diff --git a/GUIs/artifactinterpGUI.fig b/GUIs/artifactinterpGUI.fig index 1ab20824..c42bb3dd 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/artifactinterpGUI.fig and b/GUIs/artifactinterpGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/artifactmenuGUI.fig b/GUIs/artifactmenuGUI.fig index 29659ee5..aadad049 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/artifactmenuGUI.fig and b/GUIs/artifactmenuGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/binselectorGUI.mlapp b/GUIs/binselectorGUI.mlapp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a095e4ff Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/binselectorGUI.mlapp differ diff --git a/GUIs/combinebestbinsGUI.mlapp b/GUIs/combinebestbinsGUI.mlapp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03f11ffc Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/combinebestbinsGUI.mlapp differ diff --git a/GUIs/decodingGUI.mlapp b/GUIs/decodingGUI.mlapp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ebda97f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/decodingGUI.mlapp differ diff --git a/GUIs/export2textGUI.fig b/GUIs/export2textGUI.fig index b29c43ec..2dcf9d13 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/export2textGUI.fig and b/GUIs/export2textGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/geterpvaluesGUI2.fig b/GUIs/geterpvaluesGUI2.fig index 68c4ff37..a7d814c8 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/geterpvaluesGUI2.fig and b/GUIs/geterpvaluesGUI2.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/grandaveragerGUI.fig b/GUIs/grandaveragerGUI.fig index fafc94c7..11f6ca1a 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/grandaveragerGUI.fig and b/GUIs/grandaveragerGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.fig b/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.fig index 5b5e6917..771e6637 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.fig and b/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.m b/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.m index 784a99af..c7c3899e 100755 --- a/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.m +++ b/GUIs/meaviewerGUI.m @@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ function mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) checknan(handles, val) end hold off -drawnow +%drawnow nbinput = length(binput); nchinput = length(chinput); diff --git a/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.fig b/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d968893b Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.m b/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..155b46b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpa_save_multi_file.m @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +function varargout = mvpa_save_multi_file(varargin) +% MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE MATLAB code for mvpa_save_multi_file.fig +% MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE, by itself, creates a new MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE returns the handle to a new MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE.M with the given input arguments. +% +% MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE('Property','Value',...) creates a new MVPA_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before mvpa_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to mvpa_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help mvpa_save_multi_file + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 17-Mar-2023 16:20:49 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpa_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpa_save_multi_file_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before mvpa_save_multi_file is made visible. +function mvpa_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% Choose default command line output for mvpa_save_multi_file + +try + ALLERP = varargin{1}; + Selected_ERP_label = varargin{2}; + suffix = varargin{3}; +catch + suffix = ''; + ERPLAB = []; + ERPLAB.erpname = 'No erpset was selected'; + ERPLAB.filename ='No erpset was selected'; + ERPLAB.event = []; + ERPLAB.chanlocs = []; + ERPLAB.nbchan = 0; + ALLERP(1) = ERPLAB; + Selected_ERP_label = 1; +end + +% handles.erpnameor = erpname; +handles.output = []; +handles.suffix = suffix; + +handles.ALLERP = ALLERP; +handles.Selected_ERP_label =Selected_ERP_label; + +%erplab_studio_default_values; +erplab_default_values; +version = erplabver; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - Save multiple MVPAsets GUI']) + + +% set(handles.checkbox1_suffix,'Value',1); +set(handles.edit_suffix_name,'String',suffix); +set(handles.checkbox2_save_label,'Value',0); + +ColumnName_table = {'MVPA name','File name'}; + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnName',cellstr(ColumnName_table)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'RowName',cellstr(num2str(Selected_ERP_label'))); + + +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = strcat(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname,suffix); + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = ''; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248}); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +set(handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname,'Enable','off'); + +% +% % Color GUI +% % +handles = painterplab(handles); +% +% % +% % Set font size +% % +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.checkbox2_save_label,'Value',1); +checkbox2_save_label_Callback(hObject, [], handles) + + +% UIWAIT makes savemyerpGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpa_save_multi_file_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +try + varargout{1} = handles.output; +catch + varargout{1} = []; +end + +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox1_suffix. +function checkbox1_suffix_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; +suffix_edit = handles.edit_suffix_name.String; + +if isempty(suffix_edit) + msgboxText = 'You must enter a suffix at least!'; + title = 'EStudio: f_ERP_save_multi_file() error'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + +DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + %DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = strcat(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname,suffix_edit); + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = strcat(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1},suffix_edit); + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248}); +% if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% else +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +% end + + + + +function edit_suffix_name_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Suffix_string = handles.edit_suffix_name.String; +% if isempty(Suffix_string) +% msgboxText = 'You must enter a suffix at least!'; +% title = 'EStudio: mvpa_save_multi_file() error'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, title); +% return +% end +% +% if handles.checkbox1_suffix.Value +% +% DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +% for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) +% DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = char(strcat(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1},'-',char(Suffix_string))); +% DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; +% end +% +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248}); +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% handles.suffix=Suffix_string; +% end + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_suffix_name_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox2_save_label. +function checkbox2_save_label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +Values = handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value; + +if Values + set(handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname,'Enable','on'); + ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; + Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; + fileName= char(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filename); + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_ERP.mvpa']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpa']; + end + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = file_name; + + end + + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString); +else + set(handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname,'Enable','off'); + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2} = ''; + end + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString_before); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +end +% if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% else +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +% end + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox3_filename_erpname. +function checkbox3_filename_erpname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +Value_filename_erpname = handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname.Value; +% +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + +for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; + fileName = char(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}); + if isempty(fileName) + fileName = strcat(num2str(Numofselectederp),'mvpa'); + end + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_ERP.mvpa']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpa']; + end + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = file_name; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248}); + + + + + +% --- Executes when entered data in editable cell(s) in uitable1_erpset_table. +function uitable1_erpset_table_CellEditCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +DataString = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; +if size(DataString,1) < numel(Selected_ERP_label) + msgboxText = 'Erpname and filename for one of erpsets are empty at least! Please give name to erpname and filename'; + title = 'EStudio: f_ERP_save_multi_file empty erpname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +for Numofselected = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + if isempty(DataString{Numofselected,1}) + msgboxText = 'Erpname for one of erpsets is empty at least! Please give name to that erpset'; + title = 'EStudio: f_ERP_save_multi_file empty erpname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + +end + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_Cancel. +function pushbutton_Cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.output = []; +% beep; +disp('User selected Cancel.'); +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4_okay. +function pushbutton4_okay_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% suffix = strtrim(get(handles.edit_suffix_name, 'String')); +% if handles.checkbox1_suffix.Value +% if isempty(suffix) +% msgboxText = 'You must enter suffix at least!'; +% title = 'EStudio: mvpa_save_multi_file empty erpname'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, title); +% return +% end +% end + +Data_String =handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; + +if size(Data_String,1)< numel(Selected_ERP_label)% + msgboxText = 'MVPAname for one of MVPAsets is empty at least! Please give a name'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpa_save_multi_file empty MVPAname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + +if size(Data_String,1)> numel(Selected_ERP_label)% + msgboxText = 'More MVPAname is given. Please delete it!!!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpa_save_multi_file empty MVPAname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + + +for Numofselected = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + if isempty(Data_String{Numofselected,1}) + msgboxText = 'MVPAname for one of MVPAsets is empty at least! Please give a name'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpa_save_multi_file empty MVPAname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + +end + + + +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname = Data_String{Numofselectederp,1}; + fileName = char(Data_String{Numofselectederp,2}); + if isempty(fileName) + fileName = Data_String{Numofselectederp,1}; + end + + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_mvpa.mvpa']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpa']; + end + + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filename = file_name; + if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filepath = cd; + end + + if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).saved = 'yes'; + else + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).saved = 'no'; + end + +end + +FilePath = handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value; + +handles.output = {ALLERP, FilePath}; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = ''; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end diff --git a/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.fig b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..424a3797 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.m b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba7cf390 --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI.m @@ -0,0 +1,2195 @@ +% +% Author: Javier Lopez-Calderon +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2012 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function varargout = mvpaviewerGUI(varargin) + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpaviewerGUI_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpaviewerGUI_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + +% --- Executes just before mvpaviewerGUI is made visible. +function mvpaviewerGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) + + +% Choose default command line output for mvpaviewerGUI +handles.output = []; +%defx = erpworkingmemory('pop_geterpvalues'); +% try +% cerpi = evalin('base', 'CURRENTERP'); % current erp index +% catch +% cerpi = 1; +% end +% handles.cerpi = cerpi; +try + ALLMVPA = varargin{1}; + setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +catch + ALLMVPA = buildERPstruct; + ALLMVPA.times = -200:800; + ALLMVPA.xmin = -0.2; + ALLMVPA.xmax = 0.8; + ALLMVPA.nchan = 1; + ALLMVPA.pnts = length(ALLMVPA.times); + ALLMVPA.nbin = 1; + ALLMVPA.bindata = zeros(1, ALLMVPA.pnts, 1); + ALLMVPA.srate = 1000; + ALLMVPA.bindescr = {'empty'}; + ALLMVPA.chanlocs.labels = 'empty'; +end +% if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') +% meaword = 'latenc'; +% else +% meaword = 'frequenc'; +% end +% if isempty(defx) +% if isempty(ALLMVPA) +% inp1 = 1; %from hard drive +% erpset = []; +% else +% inp1 = 0; %from erpset menu +% erpset = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +% end +% defx = {inp1 erpset '' 0 1 1 'instabl' 1 3 'pre' 0 1 5 0 0.5 0 0 0 '' 0 1}; +% end +% try +% def = varargin{2}; +% AMP = def{1}; +% Lat = def{2}; +% binArray = def{3}; +% chanArray = def{4}; +% setArray = def{5}; +% latency = def{6}; +% moreoptions = def{7}; +% +% blc = moreoptions{1}; +% moption = moreoptions{2}; +% tittle = moreoptions{3}; +% dig = moreoptions{4}; +% coi = moreoptions{5}; +% polpeak = moreoptions{6}; +% sampeak = moreoptions{7}; +% locpeakrep = moreoptions{8}; +% frac = moreoptions{9}; +% fracmearep = moreoptions{10}; +% intfactor = moreoptions{11}; +% catch +% latency = defx{4}; +% moption = defx{7}; +% +% AMP = []; +% Lat = {{[-200 800]}}; +% binArray = 1:ALLMVPA(1).nbin; +% chanArray = 1:ALLMVPA(1).nchan; +% setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +% %latency = 0; +% blc = 'pre'; +% %moption = 'instabl'; +% tittle = 'nada'; +% dig = 3; +% coi = []; +% polpeak = []; +% sampeak = []; +% locpeakrep = []; +% frac = []; +% fracmearep = []; +% intfactor = 1; +% end +%datatype2 = ''; +if isfield(ALLMVPA(1).header, 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPA(1).header.DecodingMethod; + + if strcmpi(datatype,'SVM') + % here, treat SEM data like ERP data + datatype = 'SVM'; + % datatype2 = 'SEM'; + end + +else + datatype = 'SVM'; +end + +set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'String', 'Adjust measurement window with the mouse by click, hold, drag and release') + +if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') + measurearray = {'Average Decoding Accuracy'}; +else + %blc = 'none'; + measurearray = {'Average Decoding Accuracy'}; +end + +handles.measurearray = measurearray; + +meacodes = {'avgdecodingacc' }; + +handles.meacodes = meacodes; + +%set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray); + +%[tfm, indxmeaX] = ismember_bc2({moption}, meacodes); + +meamenu = 1; % 'Average Decoding Accuracy',... +set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); +% set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Value', meamenu); +% set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Enable', 'inactive'); + +cwm = erpworkingmemory('WMColor'); % window color for measurement +cvl = erpworkingmemory('VLColor'); % line color for measurement +mwm = erpworkingmemory('WMmouse'); % select window measurement by mouse option + +if isempty(cwm) + cwm = [0.8490 1.0000 0.1510]; +end +if isempty(cvl) + cvl = [1 0 0]; +end +if isempty(mwm) + mwm = 0; +end + +%handles.defx = defx; +handles.cwm = cwm; +handles.cvl = cvl; +handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPA; +%handles.binArray = binArray; +%handles.chanArray = chanArray; +handles.setArray = setArray; +%handles.ich = 1; +%handles.ibin = 1; +handles.iset = 1; +%handles.orilatency = latency; +%handles.blc = blc; +%handles.moption = moption; +handles.tittle = tittle; +handles.dig = 3; +handles.coi = []; +handles.polpeak = []; +handles.sampeak = []; +handles.locpeakrep = []; +handles.frac = []; +handles.fracmearep = []; +handles.intfactor = 1; +handles.x1 = -1.75; +handles.x2 = 1.75; + +% +% create random x-values for scatter plot +% +% xscatt = rand(1,numel(AMP))*2.5-1.25; +% handles.xscatt = xscatt; +indxsetstr = {''}; +% end +handles.indxsetstr = indxsetstr; + +% handles.membin = []; +% handles.memch = []; +% handles.memset = []; + +binvalue = erpworkingmemory('BinHisto'); % value(s) for bin in histogram +normhisto = erpworkingmemory('NormHisto'); % normalize histogram +chisto = erpworkingmemory('HistoColor'); % histogram color +cfitnorm = erpworkingmemory('FnormColor'); % line color for fitted normal distribution +fitnormd = erpworkingmemory('FitNormd'); % fit nomal distribution + +if isempty(binvalue) + binvalue = 'auto'; +end +if isempty(normhisto) + normhisto = 0; +end +if isempty(chisto) + chisto = [1 0.5 0.2]; +end +if isempty(cfitnorm) + cfitnorm = [1 0 0]; +end +if isempty(fitnormd) + fitnormd = 0; +end + +handles.binvalue = binvalue; +handles.normhisto = normhisto; +handles.chisto = chisto; +handles.cfitnorm = cfitnorm; +handles.fitnormd = fitnormd; + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - VIEWER FOR MVPA GUI']); %, 'toolbar','figure') + +ibin = 1; +ich = 1; +iset = 1; +times = ALLMVPA(1).times; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [-20 20]; + enablepolabutt = 'on'; +else + xlim = [0 30]; + ylim = [0 15]; + enablepolabutt = 'off'; +end +% if strcmpi(datatype2, 'SEM') +% ylim = [-1 20]; +% end + +set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)) +set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))) +%set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', num2str(ibin)) +%set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', num2str(ich)) +set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)) +frdm = erpworkingmemory('freedom'); +if isempty(frdm);frdm=0;end +if frdm==0 %JLC + %set(handles.edit_bin, 'Enable', 'inactive') + % set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'inactive') + % set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'inactive') +end +handles.frdm = frdm; +word = 'positive'; +set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'String', sprintf('
%s is up', word)); +set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', enablepolabutt); +handles.ydir = 'normal'; +%set(handles.checkbox_butterflybin,'Value', 0) +%set(handles.checkbox_butterflychan,'Value', 0) +set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value', 0) +% if length(binArray)==1 +% set(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Enable', 'off') +% if frdm; set(handles.edit_bin, 'Enable', 'off');end +% set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'off') +% end +% if length(chanArray)==1 +% set(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Enable', 'off') +% if frdm; set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'off');end +% set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +% end +if length(setArray)==1 + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') + if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') +end +handles.datatype = datatype; + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + + +% help +% helpbutton + +% +% Drag +% +% set(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) +% set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) +% set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') +% % set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.gui_chassis,'DoubleBuffer','on') + +% if isempty(AMP) +% [ AMP, Lat, latency ] = getnewvals(hObject, handles, latency); +% handles.AMP = AMP; +% handles.Lat = Lat; +% handles.latency = latency; +% else +% handles.AMP = AMP; +% handles.Lat = Lat; +% handles.latency = latency; +% +% end +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% +% Plot figure +% +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% UIWAIT makes mvpaviewerGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpaviewerGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +varargout{1} = handles.output; + +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_left_bin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ibin = ibin-1; + +if ibin<1 + return; %ibin = 1; +end +handles.ibin = ibin; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_right_bin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +binArray = handles.binArray; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; % pointer of bin +iset = handles.iset; +ibin = ibin+1; + +if ibin>length(binArray) + return; %ibin = length(binArray); +end +handles.ibin = ibin; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_left_channel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ich = ich-1; + +if ich<1 + return; %ich = 1; +end +handles.ich = ich; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_right_channel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +chanArray = handles.chanArray; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ich = ich+1; + +if ich>length(chanArray) + return; %ich = length(chanArray); +end +handles.ich = ich; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_left_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +iset = iset-1; + +if iset<1 + return; %iset = 1; +end +handles.iset = iset; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_right_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +setArray = handles.setArray; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +iset = iset+1; + +if iset>length(setArray) + return; %iset = length(setArray); +end +handles.iset = iset; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checknan(handles, val) +if any(isnan(val)) + cvl = handles.cvl; + ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); + xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + set(handles.edit_report, 'BackgroundColor', 'r') + line([xlim(1) xlim(2)], [ylim(2) ylim(1)], 'Color', cvl) % JLC. Feb 13, 2013 + line([xlim(1) xlim(2)], [ylim(1) ylim(2)], 'Color', cvl) % JLC. Feb 13, 2013 +else + set(handles.edit_report, 'BackgroundColor', 'w') +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_gotomea_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value') + latency = handles.latency; + handles.output = {1 latency}; + + defx = handles.defx; + defx{4} = latency; + + erpworkingmemory('pop_geterpvalues', defx); + +else + handles.output = {1 []}; +end + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_xlim_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if length(xlim)~=2 || length(ylim)~=2 || any(isnan(xlim)) || any(isnan(ylim)) || any(isinf(xlim)) || any(isinf(ylim)) || xlim(1)>=xlim(2) || ylim(1)>=ylim(2) + msgboxText = 'Invalid scale!\n You must enter 2 numeric values on each range.\tThe first one must be lower than the second one.'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, invalid baseline input'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_xlim_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_ylim_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if length(xlim)~=2 || length(ylim)~=2 || any(isnan(xlim)) || any(isnan(ylim)) || any(isinf(xlim)) || any(isinf(ylim)) || xlim(1)>=xlim(2) || ylim(1)>=ylim(2) + msgboxText = 'Invalid scale!\n You must enter 2 numeric values on each range.\tThe first one must be lower than the second one.'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, invalid baseline input'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_ylim_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_update_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if length(xlim)~=2 || length(ylim)~=2 || any(isnan(xlim)) || any(isnan(ylim)) || any(isinf(xlim)) || any(isinf(ylim)) || xlim(1)>=xlim(2) || ylim(1)>=ylim(2) + msgboxText = 'Invalid scale!\n You must enter 2 numeric values on each range.\tThe first one must be lower than the second one.'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, invalid baseline input'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_butterflychan_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +chanArray = handles.chanArray; +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', vect2colon(chanArray, 'Delimiter', 'off')) + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') +else + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'on');end + %chanArray = handles.chanArray; + chinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); + + if length(chinput)>1 && ~handles.frdm + chinput = chinput(1); + [xxx, ich] = closest(chanArray, chinput); + handles.ich=ich; + set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', num2str(chinput)) + end + if length(chinput)<=1 + set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'off') + end + if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') % none checked + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Enable', 'on') + end +end +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_butterflybin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +binArray = handles.binArray; +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', vect2colon(binArray, 'Delimiter', 'off')) + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_bin, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') + %set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') +else + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_bin, 'Enable', 'on');end + bininput = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); + if length(bininput)>1 && ~handles.frdm + bininput = bininput(1); + [xxx, ibin] = closest(binArray, bininput); + handles.ibin=ibin; + set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', num2str(bininput)) + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + end + if length(bininput)<=1 + set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'off') + end + if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') % none checked + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Enable', 'on') + end +end +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_butterflyset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +setArray = handles.setArray; +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off')) + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') + + if get(handles.radiobutton_scatter, 'Value') + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') + end +else + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'on');end + setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + if length(setinput)>1 && ~handles.frdm + setinput = setinput(1); + [xxx, iset] = closest(setArray, setinput); + handles.iset=iset; + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(setinput)) + end + if length(setinput)<=1 + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + end + if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') % none checked + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Value', 0) + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') + end + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') +end + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function semibutterflychan(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +chanArray = handles.chanArray; +chinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); + +if length(chinput)<=1 + return +end +chinput = chinput(ismember_bc2(chinput, chanArray)); + + +% [c, ich] = closest(chanArray, chinput); +% handles.ich = ich; +% +% % Update handles structure +% guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', vect2colon(chinput, 'Delimiter', 'off')) +% set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') +set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function semibutterflybin(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +binArray = handles.binArray; +bininput = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); + +if length(bininput)<=1 + return +end +bininput = bininput(ismember_bc2(bininput, binArray)); + + +% [c, ich] = closest(chanArray, chinput); +% handles.ich = ich; +% +% % Update handles structure +% guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', vect2colon(bininput, 'Delimiter', 'off')) +% set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') +set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function semibutterflyfile(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +setArray = handles.setArray; +setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + +if length(setinput)<=1 + return +end +setinput = setinput(ismember_bc2(setinput, setArray)); + + +% [c, ich] = closest(chanArray, chinput); +% handles.ich = ich; +% +% % Update handles structure +% guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.edit_file, 'String', vect2colon(setinput, 'Delimiter', 'off')) +% set(handles.edit_channel, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') +set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'on') +set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'on') + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +bin = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); +if length(bin)>1 + semibutterflybin(hObject, eventdata, handles) + return +else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_bin, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_bin, 'Enable', 'on') + %set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + %set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') +end + +binArray = handles.binArray; +[c, ibin] = closest(binArray, bin); +handles.ibin = ibin; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', num2str(ibin)) + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bin_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_channel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +chan = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); +if length(chan)>1 + semibutterflychan(hObject, eventdata, handles) + return +else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_channel, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_channel, 'Enable', 'on') + %set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + %set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') +end + +chanArray = handles.chanArray; +[c, ich] = closest(chanArray, chan); +handles.ich = ich; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', num2str(ich)) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_channel_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +setx = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); +if length(setx)>1 + semibutterflyfile(hObject, eventdata, handles) + return +else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'on') + %set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') + %set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') +end +if isempty(setx) + if strcmpi(get(handles.edit_file, 'String'), 'all') + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value', 1) + if handles.frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + iset = handles.iset; + else + setArray = handles.setArray; + iset = handles.iset; + msgboxText = 'Invalid input'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(setArray(iset))) + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value', 0) + return + end +else + setArray = handles.setArray; + [c, iset] = closest(setArray, setx); + handles.iset = iset; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)) +end + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_file_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_report_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_report_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function Untitled_1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_color_window_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +cwm = handles.cwm; +cwm = uisetcolor(cwm,'Window color') ; +erpworkingmemory('WMColor', cwm); +handles.cwm = cwm; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_color_val_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +cvl = handles.cvl; +cvl = uisetcolor( cvl,'Value line color') ; +erpworkingmemory('VLColor', cvl); +handles.cvl = cvl; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +% PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +% PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PLOT PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +% PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +function mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) +% nhisto = 10; % temporary +ydir = handles.ydir; +%binArray = handles.binArray; +%chanArray = handles.chanArray; +setArray = handles.setArray; + +%binput = []; +%chinput = []; +setinput = []; + +% if get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') +% jbin = binArray; +% else +% binput = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); +% +% if length(binput)>1 +% jbin = binput; +% else +% jbin = binArray(ibin) ; +% end +% end +% if get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') +% jchannel = chanArray; +% else +% chinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); +% +% if length(chinput)>1 +% jchannel = chinput; +% else +% jchannel = chanArray(ich); +% end +% end +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') + jseta = setArray; +else + setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + + if length(setinput)>1 + jseta = setinput; + else + jseta = setArray(iset); + end +end + +% nvalue = length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta); +% +% if nvalue>1 +% set(handles.uipanel_distplots, 'Title', sprintf('Distribution Plots (N=%g)', nvalue)); +% else +% set(handles.uipanel_distplots, 'Title', 'Distribution Plots'); +% end + +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +AMP = handles.AMP; +Lat = handles.Lat; +latency = handles.latency; +truelat = latency; +blc = handles.blc; +meacodes = handles.meacodes; +moption = handles.moption; +mearea = { 'areat', 'areap', 'arean','areazt','areazp','areazn', 'ninteg','nintegz'}; +dig = handles.dig; +times = ALLERP(setArray(1)).times; +intfactor = handles.intfactor; +pnts = ALLERP(setArray(1)).pnts; +timeor = ALLERP(setArray(1)).times; % original time vector +p1 = timeor(1); +p2 = timeor(end); + +if intfactor~=1 + timex = linspace(p1,p2,round(pnts*intfactor)); +else + timex = timeor; +end + +% +% Colors +% +cwm = handles.cwm; +cvl = handles.cvl; +% fctr = length(jseta)*length(jchannel)*length(jbin); +iptch = 1; +lt = 1; +latmin = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +latmax = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +axes(handles.axes1); +fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz*1.5 ) +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nWorking...\n')) +drawnow +% tic +for seta = jseta + kset = find(setArray==seta,1); + for channel = jchannel + kch = find(chanArray==channel,1); + for bin = jbin + kbin = find(binArray==bin,1); + lat4mea = Lat{1, 1, kset}; % kset is ok + lat4mea = lat4mea{kbin, kch}; + val(iptch)= AMP(kbin, kch, kset); % kbin, kch, kset are ok + indxsetstr{iptch} = num2str(seta); % stores set index + + % + % get data + % + data = ALLERP(seta).bindata(channel, :, bin); + + if intfactor~=1 + data = spline(timeor, data, timex); % re-sampled data + end + + % + % Baseline + % + blv = blvalue2(data, timex, blc); + data = data - blv; + + if ~get(handles.radiobutton_histo, 'Value') && ~get(handles.radiobutton_scatter, 'Value') + + % + % Plot + % + plot(timex, data, 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0 0.1 0.5]); + + if iptch==1 + axis([xlim ylim]) + set(handles.axes1,'ydir', ydir); + hold on + end + + % + % Line for value + % + latetype = 0; % when lat is from measurement window + switch moption + case 'instabl' + line(xlim, [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl, 'LineStyle',':') + line([latency(1)-(xlim(2)-xlim(1))*0.025 latency(1)+(xlim(2)-xlim(1))*0.025], [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl) + case {'meanbl', 'areat', 'areap', 'arean', 'ninteg'} + line(xlim, [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl, 'LineStyle',':') + line([latency(1) latency(2)], [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl) + case {'areazt','areazp','areazn', 'nintegz'} + line(xlim, [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl, 'LineStyle',':') + line([lat4mea(1) lat4mea(2)], [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl) + latetype = 1; % use true lat istead + truelat = lat4mea; + case 'peakampbl' + line(xlim, [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl, 'LineStyle',':') + line([lat4mea(1)-(xlim(2)-xlim(1))*0.025 lat4mea(1)+(xlim(2)-xlim(1))*0.025], [val(iptch) val(iptch) ], 'Color', cvl) + truelat = lat4mea; + otherwise + end + + % + % Paint area + % + if ismember_bc2(moption, mearea) || ismember_bc2(moption, {'fareatlat', 'fareaplat','fninteglat','fareanlat'}) + if latetype ==0 + latx = latency; + else + latx = lat4mea; + end + + [xxx, latsamp] = closest(timex, latx); + datax = data(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)); + + if ismember_bc2(moption, {'areap', 'areazp', 'fareaplat'}) % positive area + datax(datax<0) = 0; + area(timex(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)), datax, 'FaceColor', 'b') + elseif ismember_bc2(moption, {'arean', 'areazn', 'fareanlat'}) % negative area + datax(datax>0) = 0; + area(timex(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)), datax, 'FaceColor', 'r') + elseif ismember_bc2(moption, {'ninteg','nintegz', 'fninteglat'}) % integration + datatemp = datax; + datatemp(datatemp<0) = 0; + area(timex(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)), datatemp, 'FaceColor', 'b') + datatemp = datax; + datatemp(datatemp>0) = 0; + area(timex(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)), datatemp, 'FaceColor', 'r') + else + area(timex(latsamp(1):latsamp(2)), datax, 'FaceColor', [0.2000 0.1 0]) + end + end + + % + % Line(s) for latency(ies) and window for measurement + % + if length(latency)==1 + if ismember_bc2(moption, {'areazt','areazp','areazn', 'nintegz'}) + line([latency latency], ylim, 'Color', cvl) + latmin(lt) = lat4mea(1); + latmax(lt) = lat4mea(2); + + if (iptch==1 && length([jbin jchannel jseta])==3) || (iptch==length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta) && length([jbin jchannel jseta])>3) + pp = patch([min(latmin) max(latmax) max(latmax) min(latmin)],[ylim(1) ylim(1) ylim(2) ylim(2)], cwm); + set(pp,'FaceAlpha',0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeColor', cwm); + end + + % + % workaround (redraw axis) + % + line([0 0], ylim, 'Color', 'k') + line(xlim, [0 0], 'Color', 'k') + lt = lt + 1; + else + line([latency latency], ylim, 'Color', cvl) + end + elseif length(latency)==2 + if iptch==1 + pp = patch([latency(1) latency(2) latency(2) latency(1)],[ylim(1) ylim(1) ylim(2) ylim(2)], cwm); + set(pp,'FaceAlpha',0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeColor', cwm); + end + if ismember_bc2(moption, {'peakampbl'}) + if length(lat4mea)~=1 + % line([xlim(1) xlim(2)], [ylim(2) ylim(1)], 'Color', cvl) % JLC. Feb 13, 2013 + % line([xlim(1) xlim(2)], [ylim(1) ylim(2)], 'Color', cvl) % JLC. Feb 13, 2013 + else + + %lat4mea + + + line([lat4mea lat4mea], ylim, 'Color', cvl) + end + elseif ismember_bc2(moption, {'peaklatbl', 'fareatlat', 'fareaplat','fninteglat','fareanlat'}) + + %val(iptch) + + + line([val(iptch) val(iptch) ], ylim, 'Color', cvl) + + + + elseif ismember_bc2(moption, {'fpeaklat'}) % fractional peak latency + line([val(iptch) val(iptch) ], ylim, 'Color', cvl) % fractional peak lat + line([lat4mea lat4mea], ylim, 'Color', cvl,'LineStyle',':') % peak lat + end + end + end + iptch = iptch+1; + end + end +end + +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', '') +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz) + +if any(isnan(val)) + iststrnan = indxsetstr(isnan(val)); + nanindxfile = unique_bc2(str2num(char(iststrnan))'); +else + nanindxfile = []; + iststrnan = {[]}; +end +if get(handles.radiobutton_histo, 'Value') + if any(isnan(val)) + indxok = find(~isnan(val)); + + if isempty(indxok) + msgboxText = 'Unfortunately, you only got NaN values...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Error, only NaN values were found'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + val = val(indxok); + end + + nhisto = handles.binvalue; + if ischar(nhisto) && strcmpi(nhisto,'auto') + nhisto = round(sqrt(length(val))); + elseif ischar(nhisto) && ~strcmpi(nhisto,'auto') + msgboxText = [nhisto ' is not a valid input.\n\n'... + 'Enter a single value, a monotonically non-decreasing vector, or ''auto''.\n'... + 'Or just click the "suggest" button.']; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, wrong inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + normhisto = handles.normhisto; + chisto = handles.chisto; + fitnormd = handles.fitnormd; + cfitnorm = handles.cfitnorm; + [valhist, binhist] = hist(val, nhisto); + areahisto = sum(valhist)*mean(diff(binhist)); + + if normhisto + val2plot = valhist/areahisto; + areahisto = 1; % for fitting a normalized pdf + else + val2plot = valhist; + end + if length(val2plot)==1 && (isnan(val2plot) || isinf(val2plot)) && normhisto + msgboxText = 'Oops! There are not enough measurement points to make a normalized histogram...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, few inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + elseif length(val2plot)==1 && (isnan(val2plot) || isinf(val2plot)) && ~normhisto + msgboxText = 'Oops! There are not enough measurement points to make a histogram...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: meaviewerGUI, few inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + elseif length(val2plot)==1 && ~isnan(val2plot) && ~isinf(val2plot) + hview = bar(binhist, val2plot); + axis([binhist-2 binhist+2 -0.15*min(val2plot) 1.15*max(val2plot)]) + else + hview = bar(binhist, val2plot, 'hist'); + xh = [min(binhist) max(binhist)]; + cxh = abs(diff(xh))/2; + axis([xh(1)-cxh xh(2)+cxh -0.15*min(val2plot) 1.15*max(val2plot)]) + end + + set(hview,'FaceColor', chisto); %[1 0.5 0.2] + + if fitnormd %&& normhisto + hold on + mu = mean(val); + sg = std(val); + npnd = length(binhist)*10; % 10 time the number of histo's bins + xnd = linspace(mu-4*sg,mu+4*sg,npnd); + pdfxnd = areahisto*(1/sqrt(2*pi)/sg*exp(-(xnd-mu).^2/(2*sg^2))); + pfnorm = plot(xnd,pdfxnd); + set(pfnorm,'Color',cfitnorm,'LineWidth',1) + hold off + end +elseif get(handles.radiobutton_scatter, 'Value') % JLC scatter plot + chisto = handles.chisto; + xscatt = handles.xscatt; % x-ccord for scatter plot + if any(isnan(val)) + indxok = find(~isnan(val)); + if isempty(indxok) + msgboxText = 'Unfortunately, you only got NaN values...' + title = 'ERPLAB: Error, only NaN values were found'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + val = val(indxok); + xsct = xscatt(indxok); + iststr = indxsetstr(indxok); + else + nv = length(val); % number of current values to plot + xsct = xscatt(1:nv); % set indices for scatter plot current values + iststr = indxsetstr(1:nv); + end + + mu = mean(val); + me = median(val); + + x1 = handles.x1; + x2 = handles.x2; + y1 = mean(val) - std(val); + y2 = mean(val) + std(val); + y3 = mean(val) - 2*std(val); + y4 = mean(val) + 2*std(val); + y6 = mean(val) - 3*std(val); + y7 = mean(val) + 3*std(val); + cla + try + rectangle('Position',[x1,y1,x2-x1,abs(y2-y1)], 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]) + rectangle('Position',[x1,y3,x2-x1,abs(y1-y3)], 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]) + rectangle('Position',[x1,y2,x2-x1,abs(y4-y2)], 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]) + if get(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value') + rectangle('Position',[x1,y6,x2-x1,abs(y4-y6)], 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]) + rectangle('Position',[x1,y4,x2-x1,abs(y7-y4)], 'EdgeColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5]) + end + catch + set(handles.radiobutton_histo, 'Value', 0) + return + end + if get(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value') + labfont = 10; + text(x2+0.15,mu,'\mu','FontSize',labfont) + text(x1-2,me,'median','FontSize',labfont) + text(x2+0.15,y2,'\mu+\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + text(x2+0.15,y4,'\mu+2\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + text(x2+0.15,y1,'\mu-\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + text(x2+0.15,y3,'\mu-2\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + + if get(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value') + text(x2+0.15,y7,'\mu+3\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + text(x2+0.15,y6,'\mu-3\sigma','FontSize',labfont) + end + end + + line([x1 x2], [mu mu]) % mean in blue + line([x1 x2], [me me], 'Color',[1 0 0], 'LineStyle', '--') % median in red + hold on + + if get(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value') + ysc = [min([min(val) y6])-abs(0.15*max(val)) 1.15*max([max(val) y7])]; + else + ysc = [min([min(val) y3])-abs(0.15*max(val)) 1.15*max([max(val) y4])]; + end + if get(handles.checkbox_fileindx, 'Value') % identify file index + isetfont = 10; + plot(xsct, val, 'r.') + text(xsct,val,iststr,'FontSize',isetfont) + else + plot(xsct, val, 'ro','MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor',chisto,'MarkerSize',8); + end + + axis([-10 10 ysc]) + set(gca,'XTick',[]) + hold off +else + % + % workaround (redraw axis) + % + line([0 0], ylim, 'Color', 'k') + line(xlim, [0 0], 'Color', 'k') + checknan(handles, val) +end +hold off +drawnow + +nbinput = length(binput); +nchinput = length(chinput); +nsetinput = length(setinput); + +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && nbinput<=1 + set(handles.edit_bin, 'String', num2str(jbin)) + handles.ibin = ibin; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && nchinput<=1 + set(handles.edit_channel, 'String', num2str(jchannel)) + handles.ich = ich; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') && nsetinput<=1 + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(jseta)) + handles.iset = iset; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end +% +% Files +% +setlabelx = ''; +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') + if length(setArray)>10 + var1 = vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var1 = num2str(setArray); + end +elseif nsetinput>0 + if nsetinput>10 + var1 = vect2colon(jseta, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var1 = num2str(jseta); + if nsetinput==1 + setlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLERP(seta).erpname); + end + end +else + var1 = ALLERP(seta).erpname; +end +% +% Bins +% +binlabelx = ''; +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') + if length(binArray)>10 + var2 = vect2colon(binArray, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var2 = num2str(binArray); + end +elseif nbinput>0 + if nbinput>10 + var2 = vect2colon(jbin, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var2 = num2str(jbin); + if nbinput==1 + binlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLERP(seta).bindescr{bin}); + end + end +else + var2 = ALLERP(seta).bindescr{bin}; +end + +% +% Channels +% +chanlabelx = ''; +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') + if length(chanArray)>10 + var3 = vect2colon(chanArray, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var3 = num2str(chanArray); + end +elseif nchinput>0 + if nchinput>10 + var3 = vect2colon(jchannel, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var3 = num2str(jchannel); + if nchinput==1 + chanlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLERP(seta).chanlocs(channel).labels); + end + end +else + var3 = ALLERP(seta).chanlocs(channel).labels; +end +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') &&... + nsetinput<=1 && nbinput<=1 && nchinput<=1 + % none checked + strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nBin : %s %s\nChannel: %s %s\nMeasu : %s\nWindow : %s\nLate : %s\nValue : %.' num2str(dig) 'f\n']; + values2print = {var1, setlabelx, var2, binlabelx, var3, chanlabelx, tittle, sprintf('%.2f\t', latency), sprintf('%.2f\t', truelat), val}; +else + strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nBin : %s %s\nChannel: %s %s\nMeasu : %s\nWindow : %s\nLate : %s\nMean Value : %.' num2str(dig) 'f +/- %.' num2str(dig) 'f\n']; + values2print = {var1, setlabelx, var2, binlabelx, var3, chanlabelx, tittle, sprintf('%.2f\t', latency), sprintf('%.2f\t', truelat), mean(val), std(val)}; +end + +repo = sprintf(strfrmt, values2print{:}); +if ~isempty(nanindxfile) && length(jseta)>1 + repo = sprintf('%sNaN values found at files: %s', repo, num2str(nanindxfile)); +end +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', repo) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function togglebutton_y_axis_polarity_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + set(hObject, 'string', sprintf('
%s is up', 'positive')); + set(hObject, 'Value', 1) + return +end +if get(hObject, 'Value') + word = 'negative'; + %set(handles.axes1,'ydir','reverse'); + handles.ydir = 'reverse'; +else + word = 'positive'; + %set(handles.axes1,'ydir','normal'); + handles.ydir = 'normal'; +end +set(hObject, 'string', sprintf('
%s is up', word)); + +%Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +if get(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value') % trick + set(handles.gui_chassis,'WindowButtonDownFcn', {@mbuttondwn, hObject, eventdata, handles}); +end + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_dmouse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(hObject, 'Value') + erpworkingmemory('WMmouse', 1); + % + % Drag + % + % set(handles.gui_chassis,'WindowButtonUpFcn', {@mbuttonup, handles, hObject}); + set(handles.gui_chassis,'WindowButtonDownFcn', {@mbuttondwn, hObject, eventdata, handles}); +else + set(handles.gui_chassis,'WindowButtonDownFcn', []); + erpworkingmemory('WMmouse', 0); + latency = handles.orilatency; + handles.latency = latency; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + pause(0.1) + + tittle = handles.tittle; + ich = handles.ich; + ibin = handles.ibin; + iset = handles.iset; + + mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function mbuttondwn(h, xxx, hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Value') + latency = handles.latency; + + C = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint'); + x = C(1,1); + + props.WindowButtonUpFcn = get(h,'WindowButtonUpFcn'); + setappdata(h,'meaviewerGUICallbacks',props); + + if length(latency)>1 + latency = [x latency(2)]; + else + latency = x; + end + handles.latency = latency; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + + set(h,'WindowButtonUpFcn',{@mbuttonup, hObject, eventdata, handles}) +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function mbuttonup(h, xxx, hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Value') + latency = handles.latency; + C = get(gca, 'CurrentPoint'); + x = C(1,1); + + props = getappdata(h,'meaviewerGUICallbacks'); + set(h,props); + if length(latency)>1 + latency = sort([latency(1) x]); + else + latency = x; + end + + [ AMP, Lat, latency ] = getnewvals(hObject, handles, latency); + + handles.AMP = AMP; + handles.Lat = Lat; + handles.latency = latency; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + pause(0.1) + + tittle = handles.tittle; + % ich = handles.ich; + % ibin = handles.ibin; + % iset = handles.iset; + + % + % info + % + binArray = handles.binArray; + chanArray = handles.chanArray; + setArray = handles.setArray; + xbin = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); + xch = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); + xset = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + ibin = find(ismember_bc2(binArray,xbin)); %find(binArray==xbin,1); + ich = find(ismember_bc2(chanArray,xch)); %find(chanArray==xch,1); + iset = find(ismember_bc2(setArray,xset)); %find(setArray==xset,1); + + mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_histo_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.pushbutton_color_val, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_color_window, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'off'); + %set(handles.pushbutton_update, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_scatter, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable','on') +else + datatype = handles.datatype; + set(handles.pushbutton_color_val, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_color_window, 'Enable', 'on'); + if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') + set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'on'); + end + %set(handles.pushbutton_update, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Enable', 'on'); + mwm = erpworkingmemory('WMmouse'); + if mwm + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value', 1); + end + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable','off') +end +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_scatter_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.pushbutton_color_val, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_color_window, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'off'); + %set(handles.pushbutton_update, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_histo, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'on') + if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'on') + end + set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable','off') +else + datatype = handles.datatype; + set(handles.pushbutton_color_val, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_color_window, 'Enable', 'on'); + if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') + set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'on'); + end + %set(handles.pushbutton_update, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Enable', 'on'); + mwm = erpworkingmemory('WMmouse'); + if mwm + set(handles.checkbox_dmouse, 'Value', 1); + end + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) + set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) + set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') +end +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_narrow_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +x1 = handles.x1; +x2 = handles.x2; +x1 = x1+1; +x2 = x2-1; +if x1>-1.75 + return +end +if x2<1.75 + return +end +handles.x1 = x1; +handles.x2 = x2; + +handles.xscatt = handles.xscatt*0.75; + +%Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_wide_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +x1 = handles.x1; +x2 = handles.x2; +x1 = x1-1; +x2 = x2+1; +if x1<-8 + return +end +if x2>8 + return +end +handles.x1 = x1; +handles.x2 = x2; +handles.xscatt = handles.xscatt*1.33; + +%Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_scatterlabels_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_3sigma_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function checkbox_fileindx_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) + return +end + +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_histosetting_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +binvalue = handles.binvalue; +normhisto = handles.normhisto; +chisto = handles.chisto; +fitnormd = handles.fitnormd; +cfitnorm = handles.cfitnorm; +xbin = str2num(get(handles.edit_bin, 'String')); +xch = str2num(get(handles.edit_channel, 'String')); +xset = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); +nvalue = length(xbin)*length(xch)*length(xset); + +% +% Call GUI +% +answer = histosettingGUI({binvalue, normhisto, chisto, fitnormd, cfitnorm, nvalue}); + +if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return +end + +handles.binvalue = answer{1}; +handles.normhisto = answer{2}; +handles.chisto = answer{3}; +handles.fitnormd = answer{4}; +handles.cfitnorm = answer{5}; + +%Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +tittle = handles.tittle; +ich = handles.ich; +ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, ibin, ich, iset, xlim, ylim, tittle) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function [ Amp, Lat, latency] = getnewvals(hObject, handles, latency) + +fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz) +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nRemeasuring values...\nThis process might take a while. Please wait...\n')) +drawnow + +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +binArray = handles.binArray; +chanArray = handles.chanArray; +setArray = handles.setArray; +nfile = length(setArray); +moption = handles.moption; +blc = handles.blc; +coi = handles.coi; +polpeak = handles.polpeak; +sampeak = handles.sampeak; +locpeakrep = handles.locpeakrep; +frac = handles.frac; +fracmearep = handles.fracmearep; +intfactor = handles.intfactor; +datatype = handles.datatype; + +[xxx, latsamp] = closest(ALLERP(setArray(end)).times, latency); + +if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') + fs = ALLERP(setArray(end)).srate; + latency = (((latsamp-1)*1000)/fs) + ALLERP(setArray(end)).xmin*1000; +else + bx = unique(diff(ALLERP(setArray(end)).times)); + latency = (latsamp-1)*bx(1); +end + +Amp = zeros(length(binArray), length(chanArray), length(setArray)); +Lat = {[]}; + +for k=1:nfile + ERP = ALLERP(setArray(k)); + [A, lat4mea] = geterpvalues(ERP, latency, binArray, chanArray, moption, blc, coi, polpeak, sampeak, locpeakrep, frac, fracmearep, intfactor); + + % + % Store values + % + Amp(:,:,k) = A; % bin x channel x erpset + Lat{:,:,k} = lat4mea; % bin x channel x erpset +end + +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz ) +pause(0.1) + +% +% create random x-values for scatter plot +% +xscatt = rand(1,numel(Amp))*2.5-1.25; +handles.xscatt = xscatt; +% chan indices +indxsetstr = cellstr(num2str(setArray'))'; +handles.indxsetstr = indxsetstr; + +%Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.output = []; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = []; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function popupmenu_measurementv_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% meamenu = get(handles.text_measurementv, 'String'); +% currmea = get(handles.text_measurementv, 'Value'); +% moption = meamenu{currmea}; + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function text_measurementv_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_createplot_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% h1=handles.axes1; +% % +% % Create figure +% % +% hbig = figure('Name','ERP VIEWER',... +% 'NumberTitle','on', 'Tag', 'Viewer_figure');erplab_figtoolbar(hbig); +% % objects=allchild(h1); +% copyobj(h1,hbig); +% opengl software +OFF_STD = 0.25; % std dev of figure offset +MIN_OFF = 0.15; % minimum offset for new figure +BORDER = 0.04; % screen edge tolerance + +fig=handles.gui_chassis; +sel=handles.axes1; +% +% Get position for new figure +% +set(sel,'Units','normalized'); +place = get(sel,'Position'); +cmap = colormap; +% newxy = (OFF_STD*randn(1,2))+place(1,1:2); +% newx = newxy(1);newy=newxy(2); +% +% if abs(newx-place(1,1))1-BORDER, newx=1-BORDER-place(3); end +% if newy+place(4)>1-BORDER, newy=1-BORDER-place(4); end + +% newfig = figure('Units','Normalized','Position',[newx,newy,place(1,3:4)]); +newfig = figure('Units','Normalized','Position', place, 'Name','ERP VIEWER', 'NumberTitle','on', 'Tag', 'Viewer_figure'); + +% +% Copy object to new figure +% +set(newfig,'Color',[1 1 1]); +copyobj(sel,newfig); +set(gca,'Position',[0.130 0.110 0.775 0.815]); +set(gca,'Box', 'off') +colormap(cmap); +erplab_figtoolbar(newfig) + +% % +% % Increase font size +% % +% set(findobj('parent',newfig,'type','axes'),'FontSize',14); +% set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'FontSize',16) +% set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'FontSize',16) +% set(get(gca,'Title'),'Fontsize',16); +% +% Add xtick and ytick labels if missing +% +% if strcmp(get(gca,'Box'),'on') +% set(gca,'xticklabelmode','auto') +% set(gca,'xtickmode','auto') +% set(gca,'yticklabelmode','auto') +% set(gca,'ytickmode','auto') +% end +% +% Turn on zoom in the new figure +% +% zoom on; +pause(0.2) + +latency = handles.latency; +handles.output = NaN; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); diff --git a/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.fig b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b19ee91 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.m b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b9dec8d --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpaviewerGUI2.m @@ -0,0 +1,668 @@ +function varargout = mvpaviewerGUI2(varargin) +% MVPAVIEWERGUI2 MATLAB code for mvpaviewerGUI2.fig +% MVPAVIEWERGUI2, by itself, creates a new MVPAVIEWERGUI2 or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = MVPAVIEWERGUI2 returns the handle to a new MVPAVIEWERGUI2 or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% MVPAVIEWERGUI2('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in MVPAVIEWERGUI2.M with the given input arguments. +% +% MVPAVIEWERGUI2('Property','Value',...) creates a new MVPAVIEWERGUI2 or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before mvpaviewerGUI2_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to mvpaviewerGUI2_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help mvpaviewerGUI2 + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 27-Mar-2023 16:58:03 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpaviewerGUI2_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpaviewerGUI2_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before mvpaviewerGUI2 is made visible. +function mvpaviewerGUI2_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% varargin command line arguments to mvpaviewerGUI2 (see VARARGIN) + +% Choose default command line output for mvpaviewerGUI2 +handles.output = []; + +%defx = erpworkingmemory('pop_geterpvalues'); +% try +% cerpi = evalin('base', 'CURRENTERP'); % current erp index +% catch +% cerpi = 1; +% end +% handles.cerpi = cerpi; +try + ALLMVPA = varargin{1}; + setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +catch + ALLMVPA = buildERPstruct; + ALLMVPA.times = -200:800; + ALLMVPA.xmin = -0.2; + ALLMVPA.xmax = 0.8; + ALLMVPA.nchan = 1; + ALLMVPA.pnts = length(ALLMVPA.times); + ALLMVPA.nbin = 1; + ALLMVPA.bindata = zeros(1, ALLMVPA.pnts, 1); + ALLMVPA.srate = 1000; + ALLMVPA.bindescr = {'empty'}; + ALLMVPA.chanlocs.labels = 'empty'; +end +% if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') +% meaword = 'latenc'; +% else +% meaword = 'frequenc'; +% end +% if isempty(defx) +% if isempty(ALLMVPA) +% inp1 = 1; %from hard drive +% erpset = []; +% else +% inp1 = 0; %from erpset menu +% erpset = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +% end +% defx = {inp1 erpset '' 0 1 1 'instabl' 1 3 'pre' 0 1 5 0 0.5 0 0 0 '' 0 1}; +% end +% try +% def = varargin{2}; +% AMP = def{1}; +% Lat = def{2}; +% binArray = def{3}; +% chanArray = def{4}; +% setArray = def{5}; +% latency = def{6}; +% moreoptions = def{7}; +% +% blc = moreoptions{1}; +% moption = moreoptions{2}; +% tittle = moreoptions{3}; +% dig = moreoptions{4}; +% coi = moreoptions{5}; +% polpeak = moreoptions{6}; +% sampeak = moreoptions{7}; +% locpeakrep = moreoptions{8}; +% frac = moreoptions{9}; +% fracmearep = moreoptions{10}; +% intfactor = moreoptions{11}; +% catch +% latency = defx{4}; +% moption = defx{7}; +% +% AMP = []; +% Lat = {{[-200 800]}}; +% binArray = 1:ALLMVPA(1).nbin; +% chanArray = 1:ALLMVPA(1).nchan; +% setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPA); +% %latency = 0; +% blc = 'pre'; +% %moption = 'instabl'; +% tittle = 'nada'; +% dig = 3; +% coi = []; +% polpeak = []; +% sampeak = []; +% locpeakrep = []; +% frac = []; +% fracmearep = []; +% intfactor = 1; +% end +%datatype2 = ''; +if isfield(ALLMVPA(1).header, 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPA(1).header.DecodingMethod; + + if strcmpi(datatype,'SVM') + % here, treat SEM data like ERP data + datatype = 'SVM'; + % datatype2 = 'SEM'; + end + +else + datatype = 'SVM'; +end + +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + measurearray = {'Average Decoding Accuracy'}; +else + %blc = 'none'; + measurearray = {'Average Decoding Accuracy'}; +end + +handles.measurearray = measurearray; + +meacodes = {'avgdecodingacc' }; + +handles.meacodes = meacodes; + +handles.chance = 0; + + +%set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray); + +%[tfm, indxmeaX] = ismember_bc2({moption}, meacodes); + +meamenu = 1; % 'Average Decoding Accuracy',... +set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); +% set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Value', meamenu); +% set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Enable', 'inactive'); + +cwm = erpworkingmemory('WMColor'); % window color for measurement +cvl = erpworkingmemory('VLColor'); % line color for measurement +mwm = erpworkingmemory('WMmouse'); % select window measurement by mouse option + +if isempty(cwm) + cwm = [0.8490 1.0000 0.1510]; +end +if isempty(cvl) + cvl = [1 0 0]; +end +if isempty(mwm) + mwm = 0; +end + +%handles.defx = defx; +handles.cwm = cwm; +handles.cvl = cvl; +handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPA; +%handles.binArray = binArray; +%handles.chanArray = chanArray; +handles.setArray = setArray; +%handles.ich = 1; +%handles.ibin = 1; +handles.iset = 1; +%handles.orilatency = latency; +%handles.blc = blc; +%handles.moption = moption; +%handles.tittle = tittle; +handles.dig = 3; +handles.x1 = -1.75; +handles.x2 = 1.75; + +% +% create random x-values for scatter plot +% +% xscatt = rand(1,numel(AMP))*2.5-1.25; +% handles.xscatt = xscatt; +indxsetstr = {''}; +% end +handles.indxsetstr = indxsetstr; + +% handles.membin = []; +% handles.memch = []; +% handles.memset = []; +% +% binvalue = erpworkingmemory('BinHisto'); % value(s) for bin in histogram +% normhisto = erpworkingmemory('NormHisto'); % normalize histogram +% chisto = erpworkingmemory('HistoColor'); % histogram color +% cfitnorm = erpworkingmemory('FnormColor'); % line color for fitted normal distribution +% fitnormd = erpworkingmemory('FitNormd'); % fit nomal distribution +% +% if isempty(binvalue) +% binvalue = 'auto'; +% end +% if isempty(normhisto) +% normhisto = 0; +% end +% if isempty(chisto) +% chisto = [1 0.5 0.2]; +% end +% if isempty(cfitnorm) +% cfitnorm = [1 0 0]; +% end +% if isempty(fitnormd) +% fitnormd = 0; +% end + +% handles.binvalue = binvalue; +% handles.normhisto = normhisto; +% handles.chisto = chisto; +% handles.cfitnorm = cfitnorm; +% handles.fitnormd = fitnormd; + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - VIEWER FOR MVPA GUI']); %, 'toolbar','figure') + +% ibin = 1; +% ich = 1; +iset = 1; +times = ALLMVPA(1).times; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [-2 100]; + +else + xlim = [0 30]; + ylim = [0 15]; + +end + + +% set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)) +% set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))) + +set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)) + +set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value', 0) + +if length(setArray)==1 + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') +% if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') +end +handles.datatype = datatype; + +% +% Color GUI +% % +% handles = painterplab(handles); +% +% % +% % Set font size +% % +% handles = setfonterplab(handles); + + +% help +% helpbutton + +% +% Drag +% +% set(handles.checkbox_dmouse,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_histo,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_histosetting,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.radiobutton_scatter,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Value', 0) +% set(handles.checkbox_fileindx,'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Value',0) +% set(handles.checkbox_scatterlabels, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_narrow, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.pushbutton_wide, 'Enable', 'off') +% set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Value',0) +% set(handles.checkbox_3sigma, 'Enable', 'off') +% % set(handles.togglebutton_y_axis_polarity, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.gui_chassis,'DoubleBuffer','on') + +% if isempty(AMP) +% [ AMP, Lat, latency ] = getnewvals(hObject, handles, latency); +% handles.AMP = AMP; +% handles.Lat = Lat; +% handles.latency = latency; +% else +% handles.AMP = AMP; +% handles.Lat = Lat; +% handles.latency = latency; +% +% end + + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% +% Plot figure +% +mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim) + + + +% UIWAIT makes mvpaviewerGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + +function mplotdata(hObject,handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + +setArray = handles.setArray; + +setinput = []; +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') + jseta = setArray; +else + setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + + if length(setinput)>1 + jseta = setinput; + else + jseta = setArray(iset); + end +end +fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz*1.5) +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nWorking...\n')) + +ALLMVPA = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPA(iset).times; +p1 = times(1); +p2 = times(end); +intfactor = 0; +% if intfactor~=1 +% timex = linspace(p1,p2,round(pnts*intfactor)); +% else +% timex = timeor; +% end +timex = times; +% +% Colors +% +cwm = handles.cwm; +cvl = handles.cvl; +% +% latmin = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +% latmax = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +axes(handles.axes1); +% fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +% set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz*1.5 ) +% set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nWorking...\n')) +%drawnow +% tic +for seta = jseta + + AverageAccuracy = ALLMVPA(seta).average_accuracy_1vAll; + + %plot + plot(timex,AverageAccuracy, 'LineWidth',1,'Color',[0 0.1 0.5]); + hold on + + if handles.chance == 1 + chancelvl = ALLMVPA(seta).header.nChance; + line([timex(1),timex(end)],[chancelvl,chancelvl]); %chance line + end + + + +end + + + +hold off + +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', ''); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz); + +nsetinput = length(setinput); +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') && nsetinput<=1 + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(jseta)) + handles.iset = iset; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end + +setlabelx = ''; +if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') + if length(setArray)>10 + var1 = vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var1 = num2str(setArray); + end +elseif nsetinput>0 + if nsetinput>10 + var1 = vect2colon(jseta, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var1 = num2str(jseta); + if nsetinput==1 + setlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLMVPA(jseta).header.subjectID); + chancelabelx = ALLMVPA(jseta).header.nChance; + foldlabelx = ALLMVPA(jseta).header.nCrossfolds; + methodlabelx = ALLMVPA(jseta).header.DecodingMethod; + end + + end +else + var1 = ALLERP(seta).mvpaname; +end + + + + + +% if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') &&... +% nsetinput<=1 && nbinput<=1 && nchinput<=1 +% % none checked +% strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nBin : %s %s\nChannel: %s %s\nMeasu : %s\nWindow : %s\nLate : %s\nValue : %.' num2str(dig) 'f\n']; +% values2print = {var1, setlabelx, var2, binlabelx, var3, chanlabelx, tittle, sprintf('%.2f\t', latency), sprintf('%.2f\t', truelat), val}; +% else + +if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value') + strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nChance level: %.4f \nCrossfold Validation: %i \nDecoding Method: %s ']; + values2print = {var1, setlabelx, chancelabelx, foldlabelx, methodlabelx}; +else + strfrmt = ['File : %s %s']; + values2print = {var1, setlabelx}; +end + +repo = sprintf(strfrmt, values2print{:}); +% if ~isempty(nanindxfile) && length(jseta)>1 +% repo = sprintf('%sNaN values found at files: %s', repo, num2str(nanindxfile)); +% end +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', repo) + +%axis([xlim ylim]); + + +% hold off +drawnow + +nsetinput = length(setinput); + + + + + + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpaviewerGUI2_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +varargout{1} = handles.output; + +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + + + +function edit_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_file as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_file as a double + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_file_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_left_file. +function pushbutton_left_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_left_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% tittle = handles.tittle; +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +iset = iset-1; + +if iset<1 + return; %iset = 1; +end +handles.iset = iset; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +%ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +%xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset, xlim, ylim) + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_right_file. +function pushbutton_right_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_right_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +%tittle = handles.tittle; +setArray = handles.setArray; +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +iset = iset+1; + +if iset>length(setArray) + return; %iset = length(setArray); +end +handles.iset = iset; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +% xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_butterflyset. +function checkbox_butterflyset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_butterflyset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +setArray = handles.setArray; +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off')) + set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + +else + set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'on'); + setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + if length(setinput)>1 + setinput = setinput(1); + [xxx, iset] = closest(setArray, setinput); + handles.iset=iset; + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(setinput)) + end + if length(setinput)<=1 + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + end +end + +% tittle = handles.tittle; +% ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +% xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +% +% if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) +% return +% end + +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_butterflyset + + + +function edit_report_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_report (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_report as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_report as a double + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_report_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_report (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_chance. +function checkbox_chance_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_chance (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +iset = handles.iset; +if get(hObject,'Value') + handles.chance = 1; +else + handles.chance = 0; +end +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_chance diff --git a/GUIs/mvpc2textGUI.mlapp b/GUIs/mvpc2textGUI.mlapp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f650869 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpc2textGUI.mlapp differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.fig b/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..65fcb1fb Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.m b/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdcde91b --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpc_save_multi_file.m @@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ +function varargout = mvpc_save_multi_file(varargin) +% MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE MATLAB code for mvpc_save_multi_file.fig +% MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE, by itself, creates a new MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE returns the handle to a new MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE.M with the given input arguments. +% +% MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE('Property','Value',...) creates a new MVPC_SAVE_MULTI_FILE or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before mvpc_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to mvpc_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help mvpc_save_multi_file + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 26-Apr-2023 19:05:41 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpc_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpc_save_multi_file_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before mvpc_save_multi_file is made visible. +function mvpc_save_multi_file_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% Choose default command line output for mvpc_save_multi_file + +try + ALLERP = varargin{1}; + Selected_ERP_label = varargin{2}; + suffix = varargin{3}; +catch + suffix = ''; + ERPLAB = []; + ERPLAB.erpname = 'No erpset was selected'; + ERPLAB.filename ='No erpset was selected'; + ERPLAB.event = []; + ERPLAB.chanlocs = []; + ERPLAB.nbchan = 0; + ALLERP(1) = ERPLAB; + Selected_ERP_label = 1; +end + +% handles.erpnameor = erpname; +handles.output = []; +handles.suffix = suffix; + +%reset the filepath for saving to CD +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + %reset the filepath for saving to CD + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filepath = cd; +end + + +handles.ALLERP = ALLERP; +handles.Selected_ERP_label =Selected_ERP_label; + +%erplab_studio_default_values; +erplab_default_values; +version = erplabver; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - Save multiple MVPCsets GUI']) + + +% set(handles.checkbox1_suffix,'Value',1); +%set(handles.edit_suffix_name,'String',suffix); +set(handles.checkbox2_save_label,'Value',0); %never assume they want to save + +ColumnName_table = {'BEST name', 'MVPC name','File name'}; + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnName',cellstr(ColumnName_table)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'RowName',cellstr(num2str(Selected_ERP_label'))); + + +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = strcat(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname,suffix); + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = strcat(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname,suffix); + DataString{Numofselectederp,3} = ''; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248 248}); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +%set(handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname,'Enable','off'); +set(handles.button_fnameMVPC,'Enable','on'); +set(handles.button_clearfname,'Enable','on'); + + + + +% +% % Color GUI +% % +handles = painterplab(handles); +% +% % +% % Set font size +% % +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +%set(handles.checkbox2_save_label,'Value',1); +checkbox2_save_label_Callback(hObject, [], handles) + + +% UIWAIT makes savemyerpGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpc_save_multi_file_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +try + varargout{1} = handles.output; +catch + varargout{1} = []; +end + +%delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox1_suffix. +function checkbox1_suffix_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; +suffix_edit = handles.edit_suffix_name.String; + +if isempty(suffix_edit) + msgboxText = 'You must enter a suffix at least!'; + title = 'EStudio: f_ERP_save_multi_file() error'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + +DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + %DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = strcat(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).bestname,suffix_edit); + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = strcat(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2},suffix_edit); + DataString{Numofselectederp,3} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,3}; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248 248}); +% if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% else +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +% end + + + + +function edit_suffix_name_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% Suffix_string = handles.edit_suffix_name.String; +% if isempty(Suffix_string) +% msgboxText = 'You must enter a suffix at least!'; +% title = 'EStudio: mvpc_save_multi_file() error'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, title); +% return +% end +% +% if handles.checkbox1_suffix.Value +% +% DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +% for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) +% DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = char(strcat(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1},'-',char(Suffix_string))); +% DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; +% end +% +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248}); +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% handles.suffix=Suffix_string; +% end + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_suffix_name_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox2_save_label. +function checkbox2_save_label_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +Values = handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value; + +if Values + %set(handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname,'Enable','on'); + set(handles.button_fnameMVPC,'Enable','on'); + set(handles.button_clearfname,'Enable','on'); + set(handles.browse_button,'Enable','on'); + ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; + Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; + fileName= char(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filename); + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_ERP.mvpc']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpc']; + end + DataString{Numofselectederp,3} = file_name; + + end + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnEditable',[false true true]); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString); + + % set directory text to pwd + set(handles.browsedir,'Enable','on'); + %set(handles.browsedir,'BackgroundColor',[0,0,0]); + set(handles.browsedir,'String',cd); +else + set(handles.button_fnameMVPC,'Enable','off'); + set(handles.button_clearfname,'Enable','off'); + set(handles.browse_button,'Enable','off'); + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString_before{Numofselectederp,3} = ''; + end + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString_before); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnEditable',[false true false]); + + % set directory text to pwd + set(handles.browsedir,'Enable','off'); + % set(handles.browsedir,'BackgroundColor',[0,0,0]); + set(handles.browsedir,'String',''); + +end +% if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +% else +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','on'); +% end + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox3_filename_erpname. +function checkbox3_filename_erpname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +Value_filename_erpname = handles.checkbox3_filename_erpname.Value; +% +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Enable','off'); +DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + +for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; + DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; + fileName = char(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}); + if isempty(fileName) + fileName = strcat(num2str(Numofselectederp),'mvpc'); + end + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_ERP.mvpc']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpc']; + end + DataString{Numofselectederp,3} = file_name; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248 248}); + + + + + +% --- Executes when entered data in editable cell(s) in uitable1_erpset_table. +function uitable1_erpset_table_CellEditCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +DataString = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; +if size(DataString,1) < numel(Selected_ERP_label) + msgboxText = 'BESTname and filename for one of erpsets are empty at least! Please give name to BESTname and filename'; + title = 'ERPLAB: f_ERP_save_multi_file empty erpname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +% for Numofselected = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) +% if isempty(DataString{Numofselected,2}) +% msgboxText = 'Erpname for one of erpsets is empty at least! Please give name to that erpset'; +% title = 'ERPLAB: f_ERP_save_multi_file empty erpname'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, title); +% return +% end +% +% end + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_Cancel. +function pushbutton_Cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.output = []; +% beep; +disp('User selected Cancel.'); +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton4_okay. +function pushbutton4_okay_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% suffix = strtrim(get(handles.edit_suffix_name, 'String')); +% if handles.checkbox1_suffix.Value +% if isempty(suffix) +% msgboxText = 'You must enter suffix at least!'; +% title = 'EStudio: mvpc_save_multi_file empty erpname'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, title); +% return +% end +% end + +Data_String =handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +ALLERP = handles.ALLERP; +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; + +if size(Data_String,1)< numel(Selected_ERP_label)% + msgboxText = 'MVPCname for one of MVPCsets is empty at least! Please give a name'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpc_save_multi_file empty MVPCname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + +if size(Data_String,1)> numel(Selected_ERP_label)% + msgboxText = 'More MVPCname is given. Please delete it!!!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpc_save_multi_file empty MVPCname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + + +for Numofselected = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + if isempty(Data_String{Numofselected,2}) + msgboxText = 'MVPCname for one of MVPCsets is empty at least! Please give a name'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpc_save_multi_file empty MVPCname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + +end + + + +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).mvpcname = Data_String{Numofselectederp,2}; + fileName = char(Data_String{Numofselectederp,3}); + if isempty(fileName) + %fileName = Data_String{Numofselectederp,2}; + fileName = ''; + end + + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + % file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_mvpc.mvpc']; + file_name = ''; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpc']; + end + + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filename = file_name; + if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value == 0 + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filepath = ''; + end + + if handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).saved = 'yes'; + else + ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).saved = 'no'; + end + +end + +%Remove bestname +%ALLERP = rmfield(ALLERP,'bestname'); + + +FilePath = handles.checkbox2_save_label.Value; + +handles.output = {ALLERP, FilePath}; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = ''; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in browse_button. +function browse_button_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to browse_button (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% Save OUTPUT file +% +fndefault = cd; +dname = uigetdir(fndefault, 'Select path for MVPC files'); + + +%set(handles.edit_saveas,'String', fullfile(pathname, fname)); +disp(['To save MVPCset(s), user selected path: ',dname]); + +set(handles.browsedir,'String',dname); + +Selected_ERP_label = handles.Selected_ERP_label; +for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(Selected_ERP_label) + %reset the filepath for saving to CD + handles.ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filepath = dname; +end + +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +% +% for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) +% DataString{Numofselectederp,1} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,1}; %bestname +% DataString{Numofselectederp,2} = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; +% fileName = char(DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}); +% if isempty(fileName) +% fileName = strcat(num2str(Numofselectederp),'mvpc'); +% end +% [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); +% if ~isempty(dname) +% file_name = [dname '/' file_name '.mvpc']; +% end +% DataString{Numofselectederp,3} = file_name; +% end +% +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',cellstr(DataString)); +% set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnWidth',{248 248 248}); + + + +function browsedir_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to browsedir (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of browsedir as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of browsedir as +% a double] + +desired_dir = get(hObject,'String'); + +if ~isfolder(desired_dir) + msgboxText = sprintf('The folder/directory %s does not exist!',desired_dir); + title = 'ERPLAB: save directory does not exist'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + + %chagne back to pwd + set(handles.browsedir,'String',pwd); + + +end +guidata(hObject, handles); + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function browsedir_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to browsedir (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_fnameMVPC. +function button_fnameMVPC_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_fnameMVPC (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + fileName = DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2}; + %fileName= char(ALLERP(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)).filename); + [pathstr, file_name, ext] = fileparts(fileName); + if isempty(file_name) + file_name = [num2str(Selected_ERP_label(Numofselectederp)),'_ERPspatial.mvpc']; + else + file_name = [file_name,'.mvpc']; + end + DataString_before{Numofselectederp,3} = file_name; + end + + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnEditable',[false true true]); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString_before); + guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_clearMVPCname. +function button_clearMVPCname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_clearMVPCname (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + + + DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; + for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString_before{Numofselectederp,2} = ''; + end + + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnEditable',[false true true]); + set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString_before); + guidata(hObject, handles); + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_clearfname. +function button_clearfname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_clearfname (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +DataString_before = handles.uitable1_erpset_table.Data; +for Numofselectederp = 1:size(DataString_before,1) + DataString_before{Numofselectederp,3} = ''; +end + +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'ColumnEditable',[false true true]); +set(handles.uitable1_erpset_table,'Data',DataString_before); +guidata(hObject, handles); diff --git a/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.fig b/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bd83d87 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.m b/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ffc5e3b --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpcaveragerGUI.m @@ -0,0 +1,767 @@ +% +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons & Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2009 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function varargout = mvpcaveragerGUI(varargin) +% MVPCAVERAGERGUI MATLAB code for mvpcaveragerGUI.fig +% MVPCAVERAGERGUI, by itself, creates a new MVPCAVERAGERGUI or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = MVPCAVERAGERGUI returns the handle to a new MVPCAVERAGERGUI or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% MVPCAVERAGERGUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in MVPCAVERAGERGUI.M with the given input arguments. +% +% MVPCAVERAGERGUI('Property','Value',...) creates a new MVPCAVERAGERGUI or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before mvpcaveragerGUI_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to mvpcaveragerGUI_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help mvpcaveragerGUI + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 15-May-2023 15:05:37 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpcaveragerGUI_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpcaveragerGUI_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before mvpcaveragerGUI is made visible. +function mvpcaveragerGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% varargin command line arguments to mvpcaveragerGUI (see VARARGIN) + +% Choose default command line output for mvpcaveragerGUI +handles.output = []; +handles.indxline = 1; %for addmvpc set + +try + % optioni = answer{2}; %1 means from a filelist, 0 means from mvpcsets menu + % mvpcset = answer{3}; + % stderror = answer{4}; % 0;1 + + def = varargin{1}; + actualnset = def{1}; % number of loaded mvpcsets at mvpcset menu + optioni = def{2}; % datasets to average, %1 means from a filelist, 0 means from mvpcsets menu + mvpcset = def{3}; % %indexs of ALLMVPC to average + stderror = def{4}; +catch + actualnset = 0; + optioni = 1; + mvpcset = ''; +% artcrite = 100; +% wavg = 0; +% excnullbin = 1; + stderror = 1; +end +if ~isempty(mvpcset) + if ischar(mvpcset) + listname = mvpcset; + else + listname = []; + end +else + listname = []; +end + +%helpbutton; %not yet created +handles.actualnset = actualnset; +handles.listname = listname; +handles.mvpcset = mvpcset; + +if optioni==0 && actualnset>0 && isnumeric(mvpcset) + mvpcs = mvpcset(mvpcset<=actualnset); + if isempty(mvpcs) + mvpcs = 1:actualnset; + end + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', vect2colon(mvpcs, 'Delimiter', 'off', 'Repeat', 'off')); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_delmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_loadlist, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_savelistas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_clearfile, 'Enable', 'off'); +elseif optioni==0 && actualnset>0 && ~isnumeric(mvpcset) + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', vect2colon(1:actualnset, 'Delimiter', 'off')); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_delmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_loadlist, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_savelistas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.button_clearfile, 'Enable', 'off'); +elseif optioni>=0 && actualnset==0 && isnumeric(mvpcset) + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', 'no mvpcset found'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String', {'new mvpcset'}); +elseif optioni==0 && actualnset==0 && ~isnumeric(mvpcset) + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', 'no mvpcset found'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String', {'new mvpcset'}); +elseif optioni==1 && actualnset>=0 && ~isnumeric(mvpcset) + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', 'no mvpcset found'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', vect2colon(1:actualnset, 'Delimiter', 'off')); + + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 1); + if ~isempty(mvpcset) + button_loadlist_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles, 1) + %listname = mvpcset; + else + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String', {'new mvpcset'}); + end +else + error('no entiendo esta combinacion :(') +end + +set(handles.checkbox_SEM, 'Value', stderror); % + + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - MVPC AVERAGER GUI']) + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% help +%helpbutton + +% UIWAIT makes grandaveragerGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + + +% UIWAIT makes mvpcaveragerGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +% uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpcaveragerGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +varargout{1} = handles.output; +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + +% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton_folders. +function radiobutton_folders_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to radiobutton_folders (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_delmvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.button_loadlist, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.button_savelistas, 'Enable', 'on'); +% set(handles.button_clearfile, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 0); + + if handles.actualnset==0 + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + else + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + end + if isempty(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String')) + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',{'new mvpcset'}); + end + + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', ''); +else + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 1); +end + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton_folders + + +% --- Executes on selection change in listbox_mvpcnames. +function listbox_mvpcnames_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to listbox_mvpcnames (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns listbox_mvpcnames contents as cell array +% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from listbox_mvpcnames +fulltext = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String'); +indxline = length(fulltext); +currlineindx = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value'); + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function listbox_mvpcnames_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to listbox_mvpcnames (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: listbox controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton_mvpcset. +function radiobutton_mvpcset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to radiobutton_mvpcset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton_mvpcset +if get(hObject, 'Value') + actualnset = handles.actualnset; + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String', vect2colon(1:actualnset, 'Delimiter', 'off')); + set(handles.radiobutton_folders, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_delmvpcset, 'Enable', 'off'); +% set(handles.button_loadlist, 'Enable', 'off'); +% set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'off'); +% set(handles.button_savelistas, 'Enable', 'off'); +% set(handles.button_clearfile, 'Enable', 'off'); +else + set(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value', 1); +end + + +function edit_mvpcset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_mvpcset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_mvpcset as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_mvpcset as a double + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_mvpcset_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_mvpcset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_cancel. +function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_cancel (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +handles.figure1 = []; +handles.output = []; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_GO. +function pushbutton_GO_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_GO (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +stderror = get(handles.checkbox_SEM,'Value'); % for standard error 1=>yes +warnon = get(handles.checkbox_warning,'Value'); + +% +% mvpcsets +% +if get(handles.radiobutton_mvpcset, 'Value') + mvpcset = str2num(char(get(handles.edit_mvpcset, 'String'))); + + if length(mvpcset)<2 + msgboxText = 'You have to specify 2 mvpcsets, at least!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaveragerGUI() -> missing input'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + if min(mvpcset)<1 || max(mvpcset)>handles.actualnset + msgboxText = 'Nonexistent mvpcset index(es)'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaveragerGUI() -> wrong input'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + else + handles.output = {0, mvpcset, stderror, warnon}; + end +else + mvpcset = cellstr(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String')); + nline = length(mvpcset); + + if nline<3 % 'new_mvpcset' line is being included + msgboxText = 'You have to specify 2 mvpcsets, at least!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaveragerGUI() -> missing input'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + listname = handles.listname; + + if isempty(listname) && nline>1 + BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow + question = ['You have not saved your list.\n'... + 'What would you like to do?']; + title = 'Save List of mvpcsets'; + oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); + set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) + button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'Save and Continue','Save As', 'Cancel','Save and Continue'); + set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor) + + if strcmpi(button,'Save As') + fullname = savelist(hObject, eventdata, handles); + handles.listname = fullname; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + return + elseif strcmpi(button,'Save and Continue') + fulltext = char(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String')); + %listname = char(strtrim(get(handles.edit_filelist,'String'))); + listname = ''; + if isempty(listname) + fullname = savelist(hObject, eventdata, handles); + listname = fullname; + if isempty(listname) + return + end + else + fid_list = fopen( listname , 'w'); + for i=1:size(fulltext,1)-1 + fprintf(fid_list,'%s\n', fulltext(i,:)); + end + fclose(fid_list); + end + elseif strcmpi(button,'Cancel') || strcmpi(button,'') + handles.output = []; + handles.listname = []; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + return + end + end + + + handles.output = {1, listname, stderror, warnon}; +end + + + + + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_SEM. +function checkbox_SEM_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_SEM (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_SEM + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_addmvpcset. +function pushbutton_addmvpcset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_addmvpcset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +[mvpcfname, mvpcpathname] = uigetfile({ '*.mvpc','Multivariate Pattern Classification files (*.mvpc)'; ... + '*.mat','Matlab (*.mat)'; ... + '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... + 'Select an edited file', ... + 'MultiSelect', 'on'); + +if isequal(mvpcfname,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return +else + if ~iscell(mvpcfname) + mvpcfname = {mvpcfname}; + end + + nmvpcn = length(mvpcfname); + + for i=1:nmvpcn + newline = fullfile(mvpcpathname, mvpcfname{i}); + currline = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value'); + fulltext = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String'); + indxline = length(fulltext); + + if currline==indxline + % extra line forward + fulltext = cat(1, fulltext, {'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline+1) + else + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline) + resto = fulltext(currline:indxline); + fulltext = cat(1, fulltext, {'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline+1) + [fulltext{currline+1:indxline+1}] = resto{:}; + end + + fulltext{currline} = newline; + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String', fulltext) + end + + indxline = length(fulltext); + handles.indxline = indxline; + handles.fulltext = fulltext; + handles.listname = []; + % set(handles.edit_filelist,'String',''); + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_delmvpcset. +function pushbutton_delmvpcset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_delmvpcset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +fulltext = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String'); +indxline = length(fulltext); +fulltext = char(fulltext); % string matrix +currline = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value'); + +if currline>=1 && currline' fullname '']) + fid_list = fopen( fullname , 'w'); + + for i=1:size(fulltext,1)-1 + fprintf(fid_list,'%s\n', fulltext(i,:)); + end + fclose(fid_list); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_clearfile. +function button_clearfile_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_clearfile (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +set(handles.edit_filelist,'String',''); +set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'off') +handles.listname = []; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_savelistas. +function button_savelistas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_savelistas (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +fulltext = char(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String')); + +if length(fulltext)>1 + + fullname = savelist(hObject, eventdata, handles); + + if isempty(fullname) + return + end + + set(handles.edit_filelist, 'String', fullname ) + set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable', 'on') + handles.listname = fullname; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +else + set(handles.button_savelistas,'Enable','off') + msgboxText = 'You have not specified any mvpcset!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaverager GUI few inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + set(handles.button_savelistas,'Enable','on') + return +end + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_savelist. +function button_savelist_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_savelist (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +fulltext = char(strtrim(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String'))); + +if length(fulltext)>1 + + fullname = get(handles.edit_filelist, 'String'); + + if ~strcmp(fullname,'') && strcmp(fullname,'new mvpcset') + + fid_list = fopen( fullname , 'w'); + + for i=1:size(fulltext,1) + fprintf(fid_list,'%s\n', fulltext(i,:)); + end + + fclose(fid_list); + handles.listname = fullname; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + disp(['Saving equation list at ' fullname '']) + else + button_savelistas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + return + end +else + set(handles.button_savelistas,'Enable','off') + msgboxText = 'You have not written any formula yet!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaveragerGUI few inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + set(handles.button_savelistas,'Enable','on') + return +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in button_loadlist. +function button_loadlist_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to button_loadlist (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +if nargin<4 + optionx=0; +end +if optionx==0 + [listname, lispath] = uigetfile({ '*.txt','Text File (*.txt)'; ... + '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... + 'Select an edited list', ... + 'MultiSelect', 'off'); + + if isequal(listname,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + else + fullname = fullfile(lispath, listname); + disp(['For MVPCset list user selected ' fullname '']) + end +else + fullname = handles.mvpcset; + if isnumeric(fullname) + fullname = ''; + end +end +try + fid_list = fopen( fullname ); + formcell = textscan(fid_list, '%[^\n]','CommentStyle','#', 'whitespace', ''); % JLC.05/12/15 +catch + fprintf('WARNING: %s was not found or is corrupted\n', fullname) + return +end + +lista = formcell{:}; +% extra line forward +lista = cat(1, lista, {'new mvpcset'}); +lentext = length(lista); +fclose(fid_list); + +if lentext>1 + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',lista); + set(handles.edit_filelist,'String',fullname); + handles.listname = fullname; + set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable','on') + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +else + msgboxText = 'This list is empty!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpcaveragerGUI inputs'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + handles.listname = []; + set(handles.button_savelist, 'Enable','off') + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',lista); + + +function edit_filelist_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_filelist (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_filelist as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_filelist as a double + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_filelist_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_filelist (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_warning. +function checkbox_warning_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_warning (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_warning diff --git a/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.fig b/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05bea015 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.m b/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c23593dc --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/mvpcviewerGUI.m @@ -0,0 +1,1469 @@ +function varargout = mvpcviewerGUI(varargin) +% MVPCVIEWERGUI MATLAB code for mvpcviewerGUI.fig +% MVPCVIEWERGUI, by itself, creates a new MVPCVIEWERGUI or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = MVPCVIEWERGUI returns the handle to a new MVPCVIEWERGUI or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% MVPCVIEWERGUI('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in MVPCVIEWERGUI.M with the given input arguments. +% +% MVPCVIEWERGUI('Property','Value',...) creates a new MVPCVIEWERGUI or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before mvpcviewerGUI_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to mvpcviewerGUI_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help mvpcviewerGUI + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 06-Jun-2023 18:10:34 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @mvpcviewerGUI_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @mvpcviewerGUI_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before mvpcviewerGUI is made visible. +function mvpcviewerGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% varargin command line arguments to mvpcviewerGUI (see VARARGIN) + +% Choose default command line output for mvpcviewerGUI +handles.output = []; + +%defx = erpworkingmemory('pop_geterpvalues'); +% try +% cerpi = evalin('base', 'CURRENTERP'); % current erp index +% catch +% cerpi = 1; +% end +% handles.cerpi = cerpi; +ALLMVPC = varargin{1}; +setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPC); + +measurearray = {'Average Decoding Accuracy','Crossnobis Distance','None'}; + + +%colors +cwm = erpworkingmemory('WMColor'); % window color for measurement +cvl = erpworkingmemory('VLColor'); % line color for measurement +mwm = erpworkingmemory('WMmouse'); % select window measurement by mouse option + +if isempty(cwm) + cwm = [0.8490 1.0000 0.1510]; +end +if isempty(cvl) + cvl = [1 0 0]; +end +if isempty(mwm) + mwm = 0; +end + +%handles.defx = defx; +handles.cwm = cwm; +handles.cvl = cvl; + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + + +if isempty(ALLMVPC) + set(handles.radiobutton2,'Value',1) + + handles.measurearray = {''}; + handles.meacodes = {''}; + handles.chance = 0; + handles.stderror = 0; + handles.alpha = {'0.10','0.20','0.30','0.40','0.50','0.60','0.70','0.80','0.90','1.0'}; + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'String', handles.alpha); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'Value',7); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'String', handles.alpha); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'Value',7); + meamenu = 3; + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); + + + handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPC; + handles.setArray = setArray; + handles.iset = 0; + handles.dig = 3; + handles.x1 = -1.75; + handles.x2 = 1.75; + + xlim = [0 30]; %default for empty values + ylim = [0 15]; %default for emtpy values + + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))); + + iset = 0; %empty file + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)); + + %set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.checkbox_stderror,'Enable', 'off'); + + + %set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + + handles.datatype = ''; + +else + + iset = evalin('base','CURRENTMVPC'); + + % set(handles.radiobutton1,'Value',1); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Enable','on'); + set(handles.text3,'String','MVPC Menu File Index'); + + fnames = {ALLMVPC(:).mvpcname}; + + for n = 1:numel(fnames) + fnames{n} = char(strcat(['File ' num2str(n) ': '], {' '},fnames{n})); + end + + + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',fnames); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Value',iset); + + if isfield(ALLMVPC(iset), 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPC(iset).DecodingMethod; + + else + datatype = 'SVM'; + end + + + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + meamenu = 1; + else + meamenu = 2; + end + + handles.measurearray = measurearray; + + + meacodes = {'avgdecodingacc' }; + + handles.meacodes = meacodes; + + handles.chance = 1; %set default on + set(handles.checkbox_chance,'Value',1); %set default on + handles.stderror = 0; + handles.alpha = {'0.10','0.20','0.30','0.40','0.50','0.60','0.70','0.80','0.90','1.0'}; + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'String', handles.alpha); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'Value',3); + + + %set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray); + %[tfm, indxmeaX] = ismember_bc2({moption}, meacodes); + + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); + % set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Value', meamenu); + % set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Enable', 'inactive'); + + + handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPC; + handles.ALLMVPA_reset = ALLMVPC; + %handles.binArray = binArray; + %handles.chanArray = chanArray; + handles.setArray = setArray; + %handles.ich = 1; + %handles.ibin = 1; + handles.iset = iset; + %handles.orilatency = latency; + %handles.blc = blc; + %handles.moption = moption; + %handles.tittle = tittle; + handles.dig = 3; + handles.x1 = -1.75; + handles.x2 = 1.75; + + + % ibin = 1; + % ich = 1; + + times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4]; + + end + + else + xlim = [min(times) max(times)];; + ylim = [abs(min(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score))*-1.10 max(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score)*1.10]; + + end + + handles.ylim_set = []; %for user set limits + handles.xlim_set = []; %for user set limits + + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))); + + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)); + + %set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_stderror,'Value', 0); + + if length(setArray)==1 + % set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') + % if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + end + handles.datatype = datatype; + + + + % + % Plot figure + % + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + + + mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim); + +end + +% +% create random x-values for scatter plot +% +% xscatt = rand(1,numel(AMP))*2.5-1.25; +% handles.xscatt = xscatt; +% indxsetstr = {''}; +% % end +% handles.indxsetstr = indxsetstr; + +% handles.membin = []; +% handles.memch = []; +% handles.memset = []; +% +% binvalue = erpworkingmemory('BinHisto'); % value(s) for bin in histogram +% normhisto = erpworkingmemory('NormHisto'); % normalize histogram +% chisto = erpworkingmemory('HistoColor'); % histogram color +% cfitnorm = erpworkingmemory('FnormColor'); % line color for fitted normal distribution +% fitnormd = erpworkingmemory('FitNormd'); % fit nomal distribution +% +% if isempty(binvalue) +% binvalue = 'auto'; +% end +% if isempty(normhisto) +% normhisto = 0; +% end +% if isempty(chisto) +% chisto = [1 0.5 0.2]; +% end +% if isempty(cfitnorm) +% cfitnorm = [1 0 0]; +% end +% if isempty(fitnormd) +% fitnormd = 0; +% end + +% handles.binvalue = binvalue; +% handles.normhisto = normhisto; +% handles.chisto = chisto; +% handles.cfitnorm = cfitnorm; +% handles.fitnormd = fitnormd; + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - VIEWER FOR MVPC GUI']); %, 'toolbar','figure') + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +% UIWAIT makes mvpaviewerGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + +function mplotdata(hObject,handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + +setArray = handles.setArray; +measurearray = handles.measurearray; + + +if ~isempty(handles.ylim_set) + %user's preference + ylim = handles.ylim_set; + +end +if ~isempty(handles.xlim_set) + %users preference + xlim = handles.xlim_set; +end + + +%% only one file +% pervious version of this code plotted more than one file +% if checkbox_butterflyset was enabled +% For the first version of decoding toolbox, Steve +% decided we only view one file at a time + +%setinput = []; +% if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') +% jseta = setArray; +% +% +% else +setinput = eval(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + +% if length(setinput)>1 +% jseta = setinput; +% else + jseta = setArray(iset); +% end +% end + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; + +%MVPC listbox + +fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz*1.5) +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nWorking...\n')) + +linecols = ["red","green","blue","cyan","magenta","black"]; +linecols_max = repmat(linecols,size(setArray)); %set max amount of colors +linecols = linecols_max(setArray); + + + +% p1 = times(1); +% p2 = times(end); +% intfactor = 0; +% if intfactor~=1 +% timex = linspace(p1,p2,round(pnts*intfactor)); +% else +% timex = timeor; +% end +timex = times; +% +% Colors +% +cwm = handles.cwm; +cvl = handles.cvl; +% +% latmin = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +% latmax = zeros(1, length(jbin)*length(jchannel)*length(jseta)); +axes(handles.axes1); +% fntsz = get(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize'); +% set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz*1.5 ) +% set(handles.edit_report, 'String', sprintf('\nWorking...\n')) +%drawnow +% tic +for i = 1:numel(jseta) + + seta = jseta(i); + + AverageAccuracy = ALLMVPC(seta).average_score; %index datum(or data) + + if isfield(ALLMVPC(seta), 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPC(seta).DecodingMethod; + else + datatype = 'None'; + end + + + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + meamenu = 1; + else + meamenu = 2; + end + + if numel(jseta) > 1 + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', 'Multiple'); + set(handles.text11,'String','Multiple'); + else + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); + if meamenu == 1 + set(handles.text11,'String','Decoding Accuracy (proportion correct)'); + elseif meamenu == 2 + set(handles.text11,'String','Distance (uV)'); + end + end + + + %plot + plot(timex,AverageAccuracy, 'LineWidth',1,'Color',linecols(seta)); + axis([xlim ylim]); + hold on + + if handles.chance == 1 + chancelvl = ALLMVPC(seta).chance; + line([timex(1),timex(end)],[chancelvl,chancelvl],... + 'LineStyle','--','Color','black'); %chance line + + end + + if handles.stderror == 1 + indxalpha = handles.popupmenu_alpha.Value; + stdalpha = str2num(handles.alpha{indxalpha}); + yt1 = AverageAccuracy - ALLMVPC(seta).stderror; + yt2 = AverageAccuracy + ALLMVPC(seta).stderror; +% yt1 = data4plot(1,:,binArray(ibin)) - ERP.binerror(chanArray(i),:,binArray(ibin)).*errorstd; +% yt2 = data4plot(1,:,binArray(ibin)) + ERP.binerror(chanArray(i),:,binArray(ibin)).*errorstd; + ciplot(yt1,yt2, ALLMVPC(seta).times, linecols(seta), stdalpha); + + end + + + +end + +%update scales +set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)); +set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))); + + +hold off + +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', ''); +set(handles.edit_report, 'FontSize', fntsz); + +nsetinput = length(setinput); +if nsetinput<=1 + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(jseta)) + handles.iset = iset; + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); +end + +setlabelx = ''; +% if get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') +% if length(setArray)>10 +% var1 = vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off'); +% else +% var1 = num2str(setArray); +% end +% for i = 1:numel(jseta) +% seta = jseta(i); +% setlabelx{seta} = sprintf('(%s)', ALLMVPC(seta).mvpcname); +% chancelabelx{seta} = ALLMVPC(seta).chance; +% foldlabelx{seta} = ALLMVPC(seta).nCrossfolds; +% methodlabelx{seta} = ALLMVPC(seta).DecodingMethod; +% end +% +if nsetinput == 1 + if nsetinput>10 + var1 = vect2colon(jseta, 'Delimiter', 'off'); + else + var1 = num2str(jseta); + if nsetinput==1 + setlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLMVPC(seta).mvpcname); + chancelabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).chance; + % foldlabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).nCrossfolds; + methodlabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).DecodingMethod; + end + + end +else + %% what if more than one file is chosen, and with chance levels differnt? +% if nsetinput>10 +% var1 = vect2colon(jseta, 'Delimiter', 'off'); +% else +% var1 = num2str(jseta); +% if nsetinput==1 +% setlabelx = sprintf('(%s)', ALLMVPC(jseta).mvpcname); +% chancelabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).nChance; +% foldlabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).nCrossfolds; +% methodlabelx = ALLMVPC(jseta).DecodingMethod; +% end +% +% end + + var1 = vect2colon(jseta, 'Delimiter', 'off'); +end + + + + + +% if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflybin, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflychan, 'Value') && ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Value') &&... +% nsetinput<=1 && nbinput<=1 && nchinput<=1 +% % none checked +% strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nBin : %s %s\nChannel: %s %s\nMeasu : %s\nWindow : %s\nLate : %s\nValue : %.' num2str(dig) 'f\n']; +% values2print = {var1, setlabelx, var2, binlabelx, var3, chanlabelx, tittle, sprintf('%.2f\t', latency), sprintf('%.2f\t', truelat), val}; +% else + +% if ~get(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value') +% strfrmt = ['File : %s %s\nChance level: %.4f \nCrossfold Validation: %i \nDecoding Method: %s ']; +% values2print = {var1, setlabelx, chancelabelx, foldlabelx, methodlabelx}; +% else +% + +% Only one file at a time +%strfrmt = ['File : %s']; + + +strfrmt = repmat('MVPC Details \nFile %s: %s \nChance: %.4f \nMethod: %s',[1,numel(jseta)]); + +p = 1; +for j = 1:1 + %only 1 file + if p == 1 + values2print = {var1}; + end + p = p + 1; + values2print{p} = setlabelx; + p = p + 1; + values2print{p} = chancelabelx; + p = p + 1; + values2print{p} = methodlabelx; +end + + +repo = sprintf(strfrmt, values2print{:}); +% if ~isempty(nanindxfile) && length(jseta)>1 +% repo = sprintf('%sNaN values found at files: %s', repo, num2str(nanindxfile)); +% end +set(handles.edit_report, 'String', repo) + +%axis([xlim ylim]); + + +% hold off +drawnow + +%nsetinput = length(setinput); + + + + + + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = mvpcviewerGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure + +varargout{1} = handles.output; + + +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + + + +function edit_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_file as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_file as a double + +try + iset = eval(get(hObject,'String')); +catch + msgboxText = 'You did not input a valid file number'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: MVPCviewer() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + set(hObject,'String',handles.iset); + return +end + +if max(iset) > max(handles.setArray) + msgboxText = 'You did not input a valid file number'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: MVPCviewer() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + set(hObject,'String',handles.iset); + return +end + +%update listbox +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', iset); + +%query reasonable xlim & ylim + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; +datatype = ALLMVPC(iset).DecodingMethod; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4]; + + end + +else + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [abs(min(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score))*-1.10 max(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score)*1.10]; + +end + +%ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +%xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset, xlim, ylim) + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_file_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_left_file. +function pushbutton_left_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_left_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% tittle = handles.tittle; +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +check_iset = iset-1; + +if check_iset<1 + return; %iset = 1; +else + iset = check_iset; +end +%handles.iset = iset; + +%update listbox +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Value',iset); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +%query reasonable xlim & ylim + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; +datatype = ALLMVPC(iset).DecodingMethod; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4]; + + end + +else + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [abs(min(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score))*-1.10 max(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score)*1.10]; + +end + +%ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +%xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset, xlim, ylim) + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_right_file. +function pushbutton_right_file_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_right_file (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +%tittle = handles.tittle; +setArray = handles.setArray; +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; +check_iset = iset+1; + +if check_iset>length(setArray) + return; %iset = length(setArray); +else + iset = check_iset; +end +handles.iset = iset; + +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Value',iset); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; +datatype = ALLMVPC(iset).DecodingMethod; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4]; + + end + +else + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [abs(min(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score))*-1.10 max(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score)*1.10]; + +end + +% ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +% xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_butterflyset. +function checkbox_butterflyset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_butterflyset (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +setArray = handles.setArray; +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', vect2colon(setArray, 'Delimiter', 'off')) + set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + +else + set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'on'); + setinput = str2num(get(handles.edit_file, 'String')); + if length(setinput)>1 + setinput = setinput(1); + [xxx, iset] = closest(setArray, setinput); + handles.iset=iset; + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(setinput)) + end + if length(setinput)<=1 + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'on') + else + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + end +end + +% tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +% +% if isempty(xlim) || isempty(ylim) +% return +% end + +% ich = handles.ich; +% ibin = handles.ibin; +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_butterflyset + + + +function edit_report_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_report (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_report as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_report as a double + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_report_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_report (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_chance. +function checkbox_chance_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_chance (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +iset = handles.iset; +if get(hObject,'Value') + handles.chance = 1; +else + handles.chance = 0; +end + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_chance + + + +function edit_ylim_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_ylim (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_ylim as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_ylim as a double +%tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if length(xlim)~=2 || length(ylim)~=2 || any(isnan(xlim)) || any(isnan(ylim)) || any(isinf(xlim)) || any(isinf(ylim)) || xlim(1)>=xlim(2) || ylim(1)>=ylim(2) + msgboxText = 'Invalid scale!\n You must enter 2 numeric values on each range.\tThe first one must be lower than the second one.'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpciewerGUI, invalid baseline input'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return +end + +handles.ylim_set = ylim; +handles.xlim_set = xlim; + +guidata(hObject, handles); %maintain set limits + +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim) + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_ylim_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_ylim (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + + +function edit_xlim_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_xlim (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_xlim as text +% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_xlim as a double +%tittle = handles.tittle; +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +if length(xlim)~=2 || length(ylim)~=2 || any(isnan(xlim)) || any(isnan(ylim)) || any(isinf(xlim)) || any(isinf(ylim)) || xlim(1)>=xlim(2) || ylim(1)>=ylim(2) + msgboxText = 'Invalid scale!\n You must enter 2 numeric values on each range.\tThe first one must be lower than the second one.'; + title = 'ERPLAB: mvpciewerGUI, invalid baseline input'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return +end + +handles.ylim_set = ylim; +handles.xlim_set = xlim; + +guidata(hObject, handles); %maintain set limits + +iset = handles.iset; + +mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim) + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit_xlim_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to edit_xlim (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_createplot. +function pushbutton_createplot_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_createplot (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% h1=handles.axes1; +% % +% % Create figure +% % +% hbig = figure('Name','ERP VIEWER',... +% 'NumberTitle','on', 'Tag', 'Viewer_figure');erplab_figtoolbar(hbig); +% % objects=allchild(h1); +% copyobj(h1,hbig); +% opengl software +OFF_STD = 0.25; % std dev of figure offset +MIN_OFF = 0.15; % minimum offset for new figure +BORDER = 0.04; % screen edge tolerance + +fig=handles.gui_chassis; +sel=handles.axes1; +% +% Get position for new figure +% +set(sel,'Units','normalized'); +place = get(sel,'Position'); +cmap = colormap; +% newxy = (OFF_STD*randn(1,2))+place(1,1:2); +% newx = newxy(1);newy=newxy(2); +% +% if abs(newx-place(1,1))1-BORDER, newx=1-BORDER-place(3); end +% if newy+place(4)>1-BORDER, newy=1-BORDER-place(4); end + +% newfig = figure('Units','Normalized','Position',[newx,newy,place(1,3:4)]); +newfig = figure('Units','Normalized','Position', place, 'Name','MVPC VIEWER', 'NumberTitle','on', 'Tag', 'Viewer_figure'); + +% +% Copy object to new figure +% +set(newfig,'Color',[1 1 1]); +copyobj(sel,newfig); +set(gca,'Position',[0.130 0.110 0.775 0.815]); +set(gca,'Box', 'off') +colormap(cmap); +erplab_figtoolbar(newfig) + +% % +% % Increase font size +% % +% set(findobj('parent',newfig,'type','axes'),'FontSize',14); +% set(get(gca,'XLabel'),'FontSize',16) +% set(get(gca,'YLabel'),'FontSize',16) +% set(get(gca,'Title'),'Fontsize',16); +% +% Add xtick and ytick labels if missing +% +% if strcmp(get(gca,'Box'),'on') +% set(gca,'xticklabelmode','auto') +% set(gca,'xtickmode','auto') +% set(gca,'yticklabelmode','auto') +% set(gca,'ytickmode','auto') +% end +% +% Turn on zoom in the new figure +% +% zoom on; +pause(0.2) + +%latency = handles.latency; +%handles.output = NaN; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + +% --- Executes on button press in checkbox_stderror. +function checkbox_stderror_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to checkbox_stderror (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of checkbox_stderror + +iset = handles.iset; +if get(hObject,'Value') + handles.stderror = 1; +else + handles.stderror = 0; +end + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + + +% --- Executes on selection change in popupmenu_alpha. +function popupmenu_alpha_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to popupmenu_alpha (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns popupmenu_alpha contents as cell array +% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from popupmenu_alpha +iset = handles.iset; +if get(hObject,'Value') + handles.stderror = 1; +else + handles.stderror = 0; +end + +ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); + +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset,xlim,ylim) + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function popupmenu_alpha_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to popupmenu_alpha (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: popupmenu controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton1. +function radiobutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to radiobutton1 (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +set(handles.radiobutton2,'Value',0); +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Enable','off'); +set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpc,'Enable','off'); + +set(handles.text3,'String','MVPC index'); + +%plot first MVPCset + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA_reset; %obtain reset value +setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPC); + + if isfield(ALLMVPC(1), 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPC(1).DecodingMethod; + + if strcmpi(datatype,'SVM') + % here, treat SEM data like ERP data + datatype = 'SVM'; + % datatype2 = 'SEM'; + end + + else + datatype = 'SVM'; + end + + + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + meamenu = 1; + else + meamenu = 2 + end + + measurearray = handles.measurearray; + + handles.chance = 0; + handles.stderror = 0; + handles.alpha = {'0.10','0.20','0.30','0.40','0.50','0.60','0.70','0.80','0.90','1.0'}; + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'String', handles.alpha); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'Value',7); + + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); + + + handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPC; + %handles.binArray = binArray; + %handles.chanArray = chanArray; + handles.setArray = setArray; + %handles.ich = 1; + %handles.ibin = 1; + handles.iset = 1; + %handles.orilatency = latency; + %handles.blc = blc; + %handles.moption = moption; + %handles.tittle = tittle; + handles.dig = 3; + handles.x1 = -1.75; + handles.x2 = 1.75; + + + + iset = 1; + times = ALLMVPC(1).times; + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(1).chance*3 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(1).chance*3]; + + end + + else + xlim = [0 30]; + ylim = [0 15]; + + end + + + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))); + + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)); + + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_stderror,'Value', 0); + + if length(setArray)==1 + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') + % if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + end + handles.datatype = datatype; + + + + % + % Plot figure + % + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + + + mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim); + + + + + + + + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton1 + + +% --- Executes on button press in radiobutton2. +function radiobutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to radiobutton2 (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +set(handles.radiobutton1,'Value',0); +set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Enable','on'); +set(handles.pushbutton_addmvpc,'Enable','on'); + +if isempty(get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String')) + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',{'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.edit_file,'String','0'); +else + + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'Value',1); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',{'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.edit_file,'String','0'); +end + +set(handles.text3,'String','File index'); + + + +% Hint: get(hObject,'Value') returns toggle state of radiobutton2 + + +% --- Executes on selection change in listbox_mvpcnames. +function listbox_mvpcnames_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to listbox_mvpcnames (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hints: contents = cellstr(get(hObject,'String')) returns listbox_mvpcnames contents as cell array +% contents{get(hObject,'Value')} returns selected item from listbox_mvpcnames + +iset = get(hObject,'Value'); + +%query reasonable xlim & ylim + +ALLMVPC = handles.ALLMVPA; +times = ALLMVPC(iset).times; +datatype = ALLMVPC(iset).DecodingMethod; +if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(iset).chance*4]; + + end + +else + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + ylim = [abs(min(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score))*-1.10 max(ALLMVPC(iset).average_score)*1.10]; + +end + +%ylim = str2num(get(handles.edit_ylim, 'String' )); +%xlim = str2num(get(handles.edit_xlim, 'String' )); +mplotdata(hObject, handles,iset, xlim, ylim) + + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function listbox_mvpcnames_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to listbox_mvpcnames (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called + +% Hint: listbox controls usually have a white background on Windows. +% See ISPC and COMPUTER. +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_addmvpc. +function pushbutton_addmvpc_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton_addmvpc (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +%reset listbox +% handles.listbox_mvpcnames.String = []; +% handles.listbox_mvpcnames.Value = 0; +% set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames,'String',{'new mvpcset'}); +% set(handles.edit_file,'String','0'); + +[mvpcfname, mvpcpathname] = uigetfile({ '*.mvpc','Multivariate Pattern Classification files (*.mvpc)'; ... + '*.mat','Matlab (*.mat)'; ... + '*.*', 'All Files (*.*)'}, ... + 'Select an edited file', ... + 'MultiSelect', 'on'); + +if isequal(mvpcfname,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return +else + if ~iscell(mvpcfname) + mvpcfname = {mvpcfname}; + end + + nmvpcn = length(mvpcfname); + + for i=1:nmvpcn + newline = fullfile(mvpcpathname, mvpcfname{i}); + currline = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value'); + fulltext = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String'); + indxline = length(fulltext); + + if currline==indxline + % extra line forward + fulltext = cat(1, fulltext, {'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline+1) + else + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline) + resto = fulltext(currline:indxline); + fulltext = cat(1, fulltext, {'new mvpcset'}); + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value', currline+1) + [fulltext{currline+1:indxline+1}] = resto{:}; + end + + fulltext{currline} = newline; + set(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'String', fulltext) + end + + indxline = length(fulltext); + handles.indxline = indxline; + handles.fulltext = fulltext; + handles.listname = []; + preindex = 0; + for i=1:(numel(handles.fulltext) - 1) + + + %currline = get(handles.listbox_mvpcnames, 'Value'); + fullname = handles.listbox_mvpcnames.String{i}; + fprintf('Loading %s\n', fullname); + L = load(fullname, '-mat'); + MVPC = L.MVPC; + % if i == 1 + % BEST = L.BEST; + % else + % BEST(i) = L.BEST; + % end + + if i == 1 + ALLMVPC = MVPC; + + else + ALLMVPC(i+preindex) = MVPC; + + end + + end + + %plot latest entry + + if isfield(ALLMVPC(end), 'DecodingMethod') + datatype = ALLMVPC(end).DecodingMethod; + + if strcmpi(datatype,'SVM') + % here, treat SEM data like ERP data + datatype = 'SVM'; + % datatype2 = 'SEM'; + end + + else + datatype = 'SVM'; + end + + + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + meamenu = 1; + else + meamenu = 2 + end + + measurearray = handles.measurearray ; + + + + handles.chance = 0; + handles.stderror = 0; + handles.alpha = {'0.10','0.20','0.30','0.40','0.50','0.60','0.70','0.80','0.90','1.0'}; + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'String', handles.alpha); + set(handles.popupmenu_alpha,'Value',7); + + + set(handles.text_measurementv, 'String', measurearray{meamenu}); + % set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Value', meamenu); + % set(handles.text_measurementv, 'Enable', 'inactive'); + setArray = 1:length(ALLMVPC); + + handles.ALLMVPA = ALLMVPC; + %handles.binArray = binArray; + %handles.chanArray = chanArray; + handles.setArray = setArray; + %handles.ich = 1; + %handles.ibin = 1; + handles.iset = setArray(end); + %handles.orilatency = latency; + %handles.blc = blc; + %handles.moption = moption; + %handles.tittle = tittle; + handles.dig = 3; + handles.x1 = -1.75; + handles.x2 = 1.75; + + + % ibin = 1; + % ich = 1; + iset = setArray(end); + times = ALLMVPC(end).times; + if strcmpi(datatype, 'SVM') + xlim = [min(times) max(times)]; + if ALLMVPC(end).chance*3 > 1 + ylim = [0 1]; + else + ylim = [0 ALLMVPC(end).chance*3]; + + end + + else + xlim = [0 30]; + ylim = [0 15]; + + end + + + set(handles.edit_ylim, 'String', num2str(ylim)); + set(handles.edit_xlim, 'String', sprintf('%g %g', round(xlim))); + + set(handles.edit_file, 'String', num2str(iset)); + + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset,'Value', 0); + set(handles.checkbox_stderror,'Value', 0); + + if length(setArray)==1 + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'off') + % if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'off') + else + set(handles.checkbox_butterflyset, 'Enable', 'on') + % if frdm; set(handles.edit_file, 'Enable', 'off');end + set(handles.pushbutton_right_file, 'Enable', 'on') + set(handles.pushbutton_left_file, 'Enable', 'on') + + end + handles.datatype = datatype; + + % Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + + mplotdata(hObject, handles, iset, xlim, ylim) + + + +end + + + + + +% --- Executes when user attempts to close gui_chassis. +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to gui_chassis (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Hint: delete(hObject) closes the figure +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = []; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end diff --git a/GUIs/plotConfusionGUI.mlapp b/GUIs/plotConfusionGUI.mlapp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..362d4065 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/plotConfusionGUI.mlapp differ diff --git a/GUIs/ploterpGUI.fig b/GUIs/ploterpGUI.fig index cb44f28e..effa142f 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/ploterpGUI.fig and b/GUIs/ploterpGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/savemybestGUI.fig b/GUIs/savemybestGUI.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e5f1d67d Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/savemybestGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/savemybestGUI.m b/GUIs/savemybestGUI.