diff --git a/orp/orp_search/config.py b/orp/orp_search/config.py
index b8bef40..d3c8e91 100644
--- a/orp/orp_search/config.py
+++ b/orp/orp_search/config.py
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 import logging
+from orp_search.utils.terms import combine_search_terms, parse_search_terms
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,6 +37,14 @@ def __init__(
         self.sort_by = sort_by
         self.id = id
+        # Parse search terms
+        search_terms_and, search_terms_or = parse_search_terms(search_terms)
+        self.search_terms_and = search_terms_and
+        self.search_terms_or = search_terms_or
+        self.final_search_expression = combine_search_terms(
+            search_terms_and, search_terms_or
+        )
     def validate(self):
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/legislation.py b/orp/orp_search/legislation.py
index 3f65ce7..50f65f2 100644
--- a/orp/orp_search/legislation.py
+++ b/orp/orp_search/legislation.py
@@ -21,14 +21,16 @@ def __init__(self):
     def search(self, config: SearchDocumentConfig):
         logger.info("searching legislation...")
+        logger.info(
+            f"final_search_expression terms: {config.final_search_expression}"
+        )
         # List of search terms
-        title_search_terms = config.search_terms
-        search_terms = ",".join(title_search_terms)
         headers = {"Accept": "application/atom+xml"}
         params = {
             "lang": "en",
-            "title": search_terms,
-            "text": search_terms,
+            "title": config.final_search_expression,
+            "text": config.final_search_expression,
             "results-count": 20,
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/utils/__init__.py b/orp/orp_search/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/utils/paginate.py b/orp/orp_search/utils/paginate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c21c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orp/orp_search/utils/paginate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from orp_search.config import SearchDocumentConfig
+from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
+def paginate(context, config: SearchDocumentConfig, search_results):
+    paginator = Paginator(search_results, config.limit)
+    try:
+        paginated_documents = paginator.page(config.offset)
+    except PageNotAnInteger:
+        paginated_documents = paginator.page(1)
+    except EmptyPage:
+        paginated_documents = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
+    # Iterate over each document in paginated_documents
+    if paginated_documents:
+        for paginated_document in paginated_documents:
+            if "description" in paginated_document:
+                description = paginated_document["description"]
+                # If description is not an empty string
+                if description:
+                    # Truncate description to 100 characters
+                    paginated_document["description"] = (
+                        description[:100] + "..."
+                        if len(description) > 100
+                        else description
+                    )
+            if "regulatory_topics" in paginated_document:
+                paginated_document["regulatory_topics"] = str(
+                    paginated_document["regulatory_topics"]
+                ).split("\n")
+    context["paginator"] = paginator
+    context["results"] = paginated_documents
+    context["results_count"] = len(paginated_documents)
+    context["is_paginated"] = paginator.num_pages > 1
+    context["results_total_count"] = paginator.count
+    context["results_page_total"] = paginator.num_pages
+    context["current_page"] = config.offset
+    context["start_index"] = paginated_documents.start_index()
+    context["end_index"] = paginated_documents.end_index()
+    return context
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/utils/results.py b/orp/orp_search/utils/results.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d8704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orp/orp_search/utils/results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import dateutil.parser  # type: ignore
+def parse_date(date_value):
+    if isinstance(date_value, datetime):
+        if date_value.tzinfo is None:
+            # If the datetime is offset-naive, make it offset-aware in UTC
+            return date_value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+        return date_value
+    if isinstance(date_value, str):
+        try:
+            dt = dateutil.parser.parse(date_value)
+            if dt.tzinfo is None:
+                # If parsed datetime is offset-naive,
+                # make it offset-aware in UTC
+                return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+            return dt
+        except ValueError:
+            return None
+    return None  # Return None for invalid date types
+def calculate_score(search_result, search_terms):
+    """
+    Calculate the score of a search result based on the number of
+    search terms found in the title and description.
+    :param search_result: A dictionary containing the search result.
+    :param search_terms: A list of search terms to look for in the
+                         search result.
