diff --git a/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ConsentDetails.jsx b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ConsentDetails.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3965a64856d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ConsentDetails.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import { isNil } from 'lodash'
+import { SectionHeader } from '../../../components'
+import { transformContactConsents } from './transformers'
+const ConsentText = ({ consent }) => {
+ const message = (domain, topicNames, consentGiven) => {
+ let consentedMessage = `This contact has ${consentGiven ? 'given' : 'not given'} consent to ${domain}`
+ if (!topicNames) {
+ return ''
+ } else if (topicNames.length == 1) {
+ consentedMessage += ` and topic ${topicNames[0]}`
+ } else if (topicNames.length > 1) {
+ consentedMessage += ` and topics: ${topicNames.join(', ')}`
+ }
+ return consentedMessage + '.'
+ }
+ const topicsWithNames = (topics) =>
+ topics.length > 0
+ ? topics.filter((topic) => topic.name).map((topic) => topic.name)
+ : undefined
+ const consentedTopicNames = topicsWithNames(consent.consentedTopics)
+ const notConsentedTopicNames = topicsWithNames(consent.notConsentedTopics)
+ const consentedMessage = message(consent.domain, consentedTopicNames, true)
+ const notConsentedMessage = message(
+ consent.domain,
+ notConsentedTopicNames,
+ false
+ )
+ const finalMessage = []
+ if (consentedMessage) {
+ finalMessage.push(consentedMessage)
+ }
+ if (notConsentedMessage) {
+ if (consentedMessage) {
+ finalMessage.push(' ')
+ }
+ finalMessage.push(notConsentedMessage)
+ }
+ return
+const ConsentDetails = ({ contact }) => {
+ const consents = transformContactConsents(contact)
+ return (
Contact consents
+ {isNil(consents) ? (
+ There is no consent data available for this contact
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ {consents.map((consent) => {
+ return
+ })}
+ >
+ )}
+ )
+export default ConsentDetails
diff --git a/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ContactDetails.jsx b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ContactDetails.jsx
index 89ece6364d3..6ba4b1099ff 100644
--- a/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ContactDetails.jsx
+++ b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ContactDetails.jsx
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
import { ID, TASK_ARCHIVE_CONTACT } from './state'
import ArchiveForm from '../../../components/ArchiveForm'
import ContactLayout from '../../../components/Layout/ContactLayout'
+import ConsentDetails from './ConsentDetails'
const getAddress = (contact, companyAddress) => {
const address = contact.addressSameAsCompany
@@ -103,6 +104,8 @@ const ContactDetails = ({ contactId, companyAddress, permissions }) => (
) : null}
+ context('When a falsey contact is passed', () => {
+ it('Should return undefined', () => {
+ expect(transformContactConsents(undefined)).to.be.undefined
+ })
+ })
+ context('When a contact has no consent data', () => {
+ it('Should return undefined', () => {
+ expect(transformContactConsents({})).to.be.undefined
+ })
+ })
+ context('When a contact with a single unique value for domain', () => {
+ it('Should return a single domain with a single topic', () => {
+ expect(
+ transformContactConsents({
+ consentData: [
+ {
+ topic: 'Topic 1',
+ sourceSystem: 'System A',
+ consentDomain: 'International',
+ emailContactConsent: false,
+ telephoneContactConsent: false,
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ ).to.deep.equal([
+ {
+ domain: 'International',
+ consentedTopics: [],
+ notConsentedTopics: [{ consent: false, name: 'Topic 1' }],
+ },
+ ])
+ })
+ })
+ context('When a contact has multiple values for domain', () => {
+ it('Should return a single domain with multiple topics', () => {
+ expect(
+ transformContactConsents({
+ consentData: [
+ {
+ topic: 'Topic 1',
+ sourceSystem: 'System A',
+ consentDomain: 'International',
+ emailContactConsent: false,
+ telephoneContactConsent: false,
+ },
+ {
+ topic: 'Topic 2',
+ sourceSystem: 'System A',
+ consentDomain: 'International',
+ emailContactConsent: false,