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1fcf6416 --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/savemybestGUI.m @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +% +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons & Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2009 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function varargout = savemybestGUI(varargin) + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @savemybestGUI_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @savemybestGUI_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); + +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + if isempty(strfind(varargin{1},' ')) && isempty(str2num(varargin{1})) && isempty(strfind(varargin{1},'&')) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); + %gui_State.gui_Callback = []; + end +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function savemybestGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) + +% Choose default command line output for savemybestGUI + +try + bestname = varargin{1}; + filename = varargin{2}; + overw = varargin{3}; + bestname = bestname{1}; %bypass the cell index if number +catch + bestname = ''; + filename = ''; + overw = 0; +end + + + +handles.bestnameor = bestname; +handles.output = []; +bestmenu = findobj('tag', 'bestsets'); + +if ~isempty(bestmenu) + handles.menubest = get(bestmenu); + set(handles.menubest.Children, 'Enable','off'); +end + +handles.owfp = 0; % over write file permission + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - Save BESTset GUI']) +set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + +if ~isempty(filename) + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', filename); + set(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'on'); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', ''); + set(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Visible','off'); %not necessary for BESTset + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'off'); +end +if overw==0 + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 0); +else + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 1); +end +[nset CURRENTBEST] = getallbeststate; +if nset>0 + set(handles.text_question,'String', ['Your active BESTset is # ' num2str(CURRENTBEST)],... + 'FontWeight','Bold', 'FontSize', 12) + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'String', ['Overwrite in memory BESTset # ' num2str(CURRENTBEST)]) + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'String', ['Create a new BESTset # ' num2str(nset+1)]) +else + set(handles.text_question,'String', 'You are creating a new BESTset',... + 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight','Bold') + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'String', 'Overwrite in memory') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'String', ['Create a new bestset # ' num2str(nset+1)]) +end + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% help +% helpbutton + +% UIWAIT makes savemybestGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function varargout = savemybestGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% Get default command line output from handles structure +try + set(handles.menubest.Children, 'Enable','on'); +catch + disp('BESTset menu was not found...') +end +varargout{1} = handles.output; +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bestname_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_saveas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_saveas_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_browse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% +% Save OUTPUT file +% +fndefault = get(handles.edit_saveas,'String'); +[fname, pathname] = uiputfile({'*.best', 'BEST-files (*.best)';},'Save Output file as',... + fndefault); + +if isequal(fname,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + guidata(hObject, handles); + handles.owfp = 0; % over write file permission + guidata(hObject, handles); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas,'String', fullfile(pathname, fname)); + disp(['To save BESTset, user selected ', fullfile(pathname, fname)]) + handles.owfp = 1; % over write file permission + guidata(hObject, handles); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.output = []; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_OK_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + +if isempty(bestname) + msgboxText = 'You must enter a BESTset filename at least!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Extract BEST GUI empty BEST filename'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +fname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String')); +overw = get(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value'); + +if ~isempty(fname) && get(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value') + + owfp = handles.owfp; % over write file permission + [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(fname); + + if ~strcmp(ext,'.best') && ~strcmp(ext,'.mat') + ext = '.erp'; + end + if strcmp(pathstr,'') + pathstr = cd; + end + + fullname = fullfile(pathstr, [name ext]); + + if exist(fullname, 'file')~=0 && owfp ==0 + question{1} = [fullname ' already exists!']; + question{2} = 'Do you want to replace it?'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Overwriting Confirmation'; + button = askquest(question, title); + + if ~strcmpi(button, 'yes') + return + end + end +elseif isempty(fname) && get(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value') + msgboxText = 'You must enter a filename!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Extract BEST GUI empty BEST filename'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +else + fullname = []; +end + +handles.output = {bestname, fullname, overw}; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_saveas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'on'); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', ''); +end + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_same_as_filename_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +fname = get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String'); +%erpname = get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String'); +if strcmp(fname,'') + msgboxText = 'You must enter a filename first!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Extract BEST GUI empty BESTname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end +[pathstr, fname, ext] = fileparts(fname); +bestname = fname; +set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_same_as_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +fname = get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String'); +bestname = get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String'); +if strcmp(bestname,'') + msgboxText = 'You must enter an bestname!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Extract BEST GUI empty bestname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end +if ~strcmp(fname,'') + [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(fname); + name = bestname; + if ~strcmp(ext,'.best') && ~strcmp(ext,'.mat'); + ext = '.best'; + end + + fname = fullfile(pathstr,[name ext]); +else + fname=[bestname '.best']; +end +set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', fname); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_overwrite_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if get(hObject,'Value') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'Value',0) + bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + if isempty(bestname) + bestname = handles.bestnameor; + set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + end +else + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value',1); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_newbestset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if get(hObject,'Value') + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value',0); + bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + + if isempty(bestname) + bestname = handles.bestnameor; + set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + end +else + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value',1); + +end + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = ''; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end + + +% % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_same_as_bestname. +% function pushbutton_same_as_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% % hObject handle to pushbutton_same_as_bestname (see GCBO) +% % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) diff --git a/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.fig b/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.fig new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a9237c5 Binary files /dev/null and b/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.fig differ diff --git a/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.m b/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ee27e8a --- /dev/null +++ b/GUIs/savemymvpcGUI.m @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +% +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons & Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2009 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function varargout = savemymvpcGUI(varargin) + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @savemymvpcGUI_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @savemymvpcGUI_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); + +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + if isempty(strfind(varargin{1},' ')) && isempty(str2num(varargin{1})) && isempty(strfind(varargin{1},'&')) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); + %gui_State.gui_Callback = []; + end +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function savemymvpcGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) + +% Choose default command line output for savemymvpcGUI + +try + bestname = varargin{1}; + filename = varargin{2}; + overw = varargin{3}; + bestname = bestname{1}; %bypass the cell index if number +catch + bestname = ''; + filename = ''; + overw = 0; +end + + + +handles.bestnameor = bestname; +handles.output = []; +bestmenu = findobj('tag', 'mvpcsets'); + +if ~isempty(bestmenu) + handles.menubest = get(bestmenu); + set(handles.menubest.Children, 'Enable','off'); +end + +handles.owfp = 0; % over write file permission + +% +% Name & version +% +version = geterplabversion; +set(handles.gui_chassis,'Name', ['ERPLAB ' version ' - Save MVPCset GUI']) +set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + +if ~isempty(filename) + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', filename); + set(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'on'); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', ''); + set(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Visible','off'); %not necessary for BESTset + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'off'); +end +if overw==0 + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 0); +else + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 1); +end +[nset, CURRENTMVPC] = getallmvpcstate; +if nset>0 + set(handles.text_question,'String', ['Your active MVPCset is # ' num2str(CURRENTMVPC)],... + 'FontWeight','Bold', 'FontSize', 12) + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'String', ['Overwrite in memory MVPCset # ' num2str(CURRENTMVPC)]) + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'String', ['Create a new MVPCset # ' num2str(nset+1)]) +else + set(handles.text_question,'String', 'You are creating a new MVPCset',... + 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight','Bold') + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'String', 'Overwrite in memory') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value', 1); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value', 0); + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite,'Enable', 'off') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'String', ['Create a new MVPCset # ' num2str(nset+1)]) +end + +% +% Color GUI +% +handles = painterplab(handles); + +% +% Set font size +% +handles = setfonterplab(handles); + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% help +% helpbutton + +% UIWAIT makes savemymvpcGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function varargout = savemymvpcGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% Get default command line output from handles structure +try + set(handles.menubest.Children, 'Enable','on'); +catch + disp('MVPCset menu was not found...') +end +varargout{1} = handles.output; +% The figure can be deleted now +delete(handles.gui_chassis); +pause(0.1) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_bestname_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_saveas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function edit_saveas_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_browse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% +% Save OUTPUT file +% +fndefault = get(handles.edit_saveas,'String'); +[fname, pathname] = uiputfile({'*.mvpc', 'MVPC-files (*.mvpc)';},'Save Output file as',... + fndefault); + +if isequal(fname,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + guidata(hObject, handles); + handles.owfp = 0; % over write file permission + guidata(hObject, handles); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas,'String', fullfile(pathname, fname)); + disp(['To save MVPCset, user selected ', fullfile(pathname, fname)]) + handles.owfp = 1; % over write file permission + guidata(hObject, handles); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.output = []; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_OK_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + +if isempty(bestname) + msgboxText = 'You must enter a MVPCset filename at least!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: empty MVPC filename'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +fname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String')); +overw = get(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value'); + +if ~isempty(fname) && get(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value') + + owfp = handles.owfp; % over write file permission + [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(fname); + + if ~strcmp(ext,'.mvpc') && ~strcmp(ext,'.mat') + ext = '.erp'; + end + if strcmp(pathstr,'') + pathstr = cd; + end + + fullname = fullfile(pathstr, [name ext]); + + if exist(fullname, 'file')~=0 && owfp ==0 + question{1} = [fullname ' already exists!']; + question{2} = 'Do you want to replace it?'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Overwriting Confirmation'; + button = askquest(question, title); + + if ~strcmpi(button, 'yes') + return + end + end +elseif isempty(fname) && get(handles.radiobutton_saveas, 'Value') + msgboxText = 'You must enter a filename!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Extract BEST GUI empty BEST filename'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +else + fullname = []; +end + +handles.output = {bestname, fullname, overw}; +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_saveas_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if get(hObject, 'Value') + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'on'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'on'); +else + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_browse, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_bestname, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.pushbutton_same_as_filename, 'Enable', 'off'); + set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', ''); +end + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_same_as_filename_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +fname = get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String'); +%erpname = get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String'); +if strcmp(fname,'') + msgboxText = 'You must enter a filename first!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: empty MVPCname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end +[pathstr, fname, ext] = fileparts(fname); +bestname = fname; +set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function pushbutton_same_as_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +fname = get(handles.edit_saveas, 'String'); +bestname = get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String'); +if strcmp(bestname,'') + msgboxText = 'You must enter an mvpcname!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: empty mvpcname'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end +if ~strcmp(fname,'') + [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(fname); + name = bestname; + if ~strcmp(ext,'.mvpc') && ~strcmp(ext,'.mat'); + ext = '.mvpc'; + end + + fname = fullfile(pathstr,[name ext]); +else + fname=[bestname '.mvpc']; +end +set(handles.edit_saveas, 'String', fname); + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_overwrite_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if get(hObject,'Value') + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset,'Value',0) + bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + if isempty(bestname) + bestname = handles.bestnameor; + set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + end +else + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value',1); +end + +% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- +function radiobutton_newbestset_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if get(hObject,'Value') + set(handles.radiobutton_overwrite, 'Value',0); + bestname = strtrim(get(handles.edit_bestname, 'String')); + + if isempty(bestname) + bestname = handles.bestnameor; + set(handles.edit_bestname, 'String', bestname); + end +else + set(handles.radiobutton_newbestset, 'Value',1); + +end + +% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') + %The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME + handles.output = ''; + %Update handles structure + guidata(hObject, handles); + uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); +else + % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it + delete(handles.gui_chassis); +end + + +% % --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_same_as_bestname. +% function pushbutton_same_as_bestname_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% % hObject handle to pushbutton_same_as_bestname (see GCBO) +% % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) diff --git a/GUIs/scalplotGUI.fig b/GUIs/scalplotGUI.fig index 058a6019..fa559078 100755 Binary files a/GUIs/scalplotGUI.fig and b/GUIs/scalplotGUI.fig differ diff --git a/eegplugin_erplab.m b/eegplugin_erplab.m old mode 100755 new mode 100644 index 4c17d863..370ef150 --- a/eegplugin_erplab.m +++ b/eegplugin_erplab.m @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -% Author: Guanghui Zhang, Aaron Matthew Simmons, -% Andrew X Stewart, Javier Lopez-Calderon & Steven Luck +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons, Guanghui Zhang, Andrew X Stewart, +% Javier Lopez-Calderon & Steven Luck % Center for Mind and Brain % University of California, Davis, % Davis, CA -% 2007-2020 -% Version 9.20 +% 2007-2023 +% Version 10.0 %b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b % @@ -29,12 +29,11 @@ function currvers = eegplugin_erplab(fig, trystrs, catchstrs) - - - +erplab_default_values % script +currvers = ['erplab' erplabver]; if nargin < 3 - error('eegplugin_erplab requires 3 arguments'); + error('eegplugin_erplab requires 3 arguments'); end % @@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ % p = which('eegplugin_erplab','-all'); if length(p)>1 - fprintf('\nERPLAB WARNING: More than one ERPLAB folder was found.\n\n'); + fprintf('\nERPLAB WARNING: More than one ERPLAB folder was found.\n\n'); end p = p{1}; p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); @@ -50,10 +49,10 @@ addpath(genpath(p)) - try clearvars observe_ERPDAT; clearvars v_ERPDAT; + catch end @@ -72,9 +71,6 @@ observe_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = 0; observe_ERPDAT.Process_messg = 0;%%change end - - - % % CHECK VERSION NUMBER & FOLDER NAME % Grab the end of the path, like '7.0' @@ -97,19 +93,19 @@ % CHECK EEGLAB Version % if exist('memoryerp.erpm','file')==2 - iserpmem = 1; % file for memory exists + iserpmem = 1; % file for memory exists else - iserpmem = 0; % does not exist file for memory + iserpmem = 0; % does not exist file for memory end egv = regexp(eeg_getversion,'^(\d+)\.+','tokens','ignorecase'); eegversion = str2num(char(egv{:})); check_matlab_version; if eegversion==11 - if iserpmem==1 - warning('ERPLAB:Warning', 'ERPLAB is not compatible with EEGLAB 11. Please try either a newer or an older version of EEGLAB.') - else - warndlg(sprintf('ERPLAB is not compatible with EEGLAB 11.\nPlease try either a newer or an older version of EEGLAB.'),'!! Warning !!', 'modal') - end + if iserpmem==1 + warning('ERPLAB:Warning', 'ERPLAB is not compatible with EEGLAB 11. Please try either a newer or an older version of EEGLAB.') + else + warndlg(sprintf('ERPLAB is not compatible with EEGLAB 11.\nPlease try either a newer or an older version of EEGLAB.'),'!! Warning !!', 'modal') + end end % @@ -120,13 +116,13 @@ filenames = {filst.name}; if length(filenames)>3 % '.' '..' 'erplab_box_readme.md' - recycle on; - delete(fullfile(dirBox,'*')) - fprintf('\nERPLAB WARNING: Temporary files (from your last session) within erplab_Box folder were sent to recycle bin.\n\n') - - file_id = fopen(fullfile(dirBox, 'erplab_box_readme.md'), 'w'); - fprintf(file_id, 'This is a placeholder file, so that git does not delete the `erplab_Box` folder.'); - fclose(file_id); + recycle on; + delete(fullfile(dirBox,'*')) + fprintf('\nERPLAB WARNING: Temporary files (from your last session) within erplab_Box folder were sent to recycle bin.\n\n') + + file_id = fopen(fullfile(dirBox, 'erplab_box_readme.md'), 'w'); + fprintf(file_id, 'This is a placeholder file, so that git does not delete the `erplab_Box` folder.'); + fclose(file_id); end % @@ -135,44 +131,44 @@ % Check erpmem version matches current version if iserpmem - oldmem = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), '-mat'); - memver = oldmem.erplabver; - if strcmp(memver,erplabver) == 0 - disp('Updating erpmem with current version number') - mshock = oldmem.mshock; - save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'),'erplabrel','erplabver','ColorB','ColorF','errorColorB', 'errorColorF','fontsizeGUI','fontunitsGUI','mshock'); - end + oldmem = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), '-mat'); + memver = oldmem.erplabver; + if strcmp(memver,erplabver) == 0 + disp('Updating erpmem with current version number') + mshock = oldmem.mshock; + save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'),'erplabrel','erplabver','ColorB','ColorF','errorColorB', 'errorColorF','fontsizeGUI','fontunitsGUI','mshock'); + end end if iserpmem==0 - mshock = 0; - try - % saves memory file - % - % IMPORTANT: If this file (saved variables inside memoryerp.erpm) is modified then also must be modified the same line at erplabamnesia.m - % - save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'),'erplabrel','erplabver','ColorB','ColorF','errorColorB', 'errorColorF','fontsizeGUI','fontunitsGUI','mshock'); - catch - % saves memory variable at workspace - msgboxText = ['\nERPLAB could not find a file for storing its GUI memory or \n'... - 'does not have permission for writting on it.\n\n'... - 'Therefore, ERPLAB''s memory will be stored at Matlab''s workspace and will last 1 session.\n\n']; - - % message on command window - fprintf('%s\n', repmat('*',1,50)); - fprintf('"Houston, we''ve had a problem here": \n %s\n', sprintf(msgboxText)); - bottomline = 'If you think this is a bug, please report the error to erplabtoolbox@gmail.com and not to the EEGLAB developers.'; - disp(bottomline) - fprintf('%s\n', repmat('*',1,50)); - - % - % IMPORTANT: If this strucure (vmemoryerp) is modified then also must be modified the same line at erplabamnesia.m - % - vmemoryerp = struct('erplabrel',erplabrel,'erplabver',erplabver,'ColorB',ColorB,'ColorF',ColorF,'fontsizeGUI',fontsizeGUI,... - 'fontunitsGUI',fontunitsGUI,'mshock',mshock, 'errorColorF', errorColorF, 'errorColorB', errorColorB); - assignin('base','vmemoryerp',vmemoryerp); - end + mshock = 0; + try + % saves memory file + % + % IMPORTANT: If this file (saved variables inside memoryerp.erpm) is modified then also must be modified the same line at erplabamnesia.m + % + save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'),'erplabrel','erplabver','ColorB','ColorF','errorColorB', 'errorColorF','fontsizeGUI','fontunitsGUI','mshock'); + catch + % saves memory variable at workspace + msgboxText = ['\nERPLAB could not find a file for storing its GUI memory or \n'... + 'does not have permission for writting on it.\n\n'... + 'Therefore, ERPLAB''s memory will be stored at Matlab''s workspace and will last 1 session.\n\n']; + + % message on command window + fprintf('%s\n', repmat('*',1,50)); + fprintf('"Houston, we''ve had a problem here": \n %s\n', sprintf(msgboxText)); + bottomline = 'If you think this is a bug, please report the error to erplabtoolbox@gmail.com and not to the EEGLAB developers.'; + disp(bottomline) + fprintf('%s\n', repmat('*',1,50)); + + % + % IMPORTANT: If this strucure (vmemoryerp) is modified then also must be modified the same line at erplabamnesia.m + % + vmemoryerp = struct('erplabrel',erplabrel,'erplabver',erplabver,'ColorB',ColorB,'ColorF',ColorF,'fontsizeGUI',fontsizeGUI,... + 'fontunitsGUI',fontunitsGUI,'mshock',mshock, 'errorColorF', errorColorF, 'errorColorB', errorColorB); + assignin('base','vmemoryerp',vmemoryerp); + end end % @@ -204,7 +200,11 @@ global ALLERP global ALLBEST global ALLMVPC - +try + ALLERP = evalin('base', 'ALLERP'); + ALLERP = []; +catch +end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % | % @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ e_catch = 'catch, eeglab_error; LASTCOM= ''''; clear EEGTMP ALLEEGTMP STUDYTMP; end;'; nocheck = e_try; storeallcall = [ 'if ~isempty(ALLEEG) & ~isempty(ALLEEG(1).data), ALLEEG = eeg_checkset(ALLEEG);' ... - 'EEG = eeg_retrieve(ALLEEG, CURRENTSET); eegh(''ALLEEG = eeg_checkset(ALLEEG); EEG = eeg_retrieve(ALLEEG, CURRENTSET);''); end;' ]; + 'EEG = eeg_retrieve(ALLEEG, CURRENTSET); eegh(''ALLEEG = eeg_checkset(ALLEEG); EEG = eeg_retrieve(ALLEEG, CURRENTSET);''); end;' ]; ifeeg = 'if ~isempty(LASTCOM) & ~isempty(EEG),'; e_storeall_nh = [e_catch 'eegh(LASTCOM);' ifeeg storeallcall 'disp(''Done.''); end; eeglab(''redraw'');']; % cb_loaderplabset = [ nocheck '[ALLEEG EEG CURRENTSET LASTCOM] = pop_loadmerplabset(ALLEEG, EEG);' e_storeall_nh]; @@ -232,14 +232,14 @@ % ERPLAB NEST-MENU (ERPLAB at the EEGLAB's Main Menu) % if ispc % windows - wfactor1 = 1.20; - wfactor2 = 1.21; + wfactor1 = 1.20; + wfactor2 = 1.21; elseif ismac % Mac OSX - wfactor1 = 1.45; - wfactor2 = 1.46; + wfactor1 = 1.45; + wfactor2 = 1.46; else - wfactor1 = 1.30; - wfactor2 = 1.31; + wfactor1 = 1.30; + wfactor2 = 1.31; end posmainfig = get(gcf,'Position'); hframe = findobj('parent', gcf,'tag','Frame1'); @@ -347,14 +347,27 @@ comDQQsave = ['save_data_quality(ERP);']; comDQQprint = ['dataquality_measure = print_data_quality(ERP);']; comDQQinfo = ['erpset_summary;']; -comDQQpreavg = ['pop_DQ_preavg(ALLEEG)']; +comDQQpreavg = ['pop_DQ_preavg(ALLEEG)']; + + +%% BEST callbacks +comExtractBest = ['[BEST] = pop_extractbest(ALLEEG);']; +comCombineBest = ['[BEST] = pop_combineBESTbins(ALLBEST);']; +comSaveBEST = ['[BEST] = pop_savemybest(BEST, ''gui'', ''saveas'',''History'',''gui'');']; +comLoadBEST = ['[BEST, ALLBEST] = pop_loadbest('''');']; +comDelBest = ['[ALLBEST] = pop_deletebestset(ALLBEST);']; +%% MVPC callbacks +comSpatDecode = ['[MVPC] = pop_decoding(ALLBEST);']; +comLoadMVPC = ['[MVPC, ALLMVPC] = pop_loadmvpc('''');']; +comSaveMVPC = ['[MVPC] = pop_savemymvpc(MVPC,''gui'',''saveas'');']; +comAvgMVPC = ['[MVPC] = pop_mvpcaverager(ALLMVPC);']; +comDelMVPC = ['[ALLMVPC] = pop_deletemvpcset(ALLMVPC);']; +comViewMVPC = ['mvpcviewerGUI(ALLMVPC);']; +comPlotCF = ['pop_plotconfusions(ALLMVPC)']; +comExportMVPC =['[MVPC] = pop_mvpc2text(MVPC);']; +%comDelMVPC = -%% MVPA callbacks -%comExtractBest = ['[BEST] = pop_extractbest(ALLEEG);']; -%comSpatDecode = ['[MVPA] = pop_decoding('''');']; -%comSaveBEST = ['[BEST] = pop_savemybest(BEST, ''gui'', ''saveas'');']; -%comLoadBEST = ['[BEST, ALLBEST] = pop_loadbest('''');']; @@ -445,16 +458,16 @@ erpverMenu = uimenu( submenu, ... 'Label' , [' *** ERPLAB v' erplabver ' ***'], ... - 'tag' , 'erpver', ... - 'separator', 'off', ... + 'tag' , 'erpver', ... + 'separator', 'off', ... 'userdata' , 'startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:off'); %% Continuous EEG Preprocessing Submenu preProcMenu = uimenu( submenu, ... 'Label' , 'Preprocess EEG', ... - 'tag' , 'PreprocessContinuousEEG', ... - 'separator', 'on', ... + 'tag' , 'PreprocessContinuousEEG', ... + 'separator', 'on', ... 'userdata' , [ ... 'startup:on;' ... 'continuous:on;' ... @@ -476,7 +489,7 @@ 'userdata' , preProcFunctions_userdata); % Shift Event Codes uimenu( preProcMenu, ... - 'Label' , 'Shift Event Codes (continuous EEG)', ... + 'Label' , 'Shift Event Codes (continuous EEG)', ... 'CallBack', comShiftEvents, ... 'userdata', preProcFunctions_userdata); % Delete Time Segments @@ -492,13 +505,13 @@ % Selective Electrode Interpolation uimenu( preProcMenu, ... 'Label' , 'Selective Electrode Interpolation', ... - 'CallBack', comInterpolateElectrodes, ... + 'CallBack', comInterpolateElectrodes, ... 'userdata', preProcFunctions_userdata); %Continuous Spectral EEG Data Quality uimenu( preProcMenu, ... 'Label', 'Spectral Data Quality (continuous EEG)', ... 'CallBack', comDFT, ... - 'userdata', preProcFunctions_userdata); + 'userdata', preProcFunctions_userdata); @@ -575,16 +588,28 @@ %% BIN-EPOCHED Data (BEST sets) -%uimenu(submenu,'Label','Extract Bin-Epoched Single Trial (BEST) Data','CallBack',comExtractBest,'separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on'); -%uimenu(submenu,'Label','Save current BESTset as','CallBack',comSaveBEST,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on'); -%uimenu(submenu,'Label','Load BEST','CallBack',comLoadBEST,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on'); - +mBEST = uimenu(submenu,'Label','Bin-Epoched Single Trial (BEST) Tools','separator','on','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Extract Bin-Epoched Single Trial (BEST) Data','CallBack',comExtractBest,'separator','off','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Combine BESTset bins across trials','CallBack',comCombineBest,'separator','off','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Load existing BESTset(s)','CallBack',comLoadBEST,'separator','on','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Clear BESTset(s)','CallBack',comDelBest,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Save current BESTset as','CallBack',comSaveBEST,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(mBEST,'Label','Currently Loaded BESTsets:','tag','bestsets', 'separator','on','foregroundcolor','#0072BD','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:off;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); %% Multivariate Pattern Analysis -%MVPAmenu = uimenu( submenu,'Label','MVPA','separator','on','tag','MVPAset','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:off'); -% BESTmenu = uimenu(MVPAmenu,'Label','Currently loaded BESTsets','tag','LoadedBEST','separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:off'); -%uimenu(MVPAmenu,'Label','ERP Decoding','separator','on','CallBack',comSpatDecode,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:off'); -%set(MVPAmenu, 'enable','off'); +MVPCmenu = uimenu( submenu,'Label','Multivariate Patten Classification (MVPC) Tools (BETA)','separator','on','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:off;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','ERP Decoding','CallBack',comSpatDecode,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Average across MVPCsets (Grand Average)','CallBack',comAvgMVPC,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Plot MVPC Results','CallBack',comViewMVPC,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Plot Confusion Matrix','CallBack',comPlotCF,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Load existing MVPCset(s)','CallBack',comLoadMVPC,'separator','on','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Clear MVPCset(s)','CallBack',comDelMVPC,'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Save current MVPCset as','CallBack',comSaveMVPC,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Export MVPC results','CallBack',comExportMVPC,'separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); +uimenu(MVPCmenu,'Label','Currently Loaded MVPCsets:','tag','mvpcsets', 'separator','on','foregroundcolor','#0072BD','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:off;bestset:on;mvpcset:on'); + + +set(MVPCmenu, 'enable','off'); @@ -609,7 +634,7 @@ % mERPLOT = uimenu( submenu,'Label','Plot ERP','tag','ERPlot','separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','Plot ERP waveforms ','CallBack', comPLOT,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); -% uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','ERP Waveform Viewer ','CallBack', comPLOTV,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); +uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','Advanced ERP Waveform Viewer (Beta Version) ','CallBack', comPLOTV,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','Plot ERP scalp maps ','CallBack', comSCALP,'userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','Print plotted figure(s) to a file','CallBack', comEXPPDF,'separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); uimenu( mERPLOT,'Label','Edit ERP channel location table','CallBack', comCHLOCTABLE,'separator','on','userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:off;erpset:on'); @@ -687,7 +712,7 @@ uimenu( mUTI,'Label','Reset event code bytes','CallBack', comRECB,'separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:on;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:off'); uimenu( mUTI,'Label','Save current ERPset history for scripting','CallBack', comSaveH,'separator','on','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); uimenu( mUTI,'Label','Find more here! (for scripting) ','CallBack','web(''https://github.com/lucklab/erplab/wiki/Scripting-Guide'',''-browser'');','separator','on',... - 'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:on;erpset:on'); + 'userdata','startup:on;continuous:on;epoch:on;study:on;erpset:on'); uimenu( mUTI,'Label','Simulate EEG/ERP data (alpha version)','CallBack',comESIM,'separator','on' ); @@ -738,16 +763,8 @@ %set(erpmenu,'position', 9); % Requesting a specific postion confuses the EEGLAB file menu order as of Matlab R2020a. Let's leave this off for now. AXS Nov 2020 set(erpmenu,'enable','off'); -%% Create BEST Main Menu - -%bestmenu = uimenu( menuERPLAB,'Label','BESTsets','separator','on','tag','bestsets','userdata','startup:off;continuous:off;epoch:off;study:off;erpset:on'); -%set(erpmenu,'position', 9); % Requesting a specific postion confuses the EEGLAB file menu order as of Matlab R2020a. Let's leave this off for now. AXS Nov 2020 -%set(bestmenu,'enable','off'); - -%% Create MVPA MAIN MENU -% % diff --git a/erplab_default_values.m b/erplab_default_values.m index f885ce66..65135c76 100755 --- a/erplab_default_values.m +++ b/erplab_default_values.m @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -erplabver = '9.20'; % current erplab version -erplabrel = '16-May-2023'; % DOB +erplabver = '10.0'; % current erplab version +erplabrel = '21-July-2023'; % DOB erplabdeveloper = 'Simmons&Zhang'; %ColorB = [170 180 195]/255; % old background color (until version 3) %ColorB = [0.9216 0.8353 0.6078]; % background color for version 4 diff --git a/functions/SqrtCrossNobis_Distance.m b/functions/SqrtCrossNobis_Distance.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..599cced9 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/SqrtCrossNobis_Distance.m @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +function CrossNobis_Distance = SqrtCrossNobis_Distance(measurementsA, labelsA, measurementsB, labelsB) + %this function calculates the crossvalidated mahalanobis (i.e., "crossnobis") + %distance between the conditions specified in labels across the values specified + %in measurements, cross-validated across set A and set B + + %"measurements" should be a nTrials x nFeatures matrix. nFeatures + %corresponds to the number of recording channels (e.g., electrodes) + + %"labels" should be a column vector of length = nTrials, with the value in each + %row corresponding to the condition label for the current trial. + + %Extract the number of trials (nTrials) and number of features (nFeatures) + %for the measurements, and the number of conditions (nConditions) for the + %labels. Note: sets A and B should be of the same size. + [nTrials, nFeatures] = size(measurementsA); + conditions = unique(labelsA); + nConditions = numel(conditions); + + %compute number of distances to calculate (each distance is a pairwise + %comparison between conditions) + Permutations = nchoosek(conditions,2); + nPermutations = size(Permutations,1); + + %pre-allocate matrices for means and variances + class_meanA = zeros(nConditions,nFeatures); % class means for set A + class_covA = zeros(nFeatures); % within-class variability for set A + class_meanB = zeros(nConditions,nFeatures); % class means for set B + + %NOTE: we only need to calculate the covariance for Set A because the "scaling" + %by variance is done based on the variance of the underlying + %distribution from which the samples were drawn. Because Set A and Set + %B were drawn from the same distribution, we only calculate the + %covariance matrix for that set, and then scale our distance + %calculation by that. + + for k=1:nConditions + %select labels in the current class of interest + msk=labelsA==conditions(k); + + %number of samples in k-th class + n=sum(msk); + + %select measurements from current set + class_samples=measurementsA(msk,:); + + class_meanA(k,:) = sum(class_samples,1)/n; % class mean + res = bsxfun(@minus,class_samples,class_meanA(k,:)); % residuals + class_covA = class_covA+res'*res; % estimate common covariance matrix + end + + %[class_covA,shrinkage] = cov1para(class_meanA); + class_covA = class_covA/nTrials; %scale covariance matrix by number of observations + %class_covA = inv(class_covA); + + %apply regularization to the covariance matrix. This step is needed because + %extreme values (especially near zero) can render the covariance matrix + %non-invertible, which disallows us from scaling the class means by the + %variance. however, the current regularization is a bit "klugey" -- it might be + %preferable to use a "shrinkage" algorithm, as in Ledoit & Wolf (2003). + %I haven't figured out how to implement that, yet. + + regularization=0.01; + reg=eye(nFeatures)*trace(class_covA)/max(1,nFeatures); + class_cov_reg=class_covA+reg*regularization; + + for k=1:nConditions + %select labels in the current class of interest + msk=labelsB==conditions(k); + + %number of samples in k-th class + n=sum(msk); + + %select measurements from current set + class_samples=measurementsB(msk,:); + + class_meanB(k,:) = sum(class_samples,1)/n; % class mean + end + + %compute class vectors for each set, sclaed by the regularized + %covariance matrix + class_vectorA = class_meanA / class_cov_reg; + %class_vectorA = class_meanA * class_covA; + %class_vectorA = class_meanA / class_covA; + class_vectorB = class_meanB; + + % first, compute the (squared) distance for each feature channel: (conditionX-conditionY)_SetA * (conditionX-conditionY)_SetB + temp_dist = zeros(1,nFeatures); + for j = 1:nFeatures + for k = 1:nPermutations + temp_dist(k,j) = ((class_vectorA(Permutations(k,1),j) - class_vectorA(Permutations(k,2),j)) * (class_vectorB(Permutations(k,1),j) - class_vectorB(Permutations(k,2),j))); + end + end + + % now, square root the above to get the distance for each feature channel + % note that the negative distances signs are changed to positive, + % square rooted, then returned to their negative value + for j = 1:nFeatures + for k = 1:nPermutations + if temp_dist(k,j) >= 0 + temp_dist(k,j) = sqrt(temp_dist(k,j)); + else + temp_dist(k,j) = -1*(sqrt(-1 * temp_dist(k,j))); + end + end + end + + CrossNobis_Distance = nan(nPermutations,1); + %sum the distances from each feature channel + for i = 1:nPermutations + CrossNobis_Distance(i,1) = sum(temp_dist(i,:)); %cross-validated mahalanobis distance + end + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/averageSVM.m b/functions/averageSVM.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7454dcbf --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/averageSVM.m @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +function [mvpc] = averageSVM(mvpc, smoothing) + +% Create the decoding accuracy at each time point (averaged over classes) + +Nblock = mvpc.nCrossfolds; +Nitr = mvpc.nIter; +Ntp = length(mvpc.times); +Nclasses = mvpc.nClasses; +Nruns = Nblock*Nitr; +%chancelvl = 1/Nclasses; + +DecodingAccuracy = nan(Ntp,Nruns); +Coded_Predictions = nan(Ntp,Nruns,Nclasses); +% We will compute decoding accuracy per subject in DecodingAccuracy, +% enter DecodingAccuracy into AverageAccuray, then overwrite next subj. + +%% load SVM_ECOC output files + +%if classcoding == 2 %1vAll +% Obtain predictions from SVM-ECOC model +svmPrediction = squeeze(mvpc.raw_predictions); +% tstTargets = squeeze(ALLMVPA(seta).targets); + + +TrueAnswer = reshape([1:Nclasses],[Nclasses,1]); + + +for r = 1:Nruns + for tp = 1:Ntp + prediction = squeeze(svmPrediction(tp,r,:)); + Err = TrueAnswer - prediction; + ACC = mean(Err == 0); + coded = Err == 0; + DecodingAccuracy(tp,r) = ACC; + Coded_Predictions(tp,r,:) = coded; + + + + end +end + +grandAvg = mean(DecodingAccuracy,2); %average across runs (i.e. binomial sample estimate or probability of success) +qgrandAvg = 1-grandAvg; % (i.e. sample estimate of failure) +% Perform temporal smoothing (5 point moving avg) +if smoothing == 1 + smoothed = nan(1,Ntp); + for tAvg = 1:Ntp + if tAvg ==1 + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg):(tAvg+2))); + elseif tAvg ==2 + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-1):(tAvg+2))); + elseif tAvg == (Ntp-1) + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg+1))); + elseif tAvg == Ntp + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg))); + else + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg+2))); + end + + end + +else + smoothed = grandAvg'; +end + +% else %1V1 case? +% +% end + + + +% Save smoothe data +mvpc.average_score = smoothed; +%standard error (assume binomial distribution) +mvpc.stderror = sqrt((grandAvg.*qgrandAvg)/(Nblock*Nitr*Nclasses))'; + +% se = sqrt((p*q*Nclasses)/Nruns); +% mvpc.stderror = repmat(se,[1,Ntp]); + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/avgconfusionCM.m b/functions/avgconfusionCM.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2accbcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/avgconfusionCM.m @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +function mvpc = avgconfusionCM(mvpc, xdist) +% create confusion matrix for crossnobis classification +%%%%% THIS FUNCTION IS A PART OF ERPLAB *** + + +%obtain permutations label +conditions = 1:mvpc.nClasses; +Permutations = nchoosek(conditions,2); +idx = [2 1]; +Permutations_lower = Permutations(:,idx); + +%average pairwise distance across iteration +avg_distance_itr = squeeze(mean(xdist,2)); +npoints = size(avg_distance_itr,1) ; + +%confusion matrix empty +nconditions = numel(conditions); +cf = zeros(nconditions,nconditions,npoints); %same order as in SVM dimensionwise + +%index lower square +for t = 1:npoints + %upper diagonal then lower diagonal + for i = 1:size(Permutations,1) + loc = Permutations(i,:); + x = loc(1); + y = loc(2); + + loc_bottom = Permutations_lower(i,:); + + z = loc_bottom(1); + w = loc_bottom(2); + + %index + cf(x,y,t) = avg_distance_itr(t,i); + cf(z,w,t) = avg_distance_itr(t,i); + end + + +end + +mvpc.confusions.scores = cf; +mvpc.confusions.labels = mvpc.classlabels; + + + diff --git a/functions/avgconfusionSVM.m b/functions/avgconfusionSVM.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df7b049f --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/avgconfusionSVM.m @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +function [mvpc] = avgconfusionSVM(mvpc, truelabel, predictedlabel) + +% this function reshapes the decorder outputs +% and creates mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vsall +Nclasses = mvpc.nClasses; + +% if classcoding == 2 +[Nitr, Nblock, Ntp, nBins] = size(truelabel); +runs = Nitr*Nblock; %"run" is combination of iteration and fold + +reshape_predictions = reshape(predictedlabel,[runs,Ntp,nBins]); +predictions = permute(reshape_predictions,[2 1 3]); + +reshape_truelabels = reshape(truelabel,[runs,Ntp,nBins]); +truelabels = permute(reshape_truelabels,[2 1 3]); +%predictions = Timepoint x Run x Class +%save predictions +%mvpc.raw_predictions = predictions ; + +% TrueAnswer = reshape([1:Nclasses],[Nclasses,1]); + +%preallocate confusions at each tp +confusions = zeros(nBins,nBins,Ntp); + +for tp = 1:Ntp + + %pmats + pred = squeeze(predictions(tp,:,:)); + pmat_tp = reshape(pred,[1 Nclasses*runs]); + + %tmats + trues = squeeze(truelabels(tp,:,:)); + tmat_tp = reshape(trues,[1 Nclasses*runs]); + + [C,c3] = confusionmat(tmat_tp, pmat_tp); + confusions(:,:,tp) = C/(unique(sum(C,2))); % row is true labels, column is predicted labels + +end + +mvpc.confusions.scores = confusions; +mvpc.confusions.labels = mvpc.classlabels; + + +% elseif classcoding == 1 +% %create for 1v1 case +% +% +% else +% disp('No SVM coding output?') +% return +% end + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/best2memory.m b/functions/best2memory.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb205a83 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/best2memory.m @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + +function best2memory(BEST,indx) + +bestm = findobj('tag','linbest'); +nbestset = length(bestm); + +for s = 1:nbestset + + if s == nbestset-indx+1 %bottomup to topdown counting + set(bestm(s),'checked','on'); + menutitle = ['BESTset' ... + num2str(nbestset-s+1) ': ' BEST.bestname '']; + set(bestm(s), 'Label', menutitle); + + else + set(bestm(s),'checked','off'); + currname = get(bestm(s),'Label'); + menutitle = regexprep(currname,'|','', 'ignorecase'); + menutitle = regexprep(menutitle, '\s+', ' '); + menutitle = regexprep(menutitle,'BESTset \d+',['BESTset ' num2str(nbestset-s+1)], 'ignorecase'); + set( bestm(s), 'Label', menutitle); + + end + + +end + +CURRENTBEST = indx; +assignin('base','CURRENTBEST',CURRENTBEST); +assignin('base','BEST',BEST); + +fprintf('\n------------------------------------------------------\n'); +fprintf('BESTset #%g is ACTIVE\n', indx); +fprintf('------------------------------------------------------\n'); + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/buildBESTstruct.m b/functions/buildBESTstruct.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f294a3af --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/buildBESTstruct.m @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +function [BEST] = buildBESTstruct(EEG) + +BEST = []; %empty BEST + +if nargin <1 + BEST = []; +end + +if isempty(EEG) + EEG.epoch =[]; +end +if ~isempty(EEG.epoch) %epoched + nbin = EEG.EVENTLIST.nbin; + BEST.version = 1.0; %ERPLAB version + %MVPA.subj = []; + BEST.bestname = EEG.setname; + BEST.filename = EEG.setname; + BEST.filepath = EEG.filepath; + BEST.nbin = nbin; + BEST.pnts = EEG.pnts; %same across all bins + BEST.srate = EEG.srate; + BEST.xmin = EEG.xmin; + BEST.xmax = EEG.xmax; + BEST.times = EEG.times; + BEST.nbchan = EEG.nbchan; + BEST.chanlocs = EEG.chanlocs; + BEST.bindesc = {EEG.EVENTLIST.bdf.description}; + BEST.original_bin = {EEG.EVENTLIST.bdf.namebin}; + BEST.EEGhistory = EEG.history; +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/buildMVPAstruct.m b/functions/buildMVPAstruct.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3bffd37 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/buildMVPAstruct.m @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +function [mvpa] = buildMVPAstruct(ALLBEST,relevantChans,nIter,nCrossBlocks,DataTimes,equalT,SVMcoding,method) + +mvpa = []; %empty mvpa + +if nargin < 1 + mvpa.header.subjectID = ''; + mvpa.header.mvpa_version = 1; + mvpa.header.electrodes = ALLBEST.chanlocs; + mvpa.header.nClasses = ALLBEST.nbin; % # of bins + mvpa.header.nIter = 0; + mvpa.header.nCrossfolds = 0; %[] if tw. + mvpa.header.nChance = 1/mvpa.header.nClasses; %chance + mvpa.header.nSampling = ALLBEST.srate; %updated fs + mvpa.header.pnts = ALLBEST.pnts; + mvpa.header.SVMcoding = []; + mvpa.header.DecodingAccuracy = ''; + mvpa.header.DecodingMethod = ''; + mvpa.header.DecodingDistance = []; + mvpa.header.grandaverage = 'no'; + mvpa.header.window = ''; %point or twindow + mvpa.header.equalTrials = 1; %1: floor across files, %2 floor within files, %0 don't floor. + mvpa.header.n_trials_per_bin = ALLBEST.n_trials_per_bin; + + %mvpa fields + mvpa.epoch.pre = ALLBEST.times(1); % Set epoch start in ms (from imported data) + mvpa.epoch.post = ALLBEST.times(end); % Set epoch end in ms (from imported data) + mvpa.times = ALLBEST.times; %timepoints actually decoded + +else + mvpa.header.subjectID = ALLBEST.bestname; + mvpa.header.mvpa_version = 1; + mvpa.header.electrodes = relevantChans; + mvpa.header.nClasses = ALLBEST.nbin; % # of bins + mvpa.header.nIter = nIter; + mvpa.header.nCrossfolds = nCrossBlocks; %[] if tw. + mvpa.header.nChance = 1/mvpa.header.nClasses; %chance + mvpa.header.nSampling = ALLBEST.srate; %updated fs + mvpa.header.pnts = ALLBEST.pnts; + if SVMcoding == 1 + mvpa.header.OneVsOne = 'yes'; + mvpa.header.OneVsAll ='no'; + elseif SVMcoding == 2 + mvpa.header.OneVsOne ='no'; + mvpa.header.OneVsAll='yes'; + elseif isempty(SVMcoding) + mvpa.header.OneVsOne ='no'; + mvpa.header.OneVsAll = 'no'; + end + mvpa.header.DecodingAccuracy = 'yes'; + if method == 1 + mvpa.header.DecodingMethod = 'SVM'; + elseif method == 2 + mvpa.header.DecodingMethod = 'Crossnobis'; + end + mvpa.header.DecodingDistance = []; + mvpa.header.grandaverage = 'no'; + mvpa.header.window = 'point'; %point or twindow + mvpa.header.equalTrials = equalT; %1: floor across files, %2 floor within files, %0 don't floor. + mvpa.header.n_trials_per_bin = ALLBEST.n_trials_per_bin; + + %mvpa fields + mvpa.epoch.pre = DataTimes(1); % Set epoch start (from imported data) + mvpa.epoch.post = DataTimes(2); % Set epoch end (from imported data) + mvpa.times = ALLBEST.times; %timepoints actually decoded +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/buildMVPCstruct.m b/functions/buildMVPCstruct.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..406354a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/buildMVPCstruct.m @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +function [mvpc] = buildMVPCstruct(ALLBEST,relevantChans,nIter,nCrossBlocks,DataTimes,equalT,classcoding,method) + +mvpc = []; %empty mvpa + +if nargin < 1 + mvpc.mvpcname = ''; + mvpc.filename = ''; + mvpc.filepath = ''; + mvpc.electrodes = 1:length(ALLBEST.chanlocs); + mvpc.chanlocs = ALLBEST.chanlocs; + mvpc.nClasses = ALLBEST.nbin; % # of bins + mvpc.chance = 1/mvpc.header.nClasses; %chance + mvpc.classlabels = ALLBEST.bindesc; + mvpc.nIter = 0; + mvpc.nCrossfolds = 0; %[] if tw. + mvpc.srate = ALLBEST.srate; %updated fs + mvpc.pnts = ALLBEST.pnts; + mvpc.classcoding = 0; + mvpc.DecodingUnit = 'None'; %Accuracy vs Distance vs None + mvpc.DecodingMethod = ''; + mvpc.average_status = 'single_subject'; + mvpc.equalTrials = equalT; %str + mvpc.n_trials_per_class = ALLBEST.n_trials_per_bin; + mvpc.saved = 'no'; + mvpc.epoch.pre = ALLBEST.times(1); % Set epoch start in ms (from imported data) + mvpc.epoch.post = ALLBEST.times(end); % Set epoch end in ms (from imported data) + mvpc.times = ALLBEST.times; %timepoints actually decoded + mvpc.mvpc_version = 1; + +else + try + mvpc.mvpcname = ALLBEST.mvpcname;% if data went through decoding GUI + catch + mvpc.mvpcname = ALLBEST.bestname; + end + mvpc.filename = ALLBEST.filename; + mvpc.filepath = ALLBEST.filepath; + mvpc.electrodes = relevantChans; + mvpc.chanlocs = ALLBEST.chanlocs(relevantChans); + mvpc.nClasses = ALLBEST.nbin; % # of bins + if method == 1 + mvpc.chance = 1/mvpc.nClasses; %chance + elseif method == 2 + mvpc.chance = 0; %0 uV for crossnobis + end + mvpc.classlabels = ALLBEST.bindesc; + mvpc.nIter = nIter; + mvpc.nCrossfolds = nCrossBlocks; %[] if tw. + mvpc.srate = ALLBEST.srate; %updated fs + mvpc.pnts = ALLBEST.pnts; + if classcoding == 1 + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsOne = 'yes'; + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsAll ='no'; + elseif classcoding == 2 + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsOne ='no'; + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsAll='yes'; + else + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsOne ='no'; + mvpc.classcoding.OneVsAll = 'no'; + end + if method == 1 + mvpc.DecodingUnit= 'proportion correct'; % if svm='%correct', crossnobis: "uV" for crossnobis + mvpc.DecodingMethod = 'SVM'; + elseif method == 2 + mvpc.DecodingUnit = 'uV'; + mvpc.DecodingMethod = 'Crossnobis'; + end + mvpc.average_status = 'single_subject'; + mvpc.equalTrials = equalT; %str + mvpc.n_trials_per_class = ALLBEST.n_trials_per_bin; + mvpc.saved = 'no'; + mvpc.epoch.pre = DataTimes(1); % Set epoch start (from imported data) + mvpc.epoch.post = DataTimes(2); % Set epoch end (from imported data) + mvpc.times = ALLBEST.times; %timepoints actually decoded + mvpc.mvpc_version = 1; + + + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/checkmultiBEST.m b/functions/checkmultiBEST.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dcfe253e --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/checkmultiBEST.m @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +%% CHECK BEST WITH MULTIPLE FILES +% Once BEST structure is created (for one file, or more than one file, +% check to see if fields are correct +% Checks for more than one subject: +% Same number of bins +% Same bin labels +% That there are at least two bins (chance = 50%) + + +function checking = checkmultiBEST(BEST) + + %multiple files + try + %take the first file's properties and check against each subseqent + bins_in_data1 = numel(BEST(1).binwise_data); + + if bins_in_data1 < 2 + %needs to be at least 2 bins + msgText = 'Must have at least two classes for decoding!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Invalid number of classes'; + errorfound(msgText,title); + checking = 0; + return + end + + + + for n = 1:numel(BEST) + bin_in_data = numel(BEST(n).binwise_data); + if bin_in_data == bins_in_data1 + + else + error(); + end + + end + + + if numel(BEST) ~= 1 + if isequaln(BEST.bindesc) + + else + error(); + end + end + checking = 1; + + catch + + if numel(BEST) == 1 + + bins_in_data1 = numel(BEST(1).binwise_data); + if bins_in_data1 < 2 + msgText = 'Must have at least two classes for decoding!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Invalid number of classes'; + errorfound(msgText,title); + checking = 0; + else + checking = 1; + end + + else + checking = 0; + % disp('Error: multiple BEST files do not match!'); + % error(); + end + + end + + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/combineBESTbins.m b/functions/combineBESTbins.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbac57a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/combineBESTbins.m @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +function BEST = combineBESTbins(BEST,new_bins,new_labels) + +n_bins = size(new_bins,2); + +BEST.nbin = n_bins; +BEST.bindesc = new_labels'; +BEST.original_bin = {}; %erase due to new BEST being combined + + +new_binwise_data = struct(); +n_trials_per_bin = NaN(1,numel(new_bins)); + +%% combine bins +for b = 1:n_bins + + selected_bins = new_bins{b}; + if ischar(selected_bins) || isstring(selected_bins) + selected_bins = str2num(selected_bins); + end + + if numel(selected_bins) == 1 + data_splice = BEST.binwise_data(selected_bins).data; + n_trials_per_bin(b) = size(data_splice,3); %ntrials + new_binwise_data(b).data = data_splice; + + + else + + for j = 1:numel(selected_bins) + + + bin_index = selected_bins(j); + data_splices{j} = BEST.binwise_data(bin_index).data; + + + end + + C = cat(3,data_splices{:}); %combine trials + n_trials_per_bin(b) = size(C,3); %ntrials + new_binwise_data(b).data = C; + + end + clear data_splices; + +end + + +BEST.binwise_data = new_binwise_data; +BEST.n_trials_per_bin = n_trials_per_bin; +BEST.saved = 'no'; + + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/crossnobis.m b/functions/crossnobis.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..449f7328 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/crossnobis.m @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ + +function [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = crossnobis(ALLBEST, nIter, nCrossBlocks, DataTimes,relevantChans,classcoding,equalT,ParWorkers,method) + +%% Subject List: +nSubs = length(ALLBEST); % # files = # subjects + +%% Step 9: Loop through participants +for s = 1:nSubs %crossnobis is performed within each subject independently + + %% Parameters to set per subject + BEST = ALLBEST(s); + mvpc = buildMVPCstruct(BEST,relevantChans, nIter, nCrossBlocks, DataTimes,equalT,classcoding,method); + + % for brevity in analysis + nBins = mvpc.nClasses; + nIter = mvpc.nIter; + nPerms = nchoosek(nBins,2); %total # pairwise comparisions + dataTime = BEST.times; %times of imported data + %nBlocks = mvpc.nCrossfolds; + % nElectrodes = length(mvpc.electrodes); + nSamps = length(mvpc.times); + try + sn = BEST.mvpcname; %if data went through decoding GUI + catch + sn = BEST.bestname; + end + + %progress output to command window + fprintf('*** Currently Decoding (Crossnobis) Subject:\t%s ***\n ',sn); %is Decoding the word to use for crossnobis? + + % grab EEG data from bin-list organized data + eegs = BEST.binwise_data; + nPerBin = BEST.n_trials_per_bin; + % we create index of timpoint of interests from original data + tois = ismember(dataTime,dataTime); + + +% % Preallocate Matrices + final_xDist = nan(nSamps,nIter,nPerms); +% %BetaWeights_Raw = nan(nIter,nSamps,nBlocks,nElectrodes); +% %BetaWeights_Corr = BetaWeights_Raw; + + + if nBins ~= max(size(eegs)) + error('Error. nBins dne # of bins in dataset!'); + % Code to be used on a bin-epoched dataset for one + % class only (e.g. Orientation). Users may + % try to bin multiple classes in one BDF. + % This is not currently allowed. + end + + %% Create labels/data object for each subject + %probably slow if not preallocating memory... + %but generalizable to all bin-epoched datasets + xlabels = []; %pronounced "cross-labels" + + for binN = 1:numel(eegs) + + xlabels_temp = repmat(binN, [nPerBin(binN) 1]); + + xlabels = [xlabels; xlabels_temp]; + end + + % create new crossnobis data array & + % obtain timepoints of interest (resample) + % (NChan x nTP x nTrials(ideally randomized) x Nlabels) + + for b = 1:numel(nPerBin) + ntrial = size(eegs(b).data,3); + shuff_list = randperm(ntrial); + + %so we always allow the specified number of trials per bin + %(nPerBin) by choosing from a (potentially) larger set of trials + %within the bin + + idx_list = shuff_list(1:nPerBin(b)); + + indexed_data = eegs(b).data(:,:,idx_list); + eegs(b).data = indexed_data; + + end + + + + xdata = cat(3, eegs.data); %pronounced "cross-data" + xdata = xdata(:,tois,:); %resampled data + + + %% Step 8: Loop through each iteration with random shuffling + tic % start timing iteration loop + + %% Perform Cross-Nobis analysis at each requested time-point + for iter = 1:nIter + fprintf('Subject: %s, Iteration: %i / %i \n', sn, iter, nIter); + parfor (nTp = 1:nSamps,ParWorkers) + + % structs to hold shuffled data + a_full_bin_label= struct(); + b_full_bin_label= struct(); + + a_full_bin_data = struct(); + b_full_bin_data = struct(); + + + for bin = 1:nBins + binT = nPerBin(bin); %number of trials in bin + halfT = floor(binT/2); %number of half of trials in bin floored + + %obtain index of trials of current bin + binIndex = (xlabels==bin); + + + %trial equalization here + %create logical indexs for labels and data + %length(shuffInd) should always equal the total number of + %trials in a bin after flooring (ie truncated to allow for even split) + + shuffInd = [repmat(1,[halfT,1]); repmat(0,[halfT,1])]; + + %RANDOMIZING HERE + %creates shuffled logical index + %so from the current bin, we are always + %indexing a different mix of trials every iteration + shuffInd_a = logical(shuffle(shuffInd)); + shuffInd_b = ~shuffInd_a; + + % subset the xdata for current bin + full_labels = xlabels(binIndex); + full_data = xdata(:,:,binIndex); + + %from full_data, subset into two sets (a and b). + %On each interation, trials in both sets will be a different + % subset of equally mixed and indexed trials from current + % bin. Bins do not have to be equal to other bins + % but the sets a and b are equal. + adata = full_data(:,:,shuffInd_a); + bdata = full_data(:,:,shuffInd_b); + adata_tp = squeeze(adata(relevantChans,nTp,:)); + adata_tp = permute(adata_tp, [2 1]); + bdata_tp = squeeze(bdata(relevantChans,nTp,:)); + bdata_tp = permute(bdata_tp, [2 1]); + + a_full_bin_label(bin).labels = full_labels(1:halfT); + b_full_bin_label(bin).labels = full_labels(1:halfT); + a_full_bin_data(bin).data = adata_tp; + b_full_bin_data(bin).data = bdata_tp; + + end + + %create arrays for input into function + a_complete_labels = cat(1, a_full_bin_label.labels); + b_complete_labels = cat(1, b_full_bin_label.labels); + + a_complete_data_tp = cat(1, a_full_bin_data.data); + b_complete_data_tp = cat(1, b_full_bin_data.data); + + + + xDist = SqrtCrossNobis_Distance(a_complete_data_tp, ... + a_complete_labels,b_complete_data_tp, b_complete_labels); + + final_xDist(nTp,iter,:) = xDist; + end + end + + toc % stop timing the iteration loop + + mvpc.details = []; + mvpc.raw_predictions = final_xDist; + + avg_distance_iter = squeeze(mean(final_xDist,2))'; + avg_distance_scores = squeeze(mean(avg_distance_iter,1)); + + mvpc.average_score = avg_distance_scores; + mvpc = avgconfusionCM(mvpc, final_xDist); + mvpc.stderror = std(avg_distance_iter)/sqrt(size(final_xDist,1)); + + + %probably a better way + if nSubs == 1 + + MVPC = mvpc; + ALLMVPC = mvpc; + else + + MVPC = mvpc; + ALLMVPC(s) = mvpc; + end + + + +end diff --git a/functions/erp2memory.m b/functions/erp2memory.m index 3b6ca3a3..12e1735d 100755 --- a/functions/erp2memory.m +++ b/functions/erp2memory.m @@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ function erp2memory(ERP, indx) end observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERP; observe_ERPDAT.ERP = ALLERP(CURRENTERP); - observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; +% observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; + end @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ function erp2memory(ERP, indx) % mainerplab = findobj(W_MAIN, 'tag', submenu); % erpmenu = findobj('erpmenu','type', 'uimenu'); - +% erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer',1); end diff --git a/functions/erp_decoding.m b/functions/erp_decoding.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8964370 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/erp_decoding.m @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +% ERP decoding algorithm for Decoding Toolbox + +%Function written by Aaron Simmons (UC Davis) +%Original Algorithm Author: Gi-Yeul Bae (Arizona State University) + + +function [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = erp_decoding(ALLBEST, nIter, nCrossBlocks, DataTimes,relevantChans,classcoding,equalT,ParWorkers,method) + +% Parallelization: This script utilizes Matlab parallelization ... +% if cannot parallelize, ParWorkers = 0, or ParWorkers set to 0 by users. + + +%% Check presence of Matlab Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox +% This toolbox is required for the SVM classification +V = ver; +Vname = {V.Name}; +if ~(any(strcmp(Vname, 'Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox'))) + error('Error. Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox not found.'); +end + + +%% Subject List: +nSubs = length(ALLBEST); % # files = # subjects + +%% Step 9: Loop through participants +for s = 1:nSubs %decoding is performed within each subject independently + + %% Parameters to set per subject + % Main structure is mvpa. + + %load subject BESTset & build mvpa dataset + BEST = ALLBEST(s); + mvpc = buildMVPCstruct(BEST,relevantChans, nIter, nCrossBlocks, DataTimes,equalT,classcoding,method); + + % The electrode channel list is mapped 1:1 with respect to your + % electrode channel configuration (e.g., channel 1 is FP1 in our EEG cap) + % Check if the label for each electrode corresponds to the electrode + % labeling of your own EEG system + ReleventChan = relevantChans; %electrodes + + + % for brevity in analysis + nBins = mvpc.nClasses; + nIter = mvpc.nIter; + nBlocks = mvpc.nCrossfolds; + nElectrodes = length(mvpc.electrodes); + nSamps = length(mvpc.times); + try + sn = BEST.mvpcname; %if data went through decoding GUI + catch + sn = BEST.bestname; + end + + + %progress output to command window + fprintf('*** Currently Decoding (SVM) Subject:\t%s ***\n ',sn); + + %% Data Loading/preallocation per subject + + % grab EEG data from bin-list organized data + eegs = BEST.binwise_data; + nPerBin = BEST.n_trials_per_bin; + + % Preallocate Matrices + svm_predict = nan(nIter,nBlocks, nSamps,nBins); % a matrix to save prediction from SVM + tst_target = nan(nIter,nBlocks,nSamps,nBins); % a matrix to save true target values + if nBins > 2 + if classcoding == 1 + nDecoders = nchoosek(nBins,2); %onevsone (SVM only) + elseif classcoding == 2 + nDecoders = nchoosek(nBins,1); %onevsall (SVM only) + end + else + %binary decoder + nDecoders = 1; + end + BetaWeights_Raw = nan(nIter,nSamps,nBlocks,nDecoders,nElectrodes); + %BetaWeights_Corr = BetaWeights_Raw; + + % create svmECOC.block structure to save block assignments + % mvpa.blocks=struct(); + + if nBins ~= max(size(eegs)) + error('Error. nBins dne # of bins in dataset!'); + % Code to be used on a bin-epoched dataset for one + % class only (e.g. Orientation). Users may + % try to bin multiple classes in one BDF. + % This is not currently allowed. + end + + + %% Step 8: Loop through each iteration with random shuffling + tic % start timing iteration loop + + % progress checker + + + for iter = 1:nIter + + + %update waitbar & message + fprintf('Subject: %s, Iteration: %i / %i \n', sn, iter, nIter); + + %% Obtaining AVG. EEG (ERP spatial dist) + % within each block at each time point + % stored in blockDat_filtData + + %preallocate & rewrite per each iteration + blockDat_filtData = nan(nBins*nBlocks,nElectrodes,nSamps); + labels = nan(nBins*nBlocks,1); % bin labels for averaged & filtered EEG data + blockNum = nan(nBins*nBlocks,1); % block numbers for averaged & filtered EEG data + + + + + bCnt = 1; %initialize binblock counter + + % this code operates and creates ERPs at each bin + % and organizes that into approprate block + + %% shuffling, binning, & averaging + for bin = 1:nBins + + + % We will use as many possible trials per + % bin having accounted already for artifacts (required, not + % changable by subject yet). + % Following logic controlled by specifying equalize_trials in pop_decoding + + %Drop excess trials + nPerBinBlock = floor(nPerBin/nBlocks); %array for nPerBin + + if ~any(nPerBinBlock) + %for single trial decoding or trials less than nBlocks + + nPerBinBlock = nPerBin; + end + + + %grab current bin with correct # of electrodes & samps + eeg_now = eegs(bin).data(ReleventChan,:,:); + + true_ntrials = size(eeg_now,3); + min_trial_sparsity = floor(true_ntrials/nBlocks); % max + + %Obtain index within each shuffled bin + %shuffBin = randperm((nPerBinBlock(bin))*nBlocks)'; + shuffBin = randperm(min_trial_sparsity*nBlocks)'; + + %Preallocate arrays + +% blocks = nan(size(shuffBin)); +% shuffBlocks = nan(size(shuffBin)); + + x = repmat((1:nBlocks)',nPerBinBlock(bin),1); %blockindex + x2 = shuffBin(1:length(x)); %trial index within bin + + blocks = nan(size(x)); + %shuffBlocks = nan(size(x)); + + %arrage block order within bins +% x = repmat((1:nBlocks)',nPerBinBlock(bin),1); +% x2 = shuffBin(1:length(x)); + %due to common floor option, x and x2 may different sizes + %shuffBlocks(shuffBin) = x; + % [~,blocks] = ismember(shuffBin, x); + %shuffBlocks(shuffBin) = x2; + + + + %unshuffled block assignment + %blocks(shuffBin) = shuffBlocks; + blocks(:,1) = x; %block assignment + blocks(:,2) = x2; %trial number + + % save block assignment + blockID = ['iter' num2str(iter) 'bin' num2str(bin)]; + + mvpc.details.info.blockassignment.(blockID) = blocks; % block assignment + mvpc.details.n_trials_per_erp(bin) = nPerBinBlock(bin); + + + + %create ERP average and place into blockDat_filtData struct + %this results in nBins*nBlocks amount of ERP spatial + %distributions (across nChans) at each sample/timepoint + + %% Step 1: computing ERPs based on random subset of trials for each block + for bl = 1:nBlocks + + %unmask trial within block + unMasktrial = x2(x == bl); + + %blockDat_filtData(bCnt,:,:) = squeeze(mean(eeg_now(:,:,blocks==bl),3)); + if nPerBinBlock(bin) == 1 + blockDat_filtData(bCnt,:,:) = eeg_now(:,:,(unMasktrial)); %single trial + else + blockDat_filtData(bCnt,:,:) = squeeze(mean(eeg_now(:,:,(unMasktrial)),3)); + end + + labels(bCnt) = bin; %used for arranging classification obj. + + blockNum(bCnt) = bl; + + bCnt = bCnt+1; + + end + + end + + + %% Step 7: Loop through each timepoint + % Do SVM_ECOC at each time point + parfor (t = 1:nSamps,ParWorkers) + %for t = 1:nSamps + mdl = []; + % grab data for timepoint t + %toi = ismember(times,times(t)-svmECOC.window/2:times(t)+svmECOC.window/2); + + % average across time window of interest + % here, you can parse nBin*nBlock across all channels (ERP spatial dist) + dataAtTimeT = squeeze(mean(blockDat_filtData(:,:,t),3)); + + %% Step 6: Cross-validation for-loop + for i=1:nBlocks % loop through blocks, holding each out as the test set + + + %% Step 2 & Step 4: Assigning training and testing data sets + trnl = labels(blockNum~=i); % training labels + + tstl = labels(blockNum==i); % test labels + + trnD = dataAtTimeT(blockNum~=i,:); % training data + + tstD = dataAtTimeT(blockNum==i,:); % test data + + %% Step 3: Training + if classcoding == 2 %onevsall + if nBins == 2 + mdl = fitcsvm(trnD,trnl); %binary decoder + else + mdl = fitcecoc(trnD,trnl, 'Coding','onevsall','Learners','SVM' ); %train support vector mahcine + end + + elseif classcoding == 1 %onevsone + mdl = fitcecoc(trnD,trnl, 'Coding','onevsone','Learners','SVM' ); %train support vector mahcine + else + error('Decoding Toolbox has unspecified SVMcoding'); + end + + %% Step 5: Testing + LabelPredicted = predict(mdl, tstD); % predict classes for new data + + svm_predict(iter,i,t,:) = LabelPredicted; % save predicted labels + + tst_target(iter,i,t,:) = tstl; % save true target labels + + if nBins > 2 + for d = 1:nDecoders + BetaWeights_Raw(iter,t,i,d,:) = mdl.BinaryLearners{d}.Beta;% SVM weights uncorrected + end + else + %binary decoder + for d = 1:nDecoders + BetaWeights_Raw(iter,t,i,d,:) = mdl.Beta;% SVM weights uncorrected + end + end + %BetaWeights_Corr(iter,t,i,:) = double(cov(trnD))*mdl.Beta;% SVM weights after correction + + + + end % end of block: Step 6: cross-validation + + end % end of time points: Step 7: Decoding each time point + + end % end of iteration: Step 8: iteration with random shuffling + + + toc % stop timing the iteration loop + + % mvpc.details.CodingMatrix = mdl.CodingMatrix; + mvpc.details.BetaWeightsRaw = BetaWeights_Raw; + mvpc = rawscoreSVM(mvpc, tst_target, svm_predict); %compute raw method/decoder scores + mvpc = averageSVM(mvpc,0); %average accuracy across runs, %no smoothing + mvpc = avgconfusionSVM(mvpc,tst_target, svm_predict); + + % mvpc.BetaWeights_Raw = BetaWeights_Raw; + % mvpc.BetaWeights_Corr = BetaWeights_Corr; + + %create the MVPA output + %output decoding results in main svmECOC structure + + + + +% mvpa.targets = tst_target; +% mvpa.modelPredict = svm_predict; + % mvpa.nBlocks = nBlocks; + + + + + %probably a better way + if nSubs == 1 + + MVPC = mvpc; + ALLMVPC = mvpc; + else + + MVPC = mvpc; + ALLMVPC(s) = mvpc; + end + + + +end % end of subject loop: Step 9: Decoding for each participant \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/erplab.m b/functions/erplab.m index 19e7feb3..e8153668 100755 --- a/functions/erplab.m +++ b/functions/erplab.m @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ function erplab(dosomething) pop_erphelpscript; case 'redraw' option = 0; + erp_check = 0; + best_check = 0; + mvpc_check = 0; try ALLERP = evalin('base', 'ALLERP'); catch @@ -65,7 +68,8 @@ function erplab(dosomething) ERP =[]; end if isempty(ALLERP) && isempty(ERP) - return + %return + erp_check = 1; elseif isempty(ALLERP) && ~isempty(ERP) ALLERP = ERP; CURRENTERP =1; @@ -88,9 +92,106 @@ function erplab(dosomething) assignin('base','ALLERP', ALLERP); % save to workspace assignin('base','CURRENTERP', CURRENTERP); % save to workspace end - eeglab redraw - pause(0.1) - updatemenuerp(ALLERP, option); + + %% BESTsets + + try + ALLBEST = evalin('base', 'ALLBEST'); + catch + ALLBEST = []; + end + try + BEST = evalin('base', 'BEST'); + catch + BEST =[]; + end + if isempty(ALLBEST) && isempty(BEST) + %return + best_check = 1; + elseif isempty(ALLBEST) && ~isempty(BEST) + ALLBEST = BEST; + CURRENTBEST =1; + assignin('base','CURRENTBEST', CURRENTBEST); % save to workspace + assignin('base','ALLBEST', ALLBEST); % save to workspace + else + try + CURRENTBEST = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); + if CURRENTBEST<=0 || isempty(CURRENTBEST) + CURRENTBEST=1; + end + catch + CURRENTBEST = 1; + end + nbest = length(ALLBEST); + if CURRENTBEST<=nbest + option = 1; + end + assignin('base','ALLBEST', ALLBEST); % save to workspace + assignin('base','CURRENTBEST', CURRENTBEST); % save to workspace + end + + %% MVPC sets + + try + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + catch + ALLMVPC = []; + end + try + MVPC = evalin('base', 'MVPC'); + catch + MVPC =[]; + end + if isempty(ALLMVPC) && isempty(MVPC) + %return + mvpc_check = 1; + elseif isempty(ALLMVPC) && ~isempty(MVPC) + ALLMVPC = MVPC; + CURRENTMVPC =1; + assignin('base','CURRENTMVPC', CURRENTMVPC); % save to workspace + assignin('base','ALLMVPC', ALLMVPC); % save to workspace + else + try + CURRENTMVPC = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPC'); + if CURRENTMVPC<=0 || isempty(CURRENTMVPC) + CURRENTMVPC=1; + end + catch + CURRENTMVPC = 1; + end + nmvpc = length(ALLMVPC); + if CURRENTMVPC<=nmvpc + option = 1; + end + assignin('base','ALLMVPC', ALLMVPC); % save to workspace + assignin('base','CURRENTMVPC', CURRENTMVPC); % save to workspace + end + + + if erp_check == 0 + eeglab redraw + pause(0.1) + updatemenuerp(ALLERP, option); + end + + % redraws = 0; %since eeglab can't identify these data yet + if best_check == 0 + eeglab redraw + % redraws = 1; + pause(0.1) + updatemenubest(ALLBEST,option); + end + + if mvpc_check == 0 +% if redraws == 0 +% eeglab redraw +% end + eeglab redraw + pause(0.1) + updatemenumvpc(ALLMVPC,option); + + end + case 'amnesia' erplabamnesia case 'freedom' diff --git a/functions/erpworkingmemory.m b/functions/erpworkingmemory.m index ebfd7ff4..a123ea27 100755 --- a/functions/erpworkingmemory.m +++ b/functions/erpworkingmemory.m @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -% PURPOSE : encodes and retrieves ERPLAB's working memory +% PURPOSE : encodes and retrieves ERPLAB's working memory % % FORMAT : % @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ % EXAMPLE 1: encode pop_appenderp's memory (values currently being used) % % erpworkingmemory('pop_appenderp', { optioni, erpset, prefixlist }); -% +% % % EXAMPLE 2: retrieve pop_appenderp's memory (values last used) % @@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ % % % *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** -% Author: Javier Lopez-Calderon +% Author: Javier Lopez-Calderon &Guanghui Zhang % Center for Mind and Brain % University of California, Davis, % Davis, CA -% 2009 +% 2009 & 2022 %b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b % % ERPLAB Toolbox -% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California % Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck % Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, % javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu @@ -56,94 +56,133 @@ function output = erpworkingmemory(field, input2store) output = []; if nargin<1 - help erpworkingmemory - return + help erpworkingmemory + return end try - vmemoryerp = evalin('base', 'vmemoryerp'); + vmemoryerp = evalin('base', 'vmemoryerp'); catch - vmemoryerp = []; + vmemoryerp = []; +end + +ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); +if ~isempty(ERPtooltype) + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') + Toolabel = 1;%%Get label from work space to confirm whether EStudio was executed. + else + Toolabel = 0; + end +else + Toolabel = 1; end + + if nargin==1 % read - if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory -% try -% v = memoryerp; -% catch -% msgboxText = 'ERPLAB could not load the variable, at workspace, called "memoryerp"'; -% try -% cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); -% catch -% fprintf(msgboxText); -% end -% output = []; -% return -% end - if isfield(vmemoryerp, field) - output = vmemoryerp.(field); - else - output = []; - end - else % file for storing/reading memory - try - p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); - v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), '-mat'); - catch - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB (erpworkingmemory.m) could not find "memoryerp.erpm" or does not have permission for reading it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - output = []; - return - end - if isfield(v, field) - output = v.(field); - else - output = []; - end + if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory + % try + % v = memoryerp; + % catch + % msgboxText = 'ERPLAB could not load the variable, at workspace, called "memoryerp"'; + % try + % cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); + % catch + % fprintf(msgboxText); + % end + % output = []; + % return + % end + if isfield(vmemoryerp, field) + output = vmemoryerp.(field); + else + output = []; + end + else % file for storing/reading memory + try + if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio + p = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); + v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudio.erpm'), '-mat'); + else%%When using ERPLAB + p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); + v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), '-mat'); + end + catch + if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio + msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio (erpworkingmemory.m) could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for reading it.\n'... + 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; + else + msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio (erpworkingmemory.m) could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for reading it.\n'... + 'Please, run EEGLAB Studio once again or go to EStudio''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; + + end + + try + cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); + catch + fprintf(msgboxText); + end + output = []; + return + end + if isfield(v, field) + output = v.(field); + else + output = []; end - return + end + return elseif nargin==2 % write - if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory - try - vmemoryerp.(field) = input2store; - assignin('base','vmemoryerp', vmemoryerp); - catch - msgboxText = 'ERPLAB (erpworkingmemory.m) could not write to the variable called vmemoryerp, at workspace.'; - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - return - end - else % file for storing/reading memory - try - eval([field '=input2store;']) - p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); - save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), field,'-append'); - catch - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB could not find "memoryerp.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - return - end + if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory + try + vmemoryerp.(field) = input2store; + assignin('base','vmemoryerp', vmemoryerp); + catch + msgboxText = 'ERPLAB (erpworkingmemory.m) could not write to the variable called vmemoryerp, at workspace.'; + try + cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); + catch + fprintf(msgboxText); + end + return end -else % invalid inputs - msgboxText = 'Wrong number of inputs for erpworkingmemory.m\n'; + else % file for storing/reading memory try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); + if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio + eval([field '=input2store;']) + p = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); + save(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudio.erpm'), field,'-append'); + + else%%When using ERPLAB + eval([field '=input2store;']) + p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); + save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), field,'-append'); + end catch + if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio + msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... + 'Please, run EEGLAB Studio once again or go to EStudio''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; + else + msgboxText = ['ERPLAB could not find "memoryerp.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... + 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; + end + try + cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); + catch fprintf(msgboxText); + end + return end - output = []; - return + end +else % invalid inputs + msgboxText = 'Wrong number of inputs for erpworkingmemory.m\n'; + try + cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); + catch + fprintf(msgboxText); + end + output = []; + return end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/getallbeststate.m b/functions/getallbeststate.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1516c7e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/getallbeststate.m @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +% PURPOSE: gets current pointer for ALLBEST structure and its size +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function [nset CURRENTBEST] = getallbeststate +try + ALLBEST = evalin('base', 'ALLBEST'); + CURRENTBEST = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); +catch + ALLBEST = []; + CURRENTBEST = []; +end +nset = length(ALLBEST); diff --git a/functions/getallmvpcstate.m b/functions/getallmvpcstate.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5372c3c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/getallmvpcstate.m @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +% PURPOSE: gets current pointer for ALLMVPC structure and its size +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function [nset CURRENTMVPC] = getallbeststate +try + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + CURRENTMVPC = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPC'); +catch + ALLMVPC = []; + CURRENTMVPC = []; +end +nset = length(ALLMVPC); diff --git a/functions/isbeststruct.m b/functions/isbeststruct.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1e982ac --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/isbeststruct.m @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +% PURPOSE: tests whether input is a valid BEST structure or not. +% +% FORMAT: +% +% value = isbeststruct(input); +% +% value = 1 means input is a valid BEST structure; 0 otherwise. +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function value = isbeststruct(input) +try + if ~isstruct(input) + value = 0; + return + end + + % + % Main ERP fields + % + ref_field = { 'bestname',... + 'filename',... + 'filepath',... + 'nbin',... + 'pnts',... + 'srate',... + 'xmin',... + 'xmax',... + 'times',... + 'nbchan',... + 'chanlocs',... + 'bindesc',... + 'original_bin',... + 'EEGhistory',... + 'binwise_data',... + 'n_trials_per_bin',... + 'saved',... + 'version'}; +% 'workfiles',... +% 'subject',... +% 'nchan',... +% 'nbin',... +% 'pnts',... +% 'srate',... +% 'xmin',... +% 'xmax',... +% 'times',... +% 'bindata',... +% 'ntrials',... +% 'isfilt',... +% 'chanlocs',... +% 'ref',... +% 'bindescr',... +% 'saved',... + + BESTX = input(:); + fnam = fieldnames(BESTX); + tf = ismember_bc2(ref_field, fnam ); + + if nnz(tf)== length(ref_field) + value = 1; + else + value = 0; + end +catch + value = 0; + return +end + + diff --git a/functions/mvpc2memory.m b/functions/mvpc2memory.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a98eba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/mvpc2memory.m @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + +function mvpc2memory(MVPC,indx) + +mvpcm = findobj('tag','linmvpc'); +nmvpcset = length(mvpcm); + +for s = 1:nmvpcset + + if s == nmvpcset-indx+1 %bottomup to topdown counting + set(mvpcm(s),'checked','on'); + menutitle = ['MVPCset' ... + num2str(nmvpcset-s+1) ': ' MVPC.mvpcname '']; + set(mvpcm(s), 'Label', menutitle); + + else + set(mvpcm(s),'checked','off'); + currname = get(mvpcm(s),'Label'); + menutitle = regexprep(currname,'|','', 'ignorecase'); + menutitle = regexprep(menutitle, '\s+', ' '); + menutitle = regexprep(menutitle,'MVPCset \d+',['MVPCset ' num2str(nmvpcset-s+1)], 'ignorecase'); + set( mvpcm(s), 'Label', menutitle); + + end + + +end + +CURRENTMVPC = indx; +assignin('base','CURRENTMVPC',CURRENTMVPC); +assignin('base','MVPC',MVPC); + +fprintf('\n------------------------------------------------------\n'); +fprintf('MVPCset #%g is ACTIVE\n', indx); +fprintf('------------------------------------------------------\n'); + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/mvpc2text.m b/functions/mvpc2text.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..707bea58 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/mvpc2text.m @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +% PURPOSE : subroutine for pop_export2text +% +% FORMAT : +% +% serror = export2text(ERP, filename, time, timeunit, transpose) +% +% +% INPUTS : +% +% MVPC - MVPCset (ERPLAB structure) +% filename - filename of outputted file +% time' - 1=include time values; 0=don't include time values +% timeunit' - 1=seconds; 1E-3=milliseconds +% transpose' - 1= (points=rows) & (values=columns) +% 0= (values=rows) & (points=column) +% +% OUTPUTS +% +% serror - error report. 0 means no errors found; 1 means something went wrong... +% file - text file +% +% +% See also pop_mvpc2text.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function serror = export2text(MVPC, filename, time, timeunit, transpose) +serror = 0; % no errors +%nbin = length(binArray); + +[pathstr, prefname1, ext] = fileparts(filename); + +if strcmp(ext,'') + ext = '.txt'; +end +precision = 4; +prefname2 = fullfile(pathstr, prefname1); +try + disp('Your MVPC results have been exported into the following files:') +% for ibin=1:nbin + + % + % ERP data + % + data = MVPC.average_score; + + % + % add time axis + % + if time==1 + %fprintf('bin #%g\n', ibin); + time_val = (MVPC.times/1000)/timeunit; %Nov 2010 + auxdata = zeros(size(data,1) + 1, size(data,2)); + auxdata(1,:) = time_val; + auxdata(2:end,:) = data; + data = auxdata; clear auxdata; + end + + % + % transpose and write to disk + % + %strbindescr = MVPC.bindescr{binArray(ibin)}; + % strbindescr = regexprep(strbindescr,'\\|\/|\*|\#|\$|\@|\:','_'); % replace forbidden characters + binfilename = [ prefname2 ext ]; % ...and add ext + fid = fopen(binfilename, 'w'); + + if transpose==1 % no transpose + + % + % writing electrodes + % + strprintf = ''; + for index = 1:size(data,1) + if time==1 % show time values + tmpind = index-1; + else + tmpind = index; + end + + if tmpind > 0 +% if ~isempty(MVPC.chanlocs) +% labx = MVPC.chanlocs(tmpind).labels; +% labx = regexprep(labx,'\\|\/|\*|\#|\$|\@','_'); % replace forbidden characters +% fprintf(fid, '%s\t', labx); +% else + fprintf(fid, '\t'); +% end + else + fprintf(fid, 'time\t\n'); + end + + strprintf = [ strprintf '%.' num2str(precision) 'f\t' ]; + end + + strprintf(end) = 'n'; + +% if electrodes==1 +% fprintf(fid, '\n'); +% end + fprintf(fid, strprintf, data); + else % transpose + + % + % writing electrodes + % + for index = 1:size(data,1) + if time==1 + tmpind = index-1; + else + tmpind = index; + end +% if electrodes==1 +% if tmpind > 0 +% if ~isempty(MVPC.chanlocs) +% labx = MVPC.chanlocs(tmpind).labels; +% labx = regexprep(labx,'\\|\/|\*|\#|\$|\@','_'); % replace forbidden characters. +% fprintf(fid,'%s\t', labx); +% else +% fprintf(fid,'%d\t', tmpind); +% end +% else +% fprintf(fid, 'time\t'); +% end +% end + fprintf(fid,[ '%.' num2str(precision) 'f\t' ], data(index, :)); + fprintf(fid, '\n'); + end + end + fclose(fid); + % disp(['' binfilename]); +% end +catch + serror = 1; %something went wrong +end +fprintf('\n'); diff --git a/functions/mvpcaverager.m b/functions/mvpcaverager.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9834dd3a --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/mvpcaverager.m @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +function [MVPC, serror, msgboxText] = mvpcaverager(ALLMVPC, lista, optioni, mvpcset, nfile, stderror,warnon) +%Only averages across decoding accuracy per subject (SVM 1vall). +%Does not yet average across SMV (1v1) and Crossnobis Distance. + +serror = 0 ; +msgboxText = ''; + +%Reads in the correct ALLMVPC set +ds = 1; +for j = 1:nfile + + if optioni==1 + fprintf('Loading %s...\n', lista{j}); + MVPCX = load(lista{j}, '-mat'); + MVPCT = MVPCX.MVPC; + else + MVPCT = ALLMVPC(mvpcset(j)); + end + + if j>1 + + % basic test for number of points + if pre_pnts ~= MVPCT.pnts + msgboxText = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different number of points!', j-1, j); + title = 'ERPLAB: pop_gaverager() Error'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + serror = 1; + break + end + + if warnon == 1 + % basic test for number of channels (for now...) + if pre_nchan ~= size(MVPCT.electrodes,2) + msgwrng = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different number of channels!', j-1, j); + cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); + + %title = 'ERPLAB: pop_gaverager() Error'; + %errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %serror = 1; + %break + end + + + + % basic test for number of bins (for now...) + if pre_nClasses ~= MVPCT.nClasses + msgwrng = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different number of classes!', j-1, j); + cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); + %title = 'ERPLAB: pop_gaverager() Error'; + %errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %return + %serror = 1; + %break + end + + if pre_nIter ~= MVPCT.nIter + msgwrng = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different number of Iterations!', j-1, j); + cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); + %title = 'ERPLAB: pop_gaverager() Error'; + %errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %return + %serror = 1; + %break + end + + if pre_nCrossfolds ~= MVPCT.nCrossfolds + msgwrng = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different number of Iterations!', j-1, j); + cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); + %title = 'ERPLAB: pop_gaverager() Error'; + %errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %return + %serror = 1; + %break + end + + + + % basic test for data type (for now...) + if ~strcmpi(pre_dtype, MVPCT.DecodingMethod) + msgwrng = sprintf('MVPCsets #%g and #%g have different type of data (see ALLMVPC.datatype)', j-1, j); + cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); + %errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %return +% serror = 1; +% break + end + + + end + + end + + + + + pre_nchan = size(MVPCT.electrodes,2); + pre_pnts = MVPCT.pnts; + pre_nCrossfolds = MVPCT.nCrossfolds; + pre_nClasses = MVPCT.nClasses; + pre_nIter = MVPCT.nIter; + pre_dtype = MVPCT.DecodingMethod; + % + % Preparing MVPC struct (first MVPC) + % + if ds==1 +% workfileArray = ERPT.workfiles; +% [nch, npnts, nbin] = size(ERPT.bindata); + sumMVPC = zeros(1,MVPCT.pnts); + if stderror + sumMVPC2 = zeros(nfile,MVPCT.pnts); + end + sumCFs =zeros(MVPCT.nClasses,MVPCT.nClasses,MVPCT.pnts); +% naccepted = zeros(1,nbin); +% auxnaccepted = zeros(1,nbin); % ### +% nrejected = zeros(1,nbin); +% ninvalid = zeros(1,nbin); +% narflags = zeros(nbin,8); + % ERPset + MVPC.mvpcname = []; + MVPC.filename = []; + MVPC.filepath = []; + MVPC.electrodes = MVPCT.electrodes; + MVPC.chanlocs = MVPCT.chanlocs; + MVPC.nClasses = MVPCT.nClasses; + MVPC.chance = MVPCT.chance; + MVPC.classlabels = MVPCT.classlabels; + MVPC.nIter = MVPCT.nIter; + MVPC.nCrossfolds = MVPCT.nCrossfolds; + MVPC.srate = MVPCT.srate; + MVPC.pnts = MVPCT.pnts; + MVPC.classcoding.OneVsOne = MVPCT.classcoding.OneVsOne; + MVPC.classcoding.OneVsAll = MVPCT.classcoding.OneVsAll; + MVPC.DecodingUnit = MVPCT.DecodingUnit; + MVPC.DecodingMethod = MVPCT.DecodingMethod; + MVPC.average_status = 'grandaverage'; + MVPC.equalTrials = 'grandavg'; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + MVPC.n_trials_per_class = 'grandavg'; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + MVPC.saved = 'no'; + MVPC.epoch = MVPCT.epoch; + MVPC.times = MVPCT.times; + MVPC.mvpc_version = MVPCT.mvpc_version; + MVPC.details = 'grandavg'; + MVPC.raw_predictions = 'grandavg'; + MVPC.average_score = []; + MVPC.confusions.scores = []; + MVPC.confusions.labels = MVPCT.confusions.labels; + + +% EVEL = ERPT.EVENTLIST; +% ALLEVENTLIST(1:length(EVEL)) = EVEL; + else +% EVEL = ERPT.EVENTLIST; +% ALLEVENTLIST(end+1:end+length(EVEL)) = EVEL; + end + + sumMVPC = sumMVPC + MVPCT.average_score; % cumulative sum: Sum(xi) + sumCFs = sumCFs + MVPCT.confusions.scores; + + if stderror + sumMVPC2(j,:) = MVPCT.average_score; + + end + + ds = ds+1; % counter for clean MVPCsets (keep it that way until Steve might eventually decide to reject subjects automatically...) + + +end + +%get average across MVPCsets +MVPC.average_score = sumMVPC/nfile; +MVPC.confusions.scores = sumCFs/nfile; + +if stderror + MVPC.stderror = squeeze(std(sumMVPC2,1))/sqrt(nfile); +end + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/painterplabapp.m b/functions/painterplabapp.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b56a5d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/painterplabapp.m @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +% PURPOSE : sets background and foreground color of the current ERPLAB's GUI +% Updated for APP designer +% +% FORMAT : +% +% handles = painterplab(handles, type); +% +% handles - GUI's handles structure +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Javier Lopez-Calderon +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2009 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function painterplabapp(app, type) +if nargin<2 + type = 0; +end +if type==0 + % + % Color GUI + % + ColorB = erpworkingmemory('ColorB'); + ColorF = erpworkingmemory('ColorF'); +elseif type==1 + ColorB = [1 0.9 0.3]; + ColorF = [0 0 0]; +end +if isempty(ColorB) + ColorB = [0.7020 0.7647 0.8392]; + %ColorB = [0.83 0.82 0.79]; +end +if isempty(ColorF) + ColorF = [0 0 0]; +end +ColorB2 = [0.6020 0.6647 0.7392]; +filedsn = fieldnames(app); + +% GUI's objects' color background +for kk=1:length(filedsn) + mstr = regexpi(filedsn{kk},'^figure|^axes1|^nbin|^edit|^listbox|^EEG|^ERP|togglebutton_summary|^pushbutton|totline|indxline|ERP_figure|Scalp_figure|counterchanwin|counterbinwin|Label_BG1|Label_BG2','match'); + if isempty(mstr) + try + num = app.(filedsn{kk}); + numType = num.Type; + if (~strcmpi(numType,'uinumericeditfield') && ~strcmpi(numType,'uieditfield') && ~strcmpi(numType,'uibutton') && ~strcmpi(numType,'uitable')) + if ~iscell(num) && ~isstruct(num) + if num~=1 + try + set(num, 'BackgroundColor', ColorB2) + catch + end + + try + set(num,'HighlightColor',[1 1 1]) + catch + end + + + try + set(num, 'ForegroundColor', ColorF) + catch + + end + end + end + end + catch + end + + end +end + +% GUI's color background +try + set(app.UIFigure, 'Color', ColorB) + %disp('Mira:') + %num + %filedsn{kk} +catch +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/preloadBEST.m b/functions/preloadBEST.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87e79ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/preloadBEST.m @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +% PURPOSE: Loads a current BEST structure (if any) from the workspace +% Otherwise, load ALLBEST(CURRENTBEST); Otherwise, BEST = [] +% +% To avoid clearing an already filled BEST structure after an +% interrupted process (for instance, after error) or canceling +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function BEST = preloadBEST +try + BEST = evalin('base', 'BEST'); +catch + BEST = []; +end +if isempty(BEST) + try + ALLBEST = evalin('base', 'ALLBEST'); + k = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); + BEST = ALLBEST(k); + catch + BEST = []; + end +end diff --git a/functions/preloadMVPA.m b/functions/preloadMVPA.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dbcdbb00 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/preloadMVPA.m @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +% PURPOSE: Loads a current MVPA structure (if any) from the workspace +% Otherwise, load ALLMVPA(CURRENTMVPA); Otherwise, MVPA = [] +% +% To avoid clearing an already filled MVPA structure after an +% interrupted process (for instance, after error) or canceling +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function MVPA = preloadMVPA +try + MVPA = evalin('base', 'MVPA'); +catch + MVPA = []; +end +if isempty(MVPA) + try + ALLMVPA = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPA'); + k = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPA'); + MVPA = ALLMVPA(k); + catch + MVPA = []; + end +end diff --git a/functions/preloadMVPC.m b/functions/preloadMVPC.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f862a3b --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/preloadMVPC.m @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +% PURPOSE: Loads a current MVPC structure (if any) from the workspace +% Otherwise, load ALLMVPC(CURRENTMVPC); Otherwise, MVPC = [] +% +% To avoid clearing an already filled MVPA structure after an +% interrupted process (for instance, after error) or canceling +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function MVPC = preloadMVPC +try + MVPC = evalin('base', 'MVPC'); +catch + MVPC = []; +end +if isempty(MVPC) + try + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + k = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPC'); + MVPC = ALLMVPC(k); + catch + MVPC = []; + end +end diff --git a/functions/rawscoreSVM.m b/functions/rawscoreSVM.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1807aa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/rawscoreSVM.m @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +function [mvpc] = rawscoreSVM(mvpc, truelabel, predictedlabel) + +% this function reshapes the decorder outputs +% and creates mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vsall + +%if classcoding == 2 +[Nitr, Nblock, Ntp, nBins] = size(truelabel); +runs = Nitr*Nblock; %"run" is combination of iteration and fold + +reshape_predictions = reshape(predictedlabel,[runs,Ntp,nBins]); +predictions = permute(reshape_predictions,[2 1 3]); +%predictions = Timepoint x Run x Class +%save predictions +mvpc.raw_predictions = predictions ; + +% mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vAll = struct(); +% +% ind = 1; +% for tp = 1:Ntp +% for run = 1:runs +% mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vAll(ind).TimePoint = tp; +% mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vAll(ind).Run = run; +% for b = 1:nBins +% mvpa.raw_accuracy_1vAll(ind).(strcat('Class_',num2str(b))) = ... +% predictions(tp,run,b); +% end +% ind = ind + 1; +% end +% end + + +% %create for 1v1 case + + +%else +% disp('No SVM coding output?') +% return +%end + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/saveBEST.m b/functions/saveBEST.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae10d2ab --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/saveBEST.m @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +function [BEST, serror, filenamex] = saveBEST(BEST,filenamex,modegui,warnop) + +serror = 0; + +if nargin < 1 + help saveBEST + return + +end + +if nargin<4 + warnop = 0 ; % no warning for overwriting a file +end +if nargin<3 + modegui = 0; % no uiputfile +end + + +% Save MVPA file (save as) +BESTaux = BEST; +namef = filenamex; + +if modegui == 1 + [pathstr, namedef, ext] = fileparts(char(namef)); + [bestfilename, bestpathname, indxs] = uiputfile({'*.best','BEST (*.best)'}, ... + 'Save BEST structure as',... + namedef); + + if isequal(bestfilename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror = 1; + return + end + + [pathstr, bestfilename, ext] = fileparts(bestfilename) ; + + if indxs==1 + ext = '.best'; + elseif indxs==2 + ext = '.best'; + end +else %direct saving + if isempty(filenamex) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror =1; + return + end + [bestpathname, bestfilename, ext] = fileparts(filenamex); + ext = '.best'; + +end + +disp(['Saving Bin-Epoched Single-Trial (BEST) Data Matrix (.mat) at ' bestpathname '...'] ) + + +if isequal(bestfilename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror=1; + return +else +% if isempty(ERP.erpname) +% ERP.erpname = erpfilename; % without extension +% end + + BEST.filename = [bestfilename ext]; + BEST.filepath = bestpathname; + BEST.saved ='yes'; + +% %checking = checkERP(ERP); +% +% if checking==0 +% msgboxText = 'Error: ERP structure has error.'; +% tittle = 'ERPLAB: pop_saveERP() error:'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, tittle); +% serror = 1; +% ERP = ERPaux; +% return +% end + + filenamex = fullfile(bestpathname, [bestfilename ext]); + + if exist(filenamex, 'file')~=0 && warnop==1 + msgboxText = ['This Bin-Epoched Single-Trial (BEST) Data already exist.\n'...; + 'Would you like to overwrite it?']; + title = 'ERPLAB: WARNING!'; + button = askquest(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + if strcmpi(button,'no') + disp('User canceled') + BEST = BESTaux; + return + end + end + save(filenamex, 'BEST'); +end + + +return diff --git a/functions/savemvpc.m b/functions/savemvpc.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8297b666 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/savemvpc.m @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +function [MVPC, filenamex, serror] = savemvpc(MVPC,filenamex,modegui,warnop) + +serror = 0; + +if nargin < 1 + help savemvpc + return + +end + +if nargin<4 + warnop = 1 ; % no warning for overwriting a file +end +if nargin<3 + modegui = 0; % no uiputfile +end + + +% Save MVPA file (save as) +MVPCaux = MVPC; +namef = filenamex; + +if modegui == 1 + [pathstr, namedef, ext] = fileparts(char(namef)); + [mvpcfilename, mvpcpathname, indxs] = uiputfile({'*.mvpc','MVPC (*.mvpc)'}, ... + 'Save MVPC structure as',... + namedef); + + if isequal(mvpcfilename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror = 1; + return + end + + [pathstr, mvpcfilename, ext] = fileparts(mvpcfilename) ; + + if indxs==1 + ext = '.mvpc'; + elseif indxs==2 + ext = '.mvpc'; + end +else %direct saving + if isempty(filenamex) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror =1; + return + end + [mvpcpathname, mvpcfilename, ext] = fileparts(filenamex); + ext = '.mvpc'; + +end +try +disp(['Saving Multivariate Pattern Classification (MVPC) Data Matrix (.mvpc) at ' mvpcpathname{1} '...'] ) +catch +disp(['Saving Multivariate Pattern Classification (MVPC) Data Matrix (.mvpc) at ' mvpcpathname '...'] ) +end + +if isequal(mvpcfilename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + serror=1; + return +else + % if isempty(ERP.erpname) + % ERP.erpname = erpfilename; % without extension + % end + if numel(MVPC) == 1 + MVPC.filename = [mvpcfilename ext]; + MVPC.filepath = mvpcpathname; + MVPC.saved ='yes'; + + else + for f = 1:length(MVPC) + MVPC(f).filename = [mvpcfilename{f} ext]; + MVPC(f).filepath = mvpcpathname{f}; + MVPC(f).saved ='yes'; + end + end +end + +% %checking = checkERP(ERP); +% +% if checking==0 +% msgboxText = 'Error: ERP structure has error.'; +% tittle = 'ERPLAB: pop_saveERP() error:'; +% errorfound(msgboxText, tittle); +% serror = 1; +% ERP = ERPaux; +% return +% end +%% SAVING +storeMVPC = MVPC; +for f = 1:length(storeMVPC) + MVPC = storeMVPC(f); + try + filenamex = fullfile(mvpcpathname{f}, [mvpcfilename{f} ext]); + catch + filenamex = fullfile(mvpcpathname, [mvpcfilename ext]); + end + if exist(filenamex, 'file')~=0 && warnop==1 + msgboxText = ['This MVPC Data already exist.\n'...; + 'Would you like to overwrite it?']; + title = 'ERPLAB: WARNING!'; + button = askquest(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + if strcmpi(button,'no') + disp('User canceled') + MVPC = MVPCaux; + return + end + end + save(filenamex, 'MVPC'); +end + +MVPC = storeMVPC; %reset the output to be the full set of multipe MVPC (if applicable) + +return diff --git a/functions/scoreSVM.m b/functions/scoreSVM.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..15115f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/scoreSVM.m @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +function [mvpa] = scoreSVM(mvpa, truelabel, predictedlabel) + + [Nitr, Nblock, Ntp, nBins] = size(truelabel); + + DecodingAccuracy = nan(Ntp,Nblock,Nitr); + + % Obtain predictions from SVM-ECOC model + svmPrediction = squeeze(predictedlabel); + tstTargets = squeeze(truelabel); + + + %% Step 5: Compute decoding accuracy of each decoding trial + for block = 1:Nblock + for itr = 1:Nitr + for tp = 1:Ntp + + prediction = squeeze(svmPrediction(itr,tp,block,:)); % this is predictions from models + TrueAnswer = squeeze(tstTargets(itr,tp,block,:)); % this is predictions from models + Err = TrueAnswer - prediction; %compute error. No error = 0 + ACC = mean(Err==0); %Correct hit = 0 (avg propotion of vector of 1s and 0s) + DecodingAccuracy(tp,block,itr) = ACC; % average decoding accuracy at tp & block + + end + end + end + + % Average across block and iterations + grandAvg = squeeze(mean(mean(DecodingAccuracy,2),3)); + + % Perform temporal smoothing (5 point moving avg) + smoothed = nan(1,Ntp); + for tAvg = 1:Ntp + if tAvg ==1 + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg):(tAvg+2))); + elseif tAvg ==2 + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-1):(tAvg+2))); + elseif tAvg == (Ntp-1) + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg+1))); + elseif tAvg == Ntp + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg))); + else + smoothed(tAvg) = mean(grandAvg((tAvg-2):(tAvg+2))); + end + + end + + % Save smoothe data + AverageAccuracy(seta,:) =smoothed; % average across iteration and block + + + reshape_targ = reshape(svm_predict,[Nitr*Nblock,Ntp,nBins]); + final_targ = permute(new_targ,[2 1 3]); + + + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/updatemenubest.m b/functions/updatemenubest.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ad40d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/updatemenubest.m @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +% PURPOSE: updates BESTset menu + + +function updatemenubest(ALLBEST,overw) +if nargin<2 + overw=0; % overwrite bestset menu? 0=no; 1=yes; -1=delete +end + +% +% Checks BESTsets menu status +% +BESTmenu = findobj('tag', 'bestsets'); +statbestm = get(BESTmenu, 'Enable'); +if strcmp(statbestm,'off') + set(BESTmenu, 'Enable', 'on'); % activates bestsets menu +end + +maxindexbest = length(ALLBEST); +BESTSETMENU = zeros(1,maxindexbest); +bestsetlist = findobj('tag','linbest'); + +if isempty(bestsetlist) + nbestset = 0; + overw = 0 ; %add a new bestset +elseif length(bestsetlist) > maxindexbest + nbestset = length(bestsetlist); + overw = -1; %delete bestset +elseif length(bestsetlist) < maxindexbest + nbestset = length(bestsetlist); + overw = 0; %add bestset + +else + nbestset = length(bestsetlist); +end + +if overw == 1 + %overwrite. Just change the current bestset + + for s = 1:nbestset + strcheck = get(bestsetlist(s), 'checked'); + + if strcmp(strcheck,'on') + catchindx = nbestset-s+1; + bestn = ALLBEST(nbestset-s+1).bestname; + menutitle = sprintf('BESTset %d: %s', nbestset-s+1,bestn); + set(bestsetlist(s), 'Label', menutitle); + end + + end + best2memory(ALLBEST(catchindx),catchindx); + +elseif overw == 0 || overw == -1 + + if overw == 0 %add a new bestset to the bestset menu + indexbest = nbestset + 1; + else %delete bestset from menu + menux = findobj(0, 'tag', 'bestsets'); + h = get(menux); + delete(h.Children); + indexbest = 1; + if maxindexbest==0 + assignin('base','CURRENTBEST', 0); % save to workspace + set(BESTmenu, 'enable', 'off'); + return + end + end + + while indexbest <= maxindexbest + BESTSETMENU(indexbest) = uimenu(BESTmenu, 'tag', 'linbest'); + fbest = ['best2memory(ALLBEST(' num2str(indexbest) '),' num2str(indexbest) ');']; + bestn = ALLBEST(indexbest).bestname; + if iscell(bestn) + bestn = ''; + end + menutitle = ['BESTset ' num2str(indexbest) ': ' bestn '']; + set( BESTSETMENU(indexbest), 'Label', menutitle); + set( BESTSETMENU(indexbest), 'CallBack', fbest ); + set( BESTSETMENU(indexbest), 'Enable', 'on' ); + indexbest = indexbest + 1; + + end + + if maxindexbest ~= 0 + best2memory(ALLBEST(maxindexbest),maxindexbest); + end + + + + +else + error('ERPLAB sasys: wrong input parameter') + + + +end + +eeglab redraw; +%set(BESTmenu, 'Enable', 'on'); % activates erpsets menu after redraw (eeglab hack) + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/updatemenuerp.m b/functions/updatemenuerp.m index cb391a78..33d2002b 100755 --- a/functions/updatemenuerp.m +++ b/functions/updatemenuerp.m @@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ function updatemenuerp(ALLERP, overw) assignin('base','CURRENTERP', 0); % save to workspace set(erpmenu, 'enable', 'off'); %%changed by GH Apr 2023 - observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP = []; - observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; - cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave Viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); +% observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP = []; +% observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; +% cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave Viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); %%change end - + erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer',1); return end end @@ -147,22 +147,22 @@ function updatemenuerp(ALLERP, overw) set(option2, 'enable', 'off'); set(option3, 'enable', 'off'); end - +erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer',1); %%changed GZ Mar. 2023 -CURRENTERP = maxindexerp; -if ~isempty(ALLERP)%%if - observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP =ALLERP; - if isempty(CURRENTERP) || CURRENTERP<=0 || CURRENTERP> length(ALLERP) - CURRENTERP= length(ALLERP); - end - observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERP; - observe_ERPDAT.ERP = ALLERP(CURRENTERP); - observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; -else - observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP = []; - observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; -end +% CURRENTERP = maxindexerp; +% if ~isempty(ALLERP)%%if +% observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP =ALLERP; +% if isempty(CURRENTERP) || CURRENTERP<=0 || CURRENTERP> length(ALLERP) +% CURRENTERP= length(ALLERP); +% end +% observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERP; +% observe_ERPDAT.ERP = ALLERP(CURRENTERP); +% observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; +% else +% observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP = []; +% observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI = 1; +% end end diff --git a/functions/updatemenumvpc.m b/functions/updatemenumvpc.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a3fc876 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/updatemenumvpc.m @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +% PURPOSE: updates MVPCset menu + + +function updatemenumvpc(ALLMVPC,overw) +if nargin<2 + overw=0; % overwrite MVPCset menu? 0=no; 1=yes; -1=delete +end + +% +% Checks MVPCset menu status +% +MVPCmenu = findobj('tag', 'mvpcsets'); +statbestm = get(MVPCmenu, 'Enable'); +if strcmp(statbestm,'off') + set(MVPCmenu, 'Enable', 'on'); % activates bestsets menu +end + +maxindexmvpc = length(ALLMVPC); +MVPCSETMENU = zeros(1,maxindexmvpc); +mvpcsetlist = findobj('tag','linmvpc'); + +if isempty(mvpcsetlist) + nmvpcset = 0; + overw = 0 ; %add a new MVPCset +elseif length(mvpcsetlist) > maxindexmvpc + nmvpcset = length(mvpcsetlist); + overw = -1; %delete MVPCset +elseif length(mvpcsetlist) < maxindexmvpc + nmvpcset = length(mvpcsetlist); + overw = 0; %add MVPCset + +else + nmvpcset = length(mvpcsetlist); +end + +if overw == 1 + %overwrite. Just change the current bestset + + for s = 1:nmvpcset + strcheck = get(mvpcsetlist(s), 'checked'); + + if strcmp(strcheck,'on') + catchindx = nmvpcset-s+1; + mvpcn = ALLMVPC(nmvpcset-s+1).mvpcname; + menutitle = sprintf('MVPCset %d: %s', nmvpcset-s+1,mvpcn); + set(mvpcsetlist(s), 'Label', menutitle); + end + + end + mvpc2memory(ALLMVPC(catchindx),catchindx); + +elseif overw == 0 || overw == -1 + + if overw == 0 %add a new bestset to the bestset menu + indexmvpc = nmvpcset + 1; + else %delete bestset from menu + menux = findobj(0, 'tag', 'mvpcsets'); + h = get(menux); + delete(h.Children); + indexmvpc = 1; + if maxindexmvpc==0 + assignin('base','CURRENTMVPC', 0); % save to workspace + set(MVPCmenu, 'enable', 'off'); + return + end + end + + while indexmvpc <= maxindexmvpc + MVPCSETMENU(indexmvpc) = uimenu(MVPCmenu, 'tag', 'linmvpc'); + fmvpc = ['mvpc2memory(ALLMVPC(' num2str(indexmvpc) '),' num2str(indexmvpc) ');']; + mvpcn = ALLMVPC(indexmvpc).mvpcname; + if iscell(mvpcn) + mvpcn = ''; + end + menutitle = ['MVPCset ' num2str(indexmvpc) ': ' mvpcn '']; + set( MVPCSETMENU(indexmvpc), 'Label', menutitle); + set( MVPCSETMENU(indexmvpc), 'CallBack', fmvpc ); + set( MVPCSETMENU(indexmvpc), 'Enable', 'on' ); + indexmvpc = indexmvpc + 1; + + end + + if maxindexmvpc ~= 0 + mvpc2memory(ALLMVPC(maxindexmvpc),maxindexmvpc); + end + + + + +else + error('ERPLAB sasys: wrong input parameter') + + + +end + +eeglab redraw; +%set(MVPCmenu, 'Enable', 'on'); % activates erpsets menu after redraw (eeglab hack) + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/window2sample.m b/functions/window2sample.m index f535215b..cc057272 100755 --- a/functions/window2sample.m +++ b/functions/window2sample.m @@ -56,7 +56,13 @@ if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') Ktime = 1000; % ms - toffsa = abs(round(ERPLAB.xmin*fs))+1; + try + toffsa = abs(round(ERPLAB.xmin*fs))+1; + catch + ERPLAB.xmin = ERPLAB.times(1)/Ktime; + ERPLAB.xmax = ERPLAB.times(end)/Ktime; + toffsa = abs(round(ERPLAB.xmin*fs))+1; + end else % FFT Ktime = 1; % sec or Hz toffsa = 0; diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_combineBESTbins.m b/pop_functions/pop_combineBESTbins.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f870e49b --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_combineBESTbins.m @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +% PURPOSE : Combine bins within a BEST file. Outputs BEST file with +% combined bin appended at the end of BESTset. +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> [BEST] = pop_combineBESTbins(BEST,parameters); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% BEST - input BEST dataset +% +% The available input parameters are as follows: +% +% 'bins_to_combine' - Cell array of bins to combine where each +% element is a set of bin indexes from BEST. +% 'bin_labels' - Cell array of bin description names for +% each newly combined bin. +% Length of cellarray must equal 'bins_to_combine' +% +% 'SaveAs' - (optional) open GUI for saving BESTset. +% 'on'/'off' (Default: off) +% - (if "off", will not update in BESTset menu) +% - if scripting, use "off" and pop_savemybest() +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% BEST - output BEST structure +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% [BEST] = pop_combineBESTbins(BEST,'bins_to_combine',{[1,2,3],[4,5,6]}, ... +% 'bin_labels',{'Combined bins 1,2,3','Combined bins 4,5,6'}); +% +% See also: pop_savemybest.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons and Steven J Luck. +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function [BEST] = pop_combineBESTbins(ALLBEST,varargin) +com = ''; + +%preload BEST +BEST = preloadBEST; + +if nargin < 1 + help pop_combineBESTbins + return +end + + +if nargin == 1 %open GUI + currdata = evalin('base','CURRENTBEST'); + + if currdata == 0 + msgboxText = 'pop_combineBESTbins() error: cannot work an empty dataset!!!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: No data'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + + end + + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_combineBESTbins'); + + if isempty(def) + def = {{[]},{[]}}; + %1 binindex(s) from old BEST that will create new BEST + %2 binlabel(s) from oldBEST taht will create new BEST + + end + + + + + app = feval('combinebestbinsGUI',ALLBEST,currdata,def); + waitfor(app,'FinishButton',1); + + try + res = app.output; + app.delete; %delete app from view + pause(0.5); %wait for app to leave + catch + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + + BEST = res{1}; + nbins = res{2}.bini; + nlabels = res{2}.labels; + + def = {nbins,nlabels}; + erpworkingmemory('pop_combineBESTbins',def); + + [BEST] = pop_combineBESTbins(ALLBEST,'BESTindex',currdata, 'bins_to_combine',nbins,'bin_labels',nlabels, ... + 'Saveas','on', 'History','gui'); + + pause(0.1); + return + +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLBEST'); + + +p.addParamValue('BESTindex', 1,@isnumeric); % erpset index or input file (default: first BESTset in ALLBEST) +p.addParamValue('bins_to_combine',{}); %array of channel indicies (def: all channels) +p.addParamValue('bin_labels',{}); +p.addParamValue('Saveas','off'); +p.addParamValue('History','script'); + + +% Parsing +p.parse(ALLBEST, varargin{:}); + +idx_bestset = p.Results.BESTindex; +new_bins = p.Results.bins_to_combine; +new_labels = p.Results.bin_labels; + +%% choose BESTsets +if ~isempty(idx_bestset) + BEST = ALLBEST(idx_bestset) ; +else + BEST = ALLBEST(1); %just do the first one +end + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end + + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + +%% bin-combiner routine + +BEST = combineBESTbins(BEST, new_bins, new_labels); + +% +% History +% +skipfields = {'ALLBEST', 'Saveas','Warning','History'}; + + +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +explica = 0; +if length(idx_bestset)==1 && idx_bestset(1)==1 + inputvari = 'BEST'; % Thanks to Felix Bacigalupo for this suggestion. Dic 12, 2011 + skipfields = [skipfields 'ALLBEST' 'BESTindex']; % SL +else + if length(idx_bestset)==1 + explica = 1; + end + inputvari = inputname(1); +end +bestcom = sprintf( 'BEST = pop_combineBESTbins( %s ', inputvari); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + bestcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', bestcom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + else + if iscell(fn2res) + if all(cellfun(@isnumeric, fn2res)) + %fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + fn2resstr =cell2mat(cellfun(@vect2colon,fn2res,'UniformOutput',false)); + + else + fn2resstr = ''; + for kk=1:numel(fn2res) + auxcont = fn2res{kk}; + if ischar(auxcont) + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr '''' auxcont ''',' ]; + else + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr ' ' vect2colon(auxcont, 'Delimiter', 'on')]; + end + + end + fn2resstr(end) = []; %take out last comma + + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + elseif isnumeric(fn2res) + %fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + fn2res = mat2colon(fn2res); + fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + elseif isstruct(fn2res) + fn2resstr = 'ALLBEST'; fnformat = '%s'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'BESTindex') +% bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', [', fnformat,']'], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% else + bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + % end + + %bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end +end +bestcom = sprintf( '%s );', bestcom); + + +%% save function + +if issaveas + [BEST, issave] = pop_savemybest(BEST,'gui','erplab'); + if issave>0 + if issave==2 + %erpcom = sprintf('%s\n%s', erpcom, erpcom_save); + msgwrng = '*** Your BESTset was saved on your hard drive.***'; + else + msgwrng = '*** Warning: Your BESTset was only saved on the workspace.***'; + end + else + msgwrng = 'ERPLAB Warning: Your changes were not saved'; + end + try cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); catch,fprintf('%s\n\n', msgwrng);end ; +end + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + displayEquiComERP(bestcom); + if explica + try + cprintf([0.1333, 0.5451, 0.1333], '%%IMPORTANT: For pop_combineBESTbins, you may use BEST instead of ALLBEST, and remove "''BESTindex'',%g"\n',idx_bestset); + catch + fprintf('%%IMPORTANT: For pop_combineBESTbins, you may use BEST instead of ALLBEST, and remove ''BESTindex'',%g:\n',idx_bestset); + end + end + case 2 % from script + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], bestcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + otherwise % off or none + bestcom = ''; +end + + +return diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_decoding.m b/pop_functions/pop_decoding.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49101cd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_decoding.m @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +% PURPOSE : Decode BEST files after setting parameters. +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> MVPC = pop_decoding(ALLBEST) +% +% INPUTS : +% +% BEST or ALLBEST - input dataset (BESTset) or input ALLBEST (via +% decoding toolbox GUI) +% +% The available parameters are as follows: +% +% 'BESTindex' - Index of BESTset(s) to decode when contained +% within the ALLBEST structure +% If supplying one BESTset using BEST structure this value +% must be equal to 1 or left unspecified. +% Def: [1] +% +% 'Classes ' - Index array of classes to decode across. +% Classes are defined as the index of the bins +% contained within the BESTset prior to decoding. +% +% 'Channels' - Index of channels to use. Def: all channels +% +% 'nIter' - Amount of iterations to run decoding per BESTset. +% Def: 100 +% +% 'nCrossblocks' - Amount of Crossfold Validation blocks where +% Ntrials/nCrossblocks = Ntrials(ERP) / Def: 3 +% +% 'DecodeTimes' - 2-element array denoting epoch start and end times +% e.g.: [start_epoch_decoding end_epoch_decoding] +% Default: use whole epoch length. +% +% 'Decode_Every_Npoint' - Decode every timepoint (T) points where 1 point = +% 1/sampling rate (in ms). Effectively resampling +% the decoding analysis. For example, a +% value of 1 decodes every timepoint. +% Def: [1] +% +% 'EqualizeTrials' - (Optional) Equalizing the amount of trials per ERP. +% - 'classes': Across classes within BESTset +% - 'best': Across BESTsets (if more than 1 BESTset) +% - 'floor': Using Common Floor Value +% +% 'FloorValue' - (Optional) Equalize amount of trials per ERP across all +% classes (and BESTsets) to this value. If +% specified, overides the 'EqualizeTrials' +% argument. +% +% +% 'Method' - Classification method: +% - 'SVM' (default) using fitcecoc() +% - if BESTset has only two classes/binary, +% algorithm uses fitcsvm() +% - 'Crossnobis' +% +% 'classcoding' - If classification method is 'SVM': +% - 'OneVsOne' +% - 'OneVsAll' (def) +% +% 'SaveAs' - (optional) open GUI for saving MVPCset. Not +% useful if scripting; use separate pop_savemymvpc(). +% 'on'/'off' (Default: off) +% (if "off", will not update in MVPCset menu) +% 'ParCompute' - (optional) Use parallelization to make decoding +% faster. Uses as many available cores. Must have 'Parallel +% Computing Toolbox' installed. 'on'/'off' (Def) +% +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% MVPC - output MVPC dataset +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% MVPC = pop_decoding(BEST,'Classes',[1:4],'Channels',[1:27 33:64], 'nIter', 10, 'nCrossblocks',3, ... +% 'DecodeTimes',[-500,1496], 'Decode_Every_Npoint',5,'EqualizeTrials','classes',... +% 'Method','SVM', 'classcoding','OneVsAll', ... +% 'ParCompute','on'); +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function [MVPC] = pop_decoding(ALLBEST, varargin) +com = ''; + +% check Signal Processing Toolbox (SPT) +if exist('filtfilt','file')~= 2 + msgboxText = 'ERROR: You currently do not have the Signal Processing Toolbox installed. Please contact your system administration or MATLAB to install "Signal Processing Toolbox" to your MATLAB version'; + title = 'ERPLAB: Missing Signal Processing Toolbox'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +% check Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox +v = ver; +hasSMT = any(strcmp(cellstr(char(v.Name)), 'Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox')); + +if hasSMT ~= 1 + msgboxText = ['Error: You currently do not have the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox, an offiical MATLAB toolbox add-on. ...' ... + 'Please contact MATHWORKS or your system admin to install this for your MATLAB version']; + title = 'ERPLAB: Missing Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + + + +try + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + % preindex = length(ALLMVPC); +catch + disp('WARNING: ALLMVPC structure was not found. ERPLAB will create an empty one.') + ALLMVPC = []; + % preindex = 0; +end + +%preload MVPAC +MVPC = preloadMVPC; + +if nargin<1 + help pop_decoding + return +end + +if nargin == 1 %GUI + + if isstruct(ALLBEST) + if ~isbeststruct(ALLBEST(1)) + ALLBEST = []; + %nbinx = 1; + %nchanx = 1; + else + %nbinx = ALLBEST(1).nbin; + %nchanx = ALLBEST(1).nbchan; + end + + else + ALLBEST = []; + % nbinx = 1; + % nchanx = 1; + end + + cbesti = evalin('base','CURRENTBEST'); %current BEST index + + %working memory + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_decoding'); + %def = []; %for now, def always empty, always default to "load from hard drive". + if isempty(def) + if isempty(ALLBEST) + inp1 = 1; %from hard drive + bestseti = []; %index of bestsets to use + else + inp1 = 0; %from bestset menu + bestseti = 1:length(ALLBEST); + + end + + %decodeClassInd = 1:numel(ALLBEST(indexBEST(1)).binwise_data) + def = {inp1 bestseti [] 100 3 1 [] 1 2 1 1 2 0 []}; + + %def1 = input mode (1 means from HD, 0 from bestsetmenu, 2 current bestset) + %def2 = bestset index (see above) + %def3 = chanArray + %def4 = nIter (def = 100) + %def5 = nCrossBlocks (def = 3) + %def6 = epochTimes (1:all, 2: pre, 3: post, 4:custom) (Def = 1/all) + %def7 = decodeTimes ([start,end]; def = []); % IN MS! + %def8 = decode_every_Npoint (1 = every point) + %def9 = Equalize Trials (0: don't equalize/ 1:equalize across bins/ 2: eqalize across + % bins & best (def)/ 3: Common Floor) + %def10 = Common Floor Value (def: 1); + %def11 = classifer (1: SVM / 2: Crossnobis - def: SVM) + %def12 = SVM coding (1: 1vs1 / 2: 1vsAll or empty - def: 1vsALL) + %def13 = parCompute (def = 0) + %def14 = DecodeClasses ; + + %DEFUNCT = output filename (def = filename.mvpa in pwd) *DEFUNCT + %DEFUNCT = output path (def = cd); *DEFUNCT + + + + else + %if working memory is NOT empty + if ~isempty(ALLBEST) + if isnumeric(def{2}) + [uu,mm] = unique_bc2(def{2},'first'); + bestset_list_sorted = [def{2}(sort(mm))]; + bestset_list = bestset_list_sorted(bestset_list_sorted <= length(ALLBEST)); + if isempty(bestset_list) + def{2} = cbesti; %if nothing in list, just go with current + else + def{2} = bestset_list; + end + + + + + end + end + + + + end + + + %% Call GUI for decoding parameters parameters + %app = feval('decodingGUI', ALLBEST, filename, filepath, cbesti); %cludgy way + app = feval('decodingGUI', ALLBEST, def, cbesti); %cludgy way + waitfor(app,'FinishButton',1); + try + decoding_res = app.output; %NO you don't want to output BEST, you want to output the parameters to run decoding + app.delete; %delete app from view + pause(0.5); %wait for app to leave + catch + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + %parse arguments + if isempty(ALLBEST) %if no BESTset was passed to GUI + ALLBEST = decoding_res{1}; %use the GUI output + %but if BESTset was passed to GUI, use indexes to index + %the desired BESTsets + end + inp1 = decoding_res{2}; + indexBEST = decoding_res{3}; + relevantChans = decoding_res{4}; + nIter = decoding_res{5}; + nCrossBlocks = decoding_res{6}; + epoch_times = decoding_res{7}; + decodeTimes = decoding_res{8}; %in s + decode_every_Npoint = decoding_res{9}; + equalizeTrials = decoding_res{10}; + floorValue = decoding_res{11}; + selected_method = decoding_res{12}; + classcoding = decoding_res{13}; +% file_out = decoding_res{13}; +% path_out = decoding_res{14}; + ParCompute = decoding_res{14}; + decodeClasses = decoding_res{15}; + + %save in working memory + %Steve decided that equalize trials should always be defaulted if using + %the GUI + + def = { inp1, indexBEST, relevantChans, nIter, nCrossBlocks, epoch_times, ... + decodeTimes, decode_every_Npoint, 2, floorValue, ... + selected_method, classcoding, ParCompute,decodeClasses}; + erpworkingmemory('pop_decoding',def); + + %for input into sommersault, change decodeTimes to ms + decodeTimes = decodeTimes* 1000; + + if equalizeTrials == 1 + seqtr = 'classes'; + floorValue = []; + + elseif equalizeTrials == 2 + seqtr = 'best'; + floorValue = []; + elseif equalizeTrials == 3 + seqtr = 'floor'; + + else + seqtr ='none'; + floorValue = []; + end + + if selected_method == 1 %svm + smethod = 'SVM'; + + elseif selected_method == 2 + smethod = 'Crossnobis'; + end + + if classcoding == 1 + strcoding = 'OneVsOne'; + elseif classcoding == 2 + strcoding = 'OneVsAll'; + else + strcoding = 'none'; + end + + if ParCompute + spar = 'on'; + else + spar = 'off'; + end + + if isempty(decodeClasses) + %across all classes in BESTset(s) + decodeClasses = 1:numel(ALLBEST(indexBEST(1)).binwise_data); + end + + + + [MVPC] = pop_decoding(ALLBEST,'BESTindex', indexBEST, 'Classes', decodeClasses, ... + 'Channels', relevantChans, ... + 'nIter',nIter,'nCrossblocks',nCrossBlocks, ... + 'DecodeTimes', decodeTimes, 'Decode_Every_Npoint',decode_every_Npoint, ... + 'EqualizeTrials', seqtr, 'FloorValue',floorValue,'Method', smethod, ... + 'classcoding',strcoding, 'Saveas','on', 'ParCompute',spar, 'History','gui'); + + pause(0.1); + return + + + +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLBEST'); + +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('BESTindex', 1,@isnumeric); % erpset index or input file (default: first BESTset in ALLBEST) +p.addParamValue('Classes',[],@isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('Channels',[], @isnumeric); %array of channel indicies (def: all channels) +%p.addParamValue('nBins',0); %total number of bins/decoding labels/decoding levels +p.addParamValue('nIter',100, @isnumeric); % total number of decoding iterations (def: 100 iters) +p.addParamValue('nCrossblocks',3, @isnumeric); % total number of crossblock validations (def: 3 crossblocks) +%p.addParamValue('nDatatimes',[]); %struct with fields pre(start),post(end) epoch times (def: entire epoch) +%p.addParamValue('SampleTimes',[]); %array of epoch sampling times in ms, i.e. EEG.times (def: all times) +p.addParamValue('DecodeTimes',[],@isnumeric); %[start end](in ms) +p.addParamValue('Decode_Every_Npoint',1, @isnumeric); %(def = all times(1) // must be positive number ) +p.addParamValue('EqualizeTrials', 'none', @ischar); % def: equalize trials across bins & BESTsets (2) +p.addParamValue('FloorValue', [], @isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('Method','SVM',@ischar); %method (1:SVM/2:Crossnobis); +p.addParamValue('classcoding','OneVsAll',@ischar); % SVMcoding(1:oneVsone/2:oneVsall); +p.addParamValue('Saveas','off',@ischar); +p.addParamValue('ParCompute','off', @ischar); %attempt parallization across CPU cores (def: false) +p.addParamValue('History','script'); + +% Parsing +p.parse(ALLBEST, varargin{:}); +idx_bestset = p.Results.BESTindex; +decodeClasses = p.Results.Classes; +chanArray = p.Results.Channels; +nIter = p.Results.nIter; +nCrossblocks = p.Results.nCrossblocks; +decodeTimes = p.Results.DecodeTimes; +Decode_every_Npoint = p.Results.Decode_Every_Npoint; +equalize_trials = p.Results.EqualizeTrials; +floor_value = p.Results.FloorValue; +smethod = p.Results.Method; +strcoding = p.Results.classcoding; +% filename_out = p.Results.filename_out; +% pathname_out = p.Results.path_out; +sParCompute = p.Results.ParCompute; + + +%if user is scripting command +if isempty(decodeClasses) + decodeClasses = 1:numel(ALLBEST(idx_bestset(1)).binwise_data); +end + +%history +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + +%parallelization +if strcmpi(sParCompute, 'on') || strcmpi(sParCompute,'yes') + ParCompute = 1; +else + ParCompute = 0; +end + + + + +%% choose BESTsets +if ~isempty(idx_bestset) + ALLBEST = ALLBEST(idx_bestset) ; +else + ALLBEST = ALLBEST(1); %just do the first one +end + + +%% Check ALLBEST +checking = checkmultiBEST(ALLBEST); + +if ~checking + disp('Sorry, your BEST files do not agree with each other in terms of classes and channels') + return +end + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end + +% Save routine only for Decoding Toolbox GUI +if issaveas == 1 + [res] = mvpc_save_multi_file(ALLBEST,1:numel(ALLBEST),''); +% + if isempty(res) + disp('User selected cancel'); + return + end + + ALLBEST = res{1}; + % file_out = {ALLBEST.filename}; + % file_path = {ALLBEST.filepath}; + + %after using the save multple files, + %don't automaticaly assume they want to save + +end + + + +%create/update the times field in each BESTset + +% use the specificed [start,end] epoch variable (which need to be +% specified) +% test requirement that 0 time-sample point must be included! + +if Decode_every_Npoint < 1 + msgText = 'Must specify a positive value > 1 for decoding every Nth point' + title = 'ERPLAB: Wrong Value for Decoding every Nth point' + errorfound(msgText,title); + return +end + +original_times = ALLBEST(1).times; %take first BESTset as standard +if isempty(decodeTimes) + + decodeTimes = [ALLBEST(1).xmin*1000 ALLBEST(1).xmax*1000]; %convert s to ms + +end + +fs = ALLBEST(1).srate; +[xp1, xp2, checkw] = window2sample(ALLBEST(1), decodeTimes(1:2) , fs, 'relaxed'); + +if checkw==1 + msgboxText = 'Time window cannot be larger than epoch.'; + title = 'ERPLAB'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + app.EpochRange.Value = 'Input Custom Range'; + %set(handles.radiobutton_yauto, 'Value',0) + %drawnow + return +elseif checkw==2 + msgboxText = 'Too narrow time window (are the start and end times reversed?)'; + title = 'ERPLAB'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + app.EpochRange.Value = 'Input Custom Range'; + %set(handles.radiobutton_yauto, 'Value',0) + %drawnow + return +end + + +start_epoch = decodeTimes(1); %ms +end_epoch = decodeTimes(2);%ms + + +%check valid times and round to nearest time +[startms,ind_start,latdiffms(1)] = closest(original_times,start_epoch); +[endms,ind_end,latdiffms(2)] = closest(original_times,end_epoch); + +tm_zero = find(original_times== 0); %always include tm point = 0ms +tm_zero_to_begin= (tm_zero:-Decode_every_Npoint:ind_start); +tm_zero_to_end = (tm_zero:Decode_every_Npoint:ind_end); +decoding_times_index = sort(unique_bc2([tm_zero_to_begin tm_zero_to_end])); + +[~,decode_begin] = closest(decoding_times_index,ind_start); +[~,decode_end] = closest(decoding_times_index,ind_end); + +%update to user defined times (but also includes 0ms in +%sampling) +decoding_times_index = decoding_times_index(decode_begin:decode_end); + +if ms2sample(latdiffms(1),fs)~=0 %JLC.10/16/2013 + latency(1) = start_epoch; + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Lower latency limit %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', latency(1), original_times(decoding_times_index(1))); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + start_epoch = original_times(decoding_times_index(1)); + + +end + +if ms2sample(latdiffms(2),fs)~=0 %JLC.10/16/2013 + latency(2) = end_epoch; + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Upper latency limit %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', latency(2), original_times(decoding_times_index(end))); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + end_epoch = original_times(decoding_times_index(end)); + +end + +if (start_epoch ~= original_times(decoding_times_index(1))) | ... + (end_epoch ~= original_times(decoding_times_index(end))) + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Lower latency limit %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', start_epoch, original_times(decoding_times_index(1))); + fprintf('WARNING: Upper latency limit %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', end_epoch, original_times(decoding_times_index(end))); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling. \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); +end + + +decodeTimes = [original_times(decoding_times_index(1)) original_times(decoding_times_index(end))]; + +%decode_index = decoding_times_index; +ntimes = numel(decoding_times_index); + + + +%% update ALLBEST.times & ALLBEST.binwisedata, ALLBEST.pnts, + +k = numel(ALLBEST); +bins = numel(ALLBEST(1).binwise_data); +for b = 1:k + ALLBEST(b).xmin = decodeTimes(1)/1000; + ALLBEST(b).xmax = decodeTimes(2)/1000; + npnts_old = ALLBEST(b).pnts; + ALLBEST(b).pnts = ntimes; + ALLBEST(b).times = original_times(decoding_times_index); + if Decode_every_Npoint ~= 1 + %update fs if not decoding every timepoint + fs = ALLBEST(b).srate; + samps = 1/fs; + epochtime = (samps*npnts_old) *1000;% ms + new_fs = (ntimes/epochtime) *1000; + ALLBEST(b).srate = new_fs; + end + + for i = 1:bins + ALLBEST(b).binwise_data(i).data = ALLBEST(b).binwise_data(i).data(:,decoding_times_index,:); + end + + + %% logic for choosing the classes and chance prior to equalizing trials + + + %select chosen classes + ALLBEST(b).binwise_data = ALLBEST(b).binwise_data(decodeClasses); + ALLBEST(b).bindesc = ALLBEST(b).bindesc(decodeClasses); + ALLBEST(b).original_bin = ALLBEST(b).original_bin(decodeClasses); + ALLBEST(b).n_trials_per_bin = ALLBEST(b).n_trials_per_bin(decodeClasses); + ALLBEST(b).nbin = numel(decodeClasses); + + +end + + + + +%% reset the trial counts according to nperbinblock/Equalize Trials + +nbins = ALLBEST.nbin; +nsubs = numel(ALLBEST); + +if ~isempty(floor_value) + %in case user only supplies the floor value + % we will assume they meant to floor + equalize_trials = 'floor'; +end + +if nsubs == 1 && strcmpi(equalize_trials,'best') + %cannot equalize trials across BESTset if only one BESTset + equalize_trials = 'classes'; +end + +if strcmpi(equalize_trials,'best') % equalize across best files + + trials_acr_best = [ALLBEST(:).n_trials_per_bin]; + minCnt = min(trials_acr_best); + %nPerBinBlock = floor(minCnt/nCrossblocks); + + for s = 1:nsubs + for tr = 1:nbins + ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin(tr) = minCnt; + end + end + + +elseif strcmpi(equalize_trials,'classes') %equalize bins within best files + + for s = 1:nsubs + trials_acr_sub = ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin; + minCnt = min(trials_acr_sub); + + for tr = 1:nbins + ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin(tr) = minCnt; + end + + end +elseif strcmpi(equalize_trials,'floor') + + + %use common floor_value + for s = 1:nsubs + + %check floor value validity + if strcmpi(smethod,'SVM') + test_val = floor(min(ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin)/nCrossblocks); + else + test_val = min(ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin); + end + + if floor_value > test_val + msgboxTest = sprintf('You selected an invalid floor %i. The value exceeds the max the number of trials within cross-validation blocks',floor_value); + title = 'ERPLAB: Cross-Validation error'; + errorfound(msgboxTest, title); + + return + end + + if floor_value < 1 + msgboxTest = sprintf('You selected an invalid floor %i. You cannot go less than 1 trial per ERP',floor_value); + title = 'ERPLAB: Cross-Validation error'; + errorfound(msgboxTest, title); + + return + + end + + + for tr = 1:nbins + if strcmpi(smethod,'SVM') + ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin(tr) = floor_value * nCrossblocks; + else + ALLBEST(s).n_trials_per_bin(tr) = floor_value; %crossnobis + end + end + end + + %error check this floor_value + + + +else + if strcmpi(smethod,'SVM') + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: You have disabled the option for equating the number of trials across classes. \n'); + fprintf('WARNING: This is almost always a very bad idea. \n'); + fprintf('WARNING: Disabling this option will almost certainly artificially inflate the decoding accuracy, creating bogus effects. \n'); + fprintf('WARNING:In addition, you should report that you disabled it in your Method section, which will likely cause your paper to be rejected \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + end +end + + +if ParCompute == 1 + % delete(gcp) + try + par_profile = parpool; + ParWorkers = (par_profile.NumWorkers) -1 ; %all but one + catch + %opened parallel pool profile already + par_profile = gcp ; + ParWorkers = par_profile.NumWorkers - 1 ; %all but one + end + %display num of parallel workers + fprintf('ERPLAB will use %i parallel workers (Max # Workers - 1) for decoding...\n',ParWorkers); + +else + ParWorkers = 0; %makes parfor run without workers, even if pool is open. +end + +if strcmpi(smethod,'SVM') + method = 1; +else + method = 2; %crossnobis +end + +if strcmpi(strcoding,'OneVsOne') + classcoding = 1; +elseif strcmpi(strcoding,'OneVsAll') + classcoding = 2; +else + classcoding = 0; %any not-multinomial pattern classification (binary decoders, crossnobis, etc) +end + + +%% Enter algorithm + + +if method == 1 %SVM + [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = erp_decoding(ALLBEST,nIter,nCrossblocks,decodeTimes,chanArray,classcoding,equalize_trials,ParWorkers,method); +elseif method == 2 %crossnobis + [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = crossnobis(ALLBEST,nIter,0,decodeTimes,chanArray,classcoding,equalize_trials,ParWorkers,method); +end + + +% +%History +% + + + +skipfields = {'ALLBEST', 'Saveas','History'}; + + +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +explica = 0; +if length(idx_bestset)==1 && idx_bestset(1)==1 + inputvari = 'BEST'; % Thanks to Felix Bacigalupo for this suggestion. Dic 12, 2011 + skipfields = [skipfields 'BESTindex']; % SL +else + if length(idx_bestset)==1 + explica = 1; + end + inputvari = inputname(1); +end + +if method == 2 + %crossfolds don't matter in crossnobis + skipfields = [skipfields 'ALLBEST' 'nCrossblocks']; % SL +end + + +% if strcmpi(smethod,'Crossnobis') +% skipfields = [skipfields 'classcoding']; +% end + +bestcom = sprintf( 'MVPC = pop_decoding( %s ', inputvari); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + bestcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', bestcom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + else + if iscell(fn2res) + if all(cellfun(@isnumeric, fn2res)) + %fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + fn2resstr =cell2mat(cellfun(@vect2colon,fn2res,'UniformOutput',false)); + + else + fn2resstr = ''; + for kk=1:numel(fn2res) + auxcont = fn2res{kk}; + if ischar(auxcont) + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr '''' auxcont ''',' ]; + else + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr ' ' vect2colon(auxcont, 'Delimiter', 'on')]; + end + + end + fn2resstr(end) = []; %take out last comma + + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + elseif isnumeric(fn2res) + fn2res = mat2colon(fn2res); + fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + elseif isstruct(fn2res) + fn2resstr = 'ALLBEST'; fnformat = '%s'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'BESTindex') +% bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', [', fnformat,']'], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% else + bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end + + %bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end +end +bestcom = sprintf( '%s );', bestcom); + + + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + displayEquiComERP(bestcom); + if explica + try + cprintf([0.1333, 0.5451, 0.1333], '%%IMPORTANT: For pop_decoding(), you may use BEST instead of ALLBEST, and remove "''BESTindex'',%g"\n',idx_bestset); + catch + fprintf('%%IMPORTANT: For pop_decoding(), you may use BEST instead of ALLBEST, and remove ''BESTindex'',%g:\n',idx_bestset); + end + end + case 2 % from script + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], bestcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + otherwise % off or none + bestcom = ''; +end + + +%if saveas == 0, use pop_decoding per subject to output 1 MVPC file (even +%though pop_decoding has the ability to do multiple decodings at one time (do through GUI). +if issaveas == 1 + [MVPC,issave] = pop_savemymvpc(MVPC,'ALLMVPC',ALLMVPC,'gui','erplab','History','erplab'); + %since argument is 'erplab', will save as specified in MVPC fields, and + %update MVPC menu accordingly. + if issave > 0 + if issave == 2 + msgwrng = '*** Your MVPCset was saved on your hard drive.***'; + else + msgwrng = '*** Warning: Your MVPCset was only saved on the workspace.***'; + end + else + msgwrng = 'ERPLAB Warning: Your changes were not saved'; + end + + try cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); catch,fprintf('%s\n\n', msgwrng);end ; +end + + + + +return + + + + + + + diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_deletebestset.m b/pop_functions/pop_deletebestset.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69a90dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_deletebestset.m @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +% PURPOSE : Clears BESTset(s) for BESTset menu +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> ALLBEST = pop_deletebestset( ALLBEST, index); +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% >> ALLBEST = pop_deletbestset( ALLBEST, [3 5]); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% ALLERP - Includes all BESTsets in workspace +% Index - BESTset(s) that you want to clear from the workspace +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% - updated (output) ALLBEST. Will include all BESTsets, minus that deleted +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function [ALLBEST] = pop_deletebest(ALLBEST, varargin) + +%erpcom = ''; +if nargin<1 + help pop_deletebestset +end +if nargin==1 + try + CURRENTBEST = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); + catch + CURRENTBEST = 0; + end + if CURRENTBEST == 0 + msgboxText = 'BESTsets menu is already empty...