+    :return: The score based on the number of search terms found.
+    """
+    title = search_result.get("title", "") or ""
+    description = search_result.get("description", "") or ""
+    combined_content = title.lower() + " " + description.lower()
+    score = sum(combined_content.count(term.lower()) for term in search_terms)
+    return score
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/utils/terms.py b/orp/orp_search/utils/terms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0866d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/orp/orp_search/utils/terms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import re
+def sanitize_input(search):
+    """
+    Sanitize the input to remove potential threats like SQL injection
+    characters.
+    This function removes or escapes characters that are commonly used
+    in SQL injection attacks.
+    """
+    # Define a regular expression pattern to match unwanted characters or
+    # patterns
+    # This removes SQL keywords, single quotes, double quotes, semicolons,
+    # and escape sequences
+    sanitized_search = re.sub(
+        r"|CREATE)\b|'|\"|;)",
+        "",
+        search,
+        flags=re.IGNORECASE,
+    )
+    return sanitized_search.strip()
+def parse_search_terms(search):
+    # Sanitize input before processing
+    search = sanitize_input(search)
+    # Initialize lists to hold terms
+    search_terms_and = []
+    search_terms_or = []
+    # Check if input only contains "AND", "OR", "+", or whitespace
+    if re.fullmatch(r"(AND|OR|\+|\s)+", search):
+        return search_terms_and, search_terms_or
+    # Split the search string into tokens based on spaces and keywords
+    tokens = re.split(r"(\s+|\bAND\b|\bOR\b|\+)", search)
+    # Temporary variables for managing terms within quotes
+    current_and_term = []
+    current_or_term = []
+    # Flag to determine if we are inside quotes
+    in_quotes = False
+    current_connector = None  # Track AND/OR status outside of quotes
+    for token in tokens:
+        token = token.strip()
+        if not token:
+            continue
+        # Check if token is the start/end of a quoted phrase
+        if token.startswith('"') and token.endswith('"'):
+            # Complete quoted term in one token
+            quoted_term = token.strip('"')
+            if current_connector == "AND" or current_connector is None:
+                search_terms_and.append(quoted_term)
+            elif current_connector == "OR":
+                search_terms_or.append(quoted_term)
+            continue
+        elif token.startswith('"'):
+            in_quotes = True
+            current_and_term = []
+            current_or_term = []
+            current_and_term.append(token.strip('"'))
+            continue
+        elif token.endswith('"'):
+            if in_quotes:
+                if current_connector == "AND" or current_connector is None:
+                    current_and_term.append(token.strip('"'))
+                    search_terms_and.append(" ".join(current_and_term))
+                elif current_connector == "OR":
+                    current_or_term.append(token.strip('"'))
+                    search_terms_or.append(" ".join(current_or_term))
+                in_quotes = False
+            continue
+        # Handle token within quotes
+        if in_quotes:
+            if current_connector == "AND" or current_connector is None:
+                current_and_term.append(token)
+            elif current_connector == "OR":
+                current_or_term.append(token)
+            continue
+        # Treat both + and AND as equivalent for "AND" logic
+        if token.upper() == "AND" or token == "+":  # nosec BXXX
+            current_connector = "AND"
+        elif token.upper() == "OR":
+            current_connector = "OR"
+        else:
+            # Handle individual terms outside quotes
+            if current_connector == "AND" or current_connector is None:
+                search_terms_and.append(token)
+            elif current_connector == "OR":
+                search_terms_or.append(token)
+    return search_terms_and, search_terms_or
+def combine_search_terms(search_terms_and, search_terms_or):
+    # Join terms in `search_terms_and` with " AND "
+    combined_and = " AND ".join(search_terms_and) if search_terms_and else ""
+    # Join terms in `search_terms_or` with " OR "
+    combined_or = " OR ".join(search_terms_or) if search_terms_or else ""
+    # Combine both parts, adding parentheses around each if both are present
+    if combined_and and combined_or:
+        combined_query = f"{combined_and} OR {combined_or}"
+    else:
+        # Use whichever part is non-empty
+        combined_query = combined_and or combined_or
+    return combined_query
diff --git a/orp/orp_search/views.py b/orp/orp_search/views.py
index 720272b..486bb12 100644
--- a/orp/orp_search/views.py
+++ b/orp/orp_search/views.py
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
 import csv
 import logging