+ telephoneContactConsent: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ ).to.deep.equal([
+ {
+ domain: 'International',
+ consentedTopics: [
+ {
+ consent: true,
+ name: 'Topic 2',
+ },
+ ],
+ notConsentedTopics: [{ consent: false, name: 'Topic 1' }],
+ },
+ ])
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/transformers.js b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/transformers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c64c24f0e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/transformers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+export const transformContactConsents = (contact) => {
+ if (!contact || !contact.consentData) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ const domainGroupedConsent = Object.groupBy(
+ contact.consentData,
+ ({ consentDomain }) => consentDomain
+ )
+ return Object.entries(domainGroupedConsent).map((domain) => ({
+ domain: domain[0],
+ consentedTopics: domain[1]
+ .filter(
+ (topic) => topic.emailContactConsent || topic.telephoneContactConsent
+ )
+ .map((topic) => ({
+ consent: true,
+ name: topic.topic,
+ })),
+ notConsentedTopics: domain[1]
+ .filter(
+ (topic) => !topic.emailContactConsent && !topic.telephoneContactConsent
+ )
+ .map((topic) => ({
+ consent: false,
+ name: topic.topic,
+ })),
+ }))
diff --git a/test/component/cypress/specs/Contacts/ConsentDetails.cy.jsx b/test/component/cypress/specs/Contacts/ConsentDetails.cy.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34d6098fcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/component/cypress/specs/Contacts/ConsentDetails.cy.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import ConsentDetails from '../../../../../src/client/modules/Contacts/ContactDetails/ConsentDetails'
+describe('ConsentDetails', () => {
+ context('When contact has no consent data', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount()
+ })
+ it('should render a message that this data is missing for this contact', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'There is no consent data available for this contact'
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and a single topic without a name where they have given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 1.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and a single topic with a name where they have given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 1 and topic Topic 2.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and multiple topics with a name where they have given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 1 and topics: Topic 1, Topic 2.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and multiple topics with a name where they have given and not given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 1 and topic Topic 1. This contact has not given consent to Domain 1 and topics: Topic 2, Topic 3.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and multiple topics with and without a name where they have given and not given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 1 and topic Topic 1. This contact has not given consent to Domain 1 and topic Topic 2.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context(
+ 'When a contact has consent data with a single domain and no topics where they have not given consent',
+ () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p').should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has not given consent to Domain 1.'
+ )
+ })
+ }
+ )
+ context('When contact has consent data with multiple domains', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.mount(
+ )
+ })
+ it('should render the expected message', () => {
+ cy.get('p')
+ .eq(0)
+ .should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has not given consent to Domain 1 and topic Topic 2.'
+ )
+ cy.get('p')
+ .eq(1)
+ .should('have.text', 'This contact has given consent to Domain 2.')
+ cy.get('p')
+ .eq(2)
+ .should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has given consent to Domain 3 and topic Topic 1.'
+ )
+ cy.get('p')
+ .eq(3)
+ .should(
+ 'have.text',
+ 'This contact has not given consent to Domain 4 and topic Topic 3.'
