port)) => portToExpression(re_port)
         case (None, None) => one
-      val data = memPortField(mem, s"R_$i", "data")
+      val data = memPortField(mem, s"R$i", "data")
       val read = (dataType: @unchecked) match {
         case VectorType(tpe, size) => cat(((0 until size) map (k =>
           WSubIndex(data, k, tpe, UNKNOWNGENDER))).reverse)
         case _: UIntType => data
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R_$i", "clk"), clock),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R_$i", "addr"), address),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R_$i", "en"), enable),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R$i", "clk"), clock),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R$i", "addr"), address),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"R$i", "en"), enable),
         Connect(NoInfo, WRef(r.src.output.get.name), read)
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ class SynFlopsPass(synflops: Boolean, libs: Seq[Macro]) extends firrtl.passes.Pa
         case (None, Some(we)) => portToExpression(we)
         case (None, None) => zero // is it possible?
-      val mask = memPortField(mem, s"W_$i", "mask")
-      val data = memPortField(mem, s"W_$i", "data")
+      val mask = memPortField(mem, s"W$i", "mask")
+      val data = memPortField(mem, s"W$i", "data")
       val write = portToExpression(w.src.input.get)
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W_$i", "clk"), clock),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W_$i", "addr"), address),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W_$i", "en"), enable)
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W$i", "clk"), clock),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W$i", "addr"), address),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"W$i", "en"), enable)
       ) ++ (dataType match {
         case VectorType(tpe, size) =>
           val width = bitWidth(tpe).toInt
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ class SynFlopsPass(synflops: Boolean, libs: Seq[Macro]) extends firrtl.passes.Pa
         case (None, Some(re)) => or(portToExpression(re), wmode)
         case (None, None) => one
-      val wmask = memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "wmask")
-      val wdata = memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "wdata")
-      val rdata = memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "rdata")
+      val wmask = memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "wmask")
+      val wdata = memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "wdata")
+      val rdata = memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "rdata")
       val write = portToExpression(rw.src.input.get)
       val read = (dataType: @unchecked) match {
         case VectorType(tpe, size) => cat(((0 until size) map (k =>
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ class SynFlopsPass(synflops: Boolean, libs: Seq[Macro]) extends firrtl.passes.Pa
         case _: UIntType => rdata
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "clk"), clock),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "addr"), address),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "en"), enable),
-        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW_$i", "wmode"), wmode),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "clk"), clock),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "addr"), address),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "en"), enable),
+        Connect(NoInfo, memPortField(mem, s"RW$i", "wmode"), wmode),
         Connect(NoInfo, WRef(rw.src.output.get.name), read)
       ) ++ (dataType match {
         case VectorType(tpe, size) =>