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-import dateutil.parser  # type: ignore
 import pandas as pd
 from orp_search.legislation import Legislation
 from orp_search.public_gateway import PublicGateway, SearchDocumentConfig
+from orp_search.utils.paginate import paginate
+from orp_search.utils.results import calculate_score, parse_date
 from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
 from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
 from django.shortcuts import redirect, render
 from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
@@ -161,42 +159,6 @@ def download_search_csv(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
     return response
-def _parse_date(date_value):
-    if isinstance(date_value, datetime):
-        if date_value.tzinfo is None:
-            # If the datetime is offset-naive, make it offset-aware in UTC
-            return date_value.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-        return date_value
-    if isinstance(date_value, str):
-        try:
-            dt = dateutil.parser.parse(date_value)
-            if dt.tzinfo is None:
-                # If parsed datetime is offset-naive,
-                # make it offset-aware in UTC
-                return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
-            return dt
-        except ValueError:
-            return None
-    return None  # Return None for invalid date types
-def _calculate_score(search_result, search_terms):
-    """
-    Calculate the score of a search result based on the number of
-    search terms found in the title and description.
-    :param search_result: A dictionary containing the search result.
-    :param search_terms: A list of search terms to look for in the
-                         search result.
-    :return: The score based on the number of search terms found.
-    """
-    title = search_result.get("title", "") or ""
-    description = search_result.get("description", "") or ""
-    combined_content = title.lower() + " " + description.lower()
-    score = sum(combined_content.count(term.lower()) for term in search_terms)
-    return score
 def search(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
     """Search view.
@@ -253,7 +215,7 @@ def search(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
     # Get the search results from the Data API using PublicGateway class
     config = SearchDocumentConfig(
-        str(search_query).lower(),
+        search_query,
@@ -287,14 +249,14 @@ def search(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
     if sort_by == "recent":
         search_results = sorted(
-            key=lambda x: _parse_date(x["date_modified"]),
+            key=lambda x: parse_date(x["date_modified"]),
     elif sort_by == "relevance":
         # Add the 'score' to each search result
         for result in search_results:
             logger.info("result to pass to calculate score: %s", result)
-            result["score"] = _calculate_score(result, config.search_terms)
+            result["score"] = calculate_score(result, config.search_terms)
         search_results = sorted(
@@ -302,42 +264,5 @@ def search(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
-    # Paginate results
-    paginator = Paginator(search_results, config.limit)
-    try:
-        paginated_documents = paginator.page(config.offset)
-    except PageNotAnInteger:
-        paginated_documents = paginator.page(1)
-    except EmptyPage:
-        paginated_documents = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
-    # Iterate over each document in paginated_documents
-    if paginated_documents:
-        for paginated_document in paginated_documents:
-            if "description" in paginated_document:
-                description = paginated_document["description"]
-                # If description is not an empty string
-                if description:
-                    # Truncate description to 100 characters
-                    paginated_document["description"] = (
-                        description[:100] + "..."
-                        if len(description) > 100
-                        else description
-                    )
-            if "regulatory_topics" in paginated_document:
-                paginated_document["regulatory_topics"] = str(
-                    paginated_document["regulatory_topics"]
-                ).split("\n")
-    context["paginator"] = paginator
-    context["results"] = paginated_documents
-    context["results_count"] = len(paginated_documents)
-    context["is_paginated"] = paginator.num_pages > 1
-    context["results_total_count"] = paginator.count
-    context["results_page_total"] = paginator.num_pages
-    context["current_page"] = config.offset
-    context["start_index"] = paginated_documents.start_index()
-    context["end_index"] = paginated_documents.end_index()
+    context = paginate(context, config, search_results)
     return render(request, template_name="orp.html", context=context)