A set of examples showcasing how to use rust-libp2p.
Chat A basic chat application demonstrating libp2p and the mDNS and Gossipsub protocols.
Distributed key-value store A basic key value store demonstrating libp2p and the mDNS and Kademlia protocol.
File sharing application Basic file sharing application with peers either providing or locating and getting files by name.
While obviously showcasing how to build a basic file sharing application with the Kademlia and Request-Response protocol, the actual goal of this example is to show how to integrate rust-libp2p into a larger application.
IPFS Kademlia Demonstrates how to perform Kademlia queries on the IPFS network.
IPFS Private Implementation using the gossipsub, ping and identify protocols to implement the ipfs private swarms feature.
Ping Small
clone, sending a ping to a peer, expecting a pong as a response. See tutorial for a step-by-step guide building the example. -
Rendezvous Rendezvous Protocol. See specs.