+ )
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/test/end-to-end/cypress/specs/DIT/companies-spec.js b/test/end-to-end/cypress/specs/DIT/companies-spec.js
index bc140513164..5964b0e8809 100644
--- a/test/end-to-end/cypress/specs/DIT/companies-spec.js
+++ b/test/end-to-end/cypress/specs/DIT/companies-spec.js
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ describe('Contacts', () => {
cy.contains('You have successfully added a new contact Company Contact')
- assertKeyValueTable('bodyMainContent', {
+ assertKeyValueTable('contact-details-table', {
'Job title': 'Coffee machine operator',
'Phone number': '44 0778877778800',
Address: '100 Path, A town, 12345, United States',
diff --git a/test/functional/cypress/specs/contacts/details-spec.js b/test/functional/cypress/specs/contacts/details-spec.js
index a0a95bc13da..abc35e56965 100644
--- a/test/functional/cypress/specs/contacts/details-spec.js
+++ b/test/functional/cypress/specs/contacts/details-spec.js
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ describe('View contact details', () => {
.should('have.attr', 'href', contacts.edit(completeUKContact.id))
+ it('should render consent detail', () => {
+ cy.get('[data-test=no-contact-consents]').should('not.exist')
+ })
it('should render the archive container', () => {
@@ -204,6 +208,10 @@ describe('View contact details', () => {
+ it('should not render consent detail', () => {
+ cy.get('[data-test=no-contact-consents]').should('exist')
+ })
it('should not render the Edit Contact button', () => {
diff --git a/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-by-id-uk.json b/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-by-id-uk.json
index 323ff2911d8..b3eef423adb 100644
--- a/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-by-id-uk.json
+++ b/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-by-id-uk.json
@@ -1,43 +1,50 @@
- "id":"f3d19ea7-d4cf-43e0-8e97-755c57cae313",
- "title":null,
- "first_name":"Joseph",
- "last_name":"Woof",
- "name":"Joseph Woof",
- "job_title":"Dog master",
- "company":{
- "name":"Zboncak Group|271eb29e-425b-4cd8-b386-3208c3a5f978",
- "id":"4cd4128b-1bad-4f1e-9146-5d4678c6a018"
+ "id": "f3d19ea7-d4cf-43e0-8e97-755c57cae313",
+ "title": null,
+ "first_name": "Joseph",
+ "last_name": "Woof",
+ "name": "Joseph Woof",
+ "job_title": "Dog master",
+ "company": {
+ "name": "Zboncak Group|271eb29e-425b-4cd8-b386-3208c3a5f978",
+ "id": "4cd4128b-1bad-4f1e-9146-5d4678c6a018"
- "adviser":{
- "name":"DBT Staff",
- "first_name":"DBT",
- "last_name":"Staff",
- "id":"7d19d407-9aec-4d06-b190-d3f404627f21"
+ "adviser": {
+ "name": "DBT Staff",
+ "first_name": "DBT",
+ "last_name": "Staff",
+ "id": "7d19d407-9aec-4d06-b190-d3f404627f21"
- "primary":true,
- "telephone_countrycode":"",
- "telephone_number":"",
- "full_telephone_number":"222 3453454",
- "email":"contact@bob.com",
- "address_same_as_company":false,
+ "primary": true,
+ "telephone_countrycode": "",
+ "telephone_number": "",
+ "full_telephone_number": "222 3453454",
+ "email": "contact@bob.com",
+ "address_same_as_company": false,
"address_1": null,
- "address_2":null,
- "address_town":null,
- "address_county":null,
+ "address_2": null,
+ "address_town": null,
+ "address_county": null,
"address_country": {
"id": "80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a"
- "address_postcode":"E14 8RJ",
- "telephone_alternative":null,
- "email_alternative":null,
- "notes":null,
- "accepts_dit_email_marketing":false,
- "archived":false,
- "archived_documents_url_path":"/document/123",
- "archived_on":null,
- "archived_reason":null,
- "archived_by":null,