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: no BESTset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + prompt = {'BESTset(s) to clear:'}; + dlg_title = 'Delete BESTset(s)'; + num_lines = 1; + def = {num2str(CURRENTBEST)}; %01-13-2009 + + % + % open window + % + answer = inputvalue(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + bestindex = str2num(answer{1}); + nerpset = length(ALLBEST); + bestindex = unique_bc2(bestindex); + + if isempty(bestindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong bestset index(es)'; + title = 'ERPLAB: unrecognizable bestset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + if max(bestindex)>nerpset || min(bestindex)<1 + bestm = findobj('tag', 'linbest'); + bestmenu = length(bestm); + if max(bestindex)<=bestmenu && bestmenu>=1 && max(bestindex)>=1 + %... + else + msgboxText = ['Wrong BESTset index(es)\n'... + 'Check your BESTset menu or write length(ALLBEST) at command window for comprobation']; + title = 'ERPLAB: pop_deletebestset not existing BESTset(s)'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return + end + end + + % + % Somersault + % + [ALLBEST] = pop_deletebestset(ALLBEST, 'BESTsets', bestindex, 'Saveas', 'on','History', 'gui'); + return +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLBEST'); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('BESTsets', 1); % bestset index or input file +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.parse(ALLBEST, varargin{:}); + + +bestindex = p.Results.BESTsets; +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + warnop = 1; +else + warnop = 0; +end +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end +nerpset = length(ALLBEST); +bestindex = unique_bc2(bestindex); + +if isempty(bestindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong BESTset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +if max(bestindex)>nerpset || min(bestindex)<1 + msgboxText = 'Wrong BESTset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +detect = ~ismember_bc2(1:nerpset,bestindex); +newindex = find(detect); +if isempty(newindex) + ALLBEST = []; +else + ALLBEST = ALLBEST(newindex); +end +if issaveas + updatemenubest(ALLBEST, -1); + assignin('base','ALLBEST',ALLBEST); % save to workspace. Dec 5, 2012 +end +% erpcom = sprintf('ALLERP = pop_deleterpset( ALLERP, [%s]);', num2str(erpindex)); +% +% History +% +% skipfields = {'ALLERP', 'History'}; +% fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s = pop_deleterpset( %s ', inputname(1), inputname(1) ); +% for q=1:length(fn) +% fn2com = fn{q}; +% if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) +% fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); +% if ~isempty(fn2res) +% if ischar(fn2res) +% if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', erpcom, fn2com, fn2res); +% end +% else +% if iscell(fn2res) +% if ischar([fn2res{:}]) +% fn2resstr = sprintf('''%s'' ', fn2res{:}); +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); +% end +% fnformat = '{%s}'; +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); +% fnformat = '%s'; +% end +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'Criterion') +% if p.Results.Criterion<100 +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% else +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% end +% end +% end +% end +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s );', erpcom); +% +% % get history from script. ERP +% switch shist +% case 1 % from GUI +% displayEquiComERP(erpcom); +% case 2 % from script +% for i=1:length(ALLBEST) +% ALLBEST(i) = erphistory(ALLBEST(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% end +% case 3 +% % implicit +% +% %for i=1:length(ALLERP) +% % ALLERP(i) = erphistory(ALLERP(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% %end +% %fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); +% otherwise %off or none +% erpcom = ''; +% end + +% +% Completion statement +% +msg2end +%eeglab redraw +return diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpc.m b/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpc.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0543e68 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpc.m @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +% PURPOSE : Clears MVPCset(s) from MVPC menu +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> ALLMVPC = pop_deletemvpc( ALLMVPC, index); +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% >> ALLMVPC = pop_deletbestset( ALLMVPC, [3 5]); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% ALLERP - Includes all MVPCsets in workspace +% Index - MVPCset(s) that you want to clear from the workspace +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% - updated (output) ALLMVPC. Will include all MVPCsets, minus that deleted +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function [ALLBEST] = pop_deletemvpc(ALLBEST, varargin) + +%erpcom = ''; +if nargin<1 + help pop_deletebestset +end +if nargin==1 + try + CURRENTBEST = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); + catch + CURRENTBEST = 0; + end + if CURRENTBEST == 0 + msgboxText = 'BESTsets menu is already empty...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: no BESTset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + prompt = {'BESTset(s) to clear:'}; + dlg_title = 'Delete BESTset(s)'; + num_lines = 1; + def = {num2str(CURRENTBEST)}; %01-13-2009 + + % + % open window + % + answer = inputvalue(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + bestindex = str2num(answer{1}); + nerpset = length(ALLBEST); + bestindex = unique_bc2(bestindex); + + if isempty(bestindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong bestset index(es)'; + title = 'ERPLAB: unrecognizable bestset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + if max(bestindex)>nerpset || min(bestindex)<1 + bestm = findobj('tag', 'linbest'); + bestmenu = length(bestm); + if max(bestindex)<=bestmenu && bestmenu>=1 && max(bestindex)>=1 + %... + else + msgboxText = ['Wrong BESTset index(es)\n'... + 'Check your BESTset menu or write length(ALLBEST) at command window for comprobation']; + title = 'ERPLAB: pop_deletebestset not existing BESTset(s)'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return + end + end + + % + % Somersault + % + [ALLBEST] = pop_deletebestset(ALLBEST, 'BESTsets', bestindex, 'Saveas', 'on','History', 'gui'); + return +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLBEST'); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('BESTsets', 1); % bestset index or input file +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.parse(ALLBEST, varargin{:}); + + +bestindex = p.Results.BESTsets; +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + warnop = 1; +else + warnop = 0; +end +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end +nerpset = length(ALLBEST); +bestindex = unique_bc2(bestindex); + +if isempty(bestindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong erpset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +if max(bestindex)>nerpset || min(bestindex)<1 + msgboxText = 'Wrong erpset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +detect = ~ismember_bc2(1:nerpset,bestindex); +newindex = find(detect); +if isempty(newindex) + ALLBEST = []; +else + ALLBEST = ALLBEST(newindex); +end +if issaveas + updatemenubest(ALLBEST, -1); + assignin('base','ALLBEST',ALLBEST); % save to workspace. Dec 5, 2012 +end +% erpcom = sprintf('ALLERP = pop_deleterpset( ALLERP, [%s]);', num2str(erpindex)); +% +% History +% +% skipfields = {'ALLERP', 'History'}; +% fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s = pop_deleterpset( %s ', inputname(1), inputname(1) ); +% for q=1:length(fn) +% fn2com = fn{q}; +% if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) +% fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); +% if ~isempty(fn2res) +% if ischar(fn2res) +% if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', erpcom, fn2com, fn2res); +% end +% else +% if iscell(fn2res) +% if ischar([fn2res{:}]) +% fn2resstr = sprintf('''%s'' ', fn2res{:}); +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); +% end +% fnformat = '{%s}'; +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); +% fnformat = '%s'; +% end +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'Criterion') +% if p.Results.Criterion<100 +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% else +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% end +% end +% end +% end +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s );', erpcom); +% +% % get history from script. ERP +% switch shist +% case 1 % from GUI +% displayEquiComERP(erpcom); +% case 2 % from script +% for i=1:length(ALLBEST) +% ALLBEST(i) = erphistory(ALLBEST(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% end +% case 3 +% % implicit +% +% %for i=1:length(ALLERP) +% % ALLERP(i) = erphistory(ALLERP(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% %end +% %fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); +% otherwise %off or none +% erpcom = ''; +% end + +% +% Completion statement +% +msg2end +%eeglab redraw +return diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpcset.m b/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpcset.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7287e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_deletemvpcset.m @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +% PURPOSE : Clears MVPCset(s) from MVPC menu +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> ALLMVPC = pop_deletemvpc( ALLMVPC, index); +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% >> ALLMVPC = pop_deletbestset( ALLMVPC, [3 5]); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% ALLERP - Includes all MVPCsets in workspace +% Index - MVPCset(s) that you want to clear from the workspace +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% - updated (output) ALLMVPC. Will include all MVPCsets, minus that deleted +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +function [ALLMVPC] = pop_deletemvpcset(ALLMVPC, varargin) + +%erpcom = ''; +if nargin<1 + help pop_deletemvpcset +end +if nargin==1 + try + CURRENTMVPC = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPC'); + catch + CURRENTMVPC = 0; + end + if CURRENTMVPC == 0 + msgboxText = 'MVPCsets menu is already empty...'; + title = 'ERPLAB: no MVPCset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + prompt = {'MVPCset(s) to clear:'}; + dlg_title = 'Delete MVPCset(s)'; + num_lines = 1; + def = {num2str(CURRENTMVPC)}; %01-13-2009 + + % + % open window + % + answer = inputvalue(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + mvpcindex = str2num(answer{1}); + nmvpcset = length(ALLMVPC); + mvpcindex = unique_bc2(mvpcindex); + + if isempty(mvpcindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong MVPCset index(es)'; + title = 'ERPLAB: unrecognizable MVPCset(s)'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + if max(mvpcindex)>nmvpcset || min(mvpcindex)<1 + mvpcm = findobj('tag', 'linmvpc'); + mvpcmenu = length(mvpcm); + if max(mvpcindex)<=mvpcmenu && mvpcmenu>=1 && max(mvpcindex)>=1 + %... + else + msgboxText = ['Wrong MVPCset index(es)\n'... + 'Check your MVPCset menu or write length(ALLMVPC) at command window for comprobation']; + title = 'ERPLAB: pop_deletemvpcset not existing MVPCset(s)'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title); + return + end + end + + % + % Somersault + % + [ALLMVPC] = pop_deletemvpcset(ALLMVPC, 'MVPCsets', mvpcindex, 'Saveas', 'on','History', 'gui'); + return +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLMVPC'); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('MVPCsets', 1); % bestset index or input file +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting +p.parse(ALLMVPC, varargin{:}); + + +mvpcindex = p.Results.MVPCsets; +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + warnop = 1; +else + warnop = 0; +end +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end +nmvpcset = length(ALLMVPC); +mvpcindex = unique_bc2(mvpcindex); + +if isempty(mvpcindex) + msgboxText = 'Wrong MVPCset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +if max(mvpcindex)>nmvpcset || min(mvpcindex)<1 + msgboxText = 'Wrong MVPCset index(es)'; + error(['ERPLAB says: ' msgboxText]) +end +detect = ~ismember_bc2(1:nmvpcset,mvpcindex); +newindex = find(detect); +if isempty(newindex) + ALLMVPC = []; +else + ALLMVPC = ALLMVPC(newindex); +end +if issaveas + updatemenumvpc(ALLMVPC, -1); + assignin('base','ALLMVPC',ALLMVPC); % save to workspace. Dec 5, 2012 +end +% erpcom = sprintf('ALLERP = pop_deleterpset( ALLERP, [%s]);', num2str(erpindex)); +% +% History +% +% skipfields = {'ALLERP', 'History'}; +% fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s = pop_deleterpset( %s ', inputname(1), inputname(1) ); +% for q=1:length(fn) +% fn2com = fn{q}; +% if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) +% fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); +% if ~isempty(fn2res) +% if ischar(fn2res) +% if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', erpcom, fn2com, fn2res); +% end +% else +% if iscell(fn2res) +% if ischar([fn2res{:}]) +% fn2resstr = sprintf('''%s'' ', fn2res{:}); +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); +% end +% fnformat = '{%s}'; +% else +% fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); +% fnformat = '%s'; +% end +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'Criterion') +% if p.Results.Criterion<100 +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% else +% erpcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], erpcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end +% end +% end +% end +% end +% erpcom = sprintf( '%s );', erpcom); +% +% % get history from script. ERP +% switch shist +% case 1 % from GUI +% displayEquiComERP(erpcom); +% case 2 % from script +% for i=1:length(ALLBEST) +% ALLBEST(i) = erphistory(ALLBEST(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% end +% case 3 +% % implicit +% +% %for i=1:length(ALLERP) +% % ALLERP(i) = erphistory(ALLERP(i), [], erpcom, 1); +% %end +% %fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); +% otherwise %off or none +% erpcom = ''; +% end + +% +% Completion statement +% +msg2end +%eeglab redraw +return diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_extractbest.m b/pop_functions/pop_extractbest.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17cb2d4d --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_extractbest.m @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ +% PURPOSE : Create BEST (.mat) file for the loaded subject bin-epoched (.set) file for decoding analyses. +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> [BEST] = pop_extractBEST(ALLEEG,parameters); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% EEG or ALLEEG - input EEG dataset +% +% The available input parameters are as follows: + +% +% 'DSindex' - dataset index when dataset are contained within the ALLEEG structure. +% For a single bin-epoched dataset using EEG structure this value must be equal to 1 or +% left unspecified. +% 'Bins' - Bin index array as indicated in binlister file. Example: [1:4] +% - If not supplied, all bins will be included +% in BESTset. +% 'Criterion' - Inclusion/exclusion of marked epochs during +% artifact detection: +% 'all' - include all epochs (ignore artifact detections) +% 'good' - exclude epochs marked during artifact detection +% 'bad' - include only epochs marked with artifact rejection +% Default: 'good'; +% 'ExcludeBoundary' - exclude epochs having boundary events. +% 'on'(def)/'off' +% 'BandPass' - If desired, bandpass filtering: [Low_edge_freq High_edge_freq], e.g [8 12]; +% 'SaveAs' - (optional) open GUI for saving BESTset. Not +% useful if scripting; use separate call to pop_savemybest(). +% 'on'/'off' (Default: off) +% - (if "off", will not update in BESTset menu) +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% BEST - output BEST structure +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% [BEST] = pop_extractBEST(ALLEEG,'DSindex',currdata,'Bins',bins_to_use,'ApplyFS', cmk_fs, ... +% 'ApplyBP', cmk_bp, 'Bandpass', bpfreq); +% +% See also: pop_savemybest.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons and Steven J Luck. +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function [BEST] = pop_extractbest(ALLEEG,varargin) +com= ''; + +BEST = preloadBEST; + + +if nargin<1 + help pop_extractBEST + return +end + +if isobject(ALLEEG) + whenEEGisanObject + return +end + + +if nargin ==1 %GUI case, ALLEEG is input + + currdata = evalin('base', 'CURRENTSET'); %obtain currently loaded set's index + + if currdata==0 + msgboxText = 'pop_extractBEST() error: cannot work an empty dataset!!!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: No data'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end + + serror = erplab_eegscanner(ALLEEG(currdata),'pop_extractBEST', 2,0,1,0,1); %requires epoch & event list + + + if serror + % need to create error checker if + %1: not epoched + %2: no eventlist (for bin descriptions) + return + end + + % create working memory + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_extractBEST'); + + nbins = ALLEEG(currdata).EVENTLIST.nbin; + + + if isempty(def) + def = {1:nbins,0,{'',''},1,1}; + + %1: choose all bins (Def) + %2: apply freq- transform (1 yes 0 no); + %3: bandpass freqs + %4: include into epochs (def 1: exclude AD flagged epochs) + %5: exclude epochs with boundary events (def 1:YES, exclude) + end + + + + + %Call GUIs + + %subroutine: binselector + % using APP DESIGNER: + % cludgy of using a GUI app with output + + %bins_to_use = binselectorGUI(ALLEEG,currdata); %typical way + app = feval('binselectorGUI', ALLEEG, currdata, def); %cludgy way + waitfor(app, 'FinishButton',1); + + %outputs & delete gui + try + res = app.output; + catch + disp('User canceled'); + return + end + bins_to_use = app.output{1}; %selected bins + cmk_bp = double(app.output{2}); %apply bandpass? + bpfreq = cell2mat(app.output{3}); %bandpass frequncies + artcrite = double(app.output{4}); + exclude_be = app.output{5}; + + if cmk_bp == 0 + bpfreq = []; + end + + app.delete; %delete app/app_object from view + + %set working memeory + erpworkingmemory('pop_extractBEST',res); + + + if isempty(bins_to_use) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end +% +% if ~isempty(bpfreq) +% bpfreq = str2num(bpfreq); +% end + + if artcrite == 0 + crit = 'all'; + elseif artcrite == 1 + crit = 'good'; + elseif artcrite == 2 + crit = 'bad'; + end + + if exclude_be == 1 + excbound = 'on'; + + else + excbound = 'off'; + end + + % + % Somersault + % + +% pop_extractBEST(ALLEEG,'DSindex',currdata,'Bins',bins_to_use,... +% 'ApplyBP', cmk_bp, 'Bandpass', bpfreq, 'Filename', filename_empty, 'Filepath', filepath_empty); + + [BEST] = pop_extractbest(ALLEEG,'DSindex',currdata,'Bins',bins_to_use,... + 'Criterion', crit, 'ExcludeBoundary',excbound, ... + 'Bandpass', bpfreq,'Saveas', 'on','History','gui'); + + pause(0.1) + return + + +end + + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +% input(s) +p.addRequired('ALLEEG', @isstruct); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('DSindex', 1,@isnumeric); %defaults to 1 +p.addParamValue('Bins', [], @isnumeric); +%p.addParamValue('ApplyBP', 0, @isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('Bandpass', [], @isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('Criterion','good',@ischar); +p.addParamValue('ExcludeBoundary','on',@ischar); +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('History','script',@ischar); + + +p.parse(ALLEEG, varargin{:}); + +setindex = p.Results.DSindex; +bin_ind = p.Results.Bins; +%bandpass_on = p.Results.ApplyBP; +bandpass_freq = p.Results.Bandpass; +artcrite = p.Results.Criterion; +exclude_be = p.Results.ExcludeBoundary; + +if isempty(bin_ind) + %if no bins input, then use all bins + bin_ind = 1:(ALLEEG.EVENTLIST.nbin); +end + + + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(artcrite,'all') + artif = 0; +elseif strcmpi(artcrite,'good') + artif = 1; +elseif strcmpi(artcrite,'bad') + artif = 2; +end + +if strcmpi(exclude_be,'on') + excbound = 1; +elseif strcmpi(exclude_be,'off') + excbound = 2; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + + +%main EEG struct +EEG2 = ALLEEG(setindex); +fs_original = EEG2.srate; % need original FS (for frequency transformation) + + +if ~isempty(bandpass_freq) + nElectrodes = EEG2.nbchan; + filtData = nan(EEG2.trials, EEG2.nbchan,EEG2.pnts); + unfiltData = permute(EEG2.data,[3 1 2]); + + for c = 1:nElectrodes + + filtData(:,c,:) =abs(hilbert(eegfilt(squeeze(unfiltData(:,c,:)),fs_original,bandpass_freq(1,1),bandpass_freq(1,2))')').^2; %Instantaneous power + end + + +end + + +%Obtain indexed EEGSET +% Thanks to AXS, adapted binepEEG_to_binorgEEG.m code following: + +dim_data = numel(size(EEG2.data)); +if dim_data ~= 3 + msgboxText = 'pop_extractBEST() error: cannot work on continuous data! Please ensure data is epoched (not continuous)'; + title = 'ERPLAB: No data'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + %error('binepEEG_to_binorgEEG works on bin-epoched EEG. Please ensure data is epoched (not continuous) and has bin labels'); +end + + +% Prepare info for averager call +% Excludes epochs marked with artifacts and that contains boundary events +stderror = 1; apod = []; nfft = []; dcompu = 1; avgText =0; + +% Call ERP Averager subfunction, populating the epoch_list +[ERP2, EVENTLISTi, countbiORI, countbinINV, countbinOK, countflags, workfname,epoch_list] = averager(EEG2, artif, stderror, excbound, dcompu, nfft, apod, avgText); + +if ~isempty(bandpass_freq) %if bandpassed, add filtered data to EEG2 + + filtData = permute(filtData,[2 3 1]); + EEG2.data = filtData; + +end + + +% Create BEST structure fields from .set file data (subroutine) +BEST = buildBESTstruct(EEG2); %BIN-EPOCHED SINGLE TRIAL (BEST) +nbin = BEST.nbin; + +% Prepare binorg data structure +for bin = 1:nbin + + BEST.binwise_data(bin).data = EEG2.data(:,:,epoch_list(bin).good_bep_indx); + BEST.n_trials_per_bin(bin) = numel(epoch_list(bin).good_bep_indx); + +end + +%output only the selected bins +BEST.binwise_data = BEST.binwise_data([bin_ind]); +BEST.n_trials_per_bin = BEST.n_trials_per_bin([bin_ind]); +BEST.bindesc = BEST.bindesc([bin_ind]); +BEST.original_bin = BEST.original_bin([bin_ind]); +BEST.nbin = length(bin_ind); + +% +% History +% +skipfields = {'ALLEEG', 'Saveas','Warning','History'}; +if isempty(bandpass_freq) == 1 % ERP + skipfields = [skipfields 'Bandpass']; +end +% if isfield(p.Results,'DQ_spec') == 0 || isempty(p.Results.DQ_spec) +% skipfields = [skipfields 'DQ_spec']; % skip DQ spec in History if it was absent +% elseif isfield(p.Results.DQ_spec(1),'comments') && numel(p.Results.DQ_spec(1).comments) >= 1 +% if strcmpi(p.Results.DQ_spec(1).comments{1},'defaults') +% skipfields = [skipfields 'DQ_spec']; % skip DQ spec in History if default was used +% end +% end +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +explica = 0; +if length(setindex)==1 && setindex(1)==1 + inputvari = 'EEG'; % Thanks to Felix Bacigalupo for this suggestion. Dic 12, 2011 + skipfields = [skipfields 'DSindex']; % SL +else + if length(setindex)==1 + explica = 1; + end + inputvari = inputname(1); +end +bestcom = sprintf( 'BEST = pop_extractbest( %s ', inputvari); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + bestcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', bestcom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + else + if iscell(fn2res) + if all(cellfun(@isnumeric, fn2res)) + fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + else + fn2resstr = ''; + for kk=1:length(fn2res) + auxcont = fn2res{kk}; + if ischar(auxcont); + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr '''' auxcont '''']; + else + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr ' ' vect2colon(auxcont, 'Delimiter', 'on')]; + end + end + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + elseif isnumeric(fn2res) + fn2res = mat2colon(fn2res); + fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + elseif isstruct(fn2res) + fn2resstr = 'DQ_spec_structure'; fnformat = '%s'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'DSindex') || strcmpi(fn2com,'Bins') || strcmpi(fn2com,'Bandpass') +% bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', [', fnformat,']'], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% else + bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end + + %bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end +end +bestcom = sprintf( '%s );', bestcom); + + + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + displayEquiComERP(bestcom); + if explica + try + cprintf([0.1333, 0.5451, 0.1333], '%%IMPORTANT: For pop_extractbest, you may use EEG instead of ALLEEG, and remove "''DSindex'',%g"\n',setindex); + catch + fprintf('%%IMPORTANT: For pop_extractbest, you may use EEG instead of ALLEEG, and remove ''DSindex'',%g:\n',setindex); + end + end + case 2 % from script + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], bestcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + otherwise % off or none + bestcom = ''; +end + +% +% Save BESTset +% + +if issaveas + [BEST, issave] = pop_savemybest(BEST,'gui','erplab'); + if issave>0 + if issave==2 + % erpcom = sprintf('%s\n%s', erpcom, erpcom_save); + msgwrng = '*** Your BESTset was saved on your hard drive.***'; + else + msgwrng = '*** Warning: Your BESTset was only saved on the workspace.***'; + end + else + msgwrng = 'ERPLAB Warning: Your changes were not saved'; + end + try cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); catch,fprintf('%s\n\n', msgwrng);end ; +end + + +msg2end +return \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_loadbest.m b/pop_functions/pop_loadbest.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..083c2758 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_loadbest.m @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +% PURPOSE : Loads BESTset(s) +% +% FORMAT : +% +% BEST = pop_loadbest(parameters); +% +% PARAMETERS : +% +% 'filename' - BESTset filename +% 'filepath' - BESTset's filepath +% 'Warning' - 'on'/'off'(Def) +% 'UpdateMainGui' - 'on'/'off'(Def) +% +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% BEST - output BESTset +% +% +% Example : +% +% BEST = pop_loadbest( 'filename', 'Face_Emotion_302_ICA_removed.best', 'filepath',... +% pwd); + + +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + + +function [BEST, ALLBEST] = pop_loadbest(varargin) +BEST = preloadBEST; +try + ALLBEST = evalin('base', 'ALLBEST'); + preindex = length(ALLBEST); + +catch + disp('WARNING: ALLBEST structure was not found. ERPLAB will create an empty one.') + ALLBEST = []; + %ALLERP = buildERPstruct([]); + preindex = 0; + +end + +if nargin <1 + help pop_loadbest + + return + +end + + +if nargin == 1 + filename = varargin{1}; + if strcmpi(filename,'workspace') + filepath = ''; + else + if isempty(filename) + [filename, filepath] = uigetfile({'*.best','BEST (*.best)'},... + 'Load BEST','MultiSelect', 'on'); + if isequal(filename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + % + % test current directory + % + %changecd(filepath) % Steve does not like this... + else + filepath = cd; + end + end + + % + % Somersault + % + + [BEST, ALLBEST] = pop_loadbest('filename', filename, 'filepath', filepath, 'Warning', 'on', 'UpdateMainGui', 'on','History','gui'); + return + + + +end + + +% parsing inputs +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('filename', ''); +p.addParamValue('filepath', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('overwrite', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); +%p.addParamValue('multiload', 'off', @ischar); % ERP stores ALLERP's contain (ERP = ...), otherwise [ERP ALLERP] = ... must to be specified. +p.addParamValue('UpdateMainGui', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting + +p.parse(varargin{:}); + +filename = strtrim(p.Results.filename); +filepath = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); + +if strcmpi(filename,'workspace') + filepath = ''; + nfile = 1; + loadfrom = 0; % load from workspace +else + loadfrom = 1; % load from: 1=hard drive; 0=workspace +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + popupwin = 1; +else + popupwin = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.UpdateMainGui,'on') + updatemaingui = 1; +else + updatemaingui = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + +% if strcmpi(p.Results.multiload,'on') +% multiload = 1; +% else +% multiload = 0; +% end + +if loadfrom==1 + if iscell(filename) + nfile = length(filename); + inputfname = filename; + else + nfile = 1; + inputfname = {filename}; + end +else + inputfname = {'workspace'}; +end + + +inputpath = filepath; +errorf = 0; % no error found, by default +conti = 1; % continue? 1=yes; 0=no +% if strcmpi(p.Results.overwrite,'on')||strcmpi(p.Results.overwrite,'yes') +% ovatmenu = 1; +% else +% ovatmenu = 0; +% end + + +for i=1:nfile + if loadfrom==1 + fullname = fullfile(inputpath, inputfname{i}); + fprintf('Loading %s\n', fullname); + L = load(fullname, '-mat'); + BEST = L.BEST; +% if i == 1 +% BEST = L.BEST; +% else +% BEST(i) = L.BEST; +% end + else + BEST = evalin('base', 'BEST'); + end + + % + % Skipping all "checking" features for now + % - see pop_loaderp() for "checking ERP" routine + % + + if i == 1 && isempty(ALLBEST) + ALLBEST = BEST; + + else + ALLBEST(i+preindex) = BEST; + + + end + + +end + +if conti==0 + return +end + +% if nargout==1 && multiload==1 +% BEST = ALLBEST; +% end + +if nfile==1 + outv = 'BEST'; +else + outv = '[BEST ALLBEST]'; +end + + + + + +%% see line 280 in pop_loaderp +if updatemaingui % update erpset menu at main gui + assignin('base','ALLBEST',ALLBEST); % save to workspace + updatemenubest(ALLBEST); % add a new bestset to the bestset menu +end + +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +bestcom = sprintf( '%s = pop_loadbest(', outv); +skipfields = {'UpdateMainGui', 'Warning','History','overwrite'}; + +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if iscell(fn2res) % 10-21-11 + nc = length(fn2res); + xfn2res = sprintf('{''%s''', fn2res{1} ); + for f=2:nc + xfn2res = sprintf('%s, ''%s''', xfn2res, fn2res{f} ); + end + fn2res = sprintf('%s}', xfn2res); + else + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') %&& ~strcmpi(fn2res,'on') + fn2res = ['''' fn2res '''']; + end + end + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + if q==1 + bestcom = sprintf( '%s ''%s'', %s', bestcom, fn2com, fn2res); + else + bestcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', %s', bestcom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + end + else + bestcom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', %s', bestcom, fn2com, vect2colon(fn2res,'Repeat','on')); + end + end + end +end +bestcom = sprintf( '%s );', bestcom); + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(bestcom); + case 2 % from script + %ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + otherwise %off or none + % erpcom = ''; + return +end + + +prefunc = dbstack; +nf = length(unique_bc2({prefunc.name})); +if nf==1 + msg2end +end + + +return \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_loadmvpc.m b/pop_functions/pop_loadmvpc.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fdd9009e --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_loadmvpc.m @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +% PURPOSE : Loads MVPCset(s) +% +% FORMAT : +% +% MVPC = pop_loadmvpc(parameters); +% +% PARAMETERS : +% +% 'filename' - MVPCset filename +% 'filepath' - MVPCset's filepath +% 'Warning' - 'on'/'off' (def) +% 'UpdateMainGui' - 'on'/'off' (def) +% +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% MVPC - output MVPCset +% +% +% EXAMPLE 1 : Load a single ERPset +% +% MVPC = pop_loadmvpc( 'filename', 'Face_Emotion_302_ICA_removed.mvpc', 'filepath',... +% pwd ); +% +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = pop_loadmvpc(varargin) + +MVPC = preloadMVPC; + +try + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + preindex = length(ALLMVPC); + +catch + disp('WARNING: ALLMVPC structure was not found. ERPLAB will create an empty one.') + ALLMVPC = []; + %ALLERP = buildERPstruct([]); + preindex = 0; + +end + +if nargin <1 + help pop_loadmvpc + + return + +end + +if nargin == 1 + filename = varargin{1}; + if strcmpi(filename,'workspace') || strcmpi(filename,'decodingtoolbox') + filepath = ''; + else + if isempty(filename) + [filename, filepath] = uigetfile({'*.mvpc','MVPC (*.mvpc)'},... + 'Load MVPC','MultiSelect', 'on'); + if isequal(filename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + % + % test current directory + % + %changecd(filepath) % Steve does not like this... + else + filepath = cd; + end + end + + % + % Somersault + % + + [MVPC, ALLMVPC] = pop_loadmvpc('filename', filename, 'filepath', filepath, 'Warning', 'on', 'UpdateMainGui', 'on', 'multiload', 'off','History','gui'); + return + + + +end + + +% parsing inputs +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('filename', ''); +p.addParamValue('filepath', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('overwrite', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('multiload', 'off', @ischar); % ERP stores ALLERP's contain (ERP = ...), otherwise [ERP ALLERP] = ... must to be specified. +p.addParamValue('UpdateMainGui', 'off', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting + +p.parse(varargin{:}); + +filename = strtrim(p.Results.filename); +filepath = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); + +if strcmpi(filename,'workspace') + filepath = ''; + nfile = 1; + loadfrom = 0; % load from workspace +elseif strcmpi(filename,'decodingtoolbox') + filepath = ''; + ALLMVPC2 = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC2'); + nfile = length(ALLMVPC2); + preindex = length(ALLMVPC); + loadfrom = 2; % load from workspace +else + loadfrom = 1; % load from: 1=hard drive; 0=workspace +end + + +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + popupwin = 1; +else + popupwin = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.UpdateMainGui,'on') + updatemaingui = 1; +else + updatemaingui = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.multiload,'on') + multiload = 1; +else + multiload = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + +if loadfrom==1 + if iscell(filename) + nfile = length(filename); + inputfname = filename; + else + nfile = 1; + inputfname = {filename}; + end +else + if strcmpi(filename,'workspace') + inputfname = {'workspace'}; + else + inputfname = {'workspace'}; + end +end + +inputpath = filepath; +errorf = 0; % no error found, by default +conti = 1; % continue? 1=yes; 0=no + +if loadfrom == 1 || loadfrom == 0 + for i=1:nfile + if loadfrom==1 + fullname = fullfile(inputpath, inputfname{i}); + fprintf('Loading %s\n', fullname); + L = load(fullname, '-mat'); + MVPC = L.MVPC; + % if i == 1 + % BEST = L.BEST; + % else + % BEST(i) = L.BEST; + % end + else + MVPC = evalin('base', 'MVPC'); + + end + + + if i == 1 && isempty(ALLMVPC) + ALLMVPC = MVPC; + + else + ALLMVPC(i+preindex) = MVPC; + + end + + end +elseif loadfrom == 2 + % if loaded from GUI decoding toolbox + + if isempty(ALLMVPC) + ALLMVPC = ALLMVPC2; + else + + for i= 1:nfile + ALLMVPC(i+preindex) = ALLMVPC2(i); + end + + end + + +end + +if nargout==1 && multiload==1 + + MVPC = ALLMVPC(end); +end + +if nfile==1 + outv = 'MVPC'; +else + outv = '[MVPC ALLMVPC]'; +end + +if exist("ALLMVPC2") + %clear from base + evalin('base', 'clear ALLMVPC2'); +end + + + +if updatemaingui % update erpset menu at main gui + assignin('base','ALLMVPC',ALLMVPC); % save to workspace + updatemenumvpc(ALLMVPC); % add a new bestset to the bestset menu +end + + +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +mvpccom = sprintf( '%s = pop_loadmvpc(', outv); +skipfields = {'UpdateMainGui', 'Warning','History', 'multiload'}; +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if iscell(fn2res) % 10-21-11 + nc = length(fn2res); + xfn2res = sprintf('{''%s''', fn2res{1} ); + for f=2:nc + xfn2res = sprintf('%s, ''%s''', xfn2res, fn2res{f} ); + end + fn2res = sprintf('%s}', xfn2res); + else + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') %&& ~strcmpi(fn2res,'on') + fn2res = ['''' fn2res '''']; + end + end + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + if q==1 + mvpccom = sprintf( '%s ''%s'', %s', mvpccom, fn2com, fn2res); + else + mvpccom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', %s', mvpccom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + end + else + mvpccom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', %s', mvpccom, fn2com, vect2colon(fn2res,'Repeat','on')); + end + end + end +end +mvpccom = sprintf( '%s );', mvpccom); + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(mvpccom); + case 2 % from script + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + otherwise %off or none + %erpcom = ''; + return +end + + + +prefunc = dbstack; +nf = length(unique_bc2({prefunc.name})); +if nf==1 + msg2end +end + + + + +return diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_mvpc2text.m b/pop_functions/pop_mvpc2text.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..044e71bc --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_mvpc2text.m @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ + +% PURPOSE : Exports MVPC set to text +% +% FORMAT : +% +% MVPC = pop_mvpc2text(MVPC, filename, binArray, parameters) +% +% +% INPUTS : +% +% MVPC - MVPCset (ERPLAB structure) +% filename - filename of outputted file +% +% +% The available parameters are as follows: +% +% 'time' - 'on'=include time values; 'off'=don't include time values +% 'timeunit' - 1=seconds; 1E-3=milliseconds +% 'electrodes' - 'on'=include electrode labels' 'off'=don't include electrode labels +% 'transpose' - 'on'= (points=rows) & (electrode=columns) +% 'off' = (electrode=rows) & (points=column) +% 'precision' - [float] number of significant digits in output. Default 4. +% +% OUTPUTS +% +% - text file +% +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% MVPC = pop_mvpc2text( MVPC, '/Users/amsimmon/Documents/filename.txt', +% 'time', 'on', 'timeunit', 0.001 ) +% +% +% See also mvpc2textGUI.m mvpc2text.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . +% +% BUGs FIXED +% Jan 3, 2012. Replace forbidden characters for bindesc and chan labels. Thanks Naomi Bleich +function [MVPC, mvpccom] = pop_mvpc2text(MVPC, filename, varargin) +mvpccom = ''; +if nargin < 1 + help pop_mvpc2text; + return; +end +if isempty(MVPC) + msgboxText = 'No MVPCset was found!'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: pop_mvpc2text() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + return +end +if ~isfield(MVPC, 'average_score') %or use if DecodingUnit == 'None'? + msgboxText = 'pop_mvpct2text cannot export an empty ERP dataset'; + title = 'ERPLAB: pop_mvpc2text() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +if nargin==1 + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_mvpc2text'); + if isempty(def) + def = {1,1E-3, 0,''}; + %istime + %timeunit + %transpose + %precision + %filename + end + + % + % Call GUI + % + %answer = mvpc2textGUI(MVPC, def); %app designer + + app = feval('mvpc2textGUI',MVPC,def); + waitfor(app,'FinishButton',1); + + try + answer = app.output; %NO you don't want to output BEST, you want to output the parameters to run decoding + app.delete; %delete app from view + pause(0.5); %wait for app to leave + catch + disp('User selected Cancel'); + return + end + + istime = answer{1}; + tunit = answer{2}; + transpa = answer{3}; + filename = answer{4}; + + erpworkingmemory('pop_mvpc2text', answer); + + if istime + time = 'on'; + else + time = 'off'; + end + + if transpa + tra = 'on'; + else + tra = 'off'; + end + + + + % + % Somersault + % + [MVPC, mvpccom] = pop_mvpc2text(MVPC, filename, 'time', time, 'timeunit', tunit, ... + 'transpose', tra,'History', 'gui'); + return +end + +% +% Parsing inputs +% +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('MVPC'); +p.addRequired('filename', @ischar); +%p.addRequired('binArray', @isnumeric); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('time', 'on', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('timeunit', 1E-3, @isnumeric); % milliseconds by default +p.addParamValue('transpose', 'on', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting + +p.parse(MVPC, filename, varargin{:}); + +if strcmpi(p.Results.time, 'on') + time = 1; +else + time = 0; +end +timeunit = p.Results.timeunit; + +if strcmpi(p.Results.transpose, 'on') + transpose = 1; +else + transpose = 0; +end +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end +%precision = p.Results.precision; + +% +% subroutine +% +serror = mvpc2text(MVPC, filename,time, timeunit, transpose); + +if serror==1 + msgboxText = 'Something went wrong...\n'; + etitle = 'ERPLAB: appenderpGUI inputs'; + errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), etitle); + return +end + +% +% History +% +skipfields = {'MVPC', 'filename','History'}; +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +mvpccom = sprintf( 'pop_mvpc2text( %s, ''%s'', %s', inputname(1), filename ); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + mvpccom = sprintf( '%s ''%s'', ''%s''', mvpccom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + else + if iscell(fn2res) + if ischar([fn2res{:}]) + fn2resstr = sprintf('''%s'' ', fn2res{:}); + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + if strcmpi(fn2com,'Criterion') + if p.Results.Criterion<100 + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + else + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end + end +end +mvpccom = sprintf( '%s );', mvpccom); +% get history from script. ERP +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(mvpccom); + case 2 % from script + MVPC = erphistory(MVPC, [], mvpccom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + %ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + %fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + otherwise %off or none + mvpccom = ''; +end + +% +% Completion statement +% +msg2end +return + + + + + diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_mvpcaverager.m b/pop_functions/pop_mvpcaverager.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6d114fdb --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_mvpcaverager.m @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +% PURPOSE : Averages across MVPCsets (grand average) +% +% FORMAT : +% +% MVPC = pop_mvpcaverager( ALLMVPC , Parameters); +% +% +% INPUTS : +% +% ALLMVPC - structure array of MVPC structures (MVPCsets) +% +% The available parameters are as follows: +% +% 'Mvpcsets' - index(es) pointing to MVPC structures within ALLMVPC (only valid when ALLMVPC is specified) +% 'SEM' - Get standard error of the mean. 'on' or 'off' +% 'Warning' - Warning 'on' or 'off' (def) +% +% OUTPUTS : +% +% MVPC - data structure containing the average of all specified MVPC datasets. +% +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% MVPC = pop_mvpcaverager( ALLMVPC , 'Mvpcsets', [1 2], 'SEM', 'on' ); +% +% +% +% See also mvpcaveragerGUI.m mvpcaverager.m pop_mvpcaverager.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons, Javier Lopez-Calderon & Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2023 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + + +function [MVPC] = pop_mvpcaverager(ALLMVPC,varargin) +% mvpccom ''; +MVPC = preloadMVPC; + +if nargin==1 % GUI + if ~iscell(ALLMVPC) && ~ischar(ALLMVPC) + if isstruct(ALLMVPC) +% iserp = iserpstruct(ALLMVPC(1)); +% if ~iserp +% ALLMVPC = []; +% end + actualnset = length(ALLMVPC); + else + ALLMVPC = []; + actualnset = 0; + end + + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_mvpcaverager'); + if isempty(def) + def = { actualnset 0 '' 1 1}; + else + def{1}=actualnset; + end + if isnumeric(def{3}) && ~isempty(ALLMVPC) %if ALLMVPC indexs are supplied + if max(def{3})>length(ALLMVPC) + def{3} = def{3}(def{3}<=length(ALLMVPC)); + end + if isempty(def{3}) + def{3} = 1; + end + end + + % def{2} = 0; %aaron: until I fix lists, always load mvpcmenu + + % + % Open Grand Average GUI + % + answer = mvpcaveragerGUI(def); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + optioni = answer{1}; %1 means from a filelist, 0 means from mvpcsets menu + mvpcset = answer{2}; + stderror = answer{3}; % 0;1 + warnon = answer {4}; + + + if optioni==1 % from files + filelist = mvpcset; + disp(['pop_gaverager(): For file-List, user selected ', filelist]) + ALLMVPC = {ALLMVPC, filelist}; % truco + else % from mvpcsets menu + %mvpcset = mvpcset; + end + + %def = {actualnset, optioni, mvpcset,stderror}; + def = {actualnset, optioni, mvpcset,stderror,warnon}; + erpworkingmemory('pop_mvpcaverager', def); + if stderror==1 + stdsstr = 'on'; + else + stdsstr = 'off'; + end + if warnon==1 + warnon_str = 'on'; + else + warnon_str = 'off'; + end + % + % Somersault + % + %[ERP erpcom] = pop_gaverager(ALLMVPC, 'mvpcsets', mvpcset, 'Loadlist', filelist,'Criterion', artcrite,... + % 'SEM', stdsstr, 'Weighted', wavgstr, 'Saveas', 'on'); + [MVPC] = pop_mvpcaverager(ALLMVPC, 'Mvpcsets', mvpcset, 'SEM', stdsstr,... + 'Warning', warnon_str, 'Saveas','on','History', 'gui'); + pause(0.1) + return + else + fprintf('pop_mvpcaverager() was called using a single (non-struct) input argument.\n\n'); + end +end + +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLMVPC'); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('MVPCindex', 1); % same as Erpsets +p.addParamValue('Mvpcsets', []); +p.addParamValue('SEM', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting + +p.parse(ALLMVPC, varargin{:}); + +mvpcset = p.Results.Mvpcsets; + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end + +if isempty(mvpcset) + mvpcset = p.Results.MVPCindex; +end + +if isempty(mvpcset) + error('ERPLAB says: "MVPCsets" parameter was not specified.'); +end + +lista = ''; +if isnumeric(mvpcset) + nfile = length(mvpcset); + optioni = 0 ; +else + optioni = 1; %from file + filelist = ''; + if iscell(ALLMVPC) % from the GUI, when ALLMVPC exist and user picks a list up as well + filelist = ALLMVPC{2}; + ALLMVPC = ALLMVPC{1}; + elseif ischar(ALLMVPC) % from script, when user picks a list. + filelist = ALLMVPC; + else + error('ERPLAB says: "Mvpcsets" parameter is not valid.') + end + if ~iscell(filelist) && ~isempty(filelist) + if exist(filelist, 'file')~=2 + error('ERPLAB:error', 'ERPLAB says: File %s does not exist.', filelist) + end + disp(['For file-List, user selected ', filelist]) + + % + % open file containing the erp list + % + fid_list = fopen( filelist ); + formcell = textscan(fid_list, '%[^\n]','CommentStyle','#', 'whitespace', ''); + lista = formcell{:}; + lista = strtrim(lista); % this fixes the bag described by Darren Tanner and Katherine Stavropoulos + nfile = length(lista); + fclose(fid_list); + else + error('ERPLAB says: error at pop_appenderp(). Unrecognizable input ') + end +end + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.SEM}, {'on','yes'}) + stderror = 1; +else + stderror = 0; +end + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Warning}, {'on','yes'}) + warnon = 1; +else + warnon = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + + +% +%subroutine +% + +MVPCaux = MVPC; +[MVPC, serror, msgboxText] = mvpcaverager(ALLMVPC, lista, optioni, mvpcset, nfile, stderror,warnon); + + +if serror>0 + title = 'ERPLAB: gaverager() Error'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return +end + +% Completion statement +% +msg2end + + +% Construct the History string +% load with the appropriate input args +skipfields = {'ALLMVPC', 'Saveas', 'Warning','History'}; +if isstruct(ALLMVPC) && optioni~=1 % from files + DATIN = inputname(1); +else + %DATIN = ['''' ALLERP '''']; + DATIN = sprintf('''%s''', filelist); + skipfields = [skipfields, 'Mvpcsets']; +end + +fn = fieldnames(p.Results); +mvpccom = sprintf( 'MVPC = pop_mvpcaverager( %s ', DATIN); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + % Examine the variable type for the argument used, load that in to + % the History string appropriately + arg_value_here = fn2res; + if isempty(arg_value_here) + write_this_one = 0; + else + if ischar(arg_value_here) + if strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + write_this_one = 0; + end + else + write_this_one = 1; + end + end + + if write_this_one % if an argument value is not empty + + if ischar(fn2res) + fnformat = '''%s'''; fn2resstr = fn2res; + elseif isnumeric(fn2res) + fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + elseif isstruct(fn2res) + fn2resstr = 'DQ_spec_structure'; fnformat = '%s'; + elseif iscell(fn2res) + if ischar([fn2res{:}]) + fn2resstr = sprintf('''%s'' ', fn2res{:}); + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + + + if strcmpi(fn2com,'Criterion') + if p.Results.Criterion<100 + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + else + if strcmpi(fn2com,'Mvpcsets') %ams fixed for Erpsets str + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', [', fnformat,']'], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + else + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat ], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end + end +end + +mvpccom = sprintf( '%s );', mvpccom); + + +if issaveas + + + [MVPC, issave] = pop_savemymvpc(MVPC,'gui','averager'); + if issave>0 + if issave==2 + % erpcom = sprintf('%s\n%s', erpcom, erpcom_save); + msgwrng = '*** Your ERPset was saved on your hard drive.***'; + else + msgwrng = '*** Warning: Your ERPset was only saved on the workspace.***'; + end + else + msgwrng = 'ERPLAB Warning: Your changes were not saved'; + MVPC = MVPCaux; + end + try cprintf([1 0.52 0.2], '%s\n\n', msgwrng); catch,fprintf('%s\n\n', msgwrng);end ; +end + +% get history from script. ERP +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(mvpccom); + case 2 % from script + %ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + otherwise %off or none + erpcom = ''; + return +end + +return \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_plotconfusions.m b/pop_functions/pop_plotconfusions.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..709ed5ef --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_plotconfusions.m @@ -0,0 +1,640 @@ +% PURPOSE : Plot confusion matricies from MVPC data +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> pop_plotconfusions(MVPC, Times, Type) +% +% INPUTS (Required) : +% +% MVPC or ALLMVPC - input dataset (MVPCset) or input ALLMVCP +% +% Times - array of times (in milliseconds) to plot +% depending on the 'Type' input paramter. +% +% If 'Type' is 'Timepoint', then output will be one +% plot for every timepoint included in the array. +% For example, [200 220 240] will draw three plots +% each at 200ms, 220ms, and 240ms. +% +% If 'Type' is 'Average', then output will be one +% plot averaged across the times in 'Times'. For +% example, [200 240] will draw one plot that shows +% the confusion matrix average across 200ms-240ms. +% +% +% Type - string 'Timepoint' OR 'Average' +% +% -Timepoint: Confusion matrix at a timepoint (specified in 'Times'). +% -Average: Confusion matrix averaged across +% timepoints +% (specified in 'Times'). +% +% +% The available parameters are as follows: +% +% 'MVPCindex' - Index of MVPCset(s) to use when contained +% within the ALLMVPC structure +% If supplying only one MVPCset using MVPC structure this value +% must be equal to 1 or left unspecified. +% Def: [1] +% +% 'Saveas' - 'on'/'off'(def) +% +% 'Filepath' - Path to save plots ('Saveas' must be 'on'); +% default path: current working directory. +% +% 'Format' -Format of saved file*: 'fig'(def)/'png' +% *('Saveas' must be 'on') +% +% 'Colormap' - Colormap for coloring of confusion matrix heatmap cells +% Predefined colormap options: +% {'default','viridis','gray','parula','cool', 'jet','hsv', 'hot' }; +% +% +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% pop_plotconfusions( ALLMVPC, 'Times', [ 200], 'Type', 'timepoint', 'MVPCindex', [ 11], 'Format', 'fig', 'Colormap', 'default'); +% +% See also: plotconfusions.mlapp +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + +function pop_plotconfusions(ALLMVPC,Times,Type,varargin) + +MVPC = preloadMVPC; + +if nargin == 1 %GUI + + currdata = evalin('base','CURRENTMVPC'); + + if currdata == 0 + msgboxText = 'pop_plotconfusions() error: cannot work an empty dataset!!!'; + title = 'ERPLAB: No MVPC data'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + + end + + if ~iscell(ALLMVPC) && ~ischar(ALLMVPC) + + def = erpworkingmemory('pop_plotconfusions'); + if isempty(def) + def = {1 1 1 [] 1}; + %def{1} = plot menu (1: tp confusion 2:mean confusion two + % latency) + %def{2} = colormap + %def{3} = format (1: fig, 2: png); + %def{4} = times in []; + %def{5} = save(1/def) or no save + end + + + + % + % Open plot confusion GUI + % + app = feval('plotConfusionGUI',ALLMVPC,currdata,def); + waitfor(app,'FinishButton',1); + + try + answer = app.output; %NO you don't want to output BEST, you want to output the parameters to run decoding + app.delete; %delete app from view + pause(0.5); %wait for app to leave + catch + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + + plot_menu = answer{1}; %plot_menu + plot_cmap = answer{2};%plot_colormap + tp = answer{3}; % 0;1 + pname = answer{4}; + frmt = answer{5}; + savec = answer{6}; + %warnon = answer {4}; + cmaps = {'default','viridis','gray','parula','cool', 'jet','hsv', 'hot' }; + frmts = {'fig','png'}; + +% if optioni==1 % from files +% filelist = mvpcset; +% disp(['pop_gaverager(): For file-List, user selected ', filelist]) +% ALLMVPC = {ALLMVPC, filelist}; % truco +% else % from mvpcsets menu +% %mvpcset = mvpcset; +% end + + %def = {actualnset, optioni, mvpcset,stderror}; + def = {plot_menu, plot_cmap,frmt, tp, savec}; + erpworkingmemory('pop_plotconfusions', def); +% if stderror==1 +% stdsstr = 'on'; +% else +% stdsstr = 'off'; +% end +% if warnon==1 +% warnon_str = 'on'; +% else +% warnon_str = 'off'; +% end + + if plot_menu == 1 + %single timepoint confusion matrix + meas = 'timepoint'; + + elseif plot_menu==2 + %average across time window confusion matrix + + meas = 'average'; + + end + + if savec == 1 + savestr = 'on'; + else + savestr = 'off'; + end + % + % Somersault + % + + pop_plotconfusions(ALLMVPC, 'Times',tp,'Type',meas, 'MVPCindex',currdata,... + 'filepath',pname, 'Colormap', cmaps{plot_cmap}, 'Format',frmts{frmt}, 'Saveas',savestr,'History', 'gui'); + pause(0.1) + return + else + fprintf('pop_plotconfusions() was called using a single (non-struct) input argument.\n\n'); + end + + + + +end + +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('ALLMVPC'); +% option(s) +p.addParamValue('Times',[],@isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('Type',[],@ischar); +p.addParamValue('MVPCindex', 1); % same as Erpsets +p.addParamValue('Colormap', 'default', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('Format', 'fig', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('Filepath',pwd,@ischar); +p.addParamValue('Saveas', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('Warning', 'off', @ischar); % 'on', 'off' +p.addParamValue('History', 'script', @ischar); % history from scripting + +p.parse(ALLMVPC, Times, Type, varargin{:}); +mvpci = p.Results.MVPCindex; +meas = p.Results.Type; +tp = p.Results.Times; +cmap = p.Results.Colormap; +pname = p.Results.Filepath; +frmt = p.Results.Format; + +if isempty(meas) + disp('Input paramter [Type] is empty for this function!') ; + return +end + +if isempty(tp) + disp('Input paramter [Times] is empty for this function!') ; + return +end + +if ismember_bc2({p.Results.Saveas}, {'on','yes'}) + issaveas = 1; +else + issaveas = 0; +end + + +%history +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + +if isempty(mvpci) + MVPC = ALLMVPC; +else + MVPC = ALLMVPC(mvpci); +end + +cf_scores = MVPC.confusions.scores; +cf_labels = MVPC.confusions.labels; +cf_strings = convertCharsToStrings(cf_labels); + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%%% Time conversions +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +orig_times = MVPC.times; +epoch_window = [orig_times(1) orig_times(end)]; +fs = MVPC.srate; +xxlim = tp; + + +if strcmpi(meas,'average') + if isempty(xxlim) | length(xxlim) <2 + msgboxText = 'You have not specified a time range'; + title = 'ERPLAB: latencies input'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + % set(handles.radiobutton_yauto, 'Value',0) + % drawnow + return + end + +end + +if strcmpi(meas,'timepoint') + + if numel(xxlim) == 1 + %only one timepoint + if xxlim < round(epoch_window(1),2) + + % Revert to default time range + tscale = epoch_window(1); %change from s to ms + aux_xxlim = tscale; + + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim, epoch_window(1)); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + + elseif ~ismember(xxlim, round(orig_times,2)) + %check that time is actually within the data + + + [value,ind] = closest(orig_times,xxlim); + aux_xxlim = value; + + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim, aux_xxlim); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + + else + aux_xxlim = xxlim; + end + + + else + %range of timepoints are input + if xxlim(1) < round(epoch_window(1),2) + + % Revert to earliest time + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Lower limit %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim(1), epoch_window(1)); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + xxlim(1) = epoch_window(1); + + end + + check_vals = ismember(xxlim, round(orig_times,2)); + z = nnz(~check_vals); + + if z > 0 + %check that times are actually within the new + %resampling period + + [value,ind] = closest(orig_times,xxlim); + + tscale = mat2colon(value,'delimiter','off'); + + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Times %s ms were adjusted to %s ms \n', ['[' num2str(xxlim) ']'], ['[' num2str(tscale) ']']); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + aux_xxlim = value; + + + + else + aux_xxlim = xxlim; + end + + + end + +else + %aveerage across two timepoints + if xxlim(1) < round(epoch_window(1),2) + + + % Revert to default time range + tscale = epoch_window(1); %change from s to ms + %aux_xxlim = tscale; + + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Start time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim(1), epoch_window(1)); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + aux_xxlim(1) = tscale; + + + elseif ~ismember(xxlim(1), round(orig_times,2)) + %check that start time is actually within the new + %resampling period + + [value,ind] = closest(orig_times,xxlim(1)); + + % set(app.TPspinner,'Value',value); + % app.TPspinner.Value = value; + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: Start time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim(1), value); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + aux_xxlim(1) = value; + + + + else + aux_xxlim(1) = xxlim(1); + end + + + if xxlim(2)> round(epoch_window(end),2) + + tscale(2) = epoch_window(end); + + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: End time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim(2), tscale(2)); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + aux_xxlim(2)= tscale(2); + + elseif ~ismember(xxlim(2), round(orig_times,2)) + %check that end time is actually within the new + %resampling period + + [value,ind] = closest(orig_times,xxlim(2)); + + % set(app.TPspinner,'Value',value); + % app.TPspinner.Value = value; + fprintf('\n%s\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + fprintf('WARNING: End time %.3f ms was adjusted to %.3f ms \n', xxlim(2), value); + fprintf('WARNING: This adjustment was necessary due to sampling \n'); + fprintf('%s\n\n', repmat('*',1,60)); + + aux_xxlim(2) = value; + + else + aux_xxlim(2) = xxlim(2); + end +end + + + +if strcmpi(meas,'average') + [xp1, xp2, checkw] = window2sample(MVPC, aux_xxlim(1:2) , fs, 'relaxed'); + + if checkw==1 + msgboxText = 'Time window cannot be larger than epoch.'; + title = 'ERPLAB'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + elseif checkw==2 + msgboxText = 'Too narrow time window (are the start and end times reversed?)'; + title = 'ERPLAB'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title); + return + end +end + +%reset tp +tp = aux_xxlim; + +%obtain time-point indices +time_ind = []; +for i = 1:numel(tp) + time_ind(i) = find(tp(i) == orig_times); +end + + +avg_win = 0 ; +%choose measurment & plot +if strcmpi(meas,'timepoint') + if numel(time_ind) == 1 + cf_scores = cf_scores(:,:,time_ind); + Npts = 1; + else + %multiple plots at 1 time point + cf_scores = cf_scores(:,:,time_ind); + Npts = numel(time_ind); + end + +elseif strcmpi(meas,'average') + idx = time_ind(1):time_ind(2); + cf_scores = cf_scores(:,:,idx); + cf_scores = squeeze(mean(cf_scores,3)); + Npts = 1; + avg_win = 1; +end + + +%% plot +for pnt = 1:Npts + + figure; %new figure for every plot + C = cf_scores(:,:,pnt); + %C = flipud(C); %flips element values in matrix to align with Bae&Luck 2018, but doesn't flip row labels + %cf_string2 = fliplr(cf_strings); % flips row labels + + %swap rows and columns of matrix as per Steve + Cnew = permute(C,[2 1]); + Cnew = flipud(Cnew); + cf_string2 = fliplr(cf_strings); % flips row labels + + h = heatmap(cf_strings,cf_string2,Cnew); + if ~strcmpi(cmap,'default') + h.Colormap = eval(cmap); + end + + %labels + + if strcmpi(MVPC.DecodingMethod,'SVM') + if avg_win == 1 + h.Title = ['Confusion Matrix across ', num2str(tp(1)),'ms-',num2str(tp(2)), 'ms (Average Decoding Accuracy)']; + else + h.Title = ['Confusion Matrix @ ', num2str(tp(pnt)), ' ms (Average Decoding Accuracy)']; + + end + + h.YLabel = 'Predicted Labels'; + h.XLabel = 'True Labels'; + else + if avg_win == 1 + h.Title = ['Confusion Matrix across ', num2str(tp(1)),'ms-',num2str(tp(2)), 'ms (Average Distance)']; + else + h.Title = ['Confusion Matrix @ ', num2str(tp(pnt)), ' ms (Average Distance)']; + + end + h.YLabel = 'Class'; + h.XLabel = 'Class'; + end + + + if issaveas == 1 + if avg_win == 1 + fname = [pname '/ConfusionMatrix_', num2str(tp(1)),'-',num2str(tp(2)),'ms']; + else + fname = [pname '/ConfusionMatrix_', num2str(tp(pnt)) 'ms']; + end + saveas(h, fname, frmt); + + end + clear h ; +end + + + +skipfields = {'ALLMVPC','History'}; + + +fn_old = fieldnames(p.Results); +fn = {fn_old{1} fn_old{8} fn_old{9} fn_old{7} fn_old{5} fn_old{6} fn_old{4} fn_old{2} fn_old{3} fn_old{10}}; +explica = 0; + +if length(mvpci)==1 && mvpci(1)==1 + inputvari = 'MVPC'; % Thanks to Felix Bacigalupo for this suggestion. Dic 12, 2011 + skipfields = [skipfields 'MVPCindex']; % SL +else + if length(mvpci)==1 + explica = 1; + end + inputvari = inputname(1); +end + +if issaveas ~= 1 + skipfields = [skipfields 'Filepath']; +end + + +mvpccom = sprintf( 'pop_plotconfusions( %s', inputvari); +for q=1:length(fn) + fn2com = fn{q}; + if ~ismember_bc2(fn2com, skipfields) + fn2res = p.Results.(fn2com); + if ~isempty(fn2res) + if ischar(fn2res) + if ~strcmpi(fn2res,'off') + mvpccom = sprintf( '%s, ''%s'', ''%s''', mvpccom, fn2com, fn2res); + end + else + if iscell(fn2res) + if all(cellfun(@isnumeric, fn2res)) + %fn2resstr = vect2colon(cell2mat(fn2res), 'Sort','on'); + fn2resstr =cell2mat(cellfun(@vect2colon,fn2res,'UniformOutput',false)); + + else + fn2resstr = ''; + for kk=1:numel(fn2res) + auxcont = fn2res{kk}; + if ischar(auxcont) + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr '''' auxcont ''',' ]; + else + fn2resstr = [fn2resstr ' ' vect2colon(auxcont, 'Delimiter', 'on')]; + end + + end + fn2resstr(end) = []; %take out last comma + + end + fnformat = '{%s}'; + elseif isnumeric(fn2res) + fn2res = mat2colon(fn2res); + fn2resstr = num2str(fn2res); fnformat = '%s'; + elseif isstruct(fn2res) + fn2resstr = 'ALLMVPC'; fnformat = '%s'; + else + fn2resstr = vect2colon(fn2res, 'Sort','on'); + fnformat = '%s'; + end + +% if strcmpi(fn2com,'BESTindex') +% bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', [', fnformat,']'], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% else + mvpccom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], mvpccom, fn2com, fn2resstr); +% end + + %bestcom = sprintf( ['%s, ''%s'', ' fnformat], bestcom, fn2com, fn2resstr); + end + end + end +end +mvpccom = sprintf( '%s );', mvpccom); + + + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + % fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n%s\n\n', erpcom); + displayEquiComERP(mvpccom); + if explica + try + cprintf([0.1333, 0.5451, 0.1333], '%%IMPORTANT: For pop_plotconfusions(), you may use MVPC instead of ALLMVPC, and remove "''MVPCindex'',%g"\n',mvpci); + catch + fprintf('%%IMPORTANT: For pop_plotconfusions(), you may use MVPC instead of ALLMVPC, and remove ''MVCPindex'',%g:\n',mvpci); + end + end + case 2 % from script + % ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], bestcom, 1); + case 3 + % implicit + otherwise % off or none + mvpccom = ''; +end + + +end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_savemybest.m b/pop_functions/pop_savemybest.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c495c441 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_savemybest.m @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +% PURPOSE : Save BEST (.mat) file. +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> [BEST] = pop_savemybest(BEST, parameters); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% BEST - Bin-Epoched Single Trial (BEST) structure +% +% The available input parameters are as follows: +% 'bestname' - BESTname to be saved +% 'filename' - Output filename string as .best extension +% 'filepath' - Output file path +% 'gui' - 'save', 'saveas', 'erplab', or 'none' +% - 'save' allows to save file to hard disk +% - 'saveas' allows to save file disk, user +% choose desination with GUI and/or with new +% specified filename. +% - 'none': for used with scriping; specify +% file name and path; no GUI popup +% 'overwriteatmenu' - overwrite bestset at bestset menu +% 'on'/'off' +% 'warning' - warning if overwriting file with same filename: 'on'(default)/off' +% +% +% Optional INPUTS : +% 'modegui' - If 0 (Default), directly saves the file at filepath (NO GUI) +% If 1, save window GUI pops up to confirm save path. +% +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% +% +% See also: savemybestGUI.m savebest.m +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function [BEST, issave] = pop_savemybest(BEST, varargin) +issave = 0 ; +com = ''; + + +if nargin<1 + help pop_savemybest + return +end + +% parse inputs +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('BEST'); + +%optional +p.addParamValue('bestname', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('filename', '', @ischar); %EEG.filename +p.addParamValue('filepath', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('gui','no',@ischar); % or 'save', or 'saveas', or 'erplab' +p.addParamValue('overwriteatmenu','no',@ischar); +p.addParamValue('Warning','off',@ischar); % on/off warning for existing file +p.addParamValue('History','script',@ischar); + +p.parse(BEST, varargin{:}); + +if isempty(BEST) + msgboxText = 'No Bin-Epoched Single-Trial (BEST) Data was found!'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: pop_savemybest() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + return +end + +%extract vars + +filenamex = strtrim(p.Results.filename); +filepathx = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); +fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path +bestname = p.Results.bestname; +overw = p.Results.overwriteatmenu; + + +if isempty(bestname) + bestname = BEST.bestname; +else + BEST.bestname = bestname; +end + +if strcmpi(overw,'yes')||strcmpi(overw,'on') + overw = 1; +else + overw = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + warnop = 1; +else + warnop = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'gui') || strcmpi(p.Results.History,'erplab') + shist = 1; % gui + +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + +% +%Setting saving +% + +if strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'erplab') % open GUI to save BESTset + if overw == 0 + + % + % Call GUI + % +% + + if ~isempty(bestname) + bestname = {bestname}; + + end + + answer = savemybestGUI(bestname, fullfilename,0); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + bestname = answer{1}; + if isempty(bestname) + disp('User selected Cancel') % change + return + end + + fullfilename = answer{2}; + overw = answer{3}; % over write in memory? 1=yes + + else + %do not open gui, and overwrite bestset at bestset menu + bestname = BEST.bestname; + fullfilename = ''; + end + + BEST.bestname = bestname; + BEST.filename = ''; + BEST.filepath = ''; + BEST.saved = 'no'; + modegui = 0; % do not open GUI to save + warnop = 1; + shist = 1; %change history to implicit beacuse called from pop_extractbest() + +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.gui, 'save') %just save, no ask + if isempty(BEST.bestname) + modegui = 2; % open a "save as" window to save + filenamex = strtrim(p.Results.filename); + filepathx = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); + fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path. 10-20-11 + %fullfilename = p.Results.filename; + else + modegui = 1; + fullfilename = fullfile(BEST.filepath,BEST.filename); + warnop = 0; + end + overw = 1; % overwrite on menu + +% "SAVE AS" . +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'saveas') + if isempty(fullfilename) + + try + filenamex = BEST.bestname; + filepathx = pwd; + fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path + catch + %fullfilename = fullfile(ERP.filepath, ERP.filename); + msgboxText = 'No file path was found?!'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: pop_savemymvpc() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + return + end + end + overw = 1; + modegui = 2; +else + overw = 0; + modegui = 3; %savefrom script + if isempty(fullfilename) + fullfilename = fullfile(BEST.filepath, BEST.filename); + if isempty(fullfilename) + error('ERPLAB says: You must specify a filename (path included) to save your BESTset.') + end + fprintf('\nNOTE: Since ''filename'' and ''filepath'' were not specified, \nERPLAB used BEST.filename and BEST.filepath to save your ERPset.\n\n'); + end +% if isempty(erpname) +% erpname = ERP.erpname; +% else +% ERP.erpname = erpname; +% end +% if isempty(erpname) +% error('ERPLAB says: You must specify an erpname to save your ERPset.') +% end +% + +end + + +% +% Saving +% +if modegui == 0 + % "save-as" filepath has already been gathered from erplab GUI + % so NO extra gui will show (modegui =0) + + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + %disp(['Saving BESTset at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [BEST, serror] = saveBEST(BEST, fullfilename, 0, warnop); %modegui = 0 + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; + else % or the is no fullfilename (so no saving, just update menu) + issave = 1; + end + +elseif modegui == 1 %"save" filepath has not been gathered yet, open new GUI + + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + %disp(['Saving BESTset at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [BEST, serror] = saveBEST(BEST, fullfilename, 0, warnop); + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; %saved on harddrive + else + issave = 1; %saved only on workspace + end + +elseif modegui==2 + % save as (open window) + %disp(['Saving BEST at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [BEST, serror,fullfilename] = saveBEST(BEST, fullfilename, 1, warnop); + if serror==1 + + return + end + issave = 2; + +elseif modegui==3 %save by script + overw = 2; %skip loading it into the menu + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + %disp(['Saving BESTset at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [BEST, serror] = saveBEST(BEST, fullfilename, 0, warnop); + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; + else + issave = 1; + end + %msg2end + return +else + error('ERPLAB says: Oops! error at pop_savemybest()'); + +end + + +%overwriting in BESTset menu list +if overw==1 + + ALLBEST = evalin('base', 'ALLBEST'); + CURRENTBEST = evalin('base', 'CURRENTBEST'); + ALLBEST(CURRENTBEST) = BEST; + assignin('base','ALLBEST',ALLBEST); % save to workspace + updatemenubest(ALLBEST,1) % overwrite erpset at erpsetmenu + +elseif overw == 0 + assignin('base','BEST',BEST); + pop_loadbest('filename', 'workspace', 'UpdateMainGui', 'on'); + if issave ~= 2 + issave = 1; + end + + +end + + +% +%history +% +if isempty(fullfilename) + pname=''; + fname=''; + ext=''; +else + [pname, fname, ext] = fileparts(fullfilename) ; %10-20-11 +end +fname = [fname ext]; +bestcom = sprintf('%s = pop_savemybest(%s', inputname(1), inputname(1)); +if ~isempty(bestname) + bestcom = sprintf('%s, ''bestname'', ''%s''', bestcom, bestname); +end +if ~isempty(fname) + bestcom = sprintf('%s, ''filename'', ''%s''', bestcom, fname); +end +if ~isempty(pname) + bestcom = sprintf('%s, ''filepath'', ''%s''', bestcom, pname); + if warnop==1 + bestcom = sprintf('%s, ''Warning'', ''on''', bestcom); + end +end +bestcom = sprintf('%s);', bestcom); + + +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(bestcom); + case 2 % from script + %ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + case 3 % implicit + % just using erpcom + otherwise %off or none + bestcom = ''; + return +end + +end diff --git a/pop_functions/pop_savemymvpc.m b/pop_functions/pop_savemymvpc.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21a434a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/pop_functions/pop_savemymvpc.m @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +% PURPOSE : Save MVPC (.mvpc) file. +% +% FORMAT : +% +% >> [MVPC] = pop_savemymvpc(MVPC, parameters); +% +% INPUTS : +% +% MVPC - Multivariate Pattern Classification (MVPC) structure +% +% The available input parameters are as follows: +% 'mvpcname' - mvpc name to be saved +% 'filename' - Output filename string as .best extension +% 'filepath' - Output file path +% 'gui' - 'save', 'saveas', 'erplab', or 'none' +% - 'save' allows to save file to hard disk +% - 'saveas' allows to change bestname, save to +% hard disk +% 'overwriteatmenu' - overwrite bestset at bestset menu +% 'on'/'off' +% 'warning' - warning if overwriting file with same filename: 'on'(default)/off' +% +% +% Optional INPUTS : +% 'modegui' - If 0 (Default), directly saves the file at filepath (NO GUI) +% If 1, save window GUI pops up to confirm save path. +% +% +% EXAMPLE : +% +% pop_savemymvpc( EEG , 'Channel', 1:16, 'Flag', 1, 'Threshold', 100, 'Twindow', [ -200 798], 'Windowsize', 200, 'Windowstep', 100 ); +% +% See also: savemymvpcGUI.m savemvpc +% +% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** +% Author: Aaron Matthew Simmons +% Center for Mind and Brain +% University of California, Davis, +% Davis, CA +% 2022 + +%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b +% +% ERPLAB Toolbox +% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California +% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck +% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, +% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu +% +% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +% (at your option) any later version. +% +% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +% GNU General Public License for more details. +% +% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +% along with this program. If not, see . + + +function [MVPC, issave] = pop_savemymvpc(MVPC,varargin) +issave = 0; +com = ''; + +if nargin <1 + help pop_savemymvpc + return +end +% parse inputs +p = inputParser; +p.FunctionName = mfilename; +p.CaseSensitive = false; +p.addRequired('MVPC'); + + +%optional +%optional +p.addParamValue('ALLMVPC',[]); %only for the decoding toolbox gui +p.addParamValue('mvpcname', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('filename', '', @ischar); %EEG.filename +p.addParamValue('filepath', '', @ischar); +p.addParamValue('gui','no',@ischar); % or 'save', or 'saveas', or 'erplab' +p.addParamValue('overwriteatmenu','no',@ischar); +p.addParamValue('Warning','on',@ischar); % on/off warning for existing file +p.addParamValue('modegui',1,@isnumeric); +p.addParamValue('History','script',@ischar); + + +p.parse(MVPC,varargin{:}); + +if isempty(MVPC) + msgboxText = 'No Multivariate Pattern Classification (MVPC) Data was found!'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: pop_savemymvpc() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + return +end + +ALLMVPC = p.Results.ALLMVPC; +filenamex = strtrim(p.Results.filename); +filepathx = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); +fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path +mvpcname = p.Results.mvpcname; +overw = p.Results.overwriteatmenu; +modegui = p.Results.modegui; + +if isempty(mvpcname) + mvpcname = MVPC.mvpcname; +else + MVPC.mvpcname = mvpcname; +end + +if strcmpi(overw,'yes')||strcmpi(overw,'on') + overw = 1; +else + overw = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.Warning,'on') + warnop = 1; +else + warnop = 0; +end + +if strcmpi(p.Results.History,'implicit') + shist = 3; % implicit +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'script') + shist = 2; % script +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.History,'erplab') + shist = 1; % gui +else + shist = 0; % off +end + + +if strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'erplab') % open GUI to save MVPCset + + if overw == 0 + %GUI was already opened in pop_decoding + %MVPC filenames and pathnames already established + %Use ALLMVPC rather than MVPC since could be multiple saves + + filename = {ALLMVPC.filename}; + filepathx = {ALLMVPC.filepath}; + + if ~isempty([ALLMVPC(:).filename]) && ~isempty([ALLMVPC(:).filepath]) + fullfilename = strcat(filepathx(:),filesep,filename(:)); + else + fullfilename = ''; + shist = 0; %they did not specify to save to harddisk + end + overw = 0; %no option to overwrite mvpcset + else + %do not open gui, and overwrite mvpcset at mvpcset menu + mvpcname = {ALLMVPC.mvpcname}; + fullfilename = ''; + + end + + for i=1:numel(ALLMVPC) + ALLMVPC(i).saved = 'no'; + end + modegui = 0; + warnop = 1; + +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'averager') + + + if ~isempty(mvpcname) + mvpcname = {mvpcname} + end + + answer = savemymvpcGUI(mvpcname, fullfilename, 0); + + if isempty(answer) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return + end + MVPC.mvpcname = answer{1}; + mvpcname = answer{1}; + fullfilename = answer{2}; + if isempty(mvpcname) + disp('User selected Cancel') % change + return + end + + overw = 0; + modegui = 1; + + + + + + +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.gui, 'save') %just save, no ask + if isempty(MVPC.mvpcname) + modegui = 2; % open a "save as" window to save + filenamex = strtrim(p.Results.filename); + filepathx = strtrim(p.Results.filepath); + fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path. 10-20-11 + %fullfilename = p.Results.filename; + else + modegui = 1; + fullfilename = fullfile(MVPC.filepath,MVPC.filename); + warnop = 0; + end + overw = 0; % overwrite on menu + +% "SAVE AS" . +elseif strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'saveas') + if isempty(fullfilename) + + try + filenamex = MVPC.mvpcname; + filepathx = pwd; + fullfilename = fullfile(filepathx, filenamex); % full path + catch + %fullfilename = fullfile(ERP.filepath, ERP.filename); + msgboxText = 'No file path was found?!'; + title_msg = 'ERPLAB: pop_savemymvpc() error:'; + errorfound(msgboxText, title_msg); + return + end + end + overw = 1; + modegui = 2; + shist = 1; % gui +else + overw = 0; + modegui = 3; %savefrom script + if isempty(fullfilename) + fullfilename = fullfile(BEST.filepath, BEST.filename); + if isempty(fullfilename) + error('ERPLAB says: You must specify a filename (path included) to save your BESTset.') + end + fprintf('\nNOTE: Since ''filename'' and ''filepath'' were not specified, \nERPLAB used BEST.filename and BEST.filepath to save your ERPset.\n\n'); + end + + + + +end + +if modegui == 0 + % "save-as" fullfilepath already been gathered from multifilesave erplab GUI + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + [MVPC,fullfilename,serror] = savemvpc(ALLMVPC, fullfilename, 0, warnop); + + issave = 2; %saved on hard drive + if serror == 1 + return + end + else + issave =1 ; + end + + + + + +elseif modegui == 1 %save directly + + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + %disp(['Saving BESTset at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [MVPC, ~, serror] = savemvpc(MVPC, fullfilename, 0, warnop); + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; %saved on harddrive + else + issave = 1; %saved only on workspace + end + +elseif modegui == 2 + + + %disp(['Saving BESTset at ' fullfilename '...'] ) + [MVPC, fullfilename, serror] = savemvpc(MVPC, fullfilename, 1); + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; %saved on harddrive + +elseif modegui == 3 % save from script + if ~isempty(fullfilename) + + [MVPC,~, serror] = savemvpc(MVPC, fullfilename, 0, warnop); + if serror==1 + return + end + issave = 2; + else + issave = 1; + end + %msg2end + return + +else + error('ERPLAB says: Oops! error at pop_savemymvpc'); + + +end + +%overwriting in MVPCset menu list +if overw==1 + %this isn't possible if using Decoding GUI toolbox + ALLMVPC = evalin('base', 'ALLMVPC'); + CURRENTMVPC = evalin('base', 'CURRENTMVPC'); + ALLMVPC(CURRENTMVPC) = MVPC; + assignin('base','ALLERP',ALLMVPC); % save to workspace + updatemenumvpc(ALLMVPC,1) % overwrite erpset at erpsetmenu + + +else + if strcmpi(p.Results.gui,'erplab') + %in case of many mvpc sets through Decoding GUI toolbox + assignin('base','ALLMVPC2',ALLMVPC) + pop_loadmvpc('filename', 'decodingtoolbox', 'UpdateMainGui', 'on'); + + else + assignin('base','MVPC',MVPC); + pop_loadmvpc('filename', 'workspace', 'UpdateMainGui', 'on'); + end + + if issave ~= 2 + issave = 1; + end + + +end + + +if isempty(fullfilename) + fname = ''; + pname = ''; +else + [pname, fname, ext] = fileparts(fullfilename); +end +ext = '.mvpc'; +fname = [fname ext]; +mvpccom = sprintf('%s = pop_savemymvpc(%s', inputname(1), inputname(1)); +if ~isempty(mvpcname) + mvpccom = sprintf('%s, ''mvpcname'', ''%s''', mvpccom, mvpcname); +end +if ~isempty(fname) + mvpccom = sprintf('%s, ''filename'', ''%s''', mvpccom, fname); +end +if ~isempty(filepathx) + mvpccom = sprintf('%s, ''filepath'', ''%s''', mvpccom, pname); + if warnop==1 + mvpccom = sprintf('%s, ''Warning'', ''on''', mvpccom); + end +end +mvpccom = sprintf('%s);', mvpccom); + +% +% Completion statement +% +prefunc = dbstack; +nf = length(unique_bc2({prefunc.name})); +if nf==1 + msg2end +end +% get history from script. ERP +switch shist + case 1 % from GUI + displayEquiComERP(mvpccom); + case 2 % from script + %ERP = erphistory(ERP, [], erpcom, 1); + case 3 % implicit + % just using erpcom + otherwise %off or none + mvpccom = ''; + return +end + + + +%only output the last MVPC set +MVPC = MVPC(end); + +return + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer.m index 13bf1d1d..2404bd3a 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer.m @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ % Center for Mind and Brain % University of California, Davis, % Davis, CA -% 2022 +% 2022 & 2023 % ERPLAB Studio Toolbox % @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ % Now with more in nested functions function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Parameterfile) +tic;% +disp(' ERP Waveform Viewer is launching...'); + global viewer_ERPDAT; global gui_erp_waviewer; @@ -60,6 +63,31 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete catch end +if exist('memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm','file')==2 + iserpmem = 1; % file for memory exists +else + iserpmem = 0; % does not exist file for memory +end +if iserpmem==0 + p1 = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p1 = p1(1:findstr(p1,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); + save(fullfile(p1,'memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm'),'ERPtooltype') +end + + + +if exist('memoryerpstudio.erpm','file')==2 + iserpmem = 1; % file for memory exists +else + iserpmem = 0; % does not exist file for memory +end +if iserpmem==0 + p1 = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p1 = p1(1:findstr(p1,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); + save(fullfile(p1,'memoryerpstudio.erpm'),'ERPtooltype') +end + + if nargin<1 beep; disp('ERP_wave_viewer() error: ALLERP should be imported.'); @@ -139,7 +167,7 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete return; end - +erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer',0);%%Update the Viewer based on the changes in ERPLAB % if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') % addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); % addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@v_currentERP_change); @@ -156,11 +184,11 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete %3 means there are some errors for processing procedure viewer_ERPDAT.count_legend=0;%% this is to capture the changes of legend name viewer_ERPDAT.page_xyaxis=0;%%get the changes of x/y axis based on the changed pages or selected ERPsets -viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper = 0; +viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count = 0; viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg = 0; viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = 0;%% Automaticlly saving the changes on the other panel if the current panel is changed viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel = 0; - +viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label=0; viewer_ERPDAT.ALLERP = ALLERP; viewer_ERPDAT.ERP_bin = binArray; viewer_ERPDAT.ERP_chan = chanArray; @@ -192,7 +220,6 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx =selectedERP_index; ERPwaviewer.bin = binArray; ERPwaviewer.chan = chanArray; -ERPwaviewer.erp_binchan_op = 1;%% 1. Auto; 2.Custom ERPwaviewer.binchan_op = 1;%% 1. Auto; 2.Custom ERPwaviewer.plot_org.Grid = 1; %1.Channels; 2.Bins; 3. ERPsets; 4. None @@ -209,19 +236,19 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete ERPwaviewer.PageIndex = 1; ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr = 'none'; ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel = []; -ERPwaviewer.figbackgdcolor = []; +ERPwaviewer.figbackgdcolor = [1 1 1]; ERPwaviewer.figname = 'My Viewer'; +ERPwaviewer.FigOutpos=[]; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); -estudioworkingmemory('zoomSpace',0);%%sett for zoom in and zoom out +% estudioworkingmemory('zoomSpace',0);%%sett for zoom in and zoom out try close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window);%%close previous GUI if exists catch end -gui_erp_waviewer = struct(); -gui_erp_waviewer = createInterface(); +createInterface_ERPWave_viewer(ERPtooltype); f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); if ~isempty( Parameterfile)%% update the panels based on the saved file @@ -253,13 +280,13 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete end end assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',Parameterfile); - viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper = viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper+1; + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count = 1; f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); end +timeElapsed = toc; +fprintf([32,'It took',32,num2str(timeElapsed),'s to launch ERP Waveform Viewer.\n\n']); - function gui_erp_waviewer = createInterface(); - ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - + function createInterface_ERPWave_viewer(ERPtooltype); if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') try [version reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; @@ -292,23 +319,37 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete 'MenuBar', 'none', ... 'Toolbar', 'none', ... 'HandleVisibility', 'off', 'tag', 'rollover'); + ScreenPos = []; - - new_pos = [1 1 1000 1000]; + new_pos= erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos'); + if isempty(new_pos) + new_pos = [0.01,0.01,75,75]; + erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',new_pos); + end + try + ScreenPos = get( groot, 'Screensize' ); + catch + ScreenPos = get( 0, 'Screensize' ); + end + gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos = new_pos; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; set(gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Position', new_pos); % + View menu gui_erp_waviewer.exit = uimenu( gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Label','Exit', 'Callback', @onExit); + gui_erp_waviewer.help = uimenu( gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Label', 'Help', 'Callback', @onhelp); %%-----------Setting------------------------------------------------ %% Create tabs - context_tabs = uix.VBox('Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.Window); + gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Resize = 0; + + context_tabs = uix.VBox('Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.Window);%,'SizeChangedFcn',@WAviewerResize gui_erp_waviewer.tabERP = uix.HBoxFlex( 'Parent', context_tabs, 'Spacing', 10,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %% Arrange the main interface for ERP panel (Tab3) gui_erp_waviewer.ViewBox = uix.VBox('Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.tabERP,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - + gui_erp_waviewer.Resize = 0; gui_erp_waviewer.ViewPanel = uix.BoxPanel('Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.ViewBox,'TitleColor',ColorBviewer_def,'ForegroundColor','k');% gui_erp_waviewer.ViewContainer = uicontainer('Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.ViewPanel); @@ -324,7 +365,7 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete % + Create the settings window panels for ERP panel gui_erp_waviewer.panel{1} = f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); - gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(1) = 280; + gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(1) = 255; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{2} = f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(2) = 280; @@ -333,19 +374,19 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(3) = 490; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{4} = f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); - gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(4) = 405; + gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(4) = 385; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{5} = f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(5) = 200; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{6} = f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); - gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(6) = 555; + gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(6) = 375; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{7} = f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(7) = 225; gui_erp_waviewer.panel{8} = f_ERP_property_waveviewer_GUI(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout,gui_erp_waviewer.panel_fonts); - gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(8) = 90; + gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes(8) = 130; set(gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout, 'Heights', gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes); gui_erp_waviewer.panelscroll.Heights = sum(gui_erp_waviewer.panelSizes); @@ -359,7 +400,7 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete set( gui_erp_waviewer.panel{6}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 6}); set( gui_erp_waviewer.panel{7}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 7}); set( gui_erp_waviewer.panel{8}, 'MinimizeFcn', {@nMinimize, 8}); - whichpanel = [4:8]; + whichpanel = [3:8]; for Numofpanel = 1:length(whichpanel) minned = gui_erp_waviewer.panel{whichpanel(Numofpanel)}.IsMinimized; szs = get( gui_erp_waviewer.settingLayout, 'Sizes' ); @@ -376,8 +417,8 @@ function ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer(ALLERP,selectedERP_index,binArray,chanArray,Paramete %% + Create the view p = gui_erp_waviewer.ViewContainer; gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes = uiextras.HBox( 'Parent', p,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - - end % createInterface + gui_erp_waviewer.Resize=1; + end % createInterface_ERPWave_viewer function nMinimize( eventSource, eventData, whichpanel) %#ok @@ -425,8 +466,19 @@ function onExit(~,~) %%-------------Help for my Viewer------------------------------------------ function onhelp(~,~) - end +%%Resize the GUI automatically as the user changes the size of the window at run-time. +% function WAviewerResize(~,~) +% if gui_erp_waviewer.Resize ~= 0 +% new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; +% erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',new_pos); +% gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos = new_pos; +% % set(gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Position', new_pos); +% f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); +% end +% end + + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end % end of the function \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.fig b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.fig index bd47ae8f..d5671987 100644 Binary files a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.fig and b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.fig differ diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.m index 226b107b..01dafaad 100644 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/ERP_layoutstringGUI.m @@ -20,27 +20,22 @@ %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ERP_layoutstringGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +f = waitbar(0.1,'Loading Custom Grid Locations GUI...'); handles.output = []; - try - plotArray = varargin{1}; + plotArrayFormt = varargin{1}; catch for ii = 1:100 - plotArray{ii,1} = ['chan-',num2str(ii)]; + plotArrayFormt{ii,1} = ['chan-',num2str(ii)]; + % plotArrayFormt{ii,1} = [num2str(ii)]; end end -for jj = 1:length(plotArray) - plotArrayFormt(jj,1) = {char(plotArray{jj})}; -end -plotArrayFormt(length(plotArrayFormt)+1) = {'None'}; - -try - plotArrayFormtOlder = varargin{2}; -catch - plotArrayFormtOlder = plotArrayFormt; +plotArrayFormtnew =cell(1000000,1); +for jj = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + plotArrayFormtnew(jj,1) = {char(plotArrayFormt{jj})}; end - -handles.plotArrayFormtOlder = plotArrayFormtOlder; +plotArrayFormt = plotArrayFormtnew; +plotArray = plotArrayFormt; handles.plotArrayFormt = plotArrayFormt; @@ -50,75 +45,126 @@ function ERP_layoutstringGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) catch plotBox = plotBoxdef; end + +try + AllabelArray = varargin{4}; +catch + AllabelArray =plotArrayFormt; +end +handles.AllabelArray = AllabelArray; + +% usedIndex = zeros(length(AllabelArray),1); +% for jj = 1:length(AllabelArray) +% for ii = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) +% if strcmp(AllabelArray{jj},plotArrayFormt{ii}) +% usedIndex(jj) = 1; +% end +% end +% end +% handles.usedIndex = usedIndex; + +% f = waitbar(0.2,'Loading Custtom Grid Layout GUI...'); Numrows = plotBox(1); Numcolumns = plotBox(2); % GridinforDatadef = cell(Numrows,Numcolumns); -count = 0; -for Numofrows = 1:Numrows - for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns - count = count +1; - if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); - else - GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArray{count}); - end - end -end +% count = 0; +% for Numofrows = 1:Numrows +% for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns +% count = count +1; +% if count> numel(plotArray) +% GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; +% else +% GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArray{count}); +% end +% end +% end try - GridinforData = varargin{4}; + GridinforData = varargin{2}; catch - GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; -end -if isempty(GridinforData) - GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; -end - -if size(GridinforData,1)~= Numrows || size(GridinforData,2)~= Numcolumns - GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; -end -FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); -% tablePosition = handles.uitable1_layout.Position; -for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns - if size(plotArrayFormt,1) > size(plotArrayFormt,2) - columFormat{Numofcolumns} = plotArrayFormt'; - else - columFormat{Numofcolumns} = plotArrayFormt; - end - ColumnEditable(Numofcolumns) =1; - ColumnName{1,Numofcolumns} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumns)]); - % ColumnWidth{Numofcolumns} =tablePosition(3)/(Numcolumns+0.2); + % GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; + GridinforData =''; end +handles.GridinforData = GridinforData; +handles.GridinforData_def = GridinforData; +% if isempty(GridinforData) +% GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; +% end +% if size(GridinforData,1)~= Numrows || size(GridinforData,2)~= Numcolumns +% GridinforData = GridinforDatadef; +% end -for Numofrows = 1:Numrows - RowName{1,Numofrows} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrows)]); -end -set(handles.uitable1_layout,'Data',GridinforData); -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); -% handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnWidth = ColumnWidth; -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; -handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; -handles.uitable1_layout.FontSize = FonsizeDefault; +% FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); +% % tablePosition = handles.uitable1_layout.Position; +% for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns +% columFormat{Numofcolumns} = 'char'; +% ColumnEditable(Numofcolumns) =1; +% ColumnName{1,Numofcolumns} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumns)]); +% end % +% for Numofrows = 1:Numrows +% RowName{1,Numofrows} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrows)]); +% end +% set(handles.uitable1_layout,'Data',GridinforData); +% handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); +% handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; +% handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; +% handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; +% handles.uitable1_layout.FontSize = FonsizeDefault; +% handles.uitable1_layout.CellEditCallback = {@MakerLabels,handles}; + +% f = waitbar(0.7,'Loading Custtom Grid Layout GUI...'); + +% [plotArrayFormt] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(GridinforData,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +% handles.listbox_Labels.String = ''; +% handles.listbox_Labels.String = plotArrayFormt; +% % % Color GUI % % handles = painterplab(handles); [version reldate,ColorBdef,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; set(handles.gui_chassis, 'Color', ColorBviewer_def); +handles.textrow5.BackgroundColor = ColorBviewer_def; +handles.text6_columns.BackgroundColor = ColorBviewer_def; +handles.text7_message.BackgroundColor = ColorBviewer_def; +% handles.listbox_Labels.Min = 0; +% handles.listbox_Labels.Max =1; +% handles.listbox_Labels.Enable = 'off'; +% handles.listbox_Labels.Value = 1; + +handles.text_rownum.String = num2str(Numrows); +handles.edit1_columnsNum.String = num2str(Numcolumns); +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); + +% Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +% +% Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +% try +% SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +% catch +% SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +% end +% Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell); +% handles.uitable1_layout.Data=Data; +%% + +handles = Datacreate(plotBox,GridinforData,plotArrayFormt,AllabelArray,handles); + % % Set font size % -% handles = setfonterplab(handles); +handles = setfonterplab(handles); % Update handles structure - - guidata(hObject, handles); -set(handles.gui_chassis, 'Name', 'Plot Organinzation > Grid Layout', 'WindowStyle','modal'); - +set(handles.gui_chassis, 'Name', 'Plot Organization > Customize Grid Locations', 'WindowStyle','modal'); +waitbar(1,f,'Loading Custom Grid Locations GUI: Complete'); +try + close(f); +catch +end % UIWAIT makes ERP_layoutstringGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); @@ -134,14 +180,7 @@ function ERP_layoutstringGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) delete(handles.gui_chassis); pause(0.1) -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% function listbox_list_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% -% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% function listbox_list_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) -% set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); -% end + %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) @@ -149,13 +188,42 @@ function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function pushbutton_ok_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +AllabelArray=handles.AllabelArray; +Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); -Data = get(handles.uitable1_layout, 'Data'); -plotArrayFormt = handles.plotArrayFormt; -handles.output = {Data,plotArrayFormt}; +Labels_used = unique_str(Data); +if ~isempty(Labels_used) + Labels_new =''; + count = 0; + for ii = 1:length(Labels_used) + if ~isempty(Labels_used{ii,1}) + count = count+1; + Labels_new{count,1} = char(Labels_used{ii,1}); + + end + end + Labels_used = Labels_new; +end +Labels_usedIndex = []; +if ~isempty(Labels_used) && ~isempty(AllabelArray) + count = 0; + for ii = 1:length(AllabelArray) + for jj = 1:length(Labels_used) + if strcmp(AllabelArray{ii},Labels_used{jj}) + count = count+1; + Labels_usedIndex(count) = ii; + end + end + end +end +handles.output = {Data,Labels_used,Labels_usedIndex}; % Update handles structure guidata(hObject, handles); uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); @@ -171,81 +239,611 @@ function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) end -% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_edit. -function pushbutton_edit_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -plotArrayFormt = handles.plotArrayFormt; -plotArrayFormtOld=handles.plotArrayFormtOlder; -for ii = 1:length(plotArrayFormtOld)-1 - plotArrayFormtOldin{ii,1} = plotArrayFormtOld{ii}; +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_clearall. +function pushbutton_clearall_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +%%clear all labels +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + Data{ii,jj} = ''; + end end -[Numrows,Numcolumns]= size(plotArrayFormt); +handles.GridinforData = Data; +handles.uitable1_layout.Data = Data; +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray ; +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(Data,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); +guidata(hObject, handles); -if Numrows ==1 && Numcolumns>=2 - for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns-1 - plotArrayFormtin{Numofcolumns,1} = char(plotArrayFormt{Numofcolumns}); - end -elseif Numrows >=2 && Numcolumns==1 - for Numofrows = 1:Numrows-1 - plotArrayFormtin{Numofrows,1} = char(plotArrayFormt{Numofrows}); - end + +% --- Executes on selection change in listbox_Labels. +function listbox_Labels_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); + +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray ; +Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +try + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +catch + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=Data; +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function listbox_Labels_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); +end + + +function MakerLabels(~,~, handles) +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +%%check the changed labels +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray ; +[Data, EmptyStr] = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data = Data; +handles.GridinforData = Data; +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(Data,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; +if ~strcmp(EmptyStr,',') && ~strcmp(string(EmptyStr)," ") && ~isempty(EmptyStr) + handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([EmptyStr,32,'do(es)not match with items in the right panel.']); else + handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); +end + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton_default. +function pushbutton_default_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +GridinforData = handles.GridinforData_def; +[Numrows,Numcolumns] = size(GridinforData); +for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns + columFormat{Numofcolumns} = 'char'; + ColumnEditable(Numofcolumns) =1; + ColumnName{1,Numofcolumns} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumns)]); +end + +for Numofrows = 1:Numrows + RowName{1,Numofrows} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrows)]); +end +set(handles.uitable1_layout,'Data',GridinforData); +handles.GridinforData = GridinforData; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; +handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray ; +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(GridinforData,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; +handles.text_rownum.String = num2str(Numrows); +handles.edit1_columnsNum.String = num2str(Numcolumns); +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; + +Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +try + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +catch + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=Data; + +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +function edit1_columnsNum_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +columNum = str2num(get(hObject,'String')); +Data= handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +if isempty(columNum) || columNum<=0 + handles.text7_message.String = '"Columns" should be a positive number.'; + handles.edit1_columnsNum.String = size(Data,2); return; end +RowsNum = str2num(handles.text_rownum.String); +if isempty(RowsNum) || RowsNum<=0 + RowsNum = size(Data,1); +end +cuntNum = 0; +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + cuntNum = cuntNum+1; + DataOld{cuntNum} = char(Data{ii,jj}); + end +end + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray; +count1 = 0; +for Numofrow = 1:RowsNum + for Numofcolumn = 1:columNum + count1 = count1+1; + try + DataNew{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = DataOld{count1} ; + catch + DataNew{Numofrow,Numofcolumn}=''; + end + end +end +for Numofcolumn = 1:columNum + columFormat{Numofcolumn} = 'char'; + ColumnEditable(Numofcolumn) =1; + ColumnName{1,Numofcolumn} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumn)]); +end +handles.GridinforData = DataNew; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=DataNew; +DataNew = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(DataNew,AllabelArray); +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(DataNew,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); try - ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - PLOTORG(1) = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; - PLOTORG(2) = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Overlay ; - PLOTORG(3) = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Pages; + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; catch - PLOTORG = [1 2 3]; + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(DataNew,SingleCell); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=Data; +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + + + +% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. +function edit1_columnsNum_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) + set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); end -changedoutput = editlayoutstringGUI(plotArrayFormtOldin,plotArrayFormtin,PLOTORG); -if isempty(changedoutput) + + +function text_rownum_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +handles.text7_message.String = ''; +RowsNum = str2num(get(hObject,'String')); +Data= handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +if isempty(RowsNum) || RowsNum<=0 + handles.text7_message.String = '"Rows" should be a positive number.'; + handles.text_rownum.String = size(Data,1); return; end +columNum = str2num(handles.edit1_columnsNum.String); +if isempty(columNum) || columNum<=0 + columNum = size(Data,2); +end +cuntNum = 0; +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + cuntNum = cuntNum+1; + DataOld{cuntNum} = char(Data{ii,jj}); + end +end + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray; +count1 = 0; +for Numofrow = 1:RowsNum + RowName{1,Numofrow} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrow)]); + for Numofcolumn = 1:columNum + count1 = count1+1; + try + DataNew{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = DataOld{count1} ; + catch + DataNew{Numofrow,Numofcolumn}=''; + end + end +end +handles.GridinforData = DataNew; +handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; +handles.uitable1_layout.Data = []; +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=DataNew; +DataNew = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(DataNew,AllabelArray); +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(DataNew,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; + +handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([' In the right panel:\n Blue labels: unused.\n Red labels: used more than once.\n Black labels: used once.\n *: Selected in main GUI.']); try - for Numofrows = 1:size(changedoutput) - changeStr{Numofrows} = char(changedoutput{Numofrows,2}); + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +catch + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +DataNew = f_add_bgcolor_cell(DataNew,SingleCell); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=DataNew; +guidata(hObject, handles); + + + +%%Mark the labels with different colors(blue: unused; black:used; red:Repeated;* means items were selected in the main GUI) +% function [LabelStrout] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(Gridata,LabelStr,AllabelArray) +% usedIndex = zeros(length(AllabelArray),1); +% for jj = 1:length(AllabelArray) +% for ii = 1:length(LabelStr) +% if strcmp(AllabelArray{jj},LabelStr{ii}) +% usedIndex(jj) = 1; +% end +% end +% end +% +% LabelsFlag = [0 0 0]; +% for ii = 1:length(AllabelArray) +% code1 = 0; +% for jj = 1:size(Gridata,1) +% for kk = 1:size(Gridata,2) +% if strcmp(AllabelArray{ii},Gridata{jj,kk}) +% code1 = code1+1; +% end +% end +% end +% +% if usedIndex(ii)==1%% the item will be marked with * if the labels was selected +% % AllabelArray{ii} = strcat(AllabelArray{ii},'*'); +% Numstr = strcat('*',num2str(ii)); +% else +% Numstr = strcat(num2str(ii)); +% end +% +% if code1 ==0 +% LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; +% LabelsFlag(1) = 1; +% elseif code1 >1 +% LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; +% LabelsFlag(3) = 1; +% else +% LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; +% LabelsFlag(2) = 1; +% end +% end + + +function Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell) +colergen = @(color,text) ['
']; +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + if strcmp(Data{ii,jj},SingleCell) + hex_color_here = ['#' dec2hex(255,2) dec2hex(255,2) dec2hex(0,2)]; + Data{ii,jj} = colergen(hex_color_here,Data{ii,jj}); + end end +end + + +% function [Data, EPStr]= f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,LabelStr) +% countEp = 0; +% EPStr = ''; +% for ii = 1:size(Data,1) +% for jj = 1:size(Data,2) +% count = 0; +% for kk = 1:length(LabelStr) +% Data1= strrep(Data{ii,jj},'
',''); +% Data1 = strrep(Data1,'
',''); +% Data{ii,jj} = char(Data1); +% if strcmp(strtrim(char(LabelStr{kk})),strtrim(char(Data{ii,jj}))) +% Data{ii,jj} = char(LabelStr{kk}); +% count = count +1; +% end +% end +% if count==0 +% countEp = countEp+1; +% if countEp==1 +% if ischar(Data{ii,jj}) +% if ~isempty(Data{ii,jj}) +% EPStr = char(Data{ii,jj}); +% end +% elseif isnumeric(Data{ii,jj}) +% if ~isempty(Data{ii,jj}) +% EPStr = num2str(Data{ii,jj}); +% end +% end +% else +% if ischar(Data{ii,jj}) +% if ~isempty(Data{ii,jj}) +% EPStr = strcat(EPStr,',',char(Data{ii,jj})); +% end +% elseif isnumeric(Data{ii,jj}) +% if ~isempty(Data{ii,jj}) +% EPStr = strcat(EPStr,',',num2str(Data{ii,jj})); +% end +% end +% end +% Data{ii,jj} = ''; +% end +% end +% end + + + +function Labels_used = unique_str(Data) +Labels_used{1,1} = Data{1,1}; +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + if ismember_bc2(Data{ii,jj}, Labels_used) + else + if ~isempty(char(Data{ii,jj})) + Labels_used{length(Labels_used)+1,1} = Data{ii,jj}; + end + end + end +end + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton6_import. +function pushbutton6_import_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +[filename, filepath] = uigetfile('*.txt', ... + 'Load Gird Locations', ... + 'MultiSelect', 'off'); +if isequal(filename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel'); + return; +end +try + % DataInput = importdata([filepath,filename]);%%There are some errors + % when using importdata + DataInput = readcell([filepath,filename]); + CellNum=2; catch - for Numofrows = 1:size(changedoutput) - changeStr{Numofrows} = char(changedoutput{Numofrows,1}); - end -end - -if ~isempty(changeStr) - columFormat = handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat; - columFormatOld = columFormat{1}; - GridinforDataOld = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; - [Numrows,Numcolumns] = size(GridinforDataOld); - for Numofrow = 1:Numrows - for Numofcolumn = 1:Numcolumns - SingleStr = char(GridinforDataOld{Numofrow,Numofcolumn}); - [C,IA] = ismember_bc2(SingleStr,columFormatOld); - if C ==1 - if IA < length(columFormatOld) - try - GridinforDataOld{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = char(changeStr{IA}); - catch - GridinforDataOld{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = char(''); + + DataInput = readcell([filepath,filename]); + handles.text7_message.String = sprintf(['Cannot import:',filepath,filename]); + return; + CellNum=2; +end +if isempty(DataInput) + handles.text7_message.String = sprintf(['The file is empty.']); + return; +end + +DataOutput = f_gridlocation_transcell(DataInput,CellNum); + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray; +[Data,EmptyStr] = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(DataOutput,AllabelArray); +handles.GridinforData = Data; +try + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +catch + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +DataNew = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell); + +handles.uitable1_layout.Data = DataNew; +handles.edit1_columnsNum.String = num2str(size(Data,2)); +handles.text_rownum.String = num2str(size(Data,1)); +Numcolumns =size(Data,2); +Numrows = size(Data,1); +for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns + columFormat{Numofcolumns} = 'char'; + ColumnEditable(Numofcolumns) =1; + ColumnName{1,Numofcolumns} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumns)]); +end + +for Numofrows = 1:Numrows + RowName{1,Numofrows} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrows)]); +end +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; +handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; +if ~strcmp(EmptyStr,',') && ~strcmp(string(EmptyStr)," ") && ~isempty(EmptyStr) + handles.text7_message.String = sprintf([EmptyStr,32,'do(es)not match with items in the right panel.']); +end +DataNew=handles.GridinforData; +usedIndex = handles.usedIndex; +[LabelStr] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(DataNew,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String=LabelStr; + + + + + + +function DataOutput = f_gridlocation_transcell(DataInput,CellNum) +if CellNum~=1 + if strcmpi(DataInput{1,size(DataInput,2)},'') + for ii = 1:size(DataInput,1) + for jj = 1:size(DataInput,2)-1 + DataInputTras{ii,jj} = DataInput{ii,jj}; + end + end + DataInput = DataInputTras; + end + if strcmpi(DataInput{size(DataInput,1),1},'') + for ii = 1:size(DataInput,1)-1 + for jj = 1:size(DataInput,2) + DataInputTras1{ii,jj} = DataInput{ii,jj}; + end + end + DataInput = DataInputTras1; + end +end + +DataOutput = cell(size(DataInput,1),size(DataInput,2)); +if CellNum==1 + if iscell(DataInput) + for ii =1:size(DataInput,1) + chanlabels=regexp(DataInput{ii,1},'.*?\s+', 'match'); + DataNum(ii) = length(chanlabels); + end + for ii =1:size(DataInput,1) + for jj = 1:max(DataNum(:)) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(''); + end + end + for ii =1:size(DataInput,1) + chanlabels=regexp(DataInput{ii,1},'.*?\s+', 'match'); + for jj = 1:length(chanlabels) + if ischar(chanlabels{jj}) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = strtrim(char(chanlabels{jj})); + elseif isnumeric(chanlabels{jj}) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = num2str(chanlabels{jj}); + else + end + end + end + return; + end +else + for ii = 1:size(DataInput,1) + for jj = 1:size(DataInput,2) + if ~ismissing(DataInput{ii,jj}) + if ~isempty(DataInput{ii,jj}) + if ischar(DataInput{ii,jj}) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(DataInput{ii,jj}); + elseif isnumeric(DataInput{ii,jj}) + if isnan(DataInput{ii,jj}) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(''); + else + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(num2str(DataInput{ii,jj})); + end + else + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(''); end - elseif IA == length(columFormatOld) - GridinforDataOld{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = char('None'); + else + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(''); end else - GridinforDataOld{Numofrow,Numofcolumn} = char('None'); + DataOutput{ii,jj} = char(''); end end end - handles.uitable1_layout.Data = GridinforDataOld; - changeStr{length(changeStr)+1} = char('None'); - for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns - handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat{Numofcolumns} = changeStr; + return; +end + +if isnumeric(DataInput) + for ii = 1:size(DataInput,1) + for jj = 1:size(DataInput,2) + DataOutput{ii,jj} = num2str(DataInput(ii,jj)); + end end - handles.plotArrayFormt = changeStr; + return; end -guidata(hObject, handles); -% uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); + + + + + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton8_Export. +function pushbutton8_Export_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) + +pathstr = pwd; +namedef ='GridLocations'; +[erpfilename, erppathname, indxs] = uiputfile({'*.txt'}, ... + ['Save Grid Locations as'],... + fullfile(pathstr,namedef)); +if isequal(erpfilename,0) + disp('User selected Cancel') + return +end + +[pathstr, erpfilename, ext] = fileparts(erpfilename) ; +ext = '.txt'; +erpFilename = char(strcat(erppathname,erpfilename,ext)); + +AllabelArray = handles.AllabelArray; +fileID = fopen(erpFilename,'w'); +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; +Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +[nrows,ncols] = size(Data); +Data = f_gridlocation_respace_addnan(Data); +formatSpec =''; +for jj = 1:ncols + formatSpec = strcat(formatSpec,'%s\t',32); +end +formatSpec = strcat(formatSpec,'\n'); + +for row = 1:nrows + fprintf(fileID,formatSpec,Data{row,:}); +end +fclose(fileID); + + +function data = f_gridlocation_respace_addnan(data) +[nrows,ncols] =size(data); +for ii = 1:nrows + for jj = 1:ncols + labx = data{ii,jj}; + labx= strrep(char(labx),' ',''); + if ~isempty(labx) + labx = regexprep(labx,'\\|\/|\*|\#|\$|\@','_'); + else + labx = 'NaN'; + end + data{ii,jj} = labx; + end +end + + + + + +function handles = Datacreate(plotBox,GridinforData,plotArrayFormt,AllabelArray,handles) +Numrows = plotBox(1); +Numcolumns = plotBox(2); +FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + +usedIndex = zeros(length(AllabelArray),1); +for jj = 1:length(AllabelArray) + for ii = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + if strcmp(AllabelArray{jj},plotArrayFormt{ii}) + usedIndex(jj) = 1; + end + end +end +handles.usedIndex = usedIndex; + +% tablePosition = handles.uitable1_layout.Position; +for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns + columFormat{Numofcolumns} = 'char'; + ColumnEditable(Numofcolumns) =1; + ColumnName{1,Numofcolumns} = char(['C',num2str(Numofcolumns)]); +end + +for Numofrows = 1:Numrows + RowName{1,Numofrows} = char(['R',num2str(Numofrows)]); +end +set(handles.uitable1_layout,'Data',GridinforData); +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; +handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowName; +handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; +handles.uitable1_layout.FontSize = FonsizeDefault; +handles.uitable1_layout.CellEditCallback = {@MakerLabels,handles}; + +[plotArrayFormt] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(GridinforData,usedIndex,AllabelArray); +handles.listbox_Labels.String = ''; +handles.listbox_Labels.String = plotArrayFormt; + +Data = handles.uitable1_layout.Data; + +Data = f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,AllabelArray); +try + SingleCell = AllabelArray{handles.listbox_Labels.Value}; +catch + SingleCell = AllabelArray{1}; +end +Data = f_add_bgcolor_cell(Data,SingleCell); +handles.uitable1_layout.Data=Data; +handles.listbox_Labels.Min = 0; +handles.listbox_Labels.Max =1; +handles.listbox_Labels.Value = 1; +% diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.fig b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.fig deleted file mode 100755 index 6c819a93..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.fig and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.m deleted file mode 100755 index a10e0ea5..00000000 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/editlayoutstringGUI.m +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -function varargout = editlayoutstringGUI(varargin) -% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT -gui_Singleton = 1; -gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... - 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... - 'gui_OpeningFcn', @editlayoutstringGUI_OpeningFcn, ... - 'gui_OutputFcn', @editlayoutstringGUI_OutputFcn, ... - 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... - 'gui_Callback', []); -if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) - gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); -end - -if nargout - [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -else - gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -end -% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT - -%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -function editlayoutstringGUI_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) -handles.output = []; - -try - listname = varargin{1}; -catch - for ii = 1:100 - listname{ii,1} = num2str(ii); - end -end - -try - listnameOlder = varargin{2}; -catch - listnameOlder = listname; -end - - -try - PLOTORG = varargin{3}; -catch - PLOTORG = [1 2 3]; -end - -try - titlename = varargin{4}; -catch - titlename = 'Edit labels for Plot Organization'; -end - -[Numrows,Numcolumns] = size(listname); - - -for Numofrows = 1:Numrows - for Numofcolumns = 1:2 - try - if Numofcolumns==1 - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(listname{Numofrows,1}); - else - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(listnameOlder{Numofrows}); - end - catch - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = 'None'; - end - end -end - - - -ColumnEditable =[0,1]; -ColumnWidth = {300 300}; -ColumnName{1,1} = char(['Default Name']); -ColumnName{1,2} = char(['Custom Name']); -columFormat = {'char','char'}; - -for Numofrow = 1:Numrows - if PLOTORG(1)==1 - RowsName{Numofrow} = char(['Ch',num2str(Numofrow)]); - elseif PLOTORG(1)==2 - RowsName{Numofrow} = char(['Bin',num2str(Numofrow)]); - elseif PLOTORG(1)==3 - RowsName{Numofrow} = char(['Erp',num2str(Numofrow)]); - else - RowsName{Numofrow} = char(['Ch',num2str(Numofrow)]); - end -end - -% -% Color GUI -% -% handles = painterplab(handles); -[version reldate,ColorBdef,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; -set(handles.gui_chassis, 'Color', ColorBviewer_def); -% -% Set font size -% -% handles = setfonterplab(handles); - -% Update handles structure - - - -guidata(hObject, handles); -set(handles.uitable1_layout,'Data',GridinforData); -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnEditable = logical(ColumnEditable); -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnWidth = ColumnWidth; -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnName = ColumnName; -handles.uitable1_layout.RowName = RowsName; -handles.uitable1_layout.ColumnFormat = columFormat; -set(handles.gui_chassis, 'Name', titlename, 'WindowStyle','modal'); - -% UIWAIT makes editlayoutstringGUI wait for user response (see UIRESUME) -uiwait(handles.gui_chassis); - - -%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -function varargout = editlayoutstringGUI_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -try - varargout{1} = handles.output; -catch - varargout{1} = []; -end -% The figure can be deleted now -delete(handles.gui_chassis); -pause(0.1) - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% function listbox_list_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% -% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -% function listbox_list_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor')) -% set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white'); -% end - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -function pushbutton_cancel_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -handles.output = []; -% Update handles structure -guidata(hObject, handles); -uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -function pushbutton_ok_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) - -Data = get(handles.uitable1_layout, 'Data'); -handles.output = Data; - -% Update handles structure -guidata(hObject, handles); -uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); - -%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -function gui_chassis_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -if isequal(get(handles.gui_chassis, 'waitstatus'), 'waiting') - % The GUI is still in UIWAIT, us UIRESUME - uiresume(handles.gui_chassis); -else - % The GUI is no longer waiting, just close it - delete(handles.gui_chassis); -end diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/erpAutoYLim.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/erpAutoYLim.m index 87d03979..031f8a4e 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/erpAutoYLim.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/erpAutoYLim.m @@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ if yylim(1)<1E-6 && yylim(2)<1E-6 if strcmpi(datatype, 'ERP') yylim(1:2) = [-1 1]; - fprintf('WARNING: It seems like erpAutoYLim() found flatlined ERPs. So auto Y-limit was set to [-1 1].\n'); +% fprintf('WARNING: It seems like erpAutoYLim() found flatlined ERPs. So auto Y-limit was set to [-1 1].\n'); else yylim(1:2) = [0 1]; - fprintf('WARNING: It seems like erpAutoYLim() found flatlined Spectrum. So auto Y-limit was set to [0 1].\n'); +% fprintf('WARNING: It seems like erpAutoYLim() found flatlined Spectrum. So auto Y-limit was set to [0 1].\n'); end end catch diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI.m index 0f679dbb..f6861d3c 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI.m @@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ global viewer_ERPDAT global observe_ERPDAT; -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@v_currentERP_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change',@ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change); addlistener(observe_ERPDAT,'ERP_chan_change',@ERP_chan_changed); addlistener(observe_ERPDAT,'ERP_bin_change',@ERP_bin_changed); addlistener(observe_ERPDAT,'Two_GUI_change',@Two_GUI_change); @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault); @@ -67,6 +68,8 @@ varargout{1} = Chanbin_waveviewer_box; % Draw the ui function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin');%%call the memery for this panel + try [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; catch @@ -86,13 +89,20 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) end ERPwaveview_binchan.vBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', Chanbin_waveviewer_box, 'Spacing', 5,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % VBox for everything ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') %&& ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') ERPwaviewer.erp_binchan_op = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1}=0; end try - Enable_auto = ERPwaviewer.binchan_op; + Enable_auto = MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1}; catch Enable_auto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1}=1; + end + if numel(Enable_auto)~=1 || (Enable_auto~=0 && Enable_auto~=1) + Enable_auto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1}=1; end if Enable_auto ==1 Enable_label = 'off'; @@ -103,12 +113,15 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaveview_binchan.opts_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.vBox, 'Spacing', 5,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); ERPwaveview_binchan.auto = uicontrol('Style', 'radiobutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.opts_title,... 'String','Same as EStudio','callback',@Chanbin_auto,'Value',Enable_auto,'Enable','on','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - + ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.KeyPressFcn = @setbinchan_presskey; ERPwaveview_binchan.custom = uicontrol('Style', 'radiobutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.opts_title,... 'String','Custom','callback',@Chanbin_custom,'Value',~Enable_auto,'Enable','on','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.KeyPressFcn = @setbinchan_presskey; + % %%---------------------Display channel and bin labels----------------------------------------------------- + ERPwaveview_binchan.DataSelGrid = uiextras.HBox('Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.vBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERP,SelectedIndex); @@ -119,16 +132,30 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) end % Channel information Chanlist = chanStr; - Chan_sel = ERPwaviewer.chan; - if ~isempty(Chan_sel) - if max(Chan_sel)> numel(Chanlist) - Chan_sel= 1:length(Chanlist); + Chan_seldef = ERPwaviewer.chan; + if ~isempty(Chan_seldef) + if max(Chan_seldef)> numel(Chanlist) + Chan_seldef= 1:length(Chanlist); end else - Chan_sel= 1:length(Chanlist); + Chan_seldef= 1:length(Chanlist); end + try + Chan_sel = MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} = Chan_seldef; + Chan_sel = Chan_seldef; + end + Chan_sel = unique(Chan_sel); + if isempty(Chan_sel) || max(Chan_sel(:))> length(Chanlist) || min(Chan_sel(:))> length(Chanlist) || min(Chan_sel(:))<=0 + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} = Chan_seldef; + Chan_sel = Chan_seldef; + end + ERPwaviewer.chan = Chan_sel; ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange = uicontrol('Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.DataSelGrid,'Style','listbox','min',1,'max',length(Chanlist_name),... 'String', Chanlist_name,'Callback',@ViewerElecRange,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'Enable',Enable_label); % 2B + + ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.KeyPressFcn = @setbinchan_presskey; if numel(Chan_sel) == numel(Chanlist) ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Value =1; else @@ -137,20 +164,32 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) %%Bin information brange = cell(length(binStr)+1,1); BinNum = length(binStr); - Bin_sel = ERPwaviewer.bin; - if ~isempty(Bin_sel) - if max(Bin_sel)> BinNum - Bin_sel= 1:BinNum; + Bin_seldef = ERPwaviewer.bin; + if ~isempty(Bin_seldef) + if max(Bin_seldef)> BinNum + Bin_seldef= 1:BinNum; end else - Bin_sel= 1:BinNum; + Bin_seldef= 1:BinNum; + end + try + Bin_sel = MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} = Bin_seldef; + Bin_sel = Bin_seldef; + end + if isempty(Bin_sel) || max(Bin_sel(:))> length(binStr) || min(Bin_sel(:))> length(binStr) || min(Bin_sel(:))<=0 + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} = Bin_seldef; + Bin_sel = Bin_seldef; end + ERPwaviewer.bin=Bin_sel; brange(1) = {'All'}; for Numofbin11 = 1:length(binStr) brange(Numofbin11+1) = {char(strcat(num2str(Numofbin11),'.',32,char(binStr(Numofbin11))))}; end ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange = uicontrol('Parent', ERPwaveview_binchan.DataSelGrid,'Style','listbox','Min',1,'Max',BinNum+1,... 'String', brange,'callback',@ViewerBinRange,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'Enable',Enable_label); % 2C + ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.KeyPressFcn = @setbinchan_presskey; if BinNum== numel(Bin_sel) ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Value =1; else @@ -160,9 +199,6 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = 'Same as EStudio'; - % elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - % ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = 'Same as ERPLAB'; - % set(ERPwaveview_binchan.opts_title ,'Sizes',[130 90]); else ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = ''; ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Enable = 'off'; @@ -183,9 +219,12 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(FonsizeDefault) uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_binchan.help_apply_title ); ERPwaveview_binchan.apply = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent',ERPwaveview_binchan.help_apply_title ,'String','Apply',... 'callback',@setbinchan_apply,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' +% ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.KeyPressFcn = @setbinchan_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_binchan.help_apply_title ); set(ERPwaveview_binchan.help_apply_title ,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 20]); set(ERPwaveview_binchan.vBox, 'Sizes', [20 190 25]); + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -201,11 +240,11 @@ function ViewerElecRange(Source,~) ChanArray = Source.Value; [x_flag,y_flag] = find(ChanArray==1); if ~isempty(y_flag) - Source.Value = 1; + Source.Value = 1; else - if length(Source.String)-1 == numel(ChanArray) - Source.Value = 1; - end + if length(Source.String)-1 == numel(ChanArray) + Source.Value = 1; + end end estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_chanbin',1); ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; @@ -224,11 +263,11 @@ function ViewerBinRange(BinSource,~) BinArray = BinSource.Value; [x_flag,y_flag] = find(BinArray==1); if ~isempty(y_flag) - BinSource.Value = 1; + BinSource.Value = 1; else - if length(BinSource.String)-1 == numel(BinArray) - BinSource.Value = 1; - end + if length(BinSource.String)-1 == numel(BinArray) + BinSource.Value = 1; + end end estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_chanbin',1); @@ -243,7 +282,6 @@ function Chanbin_auto(source,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=2 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_chanbin',1); ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; @@ -389,11 +427,14 @@ function setbinchan_help(~,~) viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end + changeFlag = estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_chanbin'); if changeFlag~=1 return; end - + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Channels and Bins > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch @@ -436,6 +477,9 @@ function setbinchan_help(~,~) ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; Chanbin_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Channels and Bins > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end %%------------------------------Apply-------------------------------------- @@ -479,6 +523,12 @@ function setbinchan_apply(~,~) Chanbin_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ERPwaviewer_apply.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); %%change the other panels based on the changed bins and channels viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP+1; %%plot waves @@ -585,13 +635,19 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) end ERPwaviewer_S.bin = BinArray; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_S); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ERPwaviewer_S.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ERPwaviewer_S.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ERPwaviewer_S.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); end %%------------update this panel based on the imported parameters----------- - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=2 return; end @@ -631,6 +687,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) else Chan_sel= 1:length(Chanlist); end + ERPwaviewer_S.chan = Chan_sel; ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String = Chanlist_name; try if length(Chan_sel) == numel(chanStr) @@ -665,6 +722,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) else ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Value = Bin_sel+1; end + ERPwaviewer_S.bin = Bin_sel; ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') && ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') @@ -688,7 +746,11 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = 'Same as EStudio'; elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = 'Same as ERPLAB'; + ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = ''; + ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Enable = 'on'; + ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Enable = 'on'; + ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Enable = 'off'; + ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.Enable = 'off'; else ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.String = ''; ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Enable = 'off'; @@ -700,6 +762,13 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Enable = 'on'; end + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_S); + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ERPwaviewer_S.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ERPwaviewer_S.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ERPwaviewer_S.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count=3; end %%modify the channels based on the changes of main EStudio @@ -746,6 +815,12 @@ function ERP_chan_changed(~,~) assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer_apply); %%change the other panels based on the changed bins and channels viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP+1; + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ALLERPwaviewer_apply.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); %%plot waves f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); end @@ -791,6 +866,13 @@ function ERP_bin_changed(~,~) end ALLERPwaviewer_apply.bin = BinArrayStudio; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer_apply); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ALLERPwaviewer_apply.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); + %%change the other panels based on the changed bins and channels viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP+1; %%plot waves @@ -802,7 +884,7 @@ function ERP_bin_changed(~,~) %%change channels and bins based on the main EStudio function Two_GUI_change(~,~) if observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI~=2 - return; + return; end ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); @@ -881,7 +963,7 @@ function Two_GUI_change(~,~) else ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Value =ChanArrayStudio+1; end - ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Max = length( ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String)+2; + ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Max = length( ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String)+2; catch ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Value =1; end @@ -889,6 +971,14 @@ function Two_GUI_change(~,~) end ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Max = length(ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String)+2; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer_apply); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ALLERPwaviewer_apply.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ALLERPwaviewer_apply.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); + + %%change the other panels based on the changed bins and channels viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP+1; %%plot waves @@ -993,8 +1083,8 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) ERPwaviewerIN.chan = Chan_sel; ERPwaviewerIN.binchan_op = 1; elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Value = 1; - ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.Value =0; + ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Value = 0; + ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.Value =1; ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Enable = 'off'; ERPwaveview_binchan.custom.Enable = 'off'; ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Enable = 'on'; @@ -1021,9 +1111,16 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) end ERPwaviewerIN.bin = [1:length(ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.String)-1]; ERPwaviewerIN.chan = [1:length(ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String)-1]; - ERPwaviewerIN.binchan_op = 1; + ERPwaviewerIN.binchan_op = 0; end assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerIN); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ERPwaviewerIN.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ERPwaviewerIN.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ERPwaviewerIN.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); + ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; Chanbin_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; ERPwaveview_binchan.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; @@ -1031,4 +1128,56 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) end end%%reset end +%%Update the change of label indeces + function ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label~=1 + return; + end + try + ERPwaviewerIN = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + beep; + disp('f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); + return; + end + + if ERPwaveview_binchan.auto.Value ==0 + BinArray = ERPwaviewerIN.bin; + ChanArray = ERPwaviewerIN.chan; + ChaNum= length(ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.String)-1; + if max(ChanArray(:)) <=ChaNum + if ChaNum== numel(ChanArray) + ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Value=1; + else + ERPwaveview_binchan.ElecRange.Value= ChanArray+1; + end + end + BiNum = length(ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.String)-1; + if max(BinArray(:)) <=BiNum + if numel(BinArray)==BiNum + ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Value=1; + else + ERPwaveview_binchan.BinRange.Value=BinArray+1; + end + end + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{1} = ERPwaviewerIN.binchan_op; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{2} =ERPwaviewerIN.chan; + MERPWaveViewer_chanbin{3} =ERPwaviewerIN.bin; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_chanbin',MERPWaveViewer_chanbin); + end + end + + +%%Execute the panel when press "Return" or "Enter" + function setbinchan_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + setbinchan_apply(); + else + return; + end + end + end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI.m index 51f0c94b..580d9db3 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function varargout = f_ERP_labelset_waveviewer_GUI(varargin) global viewer_ERPDAT; -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); % addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Process_messg_change',@Process_messg_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; if nargin == 0 fig = figure(); % Parent figure - box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', fig, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels', 'Padding', 5,... + box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', fig, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Label Properties', 'Padding', 5,... 'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'TitleColor',[0.5 0.5 0.9],'ForegroundColor','w','FontSize',12); % Create boxpanel elseif nargin == 1 - box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', varargin{1}, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels', 'Padding', 5,... + box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', varargin{1}, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Label Properties', 'Padding', 5,... 'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'TitleColor',[0.5 0.5 0.9],'ForegroundColor','w','FontSize',12); else - box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', varargin{1}, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels', 'Padding', 5, ... + box_erplabelset_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', varargin{1}, 'Title', 'Chan/Bin/ERPset Label Properties', 'Padding', 5, ... 'FontSize', varargin{2},'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'TitleColor',[0.5 0.5 0.9],'ForegroundColor','w'); end %-----------------------------Draw the panel------------------------------------- @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault); @@ -65,9 +65,20 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',1,'FontWeight','bold'); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' %%-----------------Setting for Auto------- - locationAuto = 1; - locationno = 0; - locationcustom = 0;%% the default value + %%get the parameters from memory file + MERPWaveViewer_label= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label'); + try + locationAuto = MERPWaveViewer_label{1}; + locationno = MERPWaveViewer_label{2}; + locationcustom = MERPWaveViewer_label{3}; + catch + locationAuto = 1; + locationno = 0; + locationcustom = 0;%% the default value + MERPWaveViewer_label{1} = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_label{2} = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_label{3} = 0; + end if locationAuto ==1 locationno =0; locationcustom =0; @@ -81,41 +92,63 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) gui_labelset_waveviewer.parameters_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@labelauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',locationAuto); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'String','No labels',... 'callback',@nolabel,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',locationno); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'String','Custom',... 'callback',@customlabel,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',locationcustom); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; if gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value; gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value; customdefEnable = 'off'; elseif gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value - gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; customdefEnable = 'off'; elseif gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value - gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; - gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value = ~gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value; customdefEnable = 'on'; end ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.location.auto = gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value; ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.location.no = gui_labelset_waveviewer.nolabel.Value; ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom =gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value; - - xperDef = '50'; - yperDef = '100'; - CenDef = 1; + if locationAuto ==1 + xperDef = 50; + yperDef = 100; + else + try + xperDef= MERPWaveViewer_label{4}; + yperDef= MERPWaveViewer_label{5}; + catch + xperDef = 50; + yperDef = 100; + MERPWaveViewer_label{4} = xperDef; + MERPWaveViewer_label{5} = yperDef; + end + end + try + CenDef = MERPWaveViewer_label{6}; + catch + CenDef = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_label{6} =1; + end gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperctitle = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String','X%',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelauto.Value); % - gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String',xperDef,... + gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String',num2str(xperDef),... 