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Stable Tag of Regional Workflow for EMC

Chan-Hoo.Jeon-NOAA edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 77 revisions

Target platforms (machines) of this wiki page: WCOSS2, Hera, and Orion

Quick Start Guide

  1. Retrieve the develop branch of the UFS Short Range Weather Application (SRW App) repository:
   git clone -b develop
   cd ufs-srweather-app
  1. Check out the stable hash of UFS SRW App:
   git checkout ff6f103
  • This hash will check out the following hashes of the external components that are specified in Externals.cfg:

    Component Hash
    UFS_UTILS ca9bed8
    ufs-weather-model e051e0e
    UPP 2b2c84a
  1. Check out the external components:
  1. Set up the build environment and build executables:
   ./ --platform=[machine]

where [machine] is wcoss2, hera, or orion.

  1. Set up the user-specific configuration:
   cd ush
   cp config.yaml (or, cp config.nco.yaml config.yaml)

Edit config.yaml as needed.

Set the following parameters in config.yaml for the automatic initial-submission and re-submission by cron (every 3 minutes in the following example):

  1. Load the python environment for the workflow:
  • On WCOSS2:
   source ../versions/run.ver.wcoss2
   module use ../modulefiles
   module load wflow_wcoss2
  • On Hera / Orion:
   module use ../modulefiles
   module load wflow_[machine]
   conda activate regional_workflow
  1. Generate the workflow:
  1. Run the workflow repeatedly only if USE_CRON_TO_RELAUNCH: true was not set in config.yaml:
   cd ../../expt_dirs/[EXPT_SUBDIR]
