This document was created to provide solutions to common issues that occur when running the frontend locally. The issues are categorised by the method used to bring up the application.
When updating this document please use the following template:
### Issue title
[brief description of issue]

**Solution** If there is a single permanent fix for this issue enter it here.
**Short-term fix** If there is a temporary workaround or some of 'sticky-tape' solution enter it here.
**Long-term fix** If there is a permanent fix for the issue (or if one is being worked on) enter it here.
This section should include issues that occur when running the frontend in Docker.
This section should be used for native issues that occur regardless of what API you are using.
This error appears if one or more of the required environment variables is missing or has no value set. The error message will tell you which variables need to be changed.

Solution Assign a value to the missing variable.
This error occurs when your local Node version is incorrect.
Short-term fix Run the command nvm use [required version]
(you may need to run nvm install [version]
Long-term fix Set your default NVM alias to the required version.
This error usually appears if there is a mismatch between your local API and frontend env files, or if one of your env files has incorrect/outdated environment variables set.
Solution Ensure that any shared environment variables are correct and are set to the same value in both projects.
This error occurs when the frontend can't connect to your local API instance.
Solution Ensure that your API_ROOT
variable has been set correctly. The local API will use http://localhost:8000
This error can occur when the connection to a Native installation (withouth Docker) of the Data Hub API is refused.
Solution When connecting to native/local Data Hub API ensure that
- in the API's .env file the
is set toTrue
and - in the Front End's .env file the
rather thanlocalhost
When running against a live environment, this error usually occurs if you run npm run develop
without a local Redis instance running, or if you have incorrect environment variables.
Solution Close your frontend instance, then start a new native redis instance (follow the redis setup instructions if you have not done this before).
Once this is running, you should update the following environment variables:
should be set tolocalhost
should be set toredis://localhost:6379
should be set to the values from Vault (if working with the investment homepage, you will need to do the same for all variables with the prefixHELP_CENTRE
or the page will not load).
Once this is done, the app should start after running npm run develop
This error occurs when your OAUTH2_DEV_TOKEN
is out of date or hasn't been set correctly.
Solution Bring down your frontend and remove the current value for OAUTH2_DEV_TOKEN
. Generate a new access token by navigating to the relevant /add-access-token/
page (for convenience you can set this to last for up to 168 hours), then set the value of OAUTH2_DEV_TOKEN
to the newly-generated token. The frontend should now work after running npm run develop
Additional troubleshooting You can verify that the environment variables are set correctly in your CLI using printenv
or e.g. echo $OAUTH2_AUTH_URL
Several pages on Data Hub use metadata loaded into e.g. filters on the /companies page, incorrect configuration can cause this to fail.
Solution Ensure there is no trailing slash on the API_ROOT
e.g. API_ROOT=http://localhost:8000
This error occurs when your local redis server is brought down whilst the app is still running.
Solution Bring down your local frontend, restart your redis instance and run npm run develop
. The frontend should then work as expected.
This error is caused when you try to connect to a live environment without turning the VPN on.
Solution Bring down your local frontend, enable the VPN and then run npm run develop
again. The frontend should now work correctly.
This section is for issues when running tests locally in accordance with the running tests documentation.
When building a new dependency image on Macs with Apple chips, you may come across errors with Cypress or the test runners failing to start:
Solution: ensure you have checked the following and then re-build/re-run the containers/make
- Have Rosetta 2 installed on your Mac (see Apple's support page for more information on this)
- Have the latest version of Docker Desktop installed
- Have enabled the
Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
setting under the general tab in Docker Desktop