'callback',@label_xperc, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',customdefEnable); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperctitle = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String','Y%',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % - gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String',yperDef,... + gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String',num2str(yperDef),... 'callback',@label_yperc, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',customdefEnable); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; gui_labelset_waveviewer.center = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'String','Centered',... 'callback',@label_center,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Enable',customdefEnable,'Value',CenDef); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.center.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; set(gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelloc_title,'Sizes',[30 45 30 45 80]); ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc = str2num(char(gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.String)); ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc = str2num(char(gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.String)); @@ -124,11 +157,25 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) % %%--------------------font and font size--------------------------- gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - fontDef = 2; + try + fontDef=MERPWaveViewer_label{7}; + catch + fontDef = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_label{7}=3; + end fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; labelfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); - LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + try + LabelfontsizeValue = MERPWaveViewer_label{8}; + catch + LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_label{8}=4; + end + if numel(LabelfontsizeValue)~=1 || LabelfontsizeValue<=0 || LabelfontsizeValue>20 + LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_label{8}=4; + end uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_title,'String','Label Font & Fontsize & Color:',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'FontWeight','bold'); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); @@ -137,24 +184,31 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_title ,'String',fonttype,... 'callback',@label_font,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',fontDef,'Enable',customdefEnable); % - + gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_title ,'String','Size',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_title ,'String',fontsize,... 'callback',@label_fontsize,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',LabelfontsizeValue,'Enable',customdefEnable); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; set(gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_title,'Sizes',[30 110 30 70]); ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.font = gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; ERPwaviewer.chanbinsetlabel.fontsize = labelfontsizeinum(gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); %%--------------Label text color----------- - Labelfontcolor =1; + try + Labelfontcolor= MERPWaveViewer_label{9}; + catch + Labelfontcolor =1; + MERPWaveViewer_label{9} =1; + end gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title,'String','Color',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % textColor = {'Black','Red','Blue','Green','Orange','Cyan','Magenla'}; gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent',gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title,'String',textColor,... 'callback',@label_color,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',customdefEnable,'Value',Labelfontcolor); % + gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.KeyPressFcn = @labels_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title); uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title); set(gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor_title,'Sizes',[40 100 30 70]); @@ -172,6 +226,7 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) set(gui_labelset_waveviewer.help_apply_title ,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 20]); set(gui_labelset_waveviewer.DataSelBox ,'Sizes',[20 25 25 20 25 25 25]); assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label',MERPWaveViewer_label); end %%***********************************************************************%% @@ -197,13 +252,13 @@ function labelauto(~,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.center.Enable = Enable; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = Enable; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = Enable; - gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value = 2; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value = 3; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value = 4; gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.String ='50' ; gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.String = '100'; gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.Enable = Enable; gui_labelset_waveviewer.label_customtable.Enable = Enable; - gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.Value = 1; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.Value = 1; %%----------------Update the label----------------- try ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); @@ -311,8 +366,11 @@ function label_xperc(Source,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplabelset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - if isempty(str2num(Source.String)) - gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.String ='50' ; + if isempty(str2num(Source.String)) || numel(str2num(Source.String))~=1 + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + messgStr = strcat('Chan/Bin/ERPset Label Properties > X% should a number and we therefore used 50'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); + gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.String ='50' ; end end @@ -326,8 +384,11 @@ function label_yperc(Source,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplabelset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - if isempty(str2num(Source.String)) - gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.String = '100'; + if isempty(str2num(Source.String)) || numel(str2num(Source.String))~=1 + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + messgStr = strcat('Chan/Bin/ERPset Label Properties > Y% should a number and we therefore used 100'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); + gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.String = '100'; end end @@ -385,9 +446,14 @@ function label_help(~,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=5 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end - + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; changeFlag = estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_labels'); if changeFlag~=1 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; return; end @@ -440,6 +506,9 @@ function label_help(~,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplabelset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Chan/Bin/ERPset Labels > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end %%------------------------------Apply-------------------------------------- @@ -469,33 +538,45 @@ function label_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom =gui_labelset_waveviewer.customlabel.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc = str2num(char(gui_labelset_waveviewer.xperc_edit.String)); ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc = str2num(char(gui_labelset_waveviewer.yperc_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_label{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.auto; + MERPWaveViewer_label{2} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.no; + MERPWaveViewer_label{3} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom; + MERPWaveViewer_label{4} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc; + MERPWaveViewer_label{5} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc; + if ( ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.no==1 || ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom ==1) && (isempty(ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc) || isempty(ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc)) ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.auto = 1; ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.no = 0; ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom =0; end ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.center = gui_labelset_waveviewer.center.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.center; + fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; labelfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.font = gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{7} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.font; try ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.fontsize = labelfontsizeinum(gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); catch ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.fontsize = 10; end ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor = gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{8} = gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{9} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor; ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer_apply; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label',MERPWaveViewer_label); end %%-------------change this panel based on the loaded parameters------------ - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=5 return; end try @@ -569,6 +650,19 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value = xsize; textColor = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor; gui_labelset_waveviewer.labelcolor.Value = textColor; + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count =6; + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_label{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.auto; + MERPWaveViewer_label{2} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.no; + MERPWaveViewer_label{3} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom; + MERPWaveViewer_label{4} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc; + MERPWaveViewer_label{5} =ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc; + MERPWaveViewer_label{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.location.center; + MERPWaveViewer_label{7} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.font; + MERPWaveViewer_label{8} = gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{9} = ERPwaviewer_apply.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label',MERPWaveViewer_label); end @@ -616,11 +710,11 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc = 100; ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.center =1; %%label font, fontsize and color - ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.font =2; + ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.font =3; ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.fontsize =10; ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor=1; fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; - gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value=2; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value=3; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.String = fonttype; gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable='off'; % gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value=4; @@ -631,9 +725,35 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplabelset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + + %%save the default parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_label{1} = ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.auto; + MERPWaveViewer_label{2} = ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.no; + MERPWaveViewer_label{3} =ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.custom; + MERPWaveViewer_label{4} =ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.xperc; + MERPWaveViewer_label{5} =ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.yperc; + MERPWaveViewer_label{6} = ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.location.center; + MERPWaveViewer_label{7} = ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.font; + MERPWaveViewer_label{8} = gui_labelset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_label{9} = ERPwaviewerin.chanbinsetlabel.textcolor; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label',MERPWaveViewer_label); + viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel=6; end end +%%using "Return" key to execute this panel + function labels_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + label_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_labels',0); + gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + gui_labelset_waveviewer.Apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + box_erplabelset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI.m index 93f52b13..85a35e47 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ global viewer_ERPDAT; addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'legend_change',@legend_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'page_xyaxis_change',@page_xyaxis_change); -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@v_currentERP_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault); varargout{1} = box_erplineset_viewer_property; @@ -51,17 +51,27 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch beep; disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end + %%--------------------channel and bin setting---------------------- gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', box_erplineset_viewer_property,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %%-----------------Setting for Auto------- - linAutoValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend');%%call the parameters for this panel + try + linAutoValue= MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}; + catch + linAutoValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=1; + end + if isempty(linAutoValue) ||numel(linAutoValue)~=1 || (linAutoValue~=0 && linAutoValue~=1) + linAutoValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=1; + end if linAutoValue ==1 DataEnable = 'off'; else @@ -73,9 +83,10 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@lines_auto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',linAutoValue); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linescustom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'String','Custom',... 'callback',@lines_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~linAutoValue); % - + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linescustom.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.parameters_title,'Sizes',[60 70 70]); %%-----------Setting for line table----------------------------- @@ -97,10 +108,16 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) [lineNameStr,linecolors,linetypes,linewidths,linecolors_str,linetypes_str,linewidths_str,linecolorsrgb] = f_get_lineset_ERPviewer(); if linAutoValue lineset_str =table(lineNameStr,linecolors,linetypes,linewidths); - lineset_str = table2cell(lineset_str); + lineset_strdef = table2cell(lineset_str); else lineset_str =table(lineNameStr,linecolorsrgb,linetypes,linewidths); - lineset_str = table2cell(lineset_str); + lineset_strdef = table2cell(lineset_str); + end + try + lineset_str= MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}; + catch + lineset_str = lineset_strdef; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}=lineset_str; end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable = uitable(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable_title); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.ColumnFormat = {'char', 'char',... @@ -115,6 +132,7 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.RowName = []; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.ColumnWidth = {25 80 65 50}; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.CellEditCallback = @line_customtable; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; %%setting for uitable: https://undocumentedmatlab.com/artiALLERPwaviewercles/multi-line-uitable-column-headers if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value ==1 gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Enable = 'off'; @@ -124,20 +142,9 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewer.Lines.auto =gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; ERPwaviewer.Lines.data =gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; - %%------------------setting for legend--------------------------------------- - legendAuto = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_title,'String','Legend:',... - 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold'); % - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_title,'String','Auto',... - 'callback',@legend_auto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',legendAuto); % - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_title,'String','Custom',... - 'callback',@legend_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~legendAuto); % - set( gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_title,'Sizes',[60 70 70]); - %%-----------Setting for legend table ----------------------------- - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); for ii = 1:100 LegendName{ii,1} = ''; LegendNamenum(ii,1) =ii; @@ -158,6 +165,7 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ChanArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -165,6 +173,7 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; @@ -173,6 +182,7 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ERPsetArray; else binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -180,70 +190,128 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; end catch legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); end - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable = uitable(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable_title); - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.ColumnEditable = [false,true]; + ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = legendset_str; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.FontSize = FonsizeDefault; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.ColumnName = {'#','Name'}; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.CellEditCallback = @legend_customtable; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1;1 1 1]; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.RowName = []; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.ColumnWidth = {20 200}; - % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.CellEditCallback = {@legend_customtable,ERPwaviewer_num}; - %%setting for uitable: https://undocumentedmatlab.com/artiALLERPwaviewercles/multi-line-uitable-column-headers - if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value ==1 - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'off'; + % + %%--------------------legend font and font size--------------------------- + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.fontcolor_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.fontcolor_title,'String','Legend:',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold'); % + try + fontcolorAuto=MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}; + catch + fontcolorAuto=1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=1; + end + if isempty(fontcolorAuto) || numel(fontcolorAuto)~=1 || (fontcolorAuto~=0 && fontcolorAuto~=1) + fontcolorAuto=1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=1; + end + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent',gui_erplinset_waveviewer.fontcolor_title,'String','Auto',... + 'callback',@font_color_auto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',fontcolorAuto); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.fontcolor_title,'String','Custom',... + 'callback',@font_color_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~fontcolorAuto); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; + set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.fontcolor_title,'Sizes',[60 70 70]); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.FontColorAuto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value==1 fontEnable = 'off'; else - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'on'; fontEnable = 'on'; end - ERPwaviewer.Legend.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; - - % - %%--------------------legend font and font size--------------------------- gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - fontDef = 2; + + try + fontDef = MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}; + catch + fontDef = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=3; + end + if isempty(fontDef) || numel(fontDef)~=1 || fontDef<1 || fontDef>5 + fontDef = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=3; + end fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; labelfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); - LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + try + LabelfontsizeValue = MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}; + catch + LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=4; + end + if isempty(LabelfontsizeValue) || numel(LabelfontsizeValue)~=1 || LabelfontsizeValue<1 || LabelfontsizeValue>20 + LabelfontsizeValue = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=4; + end + uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title ,'String','Font',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title ,'String',fonttype,... 'callback',@legendfont,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',fontDef,'Enable',fontEnable); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title ,'String','Size',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title ,'String',fontsize,... 'callback',@legendfontsize,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',LabelfontsizeValue,'Enable',fontEnable); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.labelfont_title,'Sizes',[30 110 30 70]); ERPwaviewer.Legend.font = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; ERPwaviewer.Legend.fontsize = labelfontsizeinum(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); %%----------------------------Legend textcolor--------------------- - legendtextcolorAuto =1; + try + legendtextcolorAuto= MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}; + catch + legendtextcolorAuto =1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6} =1; + end + if isempty(legendtextcolorAuto) || numel(legendtextcolorAuto)~=1 || (legendtextcolorAuto~=0 && legendtextcolorAuto~=1) + legendtextcolorAuto =1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6} =1; + end + if isempty(legendtextcolorAuto) || numel(legendtextcolorAuto)~=1 || (legendtextcolorAuto~=0 && legendtextcolorAuto~=1) + legendtextcolorAuto =1; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6} =1; + end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_textitle = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_textitle,'String','Text color',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_textitle,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@legendtextauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',legendtextcolorAuto,'Enable',fontEnable); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent',gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_textitle,'String','Same as lines',... 'callback',@legendtextcustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~legendtextcolorAuto,'Enable',fontEnable,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_textitle,'Sizes',[70 60 150]); ERPwaviewer.Legend.textcolor = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; %%------------------------Legend columns--------------------------- - legendcolumns =1; + legendcolumnsdef = round(sqrt( length(LegendArray))); + try + legendcolumns= MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}; + catch + legendcolumns =legendcolumnsdef; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=legendcolumnsdef; + end + if isempty(legendcolumns) || numel(legendcolumns)~=1 ||legendcolumns<1 || legendcolumns>100 + legendcolumns =legendcolumnsdef; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=legendcolumnsdef; + end + if fontcolorAuto==1 + legendcolumns =legendcolumnsdef; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=legendcolumnsdef; + end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_columnstitle = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_columnstitle,'String','Columns',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % @@ -252,6 +320,7 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_columnstitle,'String',columnStr,... 'callback',@legendcolumns,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',legendcolumns,'Enable',fontEnable); % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.KeyPressFcn = @line_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_columnstitle ); set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_columnstitle,'Sizes',[60 100 70]); ERPwaviewer.Legend.columns = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; @@ -268,9 +337,9 @@ function drawui_lineset_property(FonsizeDefault) uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_erplinset_waveviewer.help_apply_title ); set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.help_apply_title ,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 20]); - set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox ,'Sizes',[20 200 20 180 25 25 25 25]); - ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); + set(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.DataSelBox ,'Sizes',[20 200 20 25 25 25 25]); + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend); end %%**************************************************************************%% @@ -361,8 +430,9 @@ function line_customtable(~,~) end -%%--------------------legend auto----------------------------------- - function legend_auto(~,~) + +%%Auto for font, fontsize, color, columns for legend + function font_color_auto(Source,~) [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges();%%check if the changes were applied for the other panels if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=6 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; @@ -372,89 +442,48 @@ function legend_auto(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'off'; + try + ERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + beep; + disp(' Line & Legends> Legend Auto error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); + return; + end + ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; + if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERPIN) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); + end + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; + if plot_org.Overlay ==1 + LegendArray = ERPwaviewer.chan; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 + LegendArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 + LegendArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; + else + LegendArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; + end + + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value=1; % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value = 0; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = 'off'; % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value = 1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = 'off'; - try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer = ALLERPwaviewer; - catch - beep; - disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); - return; - end - for ii = 1:100 - LegendName{ii,1} = ''; - LegendNamenum(ii,1) =ii; - end - try - plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; - ERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ERP; - if plot_org.Overlay ==1 - LegendName = []; - ChanArray = ERPwaviewer.chan; - - for Numofchan = 1:numel(ChanArray) - LegendName{Numofchan,1} = ERPIN.chanlocs(ChanArray(Numofchan)).labels; - end - for ii = length(LegendName)+1:100 - LegendName{ii,1} = ''; - end - legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); - legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); - elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 - binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; - for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) - LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(ERPIN.bindescr{binArray(Numofbin)}); - end - for ii = length(LegendName)+1:100 - LegendName{ii,1} = ''; - end - legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); - legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); - elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 - ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; - ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; - for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) - LegendName{Numoferpset,1} = char(ALLERP(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname); - end - for ii = length(LegendName)+1:100 - LegendName{ii,1} = ''; - end - legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); - legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); - else - binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; - for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) - LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(ERPIN.bindescr{binArray(Numofbin)}); - end - for ii = length(LegendName)+1:100 - LegendName{ii,1} = ''; - end - legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); - legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); - end - catch - legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); - legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); - end - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.ColumnEditable = [false,true]; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value = 4; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value =1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value =3; + end -%%-------------------legend custom----------------------------------------- - function legend_custom(~,~) +%%Custom for font, fontsize, color, columns for legend + function font_color_custom(Source,~) [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges();%%check if the changes were applied for the other panels if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=6 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; @@ -464,9 +493,8 @@ function legend_custom(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'on'; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value=0; % + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value = 1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = 'on'; % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = 'on'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = 'on'; @@ -474,18 +502,6 @@ function legend_custom(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = 'on'; end -%%---------------------------legend table---------------------------------- - function legend_customtable(~,~) - [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges();%%check if the changes were applied for the other panels - if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=6 - viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; - end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_linelegend',1); - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; %%mark the changes - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; - box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - end - %%----------------------font of legend text-------------------------------- function legendfont(Source,~) [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges();%%check if the changes were applied for the other panels @@ -517,7 +533,7 @@ function legendtextauto(~,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=6 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_linelegend',1); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewelinelegend',1); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; %%mark the changes gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; @@ -552,7 +568,6 @@ function legendcolumns(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; %%mark the changes gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - end @@ -562,9 +577,15 @@ function linelegend_help(~,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=6 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Lines & Legends > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; changeFlag = estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_linelegend'); if changeFlag~=1 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Lines & Legends > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; return; end @@ -585,10 +606,6 @@ function linelegend_help(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Enable = 'on'; end - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value= ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.auto; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value= ~ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.auto; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data=ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.data; - fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; @@ -603,7 +620,15 @@ function linelegend_help(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value= ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.textcolor; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Value= ~ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.textcolor; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value=ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.columns; - if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value==1 + try + FontColorAuto= ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.FontColorAuto; + catch + FontColorAuto=1; + end + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value=FontColorAuto; % + + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value=~FontColorAuto; % + if FontColorAuto==1 LegendEnable = 'off'; else LegendEnable = 'on'; @@ -613,12 +638,15 @@ function linelegend_help(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = LegendEnable; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Enable = LegendEnable; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = LegendEnable; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = LegendEnable; + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_linelegend',0); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Lines & Legends > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -647,8 +675,6 @@ function LineLegend_apply(~,~) end ERPwaviewer_apply.Lines.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.Lines.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; - ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; labelfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); @@ -656,7 +682,20 @@ function LineLegend_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.fontsize = labelfontsizeinum(gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.textcolor = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.columns = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + ERPwaviewer_apply.Legend.FontColorAuto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + + + %%Save the parameters for this panel to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -668,8 +707,7 @@ function legend_change(~,~) return; end try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch beep; disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); @@ -685,6 +723,7 @@ function legend_change(~,~) ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); end [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + LegendArray = [1:4]; try plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; ERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ERP; @@ -695,6 +734,7 @@ function legend_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ChanArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -702,6 +742,7 @@ function legend_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; @@ -710,6 +751,7 @@ function legend_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ERPsetArray; else binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -717,18 +759,28 @@ function legend_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; end catch legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); end - if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value ==1 - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; - ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = legendset_str; + if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value==1 + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.columns = round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); end + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + + %%Save parameters for this panel to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file end %%--------changed the legend names based on the current page--------------- @@ -753,6 +805,7 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); end [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + LegendArray = [1:4]; try plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; ERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ERP; @@ -763,6 +816,7 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ChanArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -770,6 +824,7 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; @@ -778,6 +833,7 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ERPsetArray; else binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -785,17 +841,28 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; end catch legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); end - if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value ==1 && plot_org.Pages ==3 - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + + ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = legendset_str; + if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value==1 + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.columns = round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); end + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file end @@ -815,15 +882,15 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) LegendName{ii,1} = ''; LegendNamenum(ii,1) =ii; end - ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; + ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; - if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERPIN) - ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); + if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERP) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERP); end - [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERP,ERPsetArray); + LegendArray = [1:4]; try plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; - ERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ERP; if plot_org.Overlay ==1 ChanArray = ERPwaviewer.chan; for Numofchan = 1:numel(ChanArray) @@ -831,6 +898,7 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =ChanArray ; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -838,14 +906,14 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =binArray ; elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 - ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; - ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) LegendName{Numoferpset,1} = char(ALLERP(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname); end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =ERPsetArray ; else binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) @@ -853,24 +921,35 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =binArray ; end catch legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); end - if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value ==1 - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.auto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.data = legendset_str; + if gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value==1 + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); + ERPwaviewer.Legend.columns = round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); end + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + end %%-------------change this panel based on the loaded parameters------------ - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=6 return; end try @@ -880,7 +959,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end - %%Line settings + %%-----------------------Line settings----------------------------- LineValue = ERPwaviewer.Lines.auto; if numel(LineValue)~=1 || (LineValue~=1 && LineValue~=0) LineValue = 1; @@ -896,35 +975,98 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Enable = 'on'; end + + [lineNameStr,linecolors,linetypes,linewidths,linecolors_str,linetypes_str,linewidths_str,linecolorsrgb] = f_get_lineset_ERPviewer(); + lineset_str =table(lineNameStr,linecolors,linetypes,linewidths); + lineset_str = table2cell(lineset_str); + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.ColumnFormat = {'char', 'char',... + {'solid','dash','dot','dashdot','plus','circle','asterisk'},... + {'0.25','0.5','1','1.5','2','2.5','3','3.5','4','4.5','5','5.5','6','6.5','7','7.5','8','8.5','9','9.5','10','10.5'}}; + LineData = ERPwaviewer.Lines.data; + if LineValue==1 + LineData= lineset_str; + ERPwaviewer.Lines.data = LineData; + end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data = LineData; + % - %%Legend setting - LegendAuto = ERPwaviewer.Legend.auto; - if LegendAuto==1 - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'off'; + %%---------------------Legend setting------------------------------ + for ii = 1:100 + LegendName{ii,1} = ''; + LegendNamenum(ii,1) =ii; + end + ALLERP = ERPwaviewer.ALLERP; + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx; + if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERP) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERP); + end + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERP,ERPsetArray); + LegendArray = [1:4]; + try + plot_org = ERPwaviewer.plot_org; + if plot_org.Overlay ==1 + ChanArray = ERPwaviewer.chan; + for Numofchan = 1:numel(ChanArray) + LegendName{Numofchan,1} = char(chanStr(ChanArray(Numofchan))); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ChanArray; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 + binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; + for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) + LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(binStr(binArray(Numofbin))); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 + for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) + LegendName{Numoferpset,1} = char(ALLERP(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = ERPsetArray; + else + binArray = ERPwaviewer.bin; + for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) + LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(binStr(binArray(Numofbin))); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray = binArray; + end + catch + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + end + ERPwaviewer.Legend.data=legendset_str; + + LegendfontColorAuto = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + if LegendfontColorAuto==1 gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = 'off'; % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value = 1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =1; + % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = 'off'; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value=1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value = 0; else - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'on'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = 'on'; % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = 'on'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = 'on'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Enable = 'on'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = 'on'; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value=0; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value = 1; end - LegendData = ERPwaviewer.Legend.data; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = LegendData; + + legendfont =ERPwaviewer.Legend.font; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value = legendfont; legendfontsize = ERPwaviewer.Legend.fontsize; @@ -949,6 +1091,19 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) columnStr{Numoflegend} = num2str(Numoflegend); end gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.String = columnStr; + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + + %%save the parameters to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count =7; end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -978,7 +1133,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); return; end - %%Lines + %%-------------------------Lines------------------------------- gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value =1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linescustom.Value = 0; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Enable = 'off'; @@ -991,59 +1146,108 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data = lineset_str; ERPwaviewerin.Lines.auto =1; ERPwaviewerin.Lines.data = gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; - %%Legends - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendauto.Value = 1; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Enable = 'off'; + + %%-----------------------Legends------------------------------- + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value =1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorcustom.Value =0; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Enable = 'off'; % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Enable = 'off'; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value = 1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextcustom.Value = 0; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =1; + % gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =1; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Enable = 'off'; - + % for ii = 1:100 LegendName{ii,1} = ''; LegendNamenum(ii,1) =ii; end - ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; + ALLERP = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; - if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERPIN) - ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); + if max(ERPsetArray(:))> length(ALLERP) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERP); end - [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERP,ERPsetArray); + LegendArray = [1:4]; try plot_org = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org; - ERPIN = ERPwaviewerin.ERP; - if plot_org.Overlay ==2 + if plot_org.Overlay ==1 + ChanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; + for Numofchan = 1:numel(ChanArray) + LegendName{Numofchan,1} = char(chanStr(ChanArray(Numofchan))); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =ChanArray; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==2 binArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(binStr(binArray(Numofbin))); end legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =binArray; + elseif plot_org.Overlay ==3 + for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) + LegendName{Numoferpset,1} = char(ALLERP(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =ERPsetArray; + else + binArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; + for Numofbin = 1:numel(binArray) + LegendName{Numofbin,1} = char(binStr(binArray(Numofbin))); + end + legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); + legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); + LegendArray =binArray; end catch legendset_str = table(LegendNamenum,LegendName); legendset_str = table2cell(legendset_str); end - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.ColumnEditable = [false,true]; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data = legendset_str; + + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value =round(sqrt(length(LegendArray))); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value = 4; - gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value =2; - ERPwaviewerin.Legend.auto=1; - ERPwaviewerin.Legend.data =gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legend_customtable.Data; - ERPwaviewerin.Legend.font=1; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value =3; + ERPwaviewerin.Legend.data =legendset_str; + ERPwaviewerin.Legend.font=3; ERPwaviewerin.Legend.fontsize=10; ERPwaviewerin.Legend.textcolor=1; ERPwaviewerin.Legend.columns=1; + ERPwaviewerin.Legend.FontColorAuto=1; + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{1}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.linesauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{2}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.line_customtable.Data; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{3}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_colorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{4}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_type.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{5}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{6}= gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendtextauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_linelegend{7}=gui_erplinset_waveviewer.legendcolumns.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_linelegend',MERPWaveViewer_linelegend);%%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel=7; end end + + function line_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + LineLegend_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_linelegend',0); + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + gui_erplinset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + box_erplineset_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI.m index 23fcd3a2..9bd5503b 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ % Center for Mind and Brain % University of California, Davis, % Davis, CA -% 2022 +% 2022 && 2023 function varargout = f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI(varargin) global viewer_ERPDAT; -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); % addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Process_messg_change',@Process_messg_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault); varargout{1} = box_erplabelset_viewer_otherset; @@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch beep; disp('f_ERP_lineset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); @@ -59,36 +58,67 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', box_erplabelset_viewer_otherset,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %%----------Polarity Setting--------------------------------------- - Polaritylabel = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_others= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others');%%call the parameters for this panel + try + Polaritylabel= MERPWaveViewer_others{1}; + catch + Polaritylabel = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_others{1}=1; + end + if numel(Polaritylabel)~=1 || (Polaritylabel~=1 && Polaritylabel~=0) + MERPWaveViewer_others{1}=1; + Polaritylabel = 1; + end + gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_title,'String','Polarity',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); %,'FontWeight','bold' gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_up = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_title,'String','Positive up',... 'callback',@polarup,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',Polaritylabel); %,'FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_up.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_down = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_title,'String','Negative up',... 'callback',@polardown, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~Polaritylabel); %,'FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_down.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_title,'Sizes',[50 90 90]); ERPwaviewer.polarity=gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_up.Value; %%----------------SEM of wave-------------------------------------- - SEMlabel = 0; - SEMCustomValue = 0; + try + SEMlabel = MERPWaveViewer_others{2}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_others{2}=0; + SEMlabel = 0; + end + try + SEMCustomValue = MERPWaveViewer_others{3}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_others{3}=1; + SEMCustomValue = 1; + end gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_title ,'String','Show standard error',... 'callback',@showSEM,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',SEMlabel); % + gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; SMEString = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'}; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_title ,'String',SMEString,... 'callback',@SEMerror,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',SEMCustomValue+1); % + gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_title,'Sizes',[160 80]); ERPwaviewer.SEM.active =gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value; ERPwaviewer.SEM.error = gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value-1; - SEMtransValue = 0; + try + SEMtransValue= MERPWaveViewer_others{4}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_others{4}=0.2; + SEMtransValue = 0.2; + end gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_title ,'String','transoarency',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','right'); % SMEtransString = {'0','0.1','0.2','0.3','0.4','0.5','0.6','0.7','0.8','0.9','1'}; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_title ,'String',SMEtransString,... 'callback',@SEMtrans,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',SEMtransValue*10 +1); % + gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_title,'Sizes',[160 80]); if SEMlabel gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Enable = 'on'; @@ -100,12 +130,14 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewer.SEM.trans = (gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value-1)/10; %%----------------baseline correction------------------------------ - blc_def = 'none'; try - blc_def = ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr; + blc_def = MERPWaveViewer_others{5}; catch blc_def = 'none'; + MERPWaveViewer_others{5} = 'none'; end + + if numel(blc_def) ==2 noneValue =0; preValue =0; @@ -139,7 +171,7 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) customValue = 0; customString = ''; customEnable = 'off'; - elseif strcmpi(blc_def,'whole') + elseif strcmpi(blc_def,'whole') || strcmpi(blc_def,'all') noneValue =0; preValue =0; postValue = 0; @@ -155,17 +187,23 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_1 = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_1 ,'String','None',... 'callback',@bsl_none,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',noneValue); + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_pre = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_1 ,'String','Pre',... 'callback',@bsl_pre,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',preValue); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_pre.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_post = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_1 ,'String','Post',... 'callback',@bsl_post, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',postValue); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_post.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_whole = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_1 ,'String','Whole',... 'callback',@bsl_whole, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',wholeValue); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_whole.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_3 = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_custom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_3 ,'String','Custom',... 'callback',@bsl_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',customValue); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_custom.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_customedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_3 ,'String',customString,... 'callback',@bsl_customedit, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',customEnable); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left','FontWeight','bold' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_customedit.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; set( gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_title_3,'Sizes',[80 155]); if gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.Value ==1 @@ -177,18 +215,28 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) elseif gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_whole.Value ==1 ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr = 'whole'; elseif gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_custom.Value ==1 - ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr = str2num(char(gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_customedit)); + ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr = str2num(char(gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_customedit.String)); else ERPwaviewer.baselinecorr = 'none'; end %%Figure background color: the default is white - bgColor = [1 1 1]; + try + bgColor= MERPWaveViewer_others{6}; + catch + bgColor = [1 1 1]; + MERPWaveViewer_others{6} = [1 1 1]; + end + if numel(bgColor)~=3 || max(bgColor(:))>1 || min(bgColor(:))<0 + bgColor = [1 1 1]; + MERPWaveViewer_others{6} = [1 1 1]; + end gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor_title,'String','Figure Background Color:',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault-1,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'FontWeight','bold'); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor_title,'String',num2str(bgColor),... 'callback',@figbackcolor,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' + gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor.KeyPressFcn = @otherset_presskey; set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor_title,'Sizes',[150 85]); ERPwaviewer.figbackgdcolor = str2num(gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor.String); @@ -205,8 +253,8 @@ function drawui_otherset_waviewer(FonsizeDefault) set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.help_run_title,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 20]); set(gui_otherset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'Sizes',[25 25 25 20 20 25 25 25]); - ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others',MERPWaveViewer_others); end %%**************************************************************************%% @@ -460,17 +508,17 @@ function figbackcolor(Str,~) bgColor = str2num(Str.String); if isempty(bgColor) - msgboxText = strcat('Inputs are invalid and it should be,e.g., [1 1 1]'); - title = 'EStudio>ERP Wave Viewer>Other: Figure Background Color'; - errorfound(msgboxText, title); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + msgboxText = strcat('Other > Figure Background Color: Inputs are invalid and it should be,e.g., [1 1 1]'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',msgboxText); Str.String = num2str([1 1 1]); return; end if max(bgColor)>1 || min(bgColor) <0 || numel(bgColor)~=3 - msgboxText = strcat('Inputs are invalid and it should be,e.g., [1 1 1]'); - title = 'EStudio>ERP Wave Viewer>Other: Figure Background Color'; - errorfound(msgboxText, title); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + msgboxText = strcat('Other > Figure Background Color: Inputs are invalid and it should be,e.g., [1 1 1]'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',msgboxText); Str.String = num2str([1 1 1]); return; end @@ -482,9 +530,15 @@ function other_help(~,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=7 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Other > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; changeFlag = estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_other'); if changeFlag~=1 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Other > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; return; end @@ -535,7 +589,7 @@ function other_help(~,~) gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_pre.Value=0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_post.Value=1; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_whole.Value=0; - elseif strcmpi(BslMethod,'whole') + elseif strcmpi(BslMethod,'whole') || strcmpi(BslMethod,'all') gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_custom.Value =0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.Value=0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_pre.Value=0; @@ -556,7 +610,9 @@ function other_help(~,~) gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplabelset_viewer_otherset.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; - + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Other > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -575,22 +631,26 @@ function other_apply(~,~) erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer_apply = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; fprintf(2,'\n Other > Apply-f_ERP_otherset_waveviewer_GUI() error: Cannot get parameters for whole panel.\n Please run My viewer again.\n\n'); return; end ERPwaviewer_apply.polarity = gui_otherset_waveviewer.polarity_up.Value;%% the polarity of wave + MERPWaveViewer_others{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.polarity; %%SME ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.active = gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error = gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value-1; + MERPWaveViewer_others{2} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.active; + MERPWaveViewer_others{3} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error; %%trans ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans = (gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value-1)/10; - %%MGFP - % ERPwaviewer_apply.MGFP = gui_otherset_waveviewer.MGFP_on.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_others{4} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans; + + %%baseline correction ERPwaviewer_apply.figbackgdcolor = str2num(gui_otherset_waveviewer.figurebakcolor.String); + MERPWaveViewer_others{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.figbackgdcolor; %%baseline correction method if gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.Value ==1 ERPwaviewer_apply.baselinecorr = 'none'; @@ -615,15 +675,17 @@ function other_apply(~,~) else ERPwaviewer_apply.baselinecorr = 'none'; end - ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer_apply; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); + MERPWaveViewer_others{5} = ERPwaviewer_apply.baselinecorr; + + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others',MERPWaveViewer_others); end %%---------change this panel based on the loaded paras.-------------------- - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=7 return; end try @@ -646,26 +708,34 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) % %%SEM settings SEMValue = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.active; + if isempty(SEMValue) || numel(SEMValue)~=1 || (SEMValue~=0 && SEMValue~=1) + SEMValue=0; + ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.active=0; + end if SEMValue==1 + gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value =1; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Enable = 'on'; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Enable = 'on'; ERRORValue = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error; - if isempty(ERRORValue) || ERRORValue<0 || ERRORValue>10 - ERRORValue = 0; - ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error = 0; + if isempty(ERRORValue) || ERRORValue<=0 || ERRORValue>10 + ERRORValue = 1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error = 1; end gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value =ERRORValue+1; SEMTrans = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans; - if isempty(SEMTrans) || SEMTrans<0 || SEMTrans>1 - SEMTrans = 0; - ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans = 0; + if isempty(SEMTrans) || SEMTrans<=0 || SEMTrans>1 + SEMTrans = 2; + ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans = 0.2; end gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value = SEMTrans*10 +1; else + gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value =0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Enable = 'off'; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Enable = 'off'; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value =1; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value =1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error = 0; + ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans = 0; end % @@ -705,7 +775,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_whole.Value =0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_custom.Value = 0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_customedit.Enable = 'off'; - elseif strcmpi(BalineCorrection,'all') + elseif strcmpi(BalineCorrection,'all') || strcmpi(BalineCorrection,'whole') gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.Value =0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_pre.Value =0; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_post.Value =0; @@ -736,6 +806,16 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.figbackgdcolor = BackgroundColor; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count =0; + %%save the reset parameters for this panel + MERPWaveViewer_others{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.polarity; + MERPWaveViewer_others{2} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.active; + MERPWaveViewer_others{3} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.error; + MERPWaveViewer_others{4} = ERPwaviewer_apply.SEM.trans; + MERPWaveViewer_others{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.figbackgdcolor; + MERPWaveViewer_others{5} = ERPwaviewer_apply.baselinecorr; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others',MERPWaveViewer_others); + end @@ -775,12 +855,12 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) %%SME gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value =0; ERPwaviewerin.SEM.active = gui_otherset_waveviewer.show_SEM.Value; - gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value =1; + gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value =2; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Enable = 'off'; ERPwaviewerin.SEM.error = gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEM_custom.Value-1; %%trans + gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value =3; ERPwaviewerin.SEM.trans = (gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value-1)/10; - gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Value =1; gui_otherset_waveviewer.SEMtrans_custom.Enable = 'off'; gui_otherset_waveviewer.bsl_none.Value =1; ERPwaviewerin.baselinecorr = 'none'; @@ -796,8 +876,29 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erplabelset_viewer_otherset.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; - % viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel=3; + + %%save the reset parameters for this panel + MERPWaveViewer_others{1} = ERPwaviewerin.polarity; + MERPWaveViewer_others{2} = ERPwaviewerin.SEM.active; + MERPWaveViewer_others{3} = ERPwaviewerin.SEM.error; + MERPWaveViewer_others{4} = ERPwaviewerin.SEM.trans; + MERPWaveViewer_others{6} = ERPwaviewerin.figbackgdcolor; + MERPWaveViewer_others{5} = ERPwaviewerin.baselinecorr; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others',MERPWaveViewer_others); end end + + function otherset_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + other_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_other',0); + gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + gui_otherset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + box_erplabelset_viewer_otherset.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI.m index e98e88e8..9abe70a5 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ global viewer_ERPDAT addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@v_currentERP_change); -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault); @@ -52,31 +52,74 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def] = geterplabstudiodef; try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewerin = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + ALLERP = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; + indexerp = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; catch beep; disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end + for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(indexerp) + SrateNum_mp(Numofselectederp,1) = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).srate; + end + + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg');%%call the memery for this panel + try + plotorg_Index = MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}; + catch + plotorg_Index=1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + end + if isempty(plotorg_Index) || plotorg_Index<=0 || plotorg_Index>6 + plotorg_Index=1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + end + + if numel(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 && (plotorg_Index~=1 && plotorg_Index~=3) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization - We will use "Channels,Bins, ERPsets" because Sampling rate varies across the selected ERPsets')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + plotorg_Index=1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + end + if plotorg_Index==1 + plotorg_Value = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + elseif plotorg_Index==2 + plotorg_Value = [0,1,0,0,0,0]; + elseif plotorg_Index==3 + plotorg_Value = [0,0,1,0,0,0]; + elseif plotorg_Index==4 + plotorg_Value = [0,0,0,1,0,0]; + elseif plotorg_Index==5 + plotorg_Value = [0,0,0,0,1,0]; + elseif plotorg_Index==6 + plotorg_Value = [0,0,0,0,0,1]; + end gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %%--------------------grind overlay and pages---------------------- gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid = uiextras.Grid('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % First column: uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c1,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',1); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c1,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(1)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c2,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',0); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c2,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(2)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c3,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',0); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c3,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(3)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c4,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',0); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c4,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(4)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c5,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',0); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c5,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(5)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6 = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','',... - 'callback',@plotorg_c6,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',0); % 1B + 'callback',@plotorg_c6,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',plotorg_Value(6)); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; % Second column: uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','Grid',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'FontWeight','bold'); % 2A @@ -124,24 +167,48 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % 3F uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid,'String','Channels',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % 3G - set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelGrid, 'ColumnSizes',[30 70 70 70],'RowSizes',[20 20 20 20 20 20 20]); - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid = 1; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Overlay = 2; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Pages =3; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; - %%----------------------Setting for grid layout-------------------- + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value ==1 + GridValue=1; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =3; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value ==1 + GridValue=1; OverlayValue = 3; PageValue =2; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 + GridValue=2; OverlayValue = 1; PageValue =3; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 + GridValue=2; OverlayValue = 3; PageValue =1; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value ==1 + GridValue=3; OverlayValue = 1; PageValue =2; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 + GridValue=3; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =1; + end + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid = GridValue; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Overlay = OverlayValue; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Pages =PageValue; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = plotorg_Value; + + %%----------------------Setting for grid layout------------------- gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - gridlayoutValue = 1; + try + gridlayoutValue= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}; + catch + gridlayoutValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=1; + end + if isempty(gridlayoutValue) || numel(gridlayoutValue)~=1 || (gridlayoutValue~=0 &&gridlayoutValue~=1) + gridlayoutValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=1; + end % First column: - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout= uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title,'String','Grid Layout:',... - 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout= uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title,'String','Grid Layout: ',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'FontWeight','bold'); % set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@layout_auto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',gridlayoutValue); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title,'String','Custom',... 'callback',@layout_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',~gridlayoutValue); % - set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title, 'Sizes',[80 70 70]); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_title, 'Sizes',[90 60 70]); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.op = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; %%NUmber of rows and columns @@ -153,17 +220,14 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); end [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); - GridValue = 1; if GridValue ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(chanArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" plotArray = binArray; plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(binArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" plotArray = ERPsetArray; plotArrayStr = cell(numel(ERPsetArray),1); @@ -171,20 +235,32 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; end plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(ERPsetArray)+1) = {'None'}; + else plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(chanArray)+1) = {'None'}; end - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + + + plotBoxdef = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + try + plotBox= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}; + catch + plotBox = plotBoxdef; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + end + if isempty(plotBox) || numel(plotBox)~=2 || min(plotBox(:))<1 || max(plotBox(:))>256 + plotBox = plotBoxdef; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + end try Numrows = plotBox(1); Numcolumns = plotBox(2); catch Numrows = 1; Numcolumns = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=[1 1]; end if gridlayoutValue==1 rowcolumnEnable = 'off'; @@ -200,10 +276,12 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault-2,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % 1B gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.row_column_title,'String',rowcolumnString,... 'callback',@plotorg_rownum,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',Numrows,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.row_column_title,'String','Column(s)',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault-2,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % 1B gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.row_column_title,'String',rowcolumnString,... 'callback',@plotorg_columnnum,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',Numcolumns,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); % 1B + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.row_column_title, 'Sizes',[20 35 65 55 65]); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; @@ -214,7 +292,7 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns count = count +1; if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end @@ -223,18 +301,47 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforData; columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = columFormat; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = columFormat; - + % ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = columFormat; %%---------------------Gap between rows---------------------------- - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.gridspace_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.gridspace_title ,'String','Grid Spacing',... - 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','center','FontWeight','bold'); % - rowgapgtpValue = 1; - RowGTPStr = '10'; - RowgapgtpEnable = 'off'; - if rowgapgtpValue==1 && ~gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value + try + rowgapgtpValue= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4} ; + catch + rowgapgtpValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}=1; + end + if isempty(rowgapgtpValue) || numel(rowgapgtpValue)~=1 || (rowgapgtpValue~=1 && rowgapgtpValue~=0) + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}=1; + rowgapgtpValue = 1; + end + try + RowGTPStr= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}; + catch + RowGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=10; + end + if rowgapgtpValue==1 RowgapgtpEnable = 'on'; + RowgapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; + RowGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=10; + else + RowgapgtpEnable = 'off'; + RowgapOVERLAPEnable = 'on'; + end + if gridlayoutValue==1 + rowcolumnEnable = 'off'; + RowGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=10; + rowgapgtpValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}=1; + RowgapgtpEnable = 'off'; + else + rowcolumnEnable = 'on'; + end + if isempty(RowGTPStr)|| numel(RowGTPStr)~=1 ||RowGTPStr<=0 + RowGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=10; end gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_title,'String','Row:',... @@ -242,8 +349,10 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_title,'String','Gap (%)',... 'callback',@rowgapgtpauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',rowgapgtpValue,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); % - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_title,'String',RowGTPStr,... + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_title,'String',num2str(RowGTPStr),... 'callback',@rowgapgtpcustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',RowgapgtpEnable); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value ==1 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; end @@ -251,80 +360,157 @@ function drawui_plot_org(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); - RowgapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; - if rowgapgtpValue==0 && ~gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value - RowgapOVERLAPEnable = 'on'; + try + RowoverlayStr= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}; + catch + RowoverlayStr = 40; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=40; + end + if isempty(RowoverlayStr) || numel(RowoverlayStr)~=1 || RowoverlayStr<=0 || RowoverlayStr>=100 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=40; + RowoverlayStr = 40; + end + if gridlayoutValue==1 + RowgapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; end - RowoverlayStr = '40'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title,'String','Overlap (%)',... 'callback',@rowoverlap, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable,'Value',~rowgapgtpValue); % - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title,'String',RowoverlayStr,... + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title,'String',num2str(RowoverlayStr),... 'callback',@rowoverlapcustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',RowgapOVERLAPEnable); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapcustom_title, 'Sizes',[60 90 85]); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); %%---------------------Gap between columns------------------------ - columngapgtpValue = 1; - columnGTPStr = ''; - columngapgtpEnable = 'off'; + try + columngapgtpValue= MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7}; + catch + columngapgtpValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7}=1; + end + if isempty(columngapgtpValue) || numel(columngapgtpValue)~=1 || (columngapgtpValue~=0 && columngapgtpValue~=1) + columngapgtpValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7}=1; + end + try + columnGTPStr = MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}; + catch + columnGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8} = 10; + end + if isempty(columnGTPStr) || numel(columnGTPStr)~=1 || columnGTPStr<0 + columnGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8} = 10; + end + if columngapgtpValue==1 + columngapgtpEnable = 'on'; + else + columngapgtpEnable = 'off'; + end + if gridlayoutValue==1 + columngapgtpEnable = 'off'; + columnGTPStr = 10; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8} = 10; + columngapgtpValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7}=1; + end gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title,'String','Column:',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title,'String','Gap (%)',... - 'callback',@columngapgtpop,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',columngapgtpValue,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); % - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title,'String',columnGTPStr,... + 'callback',@columngapgtpop,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',columngapgtpValue,... + 'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title,'String',num2str(columnGTPStr),... 'callback',@columngapGTPcustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',columngapgtpEnable); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value ==1 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; end set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngap_title, 'Sizes',[60 90 85]); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); - - columngapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; - if columngapgtpValue==0 && ~gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value + try + columnoverlayStr = MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}; + catch + columnoverlayStr =40; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=40; + end + if isempty(columnoverlayStr) || numel(columnoverlayStr)~=1 || columnoverlayStr<=0 || columnoverlayStr>=100 + columnoverlayStr =40; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=40; + end + if gridlayoutValue==1 + columngapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; + else columngapOVERLAPEnable = 'on'; end - columnoverlayStr = ''; + + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value + columngapOVERLAPEnable = 'off'; + end gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title,'String','Overlap (%)',... 'callback',@columnoverlap, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Enable',rowcolumnEnable,'Value',~columngapgtpValue); % - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title,'String',columnoverlayStr,... + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title,'String',num2str(columnoverlayStr),... 'callback',@columnoverlaycustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',columngapOVERLAPEnable); % + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapcustom_title, 'Sizes',[60 90 85]); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); %%---------------help and apply the changed parameters------------- - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title ,'String','Edit',... - 'callback',@plotorg_edit,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',rowcolumnEnable); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' - % uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title ); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_load = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title,'String','Load',... + try + layout_custom_editValue = MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}; + catch + layout_custom_editValue=0; + end + if isempty(layout_custom_editValue) || numel(layout_custom_editValue)~=1 || (layout_custom_editValue~=1 && layout_custom_editValue~=0) + layout_custom_editValue=0; + end + layout_custom_editValue =0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.editgridlayout_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.editgridlayout_title,'String','Custom Grid Locations',... + 'callback',@plotorg_edit_checkbox,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',layout_custom_editValue); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.editgridlayout_title,'String','Edit',... + 'callback',@plotorg_edit,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value==1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; + else + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end + set( gui_plotorg_waveviewer.editgridlayout_title,'Sizes',[150 60]); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_load = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title,'String','Load',... 'callback',@layout_custom_load,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % - % uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title ); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_save = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title,'String','Save',... + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_save = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title,'String','Save as',... 'callback',@layout_custom_save,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % - % uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title ); - % set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.save_load_title,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 30]); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title ); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.cancel = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title,'String','Cancel',... 'callback',@plotorg_cancel,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); - uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title); + % gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title,'String','Apply',... 'callback',@plotorg_apply,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' - uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title); - set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.help_run_title,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 30]); - set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'Sizes',[150 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 25]); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.KeyPressFcn = @plotorg_presskey; + + set(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'Sizes',[150 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25]); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr = ''; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file end @@ -352,12 +538,16 @@ function plotorg_c1(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -366,9 +556,8 @@ function plotorg_c1(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -377,12 +566,32 @@ function plotorg_c1(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else -% if y_Flag==3 -% gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 0; -% end -% return; + end else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Enable = 'on'; @@ -403,10 +612,37 @@ function plotorg_c1(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + try + chanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; + plotArray = chanArray; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end - chanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; - plotArray = chanArray; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -415,7 +651,6 @@ function plotorg_c1(source,~) end end estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex',1); - end %%-------------------------Setting for Overlay-------------------------------- @@ -438,12 +673,17 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end + LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -452,9 +692,8 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -463,6 +702,30 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -475,7 +738,6 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'on'; end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',1); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; @@ -488,10 +750,36 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,1,0,0,0,0]; - chanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; - plotArray = chanArray; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + try + plotArray = chanArray; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -499,6 +787,7 @@ function plotorg_c2(source,~) catch end end + estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex',1); end @@ -522,12 +811,17 @@ function plotorg_c3(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end + LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -536,23 +830,42 @@ function plotorg_c3(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~=3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else -% if y_Flag==1 -% gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value = 0; -% end -% return; + end else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Enable = 'on'; @@ -573,9 +886,35 @@ function plotorg_c3(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,1,0,0,0]; - - plotArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + try + plotArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end + if GridValueOld~=2 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -583,6 +922,7 @@ function plotorg_c3(source,~) catch end end + estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex',1); end @@ -608,12 +948,17 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -622,9 +967,8 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -633,6 +977,29 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value = 0; @@ -645,7 +1012,6 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'on'; end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',1); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; @@ -658,9 +1024,36 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,1,0,0]; + try + plotArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end + if GridValueOld~=2 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end - plotArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -669,6 +1062,8 @@ function plotorg_c4(source,~) end end estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex',1); + + end @@ -693,12 +1088,16 @@ function plotorg_c5(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -707,17 +1106,39 @@ function plotorg_c5(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; @@ -742,9 +1163,36 @@ function plotorg_c5(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,1,0]; - - plotArray = indexerp; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + try + plotArray = indexerp; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end + if GridValueOld~=3 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + + end if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -753,6 +1201,7 @@ function plotorg_c5(source,~) end end estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex',1); + end @@ -777,12 +1226,16 @@ function plotorg_c6(source,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end + try + GridValueOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + catch + GridValueOld=1; + end LayoutFlag = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag; [~,y_Flag] = find(LayoutFlag==1); if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 @@ -791,17 +1244,41 @@ function plotorg_c6(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. Please select the first or third options')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + if GridValueOld~=1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end return; else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; @@ -827,9 +1304,35 @@ function plotorg_c6(source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,0,1]; - - plotArray = indexerp; - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + if GridValueOld~=3 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; + + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String = '10'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end + try + plotArray = indexerp; + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + catch + plotBox = [1 1]; + end if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 try gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); @@ -854,7 +1357,6 @@ function layout_auto(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'off'; @@ -872,79 +1374,8 @@ function layout_auto(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'off'; - try - ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - catch - beep; - disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); - return; - end - binArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; - chanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; - ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; - ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; - if max(ERPsetArray) >length(ALLERPIN) - ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); - end - if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 || gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 - GridValue=2; - elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value==1 || gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 - GridValue=3; - else - GridValue=1; - end - [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); - if GridValue ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" - plotArray = chanArray; - plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); - plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; - elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" - plotArray = binArray; - plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); - plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; - elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" - plotArray = ERPsetArray; - for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) - plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; - end - plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; - else - plotArray = chanArray; - plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); - plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; - end - plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns - Numrows = plotBox(1); - Numcolumns=plotBox(2); - try - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value = plotBox(2); - catch - return; - end - GridinforData = ''; - count = 0; - for Numofrows = 1:Numrows - for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns - count = count +1; - if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); - else - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); - end - end - end - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforData; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt'; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr = ''; - % assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); end @@ -962,7 +1393,6 @@ function layout_custom(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = 'on'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = 'on'; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = 'on'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = 'on'; @@ -1062,6 +1492,9 @@ function rowgapgtpcustom(Source,~) box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; rowgap = str2num(Source.String); if isempty(rowgap) || numel(rowgap)~=1 || rowgap<=0 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Row > Gap should be larger than 0')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; Source.String = '10'; return; end @@ -1096,6 +1529,10 @@ function rowoverlapcustom(Source,~) box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; rowoverlay = str2num(Source.String); if isempty(rowoverlay) || numel(rowoverlay)~=1 || rowoverlay<=0 || rowoverlay>=100 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Column > Overlap should be larger than 0 and smaller than 100')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + Source.String = '40'; return; end @@ -1130,6 +1567,9 @@ function columngapGTPcustom(Source,~) box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; columngap = str2num(Source.String); if isempty(columngap) || numel(columngap)~=1 || columngap<=0 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Column > Gap should be larger than 0')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; Source.String = '10'; return; end @@ -1152,7 +1592,6 @@ function columnoverlap(Source,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value=1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'on'; - % Source.String = '40'; if isempty(colnOverlay) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String = '40'; end @@ -1177,10 +1616,99 @@ function columnoverlaycustom(Source,~) end end + + +%% + function plotorg_edit_checkbox(Source,~) + [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); + if ~isempty(messgStr) %% && viewerpanelIndex~=4 + viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; + end + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; + box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; + if Source.Value==1 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; + else + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + end + + + if Source.Value==0 + try + ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + beep; + disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); + return; + end + binArray = ERPwaviewerin.bin; + chanArray = ERPwaviewerin.chan; + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; + ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; + if max(ERPsetArray) >length(ALLERPIN) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); + end + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 || gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 + GridValue=2; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value==1 || gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 + GridValue=3; + else + GridValue=1; + end + + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + if GridValue ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" + plotArray = chanArray; + plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); + elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" + plotArray = binArray; + plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); + elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" + plotArray = ERPsetArray; + for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) + plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; + end + else + plotArray = chanArray; + plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); + end + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + Numrows = plotBox(1); + Numcolumns=plotBox(2); + try + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = plotBox(1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value = plotBox(2); + catch + return; + end + GridinforData = ''; + count = 0; + for Numofrows = 1:Numrows + for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns + count = count +1; + if count> numel(plotArray) + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; + else + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); + end + end + end + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data = GridinforData; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayStr'; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto = 0; + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); + end + end + %%-----------------Edit the layout----------------------------------------- - function plotorg_edit(~,~) + function plotorg_edit(Source,~) + if Source.Value==0 + return; + end [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); - if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=4 + if ~isempty(messgStr) %% && viewerpanelIndex~=4 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',1); @@ -1188,7 +1716,7 @@ function plotorg_edit(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Edit')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Custom Grid Locations > Edit')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; try @@ -1198,32 +1726,9 @@ function plotorg_edit(~,~) fprintf(2,'\n f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI()> plotorg_edit() error: Cannot get parameters for whole panel.\n Please run My viewer again.\n\n'); return; end - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); - columFormat = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat; - if isempty(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr) - for ii = 1:length(columFormat)-1 - columFormatin{ii,1} = columFormat{ii}; - end - else - columFormatStr = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr; - for ii = 1:length(columFormat)-1 - if ii < length(columFormatStr) - try - columFormatin{ii,1} = columFormatStr{ii}; - catch - columFormatin{ii,1} = columFormat{ii}; - end - else - columFormatin{ii,1} = columFormat{ii}; - end - end - end - plotArrayFormtOlder = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig; plotBox(1) = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows; plotBox(2) = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns; try @@ -1231,99 +1736,88 @@ function plotorg_edit(~,~) catch GridinforData = []; end - def = ERP_layoutstringGUI(columFormatin,plotArrayFormtOlder,plotBox,GridinforData); - if isempty(def) - disp('User selected cancel'); - return; - end - TableDataDf = def{1}; - columFormat = def{2}; - [NumRows,NumColumns] = size(TableDataDf); - GridposArray = zeros(NumRows,NumColumns); - for Numofrows = 1:NumRows - for Numofcolumns = 1:NumColumns - SingleStr = char(TableDataDf{Numofrows,Numofcolumns}); - [C,IA] = ismember_bc2(SingleStr,columFormat); - if C ==1 - if IA < length(columFormat) - GridposArray(Numofrows,Numofcolumns) = IA; - elseif IA == length(columFormat) %%%If the element is 'None' - GridposArray(Numofrows,Numofcolumns) = 0; - end - else - GridposArray(Numofrows,Numofcolumns) = 0; - end - end - end - GridposArrayMarker = cell(NumRows,NumColumns); - for Numofrows = 1:NumRows - for Numofcolumns = 1:NumColumns - CellNum = GridposArray(Numofrows,Numofcolumns); - [xRow,yColumn] = find(GridposArray==CellNum); - if CellNum > 0 && ~isempty(xRow) && numel(yColumn)>1 - GridposArrayMarker{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = [xRow,yColumn]; - end - end + + + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; + ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewerin.ALLERP; + if max(ERPsetArray) >length(ALLERPIN) + ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); end - try %% try to display the reminder for the repeated items if they exist - msgboxTextAll = ''; - for Numofrows = 1:NumRows - for Numofcolumns = 1:NumColumns - CellNum = GridposArray(Numofrows,Numofcolumns); - SingleCellMarker = GridposArrayMarker{Numofrows,Numofcolumns}; - if ~isempty(SingleCellMarker) - xRow = SingleCellMarker(:,1); - yColumn = SingleCellMarker(:,2); - msgboxText = [num2str(numel(yColumn)),32,'"',columFormat{CellNum},'"',32, 'are defined and they are at',32,]; - Location = char(strcat('(R',num2str(xRow(1)),',','C',num2str(yColumn(1)),')')); - for Numofreapt = 2:numel(yColumn) - if Numofreapt==numel(yColumn) - Location = char(strcat(Location,', and',32,'(R',num2str(xRow(Numofreapt)),',','C',num2str(yColumn(Numofreapt)),').')); - else - Location = char(strcat(Location,',',32,'(R',num2str(xRow(Numofreapt)),',','C',num2str(yColumn(Numofreapt)),')')); - end - end - for Numofmarker = 2:numel(xRow) - GridposArrayMarker{xRow(Numofmarker),yColumn(Numofmarker)} = ''; - end - if isempty(msgboxTextAll) - msgboxTextAll = strcat('%s\n',msgboxText,32,Location); - else - msgboxTextAll = strcat(msgboxTextAll,'\n',msgboxText,32,Location); - end - end - end + GridValue= ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid; + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); + if GridValue ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" + AllabelArray = chanStr; + elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" + AllabelArray = binStr; + elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" + for ii = 1:length(ALLERPIN) + AllabelArray(ii,1) ={char(ALLERPIN(ii).erpname)}; end - catch - - end - - button = 'Apply'; - if ~isempty(msgboxTextAll) - question = ['Do you want to use these repeated items?']; - BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - title = 'EStudio Reminder: My Viewer > Plot organization > Edit'; - oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - button = questdlg(sprintf([msgboxTextAll],question), title,'No', 'Yes','Yes'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor) + else + AllabelArray = chanStr; end - if isempty(button) || strcmpi(button,'No') + def = ERP_layoutstringGUI(columFormat,GridinforData,plotBox,AllabelArray); + if isempty(def) + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',0); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1,1,1]; + box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + disp('User selected cancel'); return; end + TableDataDf = def{1}; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = size(TableDataDf,1); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =size(TableDataDf,2); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value =size(TableDataDf,1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value =size(TableDataDf,2); try - ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + columFormatout = def{2}; catch - beep; - disp('f_ERP_plotorglayout_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); - return; + columFormatout = columFormat; end - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = columFormat; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr = columFormat; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr = columFormatout; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = columFormatout; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =TableDataDf; + if ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid==1 + try + ERPwaviewerin.chan = def{3}; + catch + end + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + elseif ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid==2 + try + ERPwaviewerin.bin = def{3}; + catch + end + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=2; + elseif ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid==3 + try + ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx = def{3}; + catch + end + if ERPwaviewerin.PageIndex> numel(ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx) + ERPwaviewerin.PageIndex=1; + end + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=3; + end assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); + + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file + viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label=1; + f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',0); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1,1,1]; @@ -1332,8 +1826,14 @@ function plotorg_edit(~,~) end + + %%-------load the saved parameters for plotting organization--------------- function layout_custom_load(~,~) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Load')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=4 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; @@ -1354,12 +1854,46 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) return; end try - ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + beep; + disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() > layout_custom_load() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); + return; + end + + %%check current version + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + else + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + end + erplabstudioverNum = str2num(erplabstudiover); + try + erplabstudioverNumOld = str2num(Plot_orgpar.version); catch - beep; - disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() > layout_custom_load() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); - return; + erplabstudioverNumOld = []; end + if isempty(erplabstudioverNumOld) || erplabstudioverNumOld Load - This settings file was created using an older version of EStudio')); + elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Load - This settings file was created using an older version of ERPLAB')); + end + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + try GridValue = Plot_orgpar.Grid; OverlayValue = Plot_orgpar.Overlay; @@ -1385,9 +1919,8 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if PageValue~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option. (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Load - Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; GridValue = 1;OverlayValue = 2;PageValue=3; end @@ -1406,6 +1939,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; elseif GridValue==1 && OverlayValue == 3&& PageValue ==2 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value =1; @@ -1414,6 +1948,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,1,0,0,0,0]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=2; elseif GridValue==2 && OverlayValue == 1 && PageValue ==3 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value =0; @@ -1422,6 +1957,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,1,0,0,0]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=3; elseif GridValue==2 && OverlayValue == 3 && PageValue ==1 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value =0; @@ -1430,6 +1966,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,1,0,0]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=4; elseif GridValue==3 && OverlayValue == 1 && PageValue ==2 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value =0; @@ -1438,6 +1975,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,1,0]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=5; elseif GridValue==3 && OverlayValue == 2 && PageValue ==1 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value =0; @@ -1446,6 +1984,7 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,0,1]; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=6; end try @@ -1465,29 +2004,25 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormtdef(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" plotArray = binArray; plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormtdef(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; + elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" plotArray = ERPsetArray; for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; end plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormtdef(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; else plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormtdef(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; end plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value=Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rows; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value=Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columns; + try RowNum = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rows; catch @@ -1500,73 +2035,18 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) ColumNum = plotBox(2); Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columns= plotBox(2); end - plotArrayFormtimp = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columFormatOrig; - - plotArrayFormtimpChag = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columFormat; - button=''; - if numel(plotArrayFormtimp) ~= numel(plotArrayFormtdef) - button='OK'; - plotArrayFormtimp = plotArrayFormtdef; - plotArrayFormtimpChag =plotArrayFormtdef; - else - code =0; - for Numoflabel = 1:numel(plotArrayFormtimpChag)-1 - if ~strcmpi(plotArrayFormtimp{Numoflabel},plotArrayFormtdef{Numoflabel}) - code = code+1; - end - if code~=0 - plotArrayFormtimp = plotArrayFormtdef; - plotArrayFormtimpChag =plotArrayFormtdef; - button='OK'; - end - end - end - GridinforData = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.data; - if ~isempty(button) - BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - question = ['Warning: Bin/Channel/ERPset labels in saved parameter file donot match with the default ones.\n\n See Command Window for details']; - title = 'Plot Organization > Load > layout_custom_load()'; - oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'OK','OK'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor); - - fileCheck{1,1} = 'Default labels'; - fileCheck{1,2} = 'Imported labels'; - plotArrayFormtimp1 = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columFormatOrig; - for Numoflist = 1:max([numel(plotArrayFormtimp1), numel(plotArrayFormtdef)])-1 - if Numoflist < numel(plotArrayFormtdef) - fileCheck{Numoflist+1,1} = plotArrayFormtdef{Numoflist}; - else - fileCheck{Numoflist+1,1} = 'none'; - end - - if Numoflist < numel(plotArrayFormtimp1) - fileCheck{1+Numoflist,2} = plotArrayFormtimp1{Numoflist}; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value=Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rows; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value=Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columns; + NumrowsDef = plotBox(1); + NumcolumnsDef=plotBox(2); + count = 0; + for Numofrows = 1:NumrowsDef + for Numofcolumns = 1:NumcolumnsDef + count = count +1; + if count> numel(plotArray) + GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else - fileCheck{1+Numoflist,2} ='none'; - end - end - - fprintf( [repmat('_',1,40) '\n']); - - for Numoflist = 1:size(fileCheck,1) - hdr{1} = fileCheck{Numoflist,1}; - hdr{2} = fileCheck{Numoflist,2}; - fprintf( '\n%5s %24s %20s\n\n', hdr{:}); - end - fprintf( ['\n',repmat('_',1,40) '\n']); - - GridinforData = ''; - count = 0; - for Numofrows = 1:RowNum - for Numofcolumns = 1:ColumNum - count = count +1; - if count> numel(plotArrayFormtimp)-1 - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); - else - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayFormtimp(count)); - end + GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end end end @@ -1577,14 +2057,12 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) LayOutauto = 'on'; end try - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data= GridinforData; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layoutinfor_table.Enable =LayOutauto; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable=LayOutauto; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable=LayOutauto; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rows; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columns; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormtimpChag; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormtimp; + % ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormtimpChag; catch beep; disp('The imported parameters didnot match with those of "Plot Organization".') @@ -1598,7 +2076,6 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = num2str( Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value = ~rowgapAutoValue; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String = num2str(Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayValue); - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = LayOutauto; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.Enable = LayOutauto; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Enable = LayOutauto; @@ -1642,12 +2119,91 @@ function layout_custom_load(~,~) disp('The imported parameters for columns at "Grid Spacing" didnot match with those of "Plot Organization".') return; end + + if Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto==0 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data= GridinforDatadef; + else + EmptyItemStr = ''; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormtdef; + plotArrayFormt= ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat'; + GridinforDataOrg = Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.data; + % LabelUsedIndex = []; + % countlabel=0; + for ii = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,1) + for jj = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,2) + code = 0; + for kk = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + if strcmp(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj},char(plotArrayFormt(kk))) + code = 1; + end + end + if code==0 + if ~isempty(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + if isnumeric(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + else + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + end + end + GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj} = ''; + end + end + end + if ~isempty(EmptyItemStr) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Load - Undefined items in grid locations:',EmptyItemStr,32,'. Because they donot match with the selected labels')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + + + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforDataOrg; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = size(GridinforDataOrg,1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value= size(GridinforDataOrg,2); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + end + + + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.op =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + + + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); viewer_ERPDAT.page_xyaxis = viewer_ERPDAT.page_xyaxis+1; %%change the legend names based on the imported parameters viewer_ERPDAT.count_legend = viewer_ERPDAT.count_legend+1; f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Load')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -1661,6 +2217,28 @@ function layout_custom_save(~,~) return; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Save as')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + else + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + end + + try ERPwaviewerin = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch @@ -1682,7 +2260,7 @@ function layout_custom_save(~,~) elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 GridValue=3; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =1; end - + Plot_orgpar.version = erplabstudiover; Plot_orgpar.Grid =GridValue; Plot_orgpar.Overlay = OverlayValue; Plot_orgpar.Pages = PageValue; @@ -1691,7 +2269,6 @@ function layout_custom_save(~,~) Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columns = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columFormat = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat; - Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP; @@ -1701,7 +2278,7 @@ function layout_custom_save(~,~) Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP; Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue; - + Plot_orgpar.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto= ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto; pathstr = pwd; namedef ='LayoutInfor'; [erpfilename, erppathname, indxs] = uiputfile({'*.mat'}, ... @@ -1711,23 +2288,22 @@ function layout_custom_save(~,~) disp('User selected Cancel') return end - [pathx, filename, ext] = fileparts(erpfilename); + % [pathx, filename, ext] = fileparts(erpfilename); [pathstr, erpfilename, ext] = fileparts(erpfilename) ; - if indxs==1 - ext = '.mat'; - elseif indxs==2 - ext = '.mat'; - else - ext = '.mat'; - end + ext = '.mat'; erpFilename = char(strcat(erpfilename,ext)); try save([erppathname,erpFilename],'Plot_orgpar','-v7.3'); catch - beep; - disp('Cannot save the parameters for "Plot Organization", please try again'); + MessageViewer = ['Plot Organization > Save as: Cannot save the parameters for "Plot Organization", please try again']; + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; return; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Save as')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + end @@ -1741,6 +2317,10 @@ function plotorg_cancel(~,~) if changeFlag~=1 return; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch @@ -1831,7 +2411,6 @@ function plotorg_cancel(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,0,1]; end - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.op; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = ~ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.op; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Enable = 'on'; @@ -1886,11 +2465,23 @@ function plotorg_cancel(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = 'on'; end end + + if ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto ==0 + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value = 0; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + else + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value = 1; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; + end + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr = ''; estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',0); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -1901,7 +2492,6 @@ function plotorg_apply(~,~) if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=4 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',0); gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; @@ -1928,16 +2518,22 @@ function plotorg_apply(~,~) if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value ==1 GridValue=1; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =3; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value ==1 GridValue=1; OverlayValue = 3; PageValue =2; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=2; elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 GridValue=2; OverlayValue = 1; PageValue =3; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=3; elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 GridValue=2; OverlayValue = 3; PageValue =1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=4; elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value ==1 GridValue=3; OverlayValue = 1; PageValue =2; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=5; elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 GridValue=3; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=6; end [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERPIN,ERPsetArray); @@ -1945,24 +2541,21 @@ function plotorg_apply(~,~) plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" plotArray = binArray; plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" plotArray = ERPsetArray; for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; end plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; + else plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(chanArray)+1) = {'None'}; end plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns @@ -1973,79 +2566,71 @@ function plotorg_apply(~,~) NumrowsDef = 1; NumcolumnsDef = 1; end - % NumcolumnsChanged = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; - % NumrowsChanged = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; - % allNum = NumcolumnsChanged*NumrowsChanged; - % button = 'none'; - % if NumcolumnsChanged*NumrowsChanged< NumrowsDef* NumcolumnsDef - % question = ['Are you sure to set row and column numbers to be',32,num2str(NumrowsChanged),32,'and',32,num2str(NumcolumnsChanged),'?\n\n',... - % 'If so, only the first',32,num2str(allNum),32,'items will be plotted.\n',... - % 'If not, the default numbers of rows and columns will be used.\n']; - % BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - % title = 'My Viewer > Plot Organization > Column(s)'; - % oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - % set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - % button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'Cancel','No', 'Yes','Yes'); - % set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor) - % end - % if isempty(button) || strcmpi(button,'Cancel') - % return; - % end - % if strcmpi(button,'No') - % count = 0; - % for Numofrows = 1:NumrowsDef - % for Numofcolumns = 1:NumcolumnsDef - % count = count +1; - % if count> numel(plotArray) - % GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); - % else - % GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); - % end - % end - % end - % ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforData; - % gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value=NumrowsDef; - % gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value=NumcolumnsDef; - % end + count = 0; for Numofrows = 1:NumrowsDef for Numofcolumns = 1:NumcolumnsDef count = count +1; if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); + GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end end end - - if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value==1 + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value ==0 ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt'; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforDatadef; else - if ~isempty(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr) - plotArrayFormtOld= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columFormatStr; - else - plotArrayFormtOld = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat; - end - for ii = 1:length(plotArrayFormt)-1 - if ii< length(plotArrayFormtOld) - try - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormtOld{ii}); - catch - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormt{ii}); + EmptyItemStr = ''; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat=plotArrayFormt'; + GridinforDataOrg = ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data; + countEmp = 0; + for ii = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,1) + for jj = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,2) + code = 0; + for kk = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + if strcmp(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj},char(plotArrayFormt(kk))) + code = 1; + end end - else - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormt{ii}); + if code==0 + if ~isempty(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + if isnumeric(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + else + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + end + else + countEmp = countEmp+1; + end + GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj} = ''; + end + end + end + if ~isempty(EmptyItemStr) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Apply-Undefined item(s) in grid locations:',EmptyItemStr,32,'because they donot match with the selected labels')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + if countEmp == size(GridinforDataOrg,1)*size(GridinforDataOrg,2) || isempty(EmptyItemStr) + EmptyItemStr = ''; + for kk = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,char(plotArrayFormt(kk))); + end + if ~isempty(EmptyItemStr) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > Apply-Undefined item(s) in grid locations:',EmptyItemStr,32,'because they donot match with the selected labels')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; end end - plotArrayFormtNew{length(plotArrayFormt)} = {'None'}; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormtNew'; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt'; + + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforDataOrg; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = size(GridinforDataOrg,1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value= size(GridinforDataOrg,2); end ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid = GridValue; @@ -2062,6 +2647,21 @@ function plotorg_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + + + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); overlayIndex = estudioworkingmemory('OverlayIndex'); @@ -2086,17 +2686,6 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) end %%Force Grid, Overlay, and Pages to be 1,2,3, respectively if "Same as ERPLAB" - PlotOrg_ERPLAB= estudioworkingmemory('PlotOrg_ERPLAB');%% "Same as ERPLAB"? See "ERPsets" panel of ERP Wave Viewer - if PlotOrg_ERPLAB==1 - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; - end - estudioworkingmemory('PlotOrg_ERPLAB',0); - indexerp = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; ALLERP = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(indexerp) @@ -2110,9 +2699,8 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets.\n We used the first option (i.e., Channels, Bins, ERPsets).')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across ERPsets.\n We used the first option (i.e., Channels, Bins, ERPsets)')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -2168,25 +2756,22 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" plotArray = binArray; plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" plotArray = ERPsetArray; for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; end plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; else plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(chanArray)+1) = {'None'}; end + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value try @@ -2204,44 +2789,89 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns count = count +1; if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end end end - if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid = GridValue; + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value==0 ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforData; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = size(GridinforData,1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value= size(GridinforData,2); ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt'; else - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt; - plotArrayFormtOld = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat; - for ii = 1:length(plotArrayFormt)-1 - if ii< length(plotArrayFormtOld) - try - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormtOld{ii}); - catch - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormt{ii}); + EmptyItemStr = ''; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat=plotArrayFormt'; + GridinforDataOrg = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data; + for ii = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,1) + for jj = 1:size(GridinforDataOrg,2) + code = 0; + for kk = 1:length(plotArrayFormt) + if strcmp(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj},char(plotArrayFormt(kk))) + code = 1; + end + end + if code==0 + if ~isempty(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + if isnumeric(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj}) + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + else + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj})); + end + end + GridinforDataOrg{ii,jj} = ''; end - else - plotArrayFormtNew{ii} = char(plotArrayFormt{ii}); end end - plotArrayFormtNew{length(plotArrayFormt)} = {'None'}; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormtNew'; + + if ~isempty(EmptyItemStr) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > v_currentERP_change() - Undefined items in grid locations:',EmptyItemStr,32,'. Because they donot match with the selected labels')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforDataOrg; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = size(GridinforDataOrg,1); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value= size(GridinforDataOrg,2); end + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + %%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=2; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=3; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=4; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=5; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=6; + end + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file + end %%-------------modify this panel based on updated parameters--------------- - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=4 return; end try @@ -2263,13 +2893,16 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) try ALLERP = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; indexerp = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; + chanArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + binArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.bin; catch beep; disp('f_ERP_plotorg_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(indexerp) - SrateNum_mp{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).srate; + SrateNum_mp(Numofselectederp) = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).srate; end if length(unique(SrateNum_mp))~=1 gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Enable = 'off'; @@ -2277,17 +2910,13 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if PageValue ~=3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option. (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; GridValue=1; OverlayValue = 2; PageValue =3; ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid = 1; ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay = 2; ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages = 3; - - chanArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.chan; - ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; if max(ERPsetArray) >length(ALLERPIN) ERPsetArray =length(ALLERPIN); @@ -2297,7 +2926,6 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) plotArray = chanArray; plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray); try Numrows = plotBox(1); @@ -2311,7 +2939,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) for Numofcolumns = 1:Numcolumns count = count +1; if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end @@ -2321,7 +2949,6 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = Numrows; ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns =Numcolumns; ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig = plotArrayFormt'; end else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Enable = 'on'; @@ -2381,19 +3008,123 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [0,0,0,0,0,1]; end + + [chanStr,binStr,diff_mark] = f_geterpschanbin(ALLERP,ERPsetArray); + if GridValue ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" + plotArray = chanArray; + plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); + plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; + elseif GridValue == 2 %% if the selected Bin is "Grid" + plotArray = binArray; + plotArrayStr = binStr(binArray); + plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; + elseif GridValue == 3%% if the selected ERPset is "Grid" + plotArray = ERPsetArray; + for Numoferpset = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) + plotArrayStr(Numoferpset,1) = {char(ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numoferpset)).erpname)}; + end + plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; + else + plotArray = chanArray; + plotArrayStr = chanStr(chanArray); + plotArrayFormtdef = plotArrayStr; + end + + plotBox = f_getrow_columnautowaveplot(plotArray);%% the first element is number of rows and the second element is the number of columns + try + NumrowsDef = plotBox(1); + NumcolumnsDef = plotBox(2); + catch + NumrowsDef = 1; + NumcolumnsDef = 1; + end + + count = 0; + for Numofrows = 1:NumrowsDef + for Numofcolumns = 1:NumcolumnsDef + count = count +1; + if count> numel(plotArray) + GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; + else + GridinforDatadef{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); + end + end + end AutoValue = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.op; if AutoValue ==1 Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 0; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows =NumrowsDef; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns = NumcolumnsDef; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP=1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue=10; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP=0; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayValue=40; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPOP=1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue=10; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP=0; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue=40; else Enable = 'on'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value =0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Value = 1; + + + end + try + GridLayoutAuto = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.GridLayoutAuto; + catch + GridLayoutAuto=0; + end + if GridLayoutAuto==0 + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data = GridinforDatadef; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat=plotArrayFormtdef; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'off'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value =0; + else + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = 'on'; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value =1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat=plotArrayFormtdef; + Datanew = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows =size(Datanew,1); + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns = size(Datanew,2); + LabelUsedIndex = []; + countlabel=0; + EmptyItemStr =''; + for ii = 1:size(Datanew,1) + for jj = 1:size(Datanew,2) + code1 = 0; + for kk = 1:length(plotArrayFormtdef) + if strcmp(Datanew{ii,jj},plotArrayFormtdef{kk}) + code1=1; + end + end + if code1==0 + if ~isempty(Datanew{ii,jj}) + if isnumeric(Datanew{ii,jj}) + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(Datanew{ii,jj})); + else + EmptyItemStr = strcat(EmptyItemStr,32,num2str(Datanew{ii,jj})); + end + end + Datanew{ii,jj} = ''; + end + end + end + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.data = Datanew; + + if ~isempty(EmptyItemStr) + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Plot Organization > loadproper_change() - Undefined items in grid locations:',EmptyItemStr,32,'. Because they donot match with the selected labels')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + + end + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Enable ='on'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom.Enable ='on'; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable = Enable; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable = Enable; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable = Enable; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Enable = Enable; @@ -2404,7 +3135,6 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable = Enable; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable = Enable; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable = Enable; - RowNum = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.rows; columNum = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columns; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value = RowNum; @@ -2431,7 +3161,8 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.Enable = 'on'; end end - %%column gap and oveerlay + + %%column gap and overlay columnGapValue = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPOP; columnGapcustom = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.GTPValue; columnoverlayValue = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP; @@ -2453,6 +3184,35 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) end end assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + + %%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + if gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=2; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c3.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=3; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c4.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=4; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=5; + elseif gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value ==1 + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=6; + end + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file + + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count =5; end @@ -2494,9 +3254,8 @@ function count_twopanels_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Enable = 'off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Enable = 'off'; if y_Flag~=1 && y_Flag~= 3 - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option. (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Sampling rate varies across ERPsets. We used the first option')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c1.Value = 1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Value = 0; @@ -2505,6 +3264,10 @@ function count_twopanels_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid = 1; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Overlay = 2; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Pages = 3; + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); end else gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c2.Enable = 'on'; @@ -2537,7 +3300,6 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c5.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.plotorg_c6.Value = 0; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.LayoutFlag = [1,0,0,0,0,0]; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Grid = 1; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Overlay = 2; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.Pages = 3; @@ -2548,9 +3310,8 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) Datype{Numofselectederp} = ALLERP(indexerp(Numofselectederp)).datatype; end if length(unique(Datype))~=1 || (numel(indexerp)==1 && strcmpi(char(Datype),'ERP')~=1) - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset (see Command Window)')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Warning: Type of data varies across ERPsets. We only plot waves for ERPset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end @@ -2578,6 +3339,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value=NumcolumnsDef; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Enable='off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Enable='off'; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rows = NumrowsDef; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columns=NumcolumnsDef; ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewerin.SelectERPIdx; @@ -2592,7 +3354,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) for Numofcolumns = 1:NumcolumnsDef count = count +1; if count> numel(plotArray) - GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char('None'); + GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = ''; else GridinforData{Numofrows,Numofcolumns} = char(plotArrayStr(count)); end @@ -2600,9 +3362,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) end ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.data =GridinforData; plotArrayFormt = plotArrayStr; - plotArrayFormt(numel(plotArray)+1) = {'None'}; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormat = plotArrayFormt'; - ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columFormatOrig= plotArrayFormt'; %%Grid spacing gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value =1; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String = '10'; @@ -2620,7 +3380,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.Enable ='off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Enable ='off'; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.Enable ='off'; - gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable ='off'; + ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.GTPValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.rowgap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowoverlap.Value; @@ -2630,13 +3390,47 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayOP = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnoverlay.Value; ERPwaviewerin.plot_org.gridlayout.columngap.OverlayValue = str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value=0; %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit.Enable='off'; + + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); + + %%Using the default background color for "apply" and title bar gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewerin); + %%save the parameters for this panel to memory file + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{1}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{2}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_auto.Value; + plotBox(1) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rownum.Value; + plotBox(2) = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columnnum.