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GitHub actions

(Kept from previous group [paf22])

Summary: This page explains the GitHub build action we use to first:

  • create an executable image of our work
  • evaluate our Agent with the leaderboard


Tim Dreier, Korbinian Stein



Table of contents


The workflow defined in .github/workflows/build.yml creates an executable image which can later be submitted to the CARLA leaderboard and pushes it to GitHub Packages.

The image can then be pulled with docker pull to get the latest version or docker pull<version> to get a specific version.

If action is triggered by a pull request the created image is then used to execute a test run in the leaderboard, using the devtest routes. The results of this simulation are then added as a comment to the pull request.

The Dockerfile uses Dockerfile+ to include the agent Dockerfile to avoid duplicate code. The code folder is then copied into the container instead of mounting it as in our dev setup.

The build-and-push-image job

1. Checkout repository (actions/checkout@v3)

Trivial, just checks out the repo.

2. Set up Docker Buildx (docker/setup-buildx-action@v2)

Set's up Buildx. This is needed to set up the correct driver to allow caching in step 5.

Detailed description why this is needed can be found here.

3. Log in to the Container registry (docker/login-action@v2)

Logs in with GITHUB_TOKEN into the registry (

Example taken from here

4. Bump version and push tag (mathieudutour/github-tag-action)

If the current commit is on the main branch, this action bumps the version and pushes a new tag to the repo. Creates a new tag with a semantic version number for the release. The version number is determinated by the name of the commits in the release.

This is possible since conventional commits are enforced by comlipy as described here.


Commit message Release type Previous version number New version number
fix(#39): build failing due to incorrect configuration Patch Release 0.0.1 0.0.2
feat(#39): Add automatic build process Minor Release 0.0.1 0.1.0

Major releases can be done manually (e.g. git tag v1.0.0).

5. Get commit hash

If Step 4 was skipped, this step gets the commit hash of the current commit, to be used as a tag for the Docker image.

6. Build and push Docker image

Build and push the image to the registry. To avoid large downloads of the base image the GitHub Actions cache is used to cache the image after build. If the action is run on a branch other than main, the image is tagged with the commit hash from Step 5. Otherwise, the image is tagged with both the tag created in Step 4 and latest.

The drive job

The drive job is executed conditionally on pull_request, after the build successfully ran through.

1. Checkout repository (actions/checkout@v3)

Same step as in the build job

2. Run agent with docker-compose

Runs the agent with the build/docker-compose.test.yml that only contains the bare minimum components for test execution:

  • Carla Simulator (running in headless mode)
  • roscore
  • Agent container, run through the Carla leaderboard_evaluator.

3. Copy simulation results file out of container

Copies the created simulation_results.json file out of the agent container into the current container

4. Stop docker-compose stack

Stops the remaining containers (Carla, roscore) and removes the volumes with: $ docker-compose down -v.

This step is important to clean up the remaining containers to have a clean run everytime. This is also the reason for the if: always(), that ensures step execution.

5. Comment result in pull request actions/github-script@v6

This steps uses a JS script to parse the simulation results and add a comment with a results table to the corresponding pull request.

An example comment for this would be:

Simulation results

Metric Value
Avg. driving score 0.06006
Avg. route completion 0.22
Avg. infraction penalty 0.273
Collisions with pedestrians 0.0
Collisions with vehicles 62.046
Collisions with layout 62.046
Red lights infractions 0.0
Stop sign infractions 0.0
Off-road infractions 0
Route deviations 0.0
Route timeouts 62.046
Agent blocked 0.0
Yield emergency vehicles infractions 0.0
Scenario timeouts 62.046
Min speed infractions 0.0