Functions that my fish-shell uses.

fisher install umatare5/my-fish-functions
omf install
Command |
Description |
o |
open wrapper |
chrome |
Run Google Chrome |
wshark |
Run Wireshark |
Command |
Description |
dc |
docker container wrapper |
do |
docker run --rm --entrypoint "" wrapper |
di |
docker image wrapper |
g |
git wrapper |
ga |
git add wrapper |
gb |
git branch wrapper |
gci |
git commit --message wrapper |
gcl |
git clone --filter=blob:none wrapper |
gco |
git checkout wrapper |
gd |
git diff wrapper |
gdc |
git diff --cached wrapper |
gdl |
git diff --name-only wrapper |
gj |
git jump wrapper |
gl |
git log --graph --format --date --decorate-refs wrapper |
gp |
git push origin HEAD wrapper |
gpt |
git push --tags origin wrapper (Override original gpt ) |
gr |
git remote wrapper |
Command |
Description |
tf |
terraform wrapper |
Command |
Description |
alogin |
aws sso login wrapper |
atoken |
Print tokens issued by alogin |
Command |
Description |
glogin |
gcloud auth login and application-default login wrapper |
gtoken |
Print tokens issued by glogin |
glist |
gcloud config configurations list wrapper |
gactivate |
gcloud config configurations activate wrapper |
gclist |
gcloud compute instance list wrapper |
gcstop |
gcloud compute instance stop wrapper |
gcstart |
gcloud compute instance start wrapper |
gcssh |
gcloud compute ssh --tunnel-through-iap wrapper |
runlog |
gcloud logging read "resource.type=cloud_run_revision" wrapper |
runapplog |
Show only application log in runlog |
runsyslog |
Show only platform log in runlog |
runtail |
gcloud beta run services logs tail --region asia-northeast1 wrapper |
runlist |
gcloud run services list wrapper |
runshow |
gcloud run services describe wrapper |
runupdate |
gcloud run services update-traffic --to-latest wrapper |
runimlist |
gcloud container images list-tags wrapper |
runimshow |
gcloud container images describe wrapper |
runimdel |
gcloud container images delete wrapper |
runrevlist |
gcloud run revisions list wrapper |
runrevshow |
gcloud run revisions describe wrapper |
runrevch |
gcloud run services update-traffic --to-revisions wrapper |
runrevdel |
gcloud run revisions delete wrapper |
Command |
Description |
bcon |
Print SSIDs detected on your Mac |
gip |
Print your outbound global IP |
wstat |
Print wireless network interface statistics |
wlan |
Print the information of wireless connection |
wlog |
Print logs written by wireless interface |
xping |
Run ping with timestamp |
Command |
Description |
ll |
exa -l -g --icons wrapper |
la |
ll -a wrapper |
cat |
bat --plain --paging never wrapper (Overwrite original cat ) |
date |
gdate wrapper (Overwrite POSIX date ) |
help |
--help | bat wrapper (Overwrite original help function) |
ag |
rg --pretty wrapper |
dfx |
duf --hide-fs nullfs wrapper |
rnd |
Generate a strings includes lowercase, uppercase, numeric and special characters |
pa |
Find password in ~/.credentials/secrets.txt wrapper |
hosts |
Print hosts without comment-line and blank-line. |
cputil |
Print CPU utilization of the process. |
xx |
exit wrapper |
fish_ls_path |
List PATH in fish |
fish_rm_path |
Remove PATH from fish |