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{3}=plotBox; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{4}= gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgap_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{5}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapGTPcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{6}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.rowgapoverlayedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{7} = gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpop.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{8}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapgtpcustom.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{9}=str2num(gui_plotorg_waveviewer.columngapoverlapedit.String); + MERPWaveViewer_plotorg{10}=gui_plotorg_waveviewer.layout_custom_edit_checkbox.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_plotorg',MERPWaveViewer_plotorg);%%save parameters for this panel to memory file + + %%execute next panel viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel=5; end end%%end of reset + + function plotorg_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress, 'enter') + plotorg_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_plotorg',0); + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + gui_plotorg_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + box_erpwave_viewer_plotorg.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_property_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_property_waveviewer_GUI.m index 6c676b19..3dc6d2f2 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_property_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_property_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ global gui_erp_waviewer; global viewer_ERPDAT; % addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@Count_currentERPChanged); -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +% addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); gui_property_waveviewer = struct(); @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ box_erpwave_viewer_property = uiextras.BoxPanel('Parent', varargin{1}, 'Title', 'Viewer Properties', 'Padding', 5,... 'FontSize', varargin{2},'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'TitleColor',[0.5 0.5 0.9],'ForegroundColor','w'); end - +gui_erp_waviewer.Window.WindowButtonMotionFcn = {@ViewerPos}; %-----------------------------Draw the panel------------------------------------- try FonsizeDefault = varargin{2}; @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault); varargout{1} = box_erpwave_viewer_property; @@ -74,7 +74,32 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_load = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent',gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_TN_title,'String',ViewerName,... 'callback',@viewer_TN,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % set(gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_TN_title, 'Sizes',[70 165]); - set(gui_property_waveviewer.DataSelBox ,'Sizes',[30 25]) + + + gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_property_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title,'String','Position:',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %1A + New_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos; + if isempty(New_pos) + New_pos = [0.01,0.01,75,75]; + erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',New_pos); + end + + New_pos1 = roundn(New_pos,-3); + New_poStr = char([num2str(New_pos1(1)),32,num2str(New_pos1(2)),32,num2str(New_pos1(3)),32,num2str(New_pos1(4))]); + + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent',gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title,'String',New_poStr,... + 'callback',@Viewerpos,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % + set(gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title, 'Sizes',[70 165]); + + gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title1 = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_property_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title1,'String','',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); %1A + uicontrol('Style','text','Parent',gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title1,'String','(left bottom width height) in %',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % + set(gui_property_waveviewer.viewer_pos_title1, 'Sizes',[68 165]); + + set(gui_property_waveviewer.DataSelBox ,'Sizes',[30 25 25 25]) end @@ -83,9 +108,13 @@ function drawui_plot_property(FonsizeDefault) %%--------------------------Sub function------------------------------------%% %%**************************************************************************%% - %%-------------------------Setting for load-------------------------------- function parameters_load(~,~) + + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Load')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + [filename, filepath,indxs] = uigetfile({'*.mat'}, ... 'Load parametrs for "My viewer"', ... 'MultiSelect', 'off'); @@ -103,49 +132,62 @@ function parameters_load(~,~) ext = '.mat'; end erpFilename = char(strcat(erpfilename,ext)); - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Load')); - erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; try ERPwaviewer = importdata([filepath,erpFilename]); - - if isempty(ERPwaviewer.ALLERP) - BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - question = ['Do you want to use the default "ALLERP"? \n Because there is no "ALLERP" in the file']; - title = 'My Viewer>Viewer Properties'; - oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'Cancel','No', 'Yes','Yes'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor); - if strcmpi(button,'Yes') - ERPwaviewerdef = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer.ALLERP= ERPwaviewerdef.ALLERP; - ERPwaviewer.ERP = ERPwaviewerdef.ERP; - else - if strcmpi(button,'No') - beep; - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Load: \n Cannot use the file because no ALLERP can be used.\n\n'); - else - beep - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Load: \n User selected cancel.\n\n'); - end - return; - end - end - + ERPwaviewerdef = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + ERPwaviewer.ALLERP= ERPwaviewerdef.ALLERP; + ERPwaviewer.ERP = ERPwaviewerdef.ERP; + ERPwaviewer.CURRENTERP = ERPwaviewerdef.CURRENTERP; + ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx = ERPwaviewerdef.SelectERPIdx; + ERPwaviewer.PageIndex = ERPwaviewerdef.PageIndex; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); catch beep; + MessageViewer=['\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Load: Cannot load the saved parameters of My viewer ']; + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Load: \n Cannot load the saved parameters of My viewer.\n\n'); return; end - viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper = viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper+1; - % estudioworkingmemory('zoomSpace',1.5); + + %%check current version + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + else + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + end + erplabstudioverNum = str2num(erplabstudiover); + try + erplabstudioverNumOld = str2num(ERPwaviewer.version); + catch + erplabstudioverNumOld = []; + end + if isempty(erplabstudioverNumOld) || erplabstudioverNumOld Load - This settings file was created using an older version of EStudio')); + elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Load - This settings file was created using an older version of ERPLAB')); + end + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + end + + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count = 1; f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); + + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Load')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end @@ -166,35 +208,42 @@ function parameters_save(~,~) namedef ='Viewer'; erpFilename = char(strcat(namedef,'.mat')); - BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - question = ['Do you want to include "ALLERP"?']; - title = 'My Viewer>Viewer Properties'; - oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'Cancel','No', 'Yes','Yes'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor); - - if strcmpi(button,'No') || strcmpi(button,'Yes') - if strcmpi(button,'No') - ERPwaviewer.ALLERP = []; - ERPwaviewer.ERP = []; - end + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') try - save([pathstr,filesep,erpFilename],'ERPwaviewer','-v7.3'); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + [version1 reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; catch - beep; - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Save as: \n Cannot save the parameters of My viewer.\n\n'); - return; + erplabstudiover = ''; end else + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + end + ERPwaviewer.version = erplabstudiover; + + + ERPwaviewer.ALLERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.ERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.CURRENTERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx = []; + ERPwaviewer.PageIndex = []; + try + save([pathstr,filesep,erpFilename],'ERPwaviewer','-v7.3'); + catch beep; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Propoerties > Save: \n Cannot save the parameters of My viewer')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Save as: \n User selected cancel.\n\n'); return; end - + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Save')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end %%-------------------------Setting for Save as-------------------------------- function parameters_saveas(~,~) @@ -235,39 +284,43 @@ function parameters_saveas(~,~) end erpFilename = char(strcat(erpfilename,ext)); - - BackERPLABcolor = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - question = ['Do you want to include "ALLERP"?']; - title = 'My Viewer>Viewer Properties'; - oldcolor = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor) - button = questdlg(sprintf(question), title,'Cancel','No', 'Yes','Yes'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor); - - if strcmpi(button,'No') || strcmpi(button,'Yes') - if strcmpi(button,'No') - ERPwaviewer.ALLERP = []; - ERPwaviewer.ERP = []; - end + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') try - save([erppathname,erpFilename],'ERPwaviewer','-v7.3'); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + [version1 reldate] = geterplabstudioversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; catch - beep; - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Save as: \n Cannot save the parameters of My viewer.\n\n'); - return; + erplabstudiover = ''; end else + try + [version1 reldate] = geterplabversion; + erplabstudiover = version1; + catch + erplabstudiover = ''; + end + end + ERPwaviewer.version = erplabstudiover; + ERPwaviewer.ALLERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.ERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.CURRENTERP = []; + ERPwaviewer.SelectERPIdx = []; + ERPwaviewer.PageIndex = []; + try + save([erppathname,erpFilename],'ERPwaviewer','-v7.3'); + catch beep; viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Save as: \n User selected cancel.\n\n'); + fprintf(2,'\n\n My viewer > Viewer Propoerties > Save as: \n Cannot save the parameters of My viewer.\n\n'); return; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Save as')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end -%%----------------Setting for location path----------------------------- +%%------------------Title name for Wave Viewer----------------------------- function viewer_TN(source_locationname,~) MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Title')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); @@ -297,4 +350,132 @@ function viewer_TN(source_locationname,~) gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Name = currvers; viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end + + + function Viewerpos(Str,~) + New_pos = str2num(Str.String); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Position')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + try + ScreenPos = get( groot, 'Screensize' ); + catch + ScreenPos = get( 0, 'Screensize' ); + end + if isempty(New_pos) || numel(New_pos)~=4 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Position- 4 numbers are needed for Viewer position (e.g., [1 1 1200 700])')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + % fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',MessageViewer,'.\n']); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = num2str(new_pos); + return; + end + + xyValue = New_pos(1:2); + WHpos = New_pos(3:4); + if min(xyValue(:))<-100 || max(xyValue(:)) >100 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > X and Y values should be between [-100 100]')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = num2str(new_pos); + return; + end + if min(WHpos(:))<0 || max(WHpos(:))>100 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > width and height values should be between [0 100]')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = num2str(new_pos); + return; + end + + if New_pos(1)>90 || New_pos(1)< -90 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Position: Left is better within [-90 90], otherwise, the main GUI will disappear.')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = num2str(new_pos); + return; + end + + if New_pos(2)< -90 + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Viewer Properties > Position: Bottom should be larger than -90, otherwise, the main GUI will disappear.')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; + new_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = num2str(new_pos); + return; + end + + erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',New_pos); + gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos = New_pos; + New_pos1 = roundn(New_pos,-3); + New_poStr = char([num2str(New_pos1(1)),32,num2str(New_pos1(2)),32,num2str(New_pos1(3)),32,num2str(New_pos1(4))]); + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = New_poStr; + + + New_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*New_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*New_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*New_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*New_pos(4)/100]; + gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position= New_pos; + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); + end + +%%Update the Viewer position automatically + function ViewerPos(~,~) + + ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer= erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer'); + if ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer==1 + viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label=2; + end + + try + ScreenPos = get( groot, 'Screensize' ); + catch + ScreenPos = get( 0, 'Screensize' ); + end + try + New_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position; + catch + return; + end + New_pos1 = [100*New_pos(1)/ScreenPos(3),100*New_pos(2)/ScreenPos(4),100*New_pos(3)/ScreenPos(3),100*New_pos(4)/ScreenPos(4)]; + try + Old_pos = gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos; + New_pos = [100*New_pos(1)/ScreenPos(3),100*New_pos(2)/ScreenPos(4),Old_pos(3),Old_pos(4)]; + catch + New_pos = [100*New_pos(1)/ScreenPos(3),100*New_pos(2)/ScreenPos(4),100*New_pos(3)/ScreenPos(3),100*New_pos(4)/ScreenPos(4)]; + end + + if New_pos1(1)>90 || New_pos1(1)< -90 || New_pos(2)< -90 || min(New_pos1(3:4))<-100 || max(New_pos1(3:4)) >100 %% from different size of monitor + New_pos = [0.01,0.01,75,75]; + new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*New_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*New_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*New_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*New_pos(4)/100]; + set(gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Position', new_pos); + + zoomSpace = 100*((gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.Widths+240)-gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position(3))/gui_erp_waviewer.Window.Position(3); + if isempty(zoomSpace) || zoomSpace<0 + zoomSpace = 0; + end + if zoomSpace ==0 + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets=0; + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets=0; + end + estudioworkingmemory('zoomSpace',zoomSpace); + gui_erp_waviewer.zoom_edit.String = num2str(roundn(zoomSpace,-1)); + + end + + New_pos = roundn(New_pos,-3); + New_poStr = char([num2str(New_pos(1)),32,num2str(New_pos(2)),32,num2str(New_pos(3)),32,num2str(New_pos(4))]); + + gui_property_waveviewer.parameters_pos.String = New_poStr; + % erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',New_pos); + gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos = New_pos; + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI.m index 0174656e..96299bff 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI.m @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'v_currentERP_change',@v_currentERP_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'page_xyaxis_change',@page_xyaxis_change); -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ FonsizeDefault = []; end if isempty(FonsizeDefault) - FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); + FonsizeDefault = f_get_default_fontsize(); end @@ -50,24 +50,43 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis');%%call the memery for this panel + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis= estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis'); try - ALLERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - ERPwaviewer = ALLERPwaviewer; + ERPwaviewer = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch beep; disp('f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end + + %%Set for x units: 1 is in Second; 0 is in millisecond try - timeArray(1) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(1); - timeArray(2) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(end); + xdispysecondValue= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1}; catch - timeArray = []; + xdispysecondValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1} = xdispysecondValue; + end + if numel(xdispysecondValue)~=1 || (xdispysecondValue~=1 && xdispysecondValue~=0 ) + xdispysecondValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1} = xdispysecondValue; end + + %%x scale try - timerangeAuto = ERPwaviewer.xaxis.trangeauto; + timerangeAutodef = ERPwaviewer.xaxis.trangeauto; catch - timerangeAuto =1; + timerangeAutodef =1; + end + try + timerangeAuto= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2}; + catch + timerangeAuto = timerangeAutodef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2} = timerangeAutodef; + end + if isempty(timerangeAuto) || numel(timerangeAuto)~=1 || (timerangeAuto~=1 && timerangeAuto~=0) + timerangeAuto = timerangeAutodef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2} = timerangeAutodef; end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', box_erpxtaxes_viewer_property,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); @@ -77,16 +96,33 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% try ERPIN = ERPwaviewer.ERP; - timeArray(1) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(1); - timeArray(2) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(end); - [timeticks stepX]= default_time_ticks_studio(ERPIN, [timeArray(1),timeArray(2)]); + timeArraydef(1) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(1); + timeArraydef(2) = ERPwaviewer.ERP.times(end); + [timeticksdef stepX]= default_time_ticks_studio(ERPIN, [timeArraydef(1),timeArraydef(2)]); if ~isempty(stepX) && numel(stepX) ==1 stepX = floor(stepX/2); end catch - timeticks = []; + timeticksdef = ''; timeArray =[]; end + try + timeArray= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3}; + catch + timeArray = timeArraydef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeArray; + end + if numel(timeArray)~=2 || isempty(timeArray) + timeArray = timeArraydef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeArray; + end + if timerangeAuto==1 + timeArray = timeArraydef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeArray; + end + if xdispysecondValue==0 + timeArray = timeArray/1000; + end %%-----------------Setting for time range------- gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xaxis_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xaxis_title,'String','X Axis:',... @@ -96,24 +132,35 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.display_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.display_title,... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Display in','HorizontalAlignment','left'); % - xdispysecondValue = 1; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.display_title,... 'callback',@xmilsecond,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Millisecond','Value',xdispysecondValue); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tdis = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.Value; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xsecond = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.display_title,... 'callback',@xsecond,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Second','Value',~xdispysecondValue); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xsecond.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.display_title,'Sizes',[75 90 75]); - ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tdis = 1; - erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_second',0); - erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_msecond',1); + if timerangeAutodef==1 + % ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tdis = 1; + erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_second',0); + erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_msecond',1); + else + % ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tdis = 0; + erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_second',1); + erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_msecond',0); + end %%------time range------ gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerange_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_label = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerange_title,... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Time Range','Max',10,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerange_title,'String',num2str(timeArray),... 'callback',@timerangecustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerange_title,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@xtimerangeauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',timerangeAuto); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; + if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value ==1 enableName = 'off'; else @@ -121,61 +168,127 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.Enable = enableName; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerange_title,'Sizes',[80 100 60]); - ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timerange = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + if xdispysecondValue==1 + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timerange = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + else + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timerange = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String))*1000; + end ERPwaviewer.xaxis.trangeauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value; %%----------------------time ticks--------------------------------- stepX = []; - timeticksAuto = 1; - xtick_precision =0; + try + timeticksAuto= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4}; + catch + timeticksAuto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4}=1; + end + if isempty(timeticksAuto)|| numel(timeticksAuto)~=1 || (timeticksAuto~=1 && timeticksAuto~=0) + timeticksAuto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4}=1; + end + timeticksdef = str2num(char(timeticksdef)); + try + timeticks = MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5}; + catch + timeticks = timeticksdef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} =timeticks; + end + if timeticksAuto==1 + timeticks = timeticksdef; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} =timeticks; + end + if xdispysecondValue==0 + timeticks = timeticks/1000; + end + + %%Precision for xtick labels + try + xtick_precision= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6}; + catch + if xdispysecondValue==1 + xtick_precision =0; + else + xtick_precision =1; + end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = xtick_precision; + end + if xdispysecondValue==1 + xprecisoonName = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; + if xtick_precision<0 || xtick_precision>6 + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = 0; + xtick_precision =0; + end + else + xprecisoonName = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; + if xtick_precision<1 || xtick_precision>6 + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = 1; + xtick_precision =1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = xtick_precision; + end + end + timeticks= f_decimal(timeticks,xtick_precision); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetick_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_label = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetick_title ,... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Time Ticks','HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetick_title ,'String',timeticks,... 'callback',@timetickscustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetick_title ,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@xtimetickauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',timeticksAuto); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.Value ==1 enableName_tick = 'off'; else enableName_tick = 'on'; end - % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_label.Enable = enableName_tick; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = enableName_tick; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetick_title,'Sizes',[80 100 60]); - ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timeticks = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + if xdispysecondValue==1 + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timeticks = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + else + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.timeticks = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String))*1000; + end ERPwaviewer.xaxis.ticksauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.Value; - %%--------x tick precision with decimals--------------------------- gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title ,... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Precision','HorizontalAlignment','left'); % - xprecisoonName = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; + if xdispysecondValue==1 + xtick_precision =xtick_precision+1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title,'String',xprecisoonName,... - 'callback',@xticksprecison,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',xtick_precision+1); % + 'callback',@xticksprecison,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',xtick_precision); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title,'String','# decimals',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtickprecision_title,'Sizes',[30 65 60 80]); - ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value-1; - - + if xdispysecondValue==1 + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value-1; + else + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value; + end %%-----time minor ticks-------------------------------------------- - xticksStr = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); - stepX = []; + if xdispysecondValue==1 + xticksStr = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + else + xticksStr = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String))*1000; + end + stepXdef = []; if ~isempty(xticksStr) && numel(xticksStr)>1 if numel(xticksStr)>=2 for Numofxticks = 1:numel(xticksStr)-1 - stepX(1,Numofxticks) = xticksStr(Numofxticks)+(xticksStr(Numofxticks+1)-xticksStr(Numofxticks))/2; + stepXdef(1,Numofxticks) = xticksStr(Numofxticks)+(xticksStr(Numofxticks+1)-xticksStr(Numofxticks))/2; end %%adjust the left edge stexleft = (xticksStr(2)-xticksStr(1))/2; for ii = 1:1000 if (xticksStr(1)- stexleft*ii)>=timeArray(1) - stepX = [(xticksStr(1)- stexleft*ii),stepX]; + stepXdef = [(xticksStr(1)- stexleft*ii),stepXdef]; else break; end @@ -184,46 +297,100 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) stexright = (xticksStr(end)-xticksStr(end-1))/2; for ii = 1:1000 if (xticksStr(end)+ stexright*ii)<=timeArray(end) - stepX = [stepX,(xticksStr(end)+ stexright*ii)]; + stepXdef = [stepXdef,(xticksStr(end)+ stexright*ii)]; else break; end end end end - timeminorLabel = 0; + try + timeminorLabel= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7}; + catch + timeminorLabel = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7} = 0; + end + if isempty(timeminorLabel) || numel(timeminorLabel)~=1 || (timeminorLabel~=1 && timeminorLabel~=0) + timeminorLabel = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7} = 0; + end if timeminorLabel==1 xminorEnable_auto = 'on'; else xminorEnable_auto = 'off'; end - timeminorstep = 1; + try + stepX = MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8}; + if isempty(stepX) + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = stepXdef; + stepX = stepXdef; + end + catch + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = stepXdef; + stepX = stepXdef; + end + + try + timeminorstep = MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9} =1; + timeminorstep = 1; + end + if isempty(timeminorstep)|| numel(timeminorstep)~=1 || (timeminorstep~=1 && timeminorstep~=0) + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9} =1; + timeminorstep = 1; + end + if timeminorstep ==1 xminorEnable_custom = 'off'; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = stepXdef; + stepX = stepXdef; else xminorEnable_custom = 'on'; end + if xdispysecondValue==0 + stepX = stepX/1000; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminnortick_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminnortick_title ,... 'callback',@timeminortickslabel,'String','Minor ticks','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Value',timeminorLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminnortick_title ,... 'callback',@timeminorticks_custom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'String',num2str(stepX),'Enable',xminorEnable_custom); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminnortick_title,... 'callback',@timeminortickscustom_auto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Auto','Value',timeminorstep, 'Enable',xminorEnable_auto); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminnortick_title,'Sizes',[90 90 50]); ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tminor.disp = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.Value; - ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + if xdispysecondValue==1 + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + else + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String))*1000; + end + ERPwaviewer.xaxis.tminor.auto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.Value; %%-----time ticks label-------------------------------------------- - timetickLabel = 1; + try + timetickLabel= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10}=1; + timetickLabel = 1; + end + if isempty(timetickLabel) || numel(timetickLabel)~=1 || (timetickLabel~=1 && timetickLabel~=0) + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10}=1; + timetickLabel = 1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title ,'String','Labels',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title,... 'callback',@xtimelabelon,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','On','Value',timetickLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_off = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title,... 'callback',@xtimelabeloff,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Off','Value',~timetickLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_off.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title); set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_title,'Sizes',[50 50 50 80]); if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on.Value ==1 @@ -235,22 +402,51 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) %%-----font, font size, and text color for time ticks-------------- - ttickLabelfont = 2; + try + ttickLabelfont = MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11}; + catch + ttickLabelfont = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11}=3; + end + if isempty(ttickLabelfont) || numel(ttickLabelfont)~=1 || ttickLabelfont<1 || ttickLabelfont>20 + ttickLabelfont = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11}=3; + end fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; xfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); - ttickLabelfontsizeV = 4; - ttickLabelfontcolor = 1; + try + ttickLabelfontsizeV = MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12}; + catch + ttickLabelfontsizeV = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12}=4; + end + if isempty(ttickLabelfontsizeV) || numel(ttickLabelfontsizeV)~=1 || ttickLabelfontsizeV<1 || ttickLabelfontsizeV>20 + ttickLabelfontsizeV = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12}=4; + end + try + ttickLabelfontcolor= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13}; + catch + ttickLabelfontcolor = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13} =1; + end + if isempty(ttickLabelfontcolor) || numel(ttickLabelfontcolor)~=1 || ttickLabelfontcolor<1 || ttickLabelfontcolor>7 + ttickLabelfontcolor = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13} =1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title,'String','Font',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title ,'String',fonttype,... 'callback',@xtimefont,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',fontenable,'Value',ttickLabelfont); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title ,'String','Size',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title ,'String',fontsize,... 'callback',@xtimefontsize,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',fontenable,'Value',ttickLabelfontsizeV); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_title,'Sizes',[30 100 30 80]); ERPwaviewer.xaxis.font = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.Value; ERPwaviewer.xaxis.fontsize = xfontsizeinum(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); @@ -262,20 +458,32 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) textColor = {'Black','Red','Blue','Green','Orange','Cyan','Magenla'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabelcolor_title ,'String',textColor,... 'callback',@xtimecolor,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',fontenable,'Value',ttickLabelfontcolor); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabelcolor_title); uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabelcolor_title); set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabelcolor_title,'Sizes',[40 100 30 70]); ERPwaviewer.xaxis.fontcolor = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor.Value; %%%----Setting for the xunits display-------------------------- - timeunits = 1; + try + timeunits= MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14}; + catch + timeunits = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14}=1; + end + if isempty(timeunits) || numel(timeunits)~=1 || (timeunits~=1 && timeunits~=0) + timeunits = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14}=1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title ,'String','Units',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title,... 'callback',@xtimeunitson,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','On','Value',timeunits); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_off = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title,... 'callback',@xtimeunitsoff,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Off','Value',~timeunits); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_off.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title); set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_title,'Sizes',[50 50 50 80]); ERPwaviewer.xaxis.units = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.Value; @@ -315,17 +523,44 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) else yRangeLabel = num2str(yylim_out(yscales_v,:)); end - yRangeauto = 1; + yRangeLabeldef = num2str(yRangeLabel); + try + yRangeauto= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1}; + catch + yRangeauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1}=1; + end + if isempty(yRangeauto) || numel(yRangeauto)~=1 || (yRangeauto~=0 && yRangeauto~=1) + yRangeauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1}=1; + end + + try + yRangeLabel = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2}; + catch + yRangeLabel = yRangeLabeldef; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2} = yRangeLabel; + end + if isempty(yRangeLabel) || numel(yRangeLabel)~=2 + yRangeLabel = yRangeLabeldef; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2} = yRangeLabel; + end + if yRangeauto==1 + yRangeLabel = yRangeLabeldef; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2} = yRangeLabel; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yaxis_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yaxis_title,'String','Y Axis:',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',1,'HorizontalAlignment','center','FontWeight','bold'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_label = uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_title,... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Y Scale','Max',10,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_title,'String',yRangeLabel,... + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_title,'String',num2str(yRangeLabel),... 'callback',@yrangecustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_title,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@yrangeauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',yRangeauto); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value ==1 yenableName = 'off'; else @@ -337,12 +572,46 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewer.yaxis.scalesauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value; %%--------Y ticks-------------------------------------------------- - ytick_precision = 1; + try %%Auto for y ticks + yTickauto= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{3}; + catch + yTickauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{3} = 1; + end + if isempty(yTickauto) || numel(yTickauto)~=1 || (yTickauto~=1 && yTickauto~=0) + yTickauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{3} = 1; + end + try + ytick_precision= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{5}; + catch + ytick_precision = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{5}=1; + end + if isempty(ytick_precision) ||numel(ytick_precision)~=1 || ytick_precision<0 || ytick_precision>6 + ytick_precision = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{5}=1; + end + yRangeLabel = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String; yticksLabel = ''; if ~isempty(str2num(yRangeLabel)) yticksLabel = default_amp_ticks_viewer(str2num(yRangeLabel)); end - yTickauto = 1; + if yTickauto==0 + yticksLabelin = []; + try + yticksLabelin= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4}; + catch + yticksLabelin = str2num(yRangeLabel); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = yticksLabelin; + end + if isempty(yticksLabelin) + yticksLabelin = str2num(yRangeLabel); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = yticksLabelin; + end + yticksLabel = num2str(yticksLabelin); + end + if isempty(str2num(yticksLabel)) yticksLabel = ''; else @@ -362,8 +631,10 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Y Ticks','HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytick_title,'String',yticksLabel,... 'callback',@ytickscustom,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickauto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytick_title ,'String','Auto',... 'callback',@ytickauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'Value',yTickauto); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickauto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickauto.Value ==1 yenableName_tick = 'off'; else @@ -382,28 +653,59 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) yprecisoonName = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickprecision_title,'String',yprecisoonName,... 'callback',@yticksprecison,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Value',ytick_precision+1); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickprecision_title,'String','# decimals',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickprecision_title,'Sizes',[30 65 60 80]); ERPwaviewer.yaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value-1; %%-----y minor ticks----------------------------------------------- - yminorLabel = 0; + try + yminorLabel= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6}; + catch + yminorLabel= 0; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6}=0; + end + if isempty(yminorLabel) || numel(yminorLabel)~=1 || (yminorLabel~=0&& yminorLabel~=1) + yminorLabel= 0; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6}=0; + end if yminorLabel ==1 yminorautoLabel = 'on'; else yminorautoLabel ='off'; end - yminorautoValue = 1; + try + yminorautoValue = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7}; + catch + yminorautoValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7}=1; + end + if isempty(yminorautoValue) || numel(yminorautoValue)~=1 || (yminorautoValue~=1 && yminorautoValue~=0) + yminorautoValue = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7}=1; + end if yminorautoValue ==1 yminoreditEnable = 'off'; else yminoreditEnable = 'on'; end - yticksStr = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.String)); + yticksStrdef = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.String)); + if yminorautoValue==1 + yticksStr = yticksStrdef; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = yticksStrdef; + else + try + yticksStr = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8}; + catch + yticksStr = yticksStrdef; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = yticksStrdef; + end + end + stepY = []; - yscaleRange = (str2num(yRangeLabel)); + yscaleRange = str2num(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String); if ~isempty(yticksStr) && numel(yticksStr)>1 if numel(yticksStr)>=2 for Numofxticks = 1:numel(yticksStr)-1 @@ -432,24 +734,38 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminnortick_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminortick = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminnortick_title ,'String','Minor Ticks',... 'callback',@yminordisp,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left','Value',yminorLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminortick.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit = uicontrol('Style','edit','Parent',gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminnortick_title ,... 'callback',@yminorstepedit,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'String',char(num2str(stepY)),'Enable',yminoreditEnable); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto = uicontrol('Style','checkbox','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminnortick_title,... 'callback',@yminorstepauto,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Auto','Value',yminorautoValue,'Enable',yminorautoLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; ERPwaviewer.yaxis.yminor.disp = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminortick.Value; ERPwaviewer.yaxis.yminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); ERPwaviewer.yaxis.yminor.auto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.Value; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminnortick_title,'Sizes',[90 90 50]); %%-----y ticks label----------------------------------------------- - ytickLabel = 1; + try + ytickLabel = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9}; + catch + ytickLabel = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9}=1; + end + if isempty(ytickLabel) || numel(ytickLabel)~=1 || (ytickLabel~=1 && ytickLabel~=0) + ytickLabel = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9}=1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_title,'String','Labels',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_title,... 'callback',@ylabelon,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','On','Value',ytickLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_off = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_title,... 'callback',@ylabeloff,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Off','Value',~ytickLabel); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_off.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value ==1 yfontenable = 'on'; else @@ -460,21 +776,51 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) ERPwaviewer.yaxis.label = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value; %%-----y ticklabel:font, font size, and text color for time ticks - ytickLabelfont = 2; - ytickLabelfontsize = 4; - ytickLabelfontcolor = 1; + try + ytickLabelfont= MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10}; + catch + ytickLabelfont = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10} =3; + end + if isempty(ytickLabelfont) || numel(ytickLabelfont)~=1 || ytickLabelfont<1 || ytickLabelfont>5 + ytickLabelfont = 3; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10} =3; + end + + try + ytickLabelfontsize =MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11}; + catch + ytickLabelfontsize = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11}=4; + end + if isempty(ytickLabelfontsize) || ytickLabelfontsize<0 || ytickLabelfontsize>20 + ytickLabelfontsize = 4; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11}=4; + end + try + ytickLabelfontcolor = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12}; + catch + ytickLabelfontcolor = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12}=1; + end + if isempty(ytickLabelfontcolor) || numel(ytickLabelfontcolor)~=1 || ytickLabelfontcolor<0 || ytickLabelfontcolor>5 + ytickLabelfontcolor = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12}=1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title,'String','Font',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title,'String',fonttype,... 'callback',@yaxisfont, 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',yfontenable,'Value',ytickLabelfont); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title ,'String','Size',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % yfontsize={'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title ,'String',yfontsize,... 'callback',@yaxisfontsize,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',yfontenable,'Value',ytickLabelfontsize); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_title,'Sizes',[30 100 30 80]); ERPwaviewer.yaxis.font = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom.Value; ERPwaviewer.yaxis.fontsize = xfontsizeinum(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size.Value); @@ -486,20 +832,32 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) ytextColor = {'Black','Red','Blue','Green','Orange','Cyan','Magenla'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytextcolor = uicontrol('Style','popupmenu','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabelcolor_title ,'String',ytextColor,... 'callback',@yaxisfontcolor,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Enable',yfontenable,'Value',ytickLabelfontcolor); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytextcolor.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabelcolor_title); uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabelcolor_title); set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabelcolor_title,'Sizes',[40 100 30 70]); ERPwaviewer.yaxis.fontcolor = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytextcolor.Value; %%%-----------Setting for the units display of y axis--------------- - yunits = 1; + try + yunits = MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13}; + catch + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13}=1; + yunits = 1; + end + if isempty(yunits) || numel(yunits)~=1 || (yunits~=1 && yunits~=0) + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13}=1; + yunits = 1; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.DataSelBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Style','text','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title ,'String','Units',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'HorizontalAlignment','left'); % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title,... 'callback',@yunitson,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','On','Value',yunits); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_off = uicontrol('Style','radiobutton','Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title,... 'callback',@yunitsoff,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def,'String','Off','Value',~yunits); % + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_off.KeyPressFcn = @xyaxis_presskey; uiextras.Empty('Parent', gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title); set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_title,'Sizes',[50 50 50 80]); ERPwaviewer.yaxis.units = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.Value; @@ -516,8 +874,9 @@ function drawui_plot_xyaxis_viewer(FonsizeDefault) set(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.help_run_title,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 30]); %%save the parameters - ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer; - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%% save parameters for x axis to memory file + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%% save parameters for y axis to memory file end %%*********************************************************************************************************************************%% @@ -880,10 +1239,10 @@ function timerangecustom(Strtimcustom,~) if xdisSecondValue==0 timeArray = timeArray/1000; end - if numel(timcustom)==1 || isempty(timcustom) + if isempty(timcustom) || numel(timcustom)~=2 messgStr = strcat('Time range in "Time and Amplitude Scales" - Inputs must be two numbers!'); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); - fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',messgStr,'.\n']); + % fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',messgStr,'.\n']); Strtimcustom.String = num2str(timeArray); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; @@ -1139,7 +1498,7 @@ function timeminortickscustom_auto(Str,~) stepX = []; if ~isempty(xticks) && numel(xticks)>1 timeArray = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); - xticksStr = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + xticksStr = xticks; stepX = []; if ~isempty(xticksStr) && numel(xticksStr)>1 && numel(timeArray) ==2 && (timeArray(1)< timeArray(2)) if numel(xticksStr)>=2 @@ -1295,10 +1654,11 @@ function yrangecustom(yscalStr,~) yscalecustom = str2num(char(yscalStr.String)); %%checking the inputs - if isempty(yscalecustom)|| numel(yscalecustom)==1 + if isempty(yscalecustom)|| numel(yscalecustom)~=2 messgStr = strcat('Y scale for "Y Axs" in "Time and Amplitude Scales" - Inputs must be two numbers '); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',messgStr,'.\n']); + % yscalStr.String = ''; viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; return; end @@ -1497,7 +1857,6 @@ function ytickauto(Str,~) if ytick_precision<0 ytick_precision=1; end - if isempty(str2num(yticksLabel)) yticksLabel = ''; else @@ -1795,6 +2154,11 @@ function xyaxis_help(~,~) viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end + + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Time and Amplitude Scales > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + changeFlag = estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis'); if changeFlag~=1%% Donot reset this panel if there is no change return; @@ -1818,6 +2182,7 @@ function xyaxis_help(~,~) xprecisoonName = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = xprecisoonName; end + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%-------------------------time range------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -1988,10 +2353,13 @@ function xyaxis_help(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.Value = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.units; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_off.Value = ~ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.units; - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis',0); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erpxtaxes_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis',0); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('Time and Amplitude Scales > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end %%-----------------------------Apply--------------------------------------- @@ -2023,24 +2391,28 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) else timeRange = str2num(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)*1000; end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1} = xdispsecondValue; - if numel(timeRange)==1 || isempty(timeRange) + + if isempty(timeRange) || numel(timeRange)~=2 timeRange(1) = ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP.times(1); timeRange(2) = ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP.times(end); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n Time and Amplitude Scales > Apply-Time range() error.\n Inputs must be two numbers! Please change it, otherwise, the default values will be used.\n\n'); - % return; + messgStr = strcat('The default time range will be used because the inputs are not two numbers'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); + fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',messgStr,'.\n']); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; end if timeRange(1) >= timeRange(2) timeRange(1) = ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP.times(1); timeRange(2) = ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP.times(end); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; fprintf(2,'\n Time and Amplitude Scales > Apply-Time range() error.\n The left edge should not be smaller than the right one!\n Please change current values, otherwise, the default ones will be used!\n\n'); - % return; end ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timerange = timeRange; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.trangeauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tdis = xdispsecondValue; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeRange; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value; %%getting xticks if xdispsecondValue==1 xticksArray = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); @@ -2060,12 +2432,14 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) end ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timeticks = xticksArray; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.ticksauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4} = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.ticksauto; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = xticksArray; if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.Value==1 ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value-1; else ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value; end - + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tickdecimals; %%minor for xticks ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.disp = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.Value; xticckMinorstep = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); @@ -2075,6 +2449,9 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.step = xticckMinorstep*1000; end ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.auto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.step; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9} =gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.Value; %%xtick label on/off ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.label = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on.Value; fontsize = {'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... @@ -2084,9 +2461,19 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.fontsize = xfontsizeinum(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value); ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.fontcolor = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.units = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10}=gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13}= gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14}= gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%%save the parameters for x axis to memory file + + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Setting for Y axis%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%y scales YScales = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String)); - if isempty(YScales) + if isempty(YScales) || numel(YScales)~=2 ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; ERPArrayin = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; BinArrayIN = []; @@ -2117,9 +2504,20 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) catch YScales = yylim_out(1,:); end + + if isempty(YScales) + messgStr = strcat('The default Y scales will be used because the inputs are empty'); + elseif numel(YScales)~=2 + messgStr = strcat('The default Y scales will be used because the number of inputs is not 2'); + end + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); + fprintf(2,['\n Warning: ',messgStr,'.\n']); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; end ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scales =YScales ; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scalesauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scalesauto; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2} = YScales; %%yticks YTicks = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.String)); count_xtks = 0; @@ -2136,20 +2534,34 @@ function xyaxis_apply(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickdecimals = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value-1; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.ticks = YTicks; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickauto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{3} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytickauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = YTicks; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{5} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickdecimals; %%minor yticks ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.disp = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminortick.Value; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.auto = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.disp ; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.auto; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step; + %%y labels: on/off ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.label = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value; %%yticks: font and font size ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.font = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom.Value; yfontsizeinum = str2num(char(fontsize)); ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.fontsize = yfontsizeinum(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size.Value); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10} =ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.font; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11}=gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size.Value; %%yticks color ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.fontcolor = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytextcolor.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12}=gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ytextcolor.Value; %%y units ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.units = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13}= gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.Value; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%%save the parameters for y axis to momery file + %%save the parameters ALLERPwaviewer=ERPwaviewer_apply; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ALLERPwaviewer); @@ -2163,6 +2575,13 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) if viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP == 0 return; end + [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); + if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex==3 + xyaxis_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis',0); + end + + try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch @@ -2188,23 +2607,23 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% xSecondflag = erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_second'); xmSecondflag = erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_msecond'); - if isempty(xSecondflag) && isempty(xmSecondflag) - xdispysecondValue = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.Value;%%millisecond - end - if xSecondflag ==0 && xmSecondflag==1 - xdispysecondValue =1; - if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value==1 - if xdispysecondValue==1 - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeArray); - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; - else - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeArray/1000); - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; - end + % if isempty(xSecondflag) && isempty(xmSecondflag) + xdispysecondValue = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.Value;%%millisecond + % end + % if xSecondflag ==0 && xmSecondflag==1 + % xdispysecondValue =1; + if gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value==1 + if xdispysecondValue==1 + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeArray); + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; + else + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeArray/1000); + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; end - else - xdispysecondValue =0; end + % else + % xdispysecondValue =0; + % end if xdispysecondValue==1 xtick_precision =gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value-1; if xtick_precision<0 @@ -2273,6 +2692,20 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String = num2str(stepX); end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis = estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis'); + if xdispysecondValue==1 + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + else + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1}=0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + end + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%%save the changed parameters for x axis to memory file. + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%----------------------------Setting for Y axis------------------- @@ -2417,6 +2850,13 @@ function v_currentERP_change(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); %%save the parameters assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis = estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis'); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2}=str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%%save the changed parameters for y axis to memory file. + end @@ -2427,6 +2867,13 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) if viewer_ERPDAT.page_xyaxis==0 return; end + %%execute any changes in this panel + [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); + if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex==3 + xyaxis_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis',0); + end + try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch @@ -2447,6 +2894,7 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) timeticks = ''; timeArray = []; end + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%----------------------------Setting for X axis------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -2535,6 +2983,20 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String = num2str(stepX); end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis = estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis'); + if xdispysecondValue==1 + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + else + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1}=0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String)); + end + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%%save the changed parameters for x axis to memory file. + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%----------------------------Setting for Y axis------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -2679,20 +3141,28 @@ function page_xyaxis_change(~,~) end ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.ticks = YTicks; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); + + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis = estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis'); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2}=str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_edit.String)); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String)); + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%%save the changed parameters for y axis to memory file. + %%save the parameters assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); end %%-------------modify this panel based on the updated parameters----------- - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=3 return; end try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); catch beep; - disp('f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI()> count_loadproper_change() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); + disp('f_ERP_timeampscal_waveviewer_GUI()> loadproper_change() error: Please run the ERP wave viewer again.'); return; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -2704,17 +3174,39 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xmillisecond.Value = xdispysecondValue; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xsecond.Value = ~xdispysecondValue; + try + ERPIN = ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP; + timeArraydef(1) = ERPIN.times(1); + timeArraydef(2) = ERPIN.times(end); + [timeticksdef stepX]= default_time_ticks_studio(ERPIN, [timeArraydef(1),timeArraydef(2)]); + timeticksdef = str2num(char(timeticksdef)); + if ~isempty(stepX) && numel(stepX) ==1 + stepX = floor(stepX/2); + end + catch + timeticksdef = []; + timeArraydef =[]; + end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1} =1; + + %%x range timeRange = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timerange; timeRangeAuto = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.trangeauto; if timeRangeAuto~=0 && timeRangeAuto~=1 timeRangeAuto =1; end + if timeRangeAuto==1 + timeRange = timeArraydef; + ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timerange= timeArraydef; + end if xdispysecondValue ==1 gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeRange); else gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String = num2str(timeRange/1000); end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2} = timeRangeAuto; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeRange; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value = timeRangeAuto; if timeRangeAuto==1 @@ -2724,7 +3216,15 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) end timeTick = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timeticks; timetickAuto = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.ticksauto; - + if timetickAuto==1 + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = 'off'; + timeTick = timeticksdef; + ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timeticks = timeTick; + else + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = 'on'; + end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4} = timetickAuto; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} = timeTick; if xdispysecondValue ==0%% in second timeTick = timeTick/1000; end @@ -2742,23 +3242,57 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value = xtick_precision; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'1','2','3','4','5','6'}; end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = xtick_precision; timeTick= f_decimal(char(num2str(timeTick)),xtick_precision); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String = timeTick; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.Value = timetickAuto; - if timetickAuto==1 - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = 'off'; - else - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = 'on'; - end - timetixkMinordip = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.disp; timetixkMinorstep = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.step; timetixkMinorauto = ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.auto; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.Value = timetixkMinordip; + xticks = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String)); + stepX = []; + if ~isempty(xticks) && numel(xticks)>1 + timeArray = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.String)); + xticksStr = xticks; + stepX = []; + if ~isempty(xticksStr) && numel(xticksStr)>1 && numel(timeArray) ==2 && (timeArray(1)< timeArray(2)) + if numel(xticksStr)>=2 + for Numofxticks = 1:numel(xticksStr)-1 + stepX(1,Numofxticks) = xticksStr(Numofxticks)+(xticksStr(Numofxticks+1)-xticksStr(Numofxticks))/2; + end + %%adjust the left edge + stexleft = (xticksStr(2)-xticksStr(1))/2; + for ii = 1:1000 + if (xticksStr(1)- stexleft*ii)>=timeArray(1) + stepX = [(xticksStr(1)- stexleft*ii),stepX]; + else + break; + end + end + %%adjust the right edge + stexright = (xticksStr(end)-xticksStr(end-1))/2; + for ii = 1:1000 + if (xticksStr(end)+ stexright*ii)<=timeArray(end) + stepX = [stepX,(xticksStr(end)+ stexright*ii)]; + else + break; + end + end + end + end + end + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7} = timetixkMinordip; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8}=timetixkMinorstep; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9} = timetixkMinorauto; if xdispysecondValue ==0%% in second timetixkMinorstep = timetixkMinorstep/1000; end + if timetixkMinorauto==1 + timetixkMinorstep = stepX; + ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.step= timetixkMinorstep; + end timetixkMinorstep= f_decimal(char(num2str(timetixkMinorstep)),xtick_precision); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_custom.String = char(timetixkMinorstep); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.Value = timetixkMinorauto; @@ -2798,43 +3332,144 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.Enable = XticklabelEnable; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Enable = XticklabelEnable; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetextcolor.Enable = XticklabelEnable; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10} = xticklabelValue; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11} = xticklabelfont; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12} = gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13} = xticklabelcolor; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14} =gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.Value ; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%% save the parameters for x axis to memory file + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%------------------------------Y axis---------------------------%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + ALLERPIN = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; + ERPArrayin = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; + BinArrayIN = []; + ChanArrayIn = []; + plotOrg = [1 2 3]; + try + plotOrg(1) = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid; + plotOrg(2) = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay; + plotOrg(3) = ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages; + catch + plotOrg = [1 2 3]; + end + try + ChanArrayIn = ERPwaviewer_apply.chan; + catch + ChanArrayIn = []; + end + try + BinArrayIN = ERPwaviewer_apply.bin; + catch + BinArrayIN = []; + end + PageCurrent = ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex; + yylim_out = f_erpAutoYLim(ALLERPIN, ERPArrayin,plotOrg,BinArrayIN, ChanArrayIn); + try + yRangeLabel = yylim_out(PageCurrent,:); + catch + yRangeLabel = yylim_out(1,:); + end + YScales = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scales; YScalesAuto = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scalesauto; - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String = num2str(YScales); - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value = YScalesAuto; if YScalesAuto==1 gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.Enable = 'off'; + YScales =yRangeLabel; + ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scales= YScales; else gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.Enable = 'on'; end + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String = num2str(YScales); + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value = YScalesAuto; %%y ticks try gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value =ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickdecimals; catch gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value =1; end - yticks = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.ticks; yticksauto = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickauto; ytick_precision = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickdecimals; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value = ytick_precision+1; + yRangeLabel = str2num(char(gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrange_edit.String)); + if ~isempty(yRangeLabel) && numel(yRangeLabel) ==2 && (yRangeLabel(1)1 + if numel(yticksStr)>=2 + for Numofxticks = 1:numel(yticksStr)-1 + stepY(1,Numofxticks) = yticksStr(Numofxticks)+(yticksStr(Numofxticks+1)-yticksStr(Numofxticks))/2; + end + %%adjust the left edge + steyleft = (yticksStr(2)-yticksStr(1))/2; + for ii = 1:1000 + if (yticksStr(1)- steyleft*ii)>=yscaleRange(1) + stepY = [(yticksStr(1)- steyleft*ii),stepY]; + else + break; + end + end + %%adjust the right edge + steyright = (yticksStr(end)-yticksStr(end-1))/2; + for ii = 1:1000 + if (yticksStr(end)+ steyright*ii)<=yscaleRange(end) + stepY = [stepY,(yticksStr(end)+ steyright*ii)]; + else + break; + end + end + end + end ytickminordisp = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.disp; ytickminorstep = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step; ytickminorauto = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.auto; + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminortick.Value = ytickminordisp; + if ytickminorauto==1 + ytickminorstep = stepY; + ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.step= stepY; + end gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.String = num2str(ytickminorstep); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.Value = ytickminorauto; if ytickminordisp==0 @@ -2848,6 +3483,10 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.Enable = 'on'; end end + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6} = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.disp; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7} = ytickminorauto; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8} = ytickminorstep; + yticklabel = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.label; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value = yticklabel; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_off.Value = ~yticklabel; @@ -2869,6 +3508,15 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) yunits = ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.units; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_on.Value = yunits; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_off.Value = ~yunits; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9} = yticklabel; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10} = yticklabelfont; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11} = ysize; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12} = yticklabelcolor; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13} = yunits; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%%save the parameters for y axis to memory file + + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count=4;%%update the next panel end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -2893,7 +3541,6 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) if viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel==3 try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - catch beep; disp('f_ERP_Binchan_waviewer_GUI error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); @@ -2917,6 +3564,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xsecond.Value =0; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tdis =1; + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%----------------------------Setting for X axis--------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -2926,16 +3574,24 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timerange_edit.Enable = 'off'; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimerangeauto.Value = 1; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.trangeauto =1; + + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{1} =1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{2} = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{3} = timeArray; + %%x ticklable gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.String = char(timeticks);%% xtick label ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.timeticks = str2num(char(timeticks)); gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeticks_edit.Enable = 'off'; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimetickauto.Value=1; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.ticksauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{4}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{5} =str2num(char(timeticks)); %%x precision for x ticklabel gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.String = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xticks_precision.Value = 1; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tickdecimals = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{6} = 0; %%x minor ticks gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeminorauto.Value =0; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.disp = 0; @@ -2948,14 +3604,17 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.timeminorticks_auto.Enable = 'off'; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.step =[]; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.tminor.auto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{7} = 0; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{8} = xticksStr; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{9} =1; %%x label on/off gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_on.Value=1; % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimelabel_off.Value=0; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.label =1; - + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{10}=1; %%font and font size - ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.font =2; - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.Value=2; + ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.font =3; + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimefont_custom.Value=3; ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.fontsize =10; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.Value=4; fonttype = {'Courier','Geneva','Helvetica','Monaco','Times'}; @@ -2963,6 +3622,10 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) yfontsize={'4','6','8','10','12','14','16','18','20','24','28','32','36',... '40','50','60','70','80','90','100'}; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.font_custom_size.String = yfontsize; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{11}=3; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{12}=4; + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{13} =1; + %%color for x ticklabel xtextColor = {'Black','Red','Blue','Green','Orange','Cyan','Magenla'}; @@ -2972,6 +3635,7 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.xaxis.units =1; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_on.Value=1; % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.xtimeunits_off.Value=0; % + MERPWaveViewer_xaxis{14}=1; erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_second',0); erpworkingmemory('MyViewer_xaxis_msecond',1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @@ -3007,6 +3671,8 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yrangeauto.Value =1; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scales = str2num(yRangeLabel); ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.scalesauto = 1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{1}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{2} = yRangeLabel; %%Y tick label %%y ticks ytick_precision=1; @@ -3022,6 +3688,9 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickauto = 1; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yticks_precision.Value=2; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.tickdecimals=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{3}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{5}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{4} = str2num(yticksLabel); %%Y minor ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.disp =0; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.yminor.auto =1; @@ -3031,14 +3700,17 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstepedit.Enable = 'off'; % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.Value=1; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yminorstep_auto.Enable ='off'; % + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{6}=0; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{7}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{8}=[]; %%Y ticklabel on/off ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.label = 1; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_on.Value=1; % gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.ylabel_off.Value=0; %%font and fontsize - ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.font=2; + ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.font=3; ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.fontsize=10; - gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom.Value=2; + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom.Value=3; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yfont_custom_size.Value=4; %%color for y ticklabels ytextColor = {'Black','Red','Blue','Green','Orange','Cyan','Magenla'}; @@ -3050,6 +3722,13 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.yunits_off.Value=0; % ERPwaviewer_apply.yaxis.units=1; assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{9}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{10} =3; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{11}=4; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{12}=1; + MERPWaveViewer_yaxis{13}= 1; + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_xaxis',MERPWaveViewer_xaxis);%%save the parameters for x axis to memory file + estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_yaxis',MERPWaveViewer_yaxis);%%save the parameters for y axis to memory file gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; box_erpxtaxes_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; @@ -3057,4 +3736,19 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) end end%% end of reset for the current panel + + +%%Press Return key to execute the function + function xyaxis_presskey(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + xyaxis_apply(); + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_xyaxis',0); + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + gui_erpxyaxeset_waveviewer.apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + box_erpxtaxes_viewer_property.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI.m index 9f5e5cc7..d7502d17 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI.m @@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ global viewer_ERPDAT global observe_ERPDAT; global gui_erp_waviewer; -addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_loadproper_change',@count_loadproper_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'loadproper_change',@loadproper_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'count_twopanels_change',@count_twopanels_change); addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'Reset_Waviewer_panel_change',@Reset_Waviewer_panel_change); +addlistener(viewer_ERPDAT,'ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change',@ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change); addlistener(observe_ERPDAT,'Two_GUI_change',@Two_GUI_change); ERPwaveview_erpsetops = struct(); %---------Setting the parameter which will be used in the other panels----------- - +% gui_erp_waviewer.Window.WindowButtonMotionFcn = {@erpselect_refresh}; try [version reldate,ColorBviewer_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef; catch @@ -99,44 +100,6 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(ERPdatasets,ERPwaviewer,FonsizeDefault) % Sort the ERPdatasets!!! ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox = uiextras.VBox('Parent', ERPsets_waveviewer_box, 'Spacing', 5,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); % VBox for everything - ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') && ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaviewer.erp_binchan_op = 0; - end - - try - Enable_auto = ERPwaviewer.erp_binchan_op; - catch - Enable_auto = 1; - end - - if Enable_auto ==1 - Enable_label = 'off'; - elseif Enable_auto ==0 - Enable_label = 'on'; - end - - - %%---------------------Options for selecting ERPsets----------------------------------------------------- - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.opts_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox, 'Spacing', 5,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto = uicontrol('Style', 'radiobutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.opts_title,... - 'String',' ','callback',@erpselect_auto,'Value',Enable_auto,'Enable','on','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom = uicontrol('Style', 'radiobutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.opts_title,... - 'String','Custom','callback',@erpselect_custom,'Value',~Enable_auto,'Enable','on','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); - - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = 'Same as EStudio'; - elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = 'Same as ERPLAB'; - set(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.opts_title,'Sizes',[130 90]); - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = ''; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.String = ''; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Enable = 'off'; - end - %%-----------------------Display tthe selected ERPsets--------------------------------------- panelshbox = uiextras.HBox('Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox, 'Spacing', 5,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); @@ -154,18 +117,22 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(ERPdatasets,ERPwaviewer,FonsizeDefault) end ds_length = length(ERPdatasets); ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets = uicontrol('Parent', panelshbox, 'Style', 'listbox', 'min', 1,'max',... - ds_length,'String', dsnames,'Value', SelectedIndex,'Callback',@selectdata,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'Enable',Enable_label); + ds_length,'String', dsnames,'Value', SelectedIndex,'Callback',@selectdata,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'Enable','on'); + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.KeyPressFcn = @ERPset_keypress; %%Help and apply ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title = uiextras.HBox('Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto = uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title,... + 'String',' Refresh','callback',@erpselect_refresh,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); + uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ); uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent', ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ,'String','Cancel',... 'callback',@erpset_help,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ); ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','Parent',ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ,'String','Apply',... 'callback',@ERPset_apply,'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]); %,'HorizontalAlignment','left' - uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ); - set(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ,'Sizes',[40 70 20 70 20]); - set(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox, 'Sizes', [20 190 25]); + % uiextras.Empty('Parent',ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ); + set(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.help_apply_title ,'Sizes',[70 14 70 14 70]); + set(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.vBox, 'Sizes', [190 25]); ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERPLABFlag = 0; end @@ -174,7 +141,7 @@ function drawui_erpsetbinchan_viewer(ERPdatasets,ERPwaviewer,FonsizeDefault) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %-----------------select the ERPset of interest-------------------------- - function selectdata(source,EventData) + function selectdata(~,EventData) [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=1 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; @@ -187,63 +154,69 @@ function selectdata(source,EventData) %%---------------Setting for auto option----------------------------------- - function erpselect_auto(source,~) - + function erpselect_refresh(~,~) + % Value = Source.Value; [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=1 viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; end ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_ERPsetpanel',1); - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; - ERPsets_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - BackERPLABcolor1 = [1 0.9 0.3]; % yellow - question1 = ['Are you sure to use the same ERPsets as',32, ERPtooltype,'?\n If so, the current ERPsets will be overwritten.']; - title1 = 'ERP Wave Viewer>ERPsets'; - oldcolor1 = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',BackERPLABcolor1) - button1 = questdlg(sprintf(question1), title1,'Cancel','No', 'Yes','Yes'); - set(0,'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor',oldcolor1); + %%load the parameters from workspace + try + ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; + fprintf(2,'\n ERPsets > Refresh-f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI() error: Cannot get parameters for whole panel.\n Please run My viewer again.\n\n'); + return; + end - MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets>" Same as',32,ERPtooltype,32,'"')); + MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets>" Refresh')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') || strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'off'; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Enable = 'off'; - end - if strcmpi(button1,'Yes') - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') || strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') + + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') || strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') + try + Selected_erpset = ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value; try - Selected_erpset = evalin('base','CURRENTERP'); - CURRENTERPStudio = Selected_erpset; + CURRENTERPStudio = Selected_erpset(ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex); catch - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n ERPsets error: Cannot get CURRENTERP from Workspace.\n'); - return; + CURRENTERPStudio = Selected_erpset(1); + ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex=1; end - estudioworkingmemory('PlotOrg_ERPLAB',1); - end - try - ALLERPin = evalin('base','ALLERP'); catch + messgStr = strcat('Cannot get CURRENTERP from Workspace'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; - fprintf(2,'\n ERPsets error: Cannot get ALLERP from Workspace.\n'); return; end - if isempty(ALLERPin) - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; + % estudioworkingmemory('PlotOrg_ERPLAB',1); + end + try + ALLERPin = evalin('base','ALLERP'); + catch + messgStr = strcat('Cannot get ALLERP from Workspace'); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',messgStr); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; + return; + end + if isempty(ALLERPin) + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; + try + cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); + close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window); + catch + end + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',[]); + return; + end + + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') + Selected_erpset= estudioworkingmemory('selectederpstudio'); + CURRENTERPStudio = observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP; + if length(ALLERPin)==1 && strcmpi(ALLERPin(1).erpname,'No ERPset loaded') try cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window); @@ -252,109 +225,64 @@ function erpselect_auto(source,~) assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',[]); return; end - - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - Selected_erpset= estudioworkingmemory('selectederpstudio'); - CURRENTERPStudio = observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP; - if length(ALLERPin)==1 && strcmpi(ALLERPin(1).erpname,'No ERPset loaded') - try - cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); - close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window); - catch - end - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',[]); - return; - end - end - - if isempty(Selected_erpset) || Selected_erpset> length(ALLERPin) - Selected_erpset = length(ALLERPin); - end - if isempty(CURRENTERPStudio) || CURRENTERPStudio> length(ALLERPin) - CURRENTERPStudio = length(ALLERPin); - end - - [x_index,y_index] = find(Selected_erpset==CURRENTERPStudio); - if isempty(y_index) - y_index = numel(Selected_erpset); - end - - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ALLERP = ALLERPin; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERP = ALLERPin(CURRENTERPStudio); - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERPStudio; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.SelectERPIdx = Selected_erpset; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.PageIndex = y_index; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERPLABFlag = 1; - ERPdatasets = getERPDatasets(ALLERPin); % Get datasets from ALLERP - ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); - dsnames = {}; - if size(ERPdatasets,1)==1 - if strcmp(ERPdatasets{1},'No ERPset loaded') - dsnames = {''}; - else - dsnames{1} = strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(1,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{1,1}); - end + end + + if isempty(Selected_erpset) || Selected_erpset> length(ALLERPin) + Selected_erpset = length(ALLERPin); + end + if isempty(CURRENTERPStudio) || CURRENTERPStudio> length(ALLERPin) + CURRENTERPStudio = Selected_erpset(1); + ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex=1; + end + + + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ALLERP = ALLERPin; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERP = ALLERPin(CURRENTERPStudio); + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERPStudio; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.SelectERPIdx = Selected_erpset; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.PageIndex = ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERPLABFlag = 1; + ERPdatasets = getERPDatasets(ALLERPin); % Get datasets from ALLERP + ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); + dsnames = {}; + if size(ERPdatasets,1)==1 + if strcmp(ERPdatasets{1},'No ERPset loaded') + dsnames = {''}; else - for Numofsub = 1:size(ERPdatasets,1) - dsnames{Numofsub} = char(strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(Numofsub,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{Numofsub,1})); - end + dsnames{1} = strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(1,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{1,1}); end - - ds_length = size(ERPdatasets,1); - if ds_length<=2 - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length+1; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length; + else + for Numofsub = 1:size(ERPdatasets,1) + dsnames{Numofsub} = char(strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(Numofsub,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{Numofsub,1})); end - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.String = dsnames; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value = Selected_erpset; - - - MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets>" Same as',32,ERPtooltype,32,'"')); - erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; + end + + ds_length = size(ERPdatasets,1); + if ds_length<=2 + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length+1; else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length; end + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.String = dsnames; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value = Selected_erpset; else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_ERPsetpanel',0); - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; return; end - end - -%%---------------Setting for custom option--------------------------------- - function erpselect_custom(~,~) - [messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); - if ~isempty(messgStr) && viewerpanelIndex~=1 - viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; - end - estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_ERPsetpanel',1); - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.BackgroundColor = [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.ForegroundColor = [1 1 1]; - ERPsets_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.4940 0.1840 0.5560]; - - ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') && ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - end + ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP = ALLERPin; + ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP = ALLERPin(CURRENTERPStudio); + ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx =Selected_erpset; + ERPwaviewer_apply.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERPStudio; + % ERPwaviewer_apply.PageIndex = 1; + estudioworkingmemory('MyViewer_ERPsetpanel',0); + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; + ERPsets_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_apply); + erpworkingmemory('ERPLAB_ERPWaviewer',0); + ERPset_apply(); end - % called datasets = sortdata(datasets), sorts datasets in order based on % parents function varargout = sortdata(data) @@ -428,6 +356,9 @@ function erpset_help(~,~) if changeFlag~=1 return; end + MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; try ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); @@ -436,19 +367,8 @@ function erpset_help(~,~) fprintf(2,'\n ERPsets > Cancel-f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI() error: Cannot get parameters for whole panel.\n Please run My viewer again.\n\n'); return; end - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.ERPLABFlag=0; - - ERP_OP = ERPwaviewer_apply.erp_binchan_op; - if ERP_OP ==1 - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'off'; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - end + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; ALLERPin = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP; ERPdatasets = getERPDatasets(ALLERPin); % Get datasets from ALLERP ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); @@ -485,6 +405,9 @@ function erpset_help(~,~) ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1]; ERPwaveview_erpsetops.erpset_apply.ForegroundColor = [0 0 0]; ERPsets_waveviewer_box.TitleColor= [0.5 0.5 0.9]; + MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets > Cancel')); + erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; end %%------------------------------Apply-------------------------------------- @@ -518,32 +441,25 @@ function ERPset_apply(~,~) for Numofselectederp = 1:numel(ERPsetArray) SrateNum_mp(Numofselectederp,1) = ALLERPIN(ERPsetArray(Numofselectederp)).srate; end - % if numel(unique(SrateNum_mp))>1 - % MessageViewer= char(strcat('Sampling rate varies across the selected ERPsets, we therefore set "ERPsets" to be "Pages".')); - % erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - % viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =4; - % %% - % MessageViewer= char(strcat('ERPsets > Apply')); - % erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - % end ERPwaviewer_apply.CURRENTERP = CurrentERP; ERPwaviewer_apply.ERP = ERPwaviewer_apply.ALLERP(CurrentERP); ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx = ERPsetArray; - ERPwaviewer_apply.erp_binchan_op = ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value; - - if ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value ==1 + ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); + if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') Geterpbinchan = estudioworkingmemory('geterpbinchan'); - CurrentERPIndex = Geterpbinchan.Select_index; - chan_bin = Geterpbinchan.bins_chans(CurrentERPIndex); - if chan_bin ==1 - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid =2; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay=1; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages=3; - elseif chan_bin==0 - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid =1; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay=2; - ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages=3; + if ~isempty(Geterpbinchan) + CurrentERPIndex = Geterpbinchan.Select_index; + chan_bin = Geterpbinchan.bins_chans(CurrentERPIndex); + if chan_bin ==1 + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid =2; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay=1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages=3; + elseif chan_bin==0 + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Grid =1; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Overlay=2; + ERPwaviewer_apply.plot_org.Pages=3; + end end %%% we may need to get the grid layout automatically end @@ -562,8 +478,8 @@ function ERPset_apply(~,~) %%------------Update this panel based on the imported parameters----------- - function count_loadproper_change(~,~) - if viewer_ERPDAT.count_loadproper ==0 + function loadproper_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count ~=1 return; end try @@ -572,7 +488,7 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) ALLERPup = ERPwaviewer_up.ALLERP; if isempty(ALLERPup) beep; - disp('f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI()>count_loadproper_change() error: ALLERP is empty.'); + disp('f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI()>loadproper_change() error: ALLERP is empty.'); return; end if max(SelectedIndex(:))> length(ALLERPup) @@ -581,31 +497,11 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) end catch beep; - disp('f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI()>count_loadproper_change() error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); + disp('f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI()>loadproper_change() error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); return; end - ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - if isempty(ERPtooltype) - ERPtooltype = 'MyViewer'; - erpgettoolversion('tooltype','MyViewer'); - end - if ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') && ~strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaviewer_up.erp_binchan_op = 0; - end - try - Enable_auto = ERPwaviewer_up.erp_binchan_op; - catch - Enable_auto = 1; - ERPwaviewer_up.erp_binchan_op = 1; - end - if Enable_auto ==1 - Enable_label = 'off'; - elseif Enable_auto ==0 - Enable_label = 'on'; - end - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = Enable_auto; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value=~Enable_auto; + Enable_label = 'on'; ERPdatasets = getERPDatasets(ALLERPup); % Get datasets from ALLERP ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); dsnames = {}; @@ -626,170 +522,12 @@ function count_loadproper_change(~,~) ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length; ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.String = dsnames; ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value = SelectedIndex; - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = 'Same as EStudio'; - elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = 'Same as ERPLAB'; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.String = ''; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.String = ''; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Enable = 'off'; - end assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_up); + viewer_ERPDAT.loadproper_count=2; end -%%change this panel based on the chaneges of main EStudio - function Two_GUI_change(~,~) - ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - if observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI~=1 - return; - end - - if isempty(observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP) - try - close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window);%%close previous GUI if exists - catch - end - return; - end - ALLERPNew = observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP; - %%checking datatype - counterp = 0; - datatypeFlag = []; - for Numoferpset = 1:length(ALLERPNew) - if ~strcmpi(ALLERPNew(Numoferpset).datatype, 'ERP') && ~strcmpi(ALLERPNew(Numoferpset).datatype, 'CSD') - counterp = counterp+1; - datatypeFlag(counterp) = Numoferpset; - end - end - if ~isempty(datatypeFlag) - msgboxText = ['ERP Wave Viewer donot support to plot the wave for the data that donot belong to "ERP" or "CSD".\n'... - 'Please remove the following ERPset with index(es):',32,num2str(datatypeFlag),'.']; - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - title_msg = 'ERPLAB: ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer() datatype error:'; - elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - title_msg = 'EStudio: ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer() datatype error:'; - else - title_msg = ' ERPLAB_ERP_Viewer() datatype error:'; - end - errorfound(sprintf(msgboxText), title_msg); - return; - end - - try - ERPAutoValue = ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value; - catch - return; - end - - if isempty(observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP) - try - close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window); - catch - end - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',[]); - return; - end - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Update "ERP wave Viewer"')); - erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; - - %%check ALLERP for EStudio - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - if (length(ALLERPStudio)==1&& strcmpi(ALLERPStudio(1).erpname,'No ERPset loaded')) || strcmpi(ALLERPStudio(length(ALLERPStudio)).erpname,'No ERPset loaded') - try - % cprintf('red',['\n ERP Wave viewer will be closed because ALLERP is empty.\n\n']); - close(gui_erp_waviewer.Window); - catch - end - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',[]); - return; - end - end - try - ERPwaviewer_up = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); - catch - beep; - disp('f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI() error: Restart ERPwave Viewer'); - return; - end - if ERPAutoValue ==1 - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPArrayStudio= observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP; - elseif strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - ERPArrayStudio= estudioworkingmemory('selectederpstudio'); - else - ERPArrayStudio= observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP; - end - CURRENTERPStudio = observe_ERPDAT.CURRENTERP; - estudioworkingmemory('PlotOrg_ERPLAB',1);%%This is used to Grid, Overlay, and Pages if "same as ERPLAB" - - end - - % else - if ERPAutoValue ~=1 - ERPArrayStudio = ERPwaviewer_up.SelectERPIdx; - CURRENTERPStudio=ERPwaviewer_up.CURRENTERP; - % ALLERPStudio = evalin('base','ALLERP'); - end - ALLERPStudio = observe_ERPDAT.ALLERP; - if max(ERPArrayStudio(:))> length(ALLERPStudio) || min(ERPArrayStudio(:))<=0 - ERPArrayStudio = length(ALLERPStudio); - CURRENTERPStudio = length(ALLERPStudio); - end - [x_index,y_index] = find(ERPArrayStudio==CURRENTERPStudio); - if isempty(y_index) - y_index = numel(ERPArrayStudio); - end - - ERPwaviewer_up.ALLERP = ALLERPStudio; - ERPwaviewer_up.ERP = ALLERPStudio(CURRENTERPStudio); - ERPwaviewer_up.CURRENTERP = CURRENTERPStudio; - ERPwaviewer_up.SelectERPIdx = ERPArrayStudio; - ERPwaviewer_up.PageIndex = y_index; - ERPdatasets = getERPDatasets(ALLERPStudio); % Get datasets from ALLERP - ERPdatasets = sortdata(ERPdatasets); - dsnames = {}; - if size(ERPdatasets,1)==1 - if strcmp(ERPdatasets{1},'No ERPset loaded') - dsnames = {''}; - else - dsnames{1} = strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(1,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{1,1}); - end - else - for Numofsub = 1:size(ERPdatasets,1) - dsnames{Numofsub} = char(strcat(num2str(cell2mat(ERPdatasets(Numofsub,2))),'.',32,ERPdatasets{Numofsub,1})); - end - end - - % ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = Enable_label; - ds_length = length(ERPdatasets); - if ds_length<=2 - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length+1; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Max = ds_length; - end - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.String = dsnames; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value = ERPArrayStudio; - - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') && ERPAutoValue ==1 - % ERPwaviewer_up.bin= [1:observe_ERPDAT.ERP.nbin]; - % ERPwaviewer_up.chan = [1:observe_ERPDAT.ERP.nchan]; - ERPwaviewer_up.PageIndex = 1; - end - - assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer_up); - viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP = viewer_ERPDAT.Count_currentERP+1; - f_redrawERP_viewer_test();%%Plot the waves - - MessageViewer= char(strcat('Update "ERP wave Viewer"')); - erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); - viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; - observe_ERPDAT.Two_GUI =2; - end %%------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Automatically saving the changed parameters for the current panel if the @@ -811,17 +549,6 @@ function count_twopanels_change(~,~) function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) if viewer_ERPDAT.Reset_Waviewer_panel==1 ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') || strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'off'; - else - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Value = 0; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Value =1; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Enable = 'on'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.auto.Enable = 'off'; - ERPwaveview_erpsetops.custom.Enable = 'off'; - end if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') || strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'ERPLAB') try @@ -935,4 +662,35 @@ function Reset_Waviewer_panel_change(~,~) end +%%change the ERPset indeces when they are changed in Plot organization panel + function ERPset_Chan_bin_label_change(~,~) + if viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label~=1 %% 1 means ERPset indeces were changed + if viewer_ERPDAT.ERPset_Chan_bin_label==2%%Update Viewer based on the change in ERPLAB + erpselect_refresh(); + end + return; + end + try + ERPwaviewer_apply = evalin('base','ALLERPwaviewer'); + catch + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; + fprintf(2,'\n ERPsets > f_ERPsets_waviewer_GUI() error: Cannot get parameters for whole panel.\n Please run My viewer again.\n\n'); + return; + end + + ERPsetArray = ERPwaviewer_apply.SelectERPIdx; + if max(ERPsetArray(:)) <= length(ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.String) + ERPwaveview_erpsetops.butttons_datasets.Value = ERPsetArray; + end + end + +%%execute this panel when press "return" or "Enter" + function ERPset_keypress(hObject, eventdata) + keypress = eventdata.Key; + if strcmp (keypress, 'return') || strcmp (keypress , 'enter') + ERPset_apply(); + else + return; + end + end end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b636054 --- /dev/null +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer.m @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +function [LabelStrout] = f_MarkLabels_gridlocations_ERP_Waveiwer(Gridata,usedIndex,AllabelArray) +% usedIndex = zeros(length(AllabelArray),1); +% for jj = 1:length(AllabelArray) +% for ii = 1:length(LabelStr) +% if strcmp(AllabelArray{jj},LabelStr{ii}) +% usedIndex(jj) = 1; +% end +% end +% end + +LabelsFlag = [0 0 0]; +for ii = 1:length(AllabelArray) + code1 = 0; + % for jj = 1:size(Gridata,1) + % for kk = 1:size(Gridata,2) + % if strcmp(AllabelArray{ii},Gridata{jj,kk}) + % code1 = code1+1; + % end + % end + % end + [C,IA]=ismember(Gridata,AllabelArray{ii}); + C = reshape(C,size(C,1)*size(C,2),1); + Xpos =find(C==1); + if isempty(Xpos) + code1 = 0; + else + code1 = numel(Xpos); + end + if usedIndex(ii)==1%% the item will be marked with * if the labels was selected + Numstr = strcat('*',num2str(ii)); + else + Numstr = strcat(num2str(ii)); + end + + if code1 ==0 + LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; + LabelsFlag(1) = 1; + elseif code1 >1 + LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; + LabelsFlag(3) = 1; + else + LabelStrout{ii} = ['',Numstr,'.',32,AllabelArray{ii},'']; + LabelsFlag(2) = 1; + end +end diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12934eb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer.m @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +function [Dataout, EPStr]= f_checktable_gridlocations_waviewer(Data,LabelStr) +countEp = 0; +EPStr = ''; +Dataout = cell(size(Data,1),size(Data,2)); + +Data = string(Data); +Data= strrep(Data,'
',''); +Data = strrep(Data,'
',''); +for ii = 1:size(Data,1) + for jj = 1:size(Data,2) + count = 0; + % for kk = 1:length(LabelStr) + % Data1= strrep(Data{ii,jj},'
',''); + % Data1 = strrep(Data1,'
',''); + % Data{ii,jj} = char(Data1); + % if strcmp(strrep(char(LabelStr{kk}),' ',''),strtrim(char(Data{ii,jj}))) + % Data{ii,jj} = char(LabelStr{kk}); + % count = count +1; + % end + % end + + % [C,IA] =ismember_bc2(strtrim(char(Data(ii,jj))), strrep(string(LabelStr),' ','')); + try + [C,IA] =ismember_bc2(strtrim(char(Data(ii,jj))), string(LabelStr)); + catch + [C,IA] =ismember_bc2(strtrim(char(Data(ii,jj))), LabelStr); + end + if C ==1 && IA ~=0 + Dataout{ii,jj} = char(LabelStr{IA}); + count = count +1; + else + Dataout{ii,jj} = char(''); + count=0; + end + + if count==0 + countEp = countEp+1; + if countEp==1 + if isstring(Data(ii,jj)) + if ~isempty(Data(ii,jj)) + EPStr = char(Data(ii,jj)); + end + elseif isnumeric(Data(ii,jj)) + if ~isempty(Data(ii,jj)) + EPStr = num2str(Data(ii,jj)); + end + end + else + if isstring(Data(ii,jj)) + if ~isempty(Data(ii,jj)) + EPStr = strcat(EPStr,32,char(Data(ii,jj))); + end + elseif isnumeric(Data(ii,jj)) + if ~isempty(Data(ii,jj)) + EPStr = strcat(EPStr,32,num2str(Data(ii,jj))); + end + end + end +% Data{ii,jj} = char(''); + end + end +end diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_geterpschanbin.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_geterpschanbin.m index e6919fe8..cf07318d 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_geterpschanbin.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_geterpschanbin.m @@ -74,7 +74,11 @@ BinName = ERP.bindescr; binStr = cell(BinNum,1); for i = 1:BinNum - binStr(i) = {char(BinName{i})}; + try + binStr(i) = {char(BinName{i})}; + catch + binStr(i) = {['Bin',num2str(i)]}; + end end %%--------Get the names of chans----------- @@ -82,7 +86,11 @@ Chanlist = ERP.chanlocs; chanStr = cell(ChanNum,1); for Numofchan = 1:length(Chanlist) - chanStr(Numofchan) = {char(Chanlist(Numofchan).labels)}; + try + chanStr(Numofchan) = {char(Chanlist(Numofchan).labels)}; + catch + chanStr(Numofchan) = {['Chan',num2str(Numofchan)]}; + end end return; end @@ -124,7 +132,11 @@ Chanlist = ERP.chanlocs; chanStr_max = cell(ChanNum,1); for Numofchan = 1:length(Chanlist) - chanStr_max(Numofchan) = {Chanlist(Numofchan).labels}; + try + chanStr_max(Numofchan) = {Chanlist(Numofchan).labels}; + catch + chanStr_max(Numofchan) = {['Chan',num2str(Numofchan)]}; + end end SelectedERPIndex_chan_lf =SelectedERPIndex(setdiff(1:numel(SelectedERPIndex),x_chan)); @@ -166,7 +178,11 @@ BinName = ERP.bindescr; binStr = cell(BinNum,1); for Numofbin = 1:BinNum - binStr(Numofbin) = {char(BinName{Numofbin})}; + try + binStr(Numofbin) = {char(BinName{Numofbin})}; + catch + binStr(Numofbin) = {['Bin',num2str(Numofbin)]}; + end end elseif numel(unique(BinNum_mp))>1%%varies across the selected ERPsets @@ -180,7 +196,11 @@ binStr_max = cell(BinNum,1); for Numofbin = 1:BinNum - binStr_max(Numofbin) = {char(BinName{Numofbin})}; + try + binStr_max(Numofbin) = {char(BinName{Numofbin})}; + catch + binStr_max(Numofbin) = {['Bin',num2str(Numofbin)]}; + end end diff --git a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ploterpserpviewer.m b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ploterpserpviewer.m index 9aa20851..54fe8ebd 100755 --- a/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ploterpserpviewer.m +++ b/studio_functions/Functions/EStudio/ERP Tab/ERP wave viewer/f_ploterpserpviewer.m @@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ %qLabelcolor -Channel/Bin/ERPset label color in RGB, e.g., [0 0 0] %qYtickdecimal -determine the number of decimals of y tick labels % - e.g., -6.0 -3.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 if qYtickdecimal is 1 -%qXtickdecimal -determine the nunmber of decimals of x tick labels +%qXtickdecimal -determine the nunmber of decimals of x tick labels % -e.g., -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 if qXtickdecimal is 1 %qXdisFlag -the way is to display xticks: 1 is in millisecond, 0 is in second - +%qFigOutpos - The width and height for the figure. The default one is +% the same to the monitor. % *** This function is part of EStudio Toolbox *** @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ function f_ploterpserpviewer(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGridposArray,plotBox,qBlc,qLineColorspec,qLineStylespec,qLineMarkerspec,qLineWidthspec,... qLegendName,qLegendFont,qLegendFontsize,qCBELabels,qLabelfont,qLabelfontsize,qPolarityWave,qSEM,qTransparency,qGridspace,qtimeRange,qXticks,qXticklabel,... qXlabelfont,qXlabelfontsize,qXlabelcolor,qMinorTicksX,qXunits,qYScales,qYticks,qYticklabel,qYlabelfont,qYlabelfontsize,qYlabelcolor,qYunits,qMinorTicksY,... - qplotArrayStr,qERPArray,qlegcolor,qlegcolumns,qFigureName,qFigbgColor,qLabelcolor,qYtickdecimal,qXtickdecimal,qXdisFlag) + qplotArrayStr,qERPArray,qlegcolor,qlegcolumns,qFigureName,qFigbgColor,qLabelcolor,qYtickdecimal,qXtickdecimal,qXdisFlag,qFigOutpos) if nargin<1 help f_ploterpserpviewer; @@ -257,7 +258,9 @@ function f_ploterpserpviewer(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray, end end - +if nargin<49 + qFigOutpos =[]; +end if nargin<48 || (qXdisFlag~=1 && qXdisFlag~=0) qXdisFlag =1; end @@ -652,7 +655,7 @@ function f_ploterpserpviewer(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray, elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'post') indxtimelock = length(ERP.times); aa = find(ERP.times==0); - elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'all') + elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'all') || strcmpi(qBlc,'whole') indxtimelock = length(ERP.times); aa = 1; else @@ -995,18 +998,34 @@ function f_ploterpserpviewer(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray, hold on; % hbig= axes('Parent',fig_gui_wave); end - -set(fig_gui,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));%%Maximum figure +try + outerpos = fig_gui.OuterPosition; + set(fig_gui,'outerposition',[outerpos(1),(2),qFigOutpos(1) 1.05*qFigOutpos(2)]) +catch + set(fig_gui,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));%%Maximum figure +end if ~isempty(extfig) set(fig_gui,'visible','off'); end - +set(fig_gui, 'Renderer', 'painters');%%vector figure try y_scale_def(1) = min([1.1*y_scale_def(1),1.1*qYScales(1)]); y_scale_def(2) = max([1.1*y_scale_def(2),1.1*qYScales(2)]); catch end +%%remove the margins of a plot +ax = hbig; +outerpos = ax.OuterPosition; +ti = ax.TightInset; +left = outerpos(1) + ti(1); +bottom = outerpos(2) + ti(2); +ax_width = outerpos(3) - ti(1) - ti(3); +ax_height = outerpos(4) - ti(2) - ti(4); +ax.Position = [left bottom ax_width ax_height]; + + + %%--------------Plot ERPwave----------------- stdalpha = qTransparency; countPlot = 0; @@ -1368,8 +1387,12 @@ function f_ploterpserpviewer(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray, % disp(['Data at',32,'R',num2str(Numofrows),',','C',num2str(Numofcolumns), 32,'is empty!']); end try - if isxaxislabel==2 - set(hbig,'xlim',[Xtimerange(1)-(Xtimerange(end)-Xtimerange(1)/10),XtimerangetrasfALL(end)+(Xtimerange(end)-Xtimerange(1))/10]); + if 21 help f_redrawERP_viewer; return; @@ -34,6 +31,25 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() return; end +%%save figure size:width and height +try + ScreenPos = get( groot, 'Screensize' ); +catch + ScreenPos = get( 0, 'Screensize' ); +end +FigOutposition = gui_erp_waviewer.ViewBox.OuterPosition(3:4); +FigOutposition(1) = 100*FigOutposition(1)/ScreenPos(3); +FigOutposition(2) = 100*FigOutposition(2)/ScreenPos(4); +ERPwaviewer.FigOutpos=FigOutposition; +assignin('base','ALLERPwaviewer',ERPwaviewer); +try + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets = gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.VerticalOffsets/gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.Heights; + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets = gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.HorizontalOffsets/gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.Widths; +catch + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets=0; + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets=0; +end + % We first clear the existing axes ready to build a new one if ishandle( gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes ) delete( gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes ); @@ -63,6 +79,10 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() zoomSpace =0; end end +if zoomSpace ==0 + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets=0; + gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets=0; +end pb_height = 1*Res(4); try [version reldate,ColorB_def,ColorF_def,errorColorF_def,ColorBviewer_def] = geterplabstudiodef;%%Get background color @@ -116,8 +136,12 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() % gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes_legend = uix.ScrollingPanel( 'Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.plot_wav_legend,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); uicontrol('Parent',gui_erp_waviewer.plot_wav_legend,'Style','text','String','','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'FontWeight','bold','BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); -gui_erp_waviewer.Resize = 0; -gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes = uix.ScrollingPanel( 'Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.plot_wav_legend,'BackgroundColor',figbgdColor,'SizeChangedFcn',@WAviewerResize);% +% gui_erp_waviewer.Resize = 0; + + +% gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes = uix.ScrollingPanel( 'Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.plot_wav_legend,'BackgroundColor',figbgdColor,'SizeChangedFcn',@WAviewerResize);% +gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes = uix.ScrollingPanel( 'Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.plot_wav_legend,'BackgroundColor',figbgdColor); + %%Changed by Guanghui Zhang Dec. 2022-------panel for display the processing procedure for some functions, e.g., filtering gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title = uiextras.HBox( 'Parent', gui_erp_waviewer.plotgrid,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def);%%%Message @@ -132,6 +156,10 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Callback',@zoomout); uicontrol('Parent',gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title,'Style','text','String','','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); +gui_erp_waviewer.figuresaveas = uicontrol('Parent',gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title,'Style','pushbutton','String','Show Command',... + 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Callback',@Show_command); + + gui_erp_waviewer.figuresaveas = uicontrol('Parent',gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title,'Style','pushbutton','String','Save Figure as',... 'FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',[1 1 1],'Callback',@figure_saveas); @@ -143,7 +171,7 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() uicontrol('Parent',gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title,'Style','text','String','','FontSize',FonsizeDefault,'BackgroundColor',ColorBviewer_def); -set(gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title, 'Sizes', [10 70 70 70 -1 100 170 70 20]); +set(gui_erp_waviewer.zoomin_out_title, 'Sizes', [10 70 50 70 -1 100 100 170 70 5]); %%Changed by Guanghui Zhang Dec. 2022-------panel for display the processing procedure for some functions, e.g., filtering @@ -168,6 +196,7 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() gui_erp_waviewer.pageinfo_plus.Enable = 'off'; % end + if pageNum ==1 Enable_minus = 'off'; Enable_plus = 'off'; @@ -219,6 +248,8 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() return; end + +%%Plot the waves f_plotviewerwave(OutputViewerpar{1},OutputViewerpar{2}, OutputViewerpar{3},OutputViewerpar{4},OutputViewerpar{5},OutputViewerpar{6},OutputViewerpar{9},OutputViewerpar{8},OutputViewerpar{10},OutputViewerpar{11},... OutputViewerpar{12},OutputViewerpar{13},OutputViewerpar{14},OutputViewerpar{15},OutputViewerpar{16},OutputViewerpar{17},OutputViewerpar{18},OutputViewerpar{19},OutputViewerpar{20},OutputViewerpar{21},OutputViewerpar{22},... OutputViewerpar{23},OutputViewerpar{24},OutputViewerpar{25},OutputViewerpar{26},OutputViewerpar{27},OutputViewerpar{28},OutputViewerpar{29},OutputViewerpar{31},OutputViewerpar{30},OutputViewerpar{32},OutputViewerpar{33},... @@ -250,18 +281,40 @@ function f_redrawERP_viewer_test() end gui_erp_waviewer.plotgrid.Units = 'normalized'; -gui_erp_waviewer.Resize =1; + + + +%%Keep the same positions for Vertical and Horizontal scrolling bars asbefore +if zoomSpace~=0 && zoomSpace>0 + if gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets<=1 + try + gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.VerticalOffsets= gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollVerticalOffsets*gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.Heights; + catch + end + end + if gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets<=1 + try + gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.HorizontalOffsets =gui_erp_waviewer.ScrollHorizontalOffsets*gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.Widths; + catch + end + end +end +% gui_erp_waviewer.ViewAxes.BackgroundColor = 'b'; end % redrawDemo + + + %%Resize the GUI automatically as the user changes the size of the window at run-time. -function WAviewerResize(~,~) -global gui_erp_waviewer; -if gui_erp_waviewer.Resize ~= 0 - f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); -end -end +% function WAviewerResize(~,~) +% global gui_erp_waviewer; +% if gui_erp_waviewer.Resize ~= 0 +% set( gui_erp_waviewer.tabERP, 'Widths', [-4, 270]); +% f_redrawERP_viewer_test(); +% end +% end %%-------------------------------Page Editor------------------------------- @@ -406,6 +459,29 @@ function page_plus(~,~) end +function Show_command(~,~) +global viewer_ERPDAT; +[messgStr,viewerpanelIndex] = f_check_erpviewerpanelchanges(); +if ~isempty(messgStr) + viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels = viewer_ERPDAT.count_twopanels +1; +end + +ViewerName = estudioworkingmemory('viewername'); +if isempty(ViewerName) + ViewerName = char('My Viewer'); +end +MessageViewer= char(strcat('Show Command')); +erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); +try + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; + OutputViewerpar = f_preparms_erpwaviewer(ViewerName,'command'); + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; +catch + viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; +end +end + + %%-------------------------Save figure as---------------------------------- function figure_saveas(~,~) @@ -470,7 +546,7 @@ function figure_out(~,~) erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); try viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =1; - OutputViewerpar = f_preparms_erpwaviewer(ViewerName); + OutputViewerpar = f_preparms_erpwaviewer(ViewerName,'script'); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =2; catch viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; @@ -512,6 +588,10 @@ function zoomin(~,~) %%Reset each panel that using the default parameters function Panel_Reset(~,~) global viewer_ERPDAT; +global gui_erp_waviewer + +estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_label',[]); +estudioworkingmemory('MERPWaveViewer_others',[]); MessageViewer= char(strcat('Reset')); erpworkingmemory('ERPViewer_proces_messg',MessageViewer); @@ -526,6 +606,18 @@ function Panel_Reset(~,~) viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; end +%%Reset the window size and position +new_pos = [0.01,0.01,75,75]; +erpworkingmemory('ERPWaveScreenPos',new_pos); +try + ScreenPos = get( groot, 'Screensize' ); +catch + ScreenPos = get( 0, 'Screensize' ); +end +gui_erp_waviewer.screen_pos = new_pos; +new_pos =[ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(1)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(2)/100,ScreenPos(3)*new_pos(3)/100,ScreenPos(4)*new_pos(4)/100]; +set(gui_erp_waviewer.Window, 'Position', new_pos); + end @@ -555,17 +647,17 @@ function zoomedit(Source,~) end else if isempty(zoomspaceEdit) - fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a numeric','.\n']); + fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a number','.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; return; end if numel(zoomspaceEdit)>1 - fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a single numeric','.\n']); + fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a single number','.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; return; end if zoomspaceEdit<0 - fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a positive numeric','.\n']); + fprintf(2,['\n Zoom Editor:The input must be a positive number','.\n']); viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg =3; return; end @@ -627,10 +719,17 @@ function V_messg_change(~,~) gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.ForegroundColor = [0 0.5 0]; elseif viewer_ERPDAT.Process_messg ==3 + if ~strcmp(gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.String,strcat('3- ',Processed_Method,': Error (see Command Window)')) + fprintf([Processed_Method,32,32,32,datestr(datetime('now')),'\n.']); + end gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.String = strcat('3- ',Processed_Method,': Error (see Command Window)'); gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.ForegroundColor = [1 0 0]; else - gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.String = strcat('Warning:',Processed_Method,'(see Command Window).'); + if ~strcmpi(gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.String,strcat('Warning:',32,Processed_Method,32,'(see Command Window).')) + fprintf([Processed_Method,32,32,32,datestr(datetime('now')),'\n.']); + end + gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.String = strcat('Warning:',32,Processed_Method,32,'(see Command Window).'); + pause(0.5); gui_erp_waviewer.Process_messg.ForegroundColor = [1 0.65 0]; end @@ -779,7 +878,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr LineStyledef = {'-','--',':','-.','-','-','-',}; [ERPdatadef,legendNamedef,ERPerrordatadef,timeRangedef] = f_geterpdata(ALLERP,[1:length(ALLERP)],qPLOTORG); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-------------------------------------------------------- - +plotArrayStrdef =''; if qPLOTORG(1) ==1 %% if the selected Channel is "Grid" plotArray = qchanArray; for Numofchan = 1:numel(plotArray) @@ -885,7 +984,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr %%ylable font if nargin <34 - qYlabelfont = 'Geneva'; + qYlabelfont = 'Helvetica'; end %%display ylabels? @@ -897,10 +996,18 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr datresh = squeeze(ERPdatadef(qchanArray,:,qbinArray,qERPArray)); yymax = max(datresh(:)); yymin = min(datresh(:)); -if abs(yymax)<1 && abs(yymin)<1 - scalesdef(1:2) = [yymin*1.2 yymax*1.1]; % JLC. Mar 11, 2015 +if ~isempty(yymax) && isempty(yymin) + if abs(yymax)<1 && abs(yymin)<1 + try + scalesdef(1:2) = [yymin*1.2 yymax*1.1]; % JLC. Mar 11, 2015 + catch + scalesdef(1:2) = [-1 1]; + end + else + scalesdef(1:2) = [floor(yymin*1.2) ceil(yymax*1.1)]; % JLC. Sept 26, 2012 + end else - scalesdef(1:2) = [floor(yymin*1.2) ceil(yymax*1.1)]; % JLC. Sept 26, 2012 + scalesdef(1:2) = [-1 1]; end yylim_out = f_erpAutoYLim(ALLERP, qERPArray,qPLOTORG,qbinArray, qchanArray,qCURRENTPLOT); try @@ -943,7 +1050,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr %%xlabel font if nargin <26 - qXlabelfont= 'Geneva'; + qXlabelfont= 'Helvetica'; end %%disply xtick labels ? @@ -1033,7 +1140,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr %%font of channel/bin/erpset label if nargin <17 - qLabelfont= 'Geneva'; + qLabelfont= 'Helvetica'; end %%location of channel/bin/erpset label @@ -1048,7 +1155,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr %%font of legend name if nargin <14 - qLegendFont = 'Geneva'; + qLegendFont = 'Helvetica'; end %%legend name @@ -1202,7 +1309,7 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'post') indxtimelock = length(ERP.times); aa = find(ERP.times==0); - elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'all') + elseif strcmpi(qBlc,'all') || strcmpi(qBlc,'whole') indxtimelock = length(ERP.times); aa = 1; else @@ -1385,6 +1492,9 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr if isempty( qYScales) qYScales = [floor(min(bindata(:))),ceil(max(bindata(:)))]; end +if isempty(y_scale_def) + y_scale_def = qYScales; +end if isyaxislabel==1 %% y axis GAP if Ypert<0 Ypert = 100; @@ -1524,6 +1634,21 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr y_scale_def(2) = max([1.1*y_scale_def(2),1.1*qYScales(2)]); catch end + + + +%%remove the margins of a plot +ax = hbig; +outerpos = ax.OuterPosition; +ti = ax.TightInset; +left = outerpos(1) + ti(1); +bottom = outerpos(2) + ti(2); +ax_width = outerpos(3) - ti(1) - ti(3); +ax_height = outerpos(4) - ti(2) - ti(4); +ax.Position = [left bottom ax_width ax_height]; + + + %%--------------Plot ERPwave----------------- stdalpha = qTransparency; countPlot = 0; @@ -1872,8 +1997,12 @@ function f_plotviewerwave(ALLERP,qCURRENTPLOT, qPLOTORG,qbinArray,qchanArray,qGr % disp(['Data at',32,'R',num2str(Numofrows),',','C',num2str(Numofcolumns), 32,'is not defined!']); end try - if isxaxislabel==2 - set(hbig,'xlim',[Xtimerange(1)-(Xtimerange(end)-Xtimerange(1)/10),XtimerangetrasfALL(end)+(Xtimerange(end)-Xtimerange(1))/10]); + if 2 b % number of columns increasing - obj.MinimumWidths_(end+1:c,:) = -1; + obj.MinimumWidths_(end+1:c,:) = 1; if r < q % number of rows decreasing obj.Heights_(r+1:end,:) = []; obj.MinimumHeights_(r+1:end,:) = []; diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/GridFlex.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/GridFlex.m index d93038bf..e8a019b0 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/GridFlex.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/GridFlex.m @@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ function set.DividerMarkings( obj, value ) % Check - assert( ischar( value ) && any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... + value = uix.validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray( value, ... + 'DividerMarkings' ); + assert( any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... 'uix:InvalidArgument', ... 'Property ''DividerMarkings'' must be ''on'' or ''off'.' ) diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/HBoxFlex.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/HBoxFlex.m index 43a7cdee..c82f300c 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/HBoxFlex.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/HBoxFlex.m @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ function set.DividerMarkings( obj, value ) % Check - assert( ischar( value ) && any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... + value = uix.validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray( value, ... + 'DividerMarkings' ); + assert( any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... 'uix:InvalidArgument', ... 'Property ''DividerMarkings'' must be ''on'' or ''off'.' ) diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/Panel.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/Panel.m index 0a416b8e..9047da3c 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/Panel.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/Panel.m @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ % p = uix.Panel() constructs a standard panel. % % p = uix.Panel(p1,v1,p2,v2,...) sets parameter p1 to value - % v1, etc. + % v1, etc. % Set properties try diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/ScrollingPanel.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/ScrollingPanel.m index b2834cca..bf0fd5fd 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/ScrollingPanel.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/ScrollingPanel.m @@ -351,7 +351,9 @@ function set.MouseWheelEnabled( obj, value ) - assert( ischar( value ) && any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... + value = uix.validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray( value, ... + 'MouseWheelEnabled' ); + assert( any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... 'uix:InvalidArgument', ... 'Property ''MouseWheelEnabled'' must ''on'' or ''off''.' ) listener = obj.MouseWheelListener; @@ -605,7 +607,7 @@ function showSelection( obj ) end % template methods - methods( Access = private ) + methods( Access = ?matlab.unittest.TestCase ) function onSliderScrolling( obj, ~, ~ ) %onSliderScrolling Event handler diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/VBoxFlex.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/VBoxFlex.m index 10275490..dca279ae 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/VBoxFlex.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/VBoxFlex.m @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ function set.DividerMarkings( obj, value ) % Check - assert( ischar( value ) && any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... + value = uix.validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray( value, ... + 'DividerMarkings' ); + assert( any( strcmp( value, {'on','off'} ) ), ... 'uix:InvalidArgument', ... 'Property ''DividerMarkings'' must be ''on'' or ''off'.' ) diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/getPosition.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/getPosition.m index bd9cb608..84dd5a27 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/getPosition.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/getPosition.m @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ function p = getPosition( o, u ) %getPosition Get position of graphics object % -% p = getPosition(o,u) sets the position of a graphics object o with units +% p = getPosition(o,u) gets the position of a graphics object o with units % u. % % In contrast to getting the Position property directly, this function diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/loadIcon.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/loadIcon.m index 607c1d24..081f052e 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/loadIcon.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/loadIcon.m @@ -82,17 +82,11 @@ switch lower( class( cdata ) ) case 'double' - % do nothing - case 'single' - cdata = double( cdata ); + % do nothing case 'uint8' cdata = double( cdata ) / 255; case 'uint16' - cdata = double( cdata ) / 65535; - case 'int8' - cdata = ( double( cdata ) + 128 ) / 255; - case 'int16' - cdata = ( double( cdata ) + 32768 ) / 65535; + cdata = double( cdata ) / 65535; otherwise error( 'uix:InvalidArgument', ... 'Image data of type ''%s'' is not supported.', class( cdata ) ) diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/tracking.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/tracking.m index 84eaee14..94d27427 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/tracking.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/tracking.m @@ -102,12 +102,11 @@ function spoof() %track Do tracking a = sprintf( '%s/%s (%s)', MATLAB, v, OS ); + ds = 'unknown'; if isdeployed() ds = 'deployed'; elseif strcmp( DOMAIN, 'mathworks' ) - ds = DOMAIN; - else - ds = 'unknown'; + ds = DOMAIN; end pv = {'v', '1', 'tid', p, 'ua', escape( a ), 'ul', LANGUAGE, ... 'cid', CLIENT, 'ht', 'pageview', ... @@ -165,6 +164,7 @@ function spoof() function s = os() %os Operating system string +s = 'unknown'; if ispc() s = sprintf( 'Windows NT %s', ... char( java.lang.System.getProperty( 'os.version' ) ) ); @@ -173,8 +173,6 @@ function spoof() elseif ismac() s = sprintf( 'Macintosh; Intel OS X %s', ... strrep( char( java.lang.System.getProperty( 'os.version' ) ), ' ', '_' ) ); -else - s = 'unknown'; end end % os diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09a96e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/+uix/validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray.m @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +function value = validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray( value, propertyName ) +%VALIDATESCALARSTRINGORCHARACTERARRAY Verify that the given value is a +%scalar string or a character array. + +% Check if we have a string scalar. +if isa( value, 'string' ) && isscalar( value ) + % Convert the string to a character array, handling the missing case + % separately. + if ismissing( value ) + value = ''; + else + value = char( value ); + end % if +end % if + +% Check that we have a character array. +try + assert( ischar( value ), ... + 'uix:InvalidPropertyValue', ... + ['Property ''', propertyName, ''' must be a scalar ', ... + 'string or a character array.'] ) +catch e + e.throwAsCaller() +end % try/catch + +end % validateScalarStringOrCharacterArray \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/Contents.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/Contents.m index 42a7f207..caf540c3 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/Contents.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layout/Contents.m @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ % GUI Layout Toolbox -% Version 2.3.5 (R2020b) 31-October-2020 +% Version 2.3.6 (R2023a) 21-May-2023 % % Panels % uix.Panel - arrange a single element inside a standard panel @@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ % uix.Empty - create an empty space % uix.tracking - track anonymized usage data -% Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks, Inc. +% Copyright 2009-2023 The MathWorks, Inc. diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesExample.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesExample.html index 9190c604..19f38b92 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesExample.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesExample.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesLegendsColorbars.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesLegendsColorbars.html index 3b8e3b36..6d14634d 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesLegendsColorbars.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/AxesLegendsColorbars.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/BoxPanelFancyStuff.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/BoxPanelFancyStuff.html index ade0fa6a..88371c09 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/BoxPanelFancyStuff.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/BoxPanelFancyStuff.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Compiling.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Compiling.html index 5e762277..ea0a2024 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Compiling.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Compiling.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/ExampleApp.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/ExampleApp.html index 4dfbaa5f..3818e426 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/ExampleApp.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/ExampleApp.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples.html index 51160f2d..e10b8df4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - + Examples @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - +
GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.5GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.6 previous pagenext page
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@