- "created_on":"2019-02-04T15:59:14.267412Z",
- "modified_on":"2019-02-05T13:17:23.112153Z"
+ "address_postcode": "E14 8RJ",
+ "telephone_alternative": null,
+ "email_alternative": null,
+ "notes": null,
+ "accepts_dit_email_marketing": false,
+ "archived": false,
+ "archived_documents_url_path": "/document/123",
+ "archived_on": null,
+ "archived_reason": null,
+ "archived_by": null,
+ "created_on": "2019-02-04T15:59:14.267412Z",
+ "modified_on": "2019-02-05T13:17:23.112153Z",
+ "consent_data": [
+ {
+ "source_system": "System A",
+ "consent_domain": "Domestic",
+ "consent": false
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-complete-details-uk.json b/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-complete-details-uk.json
index 5874086a9c2..954ea12b46f 100644
--- a/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-complete-details-uk.json
+++ b/test/sandbox/fixtures/v3/contact/contact-complete-details-uk.json
@@ -1,44 +1,51 @@
- "id":"2676ea91-9dd7-4cf3-a4a3-67b06f841b54",
- "title":null,
- "first_name":"Joseph",
- "last_name":"Woof",
- "name":"Joseph Woof",
- "job_title":"Dog master",
- "company":{
- "name":"Zboncak Group|271eb29e-425b-4cd8-b386-3208c3a5f978",
- "id":"4cd4128b-1bad-4f1e-9146-5d4678c6a018"
- },
- "adviser":{
- "name":"DBT Staff",
- "first_name":"DBT",
- "last_name":"Staff",
- "id":"7d19d407-9aec-4d06-b190-d3f404627f21"
- },
- "primary":true,
- "telephone_countrycode":"",
- "telephone_number":"",
- "full_telephone_number":"222 3453454",
- "email":"contact@bob.com",
- "address_same_as_company":false,
- "address_1":"123 Test Street",
- "address_2":"Address Line 2",
- "address_town":"Sandbox Town",
- "address_county":"Test County",
- "address_country": {
- "id": "80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
- "name": "United Kingdom"
- },
- "address_postcode":"AB1 2CD",
- "telephone_alternative":null,
- "email_alternative":null,
- "notes":"An example of a contact for testing purposes",
- "accepts_dit_email_marketing":true,
- "archived":false,
- "archived_documents_url_path":"/document/123",
- "archived_on":null,
- "archived_reason":null,
- "archived_by":null,
- "created_on":"2019-02-04T15:59:14.267412Z",
- "modified_on":"2019-02-05T13:17:23.112153Z"
- }
+ "id": "2676ea91-9dd7-4cf3-a4a3-67b06f841b54",
+ "title": null,
+ "first_name": "Joseph",
+ "last_name": "Woof",
+ "name": "Joseph Woof",
+ "job_title": "Dog master",
+ "company": {
+ "name": "Zboncak Group|271eb29e-425b-4cd8-b386-3208c3a5f978",
+ "id": "4cd4128b-1bad-4f1e-9146-5d4678c6a018"
+ },
+ "adviser": {
+ "name": "DBT Staff",
+ "first_name": "DBT",
+ "last_name": "Staff",
+ "id": "7d19d407-9aec-4d06-b190-d3f404627f21"
+ },
+ "primary": true,
+ "telephone_countrycode": "",
+ "telephone_number": "",
+ "full_telephone_number": "222 3453454",
+ "email": "contact@bob.com",
+ "address_same_as_company": false,
+ "address_1": "123 Test Street",
+ "address_2": "Address Line 2",
+ "address_town": "Sandbox Town",
+ "address_county": "Test County",
+ "address_country": {
+ "id": "80756b9a-5d95-e211-a939-e4115bead28a",
+ "name": "United Kingdom"
+ },
+ "address_postcode": "AB1 2CD",
+ "telephone_alternative": null,
+ "email_alternative": null,
+ "notes": "An example of a contact for testing purposes",
+ "accepts_dit_email_marketing": true,
+ "archived": false,
+ "archived_documents_url_path": "/document/123",
+ "archived_on": null,
+ "archived_reason": null,
+ "archived_by": null,
+ "created_on": "2019-02-04T15:59:14.267412Z",
+ "modified_on": "2019-02-05T13:17:23.112153Z",
+ "consent_data": [
+ {
+ "source_system": "System B",
+ "consent_domain": "International",
+ "consent": true
+ }
+ ]