- 🐛 manual invoke single-spa start function for parcels and set urlRerouteOnly true as default (#1414) cb67009
- 🐛 constructable checking should not be cached if the function prototype function was added after first running (#1381) 1f97acf
- 🏁 fix that it might throw a TypeError about reassign a readonly property error meesage in Safari (#1408) 8b8f8fa
- 👷 migrate travis ci to github actions (#1415 #1416 #1417 #1418 #1422)
- 👷 add issue reply robot (#1258) 4ffd0a2 dbdb787 5427769
- 📝 example&doc maintenance (#1356 #1346 #1345 #1341 #1342 #1329 #1328 #1274 #1383 #1377 #1379 #1386 #1306 #1413)