next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/displayEndOfDemoMessage.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/displayEndOfDemoMessage.m index cd1ef215..71588a4a 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/displayEndOfDemoMessage.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/displayEndOfDemoMessage.m @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -function displayEndOfDemoMessage(filename) -% Dummy function - do nothing. - -% Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks, Inc. +function displayEndOfDemoMessage(filename) +% Dummy function - do nothing. + +% Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks, Inc. diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/guideApp.m b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/guideApp.m index 30978d30..607d23ee 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/guideApp.m +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Examples/guideApp.m @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ -function varargout = guideApp(varargin) -% GUIDEAPP MATLAB code for guideApp.fig -% GUIDEAPP, by itself, creates a new GUIDEAPP or raises the existing -% singleton*. -% -% H = GUIDEAPP returns the handle to a new GUIDEAPP or the handle to -% the existing singleton*. -% -% GUIDEAPP('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local -% function named CALLBACK in GUIDEAPP.M with the given input arguments. -% -% GUIDEAPP('Property','Value',...) creates a new GUIDEAPP or raises the -% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are -% applied to the GUI before guideApp_OpeningFcn gets called. An -% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application -% stop. All inputs are passed to guideApp_OpeningFcn via varargin. -% -% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one -% instance to run (singleton)". -% -% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES - -% Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks, Inc. - -% Edit the above text to modify the response to help guideApp - -% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 21-Jul-2010 07:36:25 - -% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT -gui_Singleton = 1; -gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... - 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... - 'gui_OpeningFcn', @guideApp_OpeningFcn, ... - 'gui_OutputFcn', @guideApp_OutputFcn, ... - 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... - 'gui_Callback', []); -if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) - gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); -end - -if nargout - [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -else - gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); -end -% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT - - -% --- Executes just before guideApp is made visible. -function guideApp_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) -% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. -% hObject handle to figure -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) -% varargin command line arguments to guideApp (see VARARGIN) - -% Choose default command line output for guideApp -handles.output = hObject; - -% Update handles structure -guidata(hObject, handles); - -% Put a layout in the panel -g = uix.GridFlex( 'Parent', handles.uipanel1, ... - 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Position', [0 0 1 1], ... - 'Spacing', 5 ); -uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 1' ); -uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 2' ); -uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 3' ); -uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 4' ); -g.Heights = [-1 -1]; - -% UIWAIT makes guideApp wait for user response (see UIRESUME) -% uiwait(handles.figure1); - - -% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. -function varargout = guideApp_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); -% hObject handle to figure -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - -% Get default command line output from handles structure -varargout{1} = handles.output; - - -% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. -function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - - -% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. -function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) - - -% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3. -function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) -% hObject handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO) -% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB -% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +function varargout = guideApp(varargin) +% GUIDEAPP MATLAB code for guideApp.fig +% GUIDEAPP, by itself, creates a new GUIDEAPP or raises the existing +% singleton*. +% +% H = GUIDEAPP returns the handle to a new GUIDEAPP or the handle to +% the existing singleton*. +% +% GUIDEAPP('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local +% function named CALLBACK in GUIDEAPP.M with the given input arguments. +% +% GUIDEAPP('Property','Value',...) creates a new GUIDEAPP or raises the +% existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are +% applied to the GUI before guideApp_OpeningFcn gets called. An +% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application +% stop. All inputs are passed to guideApp_OpeningFcn via varargin. +% +% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one +% instance to run (singleton)". +% +% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES + +% Copyright 2009-2020 The MathWorks, Inc. + +% Edit the above text to modify the response to help guideApp + +% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 21-Jul-2010 07:36:25 + +% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT +gui_Singleton = 1; +gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ... + 'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ... + 'gui_OpeningFcn', @guideApp_OpeningFcn, ... + 'gui_OutputFcn', @guideApp_OutputFcn, ... + 'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ... + 'gui_Callback', []); +if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) + gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1}); +end + +if nargout + [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +else + gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:}); +end +% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT + + +% --- Executes just before guideApp is made visible. +function guideApp_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) +% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn. +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) +% varargin command line arguments to guideApp (see VARARGIN) + +% Choose default command line output for guideApp +handles.output = hObject; + +% Update handles structure +guidata(hObject, handles); + +% Put a layout in the panel +g = uix.GridFlex( 'Parent', handles.uipanel1, ... + 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Position', [0 0 1 1], ... + 'Spacing', 5 ); +uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 1' ); +uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 2' ); +uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 3' ); +uix.BoxPanel( 'Parent', g, 'Title', 'Panel 4' ); +g.Heights = [-1 -1]; + +% UIWAIT makes guideApp wait for user response (see UIRESUME) +% uiwait(handles.figure1); + + +% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. +function varargout = guideApp_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT); +% hObject handle to figure +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + +% Get default command line output from handles structure +varargout{1} = handles.output; + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1. +function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2. +function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) + + +% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton3. +function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) +% hObject handle to pushbutton3 (see GCBO) +% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB +% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference.html index 93363cab..98d6397a 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - + Function reference @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - +
GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.5GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.6 previous pagenext page
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@

