#William H, Ray O.
- an avatar moves as sheep and mapletstory blobs move towards the avatar; if the avatar hits a sheep or blob, you die and lose the game.
- as an avatar, you can use the arrow keys so that you move according to the arrow keys. as an avatar, you can also press space to jump. as a user, one can choose to select a different background, view instructions, or even change avatars. as an avatar, you can hit a maplestory blob or a sheep, and you will die.
- the code runs and it loads a screen where you can play the game or change settings of the game.
- as an avatar, if you hit a sheep or maplestory blob, you will jump up and do a similar action to mario when he dies. as an avatar, you can hold the space button to use a jetpack and fly. as an avatar, you can advance to the next level where monsters move faster or more types of monsters appear. as an avatar, you can pick up power-ups that help you beat your past high score. as a user, you can randomize the settings and avatar.
- Overall, the current readMe is pretty good and explains a lot of the very important mechanics of the game. The direction to do ant -p to find all the current tasks is very helpful but at the same time, M16 remarks repeat possible things to do in the future in the mechanics of the classes and game. Information that one could add to make things easier to understand is what the classes extend and implement to help give a better understanding of the classes.
- The current build file is very good in that it contains a header for each section of code for what it is supposed to do and seems to only contain the necessities.
- The current issues can add up to 1000 points and the title of issues may not be clear but after clicking on them, the description of fixing issues are very clear in what they are supposed to do.
- #62 #61
- Assessing the actual code, the code seems to be organized in a fashion that each important component, such as the background or a character, is a class and that there are classes that handle the important components. For example, there is a generalPathWrapper class and a spriteSequence class where generalPathWrapper deals with the panel and background classes while spriteSequence deals with the animated characters. The methods in the classes are also very clear in what they are supposed to do. For example, setY in the sprite class would be setting the y position of the sprite or getCurrentImage() just simply returns the current image of the sprite. If I had to set up one screenful of text that would help the next coder, I would write, “This game is organized in through character classes –otherwise known as sprites --, the screen class, the background for the screen, and other classes that attribute to these three important components. Also, this game is a lot like other games that have a character keep moving on a screen and have obstacles that the character must pass (i.e. sheeps, maplestory blobs, etc.). There are lots of ways to improve this game but make sure you add your own type of creativity in order to have fun!”
- Right now, there seems to be no test.java that I can currently find. As a result, the test coverage seems somewhat poor even though the code seems to run somewhat properly. There are possible ways to test the code by manually inputting certain things that one wants through the main(String [] args) and creating a certain situation to see if it works graphically. However, even though I checked literally every folder, maybe I just can’t find the test coverage and I’m looking in the wrong places.