layout | title | nav_order |
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Step 4 - "Add" option |
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The functions needed (from Project Component labs of Week 7 - LAB 7.20):
Hint: As a reminder: the function get_new_menu_dish()
checks all of the values passed in. As per the instructions in
See the LAB 7.20):
- If the length of the list is wrong, return the length of the list.
- If one particular field is invalid, return a tuple of its name and the value it had, e.g.
('price', '$xxx')
or (spicy_level
,idk, maybe
Note that this is not documented in the docstring for the function in LAB 7.20) (it arguably should have been), but now it has been brought to your attention.
Add your solutions to file. Add your assert
Example of asserts you could have in your test file:
assert is_valid_name("a") == False
assert is_valid_name("bo") == False
assert is_valid_name(42) == False
assert is_valid_name(["soup"]) == False
assert is_valid_name("soup") == True
Define a new function print_dish()
that will list an individual menu item.
def print_dish(dish, spicy_scale_map, name_only=False):
param: dish (dict) - a dictionary object that is expected to contain the following keys:
- "name": dish's name
- "calories": calories for this dish
- "price": price of this dish
- "is_vegetarian": boolean whether this dish is for vegetarian
- "spicy_level": integer that represents the level of spiciness
param: spicy_scale_map (dict) - a dictionary object that is expected
to have the integer keys that correspond to the "level of spiciness."
values for each corresponding key are string description of the
level of spiciness
param: name_only (Boolean) - by default, set to False.
If True, then only the name of the dish is printed.
Otherwise, displays the formatted restaurant menues.
returns: None; only prints the restaurant menu item
Add the following branch to your main program; replace the ellipses with the appropriate values. See below for sample run outputs.
elif opt == 'A':
def add_helper(restaurant_menu_list, spicy_scale_map):
continue_action = 'y'
while continue_action == 'y':
print("::: Enter each required field, separated by commas.")
# * `name` : name of the dish
# * `calories`: number of calories per serving
# * 'is_vegetarian' : if the item is vegetarian
# * `price` : price of the item
# * 'spicy_level' : 1 - 4
print("::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 )")
dish_data = input("> ") # get the data
dish_values = dish_data.split(",") # process the data into a list
result_dict = get_new_menu_dish(..., spicy_scale_map) # TODO: attempt to create a new dish for the menu
if type(result_dict) == dict:
restaurant_menu_list.append(...) # TODO: add a new dish to the list of dish menus
print(f"Successfully added a new dish!")
print_dish(result_dict, spicy_scale_map)
elif type(result_dict) == int:
print(f"WARNING: invalid number of fields!")
print(f"You provided {result_dict}, instead of the expected 5.\n")
print(f"WARNING: invalid dish field: {result_dict}\n")
print("::: Would you like to add another dish?", end=" ")
continue_action = input("Enter 'y' to continue.\n> ")
continue_action = continue_action.lower()
Below is a demo of adding an incorrect menu dish:
You selected option A to > Add. ::: Enter each required field, separated by commas. ::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 ) > yum bowl, 100, 5.99, yes, 0 WARNING: invalid dish field: ('spicy_level', '0')
Here is a demo of adding a different incorrect dishes:
::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 ) > um, 5, 5, no, 1 WARNING: invalid dish field: ('name', 'um') ... ::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 ) > ,,,,, WARNING: invalid number of fields! You provided 6, instead of the expected 5. ... ::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 ) > sandwich WARNING: invalid number of fields! You provided 1, instead of the expected 5.
Finally, here's a demo of adding a new menu dish successfully:
::: name of the dish, calories, price, is it vegetarian ( yes | no ), spicy_level ( 1-4 ) > Soup, 100, 5, yes, 1 Successfully added a new dish! SOUP * Calories: 100 * Price: 5.0 * Is it vegetarian: yes * Spicy level: Not spicy
After successfully adding a new menu dish, you should be able to see it in the List menu option.
After finishing this step, you are ready to submit code for Checkpoint 1.
See the Checkpoint 1 instructions for more information