Function reference next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_1.html index aceb184d..66f8c11c 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.Panel @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_2.html index 57991f02..ec6c9a1a 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.CardPanel @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_3.html index c803a727..96f863d3 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.BoxPanel @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_4.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_4.html index 272fc42f..181bb502 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_4.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_4.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.TabPanel @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_5.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_5.html index 2a5b9102..347404f5 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_5.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference1_5.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.ScrollingPanel @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_1.html index 334aa25d..4d6f3f65 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.HBox @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_2.html index 4c9f6724..84d36736 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.VBox @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_3.html index 8c933031..391fb83c 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.HBoxFlex @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_4.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_4.html index 99e656c6..1bf7a727 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_4.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_4.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.VBoxFlex @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_5.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_5.html index 27c84dff..122a230d 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_5.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_5.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.HButtonBox @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_6.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_6.html index a9d9304c..bf38e9b4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_6.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference2_6.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.VButtonBox @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_1.html index 24a71509..6f72ca96 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.Grid @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_2.html index 2d709f41..02e07d5f 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference3_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.GridFlex @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_1.html index 0afb71ab..5610a177 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.Empty @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_2.html index 9bbc620f..efe3537e 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + uix.tracking @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_3.html index 9955a1d3..441d71f5 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Function_reference4_3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + layoutRoot @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@

For example:

next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/GUI Layout.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/GUI Layout.html index c0141bd5..3b0037a0 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/GUI Layout.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/GUI Layout.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ - + diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started.html index 2ed741a6..fbd55ee3 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - + Getting Started @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - +
GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.5GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.6 previous pagenext page
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@

Getting Started next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started1.html index 6c6f9c78..199607c9 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + What is GUI Layout Toolbox? @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@

1: What is GUI Layout Toolbox? next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started2.html index e93586d3..b348a41f 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Compatibility considerations @@ -23,12 +23,15 @@

2: Compatibility considerations Section contents:

    @@ -127,7 +130,100 @@

    Tab selection behavior

    empty, in which case the new tab is selected. This is consistent with the behavior of uitabgroup.

    - +

    + +

     2.3: Web graphics support Go back up one level

    + + +

    In R2016a, MathWorks introduced Javascript-based MATLAB graphics ("web + graphics") alongside the earlier Java-based system. Web graphics offers additional + components and deployment technologies, has been maturing ever since. Web graphics is + accessed by creating a figure using uifigure rather than + figure.


    Many developers using GUI Layout Toolbox have requested web graphics support. This + actually depends mostly on feature completeness of web graphics itself, rather than + changes to GUI Layout Toolbox.


    From R2020b, GUI Layout Toolbox has partially supported web graphics. From R2022b, + all but one layout type is supported, and this will be addressed in a future release.

    + +


    • Simple box, grid and card layouts are supported from R2020b.
    • +
    • Flexible box and grid layouts are supported from R2022a, as are scrolling and + tab layouts.
    • +
    • Box panel is not yet supported.
    • +
    + +

    In detail:

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    + uix.HButtonBox
    R2020b +
    uix.VBoxFlex +
    R2022aThe implementations use + uicontrol, so rely on uicontrol + support in web graphics that was introduced in R2022a.
    uix.TabPanelR2022aThe implementation uses + uicontrol, so relies on uicontrol + support in web graphics that was introduced in R2022a. Use + uitabgroup and uitab unless you + require the ability to disable tabs.
    uix.PanelR2022bIn R2022b, due to a bug, Units and + Position specified during construction are ignored, and the + panel is placed in the default position. As a workaround, set the panel + Units and Position after construction. This bug + is fixed in R2023a.
    uix.BoxPanelUnsupportedThe implementation has not yet been updated to support + web graphics.
    + +



    To use GUI Layout Toolbox layouts in web graphics, the AutoResizeChildren + property of any ancestor uifigure, uipanel + or uitab must be set to 'off', otherwise the + layouts will not resize as expected.

    + +

    For example, to create a flexible grid in a uifigure:

    + +
    f = uifigure('AutoResizeChildren', 'off');
    +g = uix.GridFlex('Parent', f);
    + +

    To create a card panel in a uipanel:

    + +
    f = uifigure('AutoResizeChildren', 'off');
    +p = uipanel('Parent', f, 'Title', 'Card Panel', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', ...
    +    [0.25, 0.25, 0.50, 0.50], 'AutoResizeChildren', 'off');
    +cp = uix.CardPanel('Parent', p);
    +uibutton(cp, 'Text', 'Button 1');
    +uibutton(cp, 'Text', 'Button 2');
    + +
    @@ -139,7 +235,7 @@

    Tab selection behavior

    - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started3.html index 4964873c..8a85cff4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/Getting_Started3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Release notes @@ -46,24 +46,27 @@

    3: Release notes  -
  • 3.1. Version 2.3.5
  • -
  • 3.2. Version 2.3.4
  • -
  • 3.3. Version 2.3.3
  • -
  • 3.4. Version 2.3.2
  • -
  • 3.5. Version 2.3.1
  • -
  • 3.6. Version 2.3
  • -
  • 3.7. Version 2.2.2
  • -
  • 3.8. Version 2.2.1
  • -
  • 3.9. Version 2.2
  • -
  • 3.10. Version 2.1.2
  • -
  • 3.11. Version 2.1.1
  • -
  • 3.12. Version 2.1
  • +
  • 3.1. Version 2.3.6
  • +
  • 3.2. Version 2.3.5
  • +
  • 3.3. Version 2.3.4
  • +
  • 3.4. Version 2.3.3
  • +
  • 3.5. Version 2.3.2
  • +
  • 3.6. Version 2.3.1
  • +
  • 3.7. Version 2.3
  • +
  • 3.8. Version 2.2.2
  • +
  • 3.9. Version 2.2.1
  • +
  • 3.10. Version 2.2
  • +
  • 3.11. Version 2.1.2
  • +
  • 3.12. Version 2.1.1
  • +
  • 3.13. Version 2.1
    @@ -74,10 +77,19 @@

    Section contents:


 3.1: Version 2.3.5 Go back up one level


 3.1: Version 2.3.6 Go back up one level

+ +
  • Released 21 May 2023
  • +
  • Refactored tests to support uifigure
  • +
  • Added details of web graphics support
  • +

+ +

 3.2: Version 2.3.5 Go back up one level

  • Released 31 October 2020
  • +
  • Released 29 October 2020
  • Updated for compatibility with R2020b uipanels
  • Fixed G1959226 "Scrolling panel scrollbars and blanking plate do not match background color"
  • @@ -85,7 +97,7 @@

     3.1: Version 2.3.5 

     3.2: Version 2.3.4 Go back up one level


     3.3: Version 2.3.4 Go back up one level

    • Released 31 January 2019
    • @@ -94,7 +106,7 @@

       3.2: Version 2.3.4 

       3.3: Version 2.3.3 Go back up one level


       3.4: Version 2.3.3 Go back up one level

      • Released 25 October 2018
      • @@ -103,7 +115,7 @@

         3.3: Version 2.3.3 

         3.4: Version 2.3.2 Go back up one level


         3.5: Version 2.3.2 Go back up one level

        • Released 1 May 2018
        • @@ -115,7 +127,7 @@

           3.4: Version 2.3.2 

           3.5: Version 2.3.1 Go back up one level


           3.6: Version 2.3.1 Go back up one level

          • Released 31 January 2017
          • @@ -126,7 +138,7 @@

             3.5: Version 2.3.1 

             3.6: Version 2.3 Go back up one level


             3.7: Version 2.3 Go back up one level

            • Released 24 November 2016
            • @@ -136,7 +148,7 @@

               3.6: Version 2.3 


             3.7: Version 2.2.2 Go back up one level


             3.8: Version 2.2.2 Go back up one level

            • Released 22 August 2016
            • @@ -148,7 +160,7 @@

               3.7: Version 2.2.2 

               3.8: Version 2.2.1 Go back up one level


               3.9: Version 2.2.1 Go back up one level

              • Released 26 February 2016
              • @@ -157,7 +169,7 @@

                 3.8: Version 2.2.1 

                 3.9: Version 2.2 Go back up one level


                 3.10: Version 2.2 Go back up one level

                • Released 18 December 2015
                • @@ -172,7 +184,7 @@

                   3.9: Version 2.2 


                 3.10: Version 2.1.2 Go back up one level


                 3.11: Version 2.1.2 Go back up one level

                • Released 29 May 2015
                • @@ -182,7 +194,7 @@

                   3.10: Version 2.1.2 

                   3.11: Version 2.1.1 Go back up one level


                   3.12: Version 2.1.1 Go back up one level

                  • Released 15 May 2015
                  • @@ -196,7 +208,7 @@

                     3.11: Version 2.1.1 

                     3.12: Version 2.1 Go back up one level


                     3.13: Version 2.1 Go back up one level

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                      Section contents:

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                      1.1: Layout basics next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_2.html index 16bed6ef..38472817 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Types of layout @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@

                      1.2: Types of layout next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_3.html index 4cd20b6e..eeddccf4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Sizes and units @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@

                      1.3: Sizes and units next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_4.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_4.html index 9186be9e..f62d2ac1 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_4.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_4.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Layout hierarchies @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@

                      1.4: Layout hierarchies next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_5.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_5.html index 64340bcc..c70eb41b 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_5.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide1_5.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Why use layouts? @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@

                      For example:

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                      For example:

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                      Fill the axes

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                      Add decorations

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                      3.1: Visible example next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4.html index 04e4fb9f..5a9063b8 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Advanced maneuvers with panels @@ -29,9 +29,6 @@

                      4: Advanced maneuvers with panels next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4_1.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4_1.html index 48e7bcfb..a2abb01e 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4_1.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide4_1.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + Context help @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@

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                      Click the minimize buttons

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                      Click the dock buttons

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                      Insert the layout

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                      7.1: Application structure next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_2.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_2.html index ccc55e4a..25c382a1 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_2.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_2.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + createInterface @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@

                      7.2: createInterface next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_3.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_3.html index 9bf8a672..5f4c1b5a 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_3.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/User_guide7_3.html @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ - + updateInterface @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@

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                      For example:

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                      7.6: Scalability next page - © 2020 The MathWorks Ltd + © 2023 The MathWorks Ltd Terms of Use Patents Trademarks diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/VisibleExample.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/VisibleExample.html index ac5f7cf3..ee6994f4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/VisibleExample.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/VisibleExample.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/about.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/about.html index 8e7fc660..a6d086d4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/about.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/about.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/atoz.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/atoz.html index 550482a0..a3eef9f7 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/atoz.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/atoz.html @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ GUI Layout Toolbox documentation: Index - +
                      - GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.5 + GUI Layout Toolbox 2.3.6

                      Alphabetical index

                      @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@

                      Alphabetical index

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+ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserStructure.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserStructure.html index ce85576a..d187f644 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserStructure.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserStructure.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserUpdateInterface.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserUpdateInterface.html index 83048e5d..5f8adb8b 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserUpdateInterface.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/demoBrowserUpdateInterface.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfe b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfe deleted file mode 100644 index db432f76..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfe and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfs b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfs deleted file mode 100644 index 1f92793e..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.cfs and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.si b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.si deleted file mode 100644 index d69cdbcf..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/_0.si and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments.gen b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments.gen deleted file mode 100644 index 63a7ec9a..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments.gen and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments_1 b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments_1 deleted file mode 100644 index da81286a..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v3/segments_1 and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/index_meta.json b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/index_meta.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9d2f081 --- /dev/null +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/index_meta.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"storage":"scorch","index_type":"scorch","config":{"forceSegmentType":"zap","forceSegmentVersion":12}} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/000000000002.zap b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/000000000002.zap new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd772d67 Binary files /dev/null and b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/000000000002.zap differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/root.bolt b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/root.bolt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c26b9312 Binary files /dev/null and b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helpsearch-v4_en/store/root.bolt differ diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helptoc.xml b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helptoc.xml index 499b9bb4..c589f4da 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helptoc.xml +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/helptoc.xml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ - + GUI Layout Getting Started1. What is GUI Layout Toolbox?2. Compatibility considerations3. Release notes4. Installation5. Support6. Acknowledgements diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/index.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/index.html index 5c68954c..ef689060 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/index.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/index.html @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@

                      GUI Layout Toolbox

                      - Version: 2.3.5 + Version: 2.3.6

                      GUI Layout Toolbox is a layout manager for creating MATLAB graphical user interfaces that resize gracefully. The classes supplied can be used in @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@



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                      diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/layoutRoot.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/layoutRoot.html index 60ea04fe..edac4b7c 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/layoutRoot.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/layoutRoot.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - + diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/releasenotes.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/releasenotes.html index b5881263..4cdca716 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/releasenotes.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/releasenotes.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - + diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.BoxPanel.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.BoxPanel.html index d0f551a1..66df8d4b 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.BoxPanel.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.BoxPanel.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.CardPanel.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.CardPanel.html index b439ef14..7a5b3acb 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.CardPanel.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.CardPanel.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Empty.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Empty.html index 18194480..60a2a58a 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Empty.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Empty.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Grid.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Grid.html index eb460a34..6dcd3441 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Grid.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Grid.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.GridFlex.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.GridFlex.html index 4d9c55be..3cfbe24e 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.GridFlex.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.GridFlex.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBox.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBox.html index 02857cad..7cb32cb4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBox.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBox.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBoxFlex.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBoxFlex.html index 6988221c..009944e6 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBoxFlex.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HBoxFlex.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HButtonBox.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HButtonBox.html index 471742fb..64b8e288 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HButtonBox.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.HButtonBox.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Panel.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Panel.html index 27078921..a7f20fb4 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Panel.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.Panel.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.ScrollingPanel.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.ScrollingPanel.html index 403cd9c9..fce20ab2 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.ScrollingPanel.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.ScrollingPanel.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.TabPanel.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.TabPanel.html index 740483a7..ebdf2592 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.TabPanel.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.TabPanel.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBox.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBox.html index d53bef34..b050cf96 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBox.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBox.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBoxFlex.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBoxFlex.html index 3e8d63c6..2dbfca85 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBoxFlex.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VBoxFlex.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VButtonBox.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VButtonBox.html index ebf2e984..31a2b212 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VButtonBox.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.VButtonBox.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.tracking.html b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.tracking.html index bdce69af..82654090 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.tracking.html +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/layoutdoc/uix.tracking.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - > + > diff --git a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/license.txt b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/license.txt index 60c73dcb..3f8cfed7 100644 --- a/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/license.txt +++ b/studio_functions/GUI Layout Toolbox/license.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Copyright (c) 2020, The MathWorks, Inc. +Copyright (c) 2023, The MathWorks, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + * In all cases, the software is, and all modifications and derivatives of the software shall be, licensed to you solely for use in conjunction with MathWorks products and service offerings. diff --git a/studio_functions/displayEquiComERP.m b/studio_functions/displayEquiComERP.m deleted file mode 100755 index 9e7f5dff..00000000 --- a/studio_functions/displayEquiComERP.m +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -function displayEquiComERP(xcom, nline2end) -if nargin<2 - nline2end = 140; % max line length - nd = nline2end; % number of dashed lines -end - -%%changed by Guanghui Mar 2023 -ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); -if ~isempty(ERPtooltype) - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - Toolabel = 1;%%Get label from work space to confirm whether EStudio was executed. - else - Toolabel = 0; - end -else - Toolabel = 1; -end - - -fprintf([repmat('-', 1,nd) '\n']); -if Toolabel==0 - try - cprintf([0.1333 0.5451 0.1333], '%%Equivalent command:\n'); - catch - fprintf('%%Equivalent command:\n'); - end -elseif Toolabel==1 - - try - cprintf([0.1333 0.5451 0.1333], '%%EStudio:Equivalent command:\n'); - catch - fprintf('%%EStudio:Equivalent command:\n'); - end -end -if length(xcom)nline2end) - if isempty(indxcomx) - fprintf('%s\n', xcom); % as it is... - else - N = round((length(xcom)/nline2end)); - Npos = nline2end:nline2end:N*nline2end; - Apos = unique_bc2(closest(indxcomx,Npos)); - if length(Apos)>1 && (length(xcom)-Apos(end-1))<=nline2end - Apos = Apos(1:end-1); - elseif length(Apos)==1 && (length(xcom)-Apos)< 0.1*length(xcom) - fprintf('%s\n', xcom); % as it is... - fprintf([repmat('-', 1,nd) '\n']); - return - end - for kk=1:length(xcom) - if ~ismember_bc2(kk, Apos) - fprintf('%s', xcom(kk)); - elseif ismember_bc2(kk, Apos) && kkGo back to ERPLAB menu'); -end -fprintf('\n'); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/erpworkingmemory.m b/studio_functions/erpworkingmemory.m deleted file mode 100755 index a4d75751..00000000 --- a/studio_functions/erpworkingmemory.m +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -% PURPOSE : encodes and retrieves ERPLAB's working memory -% -% FORMAT : -% -% output = erpworkingmemory(field, input2store) -% -% INPUTS : -% -% field - function name. e.g. 'pop_appenderp' -% input2store - values to store (cell array) -% -% -% OUTPUTS : -% -% output - stored values (cell array) -% -% -% EXAMPLE 1: encode pop_appenderp's memory (values currently being used) -% -% erpworkingmemory('pop_appenderp', { optioni, erpset, prefixlist }); -% -% -% EXAMPLE 2: retrieve pop_appenderp's memory (values last used) -% -% def = erpworkingmemory('pop_appenderp'); -% -% -% *** This function is part of ERPLAB Toolbox *** -% Author: Javier Lopez-Calderon &Guanghui Zhang -% Center for Mind and Brain -% University of California, Davis, -% Davis, CA -% 2009 & 2022 - -%b8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209bb8d3721ed219e65100184c6b95db209b -% -% ERPLAB Toolbox -% Copyright © 2007 The Regents of the University of California -% Created by Javier Lopez-Calderon and Steven Luck -% Center for Mind and Brain, University of California, Davis, -% javlopez@ucdavis.edu, sjluck@ucdavis.edu -% -% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -% (at your option) any later version. -% -% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -% GNU General Public License for more details. -% -% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -% along with this program. If not, see . - -function output = erpworkingmemory(field, input2store) -output = []; -if nargin<1 - help erpworkingmemory - return -end -try - vmemoryerp = evalin('base', 'vmemoryerp'); -catch - vmemoryerp = []; -end - -ERPtooltype = erpgettoolversion('tooltype'); -if ~isempty(ERPtooltype) - if strcmpi(ERPtooltype,'EStudio') - Toolabel = 1;%%Get label from work space to confirm whether EStudio was executed. - - else - Toolabel = 0; - end -else - Toolabel = 1; -end - - -if nargin==1 % read - if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory - % try - % v = memoryerp; - % catch - % msgboxText = 'ERPLAB could not load the variable, at workspace, called "memoryerp"'; - % try - % cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); - % catch - % fprintf(msgboxText); - % end - % output = []; - % return - % end - if isfield(vmemoryerp, field) - output = vmemoryerp.(field); - else - output = []; - end - else % file for storing/reading memory - try - if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio - p = which('EStudio'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'EStudio.m')-1); - v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudio.erpm'), '-mat'); - else%%When using ERPLAB - p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); - v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), '-mat'); - end - catch - if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio (erpworkingmemory.m) could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for reading it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - else - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio (erpworkingmemory.m) could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for reading it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB Studio once again or go to EStudio''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - - end - - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - output = []; - return - end - if isfield(v, field) - output = v.(field); - else - output = []; - end - end - return -elseif nargin==2 % write - if ~isempty(vmemoryerp) % variable at the workspace for storing/reading memory - try - vmemoryerp.(field) = input2store; - assignin('base','vmemoryerp', vmemoryerp); - catch - msgboxText = 'ERPLAB (erpworkingmemory.m) could not write to the variable called vmemoryerp, at workspace.'; - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], sprintf(msgboxText', erplabmemoryfile)); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - return - end - else % file for storing/reading memory - try - if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio - eval([field '=input2store;']) - p = which('EStudio'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'EStudio.m')-1); - save(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudio.erpm'), field,'-append'); - - else%%When using ERPLAB - eval([field '=input2store;']) - p = which('eegplugin_erplab'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_erplab.m')-1); - save(fullfile(p,'memoryerp.erpm'), field,'-append'); - end - catch - if Toolabel==1%%When using EStudio - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB Studio could not find "memoryerpstudio.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB Studio once again or go to EStudio''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - else - msgboxText = ['ERPLAB could not find "memoryerp.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... - 'Please, run EEGLAB once again or go to ERPLAB''s Setting menu and specify/create a new memory file.\n']; - end - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - return - end - end -else % invalid inputs - msgboxText = 'Wrong number of inputs for erpworkingmemory.m\n'; - try - cprintf([0.45 0.45 0.45], msgboxText'); - catch - fprintf(msgboxText); - end - output = []; - return -end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/studio_functions/estudioworkingmemory.m b/studio_functions/estudioworkingmemory.m index 270aec06..85e8d42e 100755 --- a/studio_functions/estudioworkingmemory.m +++ b/studio_functions/estudioworkingmemory.m @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ end else % file for storing/reading memory try - p = which('EStudio'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'EStudio.m')-1); + p = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); v = load(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm'), '-mat'); catch @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ else % file for storing/reading memory try eval([field '=input2store;']) - p = which('EStudio'); - p = p(1:findstr(p,'EStudio.m')-1); + p = which('o_ERPDAT'); + p = p(1:findstr(p,'o_ERPDAT.m')-1); save(fullfile(p,'memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm'), field,'-append'); catch msgboxText = ['EStudio could not find "memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm" or does not have permission for writting on it.\n'... diff --git a/studio_functions/memoryerpstudio.erpm b/studio_functions/memoryerpstudio.erpm deleted file mode 100644 index 9aaa7a95..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/memoryerpstudio.erpm and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm b/studio_functions/memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm deleted file mode 100644 index 0068b260..00000000 Binary files a/studio_functions/memoryerpstudiopanels.erpm and /dev/null differ diff --git a/studio_functions/setfonterplabestudio.m b/studio_functions/setfonterplabestudio.m index 961868c7..35d2966e 100755 --- a/studio_functions/setfonterplabestudio.m +++ b/studio_functions/setfonterplabestudio.m @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ % % GUI's fontsize % - fontsize = f_get_default_fontsize(); + fontsize = erpworkingmemory('fontsizeGUI'); end if isempty(fontsize) - fontsize = 10; + fontsize = 12; end if isempty(fontunits) %